The best books on financial literacy. Where to start learning? Books and textbooks on financial literacy Literature of financial geniuses

Tips from successful people, stories of great businesses from their creators, principles of personal finance management. If financial independence is your goal, we recommend that you start your journey by studying books from our selection.

1. Maverick. The success story of the most unusual company in the world. Ricardo Semler

No secretaries. No dress code. No positions. No business plans. No schedules or hours of operation. Moreover, the employees set their own salaries. Could you manage such a company? This is how Ricardo Semler, the Brazilian corporation Semco, manages, turning a crumbling family business into the most unusual company of our time. He built a business model that has survived economic downturns, industry strikes, hyperinflation and more. Over the past 6 years, Semco has increased its revenue from $35 million to $160 million; the company has virtually no employee turnover, and there are no signs that its growth will slow down in the coming years. How did Semler decide to turn the company from the inside out, on its head, by abolishing nine levels of management and introducing unprecedented democratic procedures for its employees? The author tells about the amazing transformation of his company and the changes in the thinking of its employees, how the chain reaction of transformations turned an aging and dying enterprise into one of the most dynamic and innovative companies in the world. This is the story of a company that challenged traditional ways of managing and showed the world how to succeed in today's tough business world by putting employee freedom ahead of corporate goals.

Sir Richard Branson is more than just a talented entrepreneur who built the unique Virgin brand, bringing together several dozen completely different businesses, including music disc stores, air and rail companies, a radio station and a publishing house. Branson's book is a manifesto of life, action, risk. The credo of its author is to take everything from life. It means not being afraid to do what you want. It does not matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your heart, any goal will be possible. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, don't hesitate.

Motivational books are not uncommon these days, but is this book different from so many others? The work "Rich Dad Poor Dad" shows us a picture of the future of man. And it becomes quite clear that without self-education, without motivation, without gaining experience, a person can not expect results that can amaze someone. The author frankly shares his thoughts, a special outlook on life, but also tries to influence the reader, influences thinking, expands the boundaries of knowledge, instilling confidence in the idea that shows that without self-development, without knowledge of the world, a person slowly degrades!

With this book, the creators of the super-popular Rich Dad series open new series- Rich woman. The wife of millionaire Robert Kiyosaki wrote it for those women who seek financial independence from her husband.

The author of this book is sure that in order to fulfill all your plans and desires, you must first of all succeed in money matters, using the principles of personal finance management outlined in its pages. For a wide range of readers.

Perhaps the most significant and authoritative book in the world - a guide to gaining success, wealth, vitality of overcoming and purposefulness. For 70 years, Think and Grow Rich! considered a classic textbook on wealth creation. In each chapter, Napoleon Hill reveals the secrets of making money, using which thousands of people have acquired, increased and continue to increase their wealth, while developing and enriching their own. personal potential. Before you is a new classic edition of the grandiose work of Napoleon Hill, supplemented and revised to reflect modern realities. For the widest range of readers.

Children's book for adults? you ask in surprise. And why not, if such a financial genius as Bodo Schaefer takes up the matter? Using the example of a children's story, he shows us the path to wealth. Even readers who have come out of childhood will notice very quickly that Schaefer's advice and ideas are quite applicable to the adult world, that a person of any age can implement them and learn something new. Little Kira and her friends learn to handle money, save it, multiply it and get rid of debt. They begin to understand how to make the dream of a prosperous life come true. Bodo Schäfer explains in a completely understandable way each step leading to wealth and shows that not only the possession of wealth, but also the process of earning money can bring pleasure.

In this impressive and mind-expanding book, Raidy Gage reveals the secrets to attracting health, happiness and prosperity. But we warn you in advance: the author says everything directly, sharply and with brutal honesty, exposing the secret influence of "viruses".

The book's author, a well-known business philosophy advocate, offers seven unique strategies for success. By adopting them, you will be able to control your time and finances, learn to change and strive for knowledge, gain energy and desire to achieve your goal, surround yourself with winners. For a wide range of readers.

Millions of people have read Rhonda Byrne's famous book The Secret and watched the film of the same name. But not everyone knows whose ideas and thoughts inspired their creators. Meanwhile, the Law of Attraction was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, only it was then called differently. One of the progenitors of The Secret is the American writer Wallace D. Wattles (1860–1911), a follower of the New Thinking movement, well-known at the beginning of the last century, the founder of motivational and self-help literature. His works "The Science of Being Rich" and "The Science of Being Great" were far ahead of their time and deservedly considered classics. In this book, they are presented in the modern edition of Dr. Arthur Pell and contain interesting explanations, historical references etc. This book will help you reconsider many of your views, restructure your thinking, unlock your potential and take important steps towards unconditional wealth and true greatness.

