Smart time management or how to properly organize your day. What is time management, or how to effectively manage your work and personal time

Starting your business without knowing how to plan time is not worth it. Clear self-organization and hard work are the two main qualities of an entrepreneur. If you properly plan your time, then it will be enough for all tasks. Time management became popular in Russia by the end of the 2000s, much later than in Europe. What kind of science is this, what are its functions, definition and how to distribute your working time right, we'll discuss it below.

Know-how in self-organization

All aspiring entrepreneurs unwittingly encounter time management. The concept comes from the English phrase "time management" and means "time management". Managing time in the literal sense is inaccessible to a person, but you can learn how to build your schedule as efficiently as possible.

Time management is the science of distributing, recording and organizing your own working time. Organizing and accounting will help entrepreneurs get more done while reducing labor costs. Here are some facts that support the benefits of planning:

  1. According to research by British scientists, it releases resources, which for every 10 years of work account for 2 years.
  2. If you plan every working day, then it will take you half the time to do standard tasks.
  3. Secondary and unimportant things take up 70% of a person's working time.

It was decided to take a scientific approach to the issue of the working schedule back in Ancient Rome. For example, the great thinker Seneca in his writings divided the time spent per day by a person into two groups:

  • Good - used with benefit.
  • Bad - spent on fruitless deeds.

Seneca suggested recording the time spent and calculating its usefulness based on fullness. These thoughts formed the basis of the concept of "personal effectiveness". And the Italian writer Alberti in the 15th century said that he who manages his time will always be successful. To achieve the intended goal, Alberti suggested using the rules:

  1. Start each morning by making a to-do list.
  2. Arrange tasks on the list so that the most important ones are higher and lower in order of decreasing importance.

For many years, this issue was considered mainly in theory, and only in the 80s of the XX century it began to be actively introduced into practice. Time management becomes necessary both at work and in everyday life. To enjoy life and enjoy it, you need to learn how to regulate the process of spending your assets. Therefore, the science of "time management" is so relevant today, when time is sorely lacking. The types of time management are different and will suit both a housewife and a large company owner. We'll talk about discipline in general.

To enjoy life and enjoy it, you need to learn how to regulate the process of spending your assets.

The discipline consists of several parts:

  1. Optimization of temporary resources.
  2. Strict planning of a certain time period (day, week, month).
  3. Creation of motivating factors.

The effectiveness of time management is that you rethink the importance of your affairs according to expediency. This will increase your performance. Not only you as the head of the company, but also all hired employees should use the science of time in practice. Therefore, competent company management includes training employees in time management courses and monitoring how knowledge is practically used.

Fiction or truth

There is an opinion that time management is not suitable for the Russian mentality. People who live according to a plan are more like robots, and Russia is famous for its unpredictability. But such opinions are unfounded, and the benefits of using time management in practice suggest otherwise.

The opinion that time management does not fit the Russian mentality is unfounded, and the advantages of using it in practice indicate the opposite.

Consider a few myths about the science of time management:

  1. No living person can manage time. Of course, it is impossible for a person to slow down or speed up time. But any successful manager should be able to control his affairs, set priorities correctly. This is what time management teaches.
  2. Time management makes a person work in large volumes. This is not true, because by optimizing and analyzing your actions, you will be doing the same work, but in a shorter time. The benefits are obvious. Personal performance is enhanced by eliminating non-essential tasks that take up a lot of time in a day. For example, checking email or reading the news in in social networks can steal an average of 50% of your working time from you.
  3. If you live according to a clear plan, you will lose your freedom of choice. Time management, on the contrary, teaches a person to effectively allocate his time, so he becomes freer.

Seven steps to success

Control and planning of your working time according to time management is carried out according to seven principles. If you strictly follow the rules and divide the work into stages, then in two weeks you will get used to the new schedule and notice how much free time remains for personal matters. Let's take a closer look at the levels of optimization of your day in terms of time management.

clear plan

It doesn't matter if you are the head of a large company or just starting your business, you need to plan your day. A plan is drawn up for a certain time period: day, week, month. Beginners are advised to start with daily planning. Coming to your workplace, you will immediately get to work and you will know how to finish it. When drawing up a plan, the following basic principles are taken into account:

  1. Each goal should be written down on a sheet of a diary or in a electronic version. If the goal is only in your head, in practice it is unlikely to be realized.
  2. Plan in advance, this will increase productivity by 25%.
  3. If the task is voluminous, then it is divided into several small ones with a clear sequence.
  4. Some time in the plan is left for force majeure situations.

