Psychological tests online for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What tests are passed upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Passage of a psychologist when applying for a service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Narrow tests to identify problems

AT police test includes questions and correct answers on legal training, which are compiled on the basis of the Federal Law on the Police of 01.02.2011. and fire training. These tests will help current police officers to qualitatively prepare for passing regular or extraordinary certification, as well as for passing final exams at the end of school year police. Candidates for employment in the police test their knowledge in order to be confident in their theoretical preparation for police service.

All police officers, as well as those wishing to join the police, are required to thoroughly know the federal law on the Police of 01.02.2011, for its qualitative use in daily activities. How a police officer knows this law may depend on his life and fate, as well as the lives of civilians falling into various life situations and consequently coming into contact with police officers.

Knowing the answers to questions that include fire training for police officers will help to qualitatively use service weapons assigned to each employee, properly maintain it and clean it. Police Tests will add knowledge in this area, as well as consolidate existing ones.

The exam for police officers allows you to test your knowledge online on how prepared you are for passing the final tests at the end of the school year.

come through police test prepare for exams and getting a job in the police, leave your comments and suggestions.

Types of psychophysiological studies:

1. Psychodiagnostic research is aimed at studying characterological features, the level of intellectual abilities, mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, neuropsychic stability);

2. Psychophysiological studies of professionally important qualities, aimed at studying psychomotor, vegetative reactions, including objective methods for studying professionally important qualities based on functional diagnostic methods (anthropometric measurements, functional studies of the cardiovascular system at rest and under load ), as well as the study of the level of functional reserves of the body under the influence of extreme conditions of professional activity;

3. Special psychophysiological studies using a polygraph in order to identify negative, hidden information (identifying negative motives for entering the service, a tendency to corrupt behavior, identifying possible contacts with criminal elements, identifying facts of the use of psychoactive substances, as well as facts of committing anti-social acts and crimes in the past);

4 . Electropuncture autonomic resonance test (EVRT)according to the method of R. Voll is carried out in order to diagnose the facts of the use of narcotic and psychoactive substances for non-medical purposes.

The procedure for passing the examination in the CPD

Examination at the CPC is carried out by appointment after the end of the medical examination of the VVK. To register for the examination, a candidate for service, for study, an employee, when moving, independently arrives at the CRC.

Recording in progress daily on working days from 14.00 to 16.00, a coupon-direction of the CPD is issued, where the date and time of the examination are indicated.

To register, bring with you:

  1. Identification documents (passport, official ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  2. Referral for examination to the CPD of the Medical Unit from the personnel apparatus of the component unit (from the personnel department);
  3. VVK examination sheet.

On the day indicated on the JRC ticket, the candidate must arrive at TsPD by 09.00. Latecomers to the examination are not allowed.

List of documents for candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies and study in educational institutionsinstitutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  1. VVK examination sheet;
  2. Photo 3x4 (1 pc.)

The list of documents for candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies (reinstating the Ministry of Internal Affairs or serving in other law enforcement agencies):

  1. Passport or other document replacing it, proving the identity of a citizen;
  2. Military ID (registration certificate);
  3. Referral to the CPC from the personnel apparatus;
  4. VVK examination sheet;
  5. Electrocardiogram (for 1 - 2 destination groups);
  6. A certified copy of the order of dismissal from the law enforcement agency (copy of the letter of dismissal);
  7. Characteristics from the last place of service in the law enforcement agency (in case of limitation of the fact of dismissal for a period of not more than 5 years);
  8. Conclusion on the results of a socio-psychological study of a candidate for service in the internal affairs bodies (from a personnel psychologist);
  9. Photo 3x4 (1 pc.)

In order to get a job in the fire department (namely, in the service, in a certified position) - you need to pass the VVK and not everyone succeeds. Perhaps this is the main authority for weeding out potential firefighters.

What is VVK

This is a military medical commission, the main task of which is to determine the suitability of a candidate (employee) for service (further service) in the specified position.

Let's try to make the process a little easier and to acquaint you in advance with what is necessary for passing the VVK.

Documents for passing

  • First, it is necessary pattern direction , which you need to obtain from the personnel department of the organization where you are going to get a job. The referral is valid for three months from the date of issue;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Military ID

Applicants, that is, candidates for study who have not completed military service in the Armed Forces, must have registration certificate , in which there is a mark A - fit for service.

