“My friend, let us dedicate our souls to the homeland with wonderful impulses!” (based on the work of A.S. Pushkin). Composition “My friend, we will devote to the fatherland, Souls are wonderful impulses My friend to the fatherland


Analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev" by Pushkin

The poem "To Chaadaev" was of great importance in the fate of Pushkin himself and many of his close friends. Perhaps it influenced the entire Decembrist movement. The work was written by the poet at a very early age. In 1818, he turned to his old and very good friend with a message. Pushkin was not going to publish this poem, as he perfectly understood the danger of all possible consequences. In addition to his will, the work began to spread rapidly. The sharp focus made him extremely popular in anti-government circles. The authorities rather quickly identified the author of the "impermissible" poems. Pushkin was sent into exile. For the rest of his life, he becomes an object of suspicion from the official side. The emergence of a new fighter for freedom and justice is glorified in the democratic and revolutionary camp.

It is no secret that long before the Decembrist uprising, there was talk among educated young people about the need for radical change. Alexander I himself, having ascended the throne, unwittingly supported the seditious plans, declaring his desire for cardinal reforms. Young Pushkin and Chaadaev spent a lot of time in political conversations, painting a picture of a just state structure. After the defeat of Napoleon, sobering up gradually comes. The emperor shows that he does not intend to weaken the power of his autocratic power.

Pushkin boldly expresses his views in the poem. He calls past dreams "young fun", which gradually disappeared. But "under the yoke of fatal power" hope remained. Pushkin and the future Decembrists sincerely believed in the need to resist tyranny. They acted not for personal purposes and interests, but for the well-being of their homeland.

Pushkin compares the overthrow of the autocracy with the rise of the "star of captivating happiness." This will mean the awakening of Russia to a new life. Pushkin considers the perpetuation of his memory by his descendants (“they will write our names”) as the main reward for his selfless struggle against evil and injustice.

The work became a real anthem of the Decembrists. After the decree on exile, Pushkin unwittingly becomes the first victim of a future uprising. It is likely that many Decembrists changed their views to more radical ones under the influence of the poem and the reaction that followed. The great poet closely communicated with all future rebels and could well share their fate. It is known that the Decembrists did not specifically initiate him into their plans, as they understood the significance of the poet for Russia.


About who and when remade Pushkin's "dawn" in Soviet "star"

We are lazy and incurious - wrote at the time A.FROM. Pushkin. And he's right. His words are true for for nearly two centuries. including in relation to nii me (in the order of self-criticism). For over thirty years in My home library lay dead weight in painshoy tom A.S. Pushkin for 1907 complete collection sochiinformation in one volume” edited by A. Skabichevsky. But I during this time I never even bothered to see how the pre-revolutionary text corresponds to the advicesky (I have the rest of the publications of the Soviet period40s - 60s). And only this year I discovered that manytexts do not correspond and sometimes very significantly.

When was the poem "TO CHEDAEV" written and histhe exact name.Such a politically mature poemwritten by a very young PushkinJanuary 6, 1818 of the year.

Having visited the Pushkin House, I learned that in the early 1920s XX centuries there were disputes over who owns the poemnie. Pushkin scholar Hoffman put forward a version that the poemrhenium was written by K. Ryleev. This point of view was also shared by V.Bryusov, who was then head of the publishing house "Khudozhenatural literature". Therefore, until 1925 the poem"To Chaadaev" was not included in Pushkin's editions. namesbut then L. Grossman proved that the poem was writtenA. Pushkin, and he was again included in the meeting with works of the poet.

I decided to check if the Soviet text matchespre-revolutionary and what is the original name.

Unexpectedly for me, it turned out that both the title and the textdiffer quite significantly. I became attentivecompare each line and concluded that the pre-revolutionary edition is better in every respect. Judge for yourself

1st stanza - soviet change:

love, hope, QUIET fame

Not for long NEZHIL us deceit,

Gone are the funs of youth

How DREAM, like morning mist;

1907 seal:

love, hope, PROUD fame

Not for long TESHIL us cheating:

Gone are the funs of youth

How SMOKE, like morning mist!

The highlighted words do not match. There are three words in one stanza.

It is immediately clear that the epithet « proud» much more underwalks than « quiet». Pushkin dreamed, of course, of a proudve, not about quiet. Verb « amused» also more appropriate than« unlived». Well, the comparison « disappeared like smoke» brighter, clearer than « like a dream». In addition, the exclamation markmore in line with the tone of the poem than semicolon.

