Time management: how to properly distribute your time so that you can do everything. The right order of affairs - how not to waste time

Psychologists say that people experience pleasure from the work done when they see its real results. But what if you are not a lumberjack and sawing trees is clearly not part of your job duties? However, they involve the fulfillment of those monotonous obligations that eventually add up to a beautiful project.

But sometimes the completion of it turns into an emergency. This is due to the "black" holes into which priceless hours flow. To prevent them, we learn how to properly allocate time so that we always have time for everything.

Time planning: strictly according to the internal clock

Council number 1. You have a letter, dance! Email alerts are the most distracting. Moreover, the volume of important messages does not exceed no more than 20%. Everything else, as a rule, is made up of advertisements or meaningless letters.

  • To avoid wasting time, check your email in the morning, after lunch, and before leaving work.
  • Do not parse emails when you are most productive. "Larks" in the morning, "owls" evenings.
  • For especially important partners and clients, create a separate email address. Primary information will come there, in search of which you will not have to raise all the mail.

Council number 2. Phone on time. Rather than be distracted by phone calls during the day, it is better to give them one hour and make all the necessary calls.

  • Before picking up the phone, think about what is more important: the business you are busy with or the call.

Know how to spend time on yourself: rest strictly on schedule

Tip number 3. Creative mess on the table. Our subconscious mind can remember a huge number of cases, but in the preconscious mind, two or three, no more, can stand in line. Accordingly, so many items should be on the desktop: a computer as the main element and several accompanying folder with business papers, calculator, phone. Family photos, coffee cups and souvenirs place on the periphery of the table, as well as used documents.

  • The creative mess at hand, when at the same time it is possible to find the necessary document at the right moment, is economically justified: it saves 20% of working time.

Tip #4: Stop talking! The offer of a colleague to drink coffee or go to the smoking room for a couple of minutes sounds tempting. But you have a parka, but you don’t want to offend at all. In this case, try the red flag technique. Agree that if you have a red flag (or any other item) on your table, you cannot be disturbed in the next hour.

  • If they stop talking do not accept invitations to sit next to you, the conversation will drag on.
  • Carry a folder of papers with you This will make it clear that every minute counts.

Tip #5: Big change. school lesson lasts 45 minutes, and students take a break every hour and a half. Ideally, every hour you should be distracted from work for 5 minutes. Do not be afraid to spend this time on anything it will more than pay off when you return to business with double energy. True, provided that for this time you can switch your attention as much as possible and do not begin to scroll through production problems in your head.

  • If you have a sedentary job, get up and walk around.
  • If you work with people, be alone.
  • And don't play solitaire on the computer will not help.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will talk about two very important points, thanks to which you can achieve good success. Unfortunately, many do not even think about this, and very much in vain ... At first I thought that all this was superfluous, and it was not worth wasting time, but then my opinion changed, and I am glad about it!

Intrigued by the first lines? Then I advise, even insist to read the post to the end! Why such a hurry? The fact is that not so long ago I began to adhere to this moment, and life became easier! It has become easier for me to blog, work around the house, study, in general, just live!

I think many have already guessed what will be discussed now - and. Like the usual two words that everyone knows from school years. But not everything is so simple ... most people do not use it, and therefore they suffer a lot and do not have time to do anything ...

Time is everything! Indeed it is, and there is no other way to say it. Therefore, it is worth everyone, absolutely everyone, to monitor their time and manage it properly, and not as your heart desires!

Unfortunately, for many, this is not an easy task, so sticking to certain things at certain times is very, very difficult, and sometimes even "unrealistic" ... But it's not! Absolutely everyone can manage and allocate their time, and complete the planned tasks on time!

And now in this short article I will try superficially and at the same time as thoroughly as possible to acquaint you with these two concepts and learn how to “use” them, so to speak, correctly and profitably! You are ready? Then let's get started!