Candidates in whose registration certificate the mark B-3, B-4 are not allowed to pass the VVK, even minor restrictions on the service are grounds for refusing to pass the VVK.

This requirement applies to boys, girls do not have a registration certificate.


  1. clinical blood test (with extended leukoformula);
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  4. a certificate of vaccination against diphtheria (or a corresponding mark in the vaccination certificate);
  5. fluorography of the chest organs (in two projections). Please note that not only the conclusion is necessary, but also the pictures themselves;
  6. ECG with interpretation at rest and with exercise;
  7. study of vestibular function (for positions of the first and second groups of assignment);
  8. chemical-toxicological examination for narcotic substances;

The results of examinations are valid for three months, fluorography - 6 months.


  1. Outpatient card or detailed extract from the outpatient card for the last 5 years. If the place of residence has changed over the past five years, then extracts are needed from all the clinics where you were observed;
  2. Certificates indicating the existing (if any) diseases and dispensary records;

Information about dispensary observation from psycho-neurological, narcological, dermatovenerological and tuberculosis dispensaries. As a rule, these certificates are paid, of the established form, and are issued in the relevant dispensaries.

Doctors who will need to go directly to the commission:

  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dermatologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • therapist;
  • female candidates additionally visit a gynecologist.

Note that each doctor examines very meticulously, if there is the slightest doubt, as a rule, referring to additional examinations.

When extending the service life

(The list is attached to the entry by clicking the download button)

  1. Referral of the personnel department for a medical examination.
  2. Service certificate.
  3. Service characteristic.
  4. Outpatient card.

Certificates indicating the existing diseases and the terms of dispensary observation for them:

All certificates must be certified by the personal seal of the doctor and the seal of the relevant medical institution.

Preparation for passing the commission

Preliminary training is optional, but if a candidate is serious about serving in the Russian Emergencies Ministry and wants to have the best chance of passing the VVK, a serious approach is needed.

The document that used to be guided by the VVK when determining fitness for service is the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2010 No. 523 ( is currently invalid).

There are currently 2 documents:
  • "On the requirements for the state of health of citizens entering the service in the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation, and employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic tests carried out before the start of a medical examination, forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions, the procedure for conducting a control examination and re-examination, and on recognizing certain regulatory legal acts as invalid ";
  • (expired, instead: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 30, 2018 N 356 ) "On the requirements for the state of health of citizens entering the service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, lists of additional mandatory diagnostic tests carried out before the start of a medical examination of citizens entering the service in the federal fire service of the State fire service, and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the procedure for conducting a control examination and re-examination based on the results of an independent military medical examination and the forms of documentation necessary for the activities of military medical commissions in the system of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Pay attention to the section: Additional requirements for citizens who did not serve and enter the service and (or) in educational organizations.

Now you can preliminarily assess the state of your health and its compliance with the requirements. It is clear that this will only be a rough estimate, but in some ways it is possible to be ahead of the curve and take action. There are health disorders that are an obstacle to service, but can be corrected. Therefore, it would be more expedient to come to the passage of the commission, having treated and corrected everything that can be corrected and treated.

What needs to be done before passing the commission? It is worth estimating the ratio of your height and weight and the compliance of your parameters with the norm (Table No. 2 to the annex to the Requirements of Order No. 190), it is quite possible to lose extra or missing kilograms in advance or, conversely, eat up. It is worth contacting a dentist in advance to sanitize the oral cavity, caries can play a cruel joke. In general, it is worth treating in advance everything that can be treated and corrected, so that the doctors do not have unnecessary reasons to focus their attention. But pay attention - if the correction requires surgical intervention, you need to undergo a commission no earlier than 6 months after the operation, if you come before the expiration of six months - the verdict will be "temporarily unfit".

Is it possible to hide any health problems and go against the existing rules? Of course, nothing is possible. Now, with the active development of paid medical institutions, many people prefer them to budgetary clinics at the place of residence, preferring comfort, lack of queues, records. At the same time, the outpatient card at the place of residence, respectively, will be clean, without records of treatment.