2nd stanza (Soviet change):

But in us ON more DESIRE,

Under the yoke of fatal power

With an impatient soul

We listen to the fatherland INVOICE.

1907 seal:

But in us BOIL more WISH,

Under the yoke of fatal power

With an impatient soul

We listen to the fatherland INVOCATIONS.

Again the words seething desires» more in line withthe idea of ​​the poem than burning desire". a lotthe line is boiling, and not one is burning. In addition, the word " burn" onis repeated in the 4th stanza: “While freedom we're burning..."

3rd stanza (Soviet change ):

We wait with longing hope

Minutes of liberty of the saint,

As a young lover waits

minutes TRUE goodbye.

1907 seal:

We wait, with languor of hope,

Minutes of liberty of the saint,

As a young lover waits

minutes SWEET goodbye.

And here the word "sweet" is more appropriate than "true".Usually they are waiting for a “sweet” date, but there is nothing to wait for the right one.

4th stanza "While we burn with freedom ..." fully corresponds Corresponds to the printed one of 1907.

Bye freedom we are burning

As long as hearts are alive for honor,

My friend, we will devote to the fatherland

Souls wonderful impulses!

5th stanza (Soviet change ):

Comrade, believe: she will rise,

STAR captivating happiness,

Russia will wake up from sleep

And on the ruins of autocracy

WRITE our names.

1907 seal:

Comrade, believe: she will rise,

Dawn captivating happiness,

Russia will wake up from sleep

And on the ruins of autocracy

WRITE our names.

What is surprising here is the completely inopportune appearance inSoviet changethe word "star" instead of "dawn". Pushkinand in other verses "dawn". For example, in the poem "Village":

... And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom

Will the beautiful one finally rise dawn?

The dawn rises (is engaged), coloring a significantpart of the sky and the star does not color anything. Therefore, here too"star" degrades the quality. Moreover, it is more appropriate that "Russia will wake up from sleep and write our names" , than in Soviet change) somebody " will write".

And the title of the 1907 edition of the poem is “To PeterYakovlevich Chaadaev" sounds more respectful than just"To Chaadaev".

So, the poem is obviously distorted and corrupted.

The problem is that under Pushkin the poem was not printed, but distributed in lists. The original does not appear to have survived.

In the Pushkin House, it was possible to find out that the lastversion (with a star) was first published in the 30s. M. QiavLovsky, a well-known Pushkin scholar and editor of the academic edition of 1937 and the 2nd volume (which contains the poem"To Chaadaev"). He found somewhere a list with the word "starsYes". Moreover, Pushkin-eaters, for some reason, believe that this is a changewas the most reliable. Even if this is so (in which I am veryI doubt it), then all the same, schoolchildren should learn the beamartistically the original, and not the most "beforestoverny". Reliable is not always the best.

Here is the real message:

love, hope,proud fame

Not for longamused us deceit,

Gone are the funs of youth

Howsmoke , how morning fog !

But in us boil still wish I ,

Under the yoke of fatal power

With an impatient soul

Fatherland listen to the call I.

We wait with longing hope

Minutes of the saint,

How a young lover waits

minutes sweet goodbye.

While we burn with freedom

As long as hearts are alive for honor,

My friend, we will dedicate to the Fatherland

Souls wonderful impulses!

Comrade, believe: she will rise,

Dawn captivating happiness,

Russia will wake up from sleep

And on the ruins of autocracy

Write e t our names!

M.N. Mukharevsky. Ryazan.

Love, hope, quiet glory The deceit didn't last long, The youthful amusements disappeared, Like a dream, like a morning mist; But desire still burns in us; Under the yoke of power, the fatal Impatient soul of the Fatherland listens to the invocation. We are waiting with languor of hope For a moment of freedom, holy, As a young lover waits For a moment of faithful rendezvous. As long as we burn with freedom, As long as our hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our souls to our homeland Beautiful impulses! Comrade, believe: it will rise, The star of captivating happiness, Russia will wake up from sleep, And our names will be written on the ruins of autocracy!