You will spend a few minutes on drawing up a plan, but they will pay off the next working day, as you will be on time by 25-35% more.

Learn to set clear goals

Successful work depends on the clarity of the formulation of goals and the ability to break them down into specific tasks. In time management, this stage is called “goal decomposition”. We must learn to separate the particular from the general.

For example, you want to increase sales in your company. We formulate the goal: to increase sales by 45% in three months. The goal includes a number of specific tasks:

  • Run a promotion at a specific outlet.
  • Increase the cost of some commodity items.
  • Make price adjustments.
  • Launch and promote an online store.

In time management, the SMART system is used to form goals. According to this principle, goals should meet a number of qualities:

  • Specificity - specific.
  • Measurable in real time – measurable.
  • Feasibility for a certain period - attainable.
  • Relevance for today - relevant.
  • Limited in the time interval - time-bound.

If you move towards the goal, performing specific tasks in stages, then you can achieve it faster by 25%, since the general direction will not be wasted on inefficient tasks.

Fixing actions according to the plan

Specific tasks should be recorded so that it can be clearly seen how long it will take to complete them. There are several visual fixation tools. An effective solution is to use a Gantt chart. Consider examples:

Purpose: to build a hangar for breeding pigs. Setting tasks: prepare a plan on paper, clear the land for construction, lay the foundation, assemble a hangar, carry out internal communications, equip stalls for animals.

We make a table: in the vertical column we write down the tasks, in the upper horizontal - the dates and months. We paint over the time cells of each task with different colors. Similar tasks can be grouped.

A visual table will help you coordinate work faster and complete them consistently and on time.

Priority important

Need tasks for the day. The priority should be the most important, below - in descending order of importance. The method of setting tasks in time management is called “ABVGD”, where A means the most significant cases, B means less significant ones, and so on.

Many entrepreneurs leave the most important task at the end of the working day (for example, preparing a report for the tax), although the effectiveness of the day's work depends on its solution. The result can be deplorable - it is hastily made reports that can raise questions from the tax authorities. In addition, in the evening it is more likely to make a mistake, and an error in the numbers in the report can result in a fine or worse.

In terms of time management, the day should begin with the solution of the most difficult and basic task.

Time management practitioner Brian Tracy called the step of highlighting an important task “eat the frog.” That is, first do all the most unpleasant and only then proceed to the rest.

Tracy's work is based on the principles of a famous scientist, according to whose law 20% of tasks give 80% of the final result, the remaining 80% are only 20% effective. The most difficult thing is to choose the right 20% of all tasks and understand what kind of time wasters the other 80%.

Another way to group tasks by importance was proposed by the American president of the 1940s and 1950s, Dwight Eisenhower. This method was named in his honor. He always divided his affairs into four groups:

  1. Important tasks that need to be completed urgently are performed immediately and independently; they cannot be delegated to subordinates.
  2. Important ones that are not of particular urgency - they are performed independently, but can be attributed to the second part of the day.
  3. Urgent, but not important - take a lot of time, but need to be completed in a short time. They are assigned to their employees.
  4. Unimportant and non-urgent - left in last place and deleted from the schedule for the day.

Don't splurge on trifles

Since time is one of the most valuable resources, every minute spent is precious. There is no way to get back the time spent, and without focusing time on the main task, you can lose many hours on secondary matters.

There is no way to get back the time spent, and without focusing time on the main task, you can lose many hours on secondary matters.

To solve minor matters, time management teaches. You must be able to delegate tasks to your colleagues or hired people. For example, if you need to conduct an audit at a point of sale, entrust it to trusted administrators, just recalculate the result yourself in the end.

The second important aspect is to learn to refuse those who waste your time without return for the company. For example, you should not keep up a conversation with an overly chatty employee. These simple laws will save at least 15% of time resources for recreation and self-development.

Supplement with personal experience

It is necessary to draw up a schedule and constantly keep track of the time spent, as well as analyze your mistakes. If a resource is wasted, mark it in your rules.

Each person is individual, so adjust the rules to suit your biorhythm. If your active activity starts at 12 noon and ends at 8 pm, then the main tasks need to be completed in the afternoon.

If a task is taking a long time and you feel like you've gotten too deep into it, take a break. It is important to optimize the use of your time to the maximum.

Plan your weekend

A full weekend is a must for every entrepreneur. Be sure to plan your vacation in your diary. Many aspiring entrepreneurs go headlong into work and forget about rest. Therefore, the closer such a person is to his goal, the harder the next tasks are given to him. After the weekend, work will be more productive.

