Language and writing. According to most scientists, Africa According to most scientists

According to most scientists, the world's first hammer was invented in the Stone Age. However, there is also a specimen on earth, which - it's a joke to say - is 140 million years old! The so-called "London Hammer", found in 1934, according to scientific theory about evolution, was born in the era of dinosaurs. But who was the author of this iron instrument? Experts cannot find an answer to this question.
chance find
One day in 1934, a couple in love in Texas London (no wonder - the United States has, for example, its own Odessa, Moscow, St. Petersburg) decided to have a small picnic. After a hearty dinner, the Khan couple went for a walk along the rocks that surrounded the town. Everything went on as usual until Mrs. Emma Hahn tripped over a piece of shattered rock. Some detail made Emma bend down and pick up a heavy stone. And it had a hammer in it.
It looks quite ordinary, although quite large - fifteen centimeters long, with a wooden handle. But here's what's strange: the hammer is literally rooted into a piece of limestone. In general, the couple broke off the stone and decided to show the find to scientists.
The experts who examined the find came to a unanimous conclusion: a hoax. And they forgot about the incomprehensible artifact for a while.
Passions around the hammer began to flare up only in the 80s of the last century. Accurately at that time, the find was bought by creationists - people who reject the theory of evolution - and exhibited in the museum, claiming that the age of the find is at least 100 million years.
As Dr. K.E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, which now houses this strange instrument, the find comes from the Early Cretaceous and is therefore millions of years old.
In support of his words, the doctor said that the artifact was examined by specialists from various scientific institutions, including the famous Battele laboratory (USA). It was the venerable scientists who established the date of manufacture of the find.
Firstly, the wooden handle, on which the hammer is mounted, has already petrified on the outside, and completely turned into coal inside. So, its age is also calculated in millions of years. Secondly, the specialists of the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed by the chemical composition of the hammer itself: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities could be identified. Such pure iron has not been obtained in the entire history of terrestrial metallurgy.
No bubbles were found in the metal. The quality of iron, even by modern standards, is exceptionally high and raises many questions, since the content of metals used in the metallurgical industry in the production of various grades of steel (such as, for example, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum) is not detected.
There are also no foreign impurities, and percentage chlorine is unusually large. It is also surprising that no traces of carbon have been found in iron, while iron ore from terrestrial deposits always contains carbon and other impurities.
And one more sensational statement - the iron of the "London hammer" does not rust! When in 1934 a piece of rock with an ingrown tool was chipped off the rock, the metal was badly scratched in one place. And for decades, not the slightest signs of corrosion appeared on the scratch ... From which Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who studied the mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made using a technology unknown to us."
Versions and conjectures
Naturally, after such a statement, the news of the miracle spread throughout the world. Fierce disputes immediately began to flare up around a strange object. Some believed that the hammer was lost by aliens from outer space, who were repairing their flying saucer. (It is strange that with such a highly developed technology, representatives extraterrestrial civilization used such a primitive means.)
After fixing their starship, they allegedly dropped the instrument and forgot about it. According to another version, the hammer was made by earthlings who mastered time travel. People from the future were hunting for dinosaurs. Apparently, one of these safari participants sowed the hammer.
An even more radical hypothesis considers the possibility that in prehistoric times a meteorite with a unique chemical composition fell to the ground and grappled with a piece of wood.
Today, the London Hammer is housed in the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas, USA.
Many even consider the artifact a hoax. Some scientists argue that there is not enough evidence to support the multi-million-year-old relic hypothesis. When the hammer was discovered by Max and Emma Hahn, they did not record exactly where it was found. As a result, it is impossible to determine in which geological layer the hammer was located, which is a key factor in determining its age. Some even believe that it was never inside the earth, but was found on the surface of the rock.
But what about the conclusion of the Battele laboratory? But even with this study, everything is more than vague.
The Battele laboratory claims that it has not seen a hammer in the eye. Actually, the owner of the hammer practically does not allow him to explore, even at very persistent requests, therefore, statements about the composition and inability to rust are entirely on the conscience of the owner personally. By the way, the circumstances themselves and the place of the find change depending on the mood of the owner.
Geologist Glen Cuban was skeptical of the hammer and wrote a paper in 1997 titled "The London Hammer: An Alleged Out of Place Artifact". In it, in particular, Kuban indicated that the stone may contain materials that are more than 100 million years old, but this does not mean that the rock formed around the hammer so long ago. Some limestones formed around artifacts known to date from the 20th century.
In turn, the owner of the artifact claims that the fossils in the stone surrounding the hammer “contain fine details, indicating that they were not recycled, but are part of
original formation. This suggests that the fossils and the hammer appeared at the same time period, that the fossils were not embedded in the material that formed the stone around the hammer at a later date.
Another study helped put an end to the dispute. In the late 1990s, the owner agreed to a radiocarbon analysis of the remains of the wooden handle on which the hammer was impaled.
It was believed that its age is estimated in millions of years. However, laboratory studies have given dates "from the present to 700 years ago." Such a small spread was interpreted by the owner of the hammer as an error that occurred during the study.
But, according to Glen Kuban, the hammer around which various extraterrestrial theories are built is nothing more than an ordinary miner's tool of the 19th century. A hammer hitting a stone is easy to explain: some minerals easily dissolve and harden again. If the object was thrust into a rock crevice and forgotten, it could very well be “soldered” into it.

