Essay on the will of man. Composition: Will, volitional qualities of a person. List of used literature

Willpower is a quality of character that enables a person to achieve his goals and not retreat in the face of difficulties. Achieving great heights is impossible without the application of great efforts, the ability to overcome inconveniences and hardships.

In our life there is no power

Wills are often cited as the root cause of many problems: the inability to get rid of bad habits, failure to achieve goals due to refusal to complete difficult tasks, unwillingness to stop time-consuming entertainment in order to take steps towards a big goal, etc. Why does this happen? I think laziness is often the main cause of weak willpower. For example, a person dreams of achieving success in art or science, but at the same time does not show purposefulness, firmness in character, does not do everything in his power necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, it will be almost impossible to realize even the most cherished dream.

Will does not always accompany a person as an innate character trait, but each person always has the opportunity to develop his will, strengthen it, and learn not to retreat in the face of difficulties.

History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding, ridicule from other people. It seems to me that any person has great potential and opportunities, but many of them never reveal themselves due to the fact that people do not believe in themselves, show laziness and do not receive support and understanding from relatives. It is possible to overcome all these difficulties, having a strong will and desire on the way to the goal.

I would like to cite as an example the vivid story of Nick Vuychich, who became world famous. This man was born disabled: he never had arms and legs, because of which for a long time he suffered from loneliness and disrespect from society; however, having cultivated a strong willpower in himself, he learned to cope with his problems, received higher education actively participated in public life, as a result of which he led a charitable organization and created a speaking company that allows you to motivate people on the way to achieve their goals.

So, urging people not only to dream, but also to go for a dream, this person, like many other strong people, says that the main driving force man's fate is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable willpower.

Essays on topics:

  1. In 1868 Nekrasov wrote the poem Stuffy! Without happiness and will…”. The text contains an almost direct call for an active revolutionary ...
  2. In the spring of 1915, Akhmatova settled in St. Petersburg, in an apartment located on Pushkarskaya Street. The room was damp and dark, shortly after...

The essay contains references to the story of B. Raevsky "15 in the morning, 15 in the evening."

Option 1

Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.

In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. He had been preparing for a fight with Yashka for a whole year, despite the pain and torment. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.

Another example of a man with a strong will is found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong.

Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

Option 2

I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to go towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.

So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.

Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.

Willpower is one of the prerequisites for achieving any, especially difficult, goal!

Option 3

I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.

The boy Yuliy from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment, but he was able to defeat the enemy.

And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, all during the year free time I was preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

Option 4

Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams. material from the site

In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter. The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to the strength of Yula's will.

The same quality helped the former circus artist Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

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Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The concept of will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . four

Will functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .four

Arbitrary and involuntary volitional actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

The structure of volitional action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Volitional qualities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Theories of will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eight

Will pathology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ten

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

List of sources used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13


Will - the ability to choose activities and internal efforts necessary for its implementation. A specific act, irreducible to consciousness and activity as such. Carrying out a volitional action, a person opposes the power of directly experienced needs, impulsive desires: a volitional act is characterized not by the experience of "I want", but by the experience of "I must", "I must", awareness of the value characteristics of the purpose of the action. Volitional behavior includes decision-making, often accompanied by a struggle of motives, and its implementation.

Weakness of will, disorganization, action on the strongest motive, a relatively easy refusal to achieve the goal in spite of its objective significance - all this is characteristic of a person.

We cannot always distinguish persistence from stubbornness, adherence to certain principles from striving, by all means to achieve our own, seeing in all this equal manifestations of will. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to separate the true manifestations of the will from the false ones.

The concept of will

Will is the most complex phenomenon in human psychology. Will can be defined as a kind of internal force of a psychological nature, capable of controlling psychological phenomena and human behavior. This is a form of internal control of behavior carried out by a person and associated with his consciousness, thinking.

Will is the highest level of regulation of human behavior. This is what makes it possible to set difficult goals for oneself, to achieve the set goals, overcoming internal and external obstacles thanks to the will, a person makes a conscious choice when he is faced with the need to choose among several forms of behavior.

The main difference between human behavior and the behavior of other creatures is will. For 300 years, science has made almost no progress in understanding the meaning of will and volitional regulation. This is due to the fact that will is a subjective phenomenon that does not have certain external manifestations and physiological signs; it is not known which brain structures are responsible for volitional regulation.

