Differentiation w with in sentences. Speech therapy exercises and games Differentiation of sounds - in sentences. Setting the sound




ZU - ZU - ZU





ZU - ZU - ZU









azna-azna azna-azna
fire-ozda ozda-fire
izma-izma izma-izma

The words:

Life iron

Zhra-dawn, fire-bazaar, pity-fill, hold-dare, lawn-bunny, lie-lick, run-knit, jacket-sunset, lying-birch, Zhora-Zoya, burn-carriage, debt-watch, meadow- pattern, peephole flag, one-time jump, beetle-tooth, storm-thunderstorm, I see-below, I knit-carry, I wander-nibble, I walk-crawl, I look-below, knives-basins, liquid-unsteady, fat-bubble, hedgehogs-carts, leather-goats, barge-base, red-gray, hedgehogs-tongues, mushrooms-music, walk around-show, make money-call, lie down-take, important-different, each-much, fitter-prankster, friendly- overweight, alarming-terrible, rain-carnation, can be late, road-engine, cake-frosty, wait-late, money-useful, wait-ka-carnation, bookish-capricious, gentle-frisky, life, iron, yellowness, deposits, pinch, run in, delay, owe, whine, load, spin.

Zhal - hall Beetle - tooth

Heat - dawn I knit - I'm taking

Pity - flood I look - below

Hold - dare Grozha - a thunderstorm

Fire - Bazaar Wander - gnaw

Lie - lick I see - below

Lawn - bunny Knives - basins

Plant - say Liquid - unsteady

Lying - birch Fat - bubble

Run - knit Hedgehogs - carts

Son-in-law - harvest Skin - goat

Zhora - angry Red - gray

Meadow - pattern Hedgehogs - tongues

Stozhok - cart Ryzhiki - music

Checkbox - peephole Snowflake - basket

Clean tongues

for, for, for - here comes the goat

zha, zha, zha - we saw a hedgehog

zu, zu, zu - we are leading a goat

zhu, zhu, zhu - I go to the meadow

PS, PS, PS - new basins

zhi, zhi, zhi - I have knives

Option for older and preparatory groups

zha, zha, for - here comes the goat

for, for, zha - we saw a hedgehog

for, zha, for - we closed our eyes

zha, for, zha - we don't have a knife


Winter cold.

Green meadow.

Delicate greenery.



Ski wax.

Waiting hall.

Book store.

Snake sting.

Yellow umbrella.

Thirst for knowledge.

Useful animal.

A cherished desire.

Snowy winter.

Iron nail.

Zhenya's friend.

Stock of iron.

Liquid oil.

Important task.

Wet ground.

Snow drifts.

Funny hedgehog.

Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.

The red dog runs around the yard.

Near the puddle toad.

An iron saw screeched.

Zhenya was cutting bread with a knife.

Lisa is skiing.

Zhenya, Liza and Zoya ran out of the house.

Zhenya has skis, Liza and Zoya have sleds.

In the forest, Zina collected mushrooms.

We tied the Beetle to the booth so it wouldn't run away.

Zina was smeared with soot.

Between heaven and earth, the lark winds.

The golden beetle flew in through the window.

Zoya loves the smell of jasmine.

The lamp under the green lampshade was lit.

Zina knitted lace cuffs.

There is a green lawn in front of the house.

Zoya politely asked Zhenya where she could get tin and nails.

The taiga settlement was covered with snow in winter.

Why was it called a snake

Guarded the local puddles?

Nobody got stung

Harmless black.


To the meadow, to the meadow

Quietly the snow is falling.

The snowflakes have fallen

White fluffs.

But suddenly a breeze blew

Our snowball is spinning.

All the fluffs are dancing

White snowflakes.

Connected speech


Zhenya and Zina went to the forest for strawberries. They had boxes. But there were few strawberries. Zhenya noticed a hedgehog near the birch. The hedgehog did not run, but curled up in a ball. Zhenya put the box on the ground and called Zina. They wanted to take the hedgehog home. Zina began to hold the box. Zhenya took a stick and rolled the hedgehog into the box. Zhenya and Zina ran home. Instead of strawberries, they have a live hedgehog. At home, they gave milk to the hedgehog. Zina wanted to leave the hedgehog, but Zhenya gave it to a living corner. There was already one hedgehog. Both are more fun.

Zakhar has a fever. He is ill. Mom called the doctor. The doctor says: "You have to lie down, Zakhar, until you get better." Zakhar lies and drinks pills.

The bell rings and the beetle buzzes.

No need to yawn if you need to chew.

The grapes have a vine, and in the theater there are lodges.

Yellow roses, and scary faces.

Let me blow the horn once.

You have to lie down and lick your paw.

You will grieve - you will grieve.

The clamp is clamped.

Wand of iron - iron.

An iron shovel lies on the ground.

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.


It has long been winter on earth mistress. Covered houses and roads. The patterns on the windows are frosted over. The evil winter has frozen the lakes and rivers. I'd love to, but it can't freeze the living. Even children are not cold in winter. They run in the yard - they are even hot. On frosty days, children are at home. Zhenya, Liza and Zoya wished to go for a walk - and to visit their mother. Mom told me to wear warmer clothes. Zhenya, Liza and Zoya ran out of the house. Zoya has skis, Liza and Zhenya have skates. Lisa and Zhenya are flooding the skating rink. And Zoya laid the ski track.

