Judgment can not be pardoned? (Trials of former leaders of states) You cannot be pardoned

The newspaper "Soviet Sport", early and late Dontsov, according to what is now Antonovka in Michurinsk, which has not yet been released in cinemas - all this can be viewed on the Net. Find out the weather, courses, universities, news of Uganda and how to spell it natively Russian word"Intellectual" - everything in Yandex is near and dear.
There is also access to the poetic venues in Moscow, where the duelists are gifted and not so poets.

There are a lot of poets, thematic sites and live platforms are sprinkled with them. There are ordinary spectators, they may be smaller. And there are judges, who are few. And we, ordinary viewers, evaluate not only poets, but also their judges.

In the interactive, ambitious project "Evening Poems", which swung all over Moscow, the judges break the viewer's preferences, treacherously suppressing my poorly formed taste, very subjectively hang labels on poets, favorably cover only their protégés. Because of this refereeing, I feel uncomfortable. And the pleasure I received from the author's readings of poetry at the end of the broadcast is reduced to nothing.

There are poetry meetings where a very original, democratic trial takes place - under whose name the audience whistles louder, that one is the winner. The poet Ivanov brings ten spectators, the poet Petrov only five, and Sidorov no one at all. Although, who knows, maybe it should? Or maybe it’s better to stock up on tomatoes and, to save Sidorov, shower Ivanov and Petrov with them?

Personally, I am very impressed with the analysis of the poem after the author's reading in the form of questions to the poet from the audience. They are asked questions by colleagues in the shop. Sometimes very entertaining discussions turn out, which brightens up leisure even more for us, the townsfolk. The messages are different - warmth, parting words, humor, irony, "arrival". There are rumors that there were also poetic fights...
Perhaps the tradition and aesthetics of this kind of "debriefing" should be developed and expanded, involving young poets and a simple spectator, for whom this is a kind of educational program.

A different poetic judging is observed in the "Clash of Talents", where the poets fight for the championship among themselves and as a team.
Since the judges bear a huge part of the responsibility of this entire project, with its moral and ethical component, you need to know their names: Iraida Vinogradova, Elena Stol, Dmitry Temnikov.
Coincidentally or not, their names symbolically represent three generations, respectively, according to the ascending life-poetic experience.
Them literary education, merits and regalia are no secret to anyone.
There is such calm and even coolness in the faces of the high trinity that I, a simple spectator, almost always believe in their objectivity and impartiality.
Yet judges are people. I suspect that they may also have their own preferences, fueled by their own poetic experience, as well as third-party experience of the authors' performances. different levels. In the end, the judges also have personal tastes.
Although being a spectator and quietly watching what is happening, I have never seen a complete open rejection of the judge's assessment from the audience, but still several times I guessed the dissatisfaction of individual listeners.
I remember my preferences several times did not coincide with the analysis of the judges. Although, as time passed, after reviewing the recording on the site “Clash”, I realized that the judges were more likely to be right than wrong.
And I don’t envy the judges when two strong poets come on stage, equal in weight of names, in terms of their contribution to poetry! And yet they adequately solve such problems.

But where everything is simple with refereeing, it is on the Arbat, where the guys perform - young poets from the team of Vasya Korsunov. They perform brightly, artistically, selflessly, shuddering the walls of the surrounding houses. And they are judged by onlookers from the Arbat, foreigners, residents who spree from nearby houses, regular spectators - some with a ruble, some with applause, some with a squeal, some with tears.

I wish all the poets good luck in all their endeavors!

On January 11, the State Duma in the first reading supported the bill of a group of deputies and senators from the United Russia party on the decriminalization of beatings in the family.

Let me remind you that the State Duma of the previous convocation amended the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation providing for criminal liability for beatings against family members and other close persons.

These amendments caused a great resonance and divided society into two camps. Some felt that the introduction of criminal liability for beatings in the family, and the original amendments of July 15 provided for just that, was too harsh, others, on the contrary, said that criminal liability would reduce domestic violence. Fuel was added to the fire by the fact that the State Duma removed criminal responsibility for beatings against persons who are not relatives. According to the amendments, such an act is punishable either by a fine, or by arrest for up to 15 days, or by compulsory labor. That is, it turns out that if you beat a relative, then you face a prison, and if your relative is beaten stranger, then he can get off with a simple fine.

