Automation sounds l, l, p, p. sounds l, l, p, p speech material. Differentiation of sounds L - R in different words of the phrase Differentiation l r in sentences

Practice reading syllables, words, phrases, sentences in which sounds occur at the same time r-r, l-l .

Change the phrases according to the patterns on p. 7-8.

I continue the conversation.

I work as a laboratory assistant.

I came to check the result.

I needed the Lisa magazine.

Pretty faces make me happy.

I decided to write a poem.

I love old melodies.

I like walking in the frosty forest.

Read the texts and try to remember the proverbs, phrases and aphorisms that you like.

Remember to watch your pronunciation in everyday life.

We observed unique coral reefs on the Red Sea in Turgada.

A silver trill is calling for distant lands pipes.

The crooked mirror acted depressingly.

The original chrysanthemum was moved to the greenhouse.

The third television program shows a comedy with captions for deaf viewers.

February. Get ink and cry.

Write about February sobbing.

While the rumbling slush

In the spring it burns black.

(B. Parsnip.)

If anger sleeps in your chest, do not accidentally wake it up.

A man without a craft is like a leafless willow.

It is better for a friend to hit you with a stick than for a miserable enemy to kiss you.

I walked across the lawn

I look - the admiral ...

I quietly crept up to him - and caught him.

Finally caught the admiral

The collection of butterflies has become rich.

Grandmothers grumbled:

There was no sadness

so the grandchildren were born,

our hands were tied.

The battle is won by the one who is determined to win it.

The essence of man... is expressed most noblely and most perfectly through... his work and creativity.

Don't be picky about people, be friendly at home.

Sink or swim. Catch the wind in the field.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

On the catcher and the beast runs. A good word pleases the soul, an evil word disfigures the soul.

I saw fun - endure and heavy.

Summer is a hoard, winter is a hoard. The artel will bring down the hero.

Trees have bark, people have faces. Rumor has no wings, but flies.

The tiger, though fierce, will not devour its cubs.

A true word is like a medicine: it is bitter, but it heals.

Talking is easy, doing is hard. Verbosity is not wisdom.

The doors of mercy are difficult to open. Easy to break, hard to make.

Work without effort is like soup without salt. On the catcher and the beast runs.

The harder the work at first, the sweeter the fruit later.

Leopard change his spots. Believe the eye, and check with the device.

The best medicine- Always tell the truth.

The native side is a golden cradle. Only work keeps the house. .

The coward and the fool raises his fist first. Mind is good, but two is better.

With a good friend you will move mountains, with a bad friend you will sip grief.

Do not trust the smile of an enemy, do not suspect malice in a friend.

A penny, which is then earned, is a mile of free rubles.

A good rope is long, but a speech is short. Put your hand on your heart.

You set him at the table, and he takes you to the trough. The truth hurts the eyes.

If the soul does not have pupils, and the eyes in the forehead are like holes from knots.

To do harm - and one hand is a lot, to do good - and two are not enough.

A man will not become an angel, but a burdock will not become a turnip.

The hidden tubercle is small, and firewood can be knocked down.

The frog will not stop croaking, the chatterbox will not stop babbling.

The deep river is silent, and the shallow river is noisy.

The mountain is red with a rock, and the man with his head. Borrow to take - the will to lose.

Whoever is quick in words, rarely argues in deeds. Cheek brings success.

The cow is black, but her milk is white. God loves trinity.

Hunger is the best cook. Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.

Debt good turn deserves another. Forbidden fruit is always sweet.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Love for all ages.

Small spool but precious. Throw thunder and lightning.

Whoever hurts, he talks about it. Words are silver, silence is gold.

See the tree in fruit, and man in deeds.

Nightingales are not fed with fables. Old love doesn't rust.

The well-fed does not understand the hungry. Old - that small.

Weed millet - prick your hands. An example is better than a rule.

A wormhole is not a reproach to a red apple.

Rats know rat trails. Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard.

The snow is cold, but shelters from frost. A good word inspires.

For the truth-womb and die sweetly. Trouble has come - open the gate.

Only crows fly straight. Risk is a noble cause.

Creative work is beautiful, extraordinarily hard and amazingly joyful work. ( Ostrovsky.)

prudence - best feature courage. ( W. Shakespeare.)

Only a living example brings up a child, and not words, even the best ones, but not backed up by deeds. ( A. Makarenko.)

