In the days of ancient Russia, a presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 4) on the topic. Abstract and presentation on the world around on the topic "In the times of Ancient Russia" (Grade 4) I. Organizational moment. Message topic, lesson objectives

During the time of ancient Russia.

04/11/17 Maps Ancient Russia.


battle axes

Prince Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav from the Drevlyansk princess Malusha. He was born in 963. Vladimir was brought up by his mother's brother, the pagan Dobrynya. In 972, Prince Vladimir began to rule Novgorod. In 980, at the height of the war between the brothers, Vladimir went to Kyiv, where his older brother Yaropolk reigned. Having defeated his brother, Vladimir began to rule in Kyiv. He had five wives and numerous concubines. He erected idols on the Kievan mountains, to which they began to offer human sacrifices. Then the Vikings Theodore and John died for Christ. The circumstances of their death made a strong impression on Vladimir, and he began to doubt the truth of the pagan faith.

At the invitation of the prince, preachers from different countries: ambassadors from Muslim Bulgarians who lived beyond the Volga, Latin Germans, Jews and Greeks. The prince asked about their faith, and each offered him his faith. But the Orthodox Greek preacher made the strongest impression on him, who, at the end of his conversation, showed him a picture of the Last Judgment. On the advice of the boyars, Vladimir sent ten wise men to test on the spot whose faith is better. When these Russian ambassadors arrived in Constantinople, the magnificence of the St. Sophia Church, the harmonious singing of the court choristers and the solemnity of the patriarchal service touched them to the core: “We didn’t know,” they later told Vladimir, “we stood on earth or in heaven.” And the boyars immediately noticed him: "If the Greek faith were not better than other faiths, your grandmother Olga, the wisest of people, would not have accepted it."

Vladimir decided to be baptized, but did not want to subordinate Russia to the Greeks. Therefore, shortly after the return of the ambassadors, Vladimir went to war against the Greeks and took Chersonese. From here he sent ambassadors to Constantinople to the emperors Basil and Constantine demanding the hand of their sister, Princess Anna. They answered him that the princess could only be the wife of a Christian. Then Vladimir announced that he wanted to accept the Christian faith. But before the bride arrived in Chersonese, Vladimir was stricken with blindness. In this state, like the Apostle Paul, he recognized his spiritual weakness and prepared for the great sacrament of rebirth. The princess, who arrived in Chersonese, advised him to hurry with baptism. Vladimir was baptized (988) and was named Basil. Upon leaving the font, he received his sight with his spiritual and bodily eyes and exclaimed in excess of joy: “Now I have come to know the true God!”

Returning to Kyiv, Vladimir first of all offered to be baptized to his twelve sons, and they were baptized in one source, known in Kyiv under the name of Khreshchatyk. Following them, many boyars were baptized. Meanwhile, Vladimir began to exterminate the idols, and the main idol of them, Perun, was tied to a horse's tail, dragged from the mountain with a reproach and thrown into the Dnieper. The overthrow of the idols was followed by the announcement of the gospel sermon to the people. Christian priests gathered the people and instructed them in the holy faith. Finally, Saint Vladimir announced in Kyiv that all the inhabitants, rich and poor, should come to the river on a certain day to be baptized. The people of Kiev were in a hurry to fulfill the will of the prince, arguing as follows: “If only new faith was not better, the prince and the boyars would not have accepted her.

After Kyiv and its environs, the holy faith was planted in Novgorod. In 992 the holy faith was planted in the Suzdal region.

An open lesson on the world around, held in the 4th grade.

Teacher: Baranova O.V., teacher primary school MBOU "TSO No. 1", Tula

Lesson type: A lesson in the discovery of new knowledge.

Textbook: Pleshakov " The world 4th grade".

Lesson topic: In the times of Ancient Russia.