Case Planning and Time Management

Before proceeding to advice on planning things and allocating time, that is, to moralizing, I would like to analyze these two concepts in a language understandable to everyone. If someone disagrees with these definitions, and there will definitely be such ones, please write about it in the comments.

- this is a kind of “rule” of affairs that you make up for yourself in advance, and by which you are guided by a certain period of time.

Once again, I want to repeat that this is very, very important! In no case should you forget about it and "score" ... Do you want to achieve something in this life on your own? Then act! All in your hands!

- this is a "certain" rule for the efficient use of time.

This is also very important, and must be "in conjunction" with the planning of affairs. Only thanks to these two points can you achieve good results over time!

In every business, no matter marketing, blogging, infobusiness or something else, you always need to be self-developed, you always need to work on yourself first of all! If you do not gain power and confidence over yourself, then nothing will come of it! Everything will walk near, but for you it will remain inaccessible ...

As you already understood, these two points are very similar to each other, and should be brought “to the table” together, therefore, the advice will be general. But before proceeding to the advice, I would like to say the following: be sure to analyze each advice separately, learn how to use it, and only then proceed to the next one. After that, you can use all the tips at once, and then you will understand for yourself that this is very important!

1. Be sure to have a notebook in which you will write down things for the future!

Everything is exactly like that! Required in without fail get yourself a handy notebook (perhaps a smartphone), in which you should write down things for the future and compare them with free time. For example, you have some task for the next day, you should write it down and “attach” it to a certain time!

2. Do things on time without fail!

If you violate the planned business, then what is the order? This is completely wrong! If you set a goal, a task at a certain time, then it is worth fulfilling it, no matter what it costs! Moreover, if the matter is very serious, and laziness has swallowed you up, then you don’t need to succumb to it, but you still need to complete the planned business! By the way, about laziness, I already wrote an article about how to deal with it. You can read it!

3. Do not chase everything at once!

Here I think everything is clear what's what ... Many have already encountered this problem more than once, when they wanted everything at once, but this does not happen! It's worth remembering! This is all to the point that you don’t need to try to cram dozens of things into one day, attributing them in groups to each other ... It’s better to do very important and necessary things first, and “attach” a separate day for the rest. It will make much more sense that way!

4. Don't fill up all the time! And also rest!

Two very important tips! You don’t need to fill the whole day at once, all 24 hours, with deeds ... A person, by nature, will not be able to do anything of this ... Even if he can, he will spend a lot of energy, which would be very useful for the next day ... I highly recommend dividing all the time into two parts: working - allocate 70%, and free - 30%. You never know what can happen, then these 30% of the time will be very useful. Also, don't forget to take breaks and rest!

5. Try to make a plan for the next day in the evening.

Another day is over, you've done a good job... Now it's time to make a plan for the next day! Try to write down all the important things that you would like to do without fail, and distribute them as accurately as possible in time. If you didn’t do something today, and this is an important matter, you can postpone it until tomorrow, but then you should definitely do it!

6. You are human! Then make realistic plans!

Do not load yourself with a mountain of work! This will have a bad effect on the quality of work, as well as on your fatigue ... Therefore, be sure to plan for yourself as much work that you can handle under any conditions! If one of the tasks requires a lot of time, but it is not very important what time to complete, then it is best to divide it into several parts. For example, I did one part today in 30 minutes or 1 hour, the second tomorrow and the third the day after tomorrow, etc.

7. If something goes wrong - don't panic!

It’s absolutely not scary if something goes wrong and you can’t complete the planned tasks on time. Do not panic in this case, but it is best to just calm down and set a new time for this matter. If it's important, then tomorrow, in the morning. In no case should you work at night, the night is given for rest!

8. Here can be any of your advice ...

If you have any tips on today's topic, I advise you to write in the comments - I will definitely add them here.

Well, that's all I wanted to write about in today's article. As for me, it turned out very cool, exactly what I wanted. Therefore, now I can safely cross out the topic of this article in my notebook. “The plan has been completed!”