The lark makes its nest in the rye.

Yellow leaves fall to the ground.

Zhenya collected mushrooms and milk mushrooms.

The house has a green lawn. Snowflakes fall to the ground. Dragonflies circled over the water.

The paths were covered with yellow sand.

Subscriptions to newspapers and magazines continue. A fly buzzed, a spider buzzed. A beetle buzzes on the honeysuckle, a heavy casing on the beetle. Bunny lives in the forest. The tiger is a greedy animal.

Zina put on a knitted jacket. The mole lives in the ground. Zina is feeding the hedgehog. Grandpa lives at the junction. Zhora was sunbathing on the beach.

Zakhar lived on a collective farm.

Zhenya showed Zoya the magazine.

Zhenya lives at the factory.

Zhanna talks about animals.

Zoya forgot her umbrella at Zhenya's.

green toad

With a funny beetle

Forgotten by winter

Find yourself a home.

Bunny funny

Every hedgehog knows riddles.

A beetle and a snake can guess them.

Riddles about a vase, a bison, already,

About blackberry and hedgehog.

Everyone knows: paper kite

Zhenya lives.

Jenny doesn't know

With a bunny worries.

Bunny is not needed

No lunch or dinner.

Doesn't like to lie on the ground.

Light kite, like smoke.

It's easy to watch him

It's just a pity that it's impossible

Let's fly with him!


Ringing, ringing, ringing the bell! Remember that fervent ringing

He calls, he calls to the lesson! He is familiar to everyone from childhood,

Calling ringing sonorous ringing He merrily beckons to knowledge,

Called friends from all over. Ringing, ringing, ringing in my ears...

In a call high ringing sound When the beetle suddenly buzzes,

It spills around. Then the beetle has a lower sound,

You mentally estimate that sound: And the beetle will buzz more muffled,

“Ring-ring”, “ring-ring”, As if the beetle is slightly pressed.

Ring-ring, ring-ring!

Beetle buzzing worries us,

We are waiting for the beetle to sting,

But the beetle lives completely without a sting,

In vain the beetle is buzzing, perhaps!

Zhenya, Zhenya, what happened? And for my birthday

You are soaked through with tears. Our chairs were invited.

He answers, sighing: She invited our vase,

Aunt May came. All knives and forks at once.

About some favor Even a table from the corner.

She asked very politely. But she didn't call me.

A hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog The foal sees clearly:

Harvest blackberries. Yellow light! It's dangerous to go!

red fox

He also wants to have fun. Don't take food with you

The godfather thought: Let him go home.

The hedgehogs have darkness. Hedgehog, even the most stupid

Wants to live with hedgehog mom.

I am in a puddle! I am in a puddle! Eyes squinting

I'm looking for where the puddle is already. At the cat

Maybe an hour, maybe two

I searched, I barely found. Murka's:

I found where the puddle is already - Come out, mice,

And now I lie with a cold. Let's play hide and seek!

I got stung by a bee. One worm got into the acorn

I screamed, "How could you?!" And won't eat it.

The bee answered: “How could you Who where, tell me, got in?

Pick my favorite flower? Who won't eat who?

After all, I really needed him: An acorn, or something, a worm?

I took care of him for a-zh-zhin. Fu, what nonsense!

One worm got into the acorn

And won't eat it

Animals in the desert.

Desert animals know what heat and thirst are. All their lives they live in the sands. These animals sometimes even forget what rain is. It's hard for them to live like this.

The toad got sick.

The green toad never cared about anyone. All her life she lived alone: ​​she basked in puddles, jumped on the lawns, and then one day - oh, horror! - the toad is sick. She lies, barely croaks. No one even knows how bad she is. ran past the beetle

I'm a toad, I don't need anyone!

How have you lived all your life? - the beetle was horrified and ran after the neighbors.

The neighbors helped the toad, each in his own way: who treated him to dinner, who lit the fireplace. The toad understood how important it is to earn respect, then in a difficult moment she would not be left completely alone.

Date______ Class______


Topic: G-F differentiation in words, sentences and text

Purpose: Differentiate the sounds Z-Zh.

Planned results:

Subject: Clarification and comparison of the articulation of sounds 3 - F; development of word formation skills; fixing the spelling zhi-shi; the formation of reading skills.

Metasubject: development of attention and memory; improve phonemic perception; improvement fine motor skills hands, improve visual perception, spatial orientation.

Personal: creating an emotional contact between students.

Equipment:subject pictures, puzzles, cards with syllables, cards with letters, syllabic tables, word tables, various tables.