Will presupposes self-restraint, the restraint of some fairly strong drives, the conscious subordination of them to other, more significant, important goals, the ability to suppress desires and impulses that directly arise in a given situation. On the higher levels its manifestation, the will involves reliance on spiritual goals and moral values, on beliefs and ideals.

Will Functions

In general, volitional processes perform three main functions.

The first - initiating (directly related to motivational factors) is to force one or another action, behavior, activity to start, overcoming objective and subjective obstacles.

The second is stabilizing, associated with volitional efforts to maintain activity at the proper level in the event of external and internal interference of various kinds.

The third - inhibitory consists in the inhibition of other, often strong motives and desires, other behaviors.

Will as a process is not only one of the highest forms of organization of all other mental processes. In volitional processes, the personality and its mental processes are not only manifested, but also formed and developed. In this regard, one more function of the will is singled out - genetic, productive. As a result of its action, the level of awareness and organization of other mental processes increases, and the so-called volitional properties of the personality are formed - independence, determination, perseverance, self-control, purposefulness, etc.

Arbitrary and involuntary

volitional actions

Any human activity is always accompanied by specific actions that can be divided into two large groups: voluntary and involuntary. The main difference between voluntary actions is that they are carried out under the control of consciousness and require certain efforts on the part of a person aimed at achieving a consciously set song. For example, imagine a sick person who hardly takes a glass of water in his hand, brings it to his mouth, tilts it, makes a movement with his mouth, that is, performs a number of actions united by one goal - to quench his thirst. All individual actions, thanks to the efforts of consciousness aimed at regulating behavior, merge into one whole, and a person drinks water. These efforts are often called volitional regulation, or will.

Arbitrary or volitional actions develop on the basis of involuntary movements and actions. The simplest of the involuntary actions are reflex ones: constriction and expansion of the pupil, blinking, swallowing, sneezing, etc. The same class of movements includes the withdrawal of a hand when touching a hot object, an involuntary turn of the head in the direction of a sound, etc. Involuntary character Our expressive movements are also usually worn: when angry, we involuntarily clench our teeth; in surprise, we raise our eyebrows or open our mouths; when we are happy about something, we begin to smile, etc.

Volitional structure

The structure of volitional action can be represented as a diagram:

Volitional activity always consists of certain volitional actions, which contain all the signs and qualities of the will. In this action, the following simple steps can be clearly distinguished:

1) motivation;

3) decision making;

4) willpower.

Often the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages are combined, calling this part of the volitional action the preparatory link, while the 4th stage is called the executive link. For a simple volitional action, it is characteristic that the choice of a goal, the decision to perform an action in a certain way, is carried out without a struggle of motives.

In a complex volitional action, the following stages are distinguished:

1) awareness of the goal and the desire to achieve it;

2) awareness of a number of opportunities to achieve the goal;

3) the emergence of motives that affirm or deny these possibilities;

4) struggle of motives and choice;

5) accepting one of the possibilities as a solution;

6) implementation of the adopted decision.

Volitional qualities

Volitional qualities are relatively stable mental formations independent of the specific situation, certifying the level of conscious self-regulation of behavior achieved by the individual, his power over himself. Volitional qualities combine the moral components of the will, which are formed in the process of education, and genetic ones, closely related to typological features. nervous system. For example, fear, the inability to endure fatigue for a long time, to make a quick decision to a large extent depend on the innate characteristics of a person (strength and weakness of the nervous system, its lability).

Volitional qualities include three components: proper psychological (moral), physiological (volitional effort) and neurodynamic (typological features of the nervous system).

From this all volitional qualities are divided into "basal" (primary) and systemic (secondary). The primary ones are actually volitional qualities, which, in turn, are divided into two groups. The first group is characterized by purposefulness, the ability to keep an effort of will, this is patience, perseverance, perseverance.

The second group characterizes self-control and includes such qualities as courage, endurance, determination. It is important for the education of the will to present to the child the requirements that are appropriate and feasible for his age, with mandatory control over their implementation. Lack of control can create a habit of quitting before finishing. The manifestation of willpower is due to the moral motives of a person. The presence of a person's strong beliefs and a holistic worldview is the basis of the volitional organization of the personality.

Theories of will

To date, several scientific directions have been formed that interpret the concept of “will” in different ways: will as voluntarism, will as freedom of choice, will as arbitrary control of behavior, will as motivation, will as volitional regulation.