If I didn’t adhere to everything that I wrote about above, then most likely this article would not exist now, but would be on a different topic, and in no one knows how long ... Since there would be no clear plan for the future! Have I convinced you? Not? Then read the article again and understand what it is very with very important moments +7 952 160 36 17

Often, so many things fall on us, and it begins to seem that the only way to cope with this chaos is to add a couple more hours a day. However, no magic is needed, it is better to just master the rules of time management. This will help you learn to do more and keep up with everything. Competent time planning is an opportunity to do as much as possible, to take care of yourself, education, work, children without harming anyone. In order to master time management and learn how to properly allocate your time, you should take note of simple but very effective rules.

Learn to clearly articulate your goals

Each case must have its own clear title. Record even the smallest things in your diary. And to enhance the effect, these cases should sound clearly and specifically. For example, "go to the beautician" or "take the cat for vaccinations." Thus, it’s as if you don’t leave yourself a choice and are already obliged to do what you wrote about. This rule will help to correctly allocate time at work.

Nowhere without a diary

To answer the question of how to learn how to properly allocate your time, you need to start planning your day from the very morning until bedtime. It takes no more than 15-20 minutes to do this, and the benefits are incredible. After all the tasks for the day are fixed, you will know exactly how much time you have for certain things in order to do everything.

It can look just like a to-do list, or maybe like a school schedule, that is, each task will take a specific hour. Even if it's 5 minutes to take out the trash, you'll have to write it down. Do not rely on your own memory, when everything is clearly painted before your eyes, you will know exactly how much time is left and when you need to start the next task for the day.

It is not necessary to spend money on a notebook, although many people think that it is much more convenient. Each phone has an application such as a calendar or notes, you can also enter all the necessary information there. Thinking about how to properly allocate time in order to do everything? Here without a diary or a glider anywhere.

Divide big tasks into smaller ones

Do you have one big goal? If you list it as one item, then most likely, on a subconscious level, you will delay doing this thing, because it will seem so big and unbearable. There is a way out - break one big task into several small ones, which will eventually lead to the achievement main goal. For example, in the evening you are going to cook lasagna, if you enter this item separately in the diary, we do not think that you need to spend time at least going to the store, and this may already cause a deviation from the schedule. Write out every little thing in your daily plan so as not to waste time, which is already not enough, on minor troubles. So, you do not have to remember what you have to do and you will be able to properly allocate your time.

Put things in order

We all know that order in the head is impossible without order at home. If you go home, and there is a mess everywhere, then you will at least spend a lot of time looking for something you need, and in addition, you will also be upset. This time can be spent with greater benefit for yourself, and Bad mood and can ruin the rest of the day. So keep your house clean! To learn how to properly manage your time, first learn how to keep your workplace.

Do what you love

Try to allocate your time so that you can spend it on those things that give you pleasure. For example, you are a big music lover - take at least 10 minutes a day to listen to it. Such small activities that you love will help you feel in harmony with yourself throughout the day.

Do multiple things at the same time

It doesn't sound very convincing, but it's really possible and even useful. But this applies only to tasks that do not require maximum concentration. For example, you have to long haul on a non-busy highway by car - turn on an audiobook or a self-instruction manual of some language together with books. Get to the place - learn at least a dozen new words. Just keep in mind that the rule of doing several things at the same time applies only to those cases where the task allows it. If you need to write a report or a term paper, and at the same time you start studying English, then nothing good will come of it.

Sport is your daily duty

Plan your schedule so that physical exercises became a daily ritual. Start the day with a charge, we all know that this is a charge of vivacity for the whole day. But that's not all, in addition to the basic morning exercises, try to set aside at least 30-40 minutes for other physical activity. It can be a trip to the fitness room and even the most ordinary evening jog. We all know that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

Praise yourself

Work is, of course, very important and takes up most of our time, but rest is just as important. Make it a rule to “mark” each successfully completed item from the task list with a cup of aromatic tea, a couple of pages of your favorite book, and so on. Thus, you can clear your mind again and be as open as possible to the next item on the plan.