During the classes.
1. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.
Opened tongue window
And it's warm outside.
Our tongue stretched
He smiled broadly at us.
And then I went for a walk
Walk up the steps.
Then I saw a painter
It's time to paint the ceiling.
Here is the paint with a can next to it
The fence needs to be updated.
Our tongue walked
Learned a lot.
He got a little tired
He returned to his house.
2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.
- To determine the topic of the lesson, you must guess riddles:
Gray in summer, white in winter
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone. (hare)
I sit - I am silent,
I'm crawling - I'm silent
And as soon as I take off,
Then I'll be happy. (beetle)
- Today we will learn to distinguish between [Ж] and [З] in syllables, words, sentences.
Comparison of sounds by articulation. - Work with individual mirrors. - Reading the syllable table. - Isolation of sounds by ear.
-Guys, when you hear a word in which there is a sound [З], raise a card with the letter z, sound [Ж] - a card with the letter zh.
Forget-me-nots, lampshade, zoo, dragonfly, snakes, animal, bison, cranes, whatnot, pinched, leather, sunset, jasmine, carnations, iron.
3. Differentiation in syllables.
Voice charging.
-Repeat after me in the same rhythm, with the same intonation and stressed syllable.
Zha - for - zha
Zha - zha - for - for
Ms - for - Ms - for
Zy - zhi - zu - zhu
Az - ozh - az
Hello - wait - hello
Ozda - wait
Written assignment.
- Guys, there are sheets with the task on the tables. You need to insert syllables to complete the word.
Exercise 1.
Emphasize h and f. FOR or JA

Let's remember the rule. Zhi - Shi write with the letter and.
ZY or ZhI

4. Differentiation in words.
(The speech therapist reminds students that when pronouncing the sound z, the tongue is at the bottom of the oral cavity, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing the sound w, the tongue rises up, behind the upper teeth.
Chips - for the correct answer).

Game exercise. "Remember and repeat."
Chips - for the correct answer.

Game "Change the word".
Chips - for the correct answer.
Pour - sorry
Yawn - chew
Goat - skin
name - earn
Razok - horn
Hall - pity

The game "Call it affectionately."
Chips - for the correct answer.
Friend - friend
Horn - ....
Coast - ….
Iron - ….
Snow - ….
A circle - …..

Under the leaf, the beetle woke up,
Stretched and shook.
Abdomen, nose, eyes, mustache.
Washed with a drop of dew
Buzzed and flew
He has a lot to do.
6. Differentiation in sentences.
- Look
exercise 2.

1. beetle, buzz, flower, over.

Exercise 3 let's do it orally. Let's say an example. I don't hate Zina.
I forgot my yellow umbrella.
You ______________
She is _____________
We ______________
They are______________
- Well done! And the last
exercise 4 . Insert the missing letters Z, Z into the poem.
The wolf is ____ clearly angry ____ furious -
He can't eat e____ but he can't.

Burned _____ wolf logo.

7. The result of the lesson.

Bere____, ko_____, stra______, ro_______, bir______, ko______, lu_______, next_____, gla ______, streko_______.

ZY or ZhI
Ro_____, ta_____, u______, gro____, ________here, frost______, _______raf, I______ki, far_____.

Exercise 2. Compose sentences from words. Write them down, underlining the letters Z, Zh.
1. beetle, buzz, flower, over.
2. jacket, hang, hanger, on.
3. live, in, monkeys, zoo.
4. Zhenya, and, Zina, raised, and, roses, yellow, pink.

I forgot my yellow umbrella.
You ______________
She is _____________
We ______________
They are______________

Learn it by heart.
The wolf is ____ clearly angry ____ furious -
He can't eat e____ but he can't.
Yo ____, got off ____, put out the needles.
Burned _____ wolf logo.

Exercise 1. Underline h and f.
Bere____, ko_____, stra______, ro_______, bir______, ko______, lu_______, next_____, gla ______, streko_______.

ZY or ZhI
Ro_____, ta_____, u______, gro____, ________here, frost______, _______raf, I______ki, far_____.

Exercise 2. Compose sentences from words. Write them down, underlining the letters Z, Zh.
1. beetle, buzz, flower, over.
2. jacket, hang, hanger, on.
3. live, in, monkeys, zoo.
4. Zhenya, and, Zina, raised, and, roses, yellow, pink.

Exercise 3. Say according to the model. I don't hate Zina.
I forgot my yellow umbrella.
You ______________
She is _____________
We ______________
They are______________

Exercise 4. Insert the missing letters З,Ж into the poem.
Learn it by heart.
The wolf is ____ clearly angry ____ furious -
He can't eat e____ but he can't.
Yo ____, got off ____, put out the needles.
Burned _____ wolf logo.

Sasha, land, drying, pole, six, over, wool, prank, haste, rustle, listen, hear, Sasha, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, chuckle, chuckle, mow, laugh, hurry, dry, mix, hurry, rhyme, funny, carry, smile, successfully, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, son, coward, old woman, made a noise.


hat-saika naughty-salute

solve-hew miner-sapper

interfere-write hut-salad

horse-landing sage-napkin


bag-line fluff-a piece of vershok-sand strap-sock rustle-forty little mouse-wakeful jokes-day noisy-bag


I write - I carry Pasha - I dance for the past - the dancer to make noise - to be able to sew-fed mice-rats

Shi-sy, shi-si

expanse-cheese thorn-rash awl-strength decided-asked your-you-our-us-tower-fable scary-red


kasha-kaska cup-often arable land-paste shirt-sausage

Osh - os, ysh - ys, yash - yas, yusch - yus

Yashka-clear club-chandelier went-grew reeds-koumiss penny-gross

Esh - es, ish - is, ish - is

pawns-songs bags-revenge bear-bowl cherry-hangs rhymes-vice swift-rice

Hat-sla, shme-sme, shto-hundred, shpa-spa

hat-slush bumblebee-dared curtains-caretaker sleepers-sleep

4. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.

bag, awl.