The verse "To Chaadaev" is considered the anthem of the Decembrists. Pushkin did not plan to publish it. But written down from the words of the poet while reading in a narrow circle of friends, the verse was passed from hand to hand until it was published in the almanac "Northern Star" in 1929. Thanks to this verse, Pushkin, who was friends with many Decembrists, gained the fame of a freethinker, as a result of which the poet was twice in exile, where he was sent by Tsar Alexander I.

Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev was one of Pushkin's close friends from the poet's lyceum years. They were united by many things, although their positions did not always coincide during many years of friendship. But in 1818, the young poet saw in his older friend a man wise by life experience, endowed with a sharp and, at times, sarcastic mind, and, most importantly, freedom-loving ideals, so in tune with Pushkin's mood.
Chaadaev, like many of the poet's lyceum friends, was a member of the secret Decembrist society "Union of Welfare", although he subsequently moved away from this movement, taking his own very peculiar position on the issue of state power and the future fate of Russia. For the publication of the "Philosophical Letter", which outlined these views, Chaadaev was declared insane by the government - this is how the autocracy fought dissent and love of freedom.

The verse "To Chaadaev" begins with lines in which Pushkin recalls his carefree youth:
Love, hope, quiet glory
The deceit did not live long for us,
Gone are the funs of youth
Like a dream, like a morning mist.

The poet looks at the world broadly, which makes him feel responsible for what is happening to his native country. Therefore, he calls on both his friend and all the free-thinking youth of Russia to devote their lives to their homeland. Pushkin expresses the hope that autocracy will be destroyed, that Russia will become a free country and will not forget those who fought against autocracy.

While we burn with freedom
As long as hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, we will devote to the fatherland
Souls wonderful impulses!
Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of captivating happiness
Russia will wake up from sleep
And on the ruins of autocracy
Write our names!

The cavalry guard is short-lived
And that's why he's so sweet.
The trumpet blows, the canopy is thrown back,
And somewhere a saber ring is heard.
The trumpet voice still roars,
And the commander is already in the saddle.
Do not promise a young maiden
Eternal love on earth

1825th year ... December 14 ... St. Petersburg Senate square This day and this place have become key and turning points in Russian history. Because neither before nor after that there was such an unprecedented rallying of the Russian nobility in the struggle against autocratic power and the establishment of democratic rights. This day split society into two parts: those who suffered for their ideals, and those who condemned them.

The fates of people who dare to boldly express their negative attitude towards the authorities are dramatic and tragic. Five of them were executed. Some were imprisoned for many years in the damp casemates of Petropavlovka, while the rest were exiled to Siberia in shackles, deprived of the title of nobility, all titles and awards deserved in the battles for the Motherland. Deprived for many, many years of the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, to see how their children grow

The civil position of the Decembrists is worthy of respect, and their fate causes empathy, grief and admiration for their courage.

And when the Decembrist men accepted a terrible punishment for their pursuit of ideals, their wives taught the whole world a lesson - a lesson in Love and Loyalty. Not once (I emphasize - never!) in world history has there been a phenomenon like this. Russia struck everything. The world gasped when they heard about this story. The Decembrists showed an example of fidelity to ideals, nobility of thoughts, true friendship. Their feat shook political Russia and Europe. And the feat of their wives colored politics
other paints. He not only highlighted the true face of the autocrat Nicholas I, who takes children away from their mothers, but also gave the whole story a romantic human appearance, sang Love and Devotion, showed the whole world the Beauty of a Russian Woman! No other country in the world has had this, and it is unlikely that it will ever happen.

Who are they, the Decembrist women?

Girls raised and educated in the best classical noble traditions, and girls from simple classes

Daughters, sisters and wives of the heroes who fought to the death on the Borodino field, drove the French from their native lands, defended their homeland from Napoleon

Refined, accustomed to servants, balls, the brilliance of diamonds, and for the most part, in their entire lives, they have never held anything heavier than an embroidery needle in their hands, who can neither wash, nor cook, nor manage the household in general.

Those who have found their soul mate mutual love and those who went out at the behest of their parents, while not experiencing anything for their spouse except respect

Mothers and role models for their children

Original Russians and foreigners who came to our country, who found their love and their destiny here

Timid silent prudes and lively cheerful laughter

Smarties and beauties

Thoughtful quiet and energetic punchy ladies

Here they are - all different, dissimilar, with different views on life and their place in this life

One thing united them - their love! Their desire to be close to a loved one in the hardest time for him

They, like tigresses, rushed to the defense of their defeated husbands. And when all the paths to the offices of officials and to the royal apartments were trampled to no avail, they found another way to support their husbands.