Lesson Objectives: to form an idea about Ancient Russia, Russian princes; develop oral speech, ability to work with a historical map; cultivate an interest in history.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, Power Point presentation.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Here are the books on the table, and here are the notebooks,

And I want to play hide and seek today,

And it's not leisure to blow on a paper ship -

Today in the class the guys have a very important lesson!

    Checking homework.

In the last lesson, you got acquainted with the life of the Ancient Slavs. Tell me about their activities.

Describe the dwelling of the Ancient Slavs. (protection of projects)

Tell us about the gods worshiped by the Ancient Slavs, and about the Slavic holidays.

3. Explanation of new material.

slide 1.

Today at the lesson we will go to Ancient Kyiv to visit Prince Vladimir. But first, let's talk about Ancient Russia.

The government of the Slavs was not the same as we have now. They did not have sovereigns, and in each family the eldest was in charge of all affairs. For important matters, the elders met for vecha (worldly gatherings) and decided matters together. Only later did the princes begin to rule. When they began to reign, who were they, and how did Russian state, is not known for certain. The chronicle tells about it as follows. There was no agreement between the Slavic tribes, but they had all quarrels and fights. Some tribes, judging that no good could come from this, decided to choose a prince for themselves at the meeting, but not from their own, but from strangers, so that they would not indulge their relatives. For this, ambassadors were sent across the sea to the neighboring Varangian tribe Rus, and they were ordered to keep the following speech: “Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it, come to reign and rule over us.” Three Varangian-Russian princes Rurik and his two brothers came to us and began to reign: Rurik himself settled in Novgorod, and he sent his brothers to other cities. This is how the Russian state began in 862 after the birth of Christ. On behalf of the family of the first princes, it was called Rus.

Slide 2.

2. Working with a historical map (pt. No. 1 p. 15).

Consider the map on page 41 of the textbook. What do you need to know to read it? (Conventional signs)

What color on the map shows the territory of Ancient Russia at the end of the 9th century? (Light green). Color this area contour map in the workbook.

What color on the map shows the territory of Ancient Russia in the middle of the XI century? (Green). Color this area on the outline map in your workbook.

Compare territories. Why do you think the territory has increased? (Princes conquered lands).

Find the Dnieper River. What cities can you visit while traveling on it? (Pereyaslavl, Kyiv, Chernigov, Smolensk, Novgorod.)

The main roads connecting the inhabitants were rivers and seas. Boats and rafts of settlers to new lands, as well as merchant caravans, sailed along them. It was along the Dnieper River that the most important trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed. Mark it with a red line on the contour map.

By the middle of the XI century, Russia occupied the space from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. It was impossible to manage such a vast land without strict order. The head of Russia was Grand Duke Kyiv, his advisers and assistants - the boyars, and the support and support - the faithful and devoted princely squad. The princes strengthened Russia, maintained order within the country, and took care of its security.

Slide 3.

Great are the merits before Russia of Prince Vladimir. Epics sing of him, call him the Red Sun. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the youngest son of Prince Svyatoslav, took the throne of Kyiv after the murder of his brother Yaropolk. Prince Vladimir was a skilled warrior and a wise ruler. He turned Russia into a huge power, which was spoken of with respect in Europe. The entire period of his reign can be divided into two stages: pagan and Christian. The reign of Vladimir is considered the period of the rise of Russia.

slide 4.

What do you think are the reasons for religious reform?

Prince Vladimir sought to unite the Slavic tribes and protect Russian lands from nomads. So he decided to carry out a religious reform. Her motto was the words "One god in heaven, one prince - on earth."

What is reform? (work with a dictionary)

REFORM- transformations, changes aimed at improvement.

Slide 5.

At first, Vladimir decided to hold pagan reform and proclaimed the supreme god of Perun. The rest of the gods were preserved, but "subjected" to Perun. However, this reform failed. The Slavs did not understand why Perun suddenly became the main god, and therefore they continued to worship other gods, and each tribe still revered its own god.

slide 6.

