How aliens invade earthlings. How to distinguish a true earthling from the descendants of aliens. They won't mate with us

There is a lot of evidence that aliens are kidnapping earthly inhabitants. To this end, they fly to our planet in order to then carry out their own special experiments on humans. After returning to Earth, people who have been among the aliens note traumas of a mental or physical nature. True, aliens return far from all people back, sometimes they take them away forever.

Often those who managed to go back talk about their observations of aliens, about what they felt when they were near them, but at the same time they say that they were in some kind of altered state of consciousness. Almost always, upon returning to Earth, it seems to people that their abduction is just a dream.

There is also an opinion that we are all aliens in our own way, and earthlings do not really exist. Aliens from other planets and galaxies, in fact, are more highly developed beings with more advanced intellectual capabilities.

In addition, they are very similar in appearance to a person and, despite their attractive appearance, inside they remain soulless and cold. This is because they do not have the ability to express any feelings. Sometimes they are very cruel.

The main goal of the aliens

And yet, most of humanity is concerned about the following question: "What is the goal of the aliens, what do they need on Earth?"

Most likely, each type of alien has its own interests. But most often these are various genetic experiments that may be needed to improve the aliens or earthlings themselves. In particular, Richard Sander believes that archiving and genetics are the main objective aliens. That is why aliens live among us.

According to modern research, 97% of the DNA helix information is considered redundant, that is, it does not carry any particular benefit. But, this is from a human point of view. But for extraterrestrial civilizations, perhaps such "unnecessary" information has great importance. It can even be said that our DNA acts as a kind of archive for aliens, which stores memory and racial information that goes back many millions of years.

Alien experiments on humans

Among pessimistic studies, there is an opinion that we are something like pets for aliens. Especially for aliens who are of the reptilian type.

Perhaps for this reason, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations often tell abducted people that they belong to them, and therefore have the right to do whatever they want with them. There are many facts that indicate that reptilians feed on people.

Gray aliens usually deliver people to the reptilians. And they also seem to need our blood for food. In addition, they conduct numerous studies of our body, put their experiments. All this suggests that for aliens we are just a kind of business, as well as creatures that are of interest to them.

It is rather difficult for humanity to realize that in fact, it may turn out that in the system of all large-scale values ​​we occupy the lowest place in the Universe, being just someone's food. But, in spite of everything, a person still has his own mind, although not as developed as that of the aliens.

The introduction of aliens into the masses

The question often arises as to why aliens keep such great secrecy of their actions? Perhaps because their main goal is to create new species. For the sake of preserving the fetus, aliens keep secret the very fact of pregnancy in abducted women, and, accordingly, the presence of aliens among people. Most likely, it is for this reason that their manipulations are subjected to strict secrecy, and not in order not to shock society.

In one of his interviews, Paul Hell, the former Minister of Defense of Canada, claims that aliens have been visiting earthly inhabitants for a long time, and besides, aliens have been successfully living among us and conducting their experiments for a long time. The former official also said that in 1961 he saw the simultaneous movement of a large number of UFOs (about 50 unidentified objects).

A whole flotilla of UFOs appeared from Russia and crossed NATO, after which it quickly changed direction and headed towards North Pole. This event attracted great attention from the commander-in-chief of the armed detachments, who was already ready at that time to press the "alarm" button.

Their many types

By this fact even a three-year investigation was carried out, thanks to which it was possible to establish that about 4 types of aliens visited the Earth. In addition, as it turned out, they visited the earthly inhabitants for a long time, for many thousands of years.

In addition, there is reason to believe that about 80 species of aliens, who are representatives of different civilizations, now live on our planet. Some of them may work in the well-known secret zone 51, as well as in the closed territory of the Italian base, located in Mount Muzina.

According to Hellya, in recent years, aliens have become more interested in earthly inhabitants and in our planet as a whole. This is probably related to the invention atomic bombs. The aliens fear that people will soon want to use nuclear weapon, and create a large-scale catastrophe that will not only harm the Earth, but also negatively affect other space civilizations.

They have always been here

The retired defense minister claims that all the aliens who now live on our planet came to Earth from different places in the universe. For example, most of them came from star systems Pleiades, Andromeda, Zeta Reticuli, Orion, Altair.