Last update: 17-02-2019

In "Money or the ABC of Money" story about financial literacy is led by a girl who already in her youth began to earn money. A Labrador dog helps her cope with many moments.

Surprisingly, the book is originally intended for children. Moreover, even adults will find a lot of new things in the work.


  • Luck, on closer examination, turns out to be just the result of hard work and careful preparation.
  • If you continue to think in the same way as you thought before, then the results will be the same as before.

Not large enough in volume, easy to read, literally in one day.

On the simple examples Bodo Schaefer shows you step by step how to achieve financial well-being. Moreover, even from the process of making money you can get real pleasure. In total, 34 patterns in the handling of personal finances are listed.

It does not matter that all events take place in Germany and through the eyes of a child. On the Russian realities rules can be easily transferred.

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Will Change Your Mind

A detailed example with a table of expenses on how to distribute money in a family

A lot of people, without really understanding it, criticized the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. And this is not surprising, because after reading they tried to instantly get rich or at least find some secret of attracting money in the work.

Robert, on the other hand, tried to convey that you need to work, not to spend everything you earn, but to invest free money in the business.

Unlike other books, Kiyosaki did not talk about building a business for beginners. Robert only draws the reader's attention to psychological moments in his mind. This is especially true of financial stereotypes that haunt people until retirement age.

The writer advises that:

  • You should not move to a four-room apartment with a salary increase - after all, rent will increase significantly.
  • Do not buy an expensive car at the first increase - the cost of fuel and components will be proportional to the investment.
  • You don't have to work three jobs to dine in expensive establishments.
  • Don't waste your savings on entertainment. They need to be put into action to obtain active and passive sources of income. After all, you definitely won’t be able to immediately jump above your salary.
  • After opening the first new source of income, you need to think about starting a business.

The author says that modern education does not allow people to organize their business. In schools, we are taught that we just need to work (moreover, they don’t tell us where and how) and then we can become a sought-after specialist. The same thing happens at the university. And then a person is surprised that he is already 40, and nothing interesting happens in life.

Kiyosaki throws the idea that you need to learn how to invent your own entrepreneurial business and become an “uncle” yourself, for whom others work.

Selected quotes:

Wealthy people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire a liability that they consider an asset.

This book is more about mindset. Shows the life of the majority and its other version.

Vladimir Savenok "How to make a personal financial plan" - practical examples

If you want to achieve financial security, stability, then you must read this book in its entirety. Then you will be able to gain control over your own money and learn how to manage it properly.

Vladimir Savenok- Russian specialist in the field of personal finance.

He goes into detail about this:

  • how to get money to work for you, and it doesn’t matter what amounts are available at the moment;
  • how to find funds for the realization of personal goals with the help of proper financial planning;
  • how to achieve complete financial independence.

The book is written for every person. The story is told in an interesting and simple language. The reader does not have to understand boring terminology and look into special textbooks.

After all, most people are used to the following: when the conversation turns to finances, they begin to yawn and understand practically nothing.

Usually, few people know about the work of insurance companies and monetary risks. After reading this book, I want only one thing - to act!

Selected quotes:

What is the minimum you can "pay yourself", or, in other words, invest? 10% of your total income.

There are quite a few examples in the book. from everyday life (our realities, not another country), which everyone can adapt for themselves.


In the comments, share useful finds (books) and how they helped you.

P.S. For those who believe that all this is not applicable to us, I can only say that everything is in our head.

Financial literacy can be divided into two key topics - theory and thinking. Theory represents the essence of money, planning and accounting of finances, financial analysis. She deals mainly with numbers, formulas and graphs. Financial thinking will allow any person to get rid of their internal delusions and prejudices, change their own in order to treat money more consciously and learn to think in a way successful people and millionaires. In addition, financial thinking teaches itself and look for innovative approaches in business.

The psychological aspect and the theory of finance are inextricably linked, they cannot be considered separately or considered that one is better than the other. We recommend that you grow your financial literacy in these two areas, which will help the list of books presented.

Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of other materials - audio books, films and videos that will explain you what's what in a very clear and accessible way. However, such materials have one significant drawback. You absorb information on autopilot and don't have time to think and rethink the content. That is why the book is still the best source of information. Agree, it is one thing to watch a half-hour video on the Internet and quite another to read one book on the same topic for several days or weeks. In the second case, your mindset will begin to change on its own, simply because of the long, thoughtful and reasoning that will arise when reading any good book on financial literacy.

We present to your attention the most significant and useful books from our point of view. Remember that only a combination of cash flow theory and financial thinking will allow you to radically change your life, attitude to money and money management.

This book tells that such a thing as financial literacy really exists and that a person who knows how to manage his money correctly can achieve great success in life. Ignorance in the handling of money leads to poverty, while good management can work wonders. The book is recommended for a wide range of readers.

These books will become your mainstay in Hard time and will also shape your financial thinking. As you will see, you do not need to be a financial genius in order to become a very wealthy person. It is enough to know a few simple and effective rules and stick to them all your life. Even though very important and iconic books are featured here, don't cling just to them. Hundreds of others are written every year, so keep track of new entries and enrich yourself with knowledge.

This list will open your eyes to what you always have at hand and in your head - money and how it should be managed. Develop financial thinking and develop financial literacy.

Material well-being and financial independence are perhaps the main desire of the majority modern people, especially after the transition of the economy of the post-Soviet space to market conditions and realities.

Today, there are fewer and fewer so-called dummies, those who do not understand the elementary basics of managing at least their personal small capital.

However, it is not necessary to have higher education in the field of financial management, for many it is enough just to select, carefully read and, along the way, study the existing literature in this direction.

Most often, the best assistants for a simple layman are manuals on the basics of economics, management and business, written easily and accessible without deepening into the wilds.

Once you figure out how it all starts, read books on financial literacy that will help you solve your problems. Much more interesting and informative are books that are written by people who have managed to reach the heights of well-being in business affairs by personal example.

It is this kind of literature on the basics of management with practical advice from successful entrepreneurs will be useful to any "teapot".

We bring to your attention a list of entertaining books on managing both personal and business finances:

  • Y. Sakharovskaya - Where does the money go?
  • D. Clason - The richest man in Babylon;
  • B. Schaefer - The Path to Financial Freedom;
  • R. Kiyosaki - Cash Flow Quadrant;
  • D. Trump - The art of making deals;
  • V. Savenok - A million for my daughter.

Now we will analyze in more detail the essence of the listed literature, so that everyone interested in a particular issue will receive an exhaustive answer and even advice.

Where does the money go?

Yulia Sakharovskaya's book about where money goes is an excellent version of a brief and concise description of household finance management issues. Here you will find answers:

  • how to rationally use your income so as not to get into loans and debts;
  • if you still need a loan, how to choose a bank and loan terms;
  • how to control personal expenses and be able to save the necessary amount for an expensive purchase or trip.

This book is likely to become your financial management consultant, as the author examines scenarios for the proper use of earned funds by families of various incomes. Do not buy unnecessary, optimize costs, this is the main idea of ​​a successful budget.

The work of George Clason is a statement of the basic laws of finance and management, adhering to which any person can achieve financial independence.

The author intelligibly by telling instructive parables and stories about the richest and most powerful ancient city, and its well-to-do inhabitants lays out seven simple rules and principles of accumulation, management and preservation of capital.

Learn to set aside at least 10% of your total earnings for future investments, plan your own budget expenses so that they do not exceed its revenue side, here the main idea, laid down by D. Clason in his work.

The path to financial freedom

The book on the path to financial freedom from Bodo Schaefer gives a clear and detailed understanding of what monetary independence is.

Free is a person who has so much money that there is no need to think about them.

However, achieving the desired result is possible only by investing all personal resources, both mental and material.

Only after years of tireless work, you can turn from a "teapot" who studied the basics of economics and management into a financially independent person. Therefore, if you set out to become free and earn enough to not think about money, the book will become step by step instructions on your way.

Cash flow quadrant

Everything about cash flow is written by a successful American businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki, he is the founder of a company offering educational services in the field of business, planning and personal finance.

The essence of this book is to describe the understanding of the nature of cash flows, how funds are created and redistributed. R. Kiyosaki, being a teacher and giving lectures on self-development, offers his simple model of perception and further management in the field of finance.

The art of making deals

Another fascinating and informative book to improve your own financial literacy is an autobiographical work by a major American entrepreneur Donald Trump. .