Vladimir began to look for another religion. According to legend, he invited ambassadors from the Volga Bulgaria (Islam), Khazaria (Judaism) and Byzantium (Orthodoxy), and they told him about their faith. Then the prince's ambassadors were sent to these countries, and only after listening to their report, Vladimir chose Christianity, because this religion was widespread in most European countries. Prince Vladimir decided that if Russia also became Christian, it would be much more convenient for her to negotiate with neighboring countries. The prince himself was baptized during his trip to Korsun.

Slide 7.

In 988 Vladimir baptized Russia. The first were the people of Kiev. Byzantine priests arrived in Kyiv. On the appointed day, the inhabitants of the city were driven into the Dnieper, the monks sprinkled them with holy water and read a prayer. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich from a high hill watched what was happening. Those who did not want to part with the former gods, on his orders, were driven into the Dnieper by force. Following Kyiv, Vladimir the Red Sun introduced Christianity to other Russian cities. In Novgorod, the baptism almost ended in an uprising. The Novgorod governor forcibly forced the inhabitants to be baptized, burning the houses and estates of all the dissatisfied. In Kyiv, the main street in memory of baptism is still called Khreshchatyk.

slide 8.

Of course, the Russians did not immediately become firmly established in the new faith. For a long time they were Christians only in name and still celebrated pagan rites and festivals. Even at the present time, pagan customs, for example, caroling, have not completely emerged. However, the adoption of Christianity has played a huge role in our history. Faith in God the Savior made people more honest, more tolerant, taught them to respect state power, to help the poor and unfortunate. In Russia, the power of the prince was strengthened, writing spread, there was more educated people culture developed. The Old Russian state ceased to be considered pagan and became one of the European Christian countries.

slide 9.

Prince Vladimir himself, having accepted the new faith, as the chronicler tells, completely changed: from a harsh and cruel man he became kind and affectionate to everyone, and generous to the poor. Fearing sin, he did not even want to execute the robbers. On Sundays and other Christian holidays, the prince arranged feasts at which Russian boyars, spiritual people of all ranks, converged from all over the land. The prince ordered the sick to deliver bread, meat, and honey to their homes. For the introduction of Christianity, Vladimir is called by the Church of Saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles.

4. Consolidation of the passed.

1. Work in a workbook.

№2 p.16

№5 p.17

№3 p.16

№4 p.16

It was customary for the Russian people to give their rulers nicknames. What did people call Prince Vladimir? (Red Sun.) Why? (He was a wise ruler and a skilled warrior.)

5. The result of the lesson, homework.

Today at the lesson we visited Ancient Kyiv visiting Prince Vladimir.

About what important event in history you know? (About the baptism of Russia.)

What is the significance of the adoption of Christianity by Russia? (It has strengthened its ties with other states, its authority has grown.)

D/z: pp.40-45 to retell.

Topic:"In the times of Ancient Russia".

Lesson Objectives: form an idea of ​​​​ancient Russia, Russian princes; develop oral speech, cultivate interest in history, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: map of ancient Russia of the 9th–11th centuries, cards with printed words (Grand Duke, boyars, retinue, princes, Christianity, writing and education, development of crafts, authority in Europe, Kyiv, 988), red circles to show cities on the map, excerpt from the film “Sadko”, illustrations depicting idols, Prince Vladimir, ritual dolls, a printed notebook according to the program, cards for individual work.


1. Organizational moment

Message topics, objectives of the lesson.

– Today we will learn about how our ancestors lived in the times of Ancient Russia, where the main trade route passed, who helped the Grand Duke in governing the state, and we will also learn about the Baptism of Russia.

2 . Homework survey

a) Give cards with individual tasks:

1. Describe the dwelling of the ancient Slavs. (2 people)
2. What did men and women do? (2 people)

b) Tell us about the occupation of the Eastern Slavs.
c) Why did our ancestors live in tribes?
d) Tell us about the faith of the ancient Slavs.
e) What is it? (show ritual dolls)
What were these dolls used for?