This explains such a different appearance of aliens. Some of them are very similar to the characters in the films about aliens, where they are depicted as gray with large heads and eyes, but at the same time small in stature. In addition, there is a species of aliens "Tall Whites", whose appearance is very similar to human. But there are also types that are no different from ordinary earthlings.

Speaking at one of the Washington conferences, Hell publicly announced that he had data on the presence of at least two "Tall White" aliens on the territory of the US military secret base. According to him, they help the military to carry out their work, and develop new technologies with them.

From all the data received from Hellya, one can once again be convinced that the aliens have mastered our Earth for a very long time, perhaps even before the emergence of all mankind on it. Not without reason, one alien, when asked by a person about how long they had settled on our planet, replied that they had always been here.

And it is not so important how long the aliens have been living on planet Earth, the main thing is that they are among people, that they may walk and exist next to us. Or, on the contrary, we are next to them.

The Milky Way is an incredibly old and large galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars and probably more. a large number habitable planets. There is every reason to believe that intelligent beings appeared on one of them, who had enough time to develop and explore outer space. Thus, a natural question arises: where are they all? It was he who was voiced by the physicist Enrico Fermi at lunch with colleagues in the summer of 1950. The conversation marked the beginning of decades of astronomical research, and the Italian scientist's simple yet powerful argument went down in history as the Fermi paradox and still confuses scientists. Aliens should have discovered themselves a long time ago, but evidence of their existence has not yet been found. Here are 12 reasons why we know so little about extraterrestrial life.

1. There is no one to look for outside the solar system

An extremely controversial statement, given that there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy and as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets in habitable zones. However, extraterrestrial intelligence never made itself felt, so we can assume that it simply does not exist.

2. There are no intelligent beings in our galaxy, except for earthlings

Perhaps on one of the planets Milky Way life was born, but it could take the form of miniature microbes or other cosmically "silent" creatures.

3. Aliens don't have the technology to detect themselves.

At the moment, astronomers use radio telescopes to closely listen to the night sky. Thus, if the aliens do not have the necessary technology to transmit radio signals, we will never know about their existence.

4 Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Is Self-Destructing

It is possible that in the nature of rational beings the desire for self-destruction was initially laid down and they exist for a relatively short period of time before disappearing. Weapons of mass destruction, planetary pollution, artificially created infectious disease are just a small list of ways in which aliens could destroy themselves.

5. The universe is a deadly place

The life of an entire civilization is fleeting in the context of cosmic time scales. It only takes one asteroid, supernova, gamma-ray burst, or solar flare to destroy it. Is it worth saying that an advanced civilization has time to master the galaxy? Probably, she simply does not have time to reach the appropriate level of development.

6. Space is huge

The diameter of one Milky Way is 100 thousand light years. Probably, the signals of highly developed aliens, limited by the speed of light, have not yet reached the Earth.

7. We just started looking

Radio telescopes, which allow us to register signals from space, have been operating for about 80 years. Of these, for 60 years we have been strenuously trying to find signs of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Perhaps this is not enough.

8 We're Looking For Extraterrestrial Life In The Wrong Place

As mentioned above, space is incredibly large. If we don't listen to the sky exactly in the direction the signal is coming from, we'll never get it. Our search is like trying to talk to a friend on a CBS radio station with 250 trillion channels, and our knowledge of the frequencies on which they are broadcast is zero.

9 Alien Technology Has Surpassed Earth Technology

Of course, radio engineering is a common occurrence on Earth, but on distant worlds, things may be different. Perhaps the aliens are using more advanced means of communication, such as neutrino signals, which we are not yet able to decipher.

10. In space, no one gives signals

Aside from a few paltry attempts to transmit radio signals across a narrow band of frequencies to the stars, we have barely made our presence felt in the universe. After all, our radio and television transmissions can only be detected at a distance of up to 0.3 light years. Thus, we have not even gone beyond the solar system. Even if the aliens had telescopes similar to ours, they would not have found us. It is likely that aliens are also trying to find us, but they only listen to the sky, but do not give signals that we could pick up.

11. Extraterrestrial civilizations deliberately do not contact the Earth

Developed terrestrial civilizations have almost no contact with the natives. Perhaps, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, who have surpassed us culturally and technologically, adhere to the same policy.