Despising all the titles and titles, not listening to their parents, calling to change their minds, the Decembrists rushed after their husbands to Siberia. And we know what it cost them, what sacrifices they made.

At the stations where they had to stop, almost all valuable things were taken away from them during the long journey: they took away carriages, jewelry, money. They put up with humiliation, rudeness and stupidity. Some of them were cursed by their parents. They steadfastly withstood the harsh Siberian frosts, the test of hunger and, again, constant separation from their loved ones. Many of them were allowed to meet with their spouse once a month, or even less often ... And they lived there not far from the mines, counting the days from meeting to meeting month after month, year after year ... And the worst thing is that their children were taken away from them.

And all in the name of what is called Love!

And in the end they won! Each of them has become for her husband that guiding star that illuminates the path of the Man, gives meaning to his life. The Decembrists, with their whole lives, proved to the whole world, while, in fact, not trying to prove anything to anyone, that the words “Love”, “Honor, “Dignity”, “Loyalty” are not an empty phrase!

This film should not be forgotten, because it tells the viewer about a great feat in the name of Love! This must be talked about and remembered, so as not to turn into Ivanovs who do not remember kinship.

The film "Star of Captivating Happiness" is one of a kind. No other film on this subject has yet been made. Although the theme, in my opinion, is limitless and beautiful!

It just amazes me how quickly our heroes have been forgotten in our country!
Why do the British, French, Americans remember the great moments of their history and honor the people who created them? And we watch these films and admire
Why have we forgotten about the Decembrists? For what?
Why do Western directors grab onto any more or less unusual story in an attempt to squeeze everything out of it and, at the very least, create an imperishable thing?
Why does our cinema ignore such a magnificent huge layer native history? After all, if you invest enough money in the project and create a good script, it could turn out to be a world-class masterpiece on a par with Gone with the Wind!
Why do our luminaries Nikita Mikhalkov, Svyatoslav Govorukhin and others, everywhere and always positioning themselves as patriots, do not address this topic?
Why does Mikhalkov take on the crazy “Barber”, sucked out of his finger, stuff a lot of money into it and get something unintelligible in the end, trying to reveal the mysterious Russian soul to the West? Here is where it is, this very mystery, this very soul! And you don’t have to invent anything, all stories are real, all fates are described in memoirs, and in letters, and in diaries
Why is it more interesting for our "geniuses" to shoot another gangster series than to tell a worthy story about five dead on Kronverksky Val?
Why is it necessary to buy worthless Latin American snotty serials, instead of showing everyone the history of our people and their true great Love ???

I'm sorry that I allowed myself to digress from the topic, but it hurt ... It's a shame and bitter for the country

Let's get back to the movie

"The Star of Captivating Happiness", in my opinion, is a great example of what a film about nobility and love, about courage and dignity, about loyalty and honor should be!

We see on the screen a constellation of our great favorite actors - Batalov, Livanov, Yankovsky, Strizhenov, Smoktunovsky, Kostolevsky, Porokhovshchikov, Dal, N. Bondarchuk, Kupchenko, Pankov ... Some names are worth something! And, believe me, the film in the most worthy way shows the viewer their talent and powerful real game!

What is the image of Nicholas I, an evil hysteric, taking revenge not so much for trying to outrage the autocracy, but out of personal hatred for people who talk about freedom and conscience ... Revenging exquisitely and cruelly, even women who dared to go against his will. The game of Vasily Livanov is amazing to goosebumps! Where did the voice of Holmes and Carlson, beloved by everyone, suddenly disappear? Where did the nasty and vile cry suddenly come from, breaking into a shrill hysteria? This is how it should be played! It's necessary to feel your character with every cell in order to give out this!

And how magnificent is Alexey Batalov in the role of Prince Trubetskoy! Worthy role! Beautiful, noble personality ... man, confused in his desire to find his ideal. One of the leaders of the Northern Society, Prince Trubetskoy did not appear on Senate Square, which is why he was known as a traitor in the eyes of his comrades and a traitor in the eyes of the emperor. A complex personality, an officer, a loving husband ... Batalov revealed the image of the hero perfectly. I can't imagine anyone else but Batalov in this role.

