Psychology test on the topic of emotions, feelings, will. Test "Self-assessment of willpower Test for the level of volitional qualities in a person

1) Direct biased experience of the vital meaning of phenomena and situations, due to the relationship of their objective properties to the needs of the subject, is. . . A) emotions B) personal meaning of the situation C) feelings D) thinking 2) Experiences arise and change in connection with changes occurring in environment or the body is. . . emotion function. A) regulatory B) signaling C) communicative D) interfering

3) V. . . theory of emotion degree emotional tension determined by the need and the lack of information necessary to meet this need. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) information D) peripheral 4) According to the theory. . . a person is happy because he smiles. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) informational D) peripheral

5) According to the theory. . . a positive emotional experience occurs when the actual results of the activity correspond to the expected ones, and a negative emotional experience occurs when they do not. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) information D) peripheral 6) The basis for the division of emotions into sthenic and asthenic is (are). . . A) needs B) mobilization of body resources C) strength and duration of manifestations D) sign

7) The criterion for the division of emotions into lower and higher is (-s). . . A) strength and duration of manifestations B) mobilization of the body's resources C) needs D) sign 8) A strong, persistent, long-lasting feeling that captures a person and owns him is called. . . A) feeling B) affect C) mood D) passion

9) Strong emotional condition of an explosive nature, affecting the entire personality, characterized by a rapid course, a change in consciousness and a violation of volitional control - this is. . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress

11) The longest emotional state that colors all human behavior is called. . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress E) mood 12) The experience of satisfying a need for something is called. . . A) joy B) interest C) surprise D) bewilderment

13) The experience of one's own inability to be at the height of the requirements that a person makes of himself, the experience of dissatisfaction with himself is. . . A) grief B) shame C) anger D) fear 14) Will –. . . regulation by a person of his behavior, associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles. A) intuitive B) unconscious C) conscious D) involuntary

15) Parameter(s) are used to describe volitional processes. . . A) only strength and direction B) only direction C) only direction and freedom D) strength, direction and freedom . . A) perseverance B) conscientiousness C) optimism D) diligence

17) The ability of a person to determine his actions based on his beliefs, knowledge, and not the pressure of others, characterizes him. . . A) self-confidence B) adherence to principles C) consciousness D) perseverance

Willpower Test

First name_______________ Last name________________ Gender______


The date_________

Instruction: You are invited to answer 20 questions by choosing one of the answer options. Don't think long about the answer.

Questionnaire test:

1. Do you often think about the impact your actions have on the people around you:

a) very rarely;

c) quite often;

d) very often.

2. Do you happen to tell people something that you yourself do not believe, but assert out of stubbornness, contrary to others:

a) yes, b) no.

3. Which of the following qualities do you value most in people:

a) perseverance

b) breadth of thinking,

c) the ability to show oneself.

4. Do you have a penchant for pedantry:

a) yes, b) no.

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you:

a) yes, b) no.

6. Do you like to analyze your actions:

a) yes, b) no.

7. Being among people you know well, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of conduct adopted in this circle;

b) Strive to be yourself.

8. When starting a difficult task, do you try not to think about the problems that await you:

a) yes, b) no.

9. Which of the following characteristics suits you best:

a) a dreamer

b) "shirt-guy",

c) diligent at work

d) punctual and accurate,

d) loves to philosophize

e) fussy.

10. When discussing a particular issue, do you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority;

b) think that in this situation it is best to remain silent and not express your point of view;

c) externally support the majority, internally remaining at your own opinion;

d) accept the point of view of others, waiving the right to have your own opinion.

11. How does an unexpected call to a manager usually make you feel:

a) irritation

b) anxiety

c) anxiety

d) does not cause any feelings.

12. If, in the heat of a controversy, your opponent breaks down and allows a personal attack on you, then you:

a) answer him the same,

b) ignore it

c) defiantly offended,

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down.

13. If your work is rejected, then you:

a) feel frustrated

b) feel ashamed

c) angry.

14. If you suddenly get into a mess, then who do you blame in the first place:

a) himself;

b) fate, bad luck,

c) objective circumstances.

15. Do you think that people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge:

a) yes, b) no.

16. If friends or colleagues start teasing you, then you: a) get angry at them;

c) you yourself join the game and start playing along with them, making fun of yourself;

d) you pretend to be indifferent, but in your heart you are indignant.

17. If you are in a hurry and suddenly do not find your thing in the usual place where you usually put it, then:

a) you will silently continue to search for it;

b) you will search, blaming others for the disorder;

c) leave, leaving the necessary thing at home.

18. What is most likely to throw you off balance:

a) a long queue at the reception of some official, to whom you urgently need to get;

b) crowding in public transport;

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue.

19. After ending an argument with someone, do you continue to conduct it mentally, giving more and more arguments in defense of your point of view:

a) yes, b) no.

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant for urgent work, which of the following possible assistant candidates would you prefer:

a) an executive, but non-initiative person;

b) a person who knows the matter, but is arguing and intractable;

c) a gifted person, but with laziness.

Evaluation of results

The table shows how many points in this technique the subject can receive for one or another selected answer.