Swaddle - was done so that evil spirits could not wish bad child. The doll was placed in a cradle.
Kuvatki - the man did during childbirth, tied in the dressing room so that the wife would successfully give birth to a child.
Insomnia - they put the child in the cradle if he did not sleep well and cried.
wedding doll - 2 dolls together - a man and a woman hold hands. They gave at the wedding so that the young people would live together all their lives “hand in hand.”
Vepp doll - a full-breasted woman, symbolizing fertility, prosperity, well-being. This doll was also called “Bereginya.”

- Well done, you all prepared your homework about the life of the Eastern Slavs well. But Polina prepared S. Markov's poem “Slavs” as her homework.

3. Markov's verse "Slavs" (read by Polina Ryabova)

... We walk among the dry grass,
Spreading mighty breasts,
And the prince, and gray-haired magi -
Forest and bee people.
The axes rise again
Warm and red ax handles,
Hissing Pecheneg blood
On the gray earth of ashes.
We must know the moments
The well-known hunting trembling,
Swords sheathed
Made from cowhide leather.
We know the time will come
Works and worries will be completed,
And again sparkling honey
Fills deep honeycombs.

– Were you interested in learning about our Slavic ancestors? And let's continue to get acquainted with their lives ...

4. In the last lesson, we learned that the capital of Ancient Russia was the city of Kyiv. It was formed on the banks of the Dnieper River for a reason. It was possible to swim along the rivers to the Baltic Sea, to the Black Sea. Merchant caravans sailed, boats with settlers in search of new lands, dashing people could also come. Historians call this great waterway “From the Varangians to the Greeks”. If you find on the map in the textbook p. 41 the beginning and end of this path, you will be able to tell why this waterway got its name.
Yes, the journey has begun in Sweden those. where the Vikings lived. Let's trace how the merchants moved along this path, through which cities their path passed.

NOVGOROD.(We put dots on the map in the book, and we attach circles on the map near the board)

Film excerpt screening "Sadko".(From the words: “Hello, Mr. Veliky Novgorod!”, display of shopping arcades)

- Explain that they were carrying various goods that were not in Russia. And who noticed that the path through the water is interrupted? And how interesting the way continued further? … VOLOKOM! The ships were dragged across the land. Where the path "drag" began, a city appeared Upper Volochok, and where this path ended, formed ... right, the city Lower Volochok. There are no city names on the map, but let's put dots where these cities formed. The path followed through Smolensk, Kyiv, Pereyaslavl and ended at Greece.

- Who can show the waterway through the entire state on the map at the blackboard? (1–2 people)

– So, who will explain why the path was called “ From the Varangians to the Greeks?”

5 . And now in a notebook on a printed basis With. 17 find a trade route and mark it with a red line.
Find the borders of the state and shade in green. (While the children are working, evaluate the individual work on the cards.)
Let's compare the size of Ancient Russia with neighboring states. It is larger than neighboring states! Therefore, many wanted to conquer the lands of the Russians. The rivers were full of fish, there were a lot of game and animals in the forests, the lands were fertile and rich. We had to defend ourselves, protect our lands.


- To defend, protect, strong people were needed healthy. And we must be strong and healthy. Let `s have some rest. Get up, stretch up. Again….

- It was difficult for Grand Duke Vladimir alone to govern the state, so he needed assistants.

Grand Duke

Boyars squad princes

Working with the textbook(p. 42 reading)

- And there were heroes in the squad. About the heroes of that time, the people composed many fairy tales, legends, epics. What are the names of those heroes who have survived to this day. (Mikula Selyaninovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich…)

- Homework will be additional material about the heroes.

7. Great are the merits before the people and the Grand Duke Vladimir himself. We will learn about one of the merits today from Nastya Khomyakova.

Message about the baptism of Russia . (1-3 min.)

