A sample flow chart for the fgos speech therapist. Technological map of speech therapy classes. Theme: “Winter fairy tale. thank you very much

Routing speech therapy session.
Gerzhina Tamara Ivanovna
speech therapist teacher
(class, speech therapy
Topic of the lesson
Lesson type
Purpose of the lesson
Grade 0, subgroup lesson.
Logopedic conclusion: FFNR.
Sound J. Letter J.
"Discovery of new knowledge"
1. Technology based on the activity approach.
2. Health-saving technologies.
3. Information and communication technologies
Technology of phased formation of mental actions
Formation in preschoolers of the skills necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sound [g]. Development
phonemic hearing.
Health saving
It is assumed that to
end of class
students will:
the concepts of "sound", "letter";
know the articulation
sound pose [w];
write in writing
studied sound.

Promote development
sound pronunciation /Ж/
develop a dialogic
speech through formation

Create the conditions
positive interest in
topic being studied.
Contribute to the creation
conditions providing:
skills building
mastering the necessary
learning activities.
Build installations for
healthy lifestyle life and
implementation in real

Plan the volume of material with
taking into account
child fatigue:
maintain correct posture
observe the guard
psychological climate;
alternate between static and
dynamic tasks.


correct speech
attention and perception;
develop small and
general motor skills;
volitional sphere (skill
express your thoughts
well, accurately, clearly.
Regulatory UUD:
develop skill
express one's own
learn to accept
save the learning task.
Communicative UUD:
develop listening skills
and understand others;
learn to work in pairs.
Cognitive UUD:
develop the ability to find and
structure information;
develop skills
provide information and
extract it from schemes, tables;
based on object analysis
draw conclusions
summarize, classify
by signs.
learning activities
Personal UUD:
generate motivation
to learning and
create conditions for
positive interest
to the subject being studied.

ICT tools,
Hardware: computer, LCD panel.
Basic presentation “Articulation gymnastics. A set of exercises for pinching.
Individual mirrors, speech therapy spatulas, sound schemes, graphic articulation profile of sound F,
demonstration picture "Beetle", handouts for the sound Zh, audio song "We are bugs", counting sticks
Organizational structure of speech therapy classes.
and working methods
speech therapist teacher
Stage I
II. Stage
create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in the educational process;

5 minutes
We learn and improve.
sample show
breathing exercises:
"Ship" "Let's warm our palms."
­ articulation gymnastics:
"SmileTube", "Fungus",
“Brushing teeth”, “Cup-saucer
cake”, “Delicious jam”, “Sail”
update the studied methods of action sufficient to build new knowledge and their generalization (reproduce and
fix the ZUN necessary for the construction of new knowledge);
consolidate the knowledge gained about the articulation of sound [g].
and working methods
speech therapist teacher

3 min
1. Showing the correct articulation of the sound
When pronouncing the sound [g], the lips are slightly
elongated and rounded, the teeth are close together, but
do not touch, the distance between them
23 mm, the tongue is “cupped” up behind
upper teeth, near alveoli, air
warm, the jet is directed in the middle
language, voice.
Adopt the correct position of the lips and
tongue and buzzed.
1. Articulate by looking at themselves in
mirror, repeating after the speech therapist.
Then they pronounce the sound [g] for a long time.
III. Stage
places and
the reasons
awareness of what exactly is the lack of their knowledge, skills or abilities.
fixing the place where the difficulty arose, the correlation of their actions in this place with the studied methods and
determining what knowledge or skill they lack to solve the problem:
setting the sound [g], developing the correct articulation of the sound, fixing it in syllables and in isolation.
and working methods
5 minutes
speech therapist teacher
1. The game "Hello, finger!":
finger gymnastics (thumb
alternately touches the pad with
while the rest pronounces syllables
according to the vowel table:
2. - Let's play with little bugs.
Let's buzz, spreading our wings.
3. Work in pairs:
turned to each other and said
sound [g]. Pay attention to your
1. Perform the exercise,
syllables are spoken.
2. Pronounce long sound[and],
spread their arms to the sides.
3. Pronounce the sound [g], compare,
pay attention to errors.