12. Aliens are already here, but we do not realize it

This idea is especially popular among conspiracy theorists who believe that government agencies are covering up the presence of aliens on the planet. The version is doubtful, but having the right to exist. Although it is more likely that aliens will arrive on Earth and disguise themselves as laboratory mice in order to observe humanity.

Incredible Facts

One of the hottest topics modern society related to aliens is a discussion of the possible appearance of aliens. If we take as a basis one of the images built by Hollywood, then it seems to us that an aggressive creature floating in its own mucus, which has a shapeless body with tentacles protruding from it. With these same tentacles, the aliens seize peacefully living earthlings and conduct inhuman experiments on them (they don’t know other experiments - these are aliens!).

In their free time from experiments, aliens rush over our heads in their flying saucers, as if they were crazy; and only sometimes they descend to Earth to seize someone's body and wander a little between ordinary citizens. However, let's leave alone the irrepressible fantasy of Hollywood producers and let's turn our attention to modern astrobiologists (it turns out that there are such biologists!). According to these scientists, which is based on the accumulated baggage of knowledge about various types of life on our planet, the image of an ordinary alien (if any exist at all) is fundamentally different from those characters that we are treated to in science fiction films. In addition, the purposes of a possible visit by aliens may also differ significantly from those that we can assume.

1. They won't come in peace

The famous American physicist Stephen Hawking once expressed his firm belief that human efforts to communicate with alien intelligence through signals sent into space could end very badly for our civilization. If the aliens who randomly run into our signal, will be technologically advanced enough to arrive on Earth, the consequences of this visit can be compared, according to Hogink, with the consequences of a visit to the American continent by Christopher Columbus and his team. The scientist once again reminded that the discovery of America ended very badly for the indigenous inhabitants of the continent.

And in general, how can one of the people know for sure about the specific plans of the aliens, regardless of whether the aliens are aggressive or friendly? American astronomer Seth Szostak generally believes that earthlings should not look beyond their own planet. He pointed to the inherent aggressiveness of earthlings, noting that it is this trait that helps people extract and protect their resources. And even if the aliens developed in completely different conditions, their behavior can still be based on the need to protect their own resources. According to Shostak, this is inevitable, since resources are limited in any part of the universe.

2. We were not brought to Earth by aliens

Last years growing popularity is the theory that human civilization is a descendant or brainchild of some alien race that for some reason populated the Earth with us. Some believe that we were brought here at the moment when the mysterious planet Nibiru once again approached at close range to our planet. And until now, this mystical planet, the existence of which, by the way, has not been properly proven by any astronomer, wanders somewhere on the outskirts of our planet. solar system, periodically approaching the Earth and moving away from it.

According to Shostak, his e-mail is literally bombarded with letters various people, foaming at the mouth, claiming that a reasonable person is the result of alien interference in the Earth's ecosystem. At the same time, the scientist asks a very reasonable question: why, in fact, aliens breed us here like parsley? Shostak believes that this theory arose because of the habit of people to feel like an exclusive form of life in the universe. In fact, little has changed since those troubled times, when Galileo and Copernicus, to a certain extent, tried to refute the peculiarity of our solar system. And if we are just a grain of sand in the desert of lives in the Universe, then there is nothing surprising in this.

3 Aliens Can't Survive On Earth

Very often, Hollywood screenwriters show us aliens who come to Earth in order to colonize this planet. However, it is quite reasonable to assume that aliens' lack of immunity to terrestrial bacteria will make them predisposed to all kinds of diseases that will become fatal for them. Shostak is sure that any sane alien is unlikely to come to our planet only to be destroyed by our bacteria.

I must say that other famous people spoke about the same, including science fiction writer Herbert Wells. If you remember, in his novel "War of the Worlds" the aliens died precisely because of terrestrial bacteria. There is, however, a slim chance that alien aliens may have bodies which, in terms of biochemical composition, will be close to the human body. However, even in this case, millions of our bacteria will immediately interact with a foreign organism. And even similar biochemical properties will not save aliens. They will need many thousands (if not more!) of years to adapt to terrestrial conditions.

