The type of speech in which. Type of speech: description, narration, reasoning. Type of speech description: examples

One of the means of expressing the author's attitude to the topic of the text is the use of a certain type of speech, which has its own compositional features. The main types of speech are description, narration and reasoning.
Description portrayed any phenomenon of reality by listing it permanent or simultaneously present signs or actions(The content of the description can be transmitted on one frame of the camera).
In the description, most of all, words denoting qualities, properties of objects (nouns, adjectives, adverbs) are used. Verbs are often used in the form not perfect look past tense, and for special clarity, pictorial description - and in the form of the present tense. Synonyms are widely used - definitions (agreed and inconsistent) and nominal sentences.
For example:
The sky was clear, clear, pale blue. Light white clouds, lit from one side with a pink glow, floated lazily in transparent silence. The East was red and flaming, shimmering in other places with mother-of-pearl and silver. From behind the horizon, like giant spread fingers, stretched up across the sky golden stripes from the rays of the sun that had not yet risen. (A. I. Kuprin)

The description helps to see the subject, to present it in the mind.

Narration- this is a type of speech with which it is told about any events in their time sequence; successive actions or events are reported (the content of the narration can be conveyed only on a few frames of the camera).

In narrative texts, a special role belongs to verbs, especially in the form of the past tense of the imperfective form ( came, saw, developed etc.).
For example:
And suddenly... something inexplicable, almost supernatural, happened. The Great Dane suddenly fell on its back, and some invisible force pulled it off the sidewalk. Following this, the same invisible force tightly gripped the astonished Jack's throat... Jack propped himself up with his front legs and shook his head violently. But an invisible "something" squeezed his neck so that the brown pointer lost consciousness. (A. I. Kuprin)

Narrative helps to visualize the actions, movements of people and phenomena in time and space.

reasoning is a type of speech that any position, thought is proved or explained; talking about cause and effect events and phenomena, assessments and feelings (about what cannot be photographed).

In reasoning texts, a special role belongs to introductory words indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation (firstly, secondly, so, therefore, therefore, on the one hand, on the other hand), as well as subordinating unions with the meaning of cause, effect, concession ( in order to, in order to, because, although, in spite of the fact that etc.).
For example:
If the writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.
But if the writer sees well what he writes about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire novelty, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him. (K. G. Paustovsky)

Attention! The boundaries between description, narration and reasoning are rather arbitrary. At the same time, any one type of speech is not always presented in the text. Much more often there are cases of their combination in various versions: description and narration; description and reasoning; description, narration and reasoning; description with elements of reasoning; narrative with elements of reasoning, etc.

Narration is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence. The peculiarity of the narrative is that it talks about actions following one after another. For all narrative texts, the beginning of the event (outset), the development of the event, the end of the event (denouement) are common. The story can be told in a third person. This is the author's story. It can also come from the first person: the narrator is named or indicated by the personal pronoun I.

In such texts, verbs in the form of the past tense of the perfect form are often used. But, in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used simultaneously with them: the verb in the form of the past tense of the imperfect form makes it possible to single out one of the actions, denoting its duration; present tense verbs make it possible to present actions as if taking place before the eyes of the reader or listener; forms of the future tense with a particle like (how to jump), as well as forms like clap, jump help to convey the swiftness, surprise of this or that action.

Composition of description and narration. Based on the universal compositional scheme, the disposition also developed private compositional moves - such as description, narration. N.F. Koshansky in "General Rhetoric" gives the following recommendations for description:

How to describe an item.

I. Beginning 1. Refer to the subject "in a living ... feeling" ( O people!)

2. Say about the time of the day or year 3. Say about the place where the object is located or met: overall picture, then the gaze is focused on the subject.

II. Middle 1. If the object is "inactive" (lake, hill), changes in it are described in different time(top "circumstances: time")

2. If this is an inanimate object and it as a whole consists of parts (city, garden), then its individual parts are described, pictures are given from its different sides (top "whole: parts")

3. If this is a “moral” subject, then they resort to the top “genus and species”, “varieties” (modesty, luxury, etc.)

4. If it actor("hero"), then his properties and actions are described one after another, gradually and separately.

5. It is especially useful to use the top "mapping".

III. End 1. Again turn to the subject 2. At the very end, "a moral entertaining thought, a lofty and striking truth" is needed.