- Who from Nastya's story remembered in what year the baptism of Russia took place?


Working with the book 44 penultimate paragraph and to the end of the paragraph. After reading, I ask the question: “What did Christianity bring?”


If time remains:

Find the definition of the word Baptism in the textbook. Write it down in a notebook on a printed basis (p. 17).

Russia adopted the Christian faith, but paganism did not immediately go away. The people could not at once abandon the traditions, customs, rituals that have evolved over the centuries. And to this day, faith lives in brownies, mermaids, goblin ...

The excursion into the past ends, and we must sum up the lesson.

- Tell me, what new and interesting things about the life of the Slavs did we learn today?

Submit ratings.

9. Homework: in tetra. on a printed basis p.18 - 19. Find additional material about Russian heroes.

10 . Our lesson is over, and in parting, the guys prepared a Vepp doll as a gift for the guests - a symbol of prosperity, fertility, prosperity.

The bell has already rung, the lesson begins

  • The bell has already rung, the lesson begins
  • you smile at each other
  • And take a seat!
  • At times
  • Ancient Russia
"Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it, come to reign and rule over us."
  • "Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it, come to reign and rule over us."
“THREE Varangian-Russian princes Rurik and his two brothers came to us…”
  • “This is how the Russian state began in the year 862 after the birth of Christ. On behalf of the family of the first princes, it was called Rus.
Ancient Russia Prince Vladimir "Prophetic" Oleg "Three Bogatyrs" "Bogatyr" Princess Olga Baptism of Vladimir "If someone does not come to the river tomorrow - be it rich or beggar, let there be an enemy to me!" The prince announced.
  • “If someone doesn’t come to the river tomorrow - whether it be rich or beggar, let there be an enemy to me!” the prince announced.
Baptism of Russia Baptism of Russia Prince Vladimir What was the main road connecting the inhabitants of Ancient Russia?
  • The main roads were rivers and seas. Merchant caravans, boats and rafts of settlers to new lands sailed along them.
With what seas did the waterways of the ancient Slavs connect?
  • With the Black and Caspian Seas, from where one could get to Byzantium and its capital - the rich city of Constantinople.
On the bank of which river did the city of Kyiv, the capital of Ancient Russia, arise?
  • On the Dnieper River.
Who was the head of Russia?
  • The head of Russia was the Grand Duke of Kyiv.
Who helped the prince?
  • The boyars were the assistants, and the princely retinue was the support and support.
What did the princes do?
  • Maintained order within the country, took care of its security.
Which Russian prince is famous for his campaigns?
  • Russian prince Oleg.
Why was Prince Oleg called prophetic?
  • The people marveled at his success. They did not believe that one person could be lucky in everything.
Which prince in Russia was called the Red Sun?
  • Prince Vladimir.
Why was Prince Vladimir nicknamed the Red Sun?
  • Vladimir the Red Sun was a skilled warrior and a wise ruler. He turned Russia into a huge power, which was spoken of with respect in Europe. He cared about the Russian state and its people. His deeds were understood by the people and appreciated.
Name the Russian heroes. Which of them was portrayed by V.M. Vasnetsov in the painting "Three Heroes"?
  • Ilya Muromets, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Alyosha Popovich, Nikitich .
Why did the people put together legends and epics about the heroes?
  • They served at outposts and defended the borders of their native Russia.
What other trace did Prince Vladimir leave in history?
  • Prince Vladimir went down in history as the baptizer of Russia.
For what purpose did Prince Vladimir baptize Russia?
  • In Europe at that time, this religion was common in most countries, and if Russia becomes Christian, it will be much more convenient to negotiate with neighboring countries.
How did the baptism of Russia take place?
  • Vladimir ordered all the peasants to come to the river, and the priests performed the rite of baptism.
How is Christianity different from paganism?
  • Pagans believe in many gods, set up idols for them and worship them. They make sacrifices to the gods, even to humans. Christianity teaches to think not only about your own good, but also about the good of your neighbor, unites people.
Did the people accept the new faith easily?
  • The new faith did not take root immediately. Some rituals and festivities have survived to this day, such as caroling.


