Literature on psychology for beginners. The best books on psychology available to everyone. Books on psychology - friend or foe

Interesting books on psychology: 20 books for different tastes + 5 reasons to start reading them + 3 useful advice for newbies.

People who do not read books steal knowledge from themselves.

People who do not read books on psychology and self-development steal the chance for happiness and success.

It is no coincidence that psychological literature is so popular all over the world. With her help, many have changed lives that they were not happy with.

But how to choose from the abundance of publications that would be both easy to read and useful?

Listen to the opinion of practicing psychologists, trainers, successful people. It was their recommendations that I used when I prepared this list for you.

Books on psychology - friends or foes?

You are wrong! Popular editions are written simply and accessible, and they are also very interesting, so even the uninitiated will like them.

The main thing is to choose those books that will help you deal with your psychology. You don't need to read everything.

Why read interesting books on psychology?

One of my ex-girlfriends constantly complained about the guys she dated. This constant stream of whining was terribly annoying.

I, as a friend with a degree in psychology, tried to explain to her that her main problem was choosing the wrong ones. For some reason, she wanted to meet only with complete scum, young men with criminal inclinations and bad habits.

She always wanted to have a brutal man, a lonely cruel wolf, who abruptly becomes a fluffy cat, because love for my girlfriend appears in his life. (And I always told you that junk ladies' novels are evil!).

Attempts to explain that life is not a paperback novel were not accepted.

Tired of these useless conversations, I decided to recommend her a few books on the topic of raising women's self-esteem and relationships with men. And ran into a wave of rejection.

I was told that “let fools who have nothing to do fill their heads with this muck”, that “she will not learn anything worthwhile from there, she will only get confused.”

And in general, I am a bad friend, because "instead of listening and giving good advice, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible, advising all sorts of waste paper.

Actually, that conversation was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

If you also have doubts about whether you need interesting books on psychology or not, think about this:

  1. Such literature helps to solve a number of personal problems with self-esteem, relationships with parents, with the opposite sex, with peers.
  2. With the help of books on psychology, you can find your way in this world, drastically change a life that does not suit you.
  3. By reading, you can become stronger and more confident, stop depending on the opinions of others, do what you are told, ignoring your own interests.
  4. Psychology is a science that helps to grow and develop, multiply one's virtues and get rid of shortcomings, become successful person while others are treading water, so reading books means having a powerful weapon.
  5. Reading interesting books, you can fun and usefully, stock up on a baggage of knowledge that will surely come in handy in the future.

What books on psychology are there?

If you have been interested in this topic, then you probably know that the abundance of books on psychology in stores, on the Internet, and in libraries is amazing.

Without special training, it is almost impossible to understand what should be read from this and what is not worth attention.

Interesting books on psychology of various topics

If you are looking for something interesting to read on psychology, then here is a selection of different books from different topics, where everyone can choose what will be useful to them and help them have fun.

1) Interesting books on the psychology of relationships

Man is not only a paired creature, but also a herd. Existing outside of society is very difficult for most of us.

If you are not going to run away somewhere into the forest or to a deserted island to live as a hermit all alone, then you will surely need interesting books that will help you build harmonious relationship and with your soulmate, and with friends, and with colleagues, and with other people.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 D. Givens. "Sign Language, Love Language"

This is a great relationship book that teaches you the non-verbal language of love, how to flirt without being ridiculous.

After reading this book, you will be able to better understand your soulmate, and single people will finally be able to improve their personal lives.

2 S. Harvey "You know nothing about men"

This is an invaluable book for women, written by a man.

Any lady will learn to understand well the representatives of the stronger sex, the peculiarities of their psychology, and will be able to conquer the guy she wants to see next to her without any problems.

By the way, men who want to avoid women's traps should also read this bestseller.

3 S. Nakamoto “Communication Genius. How to become one?

People who experience difficulties in communication are doomed to loneliness, because it is difficult for them to build a career, find love, make friends.

4 E. Makarova "In the beginning there was childhood"

This is a wonderful guide for parents and future parents, with the help of which it is easy to raise a comprehensively developed and creative child.

And it also helps to understand when to stop strangling a child with parental love and care, when you need to let him become independent.

5 M. Mateo "The Book of Tasty and Healthy Relationships"

The subtitle of this book, "How to Prepare Love, Friendship, Understanding," in fact, perfectly explains what this book is about.