Informative speech can also be constructed in the form storytelling.

How to tell stories.

I. Beginning. The following options are possible:

1. Appeal to the addressee General idea of ​​the story in aphoristic form 2. Common truth 3. Place, time, characters II. Middle. Options:

1. Follow the natural course of events. At the same time, the narrator must "pump up" the degree of interest of the addressee, moving towards the climax of the story, which completes the "middle"

2. You can start, as Lomonosov advises, "not from the beginning of the action, but from some wonderful, noble or unexpected adventure that took place in the middle of the action itself", i.e. climax.

III. End:

1. The denouement of the story.

2. Moral conclusion.

We turned to traditional patterns that may seem ridiculous or outdated. But good speakers still use these recommendations today, remembering that rhetorical disposition is "not a dogma, but a guide to action."

Examples of such speeches can be found not only in old textbooks, but also in modern ones. For example, Paul Sauper.

Classical pattern of speech-reasoning Now let's turn to the classic image speeches - reasoning, which is not only the basis of the skill of a speaker - a politician, a speaker - a judge, a speaker - a manager, but also the foundation of any controversy, dispute, discussion.

Reasoning in which the deductive method is chosen is called strict hria.

The speaker first formulates the thesis to be proved, and then gives arguments. However, one can also successfully use the reverse train of thought - from the particular to the general, i.e. inductive method ( artificial chrya). This method is used if the audience is not inclined to favorably accept the speaker or is ill-prepared for the perception of speech. Let us present the structure of a strict hriya.

How to speak reasoning (strict hriya)

Attack - praise or description Paraphrase, or clarification of the topic Reason - proof of the thesis: This is so because ...

The opposite (if not, then ...)

Similarity Example Evidence Conclusion - conclusion.

"Knowledge of the structure of reasoning will also help if you are engaged in actual science, academic activities: a well-written modern scientific article, in whatever area it is made, uses precisely the classical rhetorical layout of content in speech-reasoning" (21,188) .

NARRATORY - text type (speech type): a story, a message about an event, action, phenomenon occurring in time; one of the functional-semantic types of speech, along with reasoning and description.

The purpose of the narrative is to give an idea of ​​the event (a series of events) in chronological order or to show the transition of an object from one state to another. The peculiarity of narration as a type of text is that events or phenomena are depicted here, in which actions do not occur simultaneously, but follow each other or determine each other: On the way Lidia Borisovnatold , as almost forty years ago for the first time herselfarrived here, on the ashes of the Blokovsky there with adventures, first by train, then on a ride ... For a long timewalked walking through the forest, almostgot lost . Found a burnt foundation along three birch trees growing in a field on a hillock.sat among the bushes, under the tall silvery poplar,picked up a piece of brick from the foundation of a burnt house andbrought Chukovsky. Old manpressed this piece to the cheek,said : "I never got out there to Blok, but he called me to come." Lidia Borisovnaasked : "Korney Ivanovich, will this house never be restored?" Heanswered : "Lida, you have to live long in Russia"(D. Rubina).

In a narrative, one can usually determine the place and time of the action, the character, the chronological sequence of what is happening, etc. The composition of the narrative, as a rule, is subject to the sequence of development of the author's thought and the task that the author sets himself. Examples of the shortest narratives can be considered the famous letter of Caesar, telling about the swift victory at the Battle of Zela ( I came, I saw, I conquered), or a classic quote from the movie "The Diamond Arm": Stumbled, fell, woke up - plaster. They very accurately convey the essence of the narrative - the story of what happened.

Depending on the author's task and style of speech, the narration can be neutral(in scientific and official business styles of speech: Birch is a deciduous tree. Grows in central Russia. Birch bark is used in folk crafts) or, conversely, permeated with author's emotions(in fiction, journalistic and colloquial styles speeches: As in a dream I approach our birch. Hello! Didn't recognize me?<…>My brother and I found you in the pasture... I remember the cuckoo was cuckooing. We cut off two big roots from you. They planted, poured two buckets of water ... You barely survived, for two summers the leaves were small, pale ...(V. Belov).

Narrative is characteristic primarily for literary texts, the plot of which is based on a story about events. AT work of art narration is also called the speech of a personified narrator or the author's monologue speech (with the exception of the direct speech of characters - monologues and dialogues).