Time management is know-how in the discipline of personnel and company management. By trying to plan things and highlighting the main tasks for the day, you will see how much free time you will have. Planning will soon become a habit, and recommendations will be deposited in your head and will be carried out automatically.

You must have noticed that most of us are so overwhelmed with work and personal worries that we don’t even have an idea how to get out of such a situation and how to do everything?!

We have some emotional stress, panic, discomfort, which leads to lethargy and depressed mood, when everything falls out of hand and you don’t want to do anything!

If you do not want to become a victim of depression, you need to learn how to properly plan your time, that is, to do time management!

Psychologists believe that there is a way out of the situation of “catastrophic lack of time”, the main thing is that you have the desire to change yourself a little, as well as change your attitude to personal time.

What is the purpose of time management?

Time management is the ability to effectively manage and control your personal time!

This is the ability to sort what is the main thing for you at the moment, and what is secondary, what is the very first thing you should do, and what can be postponed for several hours ahead.

As soon as a person begins to realize all this, all the fuss with the lack of time immediately disappears.

You may think that managing your time is quite difficult - not a bit!

The main thing is that you make specific decisions for yourself on what needs to be done and when!

The best time management advice is to ignore idiots...
- Great quote. Who is the author?
Imagine that they don't exist...
- Well, who is the author?
And keep doing your...

Many are sure that those people who actively use time management manage to do much more and faster! This is a misconception...

Time management helps us to increase our productivity exponentially, and also teaches us to throw all unnecessary things in the trash. Extra time appears - and it's up to you how you spend it!

Those people who nevertheless learned how to effectively manage their time - they manage to save a third of their lives! Amazing, isn't it?

Basic rules of time management!

    Time Management: Imagine that today is your last day.

    This rule may seem ridiculous to you, but still ...

    This question wakes me up every morning and starts smart.

    And here is my question: “If I knew that today is the last day of my life, what would I do and how would I behave on this day?” My advice to you, right now, take a piece of paper and frankly answer the question for yourself .

    I think you will be interested!

    Time Management: Do some planning.

    Those people who have been able to achieve recognition and success in life are constantly planning.

    Daily planning is a MUST to increase your efficiency throughout the day.

    Always plan specific tasks in your notebook!

    Remember, if your goal is not on paper, then it simply does not exist!

    When you work with a list of scheduled tasks, you immediately increase the productivity and productivity of your time by 25%.

    Make it a habit to write down your task plan for tomorrow in the evening (before you go to bed)!

    As soon as you come to work, you will already clearly know where to start.

    Work with this list throughout the day: as soon as some new task appears, include it in the same list, taking into account its priority compared to previously recorded cases.

    As soon as you successfully cope with a specific task, be sure to cross it off the list!

    Thus, you will be satisfied with the work done, and you will also be proud of yourself that you did not waste your time!

    A difficult task must be divided into several subtasks - not to grasp at it entirely (only unreasonable people do this, in other words, losers).

    Time management: Filter information.

    In order not to oversaturate your brain with a huge amount of unnecessary information, and also not to waste your precious time on it, learn to choose the most necessary, useful and filter out the unnecessary!

    Learn to skim through and skim through the pages of the World Wide Web without reading everything from beginning to end.

    Stop and remember only the important.

    Time management: Eliminate "time wasters" from your life!

    This is probably the very first problem that prevents us all from effectively and productively managing our time!

    To check mail, to communicate in ICQ and in social networks (Vkontakte, facebook) - we STEAL and KILL our time, we waste it!

    Do not waste most of your time on small and unnecessary things!

    Time management: "Eat a frog for breakfast!"

    What does it mean?

    Successful business consultant B. Tracy, "frog" calls the most difficult cases that need to be dealt with throughout the day.

    When you constantly transfer them either 1 hour ahead, or to the evening, you yourself create an unpleasant emotional tension with which you walk all day.

    You need to start your day with the most difficult one - and your day will go smoothly and not forcibly.

    Time Management: Keep your desk clean.

    Rich people, prudent businessmen always work at a clean table. For unassembled people, complete chaos and emergency reigns on the table!

    Develop a good habit of sorting out a bunch of papers from your desk, throw away unnecessary and work clean.

    Scientists have reported that more than 30% of the time we spend trying to find the right document.

    The wastebasket is a good way to manage your time!

    Time management: Say “NO” to unnecessary things more often.

