Who is Optimus Prime from transformers. Transformers: The Last Knight - Optimus Prime gone bad? Epic battles of Optimus

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and main character media franchise about transformers. The real "knight without fear and reproach" is devoid of flaws. Causes respect not only among subordinates, but also among enemies. The only thing the commander can be reproached for is excessive compassion and the desire for self-sacrifice.

Character Creation History

"Transformers" has been gathering around itself fans of different ages for more than one decade. The marketing company includes the release of branded products, animated series, cinematic projects, and each direction is very successful and in demand among the audience.

Optimus Prime is an Autobot capable, like his friends, of transforming into vehicle. He is the leader of the aliens who arrived from another world. The history of a specific race began long before the formation of the planet Earth, so transformers are considered carriers of artificial intelligence, enviable logic and the ability to make independent decisions. They also experience feelings, contrary to the notion that machines do not experience emotions.

Voice actor Peter Cullen acted as Optimus Prime. In the Russian dubbing, the voice of the character was given by Andrey Yaroslavtsev.

The first film in the franchise made a splash in the cinema. To increase the budget of the project, Bay refused a third of the fee, invited trusted specialists to cooperate and chose the USA for filming. A significant amount of material was prepared in the first 83 days of work. The US Army provided aircraft and vehicles for use in the project.

Each sequel should have a feature that would distinguish it from previous films in the franchise. The Transformers: The Last Knight feature is: "What if Optimus Prime turns evil?"

On the posters for the film, you can read: "Reassess your heroes." In we see the purple eye of Optimus, who is trying to kill his former associates: Bumblebee and Mark Wahlberg. “For my world to live, your world must die,” Prime whispers in the voice of actor Peter Cullen.

If Optimus' betrayal is supposed to be a shocking twist, it won't work. Perhaps Optimus Prime was conceived as a noble character, but in last years Michael Bay dragged him to the dark side. In any case, whether Optimus was good or bad, he has always been a "dark horse" in the films.

In the cartoons, Optimus Prime was different. In the old 1980s Generation One animated series, Prime was a warrior for good. Speaking about the filming of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Cullen mentioned that he came up with Prime's voice based on his brother's voice, which sounded honor, dignity, strength, reliability, responsibility and nobility. This is how Optimus Prime was usually portrayed in the 1980s.

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In the cartoons, Optimus seemed to young viewers like his father, even grandfather, thanks to Cullen's deep voice. Cinematic Prime came closest to this image in the early Michael Bay films, where the character was still idealistic enough to say things like "freedom is the right of all living beings."

There was a lot more gore in Bay's Transformers than in the cartoons. But at first, Prime seemed to still regret the bloodshed: "You left me no choice," he says over the lifeless corpse of Megatron. It also commemorates one of the dead Autobots and praises newfound allies. In the first movie, Prime seems like good old Prime.


Change began in the first sequel, Revenge of the Fallen. Although the Transformers still cooperate with the Earth military, this alliance is gradually weakening. Optimus confesses to hiding new opportunities from the US government as he has witnessed humanity's predisposition to war.

As Prime's disillusionment with humanity grows, he increasingly resorts to violence. Instead of "you left me no choice", he yells "give me your face" when he rips the head of the main antagonist in Revenge of the Fallen. This time he has a choice and he chooses a face.

“I rise, you fall!” is a phrase that shows that the hero has completely turned into a killer. Two years later, in The Dark Side of the Moon, Optimus regularly kills people and proudly says phrases like "We'll kill them all!".

When Prime goes into battle with Megatron and Sentinel Prime, former leader Autobots who betrays his comrades in an attempt to resurrect his home planet Cybertron, Megatron is brutally beheaded by Optimus. Of course, this is the main enemy and this is the height of the battle, so his actions are justified. But then Optimus executes Sentinel Prime by shooting him in the back and then in the head.

At this moment, Optimus Prime, the hero of millions of children in the 1980s, executes defenseless enemies. Is this Transformers or a Dirty Harry reboot?

In "The Dark Side of the Moon", Prime promises that "The day will come when we will leave this planet and its people." In 2014's Age of Extinction, Optimus laments helping humanity ("How many more treasures will I have to sacrifice to atone for my mistakes?"), fantasizes about sadistic revenge ("They killed Ratchet... I'll tear them apart!"), and then recruits the Dinobots under the threat of death. "We give you freedom!" he says to Grimlock, punching him in the face. After defeating the Tyrannosaurus in combat, Optimus raises his sword over Dinobot's head and says "You protect us or die!". Yes, this is real freedom!