The literary genres, which are based on the narrative, traditionally include short story, short story, novel, epic novel.

Publicistic genres, which are based on narration, are reportage(narrative from the scene) feature article(work based on facts, documents, personal impressions of the author), article, feuilleton(a work of accusatory focus on a topical topic), etc.

The narrative in a literary and journalistic text may include descriptions(for a visual-figurative representation of heroes, scenes of action) and reasoning(to express the author's attitude to the depicted).

Scientific storytelling is message(a genre characterized by laconic presentation, reliance on facts and used in scientific publications and also in newspaper articles and historical literature): After a brief acquaintance with Egypt during a trip along the Nile, Caesar moved to Asia Minor against Pharnaces II, the son of Mithridates, who took possession of the province of Pontus. In August 47 BC Caesar immediately put Pharnaces' army to flight at the Battle of Zela(Encyclopedia "Circumnavigation").

The genres of business storytelling are instructions, reports, protocols: On March 14, 2001, at the crossroads of the Svetlograd-Divnoye highways, traffic police officers tried to stop a VAZ 21099 to check documents. The car did not stop, and traffic inspectors began to pursue her. The perpetrators were caught and stopped..

The composition of a business narrative is usually organized by marker words that indicate the sequence of presentation of the material or recommended actions: first, then, as a result etc., as well as verbs and words need, need, should etc.

The leading role in the narrative of any type is played by verb forms, which ensure the development of the narrative and visually represent successive actions, the course of an event (phenomenon) in time and space. The main semantic load is usually carried by perfective verbs, prefixed and non-prefixed: Pugachevleft ; peoplerushed behind him(A. Pushkin). However, if we are talking not about single, but about repeated actions, past tense verbs of the imperfect form are used: Every spring, parentswent to the cottageplanted flowers and vegetables,bred chickens.

Narration as a type of text (way of presentation), focused on the dynamic reflection of the phenomena of reality, is the opposite. description.

16.0 writing as a type of speech, structural parts, types of description.

DESCRIPTION - text type (speech type): a verbal image of an object, phenomenon or action through the presentation of its characteristic features; one of the functional-semantic types of speech, along with storytelling and reasoning. The purpose of the description is to visually draw a verbal picture so that the reader visually imagines the subject of the image.

The description differs from other types of text in that it gives an idea of ​​any phenomenon, object, person, state, action by listing their features and properties. The role of description is different in fiction, poetry, journalism, official business speech. In a work of art, description (along with narration) is one of the most common components of the author's monologue speech.

Typically, the following types of description are distinguished:

portrait- image of the character's appearance (face, figures, clothes, behavior, etc.): Long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat top, pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-coloured sideburns, it [ Bazarov's face] animated by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence(I. Turgenev);

dynamic portrait, drawing facial expressions, eyes, facial expressions, gestures, posture, actions and states of the character: A strange smile twisted his face, a pitiful, sad, weak smile...(F. Dostoevsky);

psychological picture- a description of the internal state of the character, allowing the author to slightly open the inner world or emotional experiences of the hero: His eyes didn't laugh when he laughed(M. Lermontov);

landscape- description of nature as part of the real environment in which the action unfolds: The fields are compressed, the groves are bare. // Above the water - fog and dampness ...(S. Yesenin);

interior- image of the interior of the room: In the middle of the room is a heavy table, like a tomb, covered with a white tablecloth, and on it are two cutlery, napkins folded in the form of papal tiaras, and three dark bottles.(M. Bulgakov), depiction of place and time of action: Between the peat lowlands, a village was randomly scattered - monotonous poorly plastered barracks of the thirties and, with carvings on the facade, with glazed verandas, houses of the fifties(A. Solzhenitsyn).

AT artistic text description performs a variety of functions. Thus, the description of nature often draws the atmosphere of the action, helps to comprehend the state of the character. It can harmonize with the inner world of the hero: And he looked around, as if wishing to understand how one could not sympathize with nature. It was already evening; the sun hid behind a small aspen grove that lay half a verst from the garden(I. Turgenev) - or discord with him: The sky was without the slightest cloud, and the water was almost blue, which is so rare on the Neva. dome of the cathedral<…>so it shone, and through the clean air one could clearly see even each of its decorations.<…>An inexplicable cold blew over him [Raskolnikov] always from this magnificent panorama(F. Dostoevsky).