    I think everyone has heard who Evgeny Popov is and what path he has traveled: from an ordinary cleaner to a successful Internet businessman.

    Eugene created an effective Time Management Script, which in a convenient form allows you to shape your day. It can be installed both on the phone and on the computer for productive planning of your day!

    With the help of the "Master of Time" course from Evgeny Popov, many people radically change their lives and use a special script (installed on their phone or computer) to plan their day every day!

    Have time to do in a day what has accumulated in a week and you will see how cool your life will change!

    Stop being a vegetable! Be active! Live a vibrant life!

    P.S. I personally bought the "Master of Time" course from E. Popov immediately on the 5th day after its release! Therefore, I advise everyone without a doubt: buy and learn how to manage your time productively!

    Time management teaches us all to effectively manage our lives, enjoy every moment of time in which we are now, find time for relatives and friends of us, allocate time for self-development - life will begin to acquire bright colors and become much more interesting!

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Various gadgets and mobile smartphones dictate the rhythm of our lives. And this very rhythm becomes faster. Any person can be warned about being late for 5 minutes, and in order to solve any issue, it is not necessary to meet in person or even call. A couple of messages in Wats app - and everything is decided. The volume of tasks is growing. The person becomes more mobile and productive. Everyone wants to have time for the day not only to work, but also to spend pleasant time for themselves. And for the effective distribution of one's own time, there is such a term as time management.

What is time management?

Time management is the correct distribution of time for its more efficient and productive use.

Previously, time management was used only for people employed in the business field and was a concept associated only with entrepreneurship. Now, a representative of any profession and every busy person can plan their day competently and most productively. Time management captures all areas of life, whether it's going to the movies or a morning meeting.

Time management has long been scientific concept, and, therefore, it is necessary to approach it scientifically. There are certain methods for solving problems. Thanks to competent planning of the day (week, month), you can free up some of your time and manage a much larger amount of important things. And the most important thing is to get the desired result.

The most ancient technique proposed by the Italian writer and scientist Alberti back in the 15th century looked something like this:

  • Make a to-do list from the beginning of the day;
  • Cases should be arranged in decreasing order of importance.

Of course, not everyone needs time management. If you do not know what to do with yourself and what to do with your time today, then you do not need to plan time and set priorities. For everyone else, whether you are the head of a large holding, the head of a department or an artist, all the following information will be extremely useful.

There are basic components of time management:

  • Accurate accounting of the allotted time;
  • Self-optimization of resources;
  • Designing a certain period of time (day, week, month);
  • Orderliness of motivation.

People who organize their day competently are happier, healthier and more successful. The concept of "personal effectiveness" for them is not just words, but an end in itself.

Methods for solving the tasks

On the subject of time management recent times a sufficient number of books, articles and works have been written. At the end of this article there is a list of references, the books of which describe several techniques and their implementation.

Gleb Arkhangelsky

Gleb Arkhangelsky is a business coach, time management expert and director of Time Organization. Developed his own method for coordinating time.

Gleb Arkhangelsky's trainings are a huge success. In his seminars, he explains that time is a unique resource that cannot be replenished. Money can always be earned, but time cannot be returned. According to the method of Gleb Alekseevich, it is important to allocate this resource to perform not the most pleasant tasks, and then move on to the rest. Such cases are often shifted "for later." Conventionally, such small problems are called "frogs". But, after repeatedly transferring the solution of such a "frog", the task turns into an "elephant", occupying more and more space in a person's life. It takes more time and effort to solve the elephant size problem. And to eliminate it, Gleb Arkhangelsky proposes to cut the elephant into "steaks" and solve the problem gradually. In other words, divide a big problem into smaller ones and deal with it in stages.

Gleb Alekseevich's seminars teach you to treat your time holistically and objectively. Planning for a certain period of time includes not only work tasks, but also private ones, the cost of effort for which must also be taken into account and reckon with their importance.

Rest is also important in planning the day. Depending on the type of tasks, a corresponding break is offered. For representatives of "sedentary" professions, for example, programmers, active leisure is necessary, for people associated with sports professions, such as a football player, "sedentary" rest is necessary.

It is impossible not to mention that the best rest is still a dream. Sleeping during the day is a physical necessity for maximum performance. For more effective falling asleep, you should do the same specific ritual every day.

There are 3 fundamental factors in determining the importance of a particular task: , and . With a goal, everything is usually simple - everyone knows what they want. Certain actions are planned to achieve it. And for implementation, motivation is needed - and with it certain problems may arise. To create it, an understanding of the mode and abilities of a person is necessary. And then conditions are created for the task to be completed.