Ordinal number of judgment

Ordinal number of judgment

If the total points 14 and under then this person is considered a person with a weak will.

With a score from 15 to 25 the character and will of a person are considered quite solid, and actions are mostly realistic and balanced.

At total amount points from 26 to 38 the character of a person and his will are considered very firm, and his behavior in most cases is quite responsible. There is, however, a danger of being carried away by willpower for the purpose of narcissism.

With a score above 38 the will and character of a person are considered close to ideal, but sometimes doubts arise as to whether a person has assessed himself correctly and objectively enough.

Methodology for determining willpower

Will- this is a conscious self-regulation by the subject of his activity, which ensures overcoming difficulties in achieving life goals.

Volitional regulation of human behavior develops in several directions: by transforming involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, by gaining control over one's actions and behavior, and by developing emotional volitional qualities. As a result volitional self-regulation the individual sets himself more promising goals and more difficult tasks that require significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time.

Per recent times Several methods have been developed to determine the levels of willpower in the subjects. Here is a methodology for determining willpower in the development of R. S. Nemov.

Testing instructions

The test consists of 20 judgments. For each of the judgments, several alternative answers are provided. Choose for each of the judgments the most suitable alternative from your point of view. Record the data of your choice on the Answer Sheet (or on a separate sheet).

Test questionnaire

1. Do you often think about the impact your actions have on others?

a) very rarely;

c) quite often;

d) very often.

2. Do you happen to tell people something that you yourself do not believe, but assert out of stubbornness, contrary to others?

3. Which of the following qualities do you value most in people?

a) perseverance

b) breadth of thinking

c) showing off

4. Do you have a penchant for pedantry?

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you?

6. Do you like to analyze your actions?

7. Being among people you know well, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of conduct adopted in this

b) Strive to be yourself.

8. Getting Started difficult task, do you try not to think about the problems that await you?

9. Which of the following characteristics suits you best?

a) a dreamer

b) "shirt-guy"

c) diligent at work

d) punctual and accurate

d) likes to philosophize

e) fussy

10. When discussing a particular issue, do you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority;

b) think that in this situation it is best to remain silent and not express your point of view;

c) externally support the majority, internally remaining at your own opinion;

d) accept the point of view of others, waiving the right to have your own opinion.

11. How does an unexpected call to your manager make you feel?

a) irritation

b) anxiety

c) anxiety

d) no feeling

12. If, in the heat of a controversy, your opponent breaks down and allows a personal attack on you, then you:

a) answer him the same;

b) do not pay attention to it;

c) defiantly offended;

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down.

13. If your work is rejected, then you:

a) feel annoyed

b) feel ashamed.

c) angry

14. If you suddenly get into trouble, then who do you blame in the first place?

a) himself;

b) fate, bad luck.

c) objective circumstances;

15. Do you think that people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge? a) yes b) no

16. If friends or colleagues start teasing you, then you:

a) get mad at them

c) you yourself join the game and start playing along with them, making fun of yourself;

d) you pretend to be indifferent, but in your heart you are indignant.

17. If you are in a hurry and suddenly do not find your thing in the usual place where you usually put it, then:

a) you will silently continue to search for it;

b) leave, leaving the necessary thing at home.

18. What is most likely to throw you off balance?

a) a long queue at the reception of some official, to whom you urgently need to get;

b) crowding in public transport;

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue.

19. After you have finished arguing with someone, do you continue to conduct it mentally, giving more and more arguments in defense of your point of view?

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant for urgent work, which of the following possible assistant candidates would you prefer:

a) an executive, but non-initiative person;

b) a person who knows the matter, but is arguing and intractable;

c) a gifted person, but with laziness.

Evaluation of test results

The table below shows how many points in this technique the subject can receive for one or another selected answer.

If the total score is 14 or less, then this person considered a person with a weak will.

With a sum of points from 15 to 25, the character and will of a person are considered quite solid, and actions are mostly realistic and balanced.

With a total score of 26 to 38, a person's character and will are considered very firm, and his behavior in most cases is quite responsible. There is, however, a danger of being carried away by willpower for the purpose of narcissism.

With a total of points above 38, the will and character of a person are considered close to ideal, but sometimes there is doubt whether a person has assessed himself correctly and objectively enough.

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Test "Self-assessment of willpower" The technique is described by N. N. Obozov and is intended for a generalized characterization of the manifestation of willpower.Instruction. The following 15 questions can be answered: “yes” - 2 points, “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “it happens” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points. When answering

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Willpower Exercise Use your non-dominant hand to more tasks during the day, from 8 am to 6 pm, for four to eight weeks (the longer the better). Adjust this time if necessary (if you work at night).

The test was developed and described by N.N. Obozov (1997) and is intended to study the generalized characteristics of the manifestation of willpower.


These 15 questions can be answered: “yes”; “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “it happens”; and "no". If you answered:

  • “yes”, then 2 points are assigned for this;
  • “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “it happens” - 1 point;
  • "no" - 0 points.

When answering questions from 1 to 15 in sequence, you must immediately sum up the points scored.