And what a delightful image Igor Kostolevsky embodied on the screen! Young cavalry guard Ivan Annenkov, a noble young man from the ancient noble family, who went against the will of his harsh and domineering, tyrannical and extravagant, but at the same time passionately loving, grandmother (smartly played by Tatyana punk!). Young Annenkov fell in love with the wrong girl, whom the grandmother would like to see next to her grandson. He fell in love with a French milliner, Pauline Goble, a girl, as they say, "without family, without tribe." He joined the ranks of his comrades on Senatskaya on that ill-fated morning of December 14 ... With all this, he disappointed, upset his grandmother and "disgraced" the Annenkov family. The love story of Annenkov and his beloved Mademoiselle Poli, directed by Vladimir Motyl, tells us throughout the film

One of my favorite episodes in the film, when Poli is riding in a carriage, and Annenkov is catching up with her, riding a horse, himself in a white uniform, beautiful and in love, he showers the girl with wild flowers, the sun is shining brightly, they are happy and carefree at that moment , wonderful music sounds, and it seems that their happiness will be eternal ... But fate will decide otherwise.

This girl, Paulie Gobl, rushed to the ends of the earth for her lover, even without being married to him. And this is real story and not fiction! The actress who embodied the image of Paulie - Eva Shikulska, is beautiful! Her Polina is sweet, coquettish, like all beauties, and brave, like all loving women!

A great example of marital fidelity is shown to us on the example of the history of the relationship of Maria Volkonskaya, nee Raevskaya, daughter combat general Raevsky, who commanded an artillery battery at Borodino. She married Prince Volkonsky (the magnificent Oleg Strizhenov), who was much older than her, he was a friend of her father. Maria Volkonskaya became the prototype of Tatyana Larina in the immortal Eugene Onegin. “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century.” Pushkin wrote these lines, remembering Maria ... She was one of the first to go to her husband, it was she who brought to Siberia the famous Pushkin message to the Decembrists “In the depths Siberian ores» Natalia Bondarchuk coped with her role perfectly well! I remember the episode when Maria, having endured all the hardships of the journey, finally meets her husband in the mine, she sees him, shackled, exhausted, exhausted, throws herself on his neck ... When I see this, there is a lump in my throat, and in my eyes tears. This is one of the most powerful scenes in the movie!

So why is it now that the mention of the feat of the Decembrists more and more often causes an incredulous smile in people, this is at best, and at worst, completely unhealthy skepticism and bullying on a given topic?
Have we all become such notorious cynics???
I do not want and cannot believe that most people are like that!
I do not want and cannot believe that people who have watched this film at least once in their lives were not shocked by this great dramatic story, which includes the story of the quest and love of Prince Trubetskoy and his wife;
and the piercing pure love story of Annenkov and Polina Gobl;
and the tragic story of the prince and Maria Volkonsky, who lost their son;
and the stories of hundreds of noble and beautiful people

Your names are engraved in golden letters in the history of the world for centuries. You are called DECABRISTS and DECABRISTS. And we remember you!

Comrade, believe, she will rise,
Star of captivating happiness!
Russia will wake up from sleep
And on the fragments of autocracy
Write YOUR names!

“My friend, let us dedicate our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses!” Analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev".

The theme of freedom continues in other poems of the poet, but the brightest and most significant of the youthful freedom-loving works is “To Chaadaev” (1818).

Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev is one of the brightest and remarkable natures of the Pushkin era.
Pushkin and Chaadaev met in 1816 at the home of the Karamzins. Chaadaev is 22 years old, he is a cornet of the Life Guards Hussars, covered with the glory of the battles of the war of 1812, who came with the Russian army to Paris itself. Pushkin is a lyceum student, he is 17 years old. They quickly became close and, despite the difference in age, became friends, and then friends. Pushkin admired Chaadaev, absorbed, like a sponge, his freedom-loving speeches, drew a friend on the margins of his manuscripts.

This is the person to whom one of Pushkin's best poems is addressed.
Let's read it.

What is its sound like? What intonations prevail in it?

The poem sounds upbeat, solemn, it inspires to fight for the happiness of the Fatherland, calls to serve it. It is this high call that is the leading intonation of the work.

In what way is the poem "To Chaadaev" consonant with the ode "Liberty"? What images of him resonate with her?