So, did this hammer belong to the first American miners, being a tool several hundred years old that survived accelerated petrification? Or is this amazing find evidence that on our planet in ancient times Were there advanced civilizations? In the absence of evidence, we can only guess.

According to most scientists, writing among the peoples inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan appeared in the Saka era.

Among the items recovered from the famous Issyk mound - the burial of the "Golden Man", there was a silver dish with an inscription in two lines. On the one hand, 26 letters of the entry were similar to the ancient Turkic runic writing. On the other hand, they resembled the ancient alphabetic characters found on the Mediterranean coast, especially in Greek, Aramaic letters.

One of the types of ancient Turkic writing was runic writing. Ancient Turkic runic records were found in "Kazakhstan on the banks of Talas, Irtysh, Syrdarya, Ili.

Among the Scandinavian peoples, the word "rune" means "unrevealed, secret letter." The merit of revealing the secret of this ancient writing belongs to V. Thomsen. The translation into Russian of the Orkhon runic writing was carried out by the famous Turkologist V. Radlov. The study of runic texts proved that the ancient Turkic-speaking peoples had their own written language.

There were 35 letters in the runic letter and, in addition, four unspoken combinations: lt, nt, ng, rt. It was read from right to left. The Turkic "" "writings also include the Tanykok writing, samples of which were found during excavations near Ulaanbaatar. Inscriptions on stone seals (the banks of Talas), on a silver dish (Issyk burial), rock writings (Almaty region, in the mountains of Kokpek) include to the ancient Turkic runic writing.The inscriptions on the monuments in honor of the prominent rulers of the Turkic era - Kultegin, Bilge Khagan and Tonyukok deserve special attention.They tell about their heroic activity, about significant historical events of that time, the relationship of the Turkic population with other peoples, etc. The ancient Turkic runic writing is an alphabetic (not syllabic) system: individual signs denote either vowels or consonants; about ten letters serve to convey combinations of two consonants or a vowel with a consonant. The original feature of the letter is the presence of pairs of independent letters for most velar and palatal consonants. This made it possible to build a writing system in such a way as not to write out the wide vowels of the root and, in most cases, all the vowels of the affix syllables, with the exception of the final ones. open syllables saving on word length.

Monuments in ancient Turkic writing (mostly epigraphic, a small number of manuscripts survived in East Turkestan) were created in those regions of Central and Central Asia and Siberia, in which in the early Middle Ages were located public entities Eastern and Western Turks, Turgesh, ancient Uighurs, Yenisei Kyrgyz, Karluks, etc.