Pareto principle

The Pareto principle also has other names: the Pareto law or the 20/80 principle. It was named after the Italian engineer, economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto. The term was proposed by Joseph Juran 18 years after the death of Pareto himself.

In a simplified form, the principle sounds like this: 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, when the remaining 80% of efforts give only 20% of the result. This principle can be applied to all areas of life. Every successful person, not always consciously, to one degree or another, applied this principle in practice. Although it is unrealistic to apply the 20/80 law to its full extent, the figures themselves are conditional and may fluctuate in practice. Although the general rule will be preserved.

There are many confirmations of the Pareto law in different areas. Starting with the economy and ending with the habits of any person. The importance of this principle breaks the stereotypes that the more you work, the better the result and the higher your reward. From which it follows that in order to achieve the maximum result, you need to concentrate on the most important tasks.

In time management, the 20/80 law applies like this: 20% of your time brings the greatest quality results, and the remaining 80% distracts from achieving the goal or is spent inefficiently. This means that you need to understand what actions have the greatest effect and what you need to pay your close attention to.

When you start using the Pareto law, there is a psychological barrier. You should start working with the principle from small things, eventually switching to more important and larger plans.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​named after the 34th President of the United States. For a long time, Dwight Eisenhower had to solve many tasks, problems and cases in a day, and he came up with his own scheme for solving problems. His decision principle is still considered one of the most effective methods short term planning.

How does the Eisenhower Matrix work? The 34th President of the United States came up with the idea of ​​dividing 4 points:

  • important and urgent;
  • Non-urgent and important;
  • Urgent and unimportant;
  • Not urgent and not important.

In the first square, we bring important and urgent matters that cannot be delayed. Often these tasks used to be important and not urgent, but laziness, lack of time and the approaching deadline moved these tasks to the first list. These things need to be done first.

In the second square, important and not urgent matters are entered. Such tasks are important to recognize immediately. The correct and timely execution of such cases brings good results in the end and affects the entire quality of life. It is important to devote a certain amount of time to this section every day and not do everything at the last moment. Eisenhower considered this list the most important and productive.

Urgent but not important matters are sent to the third square. No matter how much you would like to do such a task right now, the main thing is to understand that it does not carry any result in itself and only interferes with work. It is very important to distinguish between important problems and not so important, otherwise the day will be busy, but will not bring any benefit. Sometimes it's worth asking the question, "What happens if I don't?" and it will immediately become clear how necessary the task is.

The fourth square includes the so-called "time eaters". This is watching TV shows, meaningless correspondence, playing games on the computer, etc. You can refuse such cases, and the productivity of the day will not change. Such activities can not really be called even a good rest, because they do not carry any benefit. You don't breathe fresh air, you don't learn anything new, you don't play sports, you don't sleep. Such matters should be strictly controlled.

If the day passes without haste and everything conceived is not shelved, then you are doing everything right. Calmness is a qualitative indicator of how you manage your most valuable resource - time.

Time Management Books

There is a huge list of literature on the management of the allocation of their time. Only Gleb Arkhangelsky has more than 10 works. The most famous of them: Time formula, Work 2:0, Time management on Outlook.

On the Pareto Law, there is an excellent book by Richard Koach "Principle 20 by 80". It reveals the skills to increase the effectiveness of their actions at the lowest cost.

Also, according to the square of the distribution of the importance of cases, there is a book “Highly effective time management according to the Eisenhower matrix”, authored by Anatoly Genius.

Interesting sources for studying time management include The Art of Keeping Up by Alan Lakein and It's a Strange Life by Daniil Granin, and Brian Tracy's excellent book Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone. 21 Ways to Improve Personal Efficiency” should be addressed first. Such work can change a lot in a person's life, and for the better.

Greetings to all guests and regular readers. In this article, I will share with you the secrets of how to manage to do everything and what is home time management in general. After all, for sure, many of you are already tired of the constant rush of things that never ends.

At the same time, general fatigue is accumulating, which over time threatens to develop into a serious depression. Let's talk today about how to keep up with everything and at the same time not feel like a “driven horse”.

Why do you need home planning?

Of course, everyone has different goals. Someone wants to unload their schedule so that there is time for communication with loved ones, for relaxation and for hobbies. Someone is constantly sewn up in cleaning, cooking and washing and is late for work because of this. Someone is tired of the constant "Groundhog Day".