One of the most interesting books on relationships.

2) Interesting books that will help normalize self-esteem and get rid of depression

Problems with self-esteem are characteristic of our society. Someone overestimates himself too much, and someone, on the contrary, is mired in complexes from which he cannot get out.

Another scourge of modern society is stress, neurosis and depression. Living with them is ruining yourself, so you should look for an effective cure, first of all, from.

Interesting books on psychology will help you solve a number of personal problems and feel better.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 R. Poletti, B. Dobbs “Self-esteem. The main good"

You will not be able to live in harmony with other people and find happiness if you do not learn to love and respect yourself.

That is what this edition is about.

2 O. Sergeeva, V. Tarasov "How to raise self-esteem and become self-confident"

This book will help you increase your self-esteem and become a confident person, and not just pretend to be.

In addition to interesting texts, the publication contains a number of psychology tests that will help you better understand yourself.

3 D. Preston “Increase self-esteem. How?"

This is a kind of life plan for the next 365 days for people who want to increase their self-esteem.

4 T. Hanel “Depression. Life with a lady in black

Where does burnout come from, what are its symptoms, how to avoid it and how to get rid of it - all this and more you will find in this book.

5 R. O'Connor "Depression is canceled: how to return to life without doctors and drugs"

If you have already mowed down such an insidious enemy as depression, then thanks to the work on psychology of R. O'Connor you will be able to defeat it on your own without the help of doctors and medications.

You will also receive tips on how to enjoy life so that you do not again surrender to the mercy of depression.

3) Books on psychology are very useful for career growth and self-development.

A lot of people read books on psychology in order to build a career, successfully realize themselves in the profession, earn more than now, and become a successful person.

And it is also very important to develop harmoniously and comprehensively.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 R. Anthony “Stop thinking! Act!”

Do you want to become a successful person? Do you want to receive practical advice(without extra water and stupid moralizing), how to achieve this?

Then read R. Anthony.

2 M. Goulston "Mental traps at work"

If you don't want to turn into an eternal office rodent that sits in the same chair for years, if you want to build an impressive career and achieve great success at work - go for this edition.

You will understand how to behave at work, how to avoid the traps of superiors, how to build relationships with colleagues and much more.

3 T. Seelig "Do it yourself"

This book is indispensable for those people who are interested in personal growth and want to do something really worthwhile.

4 N. Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

The result of his research was 16 laws, following which you will achieve great success in any job and be able to earn a lot of money.

5 T. Miles "Efficiency Pyramid"

One of the most interesting and useful books about time management. Here you will find many effective advice about how to keep up with everything and not accumulate a mountain of unfinished business.

After reading it, it will no longer seem that 24 hours in a day is too little.

Well-written books on psychology help us motivate ourselves and achieve amazing results!

Catch 8 more books that will help you on the path of personal growth:

4) Other interesting books on psychology

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 N. Vuychich "Life without borders", "Love without borders"

Books from the most powerful man in the world.

Nick Vuychich was born with physical disabilities, but he was able to realize himself in life much better than many healthy people.

He teaches how it is to live without boundaries and love without boundaries. A very inspiring read.

2 D. Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living"

Even those who are not too fond of literature on psychology have heard of Dale Carnegie.

He is truly a wordsmith who creates useful and interesting bestsellers.

In this book you will find answers to almost all questions that bother you.

3 V. Shapar “Psychology of manipulation. From puppet to puppeteer.

There are people who always say "Yes" even when they don't want to, who allow themselves to be manipulated by superiors, colleagues, friends, husbands / wives.

Did you recognize yourself? Are you tired of being like this?

V. Shapar will teach you how to change it.

4 S. Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

If you want to be successful, then learn how to act like a highly effective person.

5 R. Cialdini, S. Martin, N. Goldstein “Psychology of persuasion. 50 proven ways to be persuasive

I think there is no need to explain that the gift of persuasion is useful in both personal and professional life.

If you do not own it, then it's time to fix it with the help of this interesting book.

Of course, this is not all interesting books on psychology which you should read. But where to start, right?

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To understand the behavior of others and oneself, to reveal the secrets of the world and to learn how to build one's life further, many people are helped psychology books. Their readers have the opportunity to comprehend the facets human soul and hone your skills of communicating with the world. Popular psychology books are sold in millions of copies around the world. Their authors are becoming crazy popular. They heard thousands of testimonials a day from those who, guided by their ideas, transformed their lives. Business, family relationships, self-development, etc. - books on human psychology cover many areas.