The bill, adopted on January 11, proposes to transfer liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses. And only in the case of a repeated case comes criminal liability. Whether this is good or bad, let's find out.

Firstly, the completely absurd punishment “arrest for up to three months”, which appeared in the old version of Part 1 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, disappeared from the Criminal Code. This measure of punishment in Russia is still not applied for a number of reasons. Other measures of punishment, and this is corrective or compulsory work, for the most part, came down to money. And the result was absurd: a wife complains about her husband beating her, and he is either fined or deducted from his salary. And this is how we understand the impact on the family budget. It turns out that the whole family is punished. In this case, the husband immediately after the trial remains with his wife. And it is likely that he will take out all the anger again on his wife.

Secondly, in the new article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is a note that clearly states who is a close person. The logic of defining and deriving the concept of "close person" from the general mass is correct. Violence from the outside loved one, with whom you live together and whom you trust is much more dangerous than a fight on the street. It is more difficult to protect yourself from a loved one.

And most importantly, a certain gradation of types of punishment appeared. That is, at first the husband who hit his wife is warned and even given the opportunity to think about his behavior in a special detention center for violating the Code of Administrative Offenses. And the wife can calm down during this time and decide what to do next, without any pressure.

Well, if a person does not correct himself and commits a repeated offense, the judge can apply a more severe penalty.

Thus, the arguments of those people who argued that it was the risk of getting a criminal record that is the deterrent, without which domestic violence would have become even more, are completely broken.

It must also be said that one can often meet the temptation of law enforcement officials to accept a complaint from victims and not initiate criminal cases on domestic violence. As the saying goes, "darlings scold, they only amuse themselves." And then there's the criminal case. Now, with the new amendments, you can calmly besiege a violent husband with 15 days of administrative arrest. Indeed, in fact, the main thing is not even the magnitude of the punishment, but its inevitability. And as we know, domestic violence very often goes unpunished and leads to victims, and most importantly, it has a very negative effect on the child's psyche and stays with the child, who sees all this and sometimes experiences it all his life...

Can a church choir director work as a prostitute and not consider it a sin? An anonymous interview with such a heroine caused shock and doubts. It changes our understanding of the church. Because if there is such a regent, it means that there are no moral guidelines in the church, and those who are in it do not pay attention to the spiritual life of each other. For the same reason, Orthodox people are so actively claiming that the interview is not true. It is impossible to reveal the anonymity of the heroine. So we decided to find out the truth in a different way. We went to ten regents, people of different habits, destinies and ages, living and working in different cities of Russia. We carefully looked at their lives, and thoughtfully spoke to them. To understand: is it possible, in reality, in the modern Russian Orthodox Church, the story of a convinced prostitute-regent?


Zoya Zakirova is the choir director of the Bishops' Metropolitan Choir in Ufa, the highest professional level that a choir director can achieve in Bashkiria. On weekends and holidays, she leads the choir during the service of the head of the Bashkortostan Metropolis, Bishop Nikon, in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
“I’ll go and have a cup of tea, otherwise I’m cold,” the priest drops, passing by us.
We are in the Sergius Cathedral, where Zoya is regent on weekdays. Comes here through the whole city, at least an hour on the road. It is cold outside, and the temple is far from being as warm as at home. When Zoya Zakirova was in her last year music school, she went to her grandmother in Tambov, and was baptized there. It was impossible at home - dad was a Tatar, a party member, and in office. A year later, Zoya became regent.

