Vocabulary of limited scope. Terminology and professional. vocabulary

Depending on the scope of use, the vocabulary of the Russian language can be divided into several groups:

1) Vocabulary of the people;

2) Dialect vocabulary;

3) Vocabulary professional and special;

4) Slang vocabulary.

National vocabulary of the Russian language make up words, the use of which is characteristic of all people who speak Russian, and is not limited geographically. It includes important concepts, actions, properties, qualities: Water, earth, man, father, mother.

It can be replenished with words that previously had a limited (dialect or professional) scope of use. So, for example, the words burning, motley, loser, tyrant, frequenter, tedious and some others were not known to all Russian speakers in the first half of the 19th century. Some popular words over time may go out of general circulation, narrow the scope of their consumption, for example: Zobat - in the meaning of "is"; Time - in the meaning of "dawn" (cf. the single-root verb glimpse).

Non-national vocabulary: dialect and special

Dialect vocabulary - words that are used by people living in a certain area . Dialect words are used mainly in oral speech. Dialect- a kind of language that is used as a means of communication between people connected by one territory. Dialect types: lexical- these are words known only to speakers of the dialect and beyond: golitsy-mittens. Ethnographic- these are dialects that name objects known only in a certain area: shanezhki - potato pies. Lexico-semantic- these are words that have an unusual meaning in the dialect: the bridge is the floor in the hut, the lips are mushrooms of all kinds except porcini. Phonetic- words that have received a special phonetic design: tea-tsai, passport - pashpart. word-building- words that have received a special affixal design: forever-always, theirs-theirs. Morphological- words that have forms unusual for the literary language: go-go.

Special Vocabulary is officially accepted regularly used special terms.

30. Special vocabulary: professional and terminological. Professional vocabulary are the words and expressions used in various fields production technique, but are not commonly used. They function in oral speech. They serve to designate production processes, tools, raw materials. Terminological vocabulary- these are words or phrases that name special concepts of any sphere of production, science, art.

Term- a word or phrase that accurately and unambiguously names a concept and its relationship with other concepts within a special sphere. Terms within the scope of application are unambiguous and devoid of expression. Terms exist within the framework of a certain terminology, that is, they are included in a specific terminological system of the language. Terms types: general scientific- are used in various fields of knowledge and belong to the scientific style. There are many of them and they are often used. Special - words that are assigned to certain scientific disciplines, branches of production and technology.

For term the main characteristic function is the definition function, called definitive.

31 . professional and special Vocabulary consists of words, the use of which is characteristic of people of certain professions.

Professional vocabulary (professionalism) - these are words and expressions characteristic of many professions, taken from the general circulation.

The difference between technical terms and professionalisms can be shown in the following examples.

In metallurgy, the term nasty, denote the remains of the solidified metal in the ladle, and the workers call these remains goat, Consequently, frozen - official term, that is, special vocabulary, and goat - professionalism.

Special vocabulary is created by conscious and purposeful efforts of people - experts in any field. Professionalisms less regular, because they are born in the oral speech of people, as a result of which they rarely form a system.

Unlike special terms, professionalisms have a bright expressive coloring and expressiveness due to their metaphorical and, often, figurativeness.

It should be remembered that, despite the limited scope of the use of special and professional vocabulary, there is a constant connection and interaction between it and the popular vocabulary. Literary language masters many special terms: they gradually begin to be rethought in the process of use, as a result of which they cease to be terms.

32 .

Jargon(slang) is everyday vocabulary and phraseology, endowed with reduced expression and characterized by socially limited use. Example: I wanted to invite guests to the holiday, but the shack does not allow. Hibara - home. In our time, people usually talk about the jargon of people of a certain profession, about student, school, youth jargon in general. For example, the following jargon is typical for the student environment: Grandmas - money; Cool - special, very good; Sack - mess around; Hut - apartment; stipukha - scholarship, etc. Some reinterpreted words of the popular vocabulary are also jargon: Wheelbarrow - car; To slip away - to leave unnoticed; Ancestors - parents, etc.