articulation and articulation of the neighbor.
4. Speech therapist points out mistakes and
IV. Stage
Goals of UD and the way of their implementation:
students in a communicative form formulate the specific goal of future educational actions that eliminate the cause
difficulties (what knowledge is needed and what needs to be learned);
propose and agree on the topic of the lesson, which the teacher can clarify,
determine the means for building NK (new knowledge) (with the help of what? - studied concepts, algorithms, models, methods
and working methods
speech therapist teacher
8 min
th: schemes,
sound schemes.
Describe the sound [g].
1. Say it again and try
determine what this sound is?
2. Vowel or consonant?
3. Let's pronounce the sound firmly.
What color is the square?
Z sound?
4. Can you pronounce it softly?
5. Is this sound voiced or deaf?
6. Why?
7. Recall the articulatory posture and
determine which exercises
Let's draw a sound diagram.
8. Let's get acquainted with the letter, which
1. Children pronounce.
2. Consonant.
3. [g].
4. No.
5. Voiced.
6. When articulating it, we
we use voice. work
vocal cords.
7., Lips "tube" wide
Fence teeth
Tongue "cup" (curved
up arrow).

denotes this sound in writing. (Show,
demonstration picture "Letter Z".
Look closely at the letter
Count how many elements a letter has
9. Laying out from counting sticks
the letter J.
Now take your counting sticks and
put the letter J on the desks.
8. Writing a letter with a forefinger
finger in the air.
9.Work with counting sticks
to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and implementation in real behavior.
and working methods
speech therapist teacher
and students
2 minutes
sample show
Performs a physical minute with
Clean tongue:
Can a hedgehog run?
Can the toad wait?
Can a beetle buzz, buzz?
Coordination of words with movements:
The hedgehog can run!
The toad can wait!
Maybe a beetle buzzing!
learning a new mode of action;
perform in the form of communicative interaction (frontally, in groups, in pairs) typical tasks for a new method
speaking out loud.
Development of phonemic hearing.
speech therapist teacher
b stage
and working methods
3 min
steam room
Determination of the place of sound in a word.
Sort subject pictures into
Working together in pairs
V. Stage
VI. Stage
ia in the outer

3 (three) lines: w; f; well.
arrange the pictures according to
sign sound [g] at the beginning of the word, in
middle, end.
create conditions in the classroom that ensure the formation of self-control skills
promote the acquisition of the necessary skills for independent learning
and working methods
speech therapist teacher
7 minutes
Work in a notebook.
I will name the words, and you write
the letter Zh in word schemes, defining
sound position (by ear)
Write a letter on their own.
form an adequate understanding of the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities;
form an adequate self-esteem based on the criteria of a “good student”.
and working methods
speech therapist teacher
VII. Stage
naya work
VIII. Stage
2 minutes

Check your notes against mine on the board
on the reverse side).
Give yourself a badge of distinction.
Rate your entries with badges:

Sections: Working with preschoolers , speech therapy, Correctional Pedagogy

Technological map of an individual speech therapy lesson for an older preschooler for the correction of sound pronunciation.

Purpose: to automate the sound R in words and sentences (in a position with a confluence of consonants).

- correct pronunciation;
- to correct and develop dialogical speech through the formation of an answer with a full sentence;
- to correct and develop auditory and visual perception;
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- develop general motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;
- develop attention, memory, logical thinking;
- the skill of self-control, perseverance.

– to clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topics “Wild Animals”, “Sochi Olympics”, “Winter Sports”;
– to systematize and generalize knowledge on the topic “Winter sports”.

- educate interest in classes;
- educate independence;
- educate respect for benefits.

- plan the amount of material taking into account the increased fatigue of the child;
- observe the correct landing of the child;
– contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;
– alternate between static and dynamic tasks.

