How to learn not to hear extraneous sounds. How to concentrate if you are distracted by extraneous sounds. Scanning reading. Using the subconscious while reading

Every day the number of people who suffer from is increasing. Experienced drug addicts have already managed to call amphetamine, and with it all psychostimulants, “speed”, which indicates the speed of their impact. After taking these drugs, a person feels a short burst of energy, his intellectual and physical abilities improve, hunger and drowsiness subside.

Signs of amphetamine addiction and the need for treatment

If we consider contemporary issues addiction, then amphetamine addiction will undoubtedly occupy a leading position. The treatment of this type of drug addiction requires the direct participation of highly qualified specialists who have sufficient experience to deal with such a disease.

At the same time, it is not possible to cure amphetamine addiction on your own. In order to deal with the treatment of amphetamine addiction, you should first find out the signs that would indicate its presence. So, they could be:

  • talkativeness;
  • excellent mood;
  • activity;
  • mobility;
  • reassessment by a drug addict of their capabilities;
  • acceleration of human actions;
  • exacerbation of feelings;
  • increased activity;
  • high sexual excitability.

However, this stimulating effect of amphetamine is short-lived, and it begins to be replaced Bad mood, apathy, sedation, as well as mental imbalance. Amphetamine addicts often inject methedrine to fix the stimulation. In this case, a person's euphoria can last up to several days. In this case, the addict stops sleeping and eating. But when the action of such a drug ceases, the person falls into a deep hibernation.

Amphetamine addiction. Treatment

In order to break the vicious cycle of constant amphetamine use, immediate treatment is necessary. Because addicts very often combine amphetamines with opiates or barbiturates, withdrawal becomes much more difficult. Only specialists are able to cure a drug addict and stop the manifestations of withdrawal. For this, the following steps are carried out:

  • detoxification;
  • psychotherapy;
  • rehabilitation.

Only his own desire and professional help can defeat the addiction of an amphetamine addict. Therefore, do not be shy about the help of doctors, because in this case it will be easier to get out of the vicious circle.

Hairdryer or Amphetamine is a synthetic psychostimulant, an analogue of natural Ephedrine. The powerful stimulating effect has made it extremely popular among students and young people who need to do everything - go to the club, prepare for exams, and go to work in the morning. But there is also a reverse side of the coin - Amphetamine quickly causes a persistent psychological addiction, which cannot be eliminated without the help of doctors.

Drug Fen - what is it

Phenom is a slang term for the drug Amphetamine, a synthetic CNS stimulant. It was originally supposed to replace Ephedrine, its natural counterpart, which was used in the treatment of asthma.

Later, amphetamine was prescribed for depression, narcolepsy, ADHD, and also for weight loss. During the war, it was given to soldiers to prolong the state of wakefulness.

Amphetamine as a drug has become popular since the middle of the last century. Now its distribution is being fought in many countries of the world, but it is still in demand, including among wealthy groups of the population. In the photo you see a person before and after prolonged use of Hairdryer.

The effect of the use of hair dryer

Amphetamine produces a pronounced stimulating effect. The psychostimulating effect is caused by increased production of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine is a precursor of adrenaline, a hormone that mobilizes the body's resources in stressful situations. An increase in the level of adrenaline causes an increase in breathing and heart rate, an increase in pressure. Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, which causes a surge of energy, and a person loses appetite and sleep.

Dopamine is responsible for motivation and enthusiasm. Usually this neurotransmitter is present in the blood in a small amount, but the use of Amphetamine stimulates the release of its reserves, which causes exhaustion and mental disorders.

Symptoms of Fen use

  • anxiety
  • increased efficiency
  • headache
  • hallucinations
  • labored breathing
  • elevated body temperature
  • chest pressure
  • development of psychosis

What is dangerous drug dryer

Availability Synthetic psychostimulant is very inexpensive and sold directly in clubs, so the main target audience is young people under 30 years old.

Instant addiction Amphetamine is quickly addictive. With regular use, tolerance develops rapidly, so the addict is forced to increase the dose of the drug daily. Thus, the body is depleted in a short time, the risk of overdose increases, which causes high mortality among amphetamine addicts.

How the hair dryer is distributed

Hairdryer belongs to the category of "club9raquo; drugs. This is due to the fact that they are distributed mainly in clubs, at concerts and in places of night parties. Consumers are teenagers and young adults who are looking for thrills.