Spevka in St. Sergius Cathedral. Photo: Razif Abdullin

Twenty-five years have passed, - he says, - and I still believe that the main thing in my work is co-service. Altar - they pray, and we help. The altar, the choir and the people, when all this merges together, a miracle happens. It happens that secular people come to the choir, but they see everything and become believers. The Lord calls everyone, but in order to sing in the temple, one must have faith, even a tiny one.
- Can you imagine that a person who works in a temple will commit a bad deed due to lack of money? Like steal?
- Yes you that?! - She is laughing. - People who sing with us must have honesty, decency, kindness, love for people.
- I understand correctly, you are saying that a believer who sings in a church does not allow in his thoughts that he can act badly, commit, for example, something criminally punishable?
- Save the Lord and have mercy! Zoya speaks very sincerely. - Of course, the evil one always follows us on our heels. But faith it always keeps a person, there are certain commandments that we must observe, which we must adhere to. That's why we actually came here.
I ask Zoya what moments in her work impressed me the most. And she tells how she served with Bishop Nikon, and during the international congress of regents - with Patriarch Kirill himself. Her impressions are about high-ranking persons in the Russian Orthodox Church, and the events that are associated with them. And she says that the people who work in the temple cannot do a bad deed. It seems to be retelling the official position of a large corporation. Inside the corporation there are always people who sincerely believe in its official ideology. Even in such as, for example: "Our sellers are always friendly to the client." But we know from experience that these are different things - the official position, and real life. Than then Russian Orthodox Church different from any other corporation? In an ordinary firm, it would be enough to properly perform your function - wear a headscarf, go to communion - and no one will care what you are doing in free time and what's going on in your mind. Is it true that everything is so?

Mindfulness in a word

“How to pass, praising the Creator, from the note “do” to the note “la”? And from Easter to Lent? You ask Bush! Under this rhyme with the same black marker on the wall are words of gratitude from the regents from Madrid, Amsterdam and, even lower, from Australia. Greetings from there is circled in a frame that looks like a cat's face with ears, but it turns out that the authors had in mind the shape of the Australian island itself.
“It is difficult to get to our regency department,” “Kust” tells me, to whom all these messages are dedicated. Evgeny Kustovsky works as a regent at the Church of the Three Hierarchs on Kulishka in the center of Moscow, he founded the Moscow Orthodox Regency Courses 27 years ago, and now leads the Regency and Singing Department of Orthodox humanitarian institute"Co-action".

- Let the enrollment is small, but we do not have to blush for the graduates.
He already has a gray beard and mustache, but still dark hair, blue jeans, hasty movements that betray him as a youthfully active person.
“Music education is a must,” he says. - The regent should not just make sounds, but set the tone, find the right harmony: stable, unstable. The profession itself is very creative. Despite the fact that there are strict set limits in the service charter, there is room for the regent to translate his rules into sounds. Yes, the order of the service depends on who it is dedicated to, what day of the week, whether it is a holiday, or vice versa. But there is a regent who must prepare the service, read its features in books, and then, the most interesting thing, Evgeny throws back his chin, looks at me from under half-closed eyelids. The movement is as if he holds his head straight, but reads from a sheet - you need to choose chants so that, on the one hand, you can withstand the traditions of singing, and, on the other, build a pitch so that it is convenient for the choir to sing, and for people to listen.
- So, the main thing, - I say, - is a professional approach?
- I am not a secular conductor, so the object of my activity is not a piece of music. It is only a means of revealing the process of worship. Some replace the concept of "service" with other things. There are people who came to receive financial satisfaction. Give me less, they will refuse to regent. But now everyone is paid little, what is there ... There are those who come for the sake of communication, as in the company of close friends. It's not as cynical, but it's still not the same. As a rule, such people arrange a cabal between singing. Some come to pray, on the kliros, they say, more efficiently. You will ask such a person: “Why are you singing so out of tune?”, And he: “But prayerfully.” And this is not very correct either. But when a person constantly goes to the kliros, his technique, his head, eyes, ears and voice begin to grow. And there are no thoughts about earnings or communication. And only when everything is brought to automatism, a place is freed up in the head for prayer. After many years, I entered the understanding of prayerfulness. Just ten years ago.
In the department of the university where we are talking, there are shelves with books along the walls: manuals, chants, an author's composition. In the room with a playful sign "Chief Conductor", on the table, there is an album of Čiurlionis, a Lithuanian artist who was also the author of the first Lithuanian symphonic poems.
- In our singing, the most important thing is the word. What is behind it? My colleague, Vladimir Chugriyev, started talking to us about meanings. "How do you understand that?" - asked. The ability to delve into the meaning made many of our choir good, thinking.
All this is said by the teacher. But is it really possible to understand who the choir director is? Is he a specialist?
Impetuously getting up, Evgeny leaves for the book, and in a second, running his finger over the voices, he shows that translations from Greek sometimes significantly change the meaning, but even more comically they can confuse the semantic breakdowns, which, due to a layout error, refer an important word to the wrong part. .
- Directly "execution cannot be pardoned," he says. - Here you begin to think, and empathy appears with the text of the service, as your own and at the same time a conciliar prayer. When I began to work as a regent, my worldly life immediately changed. Many things have become indifferent to me, in particular mercantile ones. I broke with graduate school and folklore, which I studied. I didn’t fall out of love, I just couldn’t deal with them according to the residual principle. Secular life may mean more, but, as a rule, church life changes a person, his orientation in the world. I myself began to attach much more importance to the word, both when I sing the texts of services, and when I lecture to students, and even when I communicate with my son. Now in all my life I feel the sacred power of the Word.
Eugene says that a person will not stay in the church for a long time if he conducts activities that contradict Orthodox values. Because then he will not be able to penetrate the essence. But this rule will work for someone who is thoughtful and whole. And if the regent of another warehouse gets caught?