To make the most of your time, you can incorporate the following habits into your life:

  • Analyze how the day went before going to bed, this will help you understand what you need to spend more time on, and what is better to forget about altogether.
  • How to properly distribute working time? Plan, plan and plan again, but only with prioritization, distribute things in order of importance, leaving the most difficult for the morning. Just keep in mind that you need to properly assess your strengths, if you plan more than you can physically do, it will be very frustrating.
  • Keep order in the workplace, distribute files on your computer into folders so as not to waste time searching for them. The same goes for paper documents.
  • Break big plans and goals into smaller tasks, oddly enough, so you will quickly come to their implementation.
  • Learn to say "no" if you know that it will hurt your plans for the day and will not bring any benefit. Save time and energy.
  • Make the most of every free minute. Cork is the most best time to improve my English.
  • Keep a diary and don't keep everything in your head.
  • Follow the daily routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, the body will get used to it and getting up in the morning will become much easier.
  • Well, and, of course, nowhere without rest. Highlight free time to do what you love, don't forget to take at least one day off a week.
  • Feel free to delegate. Do not try to constantly understand something new, trust a professional and the quality of tasks will increase and time will be saved.

Remember that your time is only in your hands and its competent organization depends solely on you.

There are only 24 hours in a day and it's time to get used to it. Time is not at all interested in helping us, however, if the time is correctly allocated, then instead of the main enemy, we will get a very beneficial ally.

In a day modern man we need to have time to do as many things as our ancestors mastered in just a week, so it is extremely important for us to get at least a couple of extra hours or minutes. And you can do it in 6 simple ways.

Get up earlier

No one obliges you to get up with roosters, getting up even half an hour earlier than usual will give you 30 minutes of extra time. Majority successful people prefer early rises, because at this time human brain works most productively.

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What happens when you look someone in the eye for a long time?

Therefore, it is recommended to devote early hours to mental work. And do not be afraid that you will have to sacrifice sleep - the human body adapts perfectly to everything, so in a month you will have a great sleep even without these 30 minutes.

Using the 30 minute rule

Its meaning is both simple and ingenious: give each task a day for only half an hour and then move on to the next thing. So you will increase your productivity at times, and every day you will cover the full range of tasks facing you.

There is only one caveat: you spend all 30 minutes on one thing and only on it. No social networks, smoke breaks and so on. Using this principle, you will also get rid of the burden of unsolved problems that you didn’t have time to get to before.

Are planning

In the morning you have planned a bunch of things, but the trouble is in the evening you didn’t do half of them. This situation is familiar to everyone, and in order to avoid it, it is necessary to make clear and realistic plans for the day. Assess your capabilities and draw up, albeit a modest, but adequate plan of affairs for the day. Then at the end of the day you will not become depressed because you do not have time to do anything, but, on the contrary, you will be proud of your quickness.

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We use "suspended" time

“Suspended” time is forced idleness (travel from/to work, queues, and so on). This time can and should be used wisely. For example, to expand your horizons, modern gadgets allow this. Read books, learn new languages, write down ideas, but don't waste those precious minutes.

Know how to rest

Yes, yes, the ability to properly and well rest also saves time. Compare: spend the whole weekend in pajamas watching TV or go for a walk, ride a bike, go to an exhibition and go to a cozy cafe. Find for yourself those activities with which you relax mentally and physically and fill your rest hours with them. In this case, you will rest much faster and better than if you lie in a semi-comatose state under the covers.


Not all things are equally necessary and important, so a lot depends on setting the right priorities. Divide all daily tasks according to the Eisenhower principle into:

Urgent and important activities;
important but not urgent matters;
urgent but not very important activities;
not urgent or important matters.