Both “To Chaadaev” and “Liberty” are devoted to the same theme, and in both works there is a passionate call to the struggle for freedom:
"Tyrants of the world! Tremble! / And you take courage and listen, / Arise, fallen slaves ”

“As long as we burn with freedom, / As long as our hearts are alive for honor, / My friend, Let us devote to the Fatherland / Beautiful impulses of soul!”.

Many images in them have something in common: “autocratic villain” - “fragments of autocracy”, “Holy liberty”, - unrighteous power” - “under the yoke of fatal power”.

Which of these images, in your opinion, is the leading one in the poem "to Chaadaev"? This is “Holy Liberty”, which the Fatherland and the lyrical hero of the poem crave, he is waiting for it “with languor of hope”.

How do you see this "Liberty"? Draw a verbal portrait of her.

Ninth graders often draw the image of a young girl in a white dress, standing on top of some kind of cliff or rock. The wind ruffles her loose hair, flutters her dress. Clouds rush over the girl’s head, illuminated by the rays of the sun, and at the foot of the cliff the sea is raging…

What do you think, what in Pushkin's poem suggested to you the image of a girl?

Yes, the very feeling of the poet, who is impatiently waiting for a meeting with the "Liberty of the Saint", "as a young lover is waiting / Minutes of faithful rendezvous." Liberty is associated with his beloved.

What makes you think about this comparison of the poet?

Liberty is desirable for him just like his beloved: it causes languor, trembling, hope in his heart ...
How are the images of Liberty and Fatherland connected in the poem?

The Fatherland calls for help (“We listen to the calling of the Fatherland”), because it suffers “under the yoke of fatal power”, it is waiting for release from it, waiting for the “Liberty of the Saint”.

Liberty is what she needs, like air, like bread, like water ... Think about the poet's invocative words full of youthful strength:
While we burn with freedom
As long as hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, we will dedicate to the Fatherland
Souls wonderful impulses!

In what sense is the word "honour" used here?

Honor here is a synonym for conscience - an internal call to goodness, denial of evil, nobility. If “hearts are alive for honor”, ​​then you will not remain indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland, then you will join the battle for its freedom.

And thanks to the common efforts of the faithful sons of the Fatherland, a “star of captivating happiness” will surely rise over Russia, that is, it will become free, only “fragments” will remain of the autocracy, on which the names of those who will be written will be written.
dedicated "souls wonderful impulses" to the Fatherland.

Pay attention to the fact that this poem seems to be framed by the motif of a dream:
“Young amusements have disappeared, like a dream…” and “Russia will wake up from sleep…”,
What is the meaning of this motif at the beginning of the poem and what at the end?

At the beginning, a dream is an illusion associated with the hope of change, which hot young hearts are waiting for “with languor of hope”. In the end, the dream is associated with the age-old stupor of Russia in the shackles of slavery - serfdom, it is from this stupor that the country must rise. The illusion of “quiet glory”, peaceful appeal to justice dissipates, “like a dream, like morning fog”, the “calling of the Fatherland” becomes more audible.

It is those who hear this “calling” who are able to destroy the age-old dream of Russia and return it to a free, full life.

Consider G. Klodt's illustration to Pushkin's poem "To Chaadaev". What does she remind?(Emblem, coat of arms.)

Decipher the symbols of this emblem: a torch is a symbol of freedom burning in the chest lyrical hero, chains are a symbol of slavery, scrolls symbolize poetic word, a call to action and at the same time, their outlines resemble a lyre.

Why do you think the artist chose this style?

The poem itself is in many ways akin to the emblem of freedom fighters, this is evidenced by the images-symbols, images-emblems that we meet in the work.

In the coat of arms and emblem, all symbols have their own meaning, carry a certain idea, they themselves unfold only when looking at them; so in Pushkin's poem, images - symbols do not require explanation, they themselves lead both visual and semantic series, suggesting thoughts, actions, deeds.

That is why this poem was so loved by the future Decembrists, that is why practically all those arrested in connection with the uprising had lists of it.