Equipment: computer presentation “Winter sports”; toys - Olympic mascots (Bunny, White Bear, Leopard); subject pictures depicting animals (tiger and tigers, beaver and beavers, cobra and cobras, zebra and zebras, cheetah and cheetahs, mole and moles, leopard and leopards); picture "snowdrift"; plot pictures: figure skating, snowboarding, ski jumping, skiing, curling, hockey, bobsleigh, biathlon, 8 pictures with the image of a cedar; picture-puzzle “Olympic Leopard” (images of body parts of the above animals are pasted on the reverse side of each part); pointer; subject pictures from the manual Kashe G.A.

Lesson progress

Types of work at the stage. The activities of the teacher. Child activity. What tasks were solved during the assignment
1. Organizational moment.

1.1. Psychological mood.

Psychogymnastics. The teacher asks the child to imagine that he can turn into different animals. Then he proposes to turn first into a tiger and growl menacingly; then to the cat. The kitty is cunning, she saw sour cream on the table, jumped up and purrs. The speech therapist offers to portray how the cat purrs, licks its lips. The teacher reports that the owner turned in and got angry with the cat, drove her away: “Shush!” He asks the child to show how the owner drove the cat away. The child performs Promote

creation of good

pleasant psychological climate.

1.2. Introductory-organizational stage.
Conversation. The speech therapist finds out if the child guessed what sound we will continue to work with today? The child is in charge Organize the child.

Get your child ready for the activity.

2. Main stage.

2.2. Checking homework.

The teacher checks homework on the topic Sound R in syllables and in words with a confluence of consonants, asks the child to pronounce the words on the specified topic. For each correctly pronounced word, the speech therapist gives the child colored chips. The child pronounces the words. Find out the correct pronunciation of the sound

Р in syllables and words with a confluence of consonants

2.2. Knowledge update.
Solving riddles.

Demonstration of pictures.

The teacher invites the child to listen and guess the riddle. The speech therapist asks the child to look at the images of winter sports on the computer monitor and name them. Then he finds out who are the mascots of the Sochi Olympics, what kind of sport the Leopard is fond of. The child guesses the riddle, looks at the pictures and names winter sports.

Then he remembers who are the mascots of the Sochi Olympics, replies that Leopard is a climber, he is a snowboarder.

Attract attention and arouse the interest of the child in the lesson.

Refresh your knowledge on the topic.

2.3. Introduction to the topic. Learning new material.
An exercise. The teacher informs the child that today he will have adventures with the Olympic Leopard, during which he will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound R. The child remembers how to pronounce the R sound correctly. Determine the level of assimilation by the child of the correct pronunciation of the sound R.
Explanation. The speech therapist tells the child about what happened to the Leopard in the mountains.

Then he reports that different animals came to the aid of the Leopard. But a heavy snowfall began, and all the animals were covered with snow.

The child is listening. Form ideas about future activities.
Didactic game. The teacher shows the picture “snowdrift” and asks the child to look and name which animals are under the snow. For each word, the child receives a picture of an animal. The child completes the task, repeats the words after the speech therapist (tiger and tigers, cobra and cobras, beaver and beavers, cheetah and cheetahs, leopard and leopards, zebra and zebras, mole and moles). Enrich the dictionary on the topic: “Wild animals”

Strengthen the skill of education plural nouns.

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound R in words with a confluence of consonants.

Finger gymnastics "Beasts".
An exercise. The speech therapist invites the child to perform a finger gymnastics exercise. Develop fine motor skills.
Dynamic pause. Speech-motor rhythm.
An exercise. The teacher asks the child to perform movements while pronouncing syllables with a confluence of the sound P and another consonant. The child is doing the exercise. Contribute to the removal of general fatigue.

Pin correct pronunciation sound R in syllables with a confluence of consonants. develop phonemic perception, general motor skills.

2.4. Consolidation of the studied material.
Didactic game. The speech therapist invites the child to play the game “Kind Animals”, and explains the rules of the game: the animals give the Leopard the sound R and change their names, but the Leopard does not want to harm his friends and returns the sound R to them. The child performs the task, calls

animal with a new name, skipping the R sound, and then inserting the R sound in place.