This is a state when every day resembles the previous one, but at the same time you do not get any feedback at all and do not achieve your goal. A home management system will help you organize your time correctly and efficiently so that you can do everything!

Another very important and effective time management technique is not only to strictly follow the set plan, but also to analyze what you have done. This is very important for strengthening your own motivation and understanding that you are on the right path.

It is not enough to simply cross out all the household items at the end of the week. Analyze the list, mentally dividing it into 3 groups:

  1. For which I can praise myself.
  2. What did I fail to do and why?
  3. What should I focus on next week.

There are a large number of types of time management, but they all have the same goal: “Do more and get tired less!”

Golden Rules for Home Planning

  • No need to just write a huge to-do list that you will never be able to complete in 1 day in your life. This is ineffective time management, which will lead to a loss of motivation. You are more likely to abandon the entire time control system by losing faith in it. That is, the task of effective time management lies precisely in the rational distribution of time, which means that when setting a task, you need to clearly understand how much time it will take to complete it. Do not deceive yourself and do not “throw on” too much, then you will definitely not have time for anything.
  • Clearly rank household chores in order of their importance.
  • Break up a big job that has been lying unfulfilled for months, or even years, into small parts and pieces. This may be a move, repair, general cleaning, etc.
  • Combine several things at once. (Useful + super useful, pleasant + useful, pleasant + pleasant). For example, a woman is torn between a lot of ironing, cleaning, the need to clean up before the event and the desire to relax watching her favorite series. Why not organize your day in such a way that from 12-13 you iron, while you can turn on your favorite series or show, and then apply a mask on your face and at the same time do a little cleaning.
  • Find your time wasters. What distracts you more from work tasks (TV, social networks, telephone conversations)? You don't have to cut them out of your life forever. If all these little things give you pleasure, then just set aside a clear period of time for them. To this rule, perhaps, the saying is perfect: “Did the job - walk boldly!”.

  • Set aside some time for household chores. This rule applies to very busy people who disappear from work for 10-12 hours. In this case, no matter how the day is planned, it does not have 3-4 hours for cleaning, cooking, washing and ironing. Therefore, do not torture yourself and allocate only 30 minutes. Indicate that on Monday you spend 30 minutes in the bathroom, on Tuesday - exactly 30 minutes ironing? This time is not enough - transfer another 30 minutes of ironing to another day of the week, etc. This is much better than the only day off, with a "tongue on the shoulder" to do a global cleaning in the house, at the same time wash, iron and cook for the whole week. What will you get at the end of such a day off? Depression and terrible fatigue!

Many women complain that cooking takes them a huge amount of time, but at the same time they have a daily panic at work that the family will have nothing to eat in the evening! This suggests that you are inefficiently managing time and organizing time incorrectly.

There is even such a type of time management as home catering. In short, you should always make a menu for the week. Based on this, buy food + think to the maximum on a day off, what can be prepared from this menu. And in order not to feel like a “victim of home life”, you can combine Sunday cooking for a week

I can do it all!

Many who first encounter the newfangled and overseas concept of "time management" automatically reject such a time management system. Like, why do I need all these systems, so I have time for everything!

Possibly, but consider how much more efficiently you could use your resources. You could learn a new business, learn foreign language, learn some specialty or read more interesting books, attend cultural events.

Yes, maybe you really have time for everything, but what is the price? Are you tired, come home with only one thought to go to sleep? You are satisfied with yourself, so you did everything, but at the same time there were no interesting and bright moments in your day.

Don't limit your life to just household chores. An effective time management system will help make life brighter and save you from general fatigue!

Be sure to rest!

This is a very important rule, which many people either forget or do not attach importance to. Now I don’t mean a dream when you, tired on the machine, carried your body to bed and, with the last of your strength, started an alarm clock.

I'm talking now about a good rest, to allocate time for which one of the types of effective home time management will help you.

  • Making a plan for each day without fail represent the time resources that will be spent on the task.
  • Clearly define "working" time and rest time.
  • Write to yourself the types of recreation that are ideal for you. It can be going to the cinema, to the theater, to an exhibition, reading a book (which you have been wanting to read for a year), watching TV with your loved one, having dinner in a cafe, walking in the park, visiting guests. Why is it so important to write it down? In order to avoid that very feeling of the notorious “Groundhog Day” and so that you can clearly see how much more diverse, brighter and richer your life can be.
  • Now that you have written out how you want to relax, make a short-term plan. Set aside time in your schedule to do things you love every day. For the weekend, take those that require more time (theater, cinema, walk, picnic). And every evening, set aside 1-2 hours for rest (a film, a book, a tea party with loved ones, etc.)