The club environment liberates, the general atmosphere of celebration and courage pushes for rash acts. As a result, even those who were not going to try the drug get addicted to amphetamines. Once having experienced an incredible surge of strength and euphoria, a person seeks to repeat this experience, and quickly becomes psychologically dependent.

Another danger of club drugs is questionable quality. A drug distributed in this way can be highly toxic and easily lead to severe poisoning.

Signs of Fen use

  • increased heart rate and breathing
  • dilated pupils
  • excessive mobility, talkativeness
  • sexual liberation
  • loss of appetite
  • insomnia
  • active but unproductive activity

If you notice in your loved one some of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Consequences of using Fen

Even with a short period of use, Fen causes mental and central nervous system disorders. Chronic fatigue develops, the body cannot restore the spent reserves in short periods of time without the drug. Lack of sleep and nutrition deplete the body, depression and psychosis develop.

The use of Fen for a long time leads to disorders of the cardiovascular system, which can result in cardiac arrest. The body of an amphetamine addict loses a lot of calcium, which causes the destruction of teeth and bones.

Amphetamine leads to significant physical and mental exhaustion. It manifests itself as chronic fatigue, weakness, weight loss. The work of the liver, kidneys, heart is disrupted, immunity suffers.

Amphetamine and pregnancy

Taking amphetamine during pregnancy inhibits the development of the fetus. The drug raises blood pressure and speeds up the pulse, which contributes to insufficient blood flow to the placenta, so the baby can be born weak, lightweight and underdeveloped. In addition, amphetamine addicts have a high risk of bleeding, miscarriage, stillbirth, as well as the development of pathologies in the child's brain, limbs, heart, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to eat well, but amphetamine reduces appetite, which leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. If a mother who uses Fen is breastfeeding, the child's sleep is disturbed, he becomes restless.

Children of amphetamine addicts

Children of amphetamine addicts are usually retarded and grow slowly. The results of studies of such children showed that they are often irritable and aggressive, suffer from serious mental disorders.

Often the children of drug addicts die in the first year of life, because the use of Amphetamine by a nursing mother in combination with alcohol leads to respiratory disorders in the child and, as a result, to cessation of breathing during sleep.

What does an amphetamine overdose look like?

Amphetamine overdose causes excessive stimulation of the cardiovascular system. This is fraught with a sharp increase in pressure, the development of strokes and heart attacks. Due to the impact on the psyche, psychoses and suicide attempts are possible. You can determine an overdose of Phenom by the following signs:

In case of an overdose, you should immediately call an ambulance, as severe cases lead to loss of consciousness, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest.

Where to treat hair dryer addiction

The choice of a rehabilitation center must be approached carefully. Many clinics practice compulsory treatment. Such an approach is unlikely to give a positive result, because a person will not have any motivation to recover, which means that there is a high probability of a breakdown.

Specialists of the center "Solution9raquo; consider the personal motivation of the patient the first and necessary condition for recovery. Therefore, we do not start treatment until our psychologists have a confidential conversation with the patient and strengthen his desire for a sober life.

We guarantee the effectiveness of treatment when completing a full course of an individual program developed by a doctor for a particular patient. In case of relapse, we will provide narcological and psychological help is free.

In our practice, we combine various methods of drug addiction treatment: both traditional, common abroad, and author's methods. Amphetamine addiction may include:

The first stage of our treatment is Detoxification which involves cleansing the body of narcotic substances. Then the addict passes Hospital treatment aimed at combating psychological addiction. After that, the patient is treated Outpatient under the supervision of our experts. Then comes the stage Social adaptation , during which the former drug addict establishes life in society.

We help our patients develop communication skills, find a job or develop their own business. At the end of the treatment, we support our patients. They can always get help and support from our big family.

If your loved one is an amphetamine addict, don't waste your time. The drug quickly destroys the body and psyche. To prevent irreversible changes, contact the experts.

Relatives are faced with a difficult choice of an organization that can restore the health of a loved one. Why relatives? Poto.

First of all, you should figure out what is happening. Even if you noticed an unexpected smell that came from a friend, or on his hands.

Former school teacher chemist John Goz was sentenced to 9 years in prison for manufacturing methamphetamine. Total resident of the state.

What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is one of the varieties of drug addiction, which is caused by tolerance and constancy.

How did I quit drugs? How was my drug addiction treatment in the best narcology.