Develop the function of language analysis and synthesis.
Didactic game. The teacher offers to help the Leopard in another way: to lay a track to the foot of the mountain, where the lost sound is located.

But huge cedars grew along the route. Behind each cedar, plot pictures with winter sports were hidden. The speech therapist explains that you need to choose only the sport in the name of which the sound P is heard and pronounce the sentences correctly.

The child completes the task.

Repeats after the speech therapist sentences on the selected pictures

Automate the pronunciation of the R sound in sentences.

Enrich passive and active vocabulary on the topic.

2.5. Control of knowledge and skills.
Independent work. The teacher asks the child to assemble a picture - puzzle "Olympic Leopard", while you need to consider the reverse side of each detail, guess which animal is hiding there and name it. The child completes the task, pronounces the names of animals with the sound P (words with a confluence of consonants). To control the level of assimilation of the material.
3. Summary of the lesson.

3.1. Activity evaluation.

Interview. Evaluation. The speech therapist invites the child to remember what “adventure” was in the lesson, and what sound he learned to pronounce.

Then he evaluates the work of the child and gives him the talisman "Olympic Leopard".

The child answers, calls the sound, clarifies the correct articulation of the sound. Summarize the topic of the lesson. Develop memory. Evaluate the child's activities in the classroom.
3.2. Homework.
Explanation. The teacher explains to the child the homework on the topic covered from the manual

"R's birthday".

The child gets homework. Reinforce the topic covered in the lesson at home.


  1. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. Birthday R. Logopedic games. - M. Iris-press. 2013.
  2. Peregudova T.S. , Osmanova G.A. We introduce sounds into speech. Card index for automating sounds [P], [Pb]. - St. Petersburg. KARO. 2007.
  3. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words. - M. Vlados.1999

Speech teacher:

Date: 08.02.2017

Topic: Vowels A, O, U, Y, E.

Lesson type: reflection (generalization, consolidation)


Cards - gymnastics exercises, vowels A, O, U, E, S from a split alphabet, computer game“Piggy pigs” from the software and methodological complex “Logomer”, album “I am learning to speak and read”, Emoticons

Purpose: to consolidate the concept of vowels A, O, U, Y, E and the ability to distinguish them in syllables and words.


To fix both motor and auditory images of vowel sounds of the first row;

Develop sound analysis skills;


Continue to develop visual memory and attention;

Work on the development of tic hearing;


Form a responsible attitude to the performance of tasks;

Develop the ability to listen carefully to instructions and follow them correctly;

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed BUD





1. Motivation for learning activities. Set up for the lesson


We always speak beautifully, boldly and slowly!

She stands like a ladder, the Alphabet begins.

She is like a Hoop, if I want, I will shake on the way.

Like a knot in any forest, you will see the letter ...

We learned from an owl that there are no words with a letter ...

He-ge-gay! - the screamer screams, his tongue sticks out of his mouth.

What do you think, what letters are we going to talk about today?

Students tune in to the lesson, guess riddles and name the topic of the lesson.

Formation of motivation for learning and purposeful activity.

Development of the ability to accept goals and voluntarily engage in activities.

Extraction of essential information from the text.

Development of the Skill of educational cooperation with the teacher.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Cards with the image of the names of exercises of articulation gymnastics are offered.

- "Dough"

- "Squirrel and Nuts"


- "Hamster"

- "Hippopotamus"

- "Horse"

- "Smile"

Students take turns taking cards, name, show and perform the corresponding exercise together.

Education is focused. Practicing the accuracy of articulatory movements.

Develop the ability to correlate their actions with given patterns.

Ability to use signs and symbols.

Ability to listen to the interlocutor, accurately follow instructions.

3. Actualization of knowledge, fixation of difficulties in a trial educational action.


What is a letter?

What is sound?