The speech of certain socially closed groups (thieves, vagabonds, etc.) is called slang. This is a secret, artificial language of the underworld (criminal music), known only to the initiated and also existing only in oral: thieves, mokrushnik, pen (knife), raspberry (den), split, nix, fraer.

Professionalisms act as colloquial equivalents of terms accepted in a certain professional group: a typo - a blunder in the speech of journalists; the steering wheel is a steering wheel in the speech of drivers.

But the unmotivated transfer of professionalism into general literary speech is undesirable. Such professionalisms as sewing, tailoring, hearing and others spoil literary speech.

In the Russian language, along with common vocabulary, there are words and expressions used by groups of people united by the nature of their activities, i.e. by profession. it professionalism .

Professionalisms are characterized by greater differentiation in the designation of tools and means of production, in the names of specific objects, actions, persons, etc. They are predominantly distributed in colloquial speech people of a particular profession, being sometimes a kind of unofficial synonyms for special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always marked “professional”. In the texts of newspapers and magazines, as well as in works of art they perform, as a rule, a nominative function, and also serve as a figurative and expressive means.

So, in the professional speech of actors, a complex abbreviated name is used glavrezh; in the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional name of overhaul is used capital; maintenance personnel of computer centers are called machinists and VEEM workers; on fishing boats, workers who gut fish (usually by hand) are called shkershchik etc.

According to the method of education, we can distinguish:

1) actually lexical professionalisms, which appear as new, special names. For example, in this way the above word arose in the speech of professional fishermen shkershchik from the verb slander- "gut the fish"; in the speech of carpenters and joiners, the names of various types of planer: calevka, zenzubel, tongue and groove etc.;

2) lexico-semantic professionalisms arising in the process of developing a new meaning of the word and its rethinking. This is how, for example, the professional meanings of words in the speech of printers arose: Christmas trees or paws- a kind of quotation marks; hat- common title for several publications, paddock- spare, additional set, not included in the next issue; in the speech of hunters, the professional names of animal tails are distinguished: in a deer - kuiruk, burdock, at the wolf log, at the fox pipe, at the beaver shovel, at the squirrel fur, at the hare flower, bunch, repeek etc.;

3) lexical and derivational professionalisms, which include words like spare tire- spare mechanism, part to something; glavrezh - chief director, etc., in which either a suffix is ​​used, or a way of adding words, etc.

Professionalisms usually do not receive wide distribution in the literary language; their scope remains limited.

To terminological vocabulary include words or phrases used to logically accurately define special concepts or objects in some area of ​​science, technology, Agriculture, art, etc. Unlike commonly used words, which can be ambiguous, terms within a particular science, as a rule, are unambiguous. They are characterized by a clearly limited, motivated specialization of meaning.

The development of science and technology, the emergence of new branches of science is always accompanied by the abundant appearance of new terms. Therefore, terminology is one of the most mobile, rapidly growing and rapidly changing parts of the national vocabulary (cf. just some names of new sciences and industries: automation, allergology, aeronomy, biocybernetics, bionics, hydroponics, holography, cardiac surgery, cosmobiology and many other sciences related to the study of space, plasma chemistry, speleology, ergonomics etc.).

Ways of forming terms are different. For example, it is observed terminology words existing in the language, i.e. scientific rethinking of the well-known lexical meaning. This process goes in two ways:

1) by abandoning the generally accepted lexical meaning and giving the word a strict, precise name, for example: signal in information theory "changing physical quantity, displaying messages";

2) through the full or partial use of those features that serve as the basis for the lexical meaning of the word in popular use, i.e. name by similarity, contiguity, etc., for example: hole- defective electron in nuclear physics; drapri- a kind of form of aurora; neck - the intermediate part of the machine shaft, etc.

Note that the expressive-emotional meanings inherent in words with diminutive suffixes, as a rule, disappear during terminology. Wed also: tail(for tools, fixtures) paw(part of the machine frame; part of the instruments), etc.