Dima is 20 years old, he is a recovering drug addict. Dima has been in rehabilitation for the 7th month.

I treated him in different centers. There are Christian centers. And I treated in these.

Tatyana is a drug addict, she is 38 years old, 22 of which she used drugs. Z.

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Amphetamine. Side effects, consequences of use, dependence

  1. drug use
  2. Who can abuse it?
  3. Synthesis of amphetamine
  4. Action of the drug
  5. Effect on the body
  6. After amphetamine
  7. after amphetamine use
  8. Help with amphetamine use

The stimulant ephedrine was mentioned as early as 5,000 years ago in China. Synthesis of amphetamine, an analog of ephedrine, first occurred in 1932. The new drug was planned to be used to increase appetite.

However, already in 1970, the first notes about cases of abuse of the drug began to appear, in particular in the United States. At that time, amphetamine was prescribed by doctors in the treatment of hyperactivity, various violations attention, narcolepsy, but began to be used by people as a stimulant for pleasure.

drug use

Among amphetamine addicts, men predominate, who are 2 times more than women.

Who can abuse it?

  • Women using the drug in order to reduce weight and get rid of fatigue;
  • People who use these drugs for the first time in order to increase vitality, to effectively combat fatigue, to overcome significant physical exertion;
  • People who use drugs to increase their attention and overcome sleep while on business trips;
  • Drug addicts using other types of drugs;
  • Teenagers trying amphetamine for the first time as their first thrill drug with no idea of ​​its effects.

The chemical composition of amphetamine (racemic phenylisopropylamine) is in many ways similar to ephedrine. Methamphetamine, being a chemically related compound, is synthesized into amphetamine by the reduction of ephedrine, as well as through the condensation reactions of methylamine and phenylacetone.

Amphetamine tends to instantly spread throughout all human organ systems immediately after ingestion, being completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug, injected into the brain intravenously, acts in seconds (“on the needle”). In the process of inhalation of amphetamine vapors, getting into the blood and other organs is observed very quickly.

Amphetamine is metabolized primarily in the liver, breaking down into active ephedrine derivatives and other inactive substances. Amphetamine remains in the blood for 8-12 hours. If the drug is re-introduced the next day, a constant blood concentration is maintained, and the narcotic effect is prolonged. Due to the excretion of amphetamine by the kidneys, it is easily detected in the urine test.

  1. Central nervous system: increased activity, attention and performance, reduced fatigue, the appearance of a good mood, loss of appetite, poor sleep, the likelihood of convulsions, trembling, the development of psychosis.
  2. The cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, pain in the cardiac region, arrhythmias, interruptions in the work of the heart.
  3. Gastrointestinal system: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, aversion to food, pain and rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth.
  4. Endocrine system: diverse severity, possible pain in the mammary glands in women.
  5. Kidneys: pronounced diuretic effect.

Consequences of amphetamine use

Amphetamine promotes intense dispersal nervous system human, stimulating almost all departments in the brain. At the same time, the human body is forced to spend mental and energy resources. An energy blow literally tears a person from the inside, he dances for hours without getting tired at all. There is an increase in attention, the disappearance of a feeling of fatigue, self-doubt, loss of appetite, prolonged insomnia. These effects are generated by the release of adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine.

Adrenaline and dopamine contribute to a significant rise in blood pressure, an increase in the frequency of heart contractions, the development of arrhythmias, a significant increase in cerebral blood flow, and an increase in intracranial pressure.

In the case of repeated drug use or an increase in dosage, the development of convulsions and psychosis, as well as loss of consciousness, is possible. In the case of repeated use of amphetamine, the body gradually becomes less sensitive to it.

If you do not take the drug again the next day, depression, irritability, increased fatigue, and dissatisfaction develop. To develop the effect of euphoria, you have to increase the dosage.

  • Some time after taking amphetamine, there is a headache, trembling in the limbs, fussiness, irascibility, panic and paranoia, loss of sleep, inability to collect thoughts, mental illness is possible.
  • With the constant use of amphetamine, a person often develops an "amphetamine psychosis", reminiscent of manic. This condition is characterized by delusions and hallucinations, which are replaced by depression.
  • In the process of long-term use of amphetamine, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea can occur, appetite disappears, weight decreases, and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke increases.
  • After taking headaches, redness of the skin of the face, elevated level sweating, reduced potency, changes in libido.
  • After taking it, there are pains in the heart with interruptions in work, the pulse noticeably quickens, blood pressure increases, and acute cardiovascular failure develops.
  • After taking, there are troubles in the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, abdominal pain, disgust in food, vomiting, rumbling in the intestines, loose stools.
  • High doses of amphetamine are fraught with the development of coma, the cause of which is a hemorrhagic stroke.