Mother and blush

Matushka Maria is the choir director at the Voronezh Theological Seminary for Boys. She is wearing a tight black dress, and a pectoral cross on a thick silver chain. FROM early childhood Orthodox parents instilled in her love for God. At first they were forced to pray in the morning and in the evening. Then she began to pray voluntarily, herself.
- Everyone in my family always sang, so I decided to practice vocals from childhood. Now I’m the choir director, and the boys’ choir and I perform at major celebrations and sing in the temple on weekends,” says matushka. - During church singing, I have to think about God, but, frankly, my thoughts are only occupied with preventing the boys' hack-work in time. Because a person should enter the temple and feel this connection with God, and not close his ears and run out into the street.

In the seminary Mary met her future husband. Now he is the rector of the temple, she is the regent, they have three children.
- Once my friend, whose party-going husband died from drugs, took me to a master class " Happy life". I listened to the problems that people come with and realized: I am the happiest person! I thanked God and went home, the happiest. I ask my friend to take the righteous path, but only carefully so that she is not afraid.
- And you, as a regent, can you earn extra money in another place?
From such a question, Mother Mary is covered with a bright blush. I think she was reading an article about a prostitute regent.
“My husband and I have never been to a cafe in twenty-two years, not to mention nightclubs and other places of entertainment,” she says, with fear. - It's all wrong, it's wrong. But to work as a doctor, a nanny in kindergarten maybe, she smiles. - We have such a thing as obedience. The father said that I need to teach children to sing, this is my obedience. And I thank God for this opportunity. And the husband brings money to the family, so you don’t have to earn extra money.
Mother scrolls a wedding ring on her ring finger right hand and bashfully raises dark eyebrows.
- Is it possible to lead a parallel life associated with debauchery? - I ask.
She changes her face. And he quickly takes out a prayer book from his purse, fairly worn to holes.
- You can not serve the soul of God, and the body of the Devil! - she convinces, and shows me the icons laid out on each page of the book. - The wrath of God is very strong and should not be underestimated! You can repent and pray to the Lord for forgiveness for worshiping the Devil, but serving him is a great sin, and not one clergyman will do this! Great, great sin!
The image of the mother is grotesquely orthodox, with her black dress and prayer book worn to holes. But looking at her blush, listening to her exclamation, I understand for sure - she is afraid of God's Wrath more than anything in the world.

Commensurate with life

The Holy Resurrection-German Cathedral is lost in the courtyards of Ulyanovsk, but you can always find it by grandmothers who are baptized in the right direction, even while sitting in a minibus. Gypsies stand in a corridor on the way to the temple. There are many women inside, but the regent Lidia Bogdan has a special face - her eyes glow, restraint and softness in her features.
“I have a normal life,” she says. - You probably need something interesting, sensational. I won't say anything smart.