You can also not answer the whole truth to the standard questions of specialists about the presence of complaints in your profile - not all diseases can be determined by the doctor without additional examinations, therefore, when determining the need for these examinations, he will still be guided by your words and map data.

Therefore, if you set a goal, it is, of course, possible to hide (or try to do this) the presence of problems, but you should think carefully - and who will you ultimately deceive? It would not work that himself. The commission's requirements for health are extremely high, but this is due to the serious stress on the body in the performance of duties in this position. And some minor feature that does not interfere in everyday life and does not cause absolutely no trouble, in extreme conditions can play a fatal role and turn into a disaster not only for the employee himself, but also for those for whose lives he is responsible.

How to pass the CPD

When hiring, not only physiological health is important, but also psychological. That is why special attention is paid to psychodiagnostics, which is carried out by the specialists of the CPD. The abbreviation TsPD means nothing more than a center for psychodiagnostics, where candidates for service undergo a psychological examination.

You can also prepare for the passage of the CPD. First, you need to carefully analyze your appearance. Yes, and in such serious organizations they are met by clothes, so it should be clean, tidy, and remember that you still go to a reputable institution with a very specific goal, so you should not shock others. Resist the temptation to come in shorts and flip-flops, no matter how hot it is.

If you have tattoos, piercings, be prepared to answer additional questions. If there are scars, get ready to answer questions about their origin.

Try to look at yourself from the outside. Psychologists draw conclusions not only on the basis of testing, they evaluate the candidate in a comprehensive manner. Believe me, nothing will go unnoticed. Bitten nails, dirty shoes, the smell of a freshly smoked cigarette - all these are the "hooks" that a specialist can "hook" on, so you should not give him an extra reason.

Immediately before the day for which the examination is scheduled, it is necessary:

  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will definitely affect your psychophysiological state;
  • Don't be hungry. Provide in advance the opportunity to satisfy hunger and thirst;
  • Tune in to the fact that the examination will take a lot of time. Do not plan anything else for this day, in order not to be nervous and not in a hurry.

Well, it would be useful to recall that it is completely unacceptable to appear for examination in a state of residual alcohol intoxication (with a smell). Even if you have the serious reason in the form of your own wedding or anniversary of your beloved mother-in-law - refrain.

How is the examination carried out? First, you will be tested. The standard tests used on the JPC are easy to find, they are all available, and you can even take them in advance.

What do you need to pay attention to?

  • Read the questions carefully, emphasizing the words always, sometimes, never, often, occasionally.
  • Don't try to be perfect. All tests contain questions that determine the so-called scale of sincerity, on the basis of which the degree of your truthfulness is assessed. You will not pay for carrying luggage on an empty bus in the absence of a conductor? So don't be afraid to admit that you won't.
  • Memorize your answers. There are a lot of questions, often they are repeated, with a slight change in the wording. Don't get confused.

Testing to determine the coefficient of intelligence. These tests can also be found and familiarized with them in advance, with the correct answers, respectively, too. But still, do not rewrite the answers, but first solve the problem so that you can demonstrate the course of your thoughts, if necessary.

There will be many tests, with a lot of questions, please be patient. After testing, you will have a mandatory conversation with a psychologist. And here try to remember that you are talking with a psychologist and he evaluates you for the degree of suitability for service. Do not relax, be on the alert, although the task of a psychologist is just the opposite.

You should not take a “closed” position during a conversation - cross your arms and legs, hide your eyes, often touch your face with your hands. Based on the results of the conversation, the specialist may send you for an additional examination.

The results are not handed over to the candidate, they are taken by the personnel department employee.

In what other cases is it necessary to undergo VVC and CPD

When transfer to a position, whose destination group is higher than the one for which you passed the commission.

It is worth noting that the requirements for the health status of existing employees in this case are somewhat different from those that apply to candidates.

Passing the transfer commission is somewhat easier than initially for the position. So in some cases, if a candidate did not pass through the first group of destination, but passed, for example, through the third, it makes sense to still get a job in the group for which he passed. And later, already being an employee, try to go again to the position for which it was originally planned.

In the case of an employee being transferred to a position with an increase in the assignment group, he also needs to pass the CPD.

In the event of an insured event. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are insured in without fail, that is, when an insured event occurs, the employee is paid a certain amount. The amount of the sum insured depends on the severity of the injury. And just the severity of the injury is determined by the military medical commission. You can read more about it in our article.