1. Will as voluntarism

In attempts to explain the mechanisms of human behavior within the framework of the problem of will, a direction arose that in 1883, with the light hand of the German sociologist F. Tennis, received the name "voluntarism" and recognizes the will as a special, supranatural force. According to the doctrine of voluntarism, volitional acts are not determined by anything, but they themselves determine the course of mental processes. The German philosophers A. Schopenhauer and E. Hartmann went even further, declaring the will to be a cosmic force, a blind and unconscious first principle from which all mental manifestations of a person originate. Consciousness and intellect are, according to Schopenhauer, secondary manifestations of the will. Spinoza denied causeless behavior, since "the will itself, like everything else, needs a cause." I. Kant recognized equally provable both the thesis about free will and the antithesis that the will is incapable. Solving the problem of human freedom, Kant subjected to critical analysis both the Christian doctrine of free will and the concept of mechanistic determinism.

2. Will as "free choice"

The Dutch philosopher B. Spinoza considered the struggle of impulses as a struggle of ideas. Spinoza's will acts as an awareness of external determination, which is subjectively perceived as one's own voluntary decision, as inner freedom.

However, the English thinker J. Locke tried to isolate the question of free choice from the general problem of free will. Freedom, on the other hand, consists "precisely in this, that we can act or not act according to our choice or desire."

The American psychologist W. James considered the main function of the will to make a decision about an action in the presence of two or more ideas of movement in the mind at the same time. Therefore, volitional effort consists in directing a person of his consciousness to an unattractive, but necessary object and focusing attention on it. Classifying himself as a voluntarist, W. James considered the will to be an independent force of the soul, with the ability to make decisions about action.

L.S. Vygotsky, when discussing the problem of will, also associated this concept with freedom of choice.

3. Will as "arbitrary motivation"

The concept of will as a determinant of human behavior originated in ancient Greece and for the first time was explicitly formulated by Aristotle. The philosopher understood that knowledge in itself is not the cause of rational behavior, but a certain force that causes action according to reason. This force is born, according to Aristotle, in the rational part of the soul, thanks to the combination of a rational connection with aspiration, which gives the decision a motivating force.

Rene Descartes understood the will as the ability of the soul to form desire and determine the impulse to any human action that cannot be explained on the basis of a reflex. The will can slow down the movements caused by passion. Reason, according to Descartes, is the will's own instrument.

G.I. Chelpanov singled out three elements in the act of will: desire, aspiration and effort. K.N. Kornilov emphasized that volitional actions are always based on a motive.

L.S. Vygotsky singled out two separate processes in volitional action: the first corresponds to a decision, the closing of a new brain connection, the creation of a special functional apparatus; the second - executive - consists in the work of the created apparatus, in the action according to the instructions, in the implementation of the decision.

4. Will as obligation

The specificity of this approach to understanding the will is that the will is considered as one of the incentive mechanisms, along with the actually experienced need.

Will pathology

Allocate the pathology of higher and lower volitional activity. The pathology of higher volitional activity includes hyperbulia. At the same time, a pathological distortion of the motivation of volitional activity is revealed. There is an extraordinary perseverance in achieving goals by any means.

Hypobulia is a decrease in volitional activity, accompanied by poverty of motives, lethargy, inactivity, poor speech, weakening of attention, impoverishment of thinking, decreased motor activity, and limited communication. Abulia - lack of motives, desires, drives. It is observed in chronic diseases with a decrease in intelligence and a weakening of affective activity. Often combined with symptoms such as: a decrease in social productivity - a deterioration in the performance of social roles and skills, a decrease in professional productivity - a deterioration in the performance of professional duties and skills, i.e. specific tasks and responsibilities, knowledge and standards in the professional field and its productivity ( material production, service, the sphere of science and art), social alienation is a form of behavior characterized by a persistent tendency to reject social interactions and ties, etc.

The pathology of the lower volitional activity includes the pathology of drives that are formed on the basis of instincts in the form of their strengthening, weakening or perversion. For example: pathology of the food instinct (bulimia - increased craving for food associated with a lack of satiety; anorexia - weakening or lack of hunger), pathology of the self-preservation instinct: phobias - an unreasonable feeling of fear for one's life; agoraphobia - fear of open spaces, situations close to them, such as the presence of a crowd and the inability to immediately return to a safe place (usually home); pathology of the sexual instinct (hypersexuality, gender identity disorders)

There are also disorders of habits and drives (propensity to gamble).