This poem is one of the most famous
political works of Alexander Sergeevich
Pushkin. It is written in the genre of a friendly message
niya. In the 19th century it was a common literary
tour genre, to which Pushkin often addressed
co. A friendly message implies the ultimate
sincerity, but this does not mean at all that the poem
the creation was created only for the named person - it
addressed to a wide range of readers.
It is known that Pushkin did not plan to publish
message "To Chaadaev". However, the poem
written down from the words of the poet while reading in a narrow
circle of friends, began to be passed from hand to hand
and soon became widely known, although omitted
it was glared only in 1829. Thanks to
to him the glory of a freethinker was assigned to the author, and
the poem is still called literary
anthem of the Decembrists.
The poem is addressed to one of the wonderful
neishik people of his time and close friend
Pushkin to Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev. At 16
Chaadaev joined the Semyonov Guards Regiment,
who went from Borodino to Paris. In 1818
year in which the poem was written, he served
in the Life Guards Hussar Regiment, later became famous
nym philosopher and publicist. He was for Pushkin
exemplary commitment to liberation ideas
(in 1821 Chaadaev became a member of the secret Decembrist
Society "Union of Welfare").
in the first lines of the message "To Chaadaev" contains
there is a hint of the carefree youth of two young
of people. Peaceful pleasures and amusements, hopes
fortunately, dreams of literary glory connected friends:

Love, hope, quiet glory
The deceit did not live long for us,
Gone are the funs of youth
Like a dream, like a morning mist...
The epithet quiet (glory) indicates that
friends dreamed of a quiet, peaceful happiness. Speaking of
that "young fun" has disappeared, Pushkin cites
capacious and vivid comparison: “like a dream, like a morning
fog". And in fact, neither from sleep, nor from the morning
there is no fog left.
These lines are clearly disappointing.
the reign of Alexander 1. It is known that the first
the steps of the young emperor instilled in the subjects
hope that his reign will be liberal
(Alexander 1 even discussed with his closest friends-
We have plans to turn Russia into a constitutional
monarchy), but this hope was not justified.
In the conditions of political oppression and lack of rights, "quiet
glory" was simply impossible.
Then the poet says: “We are waiting for ... a minute of liberty
sainthood ", The epithet saint testifies
about a high understanding of " liberties". Comparison:
“How a young lover waits / Minutes of the faithful
goodbye, ”emphasizes the passionate desire of the poet
wait for the "liberties of the saint" And even confidence in
the implementation of this (a sure date).
The poem contrasts two images:
"fatal power" and "fatherland":
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Fatherland heed the invocation.
The epithet fatal acquires great power
(power) - cruel, inhuman. And the poet's homeland
calls her father; choosing from a range of synonyms
the most intimate and spiritual meaning.
It is important to note that the poet speaks not only about his
feelings - it expresses the thoughts and desires of many
of his like-minded people: “But there is still burning in us-
lanier"; "We are waiting with languor of hope"
What does the "star of captivating happiness" mean?
which should come up? In political vocabulary
of that era, the word "star" often symbolized
revolution, and the rising of the star - victory in the liberation
body struggle. No wonder the Decembrists Kondraty
Ryleev and Alexander Bestuzhev named their al-
manah "Polar Star". Of course, Pushkin
accidentally chose this word in a message addressed to
to your friends.
Addressing the reader with a fiery appeal:
“My friend, we will devote to the fatherland / Beautiful souls
impulses,” the poet expresses confidence that
“Russia will wake up from sleep, / And on the ruins of self-government
stya / / They will write our names! ”, The words“ fragments of sa-
power" mean the coming fall of the autocracy
wiya. The poet calls for selfless service
homeland, to fight for freedom. For him, the concept of "pa-
triotism” and “freedom” are inseparable from each other. But
Pushkin understands that voluntarily make concessions
the king would not agree. That is why in the last

lines of the poem contains an open
call to fight against autocracy. So open and bold
this idea was first proposed.
Message "To Chaadaev" members of the society "Soyuz
prosperity” was taken as a call to action.
Subsequently, when the uprising of the Decembrists suffered
lo defeat, many representatives of the noble couple
Ryan families were exiled to Siberia. Pushkin
understood that he could share their fate, because
it is his poem, his passionate appeal
inspired future Decembrists. That's why in
history, the name of Pushkin is inextricably linked with the decade
The message "To Chaadaev" includes a whole
a number of words characteristic of political vocabulary
Pushkin era "fatherland", "freedom", "honor",
"power", "autocracy", the poet uses the words
high literary series: “listen”, “mention
vanier "," will spring up ", And this corresponds to the high
pathos that permeates the whole work.
The poem is written in iambic tetrameter.

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