It is necessary to collect all the certificates, all the conclusions of doctors, all the pictures - all this will come in handy at the commission.

Full list of required documents:

  1. Referral for medical examination. The personnel department issues a referral, it must be indicated that an employee is sent to determine the severity of the injury. Valid referral for three months from the date of issue;
  2. The conclusion of the internal investigation, (certificate of injury), is signed by the head of the unit. It indicates the circumstances of the injury and must necessarily be a conclusion in the following wording - "the injury was received in the line of duty" or "the injury is not related to the performance of official duties."
  3. Medical characteristics (it is drawn up by the attending physician).
  4. Outpatient card.
  5. A copy of the sick leave.
  6. A copy of the certificate of the passage of the VVK for fitness for service from the personal file.

If, upon receiving an injury, you did not go to the polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but to another medical institution, then you must additionally provide:

  1. certificate of initial application to the state or municipal institution health care (original);
  2. an extract from the medical history of an outpatient (inpatient) patient;
  3. discharge epicrises and other medical documentation (certified copies).

All medical documents must be certified with a corner stamp and the seal of the healthcare institution you applied to.

IMPORTANT! Do not delay with registration, the period from the moment of injury to the moment of insurance payment should not exceed three years.

When extending the service life

(reaching the age limit)

Upon reaching the age limit (currently it is 45 years for employees whose rank is not higher than lieutenant colonel) and extending the term of service, the employee needs a commission opinion on the possibility of continuing to serve.

Upon dismissal

Upon dismissal, an employee is invited to undergo an IHC, from which he has the right to refuse. If the VVK recognizes an employee as unfit for further service or fit with restrictions, then the basis for dismissal may change. You can read about in our article.

Also, an employee should be sent to the VVK if the total duration of days of disability is 4 months a year or more.

This is a relative innovation, please note that earlier they were sent to the IHC with a continuous sick leave of 4 months, now all sick days during the year are considered.

The psychologist of the unit directs the employee to undergo the JPC based on the recommendations of the previous conclusion and the results of the examinations.

Many people want to serve in the police, as this is a very prestigious job, which at the same time pays quite a lot. However, getting hired is not as easy as it might seem. You need to pass a large number of various tests and checks, including the CPP. What it is? What is the definition of CPD? This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn what it is, how this abbreviation stands for, and also what the essence of this particular check is. So, if you are interested in decoding the CPD, then this article- For you.


On the CPD itself, it is quite simple. The fact is that quite an impressive number of people strive to get into it. But at the same time, not all of them want to get into the service in order to get the honor of protecting their compatriots from criminals. Many aspire to the bodies precisely because of the aforementioned salary, and some simply do not have a sufficiently stable mental condition in order to withstand all the hardships Often, people who have criminal tendencies want to get into the authorities, and this is precisely what the CPD exists for.

The transcript will not really delight or impress you - it was originally a Center that was opened in 1996 to provide selection and psychological support for people who come to serve in the organs. The fact is that the loads of such work are often very high, and not every person who considers himself strong and balanced can withstand a long time in the organs. Therefore, the CPD is carried out - what used to mean a psychological center, today is a short name for the full complex psychological examinations that any candidate for a law enforcement position must pass.


Now you know what CPD is. Deciphering this concept turned out to be quite simple. But what does this survey include? As mentioned above, in order to get into the organs, you need to undergo a whole range of examinations, among which is the study of the state of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems organism. Accordingly, the state of your health is checked, that is, whether you are suitable from this point of view for service in law enforcement agencies.

However, one of the most important examinations is psychological. It is it that will determine how morally you are ready to serve in the Ministry of the Interior. As a matter of fact, the situation is as follows: when you want to enter the service in the authorities, your file comes to the JRC, which will indicate the position for which you are applying, as well as other details about you. It is according to these documents that a personalized set of procedures is compiled for you, among which one of the main ones is a polygraph test - a lie detector. AT recent times many people under CPD mean this particular test, since it is one of the most extensive, and also represents the basis of the whole complex. Therefore, in the case of CPD, decoding may also imply not only an explanation of the abbreviation, but also an analysis of the results that the polygraph shows.