The alphabet of the classical period (VIII century AD) in the Orkhon variety consisted of 38 letters and a word separator. In total, taking into account regional and chronological variants, there are more than 50 graphemes. The direction of writing is horizontal, from right to left. The word separating sign is placed between words, the end of the sentence is not beaten off. The alphabetical order is unknown, and most likely was not traditionally fixed. In the early Middle Ages, along with the ancient Turkic script, the Turkic population began to use the Sogdian script, or the so-called medieval Persian script. A variant of the Sogdian script adapted to the norms of its mother tongue, the Turks called the Uighur, and then the Naiman letter.

The Turkic alphabet consists of 38 letters. Since the ancient Turkic writing was distributed among the population of Kazakhstan in parallel with the Sogdian, a process of lexical and phonetic borrowing took place. Under the influence of the Turkic language, many signs of the Sogdian alphabet have undergone significant changes: continuous spelling replaced by a separate one (all 38 letters of the Turkic alphabet are written separately), smooth rounded outlines acquire geometrized forms, etc. In addition, not all signs of the Sogdian script were accepted by the Turks.

In the writing of the Turkic peoples, a special symbolic form is preserved - tamga, which goes back to the ancient sign of the property of nomadic pastoralists. Therefore, despite a certain similarity, the lexical and phonetic systems of the Turkic and Sogdian languages ​​are different independent linguistic structures. After the adoption of Islam, the Turkic peoples begin to use the Arabic alphabet (VIII-XII centuries). It is the basis of business correspondence already in the Karakhanid state. The most famous scientific, philosophical and religious-edifying works of Eastern thinkers of the Middle Ages are also written in Arabic script.

Science and literature

Al-Farabi (870-950). Among the Otrar (Farabian) thinkers of the Middle Ages, the most famous is Abu Nasr al-Farabi - "Aristotle of the East", a great scientist and encyclopedist. The full name of this brilliant thinker is Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Uzlah ibn Tarkhan al-Farabi.

Arabic and Persian written sources report that al-Farabi was born in the city of Vesij, which was part of the Farab (Otrar) district, in the family of the leader of the Otrar army.

Elementary education the future scientist received in the Otrar madrasah. According to the traditions of that time, "in Maverannakhr, children were taught various crafts, introduced to knowledge, starting from the age of five."

A circle scientific interests al-Farabi was extremely wide. He divided the sciences into theoretical (logic, natural science, mathematics) and practical (ethics, politics, etc.). He left deep scientific positions in almost all branches of knowledge: astronomy, medicine, sociology, linguistics, ethics, poetry, music, rhetoric, etc. Abu Nasr al-Farabi wrote about 150 treatises on metaphysics, linguistics, logic, geography, ethics and other branches of knowledge.

Yusuf Balasaguni (1015-1075)- an outstanding poet and thinker of the XI century. His full name is Yusuf Hae Khatib Balasaguni. He was born in the capital of the Karakhanid state - the city of Balasagun. The time of his life coincided with the period of internecine fragmentation and the political decline of the state. Yusuf Balasaguni paid special attention to the development of Turkic culture, language and writing. He called for the study of sciences, with the help of which a person can comprehend the secrets of nature. He is the author of one of the most important historical and literary works- poems "Kudatgu bilig" ("Blessed knowledge"). This is the first written monument of secular literature of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan that has come down to us. It is a didactic treatise-poem. It reflects the contemporary reality of the poet, the features of the life of various social circles, public relations, political concepts, traditions, beliefs, as well as the moral and ethical principles of the author himself. "Blissful knowledge" was the expression literary language and artistic traditions of the Turkic-speaking culture of the 11th century. Yusuf Balasaguni received his education in the recognized cultural centers of that time - Farab, Kashgar, Bukhara. Fluent in Arabic and Persian, he wrote philosophical and scientific works on various branches of knowledge. Secular people of that time were distinguished by their versatility of interests, being carried away along with philosophy and science, poetry and politics, and playing chess. Widely educated, wise by life experience, he arrived in Kashgar and here, during eighteen months of hard work, he wrote a great poetic work. According to the Turkish philosopher R.R. Arat, the author was about 54 years old by the time the poem was completed. If you believe this, then Yusuf Balasaguni was born in 1015-1016. According to another researcher of Turkic-language poetry A. Dilyachar, the date of his birth is determined as 1018. He dedicated his famous work to Tabgach-Bogra-Kara-Khakan-Ali Hassan from the Karakhanid dynasty, for which the poet was awarded the title of hass-hajib - "minister of the court" or "chief chamberlain".