Having founded a large construction company and becoming one of the richest people, D. Trump in his book tells about the path that has been taken, where to start, how to move step by step towards your goal, overcoming many obstacles and learn how to skillfully conclude profitable deals.

This work will arouse interest both among those who are already engaged in the real estate and construction business, and among "dummies" who have decided to learn how to think big, master the basics of management and change in better side own life.

After reading this book, you will definitely get a charge of optimism, helpful tips management of a private business and the desire to realize their inner potential.

The book-notebook by Vladimir Savenok is a rather interesting principle proposed by the author of keeping records of the state of personal funds right in the book.

As a financial consultant and expert, investor and founder of a consulting group, V. Savenok describes and gives real advice on how to create, increase, manage and save your own money for your children.

So that you, years later, have the opportunity to give them a good education and start-up capital regardless of your income level today.

What is financial literacy? This is a set of certain knowledge and skills that help a person improve his living conditions. This definition includes understanding and competent planning of all cash costs.

At, we have already touched on this area many times (especially in the course of economics), now it's time to consider the general concept.

In simple terms, financial literacy is the ability to spend money wisely.

This skill can change your life for the better. Accordingly, the more and deeper knowledge in this area, the more comfortable living conditions will be for you.

Of course, there are people like financial analysts, but their services are expensive, and there are many such cases when it is easier to resolve the issue personally.

We have previously published the story of a reader who, earning more than 300,000 rubles a month, is constantly in debt, unable to save, mired in credit card payments, etc. And oddly enough, there are many such people. A person can be a cool specialist, for example, a programmer, a fitness trainer, earn a lot of money, but not be able to manage it.

  1. First of all, it is knowledge of the tax code;
  2. You may also need at least basic knowledge in the field of accounting;
  3. It is necessary to draw up a plan in which all expenses will be registered (learn to set goals);
  4. Know what money is and be able to use it wisely for your own purposes.

All of these points are the foundation on which the whole concept of economic literacy is built. After studying them, a person has opportunities to expand his horizons in the field of economics.

Levels of financial literacy

Authoritative economic publishing houses habitually divide financial literacy into several levels, from 0 to 3. So far, they have no clear characteristics, but we can give the features that characterize them:

Level 0 - the complete absence of any knowledge in this topic;
Level 1 - possession of a basic set of knowledge;
Level 2 - the ability to use the main tools of finance;
Level 3 - a complete understanding of the topic, the ability to properly plan all expenses, investing money.

It is worth noting that the difference is noticeable between levels 1 and 2, rather than 1 and 0. This is because everyone can draw up the simplest plan for spending their finances, which cannot be said about investing.

Don't think that getting level 1 is enough for you, these are just the basics. You will not be able to improve your living conditions if you do not know how to invest and multiply money correctly. And as mentioned earlier, levels 2 and 3 are studying the topic of investing.

You can make the most clear portrait of a person with maximum knowledge in this topic. Most of his finances are not just in his pocket or at home. They are in banks, or in the form of securities.

Personal economic literacy is a set of specific knowledge about the economic environment, as well as events in it. It is mandatory for every citizen. The more literate citizens, the better the economic situation in the country.

How is financial literacy useful for you?

A more precise concept has already been given earlier, and now it is necessary to talk about what influences a person's economic awareness.

Firstly, this kind of knowledge gives a person the opportunity to be aware of all the latest news from the world of finance. He will have a deeper understanding of how certain financial structures work, how to act in certain situations.

A very clear example can be given. Not many people know, but the Central Bank has nothing to do with the government, as it is a separate financial structure. That is, if the state goes bankrupt, the bank will not be responsible for it. In addition, all the money that is in economic circulation is an obligation of the Bank of the Russian Federation, and the state has nothing to do with it (formally).

In simpler terms, our money does not have any government backing. This fact lies on the surface, but no one is interested in them, but in vain.

It is the literacy of the population, which takes an active part in the circulation of money, that is the most important link in improving the economic situation in the country. If an entrepreneur needs money to develop his business, and you have finances, it becomes possible to profitably acquire a certain share of the business, which will generate income in the future. The economy of most developed countries is based on this.

At the household level, finance is money. And our whole conversation today comes down to the ability to manage your money.

5 reasons to become economically literate

There is a very common opinion among people that if you do not have any financial education, then it is not necessary to be literate in this area. It's not like that at all! First of all, because such knowledge will help improve your living conditions and start making money. Here are a few reasons why you should learn financial literacy.