Questionnaire text

  1. Are you able to complete the work you started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away from it and then return to it again?
  2. Have you overcome internal resistance without much effort when you had to do something unpleasant for you (for example, go on duty on a day off)?
  3. When you get into conflict situation at work (study) or at home, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at it with maximum objectivity?
  4. If you are on a diet, can you overcome all culinary temptations?
  5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?
  6. Will you stay at the scene to testify?
  7. Do you respond to emails quickly?
  8. If you are afraid of an upcoming flight on an airplane or a visit to the dentist's office, can you easily overcome this feeling and not change your mind at the last moment?
  9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor has recommended to you?
  10. Will you keep the promise made in the heat of the moment, even if its fulfillment will bring you a lot of trouble, are you a man of your word?
  11. Do you hesitate to take a trip to an unfamiliar city if necessary?
  12. Do you strictly adhere to the daily routine: the time of waking up, eating, studying, cleaning and other things?
  13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?
  14. The most interesting TV show will not force you to postpone urgent and important work. Is it so?
  15. Will you be able to interrupt the quarrel and shut up, no matter how offensive the words of the opposite side may seem to you?

Processing and interpretation of results

The total score is calculated. If it is within:

  • from 0 to 12 points - you have weak willpower, you are easily persuaded. However, knowledge of their weaknesses makes a person stronger. Work on yourself, improving your volitional regulation.
  • from 13 to 21 points - you have an average willpower. AT different situations You act in different ways, sometimes showing miracles of compliance and pliability, and sometimes - perseverance and perseverance. It is in this mobility and dissimilarity that your attractiveness in communication and business lies.
  • from 22 to 30 points - you have great willpower, you are a strong-willed person. However, remember that you are not alone, but concessions, compromises and negotiations also lead to success in communication and business.

In contact with

Will is a conscious regulation by the subject of his activity and behavior, which ensures overcoming difficulties in achieving life goals. The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions: by converting involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, by gaining control over one's actions and behavior, and by developing emotional and volitional qualities of a person. As a result of volitional self-regulation, the individual sets himself more promising goals and more difficult tasks that require significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time.

Instruction: the test consists of 20 judgments. Each of them has several alternative answers. Choose for each of the judgments the most suitable, from your point of view, alternative. Record the data of your choice on the answer sheet (or on a separate sheet).


    Do you often think about the impact your actions have on the people around you:

a) very rarely

c) often enough

d) very often

2. Do you happen to tell people something that you yourself do not believe, but assert out of stubbornness, contrary to others:

3. Which of the following qualities do you value most in people:

a) perseverance

b) breadth of thinking

c) showing off

4. Do you have a penchant for pedantry:

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you:

    Do you like to analyze your actions:

7. Being among people you know well, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of behavior adopted in this circle

b) strive to be yourself

8. When starting a difficult task, do you try not to think about the problems that await you:

9. Which of the following characteristics suits you best:

a) a dreamer

b) guy shirt

c) diligent at work

d) punctual and accurate

d) likes to philosophize

e) fussy

10. When discussing a particular issue, you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority

b) think that in this situation it is best to remain silent and not express your point of view

c) externally support the majority, internally remaining at your own opinion

d) accept the point of view of others, waiving the right to have your own opinion

11. How do you usually feel about an unexpected call to the leader:

a) irritation

b) anxiety

c) anxiety

d) no feeling

12. If in the heat of controversy your opponent breaks down and allows a personal attack against you, then you:

a) answer him the same

b) ignore it

c) defiantly offended

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down

13. If your work is rejected, then you:

a) feel frustrated

b) feel ashamed

c) angry

14. If you suddenly get into a mess, then who do you blame in the first place:

a) himself

b) fate, bad luck

c) objective circumstances

15. Do you think that the people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge:

16. If friends or colleagues start teasing you, then you:

a) get mad at them

c) you yourself join the game and start playing along with them, making fun of yourself

d) you pretend to be indifferent, but in your heart you are indignant

17. If you are in a hurry and suddenly do not find your thing in the usual place where you usually put it, then:

a) you will silently continue to search for her

b) will search, blaming others for the mess

c) leave, leaving the necessary thing at home

18. Most likely to throw you off balance:

a) a long line in which you have to stand

b) crowded in public transport

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue

19. Having finished a dispute with someone, do you continue to conduct it mentally, giving more and more new arguments in defense of your point of view:

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant for urgent work, which of the following possible candidates for assistants would you prefer:

a) executive, but non-initiative person

b) a person who knows the matter, but is arguing and intractable

c) a person gifted, but lazy.

Evaluation of test results

The table shows how many points in this technique the subject can receive for one or another selected answer.

    If the total score is 14 or less, then this person is considered a person with a weak will.

    With a total of points from 15 to 25 points, the character and will of a person are considered quite solid, and actions are mostly realistic and balanced.

    With a total score of 26 to 38, a person's character and will are considered very firm, and his behavior in most cases is quite responsible. There is, however, a danger of being carried away by willpower for the purpose of narcissism.

    With a total of points above 38, the will and character of a person are considered close to ideal, but sometimes doubts arise as to whether a person has assessed himself correctly and objectively enough.

Answer grades:

Answer options

Ordinal number of judgment