Now you can in good conscience take on the cases of the first and second points, carefully consider the cases of the third, and refuse some of the cases of the fourth point.
In the hustle and bustle of the day, we often devote more time to just unnecessary things, while the most important tasks await our attention.

Using all of these methods in combination, you will not only gain a sufficient amount of time, but also increase your efficiency. Therefore, do not waste time now, but start allocating time for the day (and do not forget to prioritize).

Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Franklin) was the son of a soap maker, but thanks to self-organization and discipline, he excelled in many areas: in politics, diplomacy, science, journalism. He is one of the founding fathers of the United States of America - he participated in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the country's constitution.

Franklin's portrait is featured on the $100 bill, even though he was never President of the United States. He is credited with the authorship of such catchphrases like "Time is money" and "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

  • "Frogs". Everyone has boring tasks that are constantly put off until later. These unpleasant things are piling up and psychologically pressing. But if every morning you start with “eating a frog”, that is, first of all, perform some uninteresting task, and then move on to the rest, then gradually things will be in order.
  • "Anchors". These are material bindings (music, color, movement) associated with a certain emotional state. "Anchors" are necessary in order to tune in to the solution of a particular task. For example, you can train yourself to work with mail to classical music, and whenever you feel too lazy to unload the inbox, you just need to turn on Mozart or Beethoven to catch the right psychological wave.
  • Elephant steak. The larger the task (write a dissertation, learn foreign language and so on) and the tougher the deadline, the more difficult it is to start its implementation. It is the scale that frightens: it is not clear where to start, whether there will be enough strength. Such tasks are called "elephants". The only way to “eat an elephant” is to cook “steaks” from it, that is, to break a big deal into several small ones.

It is noteworthy that Gleb Arkhangelsky pays great attention not only to the rationalization of work processes, but also to recreation (the full title of his bestseller is “Time Drive: How to Live and Work in Time”). He is convinced that without good rest, including healthy sleep and physical activity impossible to be productive.


Plan your every day. Todoist, Wunderlist, TickTick and other similar programs and services will help you with this. Divide complex large-scale tasks into simple small ones. Do the most unpleasant work in the morning so that the rest of the time you can do only what you like. Develop triggers to help you deal with laziness, and don't forget to include rest in your schedule.

Francesco Cirillo Method

You may not be familiar with the name Francesco Cirillo, but you must have heard of Pomodoro. Cirillo is the author of this famous time management technique. At one time, Francesco had problems with his studies: the young man could not concentrate in any way, he was distracted all the time. A simple tomato-shaped kitchen timer came to the rescue.


At the beginning of the day, make a to-do list and get it done by measuring time with “pomodoros”. If you have been distracted for 25 minutes, put the symbol ' in front of the task. If the time has expired, but the task has not yet been completed, put a + and dedicate the next “pomodoro” to it. During a five-minute break, switch completely from work to rest: take a walk, listen to music, drink coffee.

So, here are five basic time management systems with which you can organize your day. You can study them in more detail and become an apologist for one of the methods, or you can develop your own by combining various tricks and technology.

GTD - an alternative to time management

David Allen, creator of the GTD methodology, is one of the most famous personal effectiveness theorists. His book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity was named the best business book of the decade by Time magazine.

The term Getting Things Done is a well-known term, and many mistakenly identify it with time management. But even Allen himself calls GTD "a technique for increasing personal effectiveness».

Here's how an expert on the subject explained the difference between time management and GTD.

This is not time management. Time management is impossible. Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. What matters is not the amount of time, but what you fill it with. You need to be able to process large flows of incoming information, determine what actions are needed to achieve goals, and, of course, act. GTD is about that. It is a certain way of thinking and living. GTD is also about the state of flow and the reduction of psychological stress.

Vyacheslav Sukhomlinov

Ready to argue? Welcome to the comments. What do you think is more about GTD - time management or personal efficiency? Also tell us what techniques help you organize your day.