1. Education Old Russian state.

1. Formation of the Old Russian state.

main roads Ancient Russia there were lakes, rivers, seas. Trade caravans, boats and rafts of settlers sailed along them to new lands. The waterways of the ancient Slavs led north to the Baltic Sea, and in the south to the Caspian and Black Seas. Through the southern seas it was possible to get to Byzantium, to the capital Constantinople (Tsargrad).

This trade route was called "From the Varangians to the Greeks". Varangians called the inhabitants of Northern Europe, and Greeks - Inhabitants of Byzantium.

Along this path, Novgorod was founded on Lake Ilmen, and Kyiv was founded on the steep bank of the Dnieper.

Residents of Novgorod 862 called for reign of Rurik . After him Prince of Novgorod became Oleg and in 882 united Novgorod and Kyiv under his rule. As a result, the Old Russian state arose, the capital of which was in Kyiv. Oleg became the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

The territory of Ancient Russia was inhabited by Eastern Slavs and other peoples: the whole, Muroma, Vod, Chud, Merya, Uvrely, Izhora.

2. Management in Ancient Russia.

The head of the Old Russian state was the Grand Duke of Kyiv. Boyars were assistants and advisers. And the support and support is the princely squad (soldiers).

The princes maintained order in Russia, took care of its security.

Prince Oleg nicknamed prophetic , because the people marveled at his success during the campaigns. So Prince Oleg moved a fleet of two thousand ships to Byzantium. The Byzantines blocked the way to the harbor with a huge chain. Then Prince Oleg ordered to put the boats on wheels and moved them to the city. An unprecedented sight frightened the Byzantines, and they asked for peace. Prince Oleg arrived with his shield at the gates of Constantinople and a peace treaty was concluded between Russia and Byzantium.

The reign of the great Kyiv princes:

  • Igor Rurikovich - Prince of Kyiv (912 - 945).
  • Saint Olga (baptized Elena) is a Russian princess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich. After his death, she began to rule Russia for her young son Svyatoslav.
  • Svyatoslav Igorevich (son of Princess Olga and Prince Igor). He fought a lot.
  • Vladimir Saint (Red Sun)
3. Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia.

Prince Vladimir reigned in 980 - 1015 . In the folk epic, he is called Red Sun .

Under Prince Vladimir, Kyiv was re-fortified and built up with stone buildings. He cared about the Russian state and its people. To the south of Kyiv, the prince set up heroic outposts to protect Russia from the raid of nomads. The people composed legends and epics about the heroes.

Prince Vladimir went down in history as baptist of Russia . In the countries of Europe at that time, Christianity was widespread in most countries, and if Russia becomes Christian, it will be much more convenient to negotiate with neighboring countries. Christianity came to Russia from Byzantium.

The first to be baptized was Prince Vladimir and his retinue. Then, at the command of the prince, the statues of the former gods were defeated. The statue of the main deity - Perun - was thrown into the Dnieper.

Then Prince Vladimir ordered all the people of Kiev to come to the river. It was summer and he ordered everyone to enter the water. After that, the priests performed the rite of Baptism. Year Baptism of Russia - 988 .

It didn't take long for the new faith to take hold. There was a strong attachment to the old customs. And today you can still find echoes of the old Slavic beliefs.

The time of the reign of Vladimir is the period of the rise of the Old Russian state: the formation of the feudal system, successful aggressive campaigns, development of literacy and culture, land tenure and crafts. Christianity teaches us to think not only about our own good, but also about the good of our neighbor, it unites people. As a result, its ties with the countries of Europe were strengthened, and the authority of Russia grew. Prince Vladimir turned Russia into a huge power.

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