4. They won't eat us

What Hollywood screenwriter, "walked" on the topic of alien invasion, did not touch upon such an issue as the bloodthirstiness of aliens and their desire to feast on a human being? And indeed, it is worth remembering the most famous Hollywood creations, so directly nausea rises to the throat - well, everyone just wants to devour us, moreover, raw and without spices! However, such a development of events seems even less likely than an alien invasion in principle.

The fact is that as alien to terrestrial bacteria any alien organism will seem, just as alien and, accordingly, inedible, our fellow tribesmen will seem to aliens. Yes, they just can not digest us! After all, they don't need it. According to leading astronomers, if a civilization developed in the depths of space that was able to reach the highest technological level and learned to conquer interstellar distances, then it is unlikely that the purpose of such creatures traveling to Earth will be the desire to have a bite to eat people.

5. They won't mate with us!

Almost half of the cinematic scenarios of the invasion of alien organisms on Earth show us an irresistible desire of aliens to use our bodies to continue their kind. There are more than enough ways how this can happen! Aliens enter our body through its natural openings, with water, with food, through the skin, or simply have sex with earthly women.

Meanwhile, human DNA can't be at all this stage successfully combined with any other form of life on our planet, not to mention alien life forms. Seth Szostak even joked that the idea of ​​mating with earthlings came up with those representatives of the human race, who have failed to establish their own lives in our society, and which so far have not acquired offspring. Shostak invites all those who preach this idea to think about the fact that a person cannot leave offspring from any terrestrial organism. At the same time, all living beings on Earth have DNA, and aliens may not have such a structure at all. It's easier to mate with a tree ...

6. They won't blend in with the crowd.

As our civilization develops, various mechanisms and machines are used more and more intensively by mankind. Cars have replaced horses nuclear bombs have replaced entire armies of living people, drones are replacing manned aircraft, and all this leads to an overall increase in efficiency. and reduce the risk to humans. Scientists are sure that we can talk about the existence of a certain rule, or even a cycle of development, which is determined by the degree of development of a particular civilization.

So, the dogmas and principles of modern physics, according to scientists, are confirmed in the depths of space. This means that any alien civilization, not even similar in biochemical properties to humans, will develop along the same path as humanity. In other words, aliens will also increase the efficiency of their activities by creating artificial organisms or machines. And if some civilization has learned to travel to other inhabited worlds, they, no doubt, will not climb into the pool with their heads, but will send robots or artificially created organisms for reconnaissance.

7 Aliens May Not Exist

The popular belief that life most likely exists on many other planets in the universe is based primarily on observations of what is happening on our planet. Moreover, the period of these observations is limited to several hundred million years, and the vast majority of conclusions are based on the study of fossils and on the advancement of various theories. In fact, we do not know anything about the most important events on our planet, including the origin of life. Scientists have not been able to create even the most primitive form of life in the laboratory, and the greatest achievement in this field is the brainchild of Frankenstein, which was invented by an English writer.

Against the background of all this, to talk about the probability of abiogenesis (that is, about the emergence of life from inorganic nature) looks at least naive. This may be an extremely rare occurrence, and life on Earth may even be an anomaly within the cosmos. Recently astrophysicists from Princeton University tried to apply the latest technology statistical analysis to determine the probability of abiogenesis at an early stage in the development of our planet. As a result, they could not come to any conclusion at all. It turns out that aliens can be anywhere. It turns out that aliens may not be anywhere ...

However, when you read science fiction books and watch movies, aliens usually try to conquer us with rough military force. It is assumed that their technology and weapons are cooler and we kind of fight back. Sometimes successful, sometimes not.

But imagine that there could be more than just violent or military scenarios...

1. Military trade

Aliens secretly establish contact with the government of one of the earthly states. They offer him a weapon that provides superiority over any existing on Earth, but, of course, inferior to their own. For a fee with valuable resources, or in the variant of a military alliance - they say, we are waging a war in space here and we need a strong single highly developed planet as an ally, and not the mess that you have. Stick with us, you will eat meat. It is advisable to choose weapons for delivery that do not pollute the planet.

As soon as the beneficent go to war with other states, high-tech weapons are also offered to the enemy. It is possible on behalf of another alien race: they say, we do not want the Earth to be for our enemies, beat the traitors and be free. Or for a fee, nothing personal, only business. As the conflict develops, the parties are supplied with more and more cool prodigies at a higher price, and so on until complete mutual extermination.

2. Economic.

The aliens, having arrived, establish friendly relations with earthlings and offer mutually beneficial trade. If their civilization is capable of moving among the stars, then they are ahead of us by at least several technological structures and dozens of generations of technology. They offer us high-tech consumer goods that overtake the level of development of earthly science and technology by some 30 years. That is, they do not give earthlings technological superiority.

If suddenly we manage to reproduce production technologies, generation + products are thrown onto the market. They take it inexpensively - as much as the earthly "analogues" cost, so that one cannot accuse them of dumping. They accept our money as payment, which they invest in the purchase of land and deposits of raw materials. Correctly pay all taxes and duties. In addition, they offer transport services - from space tourism for the rich to cheap cargo transportation within the Earth, as well as delivery from other planets of raw materials scarce on earth.

Part of the production to ensure the loyalty of local governments can even be located on Earth, they employ local workers who perform the simplest operations, even those that could be performed automatically. Earthlings are happy, there are no reasonable reasons for refusal - if some state starts to act, an embargo is announced to it.

After several decades of such cooperation, not only does the main part of the earth's industry die - it makes no sense to invest in it, both in light and heavy, since no one needs earthly machines or ships with trains, but earthlings lose the ability to produce even what they used to know how to do. . There is no point in studying to be an engineer or a scientist - there is still no job. At this stage, the aliens already have pocket governments and pocket armies, which begin to reduce excess eaters, up to minimizing the population of the Earth.

3. Scam

Aliens arrive, have a cultural exchange for a while, ingratiate themselves, demonstrate high level science and technology, some of them are simply given, but without fanaticism, explaining restraint by the risks of unbalancing the development of civilization. They admire earthly culture, take the leaders of states and the cultural elite to visit them, show how well they live, admire the wisdom of earthly scientists and politicians, applaud the concerts of earthly musicians.

It is then reported that their science has discovered that the Sun will soon - in the span of a few years - explode. They express their readiness to gratuitously take to a safe planet and save a part of the Earth's population of our choice - even children, even great scientists with athletes, even the unfortunate with Down's syndrome, and some of those whom they decide themselves.

In parallel, "representatives of the third force" secretly appear on Earth - supposedly a different race of aliens, or, not so disinterested fellow citizens of the first. They are ready to take out additionally those who can pay expensive tickets. Non-ferrous and radioactive metals and their deposits are accepted as payment - with their technologies they can be quickly mined.

Panic breaks out on Earth, a fight over the resources that can buy a ticket, anarchy on the eve of the inevitable end. The elite, which could establish order, is not up to it, every man for himself. If someone rests and does not lead even to a free ticket, others eliminate him for the same ticket. A couple of years later, the Earth was thrown into barbarism, the elite was taken out and sold into slavery / for organs / for meat, nuclear warheads and planes were dismantled for scrap, the new owners dictate their terms to the rest.

4. Conspiracy

Aliens secretly take out some of the promising earthlings, show them their prosperous society and explain that those who were taken out are actually the descendants of representatives of their race who accidentally got stuck on Earth. There should be no problems convincingly depicting humanoids in stationary conditions for representatives of such a race, at least imagine humanoid robots to earthlings, at least use hypnosis with drugs. They let you live at home, taste the delights.

After that, the guests are announced that humanity is dangerous for peace in the Universe, and it needs to be destroyed, but the galactic UN does not order it to be done by the forces of an external invasion, it is necessary to persuade it to the right path of development. Treated as familiar with local specifics, they are thrown back to Earth, well prepared, with the task of infiltrating key positions and preparing the capture process. It's like a link, but with the ability to knock off the term of faithful service and get a satisfying ration for completing the task.

The intruders are supported financially and informationally, they are advised what to say, whom to rely on, etc. To simplify the seizure of power and the development of chaos, you can throw information to the rest of the population of the Earth that they have alien agents, and give some false signs to expose the agents, such as a certain chromosome set. As a result, in a few decades, the finances, governments and armies of the Earth are headed by people convinced that they are representatives of a different race, the invasion of which they contribute in every possible way in their posts, agreeing to any unequal treaties and blocking resistance.