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals. Sasha was walking with an old woman. Pasha is a coward, he is scared. Hurry up and make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and bask;., in the sun. The cockerel was frightened, fell from the roof onto a pole. Through the colored glass I looked at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. Jays and cuckoos made noise at the edge. Cars rush along the highway. Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel! The fishermen in the hut woke up. They removed the nets from the poles, they carried the oars to the boats. At midnight, sometimes in the swampy wilderness, you can barely hear, silently rustle the reeds. Already the sky breathed in autumn, the sun shone less often, the day became shorter.

6. Exercise

Misha has a hat on his head, in a bag (saika).

On the (roof) pipe, in the basement (rat)

Misha (cup), soldier (helmet)

nursery rhymes

I myself brother Lyosha

Wiped the galoshes with a rag.

So that the cat does not inherit,

I sewed boots for the cat.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I will smooth you with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Hush, hush, hush, hush

Mice rustling on the roof

Under the mouse gray flag

Marching step by step.

Seniors go ahead

The mouse anthem is sung:

“Hush, hush, hush, hush.

Cheerful old lady

Sewing all day today.

Behind the round spool

A fluffy cat follows.

Tired of sewing old lady

And sat at the gate

And with a round coil

The cat started playing.

(E. Stewart)

Keep your step, mice!

People are full, cats are full,

The tables are set for mice.

The rustle of the tire subsides,

There comes a mouse step.

Let the mice feast at night.

Hush, hush, hush, hush!”

I. Tokmakova

Gray rogue

Misha had a cat - a gray rogue. The cat has a fluffy tail, soft fur. He himself is grey, striped. The cat has a sweet voice and sharp teeth. Misha gave him milk and porridge. The cat did not like porridge, he asked for meat. The cat was lazy and did not catch mice. The mice weren't afraid of him at all. The mice were good. It was good for the bastard too. Sleep sweetly, drink milk. He jumps on the window and warms his back in the sun.

8. Exercise

Grandma's hands

This is whose shirt - This is whose sundress

Blue peas? White daisies?

Grandma tried Grandma tried

Sew for Alyoshenka! Sewed for Natasha!

(L Brailovskaya)

Fox and jug


A woman went out into the field to mow and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. The fox crept up to the jug. She stuck her head into the jug and drank her milk. But here's the problem - he can't pull his head out of the jug. The fox says: “The jug was joking, enough is enough, let it go!” The pitcher is not far behind. The fox got angry: “If you don’t want it in a good way, I will drown you.” The fox began to drown a jug in the river. But the jug sank along with the fox.

toy cockerel

There were bear cubs in the forest. They found a toy cockerel at the edge of the forest. The cockerel is funny, painted with bright colors. Scallop on the head. The cockerel is nailed to the board, and the board is on wheels. The cubs liked the cockerel, and they played well with it. Then they saw a fox and decided to play a joke on the fox. They put a cockerel on a hillock, and they themselves hid. There is a cockerel, and the red scallop gleams in the sun. I saw a fox cockerel. Rejoiced. “Here,” he thinks, “I’ll eat a cockerel.” The fox approached quietly and rushed at the cockerel. And then I just realized that the cockerel is a toy. The cubs laughed merrily at the fox. (According to G. Kupriyanov)


zha-za zho-zo zhu-zu zhi-zy

zhe-ze za-zha zo-zho zu-zhu


azna-azna ozhda-ozda uzno-uzno
izma-izma ezhli-ezli azna-azhna
ozda-zhda uzna-uzna izma-izma

Life, iron, yellowness, deposits, clamp, run, delay, owe, whine, charge, deserve, spin.


sting-hall, heat-dawn, barge-base, fire-bazaar, sorry-fill, keep-dare, lawn-bunny, jacket-sunset, lie-lick, lie-birch, plant-say, run-knit


Zhora-Zoya, stack-carriage, debt-watch, meadow-pattern, flag-peephole, jump-one


beetle-tooth, storm-thunderstorm, I see-from below, I knit-carry, I wander-nibble, I walk-crawl, I look-below

Zhi-zy, zhi-zi

knives-basins liquid-unsteady fat-bubble hedgehogs-carts of skin-goats red-gray-gray hedgehogs-tongues mushrooms-music walk around-show profit-call snowflake-basket lie-take

Other combinations

important-different each-much fitter-prankster friendly-overweight taiga-tearful anxious-terrible rain-carnations can-late road-locomotive cake-frosty wait-be late money-useful wait-ka-carnation bookish-capricious tender-frisky

3. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.


Our ore deposits are large. The foal ran into the yard and neighed. Zakhar loads a gun. Zhenya deserves an award. Zhenya helped to detain the enemy. I held an iron nail in my hand. The dog lay down and licked its paw. We tied the Beetle to the booth so it wouldn't run away. He shouts to the whole bazaar, as if a fire has set in. The sun did not spare the heat for a good tan, and the wheat and rye tanned too. The bunnies sat at noon near a puddle on the lawn. We will go to the meadow and take a stack from it. Zhenya was cutting rye bread. An iron saw screeched, a heavy hammer clattered. A green moth sat on a yellow stalk.