Psychological check

However, deciphering the CPD test on a polygraph is not the only thing that the psychologists of the center do. Memory, attention, general intellectual level as well as personality traits and personal qualities. All this is carefully analyzed to determine whether the person is suitable for service in the position for which he is applying.

In addition, an important part of testing is the determination of the motives for entering the service, as well as the general background of a person's life. First of all, as already mentioned, it is checked that his motives are not selfish. As you can easily understand, you can write absolutely anything in the questionnaire, which is why the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses a polygraph, with which you can easily determine whether a person is telling the truth or hiding something.

Reasons for joining the service

It has already been said more than once that people may want to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to receive any benefit from this. However, what selfish reasons can guide a person? This is what the CPD finds out. The deciphering of the abbreviation clearly indicates that this center concentrates on the psychological aspects of candidates for service, so there are practically no mistakes made in this area. Specialists always manage to find out who wants to enter the service in order to receive a large salary, to make important acquaintances, to use their official position for personal purposes, and so on.

Unfortunately, too many candidates turn out to be unclean. Moreover, experts also bring to clean water those who have a hidden criminal record, problems with alcohol and drugs, and have demonstrated any other types of antisocial behavior in the past. It is for weeding out such personalities that the Ministry of Internal Affairs CPD exists. Deciphering the abbreviation is only a small part of what you should know about this psychological center. As you can already understand, an important part of this article will be devoted to the study with a polygraph.

First stages

It may seem that all these procedures are already an impressive amount of work and this could be completed. However, this is only the first stage, as noted above, the polygraph is an important assistant to psychologists. It is he who helps to determine whether the candidate really corresponds to the position for which he is applying. To understand this, you need the conclusion of the CPD. Deciphering polygraph readings is also an important amount of work, so diverse specialists should be involved. Only then does the determination of candidate compliance become as accurate as possible.

Working with a polygraph

So, now you know that the first stages of a compliance check for entering the service in law enforcement agencies are the passage of a medical examination and psychological tests, that is, VVK and TsPD. Deciphering the first abbreviation is also not difficult - this is a military medical commission, and you already know the decoding of the second.

It's time to talk about the third, last and most important stage - a polygraph test. A large block of questions that is offered to the candidate during the test is created individually based on the results of the previous stages. Two hours are given to pass the test, during which the candidate must answer the questions given to him, and this should be done as honestly as possible, because it is simply impossible to deceive a polygraph. As practice shows, about eighty percent of candidates who apply for a position in law enforcement agencies do not pass a polygraph test for one hundred percent, that is, it turns out that they were hiding something negative about themselves. And when the psychologist receives all the answers to his questions, the stage of data analysis begins, that is, the results of the CPD obtained using a polygraph are deciphered.

Deciphering the results

Now you have a complete understanding of what is JPC to the police. Deciphering the results of the polygraph is the last stage, which determines whether you can take a position in law enforcement that interests you. This is done, of course, by experienced specialists who have been working with a polygraph for several years. Of course, technology has gone quite far lately, and there are even special programs that independently analyze the data received. However, in such a responsible study, it is very important that there are no errors, so the information is processed by specialists. They decipher the polygraph readings, after which they make an appropriate conclusion, in which they immediately consider all the results of the previous stages of the test. And then the candidate is notified about whether he passes to the chosen position or not.

Popular results

If we talk about a polygraph test, then it is interesting to find out what details of their lives are most often hidden by candidates when they enter the service in law enforcement agencies. In 1.7% of cases, the polygraph reveals that the candidate has stable ties with certain criminal elements. Another three per cent of cases are among people who have committed criminal acts that ultimately go unpunished. In 3.6% of cases, the candidate wants to enter the service in order to acquire official connections, abuse authority, receive extraneous income (such as bribes), and so on. It is also common for people (5 percent) who have had suicide attempts in the past. Naturally, they are not suitable for service in such a tense environment. In fifteen percent of cases, the candidate had a history of disciplinary actions and punishments that he did not report when applying for a position in internal organs. And one of the most popular hidden factors is the use of psychotropic substances- 31.2 percent of people lie about this, and most of them had problems with drugs and only one-fifth of these people - with alcohol.