Amphetamine use in the highest degree dangerous, especially for people with heart disease (arrhythmia, ischemic disease, tendency to high blood pressure, conduction disorders), hyperthyroidism and glaucoma.

Signs of amphetamine use

The main signs of amphetamine use are organic and mental disorders. However, the person taking amphetamines, as a rule, does not have signs of a thought disorder, or a dullness of the emotional reaction.

People with amphetamine overdoses are characterized by clarity of consciousness and orientation. Signs of an overdose include cardiovascular insufficiency, palpitations, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, epileptic seizures.

Symptoms of psychosis are: hypersexuality, paranoia, delusional thinking, hallucinations (visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile) with preservation of orientation and memory.

after amphetamine use

After the use of amphetamine, especially long-term use, there is a withdrawal syndrome with characteristic phases:

  • "Strong blow" (from 9 hours to 4 days) - the strongest desire to re-take amphetamine in order to relieve depression, psychosis, paranoia;
  • Withdrawal syndrome (1-10 weeks) - a decrease in the desire to take amphetamines, normalization of sleep, the predominance of anxious or depressed mood. The desire to re-take is weakly expressed, but can increase to a maximum level;
  • Fading (after 10 weeks to 6 months) - gradual return mental state, similar to that before the first intake of amphetamine. There is a possibility of breakdowns, usually at friendly parties where amphetamines are taken, or under the influence of alcohol.

Help with amphetamine use

When ingesting amphetamine, be sure to induce vomiting or do a gastric lavage, and then give activated charcoal. With untimely measures taken, the likelihood of hospitalization in a hospital is not ruled out.

If a seizure is brewing, it is necessary to remove piercing objects away from the person, avoid biting the tongue, and monitor the efficiency of breathing. In order to prevent getting into Airways vomit put the patient on his side.

Remember that amphetamine and similar drugs do not give a person the energy that it seems at first use. On the contrary, a person's own energy is noticeably wasted. Such devastation is fraught with depression, to get out of which, again, you will need to take amphetamines. Such energy stresses lead to the development of unmotivated aggression and psychoses.

We provide effective treatment for harmful amphetamine addiction, which will neutralize the consequences, and turn the addict into someone who lives a truly fulfilling life.

Video Amphetamine: action and history

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The human hearing aid perceives sounds in the range from 20 to 20,000 hertz. Everything above is ultrasonic wave vibrations. In everyday life, it is customary to measure the intensity of sounds in decibels. so-called. The "pain threshold" for the ear is approximately 130 decibels.

Hearing, especially at night, can be irritated by different noises: fans, various industrial technical devices, construction equipment, passing vehicles. According to the norms, the noise level in the premises during the day should not exceed 40 decibels, and from 23.00 to 7.00 in the morning - 30. A normal conversation, softly turned on music is about 40-45 decibels.

Alas, it is problematic to insure against "unauthorized" noise: the roar of aircraft, the roar, the clapping of salutes, the noise and din of feasts at the neighbors are uncontrollable and unpredictable. However, you can protect yourself from excessive acoustic pressure in certain noise environments.

Note for yourself: the noises constantly surrounding people (for example, in a dwelling) have different values. Ordinary noise is the so-called "airborne noise": speech, music, TV and radio sounds, barking dogs. "Impact noise" - sounds that occur when a noise source directly impacts a building structure. "Acoustic noise" appears as an echo and is typical for empty rooms. It is absorbed by furniture, carpets, and other interior items.

Effectively "air" and "shock" noise can be extinguished only by finishing the premises with soundproof and noise-absorbing materials. The process is costly: soundproofing of both the ceiling and walls will be required. Sometimes it is preferable to take care of the sound protection of the floor of the neighbors from above than to plan work with your ceiling.

The following materials have soundproofing properties: concrete, expanded clay concrete, gypsum. Among the noise-absorbing materials are cork, basalt wool slabs, other mineral fiber materials, porous rubber. Thanks to high density combines the properties of both sound insulation and sound absorption of autoclaved cellular concrete. Fine air bubbles of a closed structure contained in this material allow it to effectively absorb and extinguish sound waves.