Lydia climbs the spiral staircase to the kliros, sits down on a wooden bench. He tilted his head to the side, looking into my eyes. And she will not look away even once during our conversation.
“I have been studying music since I was four years old,” he says. - At school they taught that there is no God, but I didn’t really believe in it. Grandmother talked a lot about Orthodoxy. About my ancestors, who were priests for several generations. And I worked as a dance accompanist until I was thirty, and as a teacher at the House of Culture. But in the 2000s she became regent. I no longer think about secular work. But I didn't become a fanatic. I think that a church musician should understand everything - classical, rock, jazz, and opera ...
Lydia says she doesn't like the "Orthodox". He says it is important that a person understands why he comes to church, especially to the kliros.
- Why is he coming?
- There is a chorister who has been working in the church for forty years. He had drunkenness. But we did not condemn him - it's a disaster. We knew he was struggling. The chanter kissed the icon of the "Inexhaustible Chalice", and got rid of his illness. The Orthodox have time-tested rules, and we strive to comply with them, to understand them. Regents are church people. We go to communion and confession, we keep fasting. But this is a personal matter. It's important not to push. We have people who have not confessed for several years, but we know that they will come to this anyway. Because you can't just go to church, be Orthodox, and then go out into the world and do whatever you want. You cannot serve two gods at once - either you are in sin, or you are striving for salvation, for church. Otherwise, you pray - but your soul may be empty.

Own choice

“I remember myself as a little girl,” says Alina, regent of the Church of the Sign in Yaroslavl, the priest has a meeting with parishioners after the Sunday service, and she has a debriefing with the choristers. - I'm standing on the kliros. The choir sings. I think this song is amazing. And, suddenly, my mother's voice is heard: "No, this is absolutely no good!" Then I thought: "Well, how is it ?!" And now I can only say one thing - "It's not good!"
Alina is a hereditary regent.

“The most difficult thing is working with the team, with each singer,” she says. We just live the same life with them. We have the same jokes, we speak the same language, we discuss the same problems. You know how each of the kliroshans lives, of course, to the extent that a person wants it. Being external in the Church, one cannot bear the full scope of the regent's skills and knowledge. And if you are an Orthodox Christian who confesses and takes communion, then you can no longer lead a vicious life, this is not consistent with your faith, with your spiritual dispensation. It will definitely tear the person apart.
– Are there people in the church choir who are far from faith?
- Yes, they come to work, but not everyone stays. In my practice, there was a situation when the priest said that he could not hear one of the choristers singing. You see, this does not mean that he has a bad voice or he does not know the notes. On the contrary, a person has a conservatory education, he sings in choirs for many years. But he does not understand what is happening in the church during the service, he does not go to confession, he does not take communion, he does not even strive to become at least a little better, to correct bad habits in himself. And all this is reflected in his singing. It happens that professional musicians who suit us in terms of the timbre of their voices ask for the kliros. We take a person to the choir. But, it happens, one of them has bad habits - smokes and drinks. And here begins a difficult period for a person to choose. Or stay in the Church, but then you have to change, and people understand this themselves, looking at the whole structure of church life. Or leave everything in your life as it was, but leave the church. It's a difficult choice. But it has to be done by the person himself. We can only help, advise ...
Does singing in the kliros change people?
- Sometimes beyond recognition. Several years ago, I met a married couple. Husband and wife went to the temple, but their son was far from the Church. His life was normal for boys - he studied at the university, was interested in music, films, smoked, drank with friends. But then he became interested, came to the temple. And now this young man is already a monk in one of the monasteries. It is always difficult to catch this moment of change in a person; it is only visible to a priest. But this is probably the most important thing that happens to a person in the temple - his spiritual birth when he made his own choice.


Not outward signs

Yevgeny Pyatygin has been regent at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the oldest Orthodox church in Nizhny Tagil, for only six months. While he was studying at the conservatory, he was a singer in the choir. She is currently studying at the Theological Seminary. From childhood, he dreamed of connecting his life with music, but it so happened that he went to music school for a piano course only at the age of twenty-one. And he came to Orthodoxy, he says, through history and painting, and because he asked philosophical questions, he tormented himself with a search for the meaning of life. And I found the answers in religion. And Eugene decided to devote himself to serving God after he heard the choir of grandmothers in the church. The voices sounded so harmonious, the soul became so warm and calm.