Successful business consultants who teach the basics of effective time management say that there is no worse enemy to yourself than chronic fatigue! Nothing demotivates us, does not reduce our efficiency and does not interfere with the implementation of our goals, like chronic fatigue. So the time management system is just aimed at saving you from this feeling.

In general, we can talk about effective time management for a very long time, but it’s better to visit time management training and you will see how much better your life can be.

Share in the comments how you plan your household chores, and does such a system help you in life? Subscribe if you haven't already and see you soon!

Translated from English "time management" - time management. It is clear that in fact it is impossible to manage it. This refers to the orderly use of work and personal time, calculated in minutes, hours, days, weeks. Time management is accounting and operational planning.

Philosophy and practice of time management - relatively new science, which gained worldwide popularity only in the 80s of the twentieth century. There are still a lot of myths and misconceptions around her.


When trying to introduce a time management program into a team of employees, it is important to understand that the system is understandable and not accessible to everyone, and accordingly, it will not be perceived and assimilated by everyone. If a person lives aimlessly, does not strive for anything, and time weighs him down - he and time management are two opposite things. For the sake of productivity, one should determine the goals pursued by a person who comprehends this science. 4 whales of time management:

  • time optimization;
  • day planning;
  • time tracking;
  • organization of motivation.

Having understood the principles of operation of each of them, it will be possible not only to work with maximum efficiency, but also to maintain health, vigor and a bright mind.

Dwight Eisenhower Matrix

In time management courses for beginners, trainers recommend using the matrix developed by the 34th President of the United States. Eisenhower considered the ability to quickly navigate and indispensable skills successful person. Trying to optimize his time in the endless cycle of affairs, the head of state created a matrix that works on the principle: "Not all important matters are urgent, not all urgent matters are important." This is a visual aid of time management for moms and businessmen, builders and artists, which allows you to effectively plan and allocate resources rationally.

Operating principle

The matrix will bear fruit if the goals are real and they are set correctly. Before completing the next task, you need to answer two questions:

  1. It is important?
  2. This is urgent?

Based on the answer to them, 4 types of cases are distinguished:

  1. Important urgent.
  2. Irrelevant urgent.
  3. Non-urgent important.
  4. Unimportant non-urgent.

Life throws urgent things at us all the time. As for the degree of their importance, everyone gives an answer independently. Speaking of urgency, we can conclude that this criterion is objective. For example, a classmate with whom you have not seen for 5 years called and asked to make an appointment with his relative and help in finding a job. Important? Urgently? Is it consistent with your goals? To what type?

Important urgent

These tasks must be completed immediately. They are and are directly related to your life goals. All time management exercises are taken from real life, urgent matters arise unscheduled and, often, through no fault of yours. For example, a child in need of care, deterioration in health, difficulties at work, etc.

Possession of task management techniques and competent planning will reduce the number of urgent important cases to a minimum. If the condition is not met and urgent matters pile up out of nowhere, it is worth once again reviewing the goals for the near future and tightening self-discipline.

Reliability is the main source of important urgent cases. The inability to say “no” makes us those to whom other people delegate their important urgent or non-urgent tasks. The reasons for the difficulty in refusing are different, but you need to get together and make a strong-willed decision. Refer to your own urgent business, ask for a pause or indicate a time frame that is suitable for you, offer to assign another employee (assistant, partner, etc.) to complete the task. Ask an unexpected question to the instigator: what can he do? Most importantly, don't lose sight of your goal. It is important to understand that a constant stay in the mode of performing urgent and important things requires maximum concentration and dedication, which in the near future will lead to a deterioration in well-being. We do not have time to stop, rethink what is happening, evaluate the result, in the end, we just burn out.

Important non-urgent

The described variant of behavior in time management - time management, contains a list of tasks in the performance of which one can show degree, prudence. You have time to consider each step. This is a great opportunity to put the acquired theoretical planning skills into practice.

Experts say that people who build their business or career according to this principle achieve outstanding results. The presence of a margin of time allows a thorough and meaningful approach to solving issues, carrying out full-fledged planning, assessing and characterizing intermediate results, and being flexible.