Mahmud Kashgari (XI century)- the famous Central Asian scholar-philologist. The year of his birth is not precisely established. Researchers believe that the main work of his life "Divani lugat at-turk" ("Dictionary of Turkic dialects") Kashgari wrote in 1072 or in 1078.

Mahmud Kashgari is from Barskhan, a city on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. From an early age, the future scientist travels a lot across the steppe expanses of his homeland. During his travels, Mahmud studied the life, customs and traditions of the Turkic population. The main object of his observation was the diverse language material - Turkic words and their meanings, songs, riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc.

Having been educated in Kashgar, he continued his studies in Bukhara and Nishapur. Then Mahmud Kashgari arrives in Baghdad, the center of oriental culture.

Mahmoud writes to Arabic to acquaint the Arab world with its Turkic-speaking contemporaries. The fact that the scientist chose Arabic as the original language of his work was justified. The heyday of the great Arab civilization was coming to an end, but its cultural values ​​remained a bright page in world history. Realizing this, Mahmud Kashgari sought to leave a kind of "Turkic trace" in the treasury of Arab culture. The famous book of Mahmud al-Kashgari "Divan lugat at-Turk" is a Turkic encyclopedia in the full sense of the word. It collected and summarized extensive historical, cultural, ethnographic and linguistic material. The "Divan" of al-Kashgari is a monument of Turkic culture, capturing the ethical values ​​and norms of behavior, the specific worldview of the Turkic peoples in the 11th century, which absorbed all the previous heritage of their ancestors. It gives the names of household items, ethnonyms and place names, kinship terms, names of various officials, military ranks and ranks, types of food, dishes and drinks, food products, types of domestic animals, crops, describes the flora and fauna of the region, provides geographical names, a calendar is painted (names of months and days of the week), astronomical, astrological, religious, military, medical, sports terms are given. There is information about the types of diseases, medicines, anatomical terminology, administrative data, names of historical figures and mythological heroes, religious rituals, ethnic traditions and customs, children's games, entertainment and other valuable information and data.

In the works of Mahmud, humanistic moral, ethical and moral norms and values ​​were promoted, negative human qualities were condemned.

Muhammad Haydar Dulati (Duglat) (1500-1551)- a famous scientist who made an invaluable contribution to the science and culture of his time. To this day, everyone who is interested in the history of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Eurasia, finds some information in his writings.

There is little biographical information about Dulati. He was born in Tashkent. Subsequently, fleeing the persecution of Khan Sheibani, he found refuge in Fergana with his uncle, the famous Babur, the future founder of the Mughal empire in India. Dulaty spent a lot of time in India and then lived in Kashmir doing administrative work. Here he completed the main work of his life - "Tarikh-i Rashidi", which brought him worldwide fame. This is the only book of Muhammad Haidar Dulati that has come down to us. It was written in Persian in 1544-1546. it classic is devoted mainly to the history of Moghulistan, the eastern part of which was located on the territory of Semirechye, occupying the banks of Talas.

An outstanding scientist of his time, Mohammed Khaidar Dulati made a great contribution to Kazakh historiography, leaving valuable information about the origin of the Kazakhs, their activities in the historical arena, relations with neighboring peoples, lifestyle, etc.

Kadyrgali Zhalairi- an outstanding scientist of the Middle Ages. A native of the Zhalaiyr tribe, he was born in South Kazakhstan in the Otrar-Turkestan region, in 1530. Zhalairi's ancestors, starting from the era of the Karakhanids, were close khans, their viziers, and leaders of the troops.

In addition to his native language, Kadyrgali knew Arabic and Persian.

