Decision in Russian 9. Why is the GDZ of Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova in Russian better than an individual tutor

In the ninth grade, students finish studying the main part of the native language course and take the mandatory final exam in this subject, called the OGE. Satisfactory passing of the specified test is a mandatory prerequisite for obtaining an appropriate document on incomplete secondary education and allows you to apply for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions.

A group of methodologists wrote a textbook for ninth graders educational institutions. Publishing and distribution is carried out by the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The ready-made solutions presented on this page of the site strictly correspond to the versions that have gone on sale and school libraries from 2014 to 2019. The allowance complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. It is recommended to use it in all secondary schools of the Russian Federation.

Why is Ladyzhenskaya's online solution book with the content of correct answers useful for students?

The Russian language is far from easy to learn, because you need to remember a large number of grammatical and spelling rules, be able to apply them correctly, understand the context and semantic shades of the statement. The problem can be exacerbated if the child does not grow up in a family of native Russian speakers. So he doesn't get enough speaking practice.

To eliminate the pressing difficulties in the qualitative mastery of the subject, L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deikina and O.M. Alexandrova developed an educational and methodological complex. Part of it is the correct solutions given here. The latter help to increase the level of involvement of all adolescents in educational process. The authors used a ready-made homework model (DHA) that helps:

  • set up the child for self-study;
  • motivate the student to consciously receive education;
  • eliminate situations where it is not clear what to do next due to missed lessons;
  • to improve the intuitive literacy of the student.

It should be remembered that it is necessary not only to write off from the GDZ, but it is necessary to analyze problematic tasks in detail in order to extract new knowledge from them.

Why is the GDZ of Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova in Russian better than an individual tutor?

Of course, the presence of a private teacher is a boon for the child, because you can ask a specific question and immediately get a reasoned and competent answer to it. At the same time, this service is quite expensive. Not always its acquisition can be fully justified. Regular use of the solution book allows you to largely replace the tutor in preparation for control, diagnostic, verification work, tests, as well as other types of knowledge control in the classroom. In particular, the collection of tasks with the answers of Ladyzhenskaya and co-authors perfectly solves the following tasks:

  • repetition of grammar rules for all nine classes;
  • systematization of knowledge according to work programs;
  • development of coherent speech skills;
  • preparation for the OGE.

Thus, the allowance will be useful to all adolescents who complete the course of general education.

GDZ in Russian for grade 9 Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina is a complete collection of ready-made homework, compiled on the basis of exercises of the textbook of the same name, created by a team of authors: L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deikina and O.M. Alexandrova. The manual can be used by parents to check the homework of their children, as well as by ninth-graders themselves who want to understand the details of completing a particular task.

Reshebnik in Russian language Grade 9 from Ladyzhenskaya - a help for ninth graders and their parents

Many parents are interested in testing the knowledge of their children. However, remembering school rules is not always possible. Schoolchildren sometimes do not have time to learn the order of doing exercises in the Russian language in the classroom.

Both Trostentsova, Ladyzhevskaya, Deykina can help both those and others. On our site you can find the right exercise in two ways:

  1. Enter the number of the task or quotes from its condition into the search line;
  2. Select a number from the table above.

A convenient algorithm for searching online answers helps save time, and the ability to use the resource from any electronic gadget can significantly save time.

A collection of ready-made homework assignments allows you to successfully understand the material, test your knowledge and complete all the homework exercises with high quality.

GDZ for grade 9 in Russian: Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina, 2014

The Russian language guide was compiled on the basis of the 8th edition of the textbook for students in grades 9 general education schools edited by Trostentsova L.A. Released in 2011 by the Prosveshchenie publishing house, it includes such main sections as:

  1. The concept and types of a complex sentence;
  2. Features of complex and complex structures;
  3. Non-union sentences, their syntax and punctuation;
  4. Characteristics complex sentences with different types of communication.

If 80% of the textbook is new material for schoolchildren, then 20% of its exercises are aimed at repeating the material studied in previous classes.