Will - the ability to choose activities and internal efforts necessary for its implementation. In general, volitional processes perform three main functions: initiating, stabilizing, and inhibiting.

Any human activity is always accompanied by specific actions that can be divided into two large groups: voluntary and involuntary.

The structure of the will can be represented as the following steps:

1) motivation;

2) awareness of the possibilities of achieving the goal;

3) decision making;

4) willpower.

The pathology of the will is divided into lower and higher. The pathology of higher volitional activity includes hyperbulia. The pathology of the lower volitional activity includes the pathology of drives that are formed on the basis of instincts in the form of their strengthening, weakening or perversion.


Strength of mind

1. the wording of the task;

2. definition of the meaning of the concept;

3. abstracts on the topic;

4. examples of arguments;

5. essays;

6. bank of arguments;

1. Statement of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the combination " Strength of mind" ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the power of the spirit", taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

2. Working with the concept

Often the concepts of willpower and strength of mind of a person are identified. But, to be precise, they are completely different things. In this article, we will define the strength of the human spirit, consider ways to find and develop it.

Internal potential, a second wind, reserves of the psyche and body, emotional stability, the ability to remain calm and adequate thinking in extreme situations - all this is the strength of the spirit.

We see examples of people who have it to the fullest every day, sometimes we just don’t notice it. Most often they are next to us - parents, grandparents. After all, few people think about how difficult it is to remain calm and be able to enjoy life in old age, fight various diseases and at the same time help children and grandchildren. In addition, it is worth paying attention and thinking about examples successful people with physical disabilities. They overcame the problem of the strength of the human spirit through long life tests, connected not only with incurable disease but also with a heavy emotional burden. Such people have learned to cope with difficulties on their own, achieve goals and truly value time.

Strength of mind- this is the ability of a person to force himself to do something through "I can't." It is she who is the main driving factor in achieving the goal. It is she who often becomes the reason for the last effort to achieve victory, when already the standard physical capabilities are completely exhausted.

By and large, the strength of the spirit is the internal energy of a person. Every individual has it to a greater or lesser extent. This energy is not "one-time", as some believe, but is accumulated and passed on from generation to generation. . WomanAdvice magazine - advice for all occasions

Will,as a structural element of spirituality, it represents the ability of a person to set a goal for himself and make all the necessary internal efforts to achieve it.

Three links:

* setting and understanding goals to satisfy your interest,

*deciding to act and

* selection of the most appropriate means and methods of implementation


The decisive moment in this chain of volitional action is

*execution of the decision, which requires the so-called "willpower".

Consciousness and will are closely related: the higher the level of a person's consciousness, the more stable his value attitudes and the more freely his will acts.


Strength of mind -one of the main qualities that make a person strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit is made up of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, faith in the best. The strength of the spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look to the future with optimism, and overcome life's hardships.

1. What is fortitude? Strength of mind is one of the qualities that make a person persistent and inflexible. This strength is made up of will and perseverance. Courageous people are said to be made of iron, not to bend or break.

2. Fortitude (fortitude) - high spiritual, mental stamina. Thanks to it, goals are achieved and peaks are conquered. This is all our internal energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

3. The strength of the spirit is the core of a person. It is spiritual strength that allows him to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of a real act.

4. Examples of texts.

5. Examples of essays.

Strength of mind is one of the main qualities that make a person strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit is made up of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, faith in the best. The strength of the spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look to the future with optimism, and overcome life's hardships. I will prove my words with concrete examples.

Let's turn to the text of L. Ovchinnikova. The tremendous strength of spirit helped the heroines of this text during the war to survive the difficult, terrible days of the blockade. How many misfortunes befell Nyura and Rai: the death of their mother, hunger, cold! But the girls did not lose heart, they found the strength in themselves not only to live, but also, together with other guys, to engage in creativity in the Palace of Pioneers, to support the fighters going into battle with their performances. And the sailors saw the strength of the spirit of the Leningrad schoolchildren, they felt inspired hope in them.

The legendary pilot, the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoi, Alexei Meresyev, also possesses extraordinary fortitude. Due to a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War both of his legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of the spirit of this man is truly admirable.