Why are A, O, U, S, E called vowels?

What color are the vowels?

Work with cards of vowels (guessing a letter from the silent articulation of the teacher).

An airplane is flying in the air! Now he is flying quietly “U”, and now loudly “U”!

The girl cries quietly "Oh", and now loudly "Oh"!

Work on the development of phonemic hearing.

- "Catch the vowel sound." Clap your hands if you hear the sound A (so with every sound).

A-O-U-A-S-E-A-U-S-U-O - E

Differentiation of sounds in syllables

Work with the program "Logomer". Piggy bank game.

Determination of the place of sound in the scheme of the word.

Arrange food in baskets. Look at word patterns. p. 35 "I am learning to speak and read"

Students update their previously acquired knowledge about the concept of "Sound and letter", "Vowels".

They analyze the articulation of the sound and select the appropriate card with the letter and reproduce it.

They listen carefully to the teacher and respond with a clap when they hear a given sound.

They click on the sound coins, reproduce the syllable and put the coin in the piggy bank with the corresponding letter.

They look at the picture, voice the names of the products, select a general concept, determine the place of the “Y” sound in the word and lay out the products in accordance with the word scheme indicated on the baskets (the first is the given sound in the middle of the word, the second is at the end of the word).

Formation of a responsible attitude to the performance of tasks.

Develop the ability to actively participate in activities, switch from one to another.

To form the ability to work with information that is simple in content and structure.

The ability to ask for help, accept help.

4. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Determine the names of the pictures, select the first sound and collect the corresponding letter from them.

They independently consider, determine the first sound in a word, select pictures for a given sound and collect the corresponding letter.

Formation of independence in the performance of educational tasks.

Develop the ability to correlate their actions and their results with given patterns.

Develop the ability to observe, understand the image.

Development of the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers.

5. Reflection of activity. Withdrawal emotional stress, analysis of the work of students in the classroom.

What sounds and letters did we talk about today?

Guys, which task did you find the most difficult and which was the easiest?

What did you like about the lesson?

Did you enjoy doing it?

Self-assessment of work in the classroom.

Awareness of the need to study sounds.

Develop the ability to evaluate the results of their activities.

Developing the ability to make simple generalizations.

Developing the ability to express your thoughts.

Technological map of the lesson

Information about the speech therapist (name, place of work, current category, requested category) ____________________________________________


Subject: frontal speech therapy session Class 2 Program, allowance:

Lesson topic: Differentiation Y - E. Lesson type: consolidation of the material covered


Characteristics of the learning opportunities and previous achievements of students in the class for whom the lesson is being designed: students are proficient

regulatory UUD: 1) determine the topic and purpose of educational activities with the help of a speech therapist and independently; 2) compare their actions with the standard (sample).

cognitive UUD:1) differentiate Y - E in syllables and words; 2) own sound analysis and synthesis; 3) distinguish vowels from consonants and consonants by hardness and softness.

communicative UUD:1) organize your thoughts into oral can only by algorithm; 2) defend their point of view only at the initiative of a speech therapist; 3) do not always know how to listen to the answers of others.

personal UUD: rejoice at your own success and the success of your classmates; 2) respectful attitude towards each other in the course of the lesson

Goal and objectives as planned learning outcomes, planned level of achievement:

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes

Subject UUD (know, be able)

To fix the ways of differentiating Y - E in words and phrases.

Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Match adjectives with nouns. units and pl.


Cognitive UUD

Be able to isolate essential information from a source.

Regulatory UUD

Determine the topic and purpose of educational activities with the help of a speech therapist and independently.

Plan your actions based on the algorithm.

Communicative UUD

Be able to express your assumptions, arguing the answer.

Carry out joint activities.

Personal UUD

Conduct self-assessment based on the success of educational activities.

lesson stage,

stage time

Stage tasks


learning techniques

Forms of educational interaction

Activities of a speech therapist

Student activities

Formed UUD and substantive actions

Motivation-target stage 5 min.

Psychological attitude to the lesson, activation of attention.