In winter, he lay on the ground, in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow)

He is always friendly with nails,

People need it at work. (A hammer)

6. Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Speak (read) sentences.

lapped the milk with his tongue.

(knives) lie in

At and at the horns.

Zhenya blew a horn.

For strawberries

Zhenya and Zina went to the forest for strawberries. They had boxes. But there were few strawberries in the forest. Zhenya noticed a hedgehog near the birch. The hedgehog did not run, but curled up in a ball. Zhenya put the box on the ground. He called Zina. They wanted to take a hedgehog. Zina began to hold the box. Zhenya took a stick and rolled the hedgehog into the box.

Zhenya and Zina ran home. Instead of strawberries, they have a live hedgehog. At home, they gave milk to the hedgehog. Zina wanted to leave the hedgehog. But Zhenya gave. him to a living corner. There was already one hedgehog. Two hedgehogs have more fun.

Who is the owner?

Zhora and Zakhar had a dog. Her name was Zhuk. Zhora and Zakhar picked up the Beetle with a broken paw. They looked after him. The beetle has recovered. Who is the owner of the Beetle? Zhora and Zakhar talked about it every day. One day they were walking in the forest. The beetle ran ahead. Suddenly, shepherds attacked Zhuk. Zhora screamed and climbed a tree. But Zakhar did not run away: he took a stick and protected the Beetle. The watchman came running and drove the sheepdogs away. Zhora now did not argue who is the owner of the Beetle. (According to V. Oseeva)

SOUNDS W, W, S, 3,

interfere with-lying-lick-fox -meadow-cart-a piece of joke-creepy-fuel oil-days I carry-I go-carry-carry

2. Exercise Name the objects shown in the pictures.

skiing toad

Sasha, Zhenya and Liza are sleeping. Misha runs after Sonya. Natasha and Zina collect mushrooms. Zhenya has fragrant green lilies of the valley. How beautiful and fresh fragrant roses! If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Sing me a funny song, I'll give you a snowflake. Skis run through the snow and fluffy snow licks. The winter cold has shackled the land. Shura and Zhenya took sleds and skis. Larisa and Zhora decided, Masha and Rosa wrote. The bush rustles, and the bunny trembles. Bumblebees and dragonflies swooped over the lawn. Misha put a bundle of firewood on the sleigh. Cones lie on the ground in the forest.


A small dog, curled up, lies, does not bark, does not bite, but does not let it into the house. (Lock)

4. Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Make suggestions.

in the bushes, in the grass.

In the hole, in the hay. On oak (acorn).

Hay, hay!

The meadow was left without hair!

He is cut with braids,

It is sprinkled with dew.

How is this hairstyle

Good for summer!

(I. Tokmakova)


Rain wanted to frolic

Spilled out into the meadow. spun

It became a lot of zagaldeli ...

Puddles around. I look:

Roll up your pants, they have shirts on

In a puddle of steel

The boys jumped. Like blotters.

(I. Vinokurov)

Mouse cones

Lived on a pine tree
Two big bumps.

Lived under a pine tree

Two funny mice. And the mice screamed:

Hey! get down, bumps!

you know about us

Only hearsay.

Cones surprised:

Silly mice!

Why is it bad for us to hang

Here, on our tower!

Better we invite you:

Get in, let's hang!


It became bad for mice to live from a cat. Whatever the day, then two or three will seize. Once the mice came together and began to judge how they could escape from the cat. Tried, judged, could not come up with anything.

Here is one mouse and said:

I'll tell you how to save us from the cat. After all, we are dying because we do not know when he is coming. It is necessary to tie a bell around the cat's neck so that it rings. Then every time he is close to us, we will hear, and we will run away.

It would be good, - said the old mouse, - but someone needs to put on a bell. You thought well, but tie the bell around the cat's neck, then we will thank you.

(L. Tolstoy)

Visiting Santa Claus


Masha sleeps in bed and sees a dream. She walks in the forest and sees: a gray-haired Santa Claus is sitting. He sits and eats snowballs.

Hello Masha! Thanks for coming to visit. Help me. Prepare a bed for me, fluff up the feather bed well.

Grandfather's house is icy, and there are snow stars on the walls. Instead of a feather bed lies fluffy snow. Masha began to beat the snowball, and under it - green grass.

Why do you, grandfather, keep green grass under a snowy feather bed? - asked Masha.

You can't let her out. Winter will take over and freeze the grass. So I covered the greens with snow. In the spring, the snowy featherbed will melt. The grass will grow and there will be glorious rye.

Here Masha woke up.

winter silence

Winter is not always evil with its frosts and snowstorms. There are good days too. It is wonderful when the snow falls in calm weather. Snowflakes are rushing, slightly spinning in the air. They lay down on the ground, on the roofs of houses... Silence. Even the snow does not creak under the soles of passers-by. Listen and hear the rustling, rustling of snowflakes. You put your hand - silvery snowflakes immediately melt.

6. Exercise. Learn the poem by heart.

autumn morning

The yellow maple looks out into the lake,

Waking up at dawn.

During the night the ground froze

All hazel in silver.

The belated ginger is squirming,

A broken branch is pressed,

On his chilled skin

Drops of light tremble.