Thus, a person with fortitude will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)

Spirituality is one of the most important human qualities that makes him strong not physically, but mentally. Thanks to the strength of the spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with difficult memories, overcome your fears, believe in a brighter future and give support to others. I will prove the validity of my words with two examples.

Let us turn to the text of Baklanov G.Ya. , whose hero, a young lieutenant, experienced all the hardships of the war. He saw with his own eyes how his comrades died, heard the shells exploding next to him. All these difficult impressions affected the hero's state of mind, but nevertheless he found the strength to live on and enjoy ordinary things. This example proves that strong-willed people can cope with life's difficulties.

Let us also recall the story of two sisters, Nyura and Rai, who survived the difficult, terrible days of the blockade in Leningrad. Despite the death of their mother, hunger, cold, the girls did not lose heart, they continued to live, were engaged in creativity and supported the sailors leaving for battle with their performances. The courage and resilience of these girls is admirable.

Thus, the strength of the spirit is the greatest human quality that helps to win over oneself and circumstances. (173 words)

The strength of the spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in perseverance and faith in a better future. I will prove my point with two examples.

Let us turn to the text of Ch.T. Aitmatov. It tells about a woman, the mother of a little boy, who managed to cope with the difficult test of fate - the death of her husband in the war. In addition, she found the strength to continue life, raise a child and even show him what a hero his father was. This testifies to the extraordinary resilience of the woman's spirit.

Let's remember something else piece of art- "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy, main character which - the pilot Alexei Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the Nazis. Fortunately, Meresyev survived, but both legs were amputated due to frostbite. However, despite the difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prostheses, and subsequently again sat at the helm. This suggests that Meresyev has the strength of mind.

Thus, fortitude is the most important quality of a person, helping to overcome difficult life circumstances. (168 words)

A strong person is one who can take the first step, who realizes his mistakes and tries to correct them. This is a person who can ask for forgiveness, because it is easy to offend, but it is difficult to apologize.
In V. Astafiev's text (sentences 21-25), the author himself makes a mistake, which he realizes and corrects. In his words about "forgiveness" the concept of "strong man" is hidden.
The greatest strength of the human spirit lies not in the desire to avoid failure, but in the ability to rise after each fall. I consider my great-grandmother to be a strong person. After her husband died, she could not let go of the past and live in the present for a long time. I hugged her and felt sorry, but she told me: “Self-pity, resentment for life exhausts us, devastating the soul. They make us move in a vicious circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years.
Thus, we can sum up: it is never too late to start all over again. But to start new life You need to let go of the past, whether it was good or bad. You can't live forever with a circle of bitter losses, you can't live with regret about the past past happiness. All this takes away strength, depriving us of hope for the future. Everything has already gone, so there is no need to try to return it, because the forces will be wasted, and tears will not help grief. And now, when I visit my great-grandmother, she tells me about the snake with a smile and pride. Don't dwell on the past, live for today. And then you can be called a strong person.

A strong person, in my opinion, is someone who has great physical strength, powerful. Another meaning of the word is a man of strong will, persistent and, I think, smart. The text of V. Oseeva describes the story of Pavlik and how he made friends with his relatives, with whom he could not find mutual language. At first, the boy wanted to use force for this: to fight with his sister, to steal the oars from the boat from his brother ... But this was the wrong way: force would not help Pavlik to improve relations with the elders. An old man comes to the rescue, whom the boy meets in the park. He tells Pavlik Magic word, after which he approaches his sister, looks into her eyes and, uttering his request, adds the word “please” (sentence 40). And this word makes the boy stronger!

Once I watched how the boys on the street started a fight: everyone tried to prove their strength with their fists. But suddenly one of them exclaimed: “Why are we fighting? Let's go to the bar! Whoever pulls himself up more, one of us is stronger!

I can conclude that a strong person is not always pumped up muscles, but more often a strong will and mind. (167 words)


What kind of person can be considered strong? In my understanding, a strong person is one who does not offend the weak, who does not give up, even if the situation seems hopeless. A strong person is a person who tries to achieve everything on his own and can go against his principles or habits.

In the text in Oseeva we see a boy who, after listening to the old man, was able to find a way to make peace with everyone he offended (sentences 30-33). A person, even if he is still very young, who was able to overcome himself, is a strong person.