By the time Optimus proclaimed the inspirational slogan "Autobots! We'll prove who we are and why we're here!” his blond image was pretty much flushed down the toilet. Optimus regrets his cooperation with humanity and threatens to quit everything. He kills enemies in cold blood and he likes it. When bad Optimus appears in The Last Knight, will we feel the difference?

This happened back on Cybertron, during the war with the Decepticons. Julita just joined the ranks of the Autobots. She was very pretty, well versed in computers and was the first to spot the Decepticons for several kilometers. She had excellent military training and servo flexibility. And if someone got into trouble, she pulled out her friends. And, not knowing what, hooked Optimus Prime. And she herself fell in love with Optimus. He valued her very much. And when Yulita died, he hardly survived this loss. But his squad alerted him that she was able to damage Megatron's processor. So much so that he retired for a while. Now Optimus was in his compartment and looked at the hologram with Julita. MEMORY OF OPTIMUS. Reinforcements have recently arrived and new Autobots have been built. At first I was surprised that there was a femme among them. And I decided to find out who she is. - Rookie! - I turned to fem. "Yes, sir," she reported clearly. - You're after the academy. So? “Yes, you are right,” she answered just as clearly. - How can you prove yourself? - I was the best at the academy in computing and the best in many disciplines. I smiled, I liked this femka. Then Ratchet, our military doctor, called her. - Julita, come here, please. Hot Rod's intercom is messed up. She turned around. - I now - she turned to me. - Let me go, sir. I nodded and she ran to Ratchet. I followed her. Going into the compartment to the repairman, I heard: - Surely closed. I'll check now. Her fingers ran at the speed of light over the keyboard of the computer Hot Rod was connected to. - Well, what about him? Ratchet asked indignantly. - Covered his voice module. I'll try to fix it. And where did you damage it so much that it needs to be repaired? Yes, lie still! The rider sholopt from her neck. I chuckled. And Yulita now continued to swarm in circuit boards and microcircuits, after a few minutes she finished. - Here, everything is ready. Thank you Julita. Hot Rod smiled. - Ratchet, my help is no longer needed. If anything, call me, - and she smiled so that I had a pinched Spark. Have I fallen in love? Teletron announced the approach of Megatron. “Here comes Megatron with his Decepticons. Thinking of another abomination. I ordered to transform and act. Julita's alt form was a motorcycle. She was great friend, rescued the other Autobots and me. Some time later we started dating, I was happy when she was around, she constantly calculated everything, and most of the victories over the Decepticons were her plans. I gave her a very beautiful bracelet, the most beautiful on Cybertron. Then she also gave me a bracelet and said that she made it herself - it was a transmitter. She said that if something happened to me, she would know and come to the rescue. I remember very well the day she was killed. She was not around - intelligence was needed. Megatron attacked me, I was injured, but not seriously, but I could not stand up. Out of nowhere, she appeared. She knocked Megatron off his feet. And stood between me and him. "Megatron, I won't let you touch Optimus!" she exclaimed without fear. - Oh, Prime's girlfriend. You have a brave one,” he laughed, shifting his gaze either to the Fem, or to the leader of the Autobots, “But I will kill you, then I will destroy your dear Optimus!” Julita deftly dodged the blow. And she began to take him away from me. When they were far away from where I was lying, the rest of the Autobots ran up. - Where is Julita? – asked Ironhide, looking around. And only now I realized that I did not hear the noise of battle. “She saved me by taking Megatron with her. I got up with difficulty and walked towards the place where the fight ended. The Decepticon Lord lay at her feet, but Julita herself was far from well. I ran up to her in time - she almost fell. - Julita, how are you? I asked excitedly. - I won't survive. My spark is fading. Still, Megatron gave me a good pat. - No, you will survive. A little patience. - Alas, Optimus, I know: with such injuries as mine, many should have died immediately, it's a miracle that I'm still alive. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier. I love you. I fell in love as soon as I was assigned to your squad. Her optics began to flicker, and I knew this was the end. But I have to tell her. - I love you too. I fell in love as soon as I saw in our detachment. She smiled weakly. After a couple of moments, the optics went out. I pressed her body against me. "Optimus, we need to get back to base," Ratchet said, placing the manipulator on my shoulder. Yes, Autobots, let's transform! I transformed into an alt form of a hauler. - And, guys, put Julita in my trailer. Hyde put fem to me. Everyone transformed, and we went to the base. I realized then that I would never fall in love with anyone like Julita. And that he must continue the war with the Decepticons in order to avenge them for the death of a beloved creature.

In this article you will learn:

Optimus Prime (Optimus Prime) - Autobot, transformer from the films of Michael Bay "Transformers".

Optimus is the leader of the Autobots, the main protagonist of the intergalactic conflict that unfolded between transformers and people.