Most Popular Hidden Fact

Unfortunately, there won't be any big reveal here, as the 40 percent of people hiding something just can't be put into any big category. Therefore, their secrets are presented in the category of "other negative data." Among them, you can find negative character traits that can interfere with the performance of duties in an optimal way, the presence of close relatives who are prone to mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction, the candidate's involvement in any communities, sects and other asocial companies. In general, there are a large number of facts that candidates try to hide, but in the end it turns out to be useless.


If you try to hide something from the polygraph, you can get a 100% refusal. In this case, you simply will not be taken to law enforcement agencies, regardless of your mental and physical condition. There is another possibility - you can be hired for a kind of probationary period. Your behavior will be closely monitored throughout this period to determine if you are suitable for the position or not. Such employees are called "conditional", and they receive hope for further service. However, as practice shows, their forecasts are not the most favorable - most of the "conditional" employees leave law enforcement agencies after the probationary period.


Since we are talking about the control of "conditional" employees, it is also worth noting that the JRC is not exclusively engaged in checking candidates entering the bodies. Also, the duties of specialists include medical and psychological support for police officers, during which psychologists monitor the state of mental health of employees.

There are professions whose representatives have special requirements. And they consist not only in the obligatory excellent health, but also in those personality traits that will allow other people to hope that in Hard time this person will not be confused, will not be afraid, will not save, but will help, save and protect. Confidence that the doctor will not faint at the sight of blood, the soldier will not run away from the battlefield, and the pilot will calmly fight for the lives of passengers in the event of an emergency, is simply necessary for society. The requirements for police officers are no less stringent.

Each applicant during the initial interview wishes to show their the best sides. This is quite natural, this is how everyone who comes to the interview behaves, regardless of what kind of work is ahead. The selection system adopted in the Soviet police differed significantly from the modern one. Employees of the personnel department sent a number of requests to the place of residence of the future employee, finding out in the local bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs whether there were any persons convicted under the articles of the Criminal Code among the relatives of the applicant. Studies were also requested. Physical health was carefully checked, but there were also psychological tests. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always needed employees who are resistant to stress. The future policeman was to have a conversation with a psychologist who, by all available methods, tried to get him out of it. Those who succumbed to provocations mercilessly got married.

Requirements for a police officer

Despite such a strict policy, the personnel issue for the police did not lose its sharpness throughout the existence of the USSR. After the collapse of the union state, many countries that emerged on its expanses began to complete their own law enforcement agencies. The process of reorganization of the police took place in Russia. Every new employee undergoes a psychological test. For admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a certain level of such indicators as stress resistance, speed of decision-making and the ability to navigate in a difficult environment is required. The basis was taken from foreign experience accumulated in countries that have been using the achievements of science for several decades in the recruitment of the police. First of all, this concerned Americans traditionally working in a complex criminal environment.

Methodology for testing future police officers

Checking the suitability of a person's character for each type of activity is specific. For example, for pilots employed in transport aviation, the requirements are different than for pilots of fighters and bombers, which, in turn, also differ. The psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is designed in such a way as to completely exclude the possibility of hiring people with a pronounced choleric psychotype, who, as you know, are irascible and unpredictable reactions to a sudden change in the situation. There are other criteria that are known only to those specialists who conduct this test. Not all of them are subject to disclosure.

The psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is based on the Myers-Briggs methods, however, they have been finalized and are as close as possible to the requirements of the Russian police and the specific working conditions characteristic of each country. Theoretical basis developed by other scientists (Leonhard-Shmishek, Holland). As a result, the questions are designed in such a way that the general applicant will become clear to the specialist even if he tries to mislead the interviewers. Moreover, the psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, due to its subtle orientation, will reveal such dishonesty, which will lead to a guaranteed negative test result, and such a candidate will be rejected.

Who needs the test first

However, even if truthful answers were given to all questions, it is quite possible to refuse admission to the police service. It is hardly worth getting upset about this, because if the test showed such unsuitability, then real life would confirm it, but probably much more harshly. Sometimes an incorrectly chosen profession can cost a life, and not only to the most unlucky romantic, but also to other people. For those who do not want to look like a loser in the eyes of friends and relatives, it makes sense to pass the psychological test of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their own and without witnesses. There is such an opportunity, it is provided free of charge. The main thing is to be truthful, and first of all to yourself.