(O. Vysotskaya)

heavy burden

The fox bought a pood of grain from the bear. She carries it home, and something seems to her a light burden. “The bear deceived me,” the fox thinks, “he poured grain less than a pood. Back to hang? They will say - she poured grain. The fox went further, and the burden seems heavier to her. “In vain I slandered the clubfoot: grain, maybe more than a pood.” The fox is walking, and it is already unbearable to carry the bag. She dropped the bag and thought: “There is no less than one and a half pounds. Eh, Misha, Misha, if you hang everyone like that, you’ll bargain! ... ”(According to I. Rakitin)

About grandma and the fox


Grandma went. Carried a goose. I saw a fox goose. The fox wanted to live. The fox ran ahead. She lay down on the road and folded her paws. Grandmother thinks: “Here are miracles! Okay, I'll go. I don't need a fox." And the fox ran forward again. Lies on the road. Grandma is waiting. Grandma thinks: “Gee!” And she went on. She walked, she walked. Looks - again the fox lies on the road. Grandmother thinks: “Third fox! Yes, such wealth in a dream is not a dream. I'll take everyone. Yes, I will sew a doha on fluffy fox fur! Left Grandma Goose on the road. And went to collect foxes. The grandmother returned with nothing - neither a fox, nor a goose!

How the hedgehog changed his coat

Snow has already fallen in the forest, and the hedgehog has not prepared for the winter. I didn’t drag leaves into my dwelling so that it would be warm to sleep. He walks through the forest, covered with the first snow, and towards the hare. Not in a gray fur coat, in which he ran in the summer, but in a new, snow-white one.

The hedgehog asks the hare:

Where did you change your coat?

Right there, by the old thrush.

Can't I change my coat?

I don't know, go ask. The hedgehog went to the thrush and said:

I also want to wear a white coat.

This is for rabbits only. But anyway, I'll change it. Take off your needles.

The hedgehog took off his fur coat with needles. I put on white, like a bunny. The new fur coat is soft, fluffy, warm.

And suddenly a fox. The hedgehog wanted to release needles, but they are not. I tried to run away from the fox - the hedgehog does not know how to run fast like a hare. And the fox is about to grab. For hedgehog happiness, nearby is his hole. turned out. He darted there, sitting, trembling with fear.

He waited until the fox left, crawled out of the hole - and again to the old oak. Came to the thrush.

Give me my needles, take this beautiful fur coat back!

Since then, the hedgehog has been walking around in his fur coat and does not change it. She is not as beautiful as a hare, but reliable. In it, the hedgehog is not afraid of either the fox or even the wolf itself. Just try to touch someone - you yourself will not be happy! (A. Sukontsev)

Setting the sound

Speech therapy exercises and games

Sound differentiation[g] - [s] in sentences

    1. Repeat suggestions.

Children together in the hall decorated the Christmas tree.

Between the basins lie spoons with knives.

The long wait is just a punishment.

Earrings appeared on the white birch.

Jeanne gets up at dawn, so as not to walk in the heat.

So that the rain would not catch me on the road, I quickly ran home.

  1. The game "I'll start, and you continue."

(The adult says pronouns, and the child continues the sentence.)

I ran to Jeanne for a yellow umbrella (you, he, she, we, you, they).

I clamp the iron spring (you, he, she, we, you, they).

Zhanna and I squealed loudly (you, he, she, we, you, they).

I cut bread with an iron knife (you, he, she, we, you, they).

  1. Game me and you.

Sample. I will order and you will order.

I will smear, and you ... (smear).

I will spin, and you ... (swirl).

I will delay, and you ... (delay).

I will run, and you ... (run).

I will squeal, and you ... (squeal).

I'll hold, and you ... (squeeze).

I charge, and you ... (charge).

I'm pinching and you... (pinching).

I'm dropping in, and you ... (dropping in).

  1. Make sentences based on key words.

Garage, fence.

Zoya, bugs.

Jeanne, roses, vase.

Shop, Lisa, lace.

  1. The game "What does the truck do?".

Look at the pictures and say in a detailed sentence what actions the truck does. Use in your answers the words drive off, leave, run over, move, drive up, drive in, drive through, drive in.

Sample. The truck pulls away from the garage.

  1. Game "Fix the bugs"

Jeanne bought yellow curtains in the store.

"Gazelle" called in from the garage.

From the strong sun, Lisa closed her eyes.

Five garages were built behind the fence.

  1. Picture game.

7.1. Look at the children running after each other. Read and memorize their names.

7.2. Answer the questions with a complete sentence.

Who is Zhenya running after? (Zhenya runs after Zoya.)

Who is Jeanne running after?

Who is Zakhar running after?

7.3. Look at the standing children, remember their names.

7.4. Answer the questions with a complete sentence.

Between whom does Zhenya stand? (Zhenya stands between Zhanna and Zoya.)

Who is Jeanne standing between?

  1. Explain how you understand these expressions.

To rake in the heat with the wrong hands - (without laboring yourself, use what others are doing).

Set the heat - (drive, torture with a lot of things, assignments, or make a severe reprimand).

To hurt a living - (offend, hurt or excite, touching something important).

Climbing on the rampage - (perform actions that are doomed to failure in advance).

Differentiation of sounds [g] - [h] in pure tongues

Say clean words.