In journalism, documentary, accurate reproduction of details makes the reader seem to be an eyewitness of what is happening: A monument to a small brave creature with sharp ears - Mummy-Troll... A bronze figurine about half the size of a human being...(magazine "World Pathfinder"). However, often the description is given through the perception of the author: The airy, elven poet was a businesslike, extremely everyday person, grounded in all his habits. Fet's appearance, especially in the old days, was defiantly anti-poetic: overweight, heavy, with a rude, frowning, often peevish face.(Yu. Nagibin).

Description as an independent component of the composition of a literary or journalistic text, as a rule, interrupts the development of the action, however, if the description is small in volume, it may not stop the development of the action, but be organically included in the narrative (the so-called storytelling with descriptive elements): I followed the crowd into the church and saw the groom. It was a small, round, well-fed little man with a belly, very decorated.<…>Finally there was a rumor that the bride had been brought. I forced my way through the crowd and saw a wonderful beauty, for whom the first spring had hardly come.<…>She was said to be barely sixteen years old(F. Dostoevsky).

Artistic and publicistic descriptions are characterized by the widespread use of means of language expressiveness (metaphors, personifications, comparisons, epithets, etc.): Through the wide span of the window one could see the tiled roofs of Berlin - their outlines were changing due to the incorrect internal overflows of glass - and among the roofs a distant dome rose like a bronze watermelon. The clouds flew and broke through, exposing for a moment a light astonished autumn blue.(V. Nabokov).

In the texts of the official business style of speech, there are such varieties of description as item description, his technical and informational description. At the same time, the task is to accurately name the features of the described object or device, therefore artistic and aesthetic means are always excluded from the business description: Instant payment machine - vandal-resistant (that is, capable of withstanding aggressive influences while maintaining full operability) device for accepting cash and transferring them to the accounts of service companies.

The leading role in the description is played by adjectives and participles, as well as nominal sentences that provide expressiveness and clarity of the image: Shrub and undergrowth. Eerie evening silence. silent thickets(V. Peskov).

Verbs, participles and participles in descriptive texts are usually in the present tense, and the predicate, as a rule, is located after the subject: Porch door is open T. Tolstaya).

Description as a type of text (way of presentation), focused on a static reflection of the phenomena of reality, is the opposite storytelling.

The narration, along with the description, is one of the types of monologue speech. The narration reveals closely related events, phenomena, and actions. Most often these are actions that objectively took place in the past. Sentences in narrative texts do not describe actions, but narrate about them. Therefore, the main language means that organize the narrative are verb forms, which, being closely intertwined, create a species-temporal pattern of the narrative.

In narration, the verbs of the past tense of the perfect form are most often used, which express the sequence of action, the replacement of one whole, completed action by another, which is just characteristic of narration as opposed to description.

Other linguistic features of the narrative should also be noted:

1) often verbs-predicates with the meaning of sequential actions refer to the same person, especially in official business texts: was born, brought up, grew up, studied, entered, graduated, began to work;

2) circumstantial words can be used that establish the sequence of actions: then, then, after that, in the end, etc .;

3) the action can be detailed, divided into components through various dependent words indicating the time and place of the action: last year, in 1987, at the present time; in Almaty, at the university, at the philological faculty.

Narrative is characterized by chain linking as a common way of connecting sentences in parts of the text. The main composition of the extended narrative involves three parts, interconnected:

1) exposure to the narrative (the beginning of the event);

2) the middle part of the story (its development);

3) conclusion (end of the event).

Narration as a type of monologue speech is used in all functional styles of speech: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial, artistic speech.

9. Reasoning as a type of monologue speech. Types of reasoning.

Reasoning is a type of speech, the purpose of which is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought. From a logical point of view, reasoning is a chain of conclusions on a topic, presented in a consistent form.

A reasoning is a series of judgments relating to a question. At the same time, the judgments follow one after the other in such a way that the second one necessarily follows from the first judgment, and as a result we get an answer to the question posed. One of the judgments contains a general rule (major premise), the other is a special case (minor premise).

Types of reasoning

There are three types of reasoning: reasoning-explanation, reasoning-proof, reasoning-thinking.

Reasoning-proof is built according to the following scheme: exposition (leading to the question) - question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

The proof of the truth of the thesis becomes the main part of the reasoning text.