Ensure current knowledge is updated.

Organize an independent or with the help of a speech therapist the formulation of goal setting.

game moment



1. Offers learners to reproduce the rhythm.

2. Organizes the activities of the student, aimed at updating existing knowledge.

Clap the rhythm, write down the number in a notebook.

Identify the same sound in words.

Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Ability to work positively.




Determine and understand the goals of educational activities.

indicative stage

5 minutes.

Organize an independent or with the help of a speech therapist statement according to the algorithm?




Working with mirrors

Compare the articulation of sounds, give a description of the sounds.


The ability to highlight overall sound in words


Express your thoughts

Search and research stage

1-2 min.

Organize a solution to the problem.

(How do we differentiate?)


Receiving overlay with the back of the hand under the chin



Offers students to identify ways to distinguish between sounds.

They independently name the ways of distinguishing sounds.


The ability to name ways to distinguish sounds.


Express your guesses.

Practical stage

20 minutes.

Ensure the application of knowledge in practice.

An exercise


game method.




Offers a number of tasks to practice the acquired knowledge.



Extract information. Focus on your knowledge system. Get new knowledge.


Control the process and results of activities.


Reflective-evaluative stage

8-9 min.

Evaluate the results of their activities. Plan their actions to improve the result.

Present judgments orally.


Dialogue between a speech therapist and a child, identifying difficulties that have arisen.

Leading questions of a speech therapist, allowing the child to realize the next step to achieve a result at a higher level.

Difficulty of further planning of actions to improve the result.


The ability for self-esteem.


Ability to properly use speech means to shape your opinions. The ability to listen.


Plan further actions to improve the result.

Technological map of an individual (paired) speech therapy lesson


speech pathologist

Milus Natalya Alexandrovna

Group (logopedic conclusion)

preparatory group, ONRIIIlevel

Topic of the lesson

Differentiation of sounds /С/ and /Ш/


Develop a clear differentiation /S/, /Sh/ based on articulatory and motor sensations



Teach children to give a clear description of the studied sounds,

To teach children to find differences in the acoustic-articulatory characteristics of sounds /С/, /Ш/, based on different kinds control.


Contribute to the improvement of phonemic perception,

Contribute to the improvement of articulatory motility, speech breathing, coordination of speech and movement,

Exercise in the differentiation of sounds /С/- /Ш/ in syllables, words, sentences,

Learn to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).


Give the opportunity to express their thoughts, prove, draw conclusions,

To form ways of friendly relations between children, the habit of working together,

To educate children in self-control over newly delivered sounds.

Universal learning activities

Personal UUD:

1. Form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

2. Develop the ability to self-evaluate their actions.

Regulatory UUD:

1. Develop the ability to formulate the purpose of the activity, draw up an action plan.

2. To form the ability to work in pairs.

3. Correlate the result of your activity with the goal and evaluate it.

4. Adequately evaluate your achievements, be aware of the difficulties that arise.

Communicative UUD:

1. Participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior.

2. Formulate your own thoughts, statements and justify your point of view.

3. Build a small monologue statement.

4. To carry out joint activities in pairs and individually, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Cognitive UUD:

1. Understand the task.

2. To form the ability to draw conclusions as a result of joint work in pairs and a speech therapist teacher.

3. To carry out the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, to make generalizations, conclusions to solve educational problems.

ICT facilities, hardware, name

Hardware: individual computers, SMART board, CDs with games, audio recording of physical education minutes.

Object pictures with sounds /С/, /Ш/, sets for drawing up diagrams, pencils, notebooks, mirrors, handouts: Cabochon glass stones, cones (natural material), didactic game: “Find the sound”, “Say the opposite”, “Encrypt the words”, on the image board: the cloud is closed by the sun, chickens, hedgehog, duck, hare, snail, magpie.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Stage of speech therapy

Methods and techniques of work

Forms of organizing the activities of pupils

Activities of a speech therapist

Activities of pupils

Stage of motivation

Conversation, warm-up game "General circle", articulatory motility and mimic exercises, work with a riddle.