For - Ms - for - I'm waiting for Zoya at the garage.

Zda - zhda - zda - trains run often.

Zhu - zu - zhu - I will tie Tuzik.

Wait - zdi - wait - Wait for Zhenya and Lisa.

Pronounce the tongue twister and give the correct answer: does it happen or not?

Zha - for - zha - I cut bread without a knife.

For - Ms - for - I open my eyes.

Zhi - zy - zhi - hedgehogs write with pens.

Zu - zhu - zu - we sunbathed in a thunderstorm.

Zy - zhy - zy - we were afraid of a thunderstorm.

Marina Kolodina
Synopsis of the GCD "Differentiation of sounds [Ж] - [З]"


directly educational activities

with older preschool children

on educational field "Speech development"

Topic: « Differentiation of sounds [Ж], [З,З']"

teacher speech therapist

Kolodina Marina Sergeevna

Topic: « Differentiation of sounds [Ж], [З,З']"

Age orientation: Children 5-6 years old


fasten correct pronunciation sounds [W], [З, З '] in words, tongue twisters, in phrasal speech;

Teach children to recognize these sounds by ear and pronunciation;


Develop the ability to carefully listen to the speech of an adult and peers;

Develop a skill sound analysis;

Contribute to the development of logical thinking.

Develop the ability to do self-analysis, self-assessment of their activities.

To promote the formation of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Target articulatory gymnastics With bioenergetics:

To help attract children's interest in doing exercises, which significantly increases the effectiveness of gymnastics;

To promote the development of articulatory, finger motor skills;

Improve coordination of movements;

Develop memory, attention, thinking, concentration of visual and auditory attention;

To form spatial orientation, the accuracy of movements of the fingers and hands together with the movements of the tongue or lips.

Purpose of dynamic pause:

Prevention of fatigue, violations of posture, vision and psycho-emotional discharge.


multimedia equipment: Medio objects: EORs (electronic educational resources) : game presentation on differentiation of sounds [Ж], [З,З'].

Pictures with the image of a bug and a mosquito, pictures for games "One is Many", "What, what, what?". Paper, pencils for each child. Ball.

preliminary work

R / i "Catch sound» , "From what sound starts» , "The Fourth Extra"

Looking at pictures, memorizing logorhythms, tongue twisters.

List of used literature

1. Volina V. V. Entertaining alphabet study. - Moscow: Enlightenment 1991

2. Kochergina A. V., Gaydina L. I. Learning the alphabet while playing. - Moscow: OOO "5 for knowledge" 2007

3. Lopukhina I. S. Logopedia 550. - Moscow: Aquarium 1995

Organizational Component:

Speech therapist: It's a new day. I smiled at you and you smiled at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. (Children breathe in and out).

- Remember our rule:

We all say beautiful

Bold and unhurried

We speak clearly

We are not in a hurry.

Motivation for activity.

Speech therapist: Guys, look, there are two boxes on the table. What color is the left box? (yellow). What color is the right box? (green). If you want to see what is inside the boxes, you have to guess puzzles:

Not a beast, not a bird -

Nose like a needle.

Flies - squeaks,

Sits down - is silent.

Who will kill him

That blood will shed (mosquito)

(green box opens, mosquito illustration shown)

How does a mosquito sound?

What is heard sound?

Speech therapist: Listen to the second riddle to open the yellow box:

Buzzing, ringing

Mustache drives menacingly:

Frightens the righteous people -

Well, leave the garden,

Before it's too late!

But there are no frightened around,

May is not terrible for people ... (beetle)

(yellow box opens, bug illustration shown)

How does a beetle buzz?

With what do you think sounds are we going to work today?

Speech therapist: Let's treat a mosquito and a beetle so that they don't sting or scare anyone.

Exercise for the development of speech breathing. "Feed the Insects" (you need to blow the ball into the collar, which depicts insects)

Articulation gymnastics with bioergoplasty.

Speech therapist: In the meantime, our insects enjoy our treats, we will do exercises that will help us stretch the tongue to pronounce correctly sounds [h] and [g].

"Beetle and Mosquito"(smile - proboscis,

Zhu-zhu-zhu, - I'm also an elephant, - said the mosquito,

I'm sitting on a branch - any flower will confirm you,

I live not grieve That I have a proboscis!

and buzz, buzz, buzz.

"Punish the naughty tongue" (relaxation of the muscles of the tongue).

Guilty tongue

Couldn't say anything.

We'll slap him

We slap our lips.

"Brushing Teeth"

I open my mouth a little

Lips will do "window".

Upper teeth - see:

I clean "cup" from within.


A large mushroom has grown in the forest,

I'll bring mushrooms to the kindergarten.

One, two, three, four, five -

I need to keep the mushroom.


Let's go, let's go on a horse.

We are very pleased to click.

The rhythm of the hooves is beaten

The tongue helps them.

Speech therapist: Guys, how are these similar sounds?

Articulation comparison.

Children: Sound [З] - consonant, hard and soft.

Sound [Ж] - consonant, always solid.

Speech therapist: Let's say in front of the mirror first sound [z], and then sound [w]. Let's compare them.

a) similarity: these consonant sounds

b) differences: place of formation

[h] - tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth

[g] - tongue in the upper position

On the lips: with [h] they smile, with [g] they are round, stretched forward

d) air jet. When pronouncing [h] - cold, [g] - warm.