To make the apartment quieter, check all possible channels for the propagation of noise from neighbors. These can be construction flaws: poorly sealed openings for laying wires, gaps between the door and the door frame, niches in hard-to-reach places in the bathroom, ventilation window designs. Experts will tell you which cement mortars and ready-made building mixtures are best used to fill voids.

The ringing of the alarm clock hurts my head, my morning begins with it. The sound of a hot arrow pierces my head. You need to get up.

Who came up with these alarm clocks?

Who came up with the idea that in the morning you have to go to work or study? The climb is hard. Trying to come to my senses, I go to the kitchen. You need to prepare breakfast. I turn on the coffee grinder and toaster, put the kettle on. The coffee grinder buzzes, but, fortunately, not for long, the toast shoots out the bread.

I got rid of the kettle with a whistle a long time ago, although the whistle was still useful. All household appliances seem to be invented in order to harass with their noise, the rumble and rumble emitted by it cause irritation and anger.

The city is gradually waking up and the range of sounds coming from the street is getting wider. An agonizing day ahead. The commute to work becomes a challenge. The noise of cars passing by, the sharp sounds of horns, the howl of sirens, the sickeningly loud conversations of passers-by. I just want to plug my ears, run away away, where there are no these painfully cutting ear sounds. It seems that there is no hiding from the noise, no hiding.

Where are my headphones?

Only in them and salvation from intrusive noise from the outside. Noises in the workplace have a different character - the monotonous continuous hum of a computer, an air conditioning system, and many other vague but painful sounds. The ticking of the clock brings some discomfort to the working environment. But in spite of everything, the working day ends and the evening approaches.

Evening is a foretaste of silence. Silence is my salvation, the salvation of my ears and my tired head during the day. The degree of sound tension gradually subsides, the world around calms down. The much-needed and much-needed peace is coming.

Why do loud noises annoy me so much?

Can't I calmly react and not pay attention to extraneous sounds like other people?

For a long time I tried to understand why exactly I perceive the noise of the world around me so painfully. Why have headphones become a daily necessity?

What is wrong with me?

In an attempt to get rid of the problem, mountains of literature were re-read, but in vain. Consultations with psychologists and following their advice did not bring any result. There are a lot of tips, but there is no solution to the problem and no real help.

Trying to get used to it, listening to calm music, remembering something from my childhood, changing the environment, reading mantras, calming down - I failed.

My every day was like a sound hell until the moment I got acquainted with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Hidden in the unconscious

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, people who experience severe discomfort and irritation from the sound background, who have hypersensitivity to sounds — the owners of the sound vector.

The sound vector sets its owner special properties of the psyche. By nature, they are endowed with perfect hearing and are very sensitive to any noise. The sound people are given by nature the ability to the highest degree of concentration and abstract intellect, capable of generating new ideas, knowing the hidden.

In silence, it is easier for them to concentrate, but for a person with realized properties of the sound vector, noise is by no means a hindrance. All brilliant composers are carriers of the sound vector.

But with incomplete implementation, the sound vector manifests itself negatively, including painful hearing. Often these are the unconscious consequences of childhood psychotrauma and psychosexual developmental delays.

"Silence mode" is necessary from birth, this is the key to the successful development of a child with a sound vector. Loud screams, especially the cry of a mother, have a traumatic effect on the psyche of any baby. And the supersensitive hearing of the soundman is inflicted with unbearable pain. Sounds outside become a constant source of suffering. It is from this pain that they hide behind the headphones.

Exit from negative states perhaps by realizing its nature with the help of systems thinking. A sound engineer is entrusted by nature with a global task - to realize the hidden. Realizing his innate properties, a person with a sound vector is included in a completely different relationship with the outside world, along with all its noise.
Understand why this happens, find the reasons for your reactions to the world and, finally, you can get rid of discomfort at the introductory free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register and enjoy the sounds of the world around you.

The article was written using materials

Noisy neighbors are the scourge of families, especially in city apartments. A trouble equivalent to the notorious "roads and fools." It should be noted that the quality of roads in the country is improving, reducing the statistics of accidents, but the degree of the question - how to stop being nervous because of noisy neighbors - is growing.