At the Sunday service, the Pyatygin choir sings in full. The conductor smiles - it seems that he is satisfied with the result. And on the table in the rest room, tea mugs are randomly placed, in the corner - a small Christmas tree, and on the couch, ordinary Tagil teenagers flirt freely with each other. And it's in the temple! Eugene is surprised at my surprise: the temple is a place of freedom, it should be comfortable here different people And yes, there's nothing wrong with that...
- An unbeliever, - says Eugene, - it will simply feel uncomfortable, bored here. Blessed Augustine said: love God and do what you want. After all, it is clear that when you love God, you will not do immoral things. In any temple they serve simple people, real righteous - one, two and that's it. But a person who is convincedly immoral will be quickly figured out here - you can’t hide bad thoughts. In general, I am against all these pretentious words - sin, holiness ... I am an ordinary person, I even wear a beard only because I am too lazy to shave. And they say - she suits me. I listen to different music: from Russian rock to American pop. I don't have denial with achievements modern world. I am convinced that a person who strives for good uses the Internet and other technologies for good, and this is the point.
Nizhny Tagil

back side

On Saturday, the liturgy ended in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Mezhdurechensk.
- Moral qualities choristers are important? - I ask the choir director Elena Grebenyuk, she came to sing in the kliros at the age of eleven, she was already conducting services at fifteen, sometimes she skipped school for the service, then, when she studied at the pedagogical school, she asked for leave every Saturday. - If, for example, an alcoholic comes, will he sing?

In Novokuznetsk, we had a bass in the temple ... Calm, but he drank, sometimes he disappeared. Who will say now, here is an alcoholic singing in the choir. But there was a case in the village of Mundybash, we were waiting for Vladyka, I have my youngest daughter, seven months old, in my arms. And the eldest, four years old, asked to go to the toilet. And she was led by an older girl. The toilet was outside, there was a hole in the ground, and it was unusually large there, and the bulb had burned out, it was dark. And so, my child fell into the toilet, right into the pit. And she was saved by the same alcoholic. He lay down on the floor and pulled the child out of the cesspool. No one else was ready to climb there. The question of what kind of person, he is not so simple. In our choir, one girl sang, and her father was against it. She told him that she was spending the night with her grandmother, and then secretly came to the temple with her grandmother.
- It does not contradict Christian values, to deceive the pope, to cheat?
- This girl eventually went to study at a religious school, now she has a year of obedience in a monastery. If her dad came to talk to me, I would most likely ask her not to go against his will. I would tell her: “Be patient, then you will go to study and you will be able to sing.” But she would have grown up, and still most likely went to a religious school. It would have been the same result. It is not always clear from external signs what kind of person, but we can see how he eventually reveals himself, how he will act: maybe he will save the child, or he will connect all his fate with God.

Official position - and spiritual life

The choir, in which Denis Rogov works as a regent, is a bishop's choir, serving with the Metropolitan of Kazan. But in this, says Denis, there are no privileges. Denis also teaches at the Kazan Conservatory. Behind the wall, sounds are growing, someone is playing the piano, and the regent taps the key on the table to this someone in time.

Photo from the archive of the press service of the Tatarstan Metropolis

April 22nd, 2015 10:00 am

Judgment cannot be pardoned

In Germany, a ninety-year-old man was caught and is being tried. Seventy years ago, he was in Auschwitz - dismantled, sorted the things of strangled prisoners, kept "bookkeeping".

No, Oskar Groening himself did not kill anyone, but he is accused of being involved in three hundred thousand deaths. Did you work in Auschwitz? Answer.

Fulfilling his official duties in the camp, Groening was well aware of where those who were unable to work were sent. Sorting things, he knew whose they were and where they came from. And although he personally did not kill a single person, he was a cog in the machine of destruction of hundreds of thousands of people.

A Wehrmacht soldier who set foot on our land fired at our citizens. The field kitchen cook fed these assassins. At home, those who worked for the war, creating weapons, were waiting for them. All of them, like Groening, can be called accomplices of the horror that Hitler inflicted on Europe.

For some reason, it is customary to divide the Nazis into those who fought and those who were in the punitive battalions. Those who worked in production, and those who served in the death camps.