Among the monuments of Turkic writing and literature, the works of Kadyrgali Zhalairi are closest to the Kazakh written culture, which gradually stands out from the conglomerate of Turkic languages ​​and writings. Therefore, they can be considered as literary monuments close to the ancient Kazakh written language. During this period, Kadyrgali Zhalairi came to grips with scientific activity. Kadyrgali Zhalairi began writing his famous annalistic book "Jami at-tauarih" ("Collection of Chronicles") in 1600 under Kasim, and finished it in 1602. The chronicle has 157 pages and is written on Chinese paper with special care. Following the established tradition of Eastern thinkers, the scientist dedicated his work to the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov. The author in his annals, conducting a review of Eastern countries and cities, gives historical definitions and clarifications to the Turkic clans and tribes that inhabited the Kazakh expanses. Having settled on the era of the Karakhanids, the author expresses his opinion about the Oghuz. Based on the annalistic book of Rashi ad-Din "Jami at-tawarih" written in Persian, the scientist cites many historical facts about the dynasty of Genghis Khan and about himself. The work contains valuable materials about the life of the Kazakh khans, the Kazakh steppe, cities, etc.

Al-Abbas ibn Said al-Jawhari (first half of the 9th century)- a native of Farab in South Kazakhstan, mathematician and astronomer. He worked in the "House of Wisdom" in Baghdad at the same time as al-Khwarizmi.

Together with Yahya ibn Abi Mansur, al-Marwarrudi and Sanad ibn Ali, he participated in astronomical observations in Baghdad (830) and Damascus (833), on the basis of which the Zij al-Mamun, subjected to verification, was compiled. Together with the same astronomers, he participated in determining the length of 1 ° arc of the earth's meridian on the Sinjar plain. Al-Jawhari wrote a number of commentaries on Euclid's Elements. He made an attempt to build a theory of proportions based on the definition of equality of ratios as the equality of incomplete quotients when applying the Euclidean algorithm to both ratios.

Al-Jawhari attempted to prove the fifth postulate of Euclid, which was reported by Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi. This proof is based on the implicit assumption that if at the intersection of two lines by a third the intersecting angles are equal, then the same must take place at the intersection of the same lines by any line. In the process of proving postulate V, al-Jawhari proves a theorem that through any point inside an angle, a line can be drawn that intersects both sides of the angle. This last assertion was implicitly based on Legendre's proof in 1800.

Oteiboydak Tleukabyluly (1388 -1478) – famous Kazakh scientist, healer, author of a solid medical and ethnographic work "Medical Narrative".

At one time he was familiar with such historical figures as Zhanibek Khan, Zhirenshe Sheshen. O. Tleukabyluly was widely known public figure, participated in resolving issues related to the fate of the people.

Data on the life of O. Tleukabyluly, the dates of his birth and death, are taken from his book "Medical Narrative". So, he writes about himself that he started writing the book at the age of 70 at the request of Zhanibek Khan and that he finished it at the age of 85 in 1473, when Zhanibek Khan died. There is also evidence that Oteiboydak died at the age of about 90 years.

Medical, healing qualities were passed on to Oteiboydak from his ancestors. Having mastered the rich healing experience he had accumulated, O. Tleukabyluly devoted his whole life to this matter and brought folk medicine into the scientific system. In this way he was able to raise the medicine of his time to high level. In this field, he, like al-Farabi, neglected the thirst for fame, wealth, everything that is characteristic of mere mortals, and devoted his whole life to studying the intricacies of healing.

The book "Medical Narrative" has survived to this day, thanks to his relatives. Having passed through the tests of time, only a quarter of the rich heritage has survived to this day. The rest was burned by the Red Guards during cultural revolution in China.

This book gives a lot of information about the experience of traditional Kazakh folk medicine. The fact that he, using various compounds (mixtures) of over 1000 types of medicines, offers over 4000 prescriptions, convinces us that Oteiboydak was an experienced healer and an outstanding scientist.

The special historical and ethnographic significance of this work is evidenced by the fact that the book mentions the medicinal properties of 728 types of medicines of plant origin, 318 types of medicines of animal origin, 318 types of medicines derived from metals and metalloids, as well as the mention of about 500 anatomical terms. The priceless work "Medical Narrative" is evidence of depth and richness Kazakh language already at that time.

TOPIC #20: The emergence of the Kazakh Khanate and its strengthening. Historiography.