The following methods are widely used to form terms:

- composition: nuclear-powered ship, smoke extractor, crank, current drive;

- affixing method: casting, cladding, constellation, melting, heater;

- accession of foreign language elements: air, auto, bio and etc.

The widely used method terminology of phrases: elementary particles, primary radiation, cosmic rays, optical density, space medicine and etc.

Foreign borrowings play an important role in terminological systems. For a long time, many Dutch, English nautical terms have been known; Italian and French musical, art history, literary terms; Latin and Greek terms are found in all sciences. Many of these terms are international.

The spread of scientific and technical terminology, its penetration into different areas life leads to the fact that in the language, along with the process terminology of commonly used words, the reverse process is also observed - the assimilation of terms by the literary language, i.e. them determinologization. For example, the frequent use of philosophical, art history, literary criticism, physical, chemical, medical, industrial and many other terms has made them common words, for example: abstraction, argument, dialectics, materialism, thinking, concept, consciousness; concert, plot, style; amplitude, accumulator, contact, contour, reaction, resonance; analysis, vitamin deficiency, diagnosis, immunity, x-ray; capron, harvester, conveyor, motor; heating, soldering, recoil, filtering and etc.

Determinologized words are widely used in different styles of speech: colloquial, bookish (in journalism, works of art, etc.). Along with them, professionalisms and terms are often used. However, the excessive saturation of artistic, journalistic works with scientific and technical terminology reduces their value and was condemned back in the late 20s and early 30s by A.M. Gorky, who wrote: “There is no need to abuse shop terminology, or the terms should be explained. This must be done without fail, because it gives the book a wider distribution, makes it easier to assimilate everything that is said in it.


Special words differ from dialectal and professional vocabulary, with which certain social groups of people, according to the conditions of their social position, the specifics of the environment, denoted objects or phenomena that already had names in the general literary language. This vocabulary is called slang . Its variety is slang vocabulary has an even more limited scope of use and is also not part of the literary language.

Especially a lot of jargon arose before the revolution in the speech of the ruling classes, which is explained by an attempt to artificially create a special kind of language by introducing specific elements and thereby somewhat separate people of their own circle from the rest of the speakers of the national Russian language.

Thus, for example, Russian-French salon jargon nobles, commercial jargon etc. For example: plaisir- in the meaning of "pleasure, fun", promenade- in the meaning of "walk"; sentiment- in the sense of "excessive sensitivity", magarych- in the meaning of "a treat on the conclusion of a profitable deal", etc.

Sometimes jargon appeared in educational institutions pre-revolutionary Russia, for example: in the Bursat slang slammed, stibril, whistled meaning "stole" flogged meaning "deceived" fell asleep in the meaning of “did not pass the exam”, etc. (see N.G. Pomyalovsky in “Essays on Bursa”).

AT Soviet time has changed social entity jargons, their understanding has also changed. In modern Russian, there are only a few words of "slang-colored" vocabulary, which are either associated with the facts of professional speech, or are hallmark the age community of the generation, predominantly the young. For example,

- turn printers have "an extraneous imprint on the print", goat (goats) printers have “omission of text in prints”;

- goat pilots have "an involuntary jump of the aircraft during landing", "Annushka", "Ilyusha", "Duck"(biplane U-2) - aircraft names;

- spurs, cheat sheet, control box, cock(five) and others among schoolchildren;

- wheel - wheels(vehicle), bullshit(nonsense, worthless proof), idle(sit back), shine, strength, iron, awesome(perfect), like a bayonet(mandatory) - among young people.

The use of jargon in speech is not always justified. Therefore, the question arises about the protection of the modern literary language (for more details, see the article by Yu. Dolin "The Question of the Ecology of the Modern Literary Language and its Protection" in Appendix 21).


Find jargon in the article "Musical shock" (see Appendix 22), determine their meaning.

The use of such vocabulary clogs the language and should be suppressed in every possible way. In the language of fiction, elements of jargon (argotic) colored vocabulary are sometimes used in a limited amount for the speech characterization of some characters (see the works of G. Medynsky, D. Granin, V. Shukshin, Yu. Nagibin, and others).