Speech therapist: Our insects have tasted our treat, become kind and want to check if you hear their favorites correctly sounds and do not confuse them.

Look at the backs of your chairs, what insect is shown?

Children find pictures on the back of the chairs. (Beetles and mosquitoes.)

Speech therapist: We got two teams: team "Mosquitoes" and team "Bugs". And since there are two teams, then you can arrange a competition. How do you look at it?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist: But for the competition you need a jury! Your suggestions, who will we choose?

Children offer options, the speech therapist leads them to the selection of the jury of guests present in the office.

Speech therapist: So, the jury has been chosen, we can start our competition.

For the correct answers, the jury will give tokens. ( "beetles"- in a yellow box "mosquitoes"- in green)

Here game tasks to test your ability to distinguish and pronounce sounds [h] and [g].

The game "Clap - stomp" for the development of phonemic awareness.

Speech therapist: Clap when you hear the word sound [h], but with sound [f] stomp.

Hare, giraffe, forget-me-nots, lampshade, zoo, dragonfly, iron, snakes, animal, bison, cranes, lighter, leather, sunset, jasmine, carnations, clip.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Speech therapist: Guys, what can mosquitoes and beetles do? That's right - fly. Let's see how a mosquito flies. And now, how the beetle flies.

Developmental exercise Find pictures from sound» .

Speech therapist: Look at the picture, it shows miscellaneous items, animals and phenomena. Team "bugs" calls co sound [zh], and the team "mosquitoes" co sound [h]

Developmental exercise "The Fourth Extra"

Speech therapist: Look at the pictures, name them. What do you think, which picture is superfluous and why?

1. Hare, giraffe, zebra, beetle - an extra beetle (insect and other animals)

2. Ice cream, cake, rose, marshmallows - an extra rose (a flower, and the rest of the sweets (food)

3. Hedgehog, star, castle, basket - an extra hedgehog (sound [w], and in other pictures [h])

4. Teddy bear, umbrella, blackberry, walrus - an extra umbrella (sound [z], and in other pictures [g])

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. With a su-joku ball.

Speech therapist: And now it's time to stretch our fingers, us, friends!

Golden like bronze

The beetle circles around the rose

And buzzing: "Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu

I am very friendly with roses. (repeat 2 times)

The game "One is Many". (with pictures)

Speech therapist: And now let's see which team is the most attentive. I will name one object, and you must name many.

One green beetle - many green beetles

One yellow umbrella - many yellow umbrellas

One rusty castle - many rusty castles

One orange giraffe - many orange giraffes

One gold clip - many gold clips

One green scissors - many green scissors

One yellow thunderstorm - many yellow thunderstorms

One cherished desire - many cherished desires

Speech therapist: You have successfully completed some of the tasks, you can relax a bit.

Dynamic pause

On the green on the lawn head tilts

Bullies lived bunnies, put your hands to your head "ears"

Lived snakes, cubs,

And uzhat, and hedgehog. alternately raising/lowering the shoulders

Fireflies in the starry sky

Lit the lights, arms up, torso left / right

So that neither the beast nor the bird

Don't get lost in that forest. hands on the belt, steps

Developmental exercise "What, what, what?" using pictures on the interactive whiteboard.

What kind of leather belt? - leather belt

Rubber duck, which one? - rubber duck

What kind of suede jacket? - Suede jacket

Crown of gold, what? - gold Crown

What kind of paper bag? - paper bag

Bucket of iron, what? - iron bucket

In the afternoon it is very cold, what day? - freezing day

What is the store that sells books? - book store

The game "Me and Us" with a ball

Sample. I will order and we will order

I'll shut up and we... (smear).

I'll spin and we... (spin).

I'll delay and we... (hold up).

I'll run and we... (let's run).

I will hold, and we ... (hold).

I charge and we... (we charge).

I hold on and we... (clamp).

I'm leaving and we... (we stop by).

Game exercise "Confusion"

Speech therapist: A beetle and a mosquito wrote sentences on a piece of paper, but their paws are small, so it is written incomprehensibly. I will read the sentences, and you must correct me.

Bunny plays with Zhanna.

The fence is painting Zhenya.

The beetle caught Zakhar.

The hedgehog feeds Lisa.

The umbrella is holding Jora.

Skiing on Zina.

The earth is crawling on a hedgehog.

A green lawn ran over a cheerful hedgehog.

Speech therapist: Look at the beetle and the mosquito, it seems to me that they are very pleased, because you correctly completed all their tasks. Dear jury, how did our teams cope?

While the jury is summing up the results, let's remember what task we performed? What do you remember and like the most?

Reflection is being carried out.

Reflection. On the table are sheets of paper with the image of a face without eyes and a mouth.

Speech therapist:

Draw ears as large as how well you listened to me and my comrades.

The size of the eyes, how attentively you looked at me and at the board.

The size of the mouth, as far as you chatted out of business.

The jury makes a final speech, thanks and awards the participants. (coloring pages)

Exit password.

Speech therapist: Before leaving, do not forget to say goodbye to our guests, as well as to the beetle and mosquito. Put a picture with sound[h] in a green box, with sound[g] into the yellow box and go to the group.