Our site offers ninth-graders not only help with current homework in the Russian language, but also assistance in preparing for the exam state exam and USE.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Russian language grade 9 Razumovskaya, Lvova, Kapinos Bustard
  • Russian language grade 9 Rybchenkova, Aleksandrova Education
  • Russian language grade 9. GEF Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya Education
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in Russian, Grade 9. GEF Egorova Waco
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in Russian, Grade 9 Nikulin Exam


  • Russian language workbook Grade 9. Part 1, 2 Bogdanova Genzher
  • Litvinova Bustard
  • Russian language workbook Grade 9 Efremova Enlightenment
  • Russian language workbook Grade 9 Kulaev. To the textbook Razumovskaya Exam


  • Russian language tests grade 9. Part 1, 2 Books at the Lyceum
  • Chernogrudov. To the textbook Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya Exam
  • Russian language tests grade 9. GEF Gruzdeva, Buneev Exam
  • Russian language tests grade 9. GEF Gruzdeva, Razumovskaya Exam

GDZ in Russian for grade 9 - a reliable assistant and simulator

  • Special attention is paid to the study of the Russian language in schools, not only because it is our native language, and not even because it is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. The Russian language is quite complicated, and during the time of studying at school, students must master the basics of phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, orthoepy, spelling, word formation and grammar. It is very difficult to learn all the rules and systematize knowledge, and teachers, as a rule, do not have enough time to explain everything in detail.
  • They come to help GDZ in Russian for 9th grade students. This book not only contains completed homework assignments for school curriculum Russian language for 9 classes, but also the basic rules and concepts are systematized.
  • The harm and benefits of ready-made homework in the Russian language for grade 9

  • Many parents mistakenly assume that ready-made homework solutions only bring harm to students. Say, they relax the child, and he gets used to stupidly write off everything ready. Actually it is not. Firstly, “stupid” cheating will not work, since each spelling in the task is explained in detail by the corresponding rules. Thus, the student, writing off the task, automatically learns the necessary rules.
  • Secondly, there is the so-called mechanical memory", based on fine motor skills. Its essence lies in the fact that during the constantly repetitive mechanical actions performed by a person, certain information is automatically deposited in memory. In other words, if a student regularly completes homework with the help of GDZ in Russian for grade 9, all the necessary information is automatically systematized in the student's memory and pops up in memory at the right time (exam, control, dictation). The student can begin to write words mechanically correctly, based on the so-called visual memory.
  • Graduation classes and students

  • Another advantage of using answers in Russian for 9th grade is a significant time saving. Everyone knows that in the senior year, students need to find time to prepare for exams in various subjects, and such ready-made "reshebniks" greatly simplify this task.
  • If collect GDZ for several classes, you can quickly and effectively repeat (or learn) the entire course of studying the Russian language. This is possible because in the magic books, in intelligible Russian, all the necessary rules, spelling, exceptions and other concepts that may be useful in the exam in this subject are described.
  • Russian language grade 9 - preparation for the mandatory final test for graduates

  • The Russian language for ninth-graders is becoming a discipline, which must be studied with special care and scrupulousness. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the exam in this subject (OGE) is mandatory for all graduates of the 9th grade without exception - both for those planning to stay at school in grades 10-11, and for those who are going to enter SVE/NGO institutions after ninth grade.
  • Taking into account the difficult tasks and topics studied in the Russian lessons in the 9th grade, it is necessary to approach the analysis of tasks as responsibly as possible. For work, you will need effective tutorials, workshops and solutions for them. Building their preparation, ninth graders should initially tune in to what to work on GDZ need:
    - systemically;
    - complex;
    - having drawn up an effective preliminary plan, training program, based on their initial level and goals;
    - from time to time monitoring the results achieved, eliminating emerging problems, adjusting plans.
  • Among the topics in the Russian language in the 9th grade that cause the most questions and difficulties among students are:
    - complex, in particular - compound sentences, punctuation marks in them, syntax and punctuation;
    - groups of complex sentences, punctuation in them;
    - complex unionless proposals and their correct spelling;
    - public speech.
  • Taking into account all the changes in the procedure and methodology for conducting the final test in the Russian language in the 9th grade, it is important to select the necessary and sufficient set of educational literature for successful preparation. In addition to the theoretical textbook, it will include:
    - workbook;
    - Spelling training for ninth graders;
    - didactic materials and KIMs in discipline;
    - credit work;
    - tasks for understanding texts;
    - collections of dictations and presentations;
    - dictionaries.
  • You can choose a set yourself, or by contacting school language teachers, tutors, leaders for professional help. preparatory courses and circles. For those who are on a family form of study or preparing for final exam independently, you can add lesson plans, work programs and other methodological developments for teachers.