1.4.3 test questions to fix the material

1. What groups of vocabulary of the modern Russian language in terms of the scope of its use do you know?

2. Give a definition of dialect vocabulary.

3. Tell us about the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexico-semantic features of the dialect vocabulary.

4. Tell us about the use of dialect vocabulary in speech, in literary works, journalism.

5. Define professional vocabulary.

6. What groups are professionalisms divided into according to the way they are formed? Tell about each of them.

7. Tell us about the use of professional vocabulary in speech, in literary works, journalism.

8. What words refer to terminological vocabulary?

9. Name the ways of term formation.

10. Tell us about the use of terms in speech, in literary works, journalism.

11. Define jargon.

12. What jargons do you know? Give examples of jargon.

13. Tell us about the use of jargon in speech, in literary works, journalism.

Lesson plan on the topic: "Professional vocabulary"

Teacher: Katyukova Olga Vladimirovna

OU: GBOU SPO "Topka Technical College"

Profession:"Cook, confectioner"

Discipline: ODB.1 Russian language

Lesson topic:"Professional and terminological vocabulary"

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of the studied (G.I. Shchukina).

The purpose of the lesson:


    Educational: contribute to the generalization of knowledge on the topic "Vocabulary and the scope of its use"; systematize and deepen knowledge on the topic "Professional vocabulary", apply the knowledge gained in specific situations.

    Developing: develop educational and organizational skills; develop the ability to conduct a dialogue in a group (competence components of OK 2. Organize one's own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager; and OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients).

    Educational: promote the development of responsibility, the ability for open interaction, cultivate interest in the profession (competence components of OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of one’s future profession to show a steady interest in it; OK 3. Analyze the working situation, implement the current and final control, evaluation and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work).

Forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students: frontal, group, individual.

Teaching methods: work in microgroups, practical work(exercises), slide show, video method, conversation.

Interdisciplinary connections: PM.3 Preparation of soups and sauces;

PM.8 Preparation of bakery, flour and confectionery products.

Material and technical equipment:

TCO ( interactive whiteboard, projector)

Educational and methodological support: presentation on the topic "Professional and terminological vocabulary", handout: reference notes, crossword puzzle, test, proverbs, text with "unknowns".

During the classes:

Slide #1

Beautiful dishes beautiful names

We need to pronounce correctly.

And in professional speech

We must convey our message!

Hello. I am very glad to see you at the lesson.

Let me introduce myself. Russian language teacher - Katyukova Olga Vladimirovna.

Slide №2,3,4,5

Your profession is extraordinarily beautiful. And everything is important in it: starting with the methods of preparing various dishes, and ending with the speech of the chef, which must be accurate, competent, of course, professional.

Is it important for you to know professional vocabulary? Will it help you in the future? Is it important to pronounce and write the vocabulary used correctly?

slide number 6

Lesson topic:"Professional and terminological vocabulary".

The purpose of the lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic: "Professional and terminological vocabulary".

Slide number 7

Do you love to travel? Today, together with you, we will make a short journey into the world of the profession "Cook, confectioner" along the path of the Russian language. But when is the journey interesting and exciting? When "... it's fun to walk across the open spaces"? When we are together!

Fizminutka: "We are together!"

I ask you all to come to me and stand in a circle. In a circle, we should convey to each other the impulse of friendship, with a small handshake and a smile, starting with me. How is your mood? Are you ready to travel?

Now that you're ready, let's start with the first little test. Each of you draws a card that represents one of the ingredients of the first course. You need to find the ingredients for making borscht, hodgepodge and okroshka and split into three teams.

(Attachment 1 )

Solyanka: lemon, olives, smoked ham, pickled cucumber.

Okroshka: fresh cucumber, kvass, egg, green onion.

Borsch: beets, carrots, cabbage, beans.