A task:Emotional mood, creating positive emotions, contributing to the formation of a mini group (in pairs) of pupils.

Inclusion of pupils in activities through a problem situation.

The speech therapist gathers all the children in a circle so that I can see you and you can see me. When the children are seated in a circle, the speech therapist says: “Now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I see everyone, and everyone sees me, let each of you say hello with your eyes to everyone in a circle. I will start first, when I say hello to everyone, my neighbor on the right will begin to say hello.

Guys, guess the riddle:

fire saucer

Rides across the sky.

Morning in the east


Evening in the west

Drops below the horizon.

Do you guys remember the fairy tale about the “Sun”, which was obscured by a cloud for three days, and could not shine after?

Once a big cloud covered the sky, covered the sun and it stopped illuminating the earth (an image appears on the SMART board: a cloud covered the sun).

What to do? Who will wake up the "Sunshine"?

(an image appears on the SMART board: a cloud covering the sun and chickens).

Pupils greet with their eyes.

The guys in chorus answer "Sunshine"

Yes, we remember. This is a Slovak fairy tale "The Sun is visiting."

The answers of the children in chorus: the chickens decided to go.

The stage of updating knowledge

observation, independent work, comparison, analysis.

I, P

Sound warm-up "Leaves"

Autumn leaves swirl quietly

The leaves lie quietly under our feet,

And rustling underfoot, rustling,

It looks like they want to spin again.

How do the leaves rustle? (Shhhh). The wind blew. How does the wind whistle? (S-s-s). The leaves rustle: sh-sh-sh, the breeze whistles: s-s-s, leaves ..., breeze ....

What sounds will we try to pronounce correctly?

What do you know about these sounds?

The guys perform the movements in accordance with the text.

(The speech therapist pronounces the words “leaves” or “breeze”, and the child pronounces the sounds /Ш/ or /С/).

Answers: /Ш/ and /С/.

Guys perform comparative characteristic sounds using sound symbols.

(/Sh/ - consonant, deaf, always hard, hissing;

/C/ - consonant, deaf, hard and soft, whistling).

Stage of identification of difficulties

Independent work, comparison, analysis

I, P

Guys, what else should we definitely remember about these sounds?

With what help can we check what position the tip of the tongue occupies in the mouth?

Children's answers

(what position of the tongue is occupied by the sound / S / and the sound / Ш /)

Children's answers (you need to take a mirror, pronounce our sounds in turn and observe the position of the tongue and lips); and you can also find out the position of the tongue by tactile sensations.

Stage explanation (obtaining) new knowledge

Observation, analysis, discussion,

finger gymnastics.

I, P

Guys, what conclusion can be drawn by comparing these two sounds?

They're coming, the chickens are coming... That's who they met...

Finger gymnastics "Snail"

Who crawls there slowly

(one palm covers the other).

Does he carry his own house?

(“The snail” slowly crawls across the table).

It will crawl a little more

(index and middle fingers protrude from under the palm).

Stick out and hide the horns.

On a sheet, on a flexible branch

("Snail" crawls with protruding horns)..

Slowly crawling ... snail!

(appears on the board: a cloud covered the sun, chickens, a snail).

The chickens asked the snail how to get to the sun, and she says: “You'd better ask the magpie. She flies everywhere, knows everything.

Guys, what does the letter S look like? What about the letter C?

From what can we lay out these letters?

That when pronouncing the sound /Ш/, the lips are extended forward, like a mouthpiece, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, the tongue takes the form of a cup, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper teeth, and the exhaled stream is warm;

When pronouncing the sound /C/ - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars, and the exhaled air stream is strong - cool.

Performing finger gymnastics by the children.

Answers and reasoning of children.

Children's answers.

Each child lays out the letters /Ш/ and /С/ from the material that he considers necessary (separately on the table to separate boxes there are many varieties of material: Cabochon glass pebbles, counting sticks, ropes, beans, buttons, colored pencils, etc.) .