No, of course, the ss-sheep are many times more to blame for the soldier, and the camp employee than the worker at the arms factory. But can the question of fascism be considered in accordance with the degree of guilt, with the share that each individual fascist contributed to their common cause of exterminating millions of people?

Auschwitz employees on vacation

Could Groening refuse to serve in Auschwitz? Maybe yes. But he chose his own path. I thought, what is it? Service is like a service, and if he had been put at the tap that opened the lethal gas into the chambers, he would have served there too. Like a soldier who went to the front, like an SS punisher who burned villages.

Prisoners of Auschwitz

For all post-war years in Germany, there were less than thirty trials for just such Groenings. Millions participated, and only three dozen judged. Today they all say that they are responsible, morally suffer, but do not consider themselves personally guilty.

Today, Germany is squeezing all the juice out of the European Union. They failed to take over the world by military means, so they are trying to do it economically. Greece is on the verge of default, Spain is in the same place, Italy is barely making ends meet. Germany needs new markets, just as colonies and new territories were needed in their time. Everything repeated, only without the black uniforms of the SS.

Do they repent? In words, probably. We see Merkel's lean face, hypocritically nodding in anticipation of our Victory. But just give her a chance, as happened now, to brush it off a little, to refuse a visit to the parade in Moscow, as she immediately took advantage of this. Russia is bad again, but the Germans are good.

I don’t know how correct it is to say that everyone is to blame for that horror - all of Germany, all of its population. After all, they could resist, but they joyfully threw up their hands in a zig-hail. They fought, worked for fascism to win, including in the death camps, like Groening.

Should a shaking 93-year-old accountant be judged? I am not sure about that. If you judge him, then everyone should be punished - those who lived and worked for the victory of fascism. And this, unfortunately, is impossible.

What do you think, should they be judged?

Aleksey Dyumin will have to make a difficult decision regarding the officials who reported on the delivery of a house for migrants in the Suvorov district.

The Tula regional branch of the Federal Project for Security and Combating Corruption intends to file an application with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanding that the contractors and officials who accepted the house at 12-a Sadovaya Street, where local officials hastily sent migrants from dilapidated housing, be held accountable.

According to Suvorov activists, the contractor built the houses in violation and instead of a gable roof, according to the project, he made a flat roof without waterproofing. As a result, the house began to flow, and melt water fell on the heads of the happy owners of apartments on the upper floors.

It is curious that the contractor, in order to hide his marriage, made stretch ceilings, under which, they say, even unplastered floor slabs turned out to be.

In August last year, the administration of the Moscow Region Suvorov District cheerfully reported that the district was entering the final stretch of work on the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock. The head of the district administration, Gennady Viktorovich Sorokin, reported on the work on the implementation of the program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock. In his speech, he noted that the administration of the municipality of Suvorovsky District and the administration of the municipality of Severo-Zapadnoye signed municipal contracts for the purchase of residential premises in comfortable apartments with developers. These are Alza LLC and Parus LLC.

According to the terms of these contracts, 180 apartments are being purchased.

However, by November it became clear that it would not be possible to put the house into operation on time, and Gennady Sorokin honestly reported this at a meeting with the governor. In turn, Alexey Dyumin recalled that the construction of these houses is the personal responsibility of the leaders municipalities. The work must be completed within the stipulated time.

No sooner said than done. Suvorov officials, they say, literally handed the keys to the settlers from the barracks and, probably, crossed themselves.

And here is the result.

Since Aleksey Dyumin, according to his own assertion, always fulfills his promises, the head of the administration of the Suvorovsky District of the Moscow Region may be personally liable. And someoneeven criminal, as evidenced by the corruption purges in Dagestan.

Suvorovsky district
this, of course, is not Dagestan. But if you dig...

How was this house inhabited and why is Gennady Sorokin allowed to do everything?

Conversation for the Poor

Dialogue between people and government

Election of the management company. About clowns from the Ministry of Construction and Housing and why nothing depends on Putin?

The same new house on Tulskaya street. But will they still vote for Putin?

If all the operational developments of the Tula FSB on the regional ministry of construction were implemented (the Chekists know what and who they are talking about), then in the Tula region it would be the same as in Dagestan. But there seems to be no political will...