What publications can be called "the best books on psychology"?

Definitely present to the public best psychology books it would be incorrect. After all, the criteria by which the most of the most stand out are very vague. Someone is interested in ways to achieve harmony in the family, someone is interested in building a successful career. However, thanks to various studies of the reader's market, one can present a kind of top book on psychology. This is the most popular works, sales of which break all records. The rating of books on psychology would be incomplete without the works of Sigmund Freud (for example, "Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality"), Erich Fromm ("The Art of Loving"), Eric Berne ("Games People Play"), Dale Carnegie ("How to acquire friends and influence people").

Books on human psychology - which one to choose?

Of course, every reader dreams of having only best psychology books. However, so high rank he will award the editions he reads himself, based on his own literary preferences. As a rule, interesting books on psychology are effective books. Those that bring real benefit provide important knowledge, the application of which is feasible and effective. To choose just such a work, it is worth first of all to decide on the area of ​​​​knowledge that worries you the most. For example, human relationships. If you want to figure out a deceiver in a few seconds, Paul Ekman’s work “Psychology of Lies” will help, if you dream of revealing the secret thoughts of your interlocutor, David Givens and his “Sign Language, Language of Love” will help out, if you are trying to understand what a representative of the opposite sex is thinking about, take the books of Harvey Steve " Act like a woman, think like a man" and "You don't know anything about men."

These world bestsellers will give answers to many questions, help you understand yourself and build relationships with loved ones. A useful selection for those who want to learn more about human psychology and learn the secret of happiness.

1. “Games that people play. People who play games, Eric Byrne

A cult book on the psychology of human relationships. The system developed by Bern is designed to save a person from the influence of life attitudes that program his behavior.

By the way, it was with the publication of this international bestseller that a psychological boom began in our country, when millions of people suddenly realized that psychology can be incredibly interesting and with its help you can understand a lot about yourself and those around you.

2. "You Know Nothing About Men" by Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a destroyer of women's myths and a merciless critic of men's fears. common sense and personal experience(three marriages and two divorces) - that's what he is guided by. And this is enough for unexpected (for women) discoveries. For example, it turns out that men ... have no one to talk to about sex.

“A man can’t go to his father for advice because what he can talk about happened to his mother, and a good son doesn’t want to think about his mother in that way.”

Friends also cannot become a source of information: "starting detailed inquiries is the same as admitting one's own inability." This kind of reporting “from the other side” made the books of journalist Steve Harvey a bestseller in many countries.

"I have four daughters, says the author, and I want them to take a sober look at the relationship and understand where it will lead them.”.

3. Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Sigmund Freud

A classic in all its glory. In Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Freud explores the relationship between a man and a woman in all their manifestations, and also studies the nature of sexual deviations.


The first edition of the book caused an uproar from the Puritan public. A century later, the theses from Freud's Essays no longer seem so scandalous, but still retain their relevance.

4. “Formation of personality. A look at psychotherapy, Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers believed that every person deserves attention, respect and acceptance. These principles of Rogers became the basis of his therapy, his "person-centered approach" in general.

For his work based on these seemingly extremely simple ideas, in 1987 Rogers was nominated for Nobel Prize peace.

“I would formulate my main discovery as follows: I realized the enormous value of allowing myself to understand another person”.

The first reaction to people is the desire to appreciate them. Very rarely do we allow ourselves to understand what the words, feelings, beliefs of another person mean for him. But it is this attitude that changes us. This is especially important in relationships with loved ones: positive acceptance and non-judgmental empathy become decisive.

Our memory stores moments of acute, almost physically palpable joy. We talk about it: "butterflies in the stomach." At such moments, the level of “hormones of happiness” in the body rises - endorphin, dopamine and serotonin. What do you do when there aren't enough?

5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The book will help you understand yourself and understand how to increase your own efficiency. For a highly effective life, the author identified seven basic skills, including the ability to properly prioritize and be proactive, readiness for creative interaction, and other useful qualities.

One of Covey's interesting tricks is to mentally start from the end. To begin strategic work on dreams, you need to be clear about what you want to achieve.


Goals should create some tension, but not be too easy. However, they should not be divorced from reality, otherwise they will be impossible to achieve. Imagine a rubber band. There is no tension in the slack tape. Tape that is pulled too tight may break. It is important to set a goal that will not be easy, but achievable. It motivates you to work.