You did a great job with your first challenge. Take your places according to the chosen ingredients.

slide number 8

The theme of our lesson: "Professional and terminological vocabulary."

But what is vocabulary?

(Annex 2 )

slide number 9

Vocabulary is a set of words that are part of a particular natural language; is the vocabulary of the language.

Common vocabulary- Vocabulary used by all people. And, of course, in your profession there are such words. Name them. (Spoons, forks, soup, etc.)

In addition to common vocabulary, there is vocabulary that has a limited scope of use.

jargon- these are words and expressions that go beyond the established norm of the literary language and refer to some kind of jargon - a type of speech of a group of people united by common interests.

(stewed potatoes - "stew", mashed potatoes - "crushed")

Dialectisms- these are words used only by the inhabitants of a particular area.

(Beets - beetroot, beetroot; ladle-koretz, apron - apron, zapon)

slide number 10

Do you know the professional and terminological vocabulary of your profession? (Students name professional vocabulary)

With such good knowledge we can safely go into the world of the profession.

slide number 11

    Our first station is called:

"I write and pronounce correctly!"

On any trip, there are things you need to take with you. So in our journey, knowledge of spelling, orthoepy and the lexical meaning of words will be useful to you.

And even if you make mistakes, it's okay, you learn from your mistakes!

(Appendix 3 )

One person from the team goes to the board, chooses a word, names the missing letter, highlights the stress and gives a lexical interpretation of the word. If the student answered correctly, then he receives one token for the team. And if the answer was incomplete, then half the token. Then a person from the other team comes out.

pov a R is an expert in the field of cooking.

To about nditer - one who makes confectionery.

Ingr e dient - component any compound or mixture.

St yo kla - a plant whose roots are eaten.

T about mouths - sweet confectionery made from pastry with cream.

TV about horn - curdled particles of sour milk, squeezed out of whey.

Shchav e l is a perennial herbaceous plant with oblong, sour-tasting leaves that are eaten.

Kuh about nny - correlating in value. with n.: cuisine associated with it.

Cool and naria is the art of cooking. / Shop of ready meals.

Pi tss eria - cafe, a small restaurant where they cook and sell pizza.

sl and new - consisting of plums.

barm e n - the owner of the bar or its manager.
2. The one who serves customers at the bar.

Slide number 12,13

(Appendix 4 )

2. "Culinary crossword"

    Food products intended for further production processing, production of a semi-finished product or dish.

    A vegetable from the group of root crops.

    Giving a product a certain shape manually or with the help of machines.

    A food product that has undergone partial culinary processing, but has not been brought to readiness.

    Bringing the product in the oven to readiness and the formation of a crispy crust.

    Selection of dishes, as well as a leaflet with their list.

    A portion of fish, skinned and boned, ready for further processing.

Answers: 1. Raw materials 2. Turnip 3. Molding 4. Semi-finished product 5. Roasting

6. Menu 7. Fillet

slide number 14

(Appendix 5 )

3. Text with "unknowns"

Without what is the Russian table inconceivable? Without bread.

You need to fill in the missing words in the text, paying attention to case endings of these words.

Bread is an edible _________ obtained by baking, steaming _________ or frying a dough consisting of at least _________ and water. In most cases, _______ is added, and __________ is also used, such as yeast. The word bread is often used to refer to agricultural ____________. ___________ is also added to some types of bread, such as _________ grains, nuts, raisins, garlic, dried apricots.

Helper words: salt, processing, baking powder, product, cumin, culture, spices, flour.


Bread- food product, obtained by baking, steam processing or frying a dough consisting of at least flour and water. In most cases added salt, and is also used baking powder such as yeast. Word bread often referred to as agricultural culture. Some types of bread are also added spices, like grains cumin, nuts, raisins, garlic, dried apricots.

slide number 15

(Appendix 6 )

4. "Collect proverbs"

As the Russian table is unthinkable without bread, so the Russian language is unthinkable without proverbs.

(Two cut proverbs are distributed per team. You need to collect them.)

Eat pies, and take care of the bread ahead.