This group includes cases related to the necessary routine: training, taking care of one's own health (observance of the daily routine, nutrition, disease prevention, etc.). Do not neglect time, because. important non-urgent matters can become urgent.

unimportant urgent

According to the rules of extreme time management, all of them should be excluded from everyday life, because. distract from important urgent and non-urgent tasks. Common unimportant things: causeless meetings, long telephone conversations, repairing / adjusting equipment. Often the tasks that a person sets for himself on this stage, relate to the competence and professionalism of others, so it is advisable to delegate them. For example, a refrigerator broke down, why spend hours on instructions, watching videos on fixing it and making unsuccessful attempts to restore its former functionality when you can quickly contact the master and entrust the work to him? Then there will be time to solve real pressing problems that require your attention.

Non-urgent unimportant

The answer to the question in time management, how to do everything, lies in the complete exclusion of such tasks from everyday life. They are merciless eaters of free time. If the situations from the previous square slightly distract from the main goals, then non-urgent unimportant things have a negative efficiency. We are talking about all your favorite social networks Instagram, Facebook, etc. with aimless scrolling of the tape, empty correspondence with friends, long-term viewing of TV shows, “freezing” in computer games.

These tasks are easy and non-committal. Their main harm is in the inconspicuous overlapping of the natural course of important matters.

If the goal is clearly set and has specific deadlines, the fourth type of cases should take a minimum of time, or better, be completely excluded. Do not selflessly immerse yourself in work without giving yourself a break. The rule “business is time, fun is an hour” is relevant here.

The Eisenhower Matrix applies to any area of ​​life: whether it's time management for moms in preparation for new year holidays or a specialist of a large corporation implementing a project of a lifetime.

If the goals are set correctly, there is a strong self-confidence, and the motivation for action is strong, difficulties should not arise.

Below is a list of time management time management methods that will help optimize tasks of various priorities.

Learning to say "no"

Good upbringing and restraint do not allow us to give up aimlessly listening to neighbor stories about a stormy weekend, receiving an unplanned visitor, participating in solving someone else's problem. Extreme time management refers to such situations as time wasters that could be used more productively. Making the decision to quit is a responsibility worth taking on once and for all. The reward for your efforts will be a large amount of time at your disposal.

The "cart and horse" rule

Have you ever thought about the fact that you are wasting precious time on something that has long lost its meaning? Do you habitually perform work that is no longer required to achieve results? According to experts, time management for women is built on the solution this issue. The work schedule should be systematically reviewed to remove uninformative reports and other things from it.

For clarity, we suggest imagining a horse pulling a wagon. As the cart moves, it fills up with new cargo, with each kilometer traveled, it becomes more and more. Is it really necessary to wait until the animal is exhausted, trying to pull an unbearable load? Most people (the vast majority of them are women) are sure that to work well means to work hard. They load themselves with more and more tasks, stay after work and do not regret the weekend they spent there. The result of such altruism will be a decrease in labor efficiency and “emotional burnout”, when what you are doing loses its meaning.

It is important to find a delicate balance between personal life and employment. This is the best motivation to study and practice over time) - to strive for self-development and self-improvement.

"Eating an Elephant"

The most difficult to perform are complex tasks of global scale. Their main problem is that the result will not be visible soon, but they will have to work hard now. In time management programs, they are metaphorically referred to as "elephants". It will not be possible to deal with the whole "elephant" in one go. To get rid of it, a fractional solution to the problems is proposed - the division of the animal into "steaks". The pieces should have an optimal size for “eating” at a time without discomfort and negative emotions.

An example of time management for women: everyone's "favorite" spring cleaning can be divided into several smaller activities: go through the contents of cabinets today, and postpone window cleaning until tomorrow. So, with each step, moving forward will be easier.

The main problem is that we ourselves are engaged in growing "elephants" of several tons. This happens when important things are put off until later. Even if we think about a task, but don't get started, the "elephant" grows.

When there is nothing left but to solve the problem, it turns out that it was not so difficult after all. The result of prolonged inaction is wasted potential and a lot of negativity around. And only the complete completion of the work will bring positive and energy to life.

Swiss cheese technique

The main difference between “cheese” and the previous time management method is in solving the problem not “from head to tail”, but in an arbitrary order. It is advisable to start with easily accessible areas, the solution of which will give a positive mood and add self-confidence. Daily "gnawing" small holes in the cheese will imperceptibly lead to its complete eating.

A typical example: when starting to write an article, the author studied some aspect more than others or is simply interested in this topic. You need to start expressing thoughts on paper with this topic.

To achieve maximum labor efficiency, the described methods should be applied in combination. The combination of them will be individual, depending on the goals and specifics of the activity.