In life, we also meet strong people. For example, these are people with disabilities. I know the story of a wonderful man - Nick Vuychich. This strong man was born with no arms and no arms. As a child, Nick was worried about this, but he was able to overcome his fears, he was able to accept himself for who he is. He has achieved a lot in his life. Nick is the most famous motivational speaker. He is invited to universities and various other institutions in order to guide people on the path of finding the meaning of life. His illness did not prevent him from marrying.

By the example of Nick, I wanted to say that a person, no matter what he is, disabled or not, must be strong, because everyone should have a meaning in life. Even if you think that everything, there is no way out, you can not give up. You need to believe in yourself. You need to stay strong.


Strength of mind is one of the main qualities that make a person strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit is made up of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, faith in the best. The strength of the spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look to the future with optimism, and overcome life's hardships. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of L. Ovchinnikova. The tremendous strength of spirit helped the heroines of this text during the war to survive the difficult, terrible days of the blockade. How many misfortunes befell Nyura and Rai: the death of their mother, hunger, cold! But the girls did not lose heart, they found the strength in themselves not only to live, but also, together with other guys, to engage in creativity in the Palace of Pioneers, to support the fighters going into battle with their performances. And the sailors saw the strength of the spirit of the Leningrad schoolchildren, they felt inspired hope in them.

The legendary pilot, the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoi, Alexei Meresyev, also possesses extraordinary fortitude. Due to a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of the spirit of this man is truly admirable!

Thus, a person with fortitude will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)


A strong person is a person who is not afraid of anything. In any situation, he will know how to act. A strong person will not offend a weak one and will never give up.
We can read about a strong man in the text of the famous writer M. Gorky. The main character is a grandmother thanks to whom the fire was stopped. She was not afraid and went straight into the fire to pick up a bottle of vitriol. If not for her courage, the bottle would have ignited and the fire would have gone on. And this would lead to the ignition of other buildings. She also saved a horse that was three times her size. The heroine was not afraid and acted like a truly strong person.
At present, there are many examples of strong human heroes on earth. One of them is a girl, Yulia Korol, who lives in Karelia. When two boats with children capsized during a storm, Julia pulled them out of the water, thus saving their lives. Julia is a strong person, because she did not pass by and did not leave her neighbor in trouble.
Thus, a strong person is a person who does not give up and, despite the circumstances, helps in a difficult situation. A strong person never puts himself above others.

Based on the text by L. Ovchinnikova

Fortitude is the ability of a person to force himself to do something through “I can’t”. It is she who is the main driving factor in achieving the goal.



human inner energy

What is the power of the spirit? Strength of mind is one of the qualities that make a person persistent and inflexible. This strength is made up of will and perseverance. O courageous people they are said to be made of iron and do not bend or break.

The legendary pilot, the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy Alexey Meresyev. Due to a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of the spirit of this man is truly admirable!

Based on the text by G.Ya.Baklanov

The strength of the spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. Thanks to the strength of the spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with difficult memories, overcome his fears, believe in a brighter future and provide support to others.

The strength of the spirit is the core of a person. It is spiritual strength that allows him to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of a real act.

Let us also recall the story of two sisters, Nyura and Rai, who survived the difficult, terrible days of the blockade in Leningrad. Despite the death of their mother, hunger, cold, the girls did not lose heart, they continued to live, were engaged in creativity and supported the sailors leaving for battle with their performances. The courage and resilience of these girls is admirable.

According to the text by Ch. Aitmatov about Avalbek

Fortitude (fortitude) - high spiritual, mental stamina. Thanks to it, goals are achieved and peaks are conquered. This is all our internal energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

The strength of the spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. The strength of the spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in perseverance and faith in a better future.

Let us recall another work of art - "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy, the main character of which is pilot Alexei Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the Nazis. Fortunately, Meresyev survived, but both legs were amputated due to frostbite. However, despite the difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prostheses, and subsequently again sat at the helm. This suggests that Meresyev has the strength of mind.

Real life examples

They succeeded only through willpower.

Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - we hear these names from childhood. But few people know what trials they had to go through. They succeeded only through willpower.

Bright Sidepresents the stories of people who showed the world that there are no barriers for those who believe in themselves.

Having been deaf since a year and a half, she made her credo the phrase "The only thing I can't do is hear." In childhood, despite the advice of doctors, the parents sent the girl to regular school(instead of an institution for the deaf), and with the help of special programs, it adapted over time. This made her the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar. Marley often says, "I do my best to make people understand what my parents taught me, that deaf people deserve not only respect, but also to be heard."