Reasoning-explanation assumes that the main statement of the text is true, so there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis. The main task of the text is to reveal the content of the thesis.

When constructing reasoning texts, one should rely on the following rules:

1. Proof and explanation are built according to the same scheme: exposition - question - answer to the question (thesis) - proof of the thesis - conclusions.

2. After the thesis in the proof, the natural question is why?, after the thesis in the explanation, the question is why? seems artificial and out of place.

3. After the thesis in the explanation, as a rule, words and expressions of the type are used: it turned out ..., the point is ... that ..., that's why ..., here ..., for example ..., this is evidenced by such facts as ..., as it turned out ...

4. The scheme of reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation in practice is quite often implemented in an abbreviated form: sometimes the question is omitted, often there are no conclusions, often there is no exposition. In all cases, the omission is explained by the fact that the reasoning is clear and without missing components of the "ideal" reasoning, since all these missing components are easily conjectured or implied. Thus, the obligatory parts of the reasoning are the thesis and its proof. An exposition, a problematic issue, conclusions can either be present in the text or absent.


Reflection is one of the types of reasoning texts and is built, as a rule, in a question-answer form. In such reasoning, questions can be reflected in the text. Or they may not get it.

Reasoning-thinking includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

The text-thinking is built according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other:

1) exposition (bringing to the problematic issue);

2) a system of problem questions and answers to them;

The formation of connected human speech has been going on for many millennia. Developed in later stages written form speech. AT modern language the presence of three main types of texts is noted: narration, description, reasoning. Texts differ in their functionality, carry a different semantic load, have a certain structure.

their use

Any text is spoken or written for some purpose. This largely depends on its content. For the design of speech, there is a certain set of tools, their use depends on the type of text.

Narration, description, reasoning - texts that are most often used in oral and written speech.

Description text

Text is created for the purpose of indicating that an object belongs to a particular group. For this, it is usually described characteristics, functionality, area of ​​use.

To give an idea of ​​the subject, in one of the parts of the text, it must be given. general description. Most often this is done at the beginning or end.
A full description of the subject is impossible without detail. The most important features are described in detail, taking into account the meaning that needs to be conveyed through the text. To the description, one can easily put the questions "what?", "what?". This type of text is easy to illustrate. In this case, one picture is enough, which will depict both common features object or phenomenon, and all its important details. The action takes place in a specific place at a specific time period. Of the expressive means of the language, the method of comparison, opposition, analogies is used. Simple and are constructions included in the description text.

Narration. Goals of creating text

The purpose of this text is to describe the event, which shows the relationship of individual facts. The reader should be able to understand the course of development of one or more related stories.

For the most complete understanding of the purpose for which a text of this type is created, it will be useful to consider the chain of narrative - story - message. From this it becomes clear that to narrate is to narrate.

Characteristic features of the text

If the reader, after reading the content of the text, can answer some questions for himself: “what happened”, “what happened from the very beginning”, “how did the story end”, “what was the culminating moment in the development of events”. This indicates that he is dealing with such a type of speech as narration.

Here, verbs play a huge role, which can be included in declarative, interrogative, exclamatory sentences.
Narrative story emphasizes the change of events and their logical sequence. Chronology can be traced in texts of this type. Simple and complex basis of texts related to this type.

Narration: an example

As an example, you can take the text from the collection of exercises designed to work with younger children. school age. The story is called "By the Sea".

“There was a strong storm at night. The wind blew fiercely. The whole house shuddered from the storm. The sea waves howled menacingly. By morning, the storm gradually subsided. Natasha and Seryozha went for a walk to the sea. The girl picked up a small helpless crustacean from the sand. "The crustacean moved its paws weakly. Natasha threw the poor fellow into the water. He tumbled in the green water and quickly swam away. A fish swam on its side in a coastal puddle. The boy caught it and quickly released it into the sea. Then Seryozha found two helpless snails. They were almost dry and also needed help. On this day, Serezha and Natasha saved many marine inhabitants. "

Russians folk tales can also serve as an example of narrative texts. In their structure, the plot, plot development, climax and denouement of the action are clearly visible. Narrative is found in fiction and scientific literature, as well as in all genres of conversational style.