Consolidation in external speech

Independent work with verification


Speech exercises, independent work, mutual verification.

P, I

(appears on the board: a cloud covered the sun, chickens, a snail, a magpie). She dragged a lot of cones and CABOCHON pebbles and cannot decompose them. Let's help her.

If you hear the sound /Sh/ in the word, take a bump, if the sound is /S/, take a glass pebble and lay them in different directions.

Words: mustache, ears, nose, knife, cape, mouse, grew up, rye, bowl, mouse, day, jokes, helmet, helmet, rat, rat, socks, legs, fable, tower, cash desk, porridge.

The chickens go on. They see the bunny sitting, covering the book with its paw. (appears on the board: a cloud covered the sun, chickens, a snail, a magpie, a hare). What happened? Bunny said that it was raining and in the book some of the words were washed off the letters.

The chickens took pity on the hare and decided to help him.

"The letter is missing." Look at the missing letters in the words. The rain washed them away. Guess and put them in their place.

The chickens asked if the bunny knew how to get to the sun. "No, maybe the duck knows?" - answered the hare.

Listen carefully to the words: sled, hat. You must complete sound analysis words, with laying out graphic scheme. Type words in notebooks.

Appears on the board: a cloud covered the sun, chickens, a snail, a magpie, a hare, a duck.

Duck and ducklings walk around waddling and picking flowers. Help them collect beautiful bouquets.

Determination of the place of sounds /Ш/ and /С/ in words (beginning, middle and end), (each flower in the middle has a diagram where the sound is located).

Words: hat, ears, mouse, jug, shower, puck, car, ink.

Words: sled, sock, nose, dog, table, mustache, scales, juice, pineapple.

Friends asked the duck if she knew how to get to the sun. The duck said she didn't know. She herself is sad without the sun.

Guys, I suggest that you complete one task on your own, which is in envelopes. In one envelope - a picture of a car, and in the other - a bus. You will have to make a sentence with these words according to the schemes that are also in the envelopes (each has its own scheme).

The duck offered to ask the hedgehog, he is very smart.

Appears on the board: a cloud covered the sun, chickens, a snail, a magpie, a hare, a duck, a hedgehog.

The children are working on the development of phonemic hearing.

The guys complete the task: ko..a, we..and, but..s, ..uba, ..apka, ..umka, mo..ka, pa..ta, ..anki, ma..ina, ..ahta, ..silo, but..ok, mo..t, ..ani, mi..ka, ..a..ki.

Children complete the task on their own, then tell and prove their answers.

Children complete the task on their own and then compare their results.

The children complete the task on their own.

Reflection, inclusion of the new in the knowledge system

Reflection, self-assessment

- The hedgehog knows one poem that can drive away the cloud and wake up the sun. Let's learn it, and with us and his friends. (Speech therapist teacher points to the SMART board).

Listening and reflected pronunciation of the poem "Sunshine, shine!"

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden bottom!

Sun, sun, shine!

Sun, sun, shine!

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden bottom!

You go around in circles

Don't go astray!

The sun has come out from behind the clouds! (appears on the board: the sun, chickens, snail, magpie, hare, duck, hedgehog). Everyone was very happy! Today we helped the chickens and their friends to find the sun.

Guys, what important task did we have to complete during the lesson?

Do you think we succeeded in completing this task?

Conclude: What needs to be remembered in order to correctly pronounce and distinguish between whistling and hissing sounds?

Guys, and now everyone will appreciate their work in the lesson, for this you need to take a picture - the sun and put it on our ladder - a miracle consisting of them three steps. Rate yourself. If you think that you were very attentive, diligent and did the work without mistakes, then put on the very top of the stairs - miracles.

Children listen and reflect.

They learned to pronounce and distinguish sounds /Ш/ and /С/ correctly.


The guys take turns voicing their conclusions (one child about whistling sounds, the other about hissing sounds).

Guys evaluate themselves. Express their opinion.