If there is not a piece of bread, then there is longing in the tower.

Bread and water - well done food.

Plow deeper - chew more bread.

Sweat on the back, and bread on the table.

There will be bread - there will be a song.

slide number 16

(Appendix 7 )

5. "The term and its lexical meaning»

What do you see the same in these terms?

These are nouns with the meaning of action, neuter gender, singular, inanimate. Ending -e -, suffixing. In addition to the word passering. In this case, passer is the root (from French - skip), ovani is a suffix. "Thermo" - (Greek) heat, heat, and "stat" - to stand.

All these words in the dictionary are given with the mark "special."

Match the term with its meaning.


maintaining the set temperature of dishes during distribution or delivery to the place of consumption


poaching the product in an oven with broth and then frying.


frying vegetables in fat at 120 °C

Temperature control

short-term treatment of the product with boiling water or steam.


a mechanical processing method that removes impurities and poor quality products

Answers: 1-2 2-4 3-5 4-1 5-3

6. "Professional vocabulary in the chef's speech"

(Video “Russian cuisine Dmitry Kanevsky)

Memorize or write down professional vocabulary.

slide number 17

Here our journey has come to an end. We plunged into the world of the profession with the help of the Russian language. Did you enjoy this trip?

Let's see, with what results did we come to the final? Let's count the number of tokens collected.

slide number 18

I suggest you answer a few questions in order:

1. Today I learned (a) ...

2. Today I taught Xia(ah) ...

3. Today I liked ...

4. Today I met (as) ...

5. I will use...

6. Today I remembered (a) ...

7. I didn’t like today…

8. Today I didn’t have enough ...

9. I suggest fixing…

10. I want to ask...

11. The lesson was ...

12. I want to wish ...

To complete the lesson, I ask everyone to come to the center and stand in a circle.

Fizminutka: "We are together!"

I propose to pass the clap to your neighbor on the right. We pass in a circle. The lesson ends with applause.

Slide #19

Thank you very much for the lesson and good luck professional activity!

Professional and special vocabulary make up words, the use of which is characteristic of people of certain professions.
Special Vocabulary is officially accepted regularly used special terms.
Professional vocabulary ( professionalism) are expressively rethought words and expressions characteristic of many professions, taken from the general circulation.
The difference between technical terms and professionalisms can be shown by the following examples.
In metallurgy, the term “frost” refers to the remains of frozen metal in a ladle, and the workers call these remains a goat, therefore, “frozen” is an official term, that is, a special vocabulary, and a goat is professionalism.
In optical instrument manufacturing, one of the abrasives is called a concave grinder (a technical term) and workers call it a cup (professionalism).
Scientists involved in nuclear physics jokingly call the synchrophasotron (a technical term) a saucepan (professionalism).
Doctors (primarily therapists) call a candle a special kind of temperature curve with a sharp rise and fall.
Cabinet makers call sandpaper (the official terminological name) sandpaper, and it is this professionalism that is also characteristic of colloquial vocabulary.
Special vocabulary is created by the conscious and purposeful efforts of people - specialists in any field. Professionalisms are less regular, because they are born in the oral speech of people, as a result of which they rarely form a system.
Unlike special terms, professionalisms have a bright expressive coloring and expressiveness due to their metaphorical and, often, figurativeness.
In some cases, professionalisms can be used as official terms. In these cases, their expressiveness is somewhat erased, fading, but the metaphorical meaning is still quite well felt. Compare, for example terms:
lever arm; gear tooth; pipe bend, etc.
It should be remembered that, despite the limited scope of the use of special and professional vocabulary, there is a constant connection and interaction between it and the popular vocabulary.
The literary language masters many special terms: they gradually begin to be rethought in the process of use, as a result of which they cease to be terms, that is, they are determined.
Compare, for example, the use in modern journalism, in colloquial speech, and sometimes in fiction such phrases created according to the scheme "term + common word":
Ideological vacuum; Bacillus of indifference; Orbit of glory; Corrosion of the soul; Contact with the public, etc.