Even before the start of the wars on Cybertron, he was known as the historian Orion Pax. Believing Megatron, who was a gladiator, to be an ally, he showed him the Autobot energy storage, but was tricked. The Decepticons treacherously took over the vault, wounding Orion. The airbots that arrived from the future were able to save him, delivering his body to the workshop, where Orion was turned into Optimus Prime, a great warrior with a good heart.

In search of a power source lost as a result of the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Optimus Prime went with a detachment of fighters: Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz and Ratchet to Earth. The artifact was called the Allspark and was capable of generating new worlds with its power. Optimus had to destroy the Allspark before the Decepticons could take advantage of it.

Once on Earth, he realized that, despite the backwardness human civilization people also have the right to live and choose. Now he had to not only fight the Decepticons, trying to destroy the source of energy, but also protect humanity from enslavement. To protect people, Optimus sent a signal to the rest of the Autobots remaining in the universe.

After resigning people to the fact that the Autobots settled on Earth, they created a special squad consisting of robots and people who were engaged in the destruction of the Decepticons.

During one of the battles, Optimus was killed by Megatron. However, the Matrix of Leadership, which was found by a friend of the Autobots, the human Sam Witwicky, brought him back to life. Optimus again began the battle for a world without violence and justice, gradually destroying all the leaders of the Decepticons.

The Decepticons did not give up and even managed to almost win by forcing the Autobots to leave Earth, and then destroying their ship. They took over Chicago and were ready to destroy the human world, but Optimus returned with his team, gradually retaking the city. In a decisive battle against Megatron and the traitor Sentinel Prime, who betrayed the Autobots, Prime managed to win. He finally did away with the old enemy Megatron.

After the battle in Chicago, Optimus was attacked by the bounty hunter Lockdown. He was immobilized and for a long time stood gathering dust in the old cinema, in the form of a truck, until he was bought and repaired by master Cade Yeager.

Optimus discovered that people began to create robots themselves, and the Autobots, who had recently been friends, are being hunted. People created Galvatron painfully similar to Megatron (although people wanted to create Optimus Prime, but the prototype was infected with Megatron's genes) and Stringer in the image of Bumblebee.

Prime was captured by Lockdown and placed in a cell, but did not leave the planet with a mercenary, as he was freed by the brave friends of the Autobots.

In order to stop Galvatron, the new terrible weapon of people, which activated and became completely independent, the “new Megatron”, Optimus released the Dinobots (robot dinosaurs). In a fight with Lockdown, who returned after him, Prime emerged victorious.

He decided to go in search of the creators, who sent a bounty hunter after him.


From Latin, his name is translated as "Peaceful hunter", which is complete. matched the personality of the character. The perfect commander of the Autobots, devoid of flaws. Noble and fearless - he was ready to protect all life in the universe. The other Autobots were proud to have been honored to serve under Optimus.

However, sometimes he was too cruel to his enemies - but such ruthlessness is explained only by the desire to restore justice. main goal Optimus was to maintain order in the universe and improve the world around him without the use of violence.


Optimus' height is about 9 meters. The body is made of cobalt alloy, resistant to impacts and explosions. Coloring combined white, blue and red colors. In robot mode, he kept windows on his chest, behind which was a camera with the Matrix of Leadership. The face was almost always covered with a protective plate.

Optimus' personal spark was a bundle of powerful energy. Thanks to his unique hypercoil musculature system, he possessed a protoform superstructure that provided incredible strength.

Transformation and equipment:

On Earth, Optimus Prime turned into a Peterbilt truck, equipped with an 850 hp engine. and speeds up to 400 km / h. The vehicle was equipped with 39 guns and a surface-to-air missile launcher.

In robot mode, Optimus boasted less numerous, but still extremely powerful weapons:

  • A cannon with a laser sight that fires plutonium warheads. The radius of destruction is 100 km, the explosive force is equivalent to 1500 kg of TNT. The gun reloaded automatically, and therefore could conduct heavy fire on the enemy;
  • Axe, two hooks, two swords;
  • Surface-to-air missiles

After the Decepticon Jetfire gave him some of his parts, Optimus learned to fly, becoming the owner of even greater physical strength. He used a small trailer to transport wings and additional weapons.

Combat characteristics:

Optimus wielded every type of weapon available to the Autobots. It is not surprising that he was considered the most skilled warrior. In addition, Optimus was an expert in all Cybertronian sciences and had an excellent knowledge of military tactics and strategy.

He was the bearer of the Matrix of Leadership, which contains the wisdom of the Autobots, accumulated over millions of years of their existence. Boundless mind and great physical strength made him almost invincible. Despite the fact that he died several times in battles with the Decepticons, Optimus Prime was constantly reborn even stronger and wiser.

Epic battles of Optimus: