Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills. Sound analysis and synthesis. Playing with sounds

The article highlights the importance of sound analysis and synthesis for the successful mastery of written speech. Games and game exercises for older children preschool age aimed at developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis and preventing dyslexia.

Many parents believe that it is enough to learn the letters with the child, and he will begin to read and write competently. But practice shows that knowledge of letters does not exclude serious difficulties for preschoolers in teaching literacy. What are their reasons?

To write correctly, the child needs to imagine that sentences consist of words, words of syllables and sounds, and sounds in a word are arranged in a certain sequence.

For example, MASHA.

  • M-A-Sh-A, the first sound is M
  • second sound - A MASHA
  • third sound - Sh
  • fourth sound - A

The child will begin to read only after he learns to merge the sounds of speech into syllables and words. Reading a word means synthesizing combinations of individual letters that reflect the order of sounds in the word, so that they make up a real, “living” word.

For example, HAND. R-U-K-A - RU-KA - HAND (mental image).

Exactly weakness of sound analysis and synthesis skills underlies dysgraphia and dyslexia. Since the learning process in primary school built mainly on writing- children read poems, stories and tasks, write exercises, short dictations, etc. - persistent violations of writing and reading will inevitably have a negative impact on general development child. In addition, personality changes may occur.

Thus, in order for a child to quickly learn written speech and avoid many mistakes, starting from 5-6 years old, you need to play “sound” games with him.

Let's play with sounds!

Games for sound analysis and synthesis.

The words crumbled.

"Collect" the sounds and guess which word crumbled (the sounds are pronounced sequentially): k-o-sh-k-a. Hand? Elephant?

One word, two words.

Throw a dice and choose from the lotto pictures laid out on the table the one with as many sounds in the name as there are dots on the top face of the dice.


Draw a house and invite your child to fill each floor with tenants. On the first floor there are words in which there is one syllable, on the second - in two syllables, on the next - in three, four, etc. The winner is the one who fills all the floors of his house the fastest.

Guess what they are called?

Guess with the child the names of the girl and the boy. To do this, you need to correctly name the first / second / last sounds in the names of the objects shown in the pictures.

Instructions: say the first sound in each word and guess the girl's name.

Subsequently, you can invite children to lay out names from the letters of the split alphabet.

When offering words to children, make sure that vowels (o, e) are stressed, and voiced consonants are not at the end of the word.

Unusual transformations.

Explain to your child that if you replace one sound in a word, it will turn into another. Invite him to replace the first sound in the word "house" with the sound "s". What happened? (house - catfish - scrap - com - Tom).

What sound is missing?

An adult pronounces words, skipping the first sound. Children must guess the word and name the sound that they did not pronounce, for example: (c) lon, (c) olk, (k) from, (c) tol, (c) tul, (h) ayats, (l) isa.

One sound, march!

Teach kids how to transform words by changing one sound.

1) Eliminate the sound from the word to make a new word. Like this: a handful is a guest.

Shed, duck, prick, scythe, darkness, regiment, fishing rod, wolf, laughter, projectile, hail, cattle, table, trouble, screen.

2) Add one sound to each of the words to make a new word. Like this: MOUTH - MOLE.

ROSE (g), CUTTING (t), GIFT (y), TREASURE (s), PAWS (m)

3) Replace in words one consonant sound. Like this: KORZH - WALRUS.

NAILS (k), BULL (p), PAOT (s), TEETH (d), PUSSY (m), SAND (l)

Let's prepare gifts for Sonya and Shura.

Tell the baby that guests came to Sonya and Shura for their birthday and brought various gifts with them (lay out the loto pictures in front of the child). Explain that Sonya was given gifts whose names begin with the sound C, and Shura - with the sound Sh. What gifts were presented to Sonya? What - Shure?

In the future, we complicate the game: the sound С (Ш) is heard not at the beginning, but in the middle or at the end of words. You can invite the children to remember (search in the room) for items that can be presented to Sonya and Shura.

You can “Give gifts” using any oppositional sounds: C-C, C-Z, C-Sh, Zh-Sh, Z-S, R-L, etc.

The game is played with and without picture material.

House, castle, hut.

Invite the child to put monosyllabic words in the house, two-syllable words in the castle, three-syllable words in the hut.

For one sound.

Invite the baby to look around (at home, on the street, in the park) and name all the objects, names that begin with the sound K (or any other).


Invite the child to form a chain of words from the word given by the adult in such a way that each subsequent word begins with the last sound of the previous word: clover - fish - stork - pumpkin - orange - socks, etc.

Zhurakovskaya Ya.V.,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest category

In literacy classes, a significant place is occupied by the work on the phonetic analysis of words. To learn to read and write, a child must understand that speech is born from words. And for this, he needs to learn the sound-syllabic structure of the words of Russian speech and the designation of sounds by letters.
In the course of its speech communication the child never deals with isolated sounds, but deals with whole sounding components, which he must distinguish by ear and pronounce. These components are words, phrases, sentences. In the child's speech, its subject content is important. Therefore, the task of sound analysis and synthesis will not arise before the child on its own. This task becomes relevant only when teaching him to read and write. Phonemic analysis and synthesis should be taught to the child.
The main task of the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis in children is the prevention of the phonemic form of dysgraphia, the manifestations of which are the following errors in the development of written speech by children: omissions of vowels in words (SAPOG-SPOG), omissions of a consonant letter in words with a confluence of consonants (GLASS-SAKAN, TAKAN), continuous spelling of words in a sentence, etc.
A preschooler cannot spontaneously perform a sound analysis of a word, because the child, if this task is set before him, must for the first time in his speech practice move away from the meaning of the word and begin to work with the word not as a semantic (meaningful) unit of speech, but as a sound complex.
Phonemics is a science that studies the sounds (phonemes) of the Russian language.
A phoneme is the minimum linear unit of a language, that is, less than phonemes, a low sound sequence (syllable, word, sentence) cannot be dissected.
The number of phonemes, both vowels and consonants, varies in different languages ​​of the world. So, in Russian there are 6 vowels and 36 consonant phonemes, in English - 20 vowels and 24 consonants.

Characteristics of the sounds of the Russian language.
Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.
vowel sounds ( there are 6 of them): A, O, U, S, I, E.
There are 10 vowels in Russian: A, O, U, Y, I, E, E, Yo, Yu, Ya.
When pronouncing vowels, the air stream does not encounter obstacles in the mouth (teeth, lips are open, the tongue lies), they form syllables.
Definition for children: The vowel sound can be sung and pulled.
When pronouncing consonants the air jet necessarily meets a sound-forming barrier: teeth, tongue, lips. Consonants do not form a syllable.
CONSONANTS are hard and soft :
B-B, V-V, G-G, D-D, Z-Z, K-K, L-L,
M-M, N-N, R-R, S-S, T-T, F-F, X-X.
Voiced and deaf: B-P, D-T, V-F, G-K, Z-S, F-Sh.
Sounds: L, M, N, R, L, Mb, Hb, Pb - always voiced (they do not have a "deaf" pair).
W, W, C - hard consonants,
H, W, Y - soft consonants.
Solid consonants are indicated in blue,
Soft consonants - green,
Vowels are red.

Softness and hardness consonants are determined by ear, in comparison: (M-Mb),
And with some reference to articulation:
The sound M is pronounced with "angry" lips (it is hard),
And the sound Mb is soft, affectionate, it is pronounced with lips in a smile.
Deafness - loudness is defined like this:
1. Cover your ears with your palms and pronounce a sound (for comparison, deaf and paired voiced). Which one is ringing?
2. When pronouncing a sound, attach your palm to the neck.
Does the neck “tremble” or not? (detection of "trembling" of the vocal cords).

Phonemic analysis- this is the selection of the sounds of the word (call the first sound, the last sound, all sounds in turn).
Phonemic synthesis- this is the reproduction of a word (composing, synthesizing) from individual sounds.
For example: make a word in which there are sounds K, O, T (cat).
"The Sounds Run" K, S, O (Juice)
Letter analysis and synthesis- these are the same operations, but performed with letters.
Sound-letter analysis is the selection of the sounds of a word and its letters.
Example: analysis of words with b at the end
K, O, Hb - 3 sounds
K, O, H, b, - 4 letters.
b in the middle of a word:
SKATES 2 syllables
5 sounds
K o n k and 6 letters.

Words with b:
Sound analysis can be omitted, but it must be explained
Why do you need Ъ in given word ENTRY: write a word
Without Ъ and read it PODEZD. And how to separate the letters D and E?
Kommersant comes to the "rescue".
Analysis of words with a doubtful consonant:
D, U, P-3 sounds
D, U, B - 3 letters, at the end is the letter B, not P, because there is no OAK in the word sound P, a there is a b sound.
Analysis of words with an unstressed vowel:
In the word SOVA we hear the sounds C, A, B, A, and we will write SOVA, because in the word OWLS after the sound C we hear the sound O.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten"Sail" Volgodonsk

(The system of work in cards).

Developed by: teacher-speech therapist
T.I. Kuzkina


(Appearance and development in ontogeny).

Isolation of sound on the background of the word.

Occurs on its own normally. In case of violation of phonemic hearing, it is not formed.

Highlighting the final, initial consonant sound in a word and determining its place in the word: beginning, middle, end.

Partly formed spontaneously, partly through training.

3. Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, their number, place in relation to others (after which it stands, before which).

Appears only during training.

Principles of speech therapy work on the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis:

1. Accounting for the sequence of formation of these forms in ontogenesis.

2. From simple to complex.

3. Accounting for the nature of the difficulties of sound extraction.

Difficulties in isolating sound depend on:

From his character;
- from the position in the word;
- from the pronunciation features of the sound range.

Easiest to spot:

Vowels from the beginning of a word;
- slotted as longer;
- slotted ones are easier - at the beginning of a word, in confluence, in a direct syllable at the beginning of a word;
- plosives are easier - at the end of a word and at the beginning of a word in a confluence.

Stages of formation of phonemic analysis skills:

1. Isolation of the final consonant in the word (learn to hear the end of the word).

It is better to use long words at the beginning of work, without taking into account the semantic meaning.

Task: "Listen to what sound the word ends with."


2. Isolation of the initial sound in a word (stressed vowel or slotted sound in confluence).

Task: "Listen to what sound the word begins with."


3. Definition of the beginning and end of a word.

Task: "Listen to the word, with what sound it begins and how it ends."


Determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

Preliminary work is to fix the articulation of vowels, to form kinesthetic sensations, especially for children with hyperkinesis.

A) Recognition of a vowel sound by ear (without naming a sound):

With pronunciation and relying on articulation, we pronounce: A, C, U, W, X, I and note (hand in hand) vowel sounds: yes or no (“yes” - gesture, card; “no” - the same) . Instruction: "Let's listen to vowel sounds";

Without pronunciation by a child, relying only on hearing, starting from 2 sounds and up to the age of the child. Instructions: “Listen to the vowel sounds. Hear, show the card "yes." U, S. - A, U, X. - I, F, C, U. - O, A, W, V, I, E. - I, S, O, A, X, U.

At the beginning of a word: an initial vowel in a stressed position (ANIA, PTH, AUTUMN, FTHS, EAR, KTNH), an initial vowel in unstressed position(WATERMELON, UHA, KTNS, SHKMH, TURKEY);

In the middle of the word (MOM, PTKH, FUR COAT, FISH, STNK).

B) Isolation (naming a child) of a vowel sound by ear:
- from a series of vowels in the initial position (name, raise the letter) according to the instructions: "Listen to the sounds, name which one is first."

- 2.

From a series of syllables with a repeated vowel sound (reverse syllables);
"I will say three syllables, name the first sound in each":


From a series of syllables with a repeated vowel sound (in direct syllables);
"I will say three syllables, determine which vowel sound you hear in each"


From the word: in the initial position under stress (SPARK, WINDOWS, EARS).
What is the first sound in the word?

In the middle of the word under stress (CATFISH, CHAIR, CANCER, SMOKE).
"What is the vowel sound in the middle of the word?"

C) Recognition of a consonant sound by ear:

In a row of vowels;
Assignment: “I will make sounds, if you hear the sound “K”, raise the “YES” card.

A, U, K, I, K, E, O, K.

In a number of sonorants;
Assignment: “I will make sounds, if you hear the sound “D”, raise the “YES” card.

D, R, L, D, N, M, D, R.

In a row of slotted;
Assignment: “I will make sounds, if you hear the sound “G”, raise the “YES” card.

G, S, X, W, G, F, G.

Recognition of a consonant sound by ear in a syllable:

With confluence;
Assignment: ““ I will say syllables, if you hear the sound “K”, raise the “YES” card.

Fricative in the direct syllable;
Assignment: “I will say syllables, if you hear the sound “B”, raise the “YES” card.

VA, KU, DY, IN, GU, YOU; VA, SY, SHU, WU, HU, FY. 3.
- explosive in the direct syllable;
Assignment: “I will say syllables, if you hear the sound “K”, raise the “YES” card.

Recognition of the last consonant in a word by ear:

Task: “Listen to the words, if you hear “K” at the end of the word, raise the “YES” card.


Task: “Listen to the words, if you hear “P” at the end of the word, raise the “YES” card.


Task: “Listen to the words, if you hear “Sh” at the end of the word, raise the “YES” card.


D) Isolation of a consonant sound by ear:

From a series of syllables: direct (slotted), reverse (explosive, sonora);

The last consonant in the word;

Task: "What is the last sound in the word (name, show the letter)."


The initial consonant in the word;
Task: "What is the first sound in the word (name, show the letter)."


The purpose of speech therapy work is the formation of the skill of determining the sequence of sounds in a word.
The sequence of work according to the principle of complication:

Words consisting of three sounds like: MAC, BOW, BALL, CANCER.
Words consisting of 2 direct syllables like: KA-SHA, MA-SHA, SA-DY.
Words with a confluence of sounds at the beginning of a word like: CRANE, ELEPHANT, CHAIR, SHREK.
Words made up of three open syllables type: MA-SHI-NA, BU-MA-HA.
Words consisting of the first direct and second closed syllables of the type: KO-MAR, PO-HOD, NO-SOK.
Words consisting of the first closed and the second direct syllables type: MOUSE-KA, CAT-KA, MAS-KA, BARREL-KA.

For example, the topic is “Staging and automation of the sound “R”.

“Look, the picture shows CANCER. Who is it? Cancer (repeat the word three times).
Let's analyze what sounds the word RAK consists of.
What is the first sound? P (a chip is placed under the picture in the first place).
What is the second sound? A (a chip is placed under the picture in second place).
What is the third sound? K (a chip is placed in third place).
How many sounds are there in a word? 3.
Name them again (P, A, K).
What was the word? CRAYFISH.

“Look, it's a BALL.
What is the first sound in the word SHAR? Ш (the chip is not exposed).
What is the second sound in the word SHAR? A (the chip is not exposed).
What is the third sound in the word SHAR? R (the chip is not exposed).
How many sounds are there? 3
Name them again (W, A, R).
What was the word? BALL.

What word came out?

IV stage. Determination of the place of sound in a word.

It is carried out after the previous stages.
For example, the word RAK.
“Where is the sound K in this word? (on the third, or - on the last).
Where is the R sound? (on the first, or - at the beginning of the word). Etc."

V stage. Establishing the relationship of sounds with neighbors in a word.
(all stages according to Y. Galperin).

Stage I (visual-effective level based on visibility).

For example, the topic: "Automation of the sound Sh in the middle of a word."

“Look, there is a CAT in the picture. Who is it? Cat (repeat the word three times).
Let's analyze what sounds the word CAT consists of.
What is the first sound? K (a chip is placed).
What is the second sound? O (a chip is placed in second place).
Etc. until the last sound.
How many sounds are there? 5. Call them again. What word came out? CAT.
Where does the sound K stand in this word? (showing a chip). At the first place.
Where does the sound A stand in this word? (showing a chip) In the last, fifth place.
What sound comes after the sound K? (showing a chip) Sound O. In what place? On the second.
What sound comes after the sound O? Sound Sh.
Where is the sh sound in the word? On the third, or after the sound O.
What sound comes before the second sound K (showing the corresponding chip). Sound Sh.
What sound comes after the sound SH? (show token). Sound K. Where? On the fourth.

Stage II (visual-figurative level based on pronunciation without placing chips, visual supports).

For example, the topic: "Automation of the sound Sh at the beginning of a word."

“Look, this is a HAT (a picture is exposed).
What is the first sound in the word hat? Sound Sh.
What is the second sound in the word HAT? Sound A.
Etc. until the last sound. Without visual support (chips are not exposed).
How many sounds are there in the word HAT? 5. Name them again (W, A, P, K, A).

Where is the sh sound in this word? At the first place.
Where does the A sound in this word? Second and fifth place.
What sound comes after the sound SH? Sound A. Where? On the second.
What sound comes after the sound A? Sound P. Where? On the third.
Where is the K sound in the word? On the fourth, or after the sound P.
What sound comes before the second sound A? K sound.
What sound comes after the sound K? Sound A. Where? On the fifth.

Stage III ( logic level, inner speech).

"See what's in the picture? (the word is not spoken).
Tell me, what is the first sound in this word, and the second, and the third?
How many sounds are there? Name them.
What word came out?
What sound comes after the sound ""?
What sound comes before the sound ""?
Name the "neighbors" of the sound ""? 6.

Hello dear readers and subscribers of the blog!
Many of you have heard words like "analysis" and "synthesis" and you will find it strange how they relate to speech therapy. These terms are most likely found in mathematics or chemistry. However, there is also analysis and synthesis in speech therapy and they have very great importance for successful reading and writing skills. And this will be discussed in today's article.

I will tell you what sound-letter analysis and synthesis is - analysis of the elements of speech: syllables, words and sentences. What characters they consist of, how they are displayed in writing (letters) and how they are spoken (sounds). In other words, it is the basis of our literacy. Many parents naively believe that it is enough to learn all the letters with the child, he will immediately read and immediately get carried away by reading books. And also write competently and beautifully. However, reality makes you take off your rose-colored glasses even from the most dreamy romantics,

The child will learn that sentences are made up of words, words are made up of syllables, and syllables are made up of letters or sounds. And each sound is displayed on the letter with the help of special written icons. And they are in a certain order. If you change their sequence, then the meaning of the word will also change, for example, take 3 letters T, K, O, from which you can lay out 3 words: CAT, CURRENT, WHO, each of which carries its own semantic load.

Where to begin

You need to start with the simplest, memorize letters (but do not read words and texts). Moreover, it will be much easier to merge them into syllables later, if you do not tell the child: “this is the letter es”, but simply “the letter c” and pull it a little “ssss”. It is necessary to perform a lot of manipulations with this letter - to sculpt from plasticine, salt dough. Spread from beans or pebbles marbles. To write with your finger on something rough, in the air, on misted glass, on the ground, in the snow - it all depends on your imagination.

Position at the beginning of a word

Then tell the baby that, for example, the sound “ahh” lives in the letter A, it stretches, we say it with a wide open mouth. And we begin to invent words for this sound. If the children cope with this task, we begin to complicate the task. We come up with the sound A fruits, transport, animals, edible. Then we check how well the skill has been mastered, we call the words. And if they have the desired sound, you need to clap your hands, stamp your foot, jump up, show a card with this letter. Let's show several pictures, choose from them those that start with the desired sound.

What does the word end with

When this skill is mastered, we find the sound at the end of the word. The order is the same as with the position at the beginning of a word. But you can turn on the game in chains of words, the next word should begin with the sound that ends the previous one (onion - braid - pineapple - juice). And you can differentiate, divide words into those where the sound is at the beginning of the word, and where at the end. Lay out the pictures into two piles, for example, “beak” and “tail”. Raise something left hand then right, jump or crouch, raise your hands up, lower down, etc., etc.

sound in the middle of a word

Then the position in the middle of the word is connected, it is the most difficult, especially for those children whose phonemic hearing is especially severely impaired. They do not hear the vowels in the middle of the word and also write: “road - droga”, “milk - milk”. We work according to the above scheme. Then we connect 3 positions, 3 different actions. We arrange the pictures into 3 piles “beak”, “tail”, “wings”. Or we traditionally put on the train - respectively, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd wagons. And already here you can parallelly divide words into syllables and find a stressed vowel.

Division into syllables

One of the options: there are 3 houses, with one window, two, three, this is the number of syllables. We will settle tenants there, depending on the number of syllables. To make it easier for the baby to divide into syllables, you need to keep your palm under your chin and count how many times you open your mouth, so many syllables. You can divide into parts by clapping your hands, but if there are problems with phonemic hearing, then the child will be mistaken. For example, the word "ceiling" will divide "in-that-lo-k". In this case, there should be a clear instruction - a syllable only for an open mouth. And when pronouncing "k" the mouth does not open.

Finding the stressed syllable also reveals problems with language flair. It is necessary to show in a voice, exaggeratingly highlighting each syllable in a word, for example, divide “milk” into syllables. Then say “milk, milk, milk”, let the child choose the correct option. The stressed syllable can be distinguished by a wave of the hand. Highlighting this syllable with intonation and increasing the volume will help lay the foundations beautiful speech and expressive reading.

We draw up a diagram

After that, we introduce the child to the concept of a sentence and say that it consists of several words. For example, “Masha washes her hands”, there are 3 words in this sentence. We take 1 long strip (stick, draw a line). Then, under the long strip, we put 3 shorter ones, these are the words, the strip “Masha”, the strip “washes”, the strip “hands”. After that, we begin to divide each word into syllables and lay out smaller strips, syllables below. For children under 5 years old, this is quite enough.

Already in the preparatory group, under each syllable, squares-sounds of different colors are first laid out. Typically, vowels are red, consonants are hard blue, and soft green. Under them, letters are laid out from the split alphabet. When the child has already learned to write letters, then you can already lay out the sound-letter analysis scheme in reverse - draw a colored circle under each letter, divide words into syllables, highlighting the stressed vowel.

You can not write letters, but fold from the magnetic alphabet, cubes, cards and other improvised material. This is the case if fine motor skills are poorly developed, it is difficult for the baby to write. And he already knows the letters well. And thus dilute the development of the fingers and phonetic parsing for a while and combine these skills later as the hand develops. In any case, you need to look at the zone of proximal development of the child. See what he can do on his own, and where he can do it only together with you.

This is where I finish writing, because the topic is very extensive and it is impossible to cover it in one article. I hope there will be a whole cycle, because this is the basis of the work of a speech therapist. So stay tuned for blog updates, subscribe. Write in the comments about your experience, share on social networks with friends and acquaintances.

Consequences of being unformed

When the skill of sound analysis is not formed, some children experience the loss of some sounds or parts of a word. For the most part, the part of the word that is in an unstressed position is omitted, or a consonant sound in words with a confluence of two or more consonants. Occasionally, you can also see extra sounds in a word (salt, cat). The lack of formation of the syllabic structure of the word indicates that children do not have a fully concrete idea of ​​the sound composition of the word. The perception of speech sounds and the feasibility of their analysis are defective in children with unformed sound analysis and synthesis, not associated with disorders of the articulatory apparatus. Their inferiority is the result of a decrease in the differentiation function associated with the distinction of similarly pronounced sounds. A simple auditory analysis of a word into its constituent phonemes, the division of a sentence into isolated words, is not feasible for these children.

Despite the fully developed speech apparatus, speech in these children is often formed with a lag, the pronunciation of phonemes remains defective for a long time, the general sound of speech is vague, fuzzy, and the stresses are incorrectly placed. These properties are due to a violation of the function of sound analysis. The preservation of this function allows the development correct pronunciation. However, there are frequent cases when problems in oral speech are to a certain extent eliminated by the child by themselves, he no longer finds obvious violations of pronunciation, but only its general blurring and indistinctness.

Considering this information, it can be argued that the disorder of auditory perception, incomplete mastery of the sound composition of the word is a consequence of both illegible pronunciation of sounds and unsatisfactory sound analysis.

At the same time, children with unformed sound analysis and synthesis skills experience great difficulties in word formation. Among them, one can point out errors in the formation of a diminutive form of nouns, the formation of adjectives from nouns, etc.

The vocabulary, in relation to their peers with normal speech, in children with impaired sound analysis and synthesis, is slightly poorer. Difficulties are created by words that mean parts of the body of humans and animals, baby animals, etc.

The lack of formation of the skills of sound analysis and synthesis is not only the result of a speech disorder, but also reduces the readiness of the preschooler to learn by reading and writing.

As stated in a number of specific studies (T.G. Egorov, L.F. Spirova, etc.), children entering school with well-formed speech have some readiness for the analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech. For example, when a child is given some task in speech and sound analysis, he copes with it more or less without difficulty. The readiness of the child for sound analysis and speech synthesis is comprehended in the process of development of oral speech. Meaningful development of this process is carried out at school.

The exercise to isolate the phoneme from the composition of the word and determine the position of the sound in the word is given to the child for the first time at the beginning of learning to read and write; up to this point, the sound composition of the word, as well as the process of pronunciation, is not comprehended by the child.

Despite some readiness for speech and sound analysis and synthesis, the tasks set for the child require a lot of effort from him.

For a short period of pre-alphabetic learning, children master a whole range of knowledge and skills. They need to know that speech is made up of words, words are made up of syllables, syllables are made up of speech sounds; it is necessary to learn how to distinguish the sounds of speech, to know that the sounds are in the word in a specific order; children to some extent need to master the process of combining sounds into syllables, syllables into words, words into sentences; during this period they need to master a number of new names: “sentence”, “layer”, “syllable”, “sound”, “letter”.

After two weeks of the pre-letter period, the child is presented with new tasks: he gets acquainted with letters as visual symbols of speech sounds, masters the combination of sounds into syllables, learns to understand the meaning of the words, sentences, and texts he read.

Researchers who have studied the processes of acquiring literacy by preschoolers believe that the connection from the very beginning of these two tasks, like speech and sound analysis and reading, is incorrect. He says it is quite obvious that comprehending the ability to hear speech sounds in their standard sound and correctly articulate them requires additional time and attention from preschoolers, and when, in the case of initial mastery of this skill, require children to solve a second, no less difficult task - to correlate speech sounds with letters and then read syllables and words - then it will not be difficult to observe the process of a general slowdown of these tasks, that is, the task of speech and sound analysis will prevent the completion of tasks for reading words.

The researchers argue that the combination in the learning process of the two named tasks is permissible, and even desirable, but only if the first of them becomes to some extent habitual and does not cause in children the effort and attention that it causes from those who undertake to solve it for the first time. preschoolers. The propaedeutic period should set itself the task of facilitating the process of mastering tasks for isolating and combining speech sounds so that the solution of these tasks no longer causes great tension.