Since our country is multinational, the Russian language serves as a means of interethnic communication between people. Russian is the native language for most of the population of our country.

Therefore, the study of this subject is the primary task of every child. But not every student is easily given this subject because of the existence of rules and exceptions. In order to help the student acquire the necessary knowledge and was created GDZ in the Russian language for grade 9 Trostentsova L. A., Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Dainekina A. D., Alexandrova O. M.. The manual contains exercises with all kinds of complexity with their detailed explanations. Such essays are selected that contribute to the development of thinking. This tutorial will help you refresh your memory on punctuation. Thus, this publication is an excellent assistant in the preparation homework and in parsing difficult topic. With this manual, the student will know the Russian language perfectly.

GDZ to didactic materials in Russian for grade 9 Trostentsova L.A. can be downloaded.

  • Surely, you have heard many times about the fact that many consider the Russian language the most difficult in terms of learning the language of the world. Studying it involves a huge amount complicated rules spelling and even more number of exceptions to them. All this makes preparing for subsequent lessons a real torture. And especially, with maximum difficulties, schoolchildren with a complex, mathematical mindset have to prepare.
  • Sometimes on their own, it is very difficult for a smart child to be given tasks, it’s good if there are knowledgeable parents who can help with Russian, but what if not? However, it does not matter, there is a worthy simple solution to a way out of such a predicament, these are already ready-made homework assignments for the authors Ladyzhenskaya and Trostentsova.
  • All you need is a Russian language guide for grade 9, made by excellent authors Ladyzhenskaya and Trostentsova, with the help of which your torment will turn into a pleasant creative pastime. Using GDZ, you do not just help your favorite treasure to reduce the time spent on doing homework, you gain confidence for yourself and your adult student in the correctness of the work done by the child. Thus, you get a guarantee in the correctness of homework.
  • Independently prepare for the OGE in Russian - really

  • Preparing for the OGE in Russian, which is mandatory for all ninth grade graduates, is not an easy task. But you can solve it even on your own, without resorting to the expensive help of tutors and leaders of circles and courses. In order for all chances of success to be on the side of the student, responsibility, willpower and a desire to overcome any possible problems, as well as high-quality teaching aids for self-study and solutions for them, are necessary. Organizing training at home is an effective idea that, according to experts, often leads to high results.
  • To work on GDZ turned out to be effective, it is necessary:
    - Create a good work plan. To do this, you need to take into account your goals and level of knowledge, the amount of time that will be regularly spent on work;
    - regularly conduct self-control, that is, monitor emerging problems and promptly correct them, evaluate and analyze current results, adjust plans as they are implemented;
    - choose the best set of literature for yourself.
  • Among such experts are the basic textbook and workshops on the Russian language for the 9th grade, compiled by Trostentsova L.A. and Ladyzhenskaya T.A. the amount of information of a cultural nature that develops speech and develops writing literacy. In addition, ninth-graders note high-quality artistic design. teaching aids, which is also important for the organization of effective learning activities, the formation of interest in the material.
  • In addition to the basic textbook, subject teachers recommend a variety of workshops by the same authors. Among them are workbooks, spelling trainings, tests and homework, dictations, control and verification work in general to the entire course and to individual categories, topics of the textbook. For example, on continuous and separate spelling of words, etc. For those who are in the family form of education, lesson plans, work programs, test materials for assessing knowledge and other developments in the Russian language for ninth graders will come in handy.