According to most scientists, Africa is the cradle of mankind. The age of the bone remains of ancient hominids is determined at 3 million years (in Hadar, Ethiopia; in Koobi-Fora, Kenya). The formation of ancient people took place in the savannah. They were hunters and gatherers. The first found remains of an African Neanderthal date back 60 thousand years ago. About 20 thousand years ago, modern humans replaced the Neanderthals. The Neolithic in Africa was marked by the transition to a productive economy - agriculture and cattle breeding. Rock paintings in the Tassilin-Ajjer region (Algeria) in the Sahara desert, which has long been a favorable area for habitation, testify to the existence of large domesticated herds of cattle there. In North and Northeast Africa around 3000 B.C. arose single state(see Ancient Egypt). In the 28-23 centuries. formed a centralized despotism headed by the pharaoh. The external expression of the power of the pharaohs was the grandiose construction of the pyramids. At the end of the 4th millennium BC. tribes related to the Egyptians created a state in Lower Nubia. In sub-Saharan Africa, ancient period there was a widespread transition from Neolithic stone tools to iron (bypassing the culture bronze age), with the exception of Northwest Africa. The process of mass migration to the south and southeast of peoples speaking Bantu languages ​​began. By the turn of the a.d. The Sahara finally turned into a desert, so this region began to be connected with North Africa and the Nile Valley by trans-Saharan trade using it as a vehicle camel brought from Asia Minor by the Romans. In the Middle Ages (starting from the 3rd century AD), Egypt and the countries of North Africa, which were part of the Roman Empire, were in crisis, and Byzantium's power over them (conquered in 533-534) was fragile. In 639-709. all the African provinces of Byzantium became part of the Arab Caliphate (see Arab conquest of North Africa and Egypt).

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From the book Supertraining author Mentzer Mike

Truth of the majority An illiterate bodybuilder is forced to resort to the tactics of Russian roulette in training. With distrust, by touch, he tries one or the other method, hoping sooner or later to stumble upon something worthwhile. He has no knowledge, and therefore he is not able to

According to most scientists, Africa According to most scientists, Africa is the cradle of mankind. The age of the bone remains of ancient hominids is determined at 3 million years (in Hadar, Ethiopia; in Koobi-Fora, Kenya). The formation of ancient people took place in the savannah. They were hunters and gatherers. The first found remains of an African Neanderthal date back 60 thousand years ago. About 20 thousand years ago, modern humans replaced the Neanderthals. The Neolithic in Africa was marked by the transition to a productive economy - agriculture and cattle breeding. Rock paintings in the Tassilin-Ajjer region (Algeria) in the Sahara desert, which has long been a favorable area for habitation, testify to the existence of large domesticated herds of cattle there. In North and Northeast Africa around 3000 B.C. a single state arose (see Ancient Egypt). In the 28-23 centuries. formed a centralized despotism headed by the pharaoh. The external expression of the power of the pharaohs was the grandiose construction of the pyramids. At the end of the 4th millennium BC. tribes related to the Egyptians created a state in Lower Nubia. In Africa south of the Sahara, in the ancient period, there was a widespread transition from Neolithic stone tools to iron (bypassing the culture of the Bronze Age), with the exception of Northwest Africa. The process of mass migration to the south and southeast of peoples speaking Bantu languages ​​began. By the turn of the a.d. The Sahara finally turned into a desert, so this region began to be connected with North Africa and the Nile Valley by trans-Saharan trade using a camel imported from Asia Minor by the Romans as a vehicle. In the Middle Ages (starting from the 3rd century AD), Egypt and the countries of North Africa, which were part of the Roman Empire, were in crisis, and Byzantium's power over them (conquered in 533-534) was fragile. In 639-709. all the African provinces of Byzantium became part of the Arab Caliphate (see Arab conquest of North Africa and Egypt).

Historical dictionary. 2000 .

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    Africa. ancient history- According to most scientists, Africa is the cradle of mankind. Paleoanthropological research in the 60s and 70s 20th century significantly "older" the dating of early hominids. The antiquity of the bone remains found in 1974 in Hadar (Ethiopia) is determined in ... ...

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