Definition of types of speech. Working methods

After the children have read the narrative text, an example of which is given above, they can be asked to determine its topic and main idea. Having collectively discussed the proposed task, it is appropriate to answer the question "what did Seryozha and Natasha do?" Students list all the actions committed by the characters in the story. It will be useful to evaluate the actions of the characters. In addition, you need to ask the children to talk about the events that preceded the actions of the characters. The plot is very important in the text-narrative.

One of the techniques that helps to determine whether a text belongs to one or another type of speech is word drawing. To do this, you need to ask the children to determine how many frames of the filmstrip they can make in order to convey the content of the text. Schoolchildren discover that one frame cannot convey the entire sequence of events; a series of pictures is needed. After such work, children easily determine that the given story is a narrative. Children can compose an example of this type of text on their own. At the same time, at a certain stage of training, they can indicate all its essential features.

Reasoning text

This type of speech is designed not only to point out the signs of the subject, but also to explore them. In addition, you need to prove and justify the existence of relationships, which is not at all required by the narrative.

An example of a reasoning text will necessarily contain a thought intended for proof, as well as conclusions, explanations, reasoning, thanks to which the assumption will be proven.

Logic is very important in the text, so you should clearly build a line of reasoning. Everything that does not relate to the proof of the thesis is excluded from the article. The design most often uses simple and complex ones with goals, causes, effects.

Of the questions to the text-reasoning, the most suitable are such as "why?", "why?", "why?"

Watching Speech Types

The general education program in the Russian language should give students knowledge of what a text is, its type. Narratives, reasoning, descriptions are given as examples. But the main thing that needs to be taught to children is the ability to prove that a text belongs to one type or another and independently compose them on a topic given by the teacher.

To master these skills, students must:

  • distinguish text from a set of sentences;
  • know the structure of the text, its main parts;
  • be able to put one of the questions to the content of the work, by which it is easy to determine its belonging to the type of speech;
  • be able to evaluate life situation, in which a certain type of speech should be used.

When working on a text, it is easy to notice that there is such a phenomenon as a combination of its various types in one work. Fragments are included in the presentation not in isolation from each other, but in close connection. Therefore, it is very important not only to learn to distinguish types of speech, but also to skillfully combine them with each other.

Graduate elementary school provided that the work on the development of speech was carried out systematically, without much difficulty determines the type of text: narration, description, reasoning. Work on the ability to compose and combine them with each other continues at subsequent stages of training.

Types of speech - delimitation of speech according to the generalized meaning on narrative, description, reasoning.

Narration - a type of speech in which events are presented in a certain sequence.

The artistic narrative text is built according to the following compositional scheme:

  • exposition
  • plot
  • action development
  • climax
  • denouement

Works of a narrative type of speech can begin immediately with a plot and even with a denouement of an action, that is, an event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and only then about the action itself.

The expressive and pictorial power of the narrative lies primarily in the visual representation of the action, the movement of people and phenomena in time and space.

storytelling characteristic:

  • communication of developing events, actions or states;
  • dynamism;
  • leading part of speech - a verb or words with the meaning of movement .

Since the narrative reports on events, incidents, actions, a special role here belongs to verbs, especially the forms of the past tense of the perfect form. They, denoting successive events, help to unfold the narrative.

So it took about an hour. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played on the earthen floor of the hut. Suddenly, a shadow flickered across the bright strip that crossed the floor. I got up and looked out the window, someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature had escaped along the steep bank; however, he had nowhere else to go. I got up, put on my beshmet, girded my dagger, and quietly left the hut; towards me a blind boy. I hid near the fence, and he walked past me with a sure but cautious step. Under his arms he carried some kind of bundle and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path.

M.Yu. Lermontov

Description - type of speech, which describes the signs of objects, phenomena, animals, humans.

Composition descriptions, its most characteristic elements:

  • general idea of ​​the subject;
  • description of details, parts, individual features of the subject;
  • author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion.

The description is widely used:

  • words denoting qualities, properties n redmetov;
  • Verbs in the form of the past tense of the imperfect form, and for special clarity, figurativeness - in the form of the present tense;
  • agreed and inconsistent define I;
  • nominative and incomplete suggestions.