A patriot is a person who serves the motherland, and the motherland is, first of all, the people. ( N. Chernyshevsky.)

For a person with talent and love for work, there are no barriers. ( L. Beethoven.)

Brevity is the soul of wit. ( A. Chekhov.)

Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious. ( N. Nekrasov.)

Raindrops, constantly running down the glass, make grooves, like a small path in the forest. (AND. Renard.)

Gray and whitish stones, yellow-green moss, dew-covered bushes of hold-trees, dogwood and elm were indicated with extreme clarity and convexity in the transparent golden air. ( L. Tolstoy.)

Kalinich was a man of a cheerful, meek disposition, constantly sang in an undertone, looked carelessly in all directions, spoke a little through his nose, screwed up his light blue eyes; often took hold of his thin chestnut beard with his hands. ( I. Turgenev.)

He [Oleg] was always active, cheerful and at the same time neat, prudent, demanding. (BUT. Fadeev.)

The sentry finished his work, shook out his junk, pinned a needle to his sleeve, mounted the cannon and sang an old melancholic song at the top of his voice.

The crowd trembled, everything froze, alerted! (M. Bitter.)

The bundle emitted a strong smell of printing ink... I impatiently unrolled the paper and saw two issues of the Illustrated Leaflet. ( A. Kuprin.)

A small wind from the southwest parted a small wave. The sea frothed, rang. ( K. Paustovsky.)

I will give you a powder... You dilute it in a bottle and gargle your throat in the morning and in the evening. ( A. Chekhov.)

It was drizzling, the fog cleared. ( A.N. Tolstoy.)

Krylov's fables are a treasure trove of Russian practical meaning, Russian wit and humor, and Russian spoken language. (AT. Belinsky.)

The wind blew the clouds, and the gray sky turned a light blue. ( G. Markov.)

Sonya ran away, whirled, and, blowing up her dress with a balloon, flushed and smiling, sat down on the floor. ( L. Tolstoy.)

Sulphuric acid reacts with metal oxides.

The sea roared, throwing waves over a stone pier. ( A. Novikov-Priboy.)

Raku Goose kept repeating one thing:

You hit the claws on the bottom

And to the shore from the river

Get out, speak wisdom!

I'll go out to listen, Cancer...

Cancer replied:

You're a fool!

(Ya. Kozlovsky.)

It's hard without a friend

When he's lost

But it's hard with a friend

When he is unfaithful.


When all of a sudden

Grief will overtake you

Let a friend be near -

And grief subsides soon.


Wealth always comes to us only in works,

But all wealth is dust before the joy of labor.


Whoever rejects friendship in a dispute, dooms himself to grief.

It's hard to turn an enemy into a friend

But simply, having lost a friend, make an enemy.

Be diligent, you will gain knowledge in labors.

Before the knowledge of the wealth of the world - dust.


Goodness, no matter how small,

Much better than the big bad.


When words are turned into poetry,

They are the basis of enchantment and sorcery.


Never employ a fool

Although they say that work is not the work of a sage.


Wealth, power - whatever comes to the vile,

Everything in their hands breeds evil.


Roads that are crafty and bloody,

We are not led to the heights of good fame.


Not a golden bed

Not gold crown -

Treasures are no more expensive

Than the word of a sage.

A man with a high mind

Must, in order to get gold,

All words are like golden sand

Pass through the sieve of the heart.

(Nasir Khosrov.)

Whoever sheds his blood, I will be tempered in grief,

He will find happiness, reach the goal soon.

Not all stones in the mountains shine with rubies,

Not every drop in the sea can become a pearl.


So far from the knowledge of the sage

The world did not benefit

A wise man is different from a fool

Just a hair's breadth.


Enter into a futile argument sage

Will ignite with desire

And his wisdom is the end:

He will turn into a fool.


Ignorance is the trunk in people's hearts,

It only grows evil.

Cut down that trunk in yourself,

As long as the fruit is green.

(Nasir Khosrov.)

You take a side

Who was hurt in the dispute.

Pick it up quick

Who fell into the mud in grief.

(Nasir Khosrov.)

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

No more regrets for anyone.

Whom to pity? After all, every wanderer in the world -

Pass, enter and leave the house again.

Hemp dreams about all the departed

With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,

And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,

I'm full of thoughts about a cheerful youth,

And I don't regret anything in the past.

I do not regret the years wasted in vain,

Do not feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower.