And what can we tell each other about? About the obviously sad Friday evening, when you fall asleep anxiously, as if before an exam. Or about Saturday mornings, on which we can be awakened by the gentle singing of a neighbor's drill. Another dream to sleep - collapsed! To tell about the night when whitewash is pouring from the ceiling, the heavy metal rumbles in the head and it is possible to fall asleep only at dawn. Parents of cute, two-meter teenagers left for the country. Better drill in the morning ...

One can recall the noisy neighbors who quarrel at different hours and days of the week, announcing the time and place of the next adultery and betrayal. You can listen once. But the drunken voices yelling behind the wall for years... are unbearable!

"Noisy neighbors? Do not worry and be nervous "

Friends and relatives tell you. “What are you, really?! So go ahead and say what you think! Scare them with police or fines! Get together as a team, write a letter... You just need to stop being nervous! Yes, grab this boy and twist his ears! At work, so, it happens, experience after experience, I want to at least calm down at home! Where, if not at home, to strengthen the nervous system ?!

So the neighbors are noisy...

It is possible to stop worrying if, in spite of yourself, you turn on the drill at half past one in the night to hang a shelf. Or is it worth loudly turning on Alfred Schnittke or the late Paganini at night and going for an hour's walk in a snowstorm?! Nooo. For some reason, the advice of a friend or a psychologist does not help either. Do you know any other ways? Tried? And as a result? That's it - noisy neighbors! ... probably this is not being treated?

How to stop being nervous about noisy neighbors?! Saw, Shura, saw!!!

Stop worrying about noisy neighbors. Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology will help you learn this. According to it, people are born with certain groups of mental properties - vectors.

As he says System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan, understanding what is behind the desires and properties of a particular person, it is quite easy to say a lot about him. For example, to determine his type of thinking, the purpose and meaning of life, and even sexuality. Reading a person like an open book, you can interact with him in such a way that it is comfortable, first of all, for ourselves.

For example, you see a person with an anal vector in front of you. This is essentially the owner of the family: golden hands, he does everything in the house himself. Yes, slowly, repairs last for years, but with high quality and forever. Perfectionist. Meticulous and thoughtful. Family, home is sacred. The meanings of life are also the value of the past, help to comrades, respect and honor. Mom is the most main man in life. By the way, he is most likely an avid fisherman. And as a child, he probably collected stamps, badges or postcards.

It is precisely in these keys that it is worth negotiating with him. Shake hands in respect. Say that your MOM (or children) are sick now and they need silence. Understand and stop drilling. If at a meeting you talk about fishing, raise the topic of returning old textbooks to schools for children, or the importance of the quality of work, experience, then make friends. For a person with an anal vector, to fulfill any request of a friend, a good neighbor (for example, to agree on what hours to make noise) is not a question!

Noisy neighbors make me crazy

There are people for whom silence is vital. From loud sounds growing hostility towards the environment. The activity of the subcortex, already exhausted by endless thoughts, is excited, concentration is disturbed, and a person is ready to even jump into a noose, even jump from the roof, if only the hubbub of noisy neighbors would stop. These are people with a sound vector. They suffer the most and at the same time are silent, experiencing semantic storms inside.

For the visual vector, emotionally excitable, sometimes at the slightest pretext - noisy neighbors can cause panic attacks. The fear of death is their root fear, from which numerous phobias grow. To freak out, swaying emotionally, for them is like breathing. If one of the children in your family is endowed with these features, do not be surprised that they seem to experience everyday problems that are common to others much more acutely. Help them stop worrying, it's really vital for them.

How to negotiate with noisy neighbors

Let's remember our standard " crusade» upstairs for negotiations.

Firstly, we are no longer just on edge, but practically seething. We persuade ourselves not to be nervous, but we ourselves are ready to scream and yell from many hours or even many days of accumulated anger.

Secondly, trying to restrain overflowing emotions, we are obviously in claims and insults, we stumble over words and get confused in the sense of our own speech. By this we introduce the interlocutor into reciprocal aggression. Negotiations with a positive result will not work.

Therefore, the first rule is that you do not have to wait and endure for a long time. Give yourself a task before such a conversation to become calm. Second - try to find out who exactly lives above you (on the side) and why he regularly violates public order. Thirdly, it is necessary to determine systematically - who exactly is in front of us, what vector? Who will you negotiate with? For example, if this is a leather worker, it is necessary to talk in terms of benefit-benefit and law-order.