The practice of teaching literacy to preschoolers carried out by researchers preparatory groups showed that the extension of the propaedeutic period to reading up to a month and the concentration of children at this time on speech and sound analysis and synthesis gave clearly pronounced positive changes in the ability of children to hear and highlight speech sounds. Children who completed the extended preparatory stage, read in the future not only more correctly, but also more quickly.

The most frequent and typical mistake for children with unformed sound analysis and synthesis, is the replacement of some letters by others, the next type of error is the omission of letters. As a rule, children with a violation of the sound side of speech do not hear the vowel at all in the position after the consonant. These difficulties are reflected in the letter.

In addition to the above types of errors, in the writing of children with impaired pronunciation, a mixture of letters, omission of syllables, insertion of additional letters, and a whole distortion of words are often noted. The consequence of these errors is also problems in the analysis of the sound composition of speech.

Working in sound analysis and synthesis, based on certain tactile and auditory senses, also helps the meaningful acquisition of speech sounds, which is of great importance in preparing for literacy. The introduction of a set of exercises created by G. A. Kashe, involving the analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word, provided for the solution of two tasks at once - to speed up the process of sound formation and prepare children for literacy. These two tasks are similar, but not the same. To master oral speech, it would be enough to teach children to differentiate sounds and distinguish them as part of a word, following the production of sounds simultaneously with training tasks aimed at consolidating pronunciation. Along with this, it is desirable to work out only those sounds that are incorrectly pronounced or incorrectly used in speech.

In order to prepare preschoolers for literacy in analytical and synthetic sound way, in addition to all of the above, it is also necessary to teach them something else: to differentiate among themselves all sorts of speech sounds, both vowels and consonants; find one or another sound from the structure of the word; divide words into syllables, and syllables into sounds; link sounds into syllables and words; know the order of sounds in a word; divide sentences into words.

The situation of the lack of formation of the skill of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word can be considered as the first reason that creates great difficulties in the way of children learning to read and write. The ability to analyze sounding speech and the syllable-sound composition of a word is at the heart of effective mastering of literacy. The second reason can be considered the difficulties that appear in this group of children in the process of learning to read and write. Taken together, they turn out to be a big obstacle to learning the native language.

Thus, the lack of corrective speech therapy work in children with general underdevelopment speech on the formation of sound analysis skills leads to a violation of reading and writing.

The unformedness of the processes of sound analysis is reflected in writing in the form of dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of linguistic analysis and synthesis. The reason for this type of dysgraphia is the violation of such forms of linguistic analysis and synthesis as the analysis of sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis.

The unformedness of the analysis of sentences into words is manifested in continuous spelling words, especially prepositions; in the separate spelling of words, especially prefixes and roots.

Examples: LETAM PAREK AND DUT PARKHODI (Steamboats go along the river in summer), IN THE HOUSE OF UBASKI CAT VASK AND DOG FLUFF (In the grandmother's house, cat Vaska and dog Fluff).

The predominantly common mistake in this type of dysgraphia is the distorted sound-letter structure of the word, caused by the underdevelopment of sound analysis, which is the most severe form of language analysis. The most common mistakes in this type of dysgraphia are distortions of the sound-letter structure of the word, caused by the underdevelopment of phonemic analysis. Which is the heaviest form of language analysis. The most common errors are:

1) omissions of consonants during their confluence (DOGI - RAIN, DEKI - DAYS, MAKE - MAKE);

2) omissions of vowels (GIRL - GIRLS, POSHL - GO, DOT - CAR, SWING - SWINGING);

3) permutations of letters (PACKELS - DROPS, KOLKA - DOLL);

4) adding letters (SPRING - SPRING);

5) omissions, additions, permutations of syllables (VESIPED - BIKE).

Chapter 2