The red mountain ash fire burns in the garden,

But he cannot warm anyone.

Rowan brushes will not burn,

Grass will not disappear from yellowness.

Like a tree sheds its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

And if time, sweeping by the wind,

Rake them all into one unnecessary lump,

Say so ... that the grove is golden

She answered in a sweet way.

(FROM. Yesenin.)

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows ...


Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Standing above the sunny meadow,

Enchanted by silence.

(I. Bunin.)

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest trails brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

Are the tops of the pines fluffy,

Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?

And are the ice floes tightly bound

In great and small waters?

Walks - walks through the trees,

Cracking on frozen water

And the bright sun plays

In his shaggy beard...

Climbing on a large pine tree,

Hits the branches with a club

And I delete myself,

Boastful song sings:

"Snowstorms, snows and fogs

Always submissive to frost

I'll go beyond the sea-okiyany -

I will build palaces of ice.

I think - the rivers are big

For a long time I will hide under oppression,

I will build bridges of ice

Which the people will not build ... "

(N. Nekrasov)

Another will hear the word "raven",

Decides what they said: he is a thief!

And on his account, of course;

And if someone talks

In an innocent word: "sparrow",

He starts to avoid

Catching the sounds: "Beat the thief!"

(D. Minaev.)

Rook flies over the river:


Look what


(A. Shibaev.)

Read these texts slowly, stopping where the pauses are indicated. Select and work out several similar texts on your own.

Arriving on tour in the United States /Chaliapin had to/ pass a check at New York customs. //In the line to the official,/ inspecting the luggage,/ they recognized him.//

/ - The famous Chaliapin, - / someone said, - / he has a golden throat ...

Hearing this, /the official demanded to take/ an x-ray of the “golden throat”.//

One evening /Rutherford went into the laboratory.// Despite the late hour, /there was bending over the instruments/ one of his students.//

What are you doing so late? - /asked Rutherford.//

I work, - /there was an answer.//

And what do you do during the day?

I work, - the student answered.//

Do you work early in the morning too? -//

And I work in the morning, / the student humbly confirmed, / counting on the professor’s praise.//

Rutherford turned gloomy /and briefly said:/

Listen, // when do you think?//

One foreign diplomat, / having come to the reception of the American president /Abraham Lincoln, / found him cleaning his shoes.//

How are you, President, - /the diplomat was surprised, - /and clean your shoes?//

Of course, - answered Lincoln. / - / And who do you clean? / /

Victor Hugo had an urgent job. //To deprive himself of the opportunity to tear himself away from her,/ the writer cut his head and beard halfway,/ and threw the scissors out of the open window.// By doing this, he forced himself /to stay at home/ until the hair grows back,/ and therefore was able to finish the work/ to due date.//

An English writer / traveling in France / was invited to literary evening.// To hide his ignorance of the language,/ he applauded every time/ when he saw/ that his neighbor was doing this.// When the evening was over, / a young man approached him/ and asked him: / “Tell me, please, / why did you applaud the loudest when / when your works were praised?

Prokop left - dill boiled,

Prokop came - dill boiled,

As under Prokop dill boiled,

And without Prokop dill boiled.

The crab made the rake to the crab.

Served the rake to the crab crab:

Rake hay, crab.

Behind the village, behind the village

Sang, sang the quail.

The quail has flown

Quail quail.

In the meadow under the hill

Lying cheese

With a beautiful red rind.

Forty forty in a short time

Ate cheese.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river,

He put the Greek hand into the river,

Cancer by the hand of the Greek - tsap.

Pankrat forgot the jack at home.

And Pankrat without a jack

Do not raise the tractor on the track.

Here is a gray mole, here is a gray mole,

Here is a gray-gray-gray mole.

He's not handsome, he's not ugly

He's just a gray-gray mole.

The ship was carrying caramel, The ship ran aground. And the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

dig mink,

old mole

loosened us


Got out of the hole

To the familiar mink.

Into the mink

Mink in a mink

Did not find.

I don't have a mink

Maybe a mink

Near the mink?


Lost a trace.

Mink - here

But minks - no!

(A. Shibaev.)

Big fight:


Two cancers.

Cancer backs away

fourth hour

Want others


In this fight

But also for some reason

Everyone backs away

Green rachiha

Very quiet,

Taking by the claw

his son;

She said:

Can't live

No fight!