6. “I am alone at home, or Vasilisa’s Spindle”, Ekaterina Mikhailova

The book is based on the stories of women who participated in group trainings. Behind every story family history and the image of the mother. Her high expectations or suffocating love, addiction that lasts a lifetime ...

And you have to deal not so much with your real mother, but with the “mother in yourself”, with the attitudes and behaviors learned from her. Only by feeling how huge is its share in our inner world, you can "replay" this story and try to build relationships on a new level.

7. "Before Your Baby Drives You Crazy" by Nigel Latta

Practicing psychologist Nigel Latta brings up two sons, so he deals with child education issues 24/7. Over the years of work, he has repeatedly encountered the most hopeless cases of "neglect" of children and the despair of parents.

His books are always a success, including because of the easy style and sense of humor of the author. Reading his works, it is easier to understand and accept yourself as a parent. And how nice it is to realize that your family case is not yet the most "blatant".

Up to a certain age, we feel desirable and happily flirt with men. And then it all suddenly ends. How to return the joy of communication with the opposite sex?

8. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks

It's deep and wise book where everyone will find something of their own. A neuropsychologist describes cases from his practice and reveals the secrets of how the brain does different tricks with a person.


The book talks about the extreme manifestations of various diseases, but they also shed light on some casual and everyday delusions of quite healthy people. The book has a rich "dramatic" fate. Several performances and even an opera have been staged based on it!

9. To have or to be, Erich Fromm

Each A new book Fromm became an event in the intellectual life of the Western world. “To have or to be” is one of his most famous books, in which he diagnoses society: the desire for possession has replaced the desire for being in it.

A person is too preoccupied with momentary things that are not related to the art of living, and therefore needs to revise his values ​​- otherwise he is doomed to total lack of freedom and loneliness.

10. “A book about who parents are, where they come from and why they make you eat vegetables and do many other unnecessary things”, Francoise Boucher

Actually, this book is not for you, but for your children, if they are already 9-13 years old. The author helps to look at it from the perspective of a teenager, explaining to young readers why "adults are so clingy" and "how to tell by the look of a mother's face that you can get more pocket money."

They will give answers to many questions, help to understand the motives of their own and other people's actions, understand the causes of conflicts and improve the quality of their lives.

"Games People Play. People who play games"

Genre: relationship psychology

Eric Berne developed a transactional analysis system based on the idea of ​​human consciousness as a fusion of three states of "I": Parent (similar to the image and behavior of parents), Adult (an independent objective assessment of the situation and a balanced decision) and Child (a source of joy, emotions, creativity and spontaneous impulses). "Games that people play" and "People who play games" are two cult books by the author, in which he described detailed scenarios for analyzing many everyday situations. The result is a collection of universal solutions for all occasions, which has become a reference book for millions of people.

"Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality"

Sigmund Freud

In Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality, Freud explores the sexual relationship between a man and a woman and the phenomenon of bisexuality, and also studies the nature of deviations and perversions, narcissism and the taboo of virginity. The first edition of the book caused an uproar from the Puritan public. A century later, the theses from Freud's Essays no longer seem scandalous to anyone, but still retain their relevance.

"You don't know anything about men"

Steve Harvey

Genre: relationship psychology

Steve Harvey is the destroyer of women's myths and a merciless critic of men's fears. professional education in the field of psychology, Harvey does not have and relies only on rich personal experience: three marriages and two divorces. In his new book, the author talked about what men want at different ages (at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years old), when it is better to lead them down the aisle and how to avoid the routine in family life. The book will be of interest to young girls and married women.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey

Genre: psychology of personal growth

Personal growth guru Stephen Covey believed that a person is always free to choose how to respond to a particular situation. Even in the most hopeless situation, we always have freedom of choice. For a highly effective life, the author identified seven basic skills, including the ability to properly prioritize and be proactive, readiness for creative interaction, and other useful qualities. The book will help you understand yourself and understand how to increase your own efficiency.

Tina Seelig

Genre: psychology of personal growth

Tina Seelig teaches us to perceive problems as new opportunities that help to discover creative potential. The book will be of interest to aspiring entrepreneurs who are concerned about how to start their own business, where to find a profitable idea, what is better to work on and what to spend their time and energy on.