5. Theologically sadistic

Aliens arrive and hang their ships in the distant orbits of the Earth, where they are practically inaccessible to earthly weapons. They do not make contact, perhaps even remain invisible to us. Sometimes, quite spontaneously, they make pinpoint strikes, the logic of which is impossible to understand.

Then they will take and destroy some Big City. Then they will drop a virus that rooting out a certain plant or animal species, but not touching others. That will incinerate the temples of one particular religion. Then they will begin to methodically shoot planes and sea ​​vessels in a certain region of the earth. Destroy all meteorological satellites. They will burn out a piece of deaf taiga, etc.

Not only that such unpredictable risks will not withstand the global economic system, since the volatility in the markets is already tens of percent daily, and insurance premiums have skyrocketed, but the earthlings are also psychologically broken. A sword that constantly hangs overhead, the blows of which cannot be predicted, provokes mass psychoses, the emergence of totalitarian sects, group suicides and pogroms.

When the aliens finally decide to make contact, the society that has fallen into anarchy will willingly obey them, happily accepting the version that the gods have descended to it. The will to resist will be broken, humanity will fulfill any, even the most idiotic demands. The earth will be conquered without great destruction and casualties, but with a huge amount of lulz for the invaders.


According to the politician, whose speeches were immediately dismantled into quotes, contact between a person and extraterrestrial intelligence took place a long time ago. The former secretary of defense, having access to top-secret documents, without a shadow of a doubt, reveals secrets to the present congressmen and all interested extraterrestrial contact. The report includes:

  • Information about the UFO;
  • Cunning plans of the world government;
  • Cooperation of special services with an alien civilization.

Hellier, shared the shocking facts that space creatures already live among people. At least two of them are active US government aides. Others, “High Whites,” as the politician called them, live in Canada and the United States, not the only countries with which extraterrestrial civilizations have been closely cooperating (for more than 60 years).

Hellyer's claim that aliens exist

Alexey Savin - Russian general- reserve lieutenant, military parapsychologist, has long ceased to hide his involvement in contact with aliens. For 15 years, he led a secret military unit, where, by order of the government, a group of selected people collected facts proving the existence of alien beings through negotiations with them.

For this, codes were developed, thanks to which there was a telepathic connection with the higher mind. In support of this, there is a video recording. On it, the military came into contact (telepathically) with aliens. And some, obviously transferred to spaceship aliens, feeling everything that happens, tactilely.

The employees of the secret division partially managed to agree with an extraterrestrial civilization, about business contact with Russian government, if it weren't for the leading directive. It read: "Stop research, close the project, disband the special staff." Similar situations occur in the USA. The goal is to hide the truth. Informed personnel who have spent years researching are suspended from work. Individuals are eliminated.

Alexey Savin - Aliens Among Us

The former defense minister of Canada claims that interactions with alien beings are happening everywhere. Secret specialists regularly take on earth about twenty alien races. He also noted that communication with representatives of state authorities is carried out according to a well-established scheme. There is some exchange going on. The US government allocates secret laboratories for aliens, where they study people. In return, the aliens share their extraterrestrial technology. For example:

  • Cloning;
  • Anti-gravity engine;
  • Source of clean energy.

“The last point is decisive for earthlings, it is the transition to clean energy able to save humanity from global warming, says the politician.

The result of his speech is shocking, people have exactly 10 years left to declassify extraterrestrial technologies, after which the elimination of humanity and overpopulation of the earth is possible.

Ufologist Sergey Sukhinov fully agrees with the words of the Canadian politician, focusing on two things:

  1. Such contact with alien intelligence is vital for earthlings. The aliens act as teachers for humanity, sharing the highest knowledge. Without their help, it will be difficult for people to cope with warming, a meteorite fall and other global disasters.
  2. Lack of contact with the public. The government, like people with fabulous money, does not want to share power and secret connections. Such a secret contact invisibly divides humanity into an elite and a commoner, preventing the latter from joining great knowledge.

Another quality of alien guests was noted, which was mentioned by the ufologist. This is the ability of aliens to mimicry (disguise). With the help of it, they acquire a human form, while remaining aliens.

The Canadian politician and the Russian ufologist are confident that establishing competent contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, will allow people to survive any cataclysms.