“I don't need arms and legs. I need life. And never give up!” - this creed helped him become one of the most famous motivational speakers, get economic Education get married and have two children. Willpower Nick Vuychich received from his mother. In an interview, he said that her words set the tone for his whole life: “Nicholas,” she said, “you have to play with normal children, because you are normal. Yes, you're missing something, but it's nothing."

He writes books, sings, surfs and plays golf. He often travels the world giving lectures to help young people find the meaning of life, realize and develop their abilities and talents.

During his student years, Stephen began to show signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease progressed, and after a few years he became completely immobile, and after a throat operation, he lost the ability to speak. However, this did not prevent him from marrying twice, raising three children and becoming one of the most prominent scientists of our time by his 74th.

He is now one of the most influential modern theoretical physicists. According to him, he achieved success largely due to his illness: “Before, life seemed boring. I am definitely happier now. The prospect of dying early made me realize that life is worth living. So much can be done, everyone can do so much!”

Frida Kahlo is an outstanding Mexican artist who became famous for her extraordinary paintings. At the age of 6, she became seriously ill with polio, which caused one of her legs to become thinner than the other. At this point, her iron character began to take shape. To get rid of the ridicule of peers who teased her “Frida is a wooden leg”, the girl took up swimming, dancing, football and boxing.

AT adolescence Frida was in a car accident, because of which she suffered from severe pain in her spine all her life. After the accident, the girl could not get out of bed for several months. At this time, she constantly painted pictures, most of them self-portraits. Now the work of Frida Kahlo is worth millions of dollars.

Ray Charles is a legendary American musician who has received 12 Grammy awards. As a child, he began to lose his sight, and by the age of 7 he was completely blind. When Ray was 15, his mother died. The young man could not sleep, eat or speak for many days. He was sure he would go crazy. When he came out of depression, he realized that having survived this tragedy, he could cope with anything.

At the age of 17, the musician began recording his first singles in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. Now many consider Ray Charles a legend: his works have even been included in the US Library of Congress. In 2004, after the musician's death, Rolling Stone magazine included Ray Charles at number 10 in the list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

At the age of 39, he contracted polio. Years of treatment did not help, and the future president remained confined to a wheelchair. After he realized how serious the ailment was, no one heard him complain. Gathering his will into a fist, Roosevelt unsuccessfully tried to learn to walk using crutches and heavy orthopedic appliances. Despite his illness, he became President of the United States. "The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow can be our today's doubts" - said Roosevelt.

At 1.5 years after the illness, Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing. But this did not break her spirit, she managed to realize her dream of becoming a writer: several books and more than 400 articles were published under her name. She became the first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. In addition, Keller was actively involved in politics: she fought for the rights of women and workers.

Helen Keller achieved success thanks to her strong character and curiosity. She often said: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door." At 26, Ludwig began to lose his hearing. But this circumstance did not stop him from composing music. When he almost lost his hearing, he wrote "Moonlight Sonata", and being completely deaf, a bagatelle piece "To Elise" (the same one that sounds from music boxes).

Thanks to his persistent character and talent, he learned to listen to music inside, and after writing the 9th symphony, he himself conducted the concert. After the triumphant performance, he burst into tears. "For a person with talent and love for work, there are no barriers," Beethoven repeated.

When Einstein was a small child, it was hard to imagine that he would succeed in life. Until the age of three, Albert could not speak, suffered from autism and dyslexia. While studying at the gymnasium, he often missed classes, which is why he never received a certificate. To prove to his parents what he really is worth, Einstein prepared himself and entered the Polytechnic in Zurich the second time.

Option 1

Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.

In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. For a whole year (proposition 54) he prepared for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment (proposition 53). It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.

Another example of a man with a strong will is found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong (proposition 36).

Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

Option 2

I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.

So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year (proposition 53) and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.

Another great example of a man with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.

Willpower is one of the prerequisites for achieving any, especially difficult, goal!

Option 3

I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.

The boy Julius from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment (proposition 52), but he was able to defeat the enemy (proposition 62).

And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is not good at exact sciences, during the year spent all her free time preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

Option 4

Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams.

In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strong man changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter (proposition 42-45). The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to Yula's willpower.