The sea hummed menacingly under them, standing out from all the noises of this anxious and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space, it lay deep below, far whitening through the dusk with manes of foam running towards the ground. The erratic rumble of the old poplars behind the fence of the garden, which grew like a gloomy island on a rocky shore, was also terrible. It was felt that in this deserted place now the night of late autumn reigned imperiously, and the old large garden, the house packed for the winter and the open gazebos at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment. One sea hummed evenly, victoriously, and seemed to grow more and more majestic in the consciousness of its strength. A damp wind was blowing down on the cliff, and for a long time we were not able to get enough of its soft, penetrating freshness to the depths of the soul.

I.A. Bunin

Reasoning - a type of speech in which some phenomenon, fact, concept is affirmed or denied.

Reasoning differs from narrative and description in more complex sentences and vocabulary.

Reasoning can take the form letters, articles, reviews, reports, student essays, polemical presentations in discussions, polemical dialogue and etc.

The discussion proceeds according to the following plan:

  • thesis (an idea is expressed);
  • arguments proving it;
  • conclusion or conclusion.

The thesis must be provable and clearly formulated. The arguments must be convincing and sufficient to support your thesis.

This book is strange. There is in it, it seems to me, something mysterious, almost mystical. Here comes the next new edition - and immediately somewhere in the statistics it already appears. But in fact, although the book is, but it is not! Not until at least one reader reads it.

Yes, a strange thing is a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other items in your room. But now you take it in your hands, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and ... that's it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let's listen to ourselves: didn't some new string sound in our soul after reading the book, didn't some new thought settle in our head? Didn't you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

Book …. After all, this is a piece of the spiritual experience of mankind. Reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience, compare our life's gains and losses with it. In general, with the help of the book we improve ourselves.

(N. Morozova)


  1. Shuvaeva A.V. Russian language. Express tutor to prepare for the exam. Speech. Text. - M.: Astrel, 2008.
  2. Lessons in the development of speech 5, 6, 7 cells. Toolkit for teachers. Edited by. Kanakina G.I., Prantsova G.V. - M.: Vlados, 2000.
  3. Russian language lessons (collection of material) ().
  4. Theory. tests().
  5. narration().

Presentation"Types of speech" "().


Determine the type of speech.

1 option

(1) The scientific knowledge accumulated since then suggests that the truth lies in the middle. (2) No trait can develop if such a possibility is not inherent in the genotype. (3) But if development takes place under different conditions, then the manifestation of the genotype will vary. (4) And most importantly, each sign must be helped to develop.

Option 2

1. Reasoning. 2. Narration. 3. Description.

(1) And so a person sits down to write not when he needs to say something, but when he needs to pay the rent. (2) And before our eyes, a fresh sprout of talent turns yellow, dries. (3) And there is no longer a writer. (4) An aspiring writer, if he respects his talent and cherishes it, should not "live" on literature. (5) Earn a livelihood with anything, but not by writing.

3 option

1. Reasoning. 2. Narration, 3. Description 4. Reasoning and description.

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so does an entire nation gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries create the landscape and landscape of their country. (2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were placed throughout its expanses on mostly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds of monasteries, countless windmills and watermills. (3) Tens of thousands of landlord estates with their parks and systems of ponds also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But first of all, both small villages and villages with willows, wells, bathhouses, paths, gardens, carved architraves, shepherd's horns, thatched roofs, small individual fields (V. Soloukhin).

4 option

1. Reasoning. 2. Description. 3. Narration and description. 4. Reasoning and description.

(1) The children were crying, the light bulb, blinking from power surges, sprayed beams of yellow light, the smell of something stale and musty clogged the lungs. (2) Suddenly, a boy in a blue blouse, escaping from the hands of his mother, buried himself at my feet. (3) I stroked his fluffy head, and the baby looked at me with trusting eyes. (4) I smiled. (5) The young mother made him sit down.

5 option

1. Reasoning and narration. 2. Description. 3. Narration and description. 4. Reasoning and description.

(1) Duel! (2) Only this discharge of deadly force could swiftly restore the moral balance. (3) The scoundrel knew that his meanness could be punished not by levying a fine in a year by the court's verdict, but tonight. (4) At the latest, tomorrow morning. (5) The vulgar did not say ambiguities aloud, being wary of immediate retribution. (6) The gossiper had to be careful. (7) In the formidable light of dueling rules, the word quickly cast into lead. (8) But what about Pushkin? (9) What an irreparable and senseless death ... (10) Yes, irreparable, but not senseless. (11) Yes, "a slave of honor", but honor!