1. Formation of financial thinking.
Thinking is one of the main qualities of any entrepreneur. However, many people mistakenly believe that this is not the case.

A very good example can be given. In 2014, one car owner sold his car at a price of 450 thousand, despite the fact that its price was 500. Many dissuaded him, but he still sold it. A month later, the crisis began and prices for cars and real estate plummeted. This is financial literacy, a person calculated in advance all the possible developments of the plot, and did not lose. Thanks to the ability to calculate the economic situation in the world, a person was able to earn more than 50 thousand rubles.

2. Increasing well-being.
The level of knowledge will directly affect the amount of your monthly earnings. Perhaps these indicators are completely unrelated, but this is not entirely true. The fact is that not only work can be a way to earn money. A good example would be America, where almost everyone makes money from securities. Thanks to your knowledge, you will also be able to invest money wisely in order to have a good income from them. Over time, your money can be invested in large projects, for larger earnings.

3. Reasonable work.
There is a stereotype among people that a rich person should work hard. In most cases, this is true. However, the rich can also be divided into two groups. One group is really workaholics, while the other knows how to profitably invest their finances. Perhaps the first group of people will earn more, but they also have much less personal time.

People who can watch economic system have clear ideas about when to invest their capital, and in what amounts. That is why you need to develop your knowledge in this topic.

4. Cost reduction.
A person who is financially literate knows how to properly manage his money. The fact is that most stores use psychology to sell their products. When you go to the store, you can easily be distracted by a bright sign or a colorful inscription, and then buy something that is completely unnecessary. Alas, that's how it's done. human psyche, and sometimes chain stores or financial companies brazenly cash in on it, forcing people to spend their money.

It is knowledge that will help you not to react to such bait, and become completely independent. Why take out a loan when you can wait a bit and save up the right amount? The higher the level of knowledge, the more difficult the target you become for marketers.

Learning to save is good for the budget.

Tip: Learn how to build a family budget table and control expenses. If you use cards, then applications like Sberbank online will not be out of place, where you can clearly see where the money is spent, as well as create savings accounts that will be automatically replenished.

5. Risk reduction.
Many organizations can use our illiteracy, and the bank will become an example of this. Many credit managers take advantage of the lack of education of their clients and tell them that it is worth taking out a loan for a higher amount at a lower interest rate.

Let's say that you took out a loan at 20% per annum. However, the real interest rate will be at the level of 40%. This happens because the manager imposes additional services on the client. For example: SMS-mailing or insurance.

It's easy to get started - keep a spreadsheet of income and expenses.

In order to raise your level of knowledge to a decent level, you do not need to study for 10-12 hours a day. Give education for 1-2 hours, and soon you will notice how you become more literate in terms of savings.

How to improve your financial literacy

Their stories and experience will help you in business and investment.

The central bank has been dealing with this issue for a long time. In the branches of this financial institution, you can sign up for special seminars that will help you become more economically literate. However, there is one minus, such courses are held only for schoolchildren.

Therefore, if you are not a schoolchild, then you will have to comprehend this science on their own. However, this is not as difficult as it seems, because thanks to the Internet and libraries, you can get all the necessary literature.

Most difficult topic will be funding. It is it that will require you to maximize the deepening in science. And now it is worth talking in more detail about the literature that will be useful in the learning process.

Books on financial literacy

And it is worth starting your study with Internet resources. They contain the basic information on this issue.

To expand your economic horizons, the RBC website may come in handy. The Central Bank website will help you recognize counterfeit money.

How to learn to save money and increase it?

And now it is worth talking about specialized literature:

  1. The richest man in Babylon. Clason D. The book teaches financial thinking.
  2. The ABC of financial literacy - Avedin. V. - perfect for beginners. Contains all the basic knowledge that will be useful at the beginning of the study. With its help, you can learn what financial literacy is and why it is needed;
  3. Financial analysis - Efimova O. As the title of the book implies, it will help to understand the essence of financial analysis.
  4. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Roberta Kiyosaki. This book will tell you about what money is and how to properly manage it. You will learn that money is not only paper, but the key to a better future;
  5. Multiple sources of income. Allen R. Learning to look for additional sources of income.
  6. Trilogy of Desire. Tells about the American entrepreneur, and about his journey from the very beginning. This book has it all, ups, downs, and even prison;
  7. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand. About what an entrepreneur means to society.