The same quality helped the former circus artist Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

Text for work

(1) For a long time, the Voronikhin boys were at enmity with the boys from beyond the ravine.

(2) Short, sickly Julius flew in especially often.

(3) Once at the bridge he was met by Yashka Krivonosy with his unbridled gang.

(4) - Well, Caesar, let's have a bite, - said Yashka. (b) He bent down and grabbed a handful of earth. (6) - Eat, Ancient Rome!

(7) Two guys twisted Yulia's arms, and Krivonosy pressed a handful of earth to his tightly clenched mouth. (8) Yula twitched, fought back. (9) The earth creaked disgustingly on its teeth, and only a policeman who suddenly appeared saved him ...

(Yu) A few days later, Yula again ran into Yashka's company.

(11) - Hey! Yashka said. (12) - Disorder! (13) Caesar was red-haired. (14) And Yula is black! (15) Let's fix it now ...

(16) He held Julius tightly while one of the boys ran home, brought a bucket and a brush. (17) Yashka, to the friendly laughter of the boys, boldly slapped paint on Yulia's head, so that his hair stuck together and rose. (18) Both the forehead and ears were smeared with fiery bright paint ...

(19) Yula looked at the tormentor with hatred. (20) If he could, he would wipe Yashka off the face of the earth. (21) But how? (22) Yashka was a head taller than him and, of course, much stronger.

(23) ... Soon a big top circus arrived in the city, and Julius went to the performance.

(24) An uncle in black entered the arena and announced loudly:

(25) - World famous strongman Ali Mahmud!

(26) To a thunder of applause, a real strong man stepped onto the carpet. (27) A horse was brought into the arena, and Ali Mahmud picked it up as simply as if it were a toy horse, then just as easily carried a pole around the arena, at each end of which three men hung.

(28) Small, frail Yula enthusiastically followed every movement of Ali Mahmud.

(29) “I wish I were such a strong man!” Yula dreamed, fading with happiness. (ZO) How wonderful he could have done then! (31) And the very first thing - I would then give Yashka pepper!

(32) After the performance backstage, Yula asked Ali Mahmud:

(33) - Is it difficult to become a strong man?

(34) Ali Mahmud replied almost without hesitation:

(35) - It's very simple, boy. (Zb) Fifteen pull-ups in the morning, fifteen in the evening - that's all. (37) In a year you will become twice as strong.

(38) Summer is over, school has begun. (39) And on the very first day of classes, Yula again ran into Yashka Krivonosy.

(40) - Why don't you say hello, ancient? - Yashka, out of habit, forcefully held Yulia's palm from chin to forehead, painfully lifting up the raised tip of his nose.

(41) - Stop! - Angered Yula ordered furiously. (42) - We are fighting. (43) One on one. (44) But not now, but exactly in a year. (45) Remember: next year, on the first of September, I will certainly beat you. (46) I swear!

(47) - And if you don't beat? - sarcastically wedged Yashka.

(48) - If I don’t beat you, dye my hair with red lead, and I’ll walk around the city like this for a whole week ...

(49) There was so much anger and truthfulness in Yula's voice that they believed him.

(50) - Okay! - Yashka said with a threat. (51) - Exactly one year later, I take you at your word. (52) Look, Caesar! ..

(53) Yulia had to endure a lot of pain and torment, but two months later he was already doing fifteen pull-ups without a break ...

(54) A year has passed. (55) On September 1, Yula, together with his classmate Kolka Samokhin, went to the river. (56) A whole crowd of Voronikhins had already gathered there.

(57) - Well, - said Yashka, - let's start, weakling?

(58) His hands itched to quickly paint his enemy's head, so he jumped up to Yulia and hit him ...

(59) They fought for a long time. (bO) Many thought that Yula was about to fall down, give up, because they were used to defeating him. (61) But the audience did not notice that Yashka was already tired and was poking his fists almost at random, and Yula was still fresh.

(62) He hit Yashka in the chin, as it seemed to him, quite lightly, but suddenly his knees bent, and he gently sank to the ground.

(63) - Hooray! (64) Knockout! shouted Kolka Samokhin joyfully.

(65) It seems that Yula himself was most surprised. (66) He

I did not expect that his blow would be so powerful. (67) The audience was also numb ...

This story was the beginning of the sports path of the European champion, weightlifter Yuliy Petrovich Starov.

Different paths lead people to sports...

(According to B. Raevsky)