The best books on psychology, and at the same time popular in 2016, what are they called? For you, we have compiled a list of 10 books that, in our opinion, reveal the work of the human psyche in different life situations.

Psychology of influence. Persuade. Act. defend yourself

Author of the book: Robert Cialdini

Genre: Psychology of influence

The book "The Psychology of Influence" is recommended as the best study guide in psychology, management, conflicts. These are the recommendations of both Western and our psychologists. The book “Psychology of influence. Persuade. Act. Defend yourself ”by Robert Cialdini exceeded the circulation of 1,500,000 copies. She really captivates her readers with such an easy and interesting style combined with an effective delivery. In addition, his works are a serious project of a scientific level, where a thorough analysis of the mechanisms of motivation, understanding of information and, finally, the ability to make decisions is carried out.

Book Author: Stephen Covey

Genre: psychology of personal growth

Stephen Covey, an expert in the psychology of personal growth, believed that a person is always free to choose how to respond to a particular situation. Even, it would seem, in a hopeless situation, we always have the freedom of choice. The author singled out seven main skills, among which are: the ability to correctly prioritize and be active, to be ready for creative interaction, and many others. The book will help you understand yourself and increase your own efficiency as a result.

Author of the book: V. Shapar

Genre: Psychology of manipulation

standard situation. You are constantly immersed in your work and you chronically do not have enough time, neither for yourself, nor for loved ones, or in general ... familiar? If yes, then this book is for you!

But the whole problem is that you say "Yes" too often! Thanks to the book, you will understand that this is not right and begin to understand that friends and relatives, a kind boss, nice colleagues, reliable relatives are simply manipulating you. You look differently at all the people around you. Obtained while reading the book psychological tricks can be safely put into practice.

Author of the book: Sigmund Freud

Genre: psychology of sexuality

Sigmund Freud (Freud) in "Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality" explores sexual relations between men and women, as well as the phenomenon of bisexuality. In addition, he tries to explain the nature of perversions, deviations, narcissism and the taboo of virginity. Once upon a time, the first edition of Freud's book caused an uproar from the Puritan public. Dozens of years have passed, and his judgments do not seem scandalous to anyone, moreover, they remain relevant to this day.

Author of the book: D. Givens

Genre: Relationship psychology

There are five phases of courtship. 1: Get attention. 2: Shine in your eyes. 3: Communication. 4: Touch. 5: Intimacy and love.

What and how others are attracted to your face. What and how strangers attracts your body. Non-verbal communication. The skill of seduction.

The art of flirting. All this and a lot of other useful discoveries of human psychology can be found in this book.

Author of the book: Kroeger Otto

Genre: Psychology of relationships in a team with staff

Otto Kroeger's book will be useful for developing your business skills. You will understand how to manage personnel more effectively from the point of view of human psychology. There are many personalities in the team, and it is necessary to work fruitfully with all of them.

Mental traps at work

Book Author: Mark Goulston

Mark Goulston is a practicing psychiatrist and psychologist. He trains negotiators for the FBI. His book talks about the principles of an effective behavioral line at work. This book will teach you how to manage your career successfully.

Are you frustrated by the indifference of leaders to your efforts and results? Worried about staying in the same position for a very long time? Are you afraid that you will not cope with the new task and you will be fired? Mark Goulston talks about how to overcome the psychological traps that we ourselves create.

This book will teach you to look at things soberly. Learn to change yourself - without changing yourself.

Book Author: Eric Berne

Genre: relationship psychology

Eric Berne in The Games People Play. People who play games" has developed a system of transactional analysis, which is based on the idea of ​​human consciousness as a fusion of three states of "I": Parent (similar to the image and behavior of parents), Adult (an independent objective assessment of the situation and a balanced decision) and Child (source of joy, emotions, creativity and spontaneous impulses). Actually these are two individual books, which describes detailed classic scenarios for analyzing many situations from life. This is such a collection of solutions for all occasions, it is universal, it has become the alphabet for solving problems for millions of people.

Book Author: Dale Carnegie

Genre: relationship psychology

Dale Carnegie, a classic of the genre. The book is not about the present, it is about the beginning of the 21st century. Then there was a stormy, complex, bright and problematic beginning of the last century, in which it was necessary to remain human and at the same time survive. How to stop worrying and start living?

The American psychologist Carnegie gives answers to the most important life questions in his book, revealing complex formulas human relationships.