But with this

Don't do it

As seen,

Subsequent work on poems and extended texts is carried out to finally consolidate the set sounds in the prepared speech. It is recommended to memorize poetic texts, and retell prose texts in your own words. It is useful to select by analogy and work out poems and prose on your own, controlling yourself in correct pronunciation set sounds.

It was a beautiful July day... From early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun is not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant, peacefully emerges from under ... clouds, shines freshly and plunges into its purple fog .. On such days, the colors are all softened: light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some touching meekness.

(I. Turgenev.)

Talent is a matter of quantity.

Talent is not in writing one page, but in writing three hundred of them. There is no novel that could not be born in the most ordinary imagination; there is no such beautiful phrase that an aspiring writer could not construct. And then it remains only to take up the pen, lay out the paper in front of you and patiently write on it. The strong do not hesitate. They sit down at the table, they pore... That is the difference between talented people and cowardly people who will not start anything. Only oxen can make literature. The most powerful oxen are geniuses, those who work tirelessly eighteen hours a day. Glory is a continuous effort.

(AND. Renard.)

Conscience, if it is incorruptible, will say one thing: do it! Do not look for excuses in the indifference of others, in the slander of enemies, in debilitating illnesses, in the weakness of friends. Do it! Decorate the earth and life! This bread, if you are an agronomist, build rockets, if you are a rocket scientist, fight for greater truth, for goodness and justice, if you are a writer! Do it! And don’t look for excuses for yourself in anything if you do bad things!

(G. Nikolaev.)


Well, it's all over now. Until now, he dug, dug and loosened, turned over, limed and manured, sprinkled the earth with peat, ash and soot, cut, sowed, planted, replanted, made layering, lowered bulbs into the ground and took out tubers for the winter, watered and sprayed, mowed grass, weeded, covered plantings with needles or hilled them. He did all this from February to December, and only now, when the whole garden was littered with snow, he suddenly remembered that he forgot one thing: to admire it. There was once.

(K. Chapek.)


Venus had a manner

Appear before dawn.

The morning went like a detachment of pioneers,

Through the valley, deaf and damp;

And when her lunar body

Flaming with the radiance of lenses,

The whole earth flew numbly

Straight to the feet, somersault down;

And when she flew higher

Melting with the apple of a Roman candle,

The sun went in a blaze of metal,

Splitting rays on the rocks.

(N. Aseev.)


If you were burrs, then you knew the agony of your mouth! I was a burr in my youth, my poor larynx ached, the beauties of the famous burr shied away, I won’t open my mouth, and burr got thin! He wrote poems: “O Russia! Oh Russia! Said: "Oh Goose, oh Goose!" - And he came to the call - oh sadness! - a neighbor's goose, a burry goose ... A whistle from classmates: "Copper belly, high school student, high school student, say: corn!" Instead of "Karl, officer" - it ached "Kagle, officer." Rummaged through medical books, I'm looking for you, er, I call you, er, arise in an exhausted throat! And the actor from the theater "Gamayun" poured out abuse over the burr, made him repeat: - Te-dum dede-dum, tede-dum, dede-dum - r-glass! Frame! Corrund! Carrborund! Borron! Like a pea, the letter thrashed, tried to crawl out like a grape seed, and it burned in the sky. The letter was swaggering like a black pearl, a pearl scattered across the larynx ... I went around rinsing my throat, like a boron, with the amazing letter ER! And, having dissolved my larynx, like a cleft pipe, I howled over the capital three times: “Red and large grapes grow on Mount Ararat, grapes, grapes!” (FROM. Kirsanov.)


Vardzia is the name of this city, carved into the rock of yellowish-pink tuff. More than eight centuries have passed since the builders, armed with only a pick and a shovel, erected this palace on the banks of the Kura.

It was the heyday of Georgian art, the time of the poet Shota Rustaveli, the wonderful Georgian architects.

Part of the castle is the chambers of Queen Tamara. Her bedroom, of course, did not look as bare in those days as in this picture. The ancient books describe the luxurious decoration of the palace, the doors were bound with pure gold, the floors and walls were covered with carpets and skins of wild animals.

There was a lot of light and air in the castle. The windows were arranged in such a way as to catch even the faintest reflections of light.

The inhabitants of Vardzia always had plenty of water: a five-kilometer-long clay water supply system delivered it from springs. In case of war, there was a reservoir for a thousand buckets. At the moment of danger, about twelve thousand inhabitants could hide from the enemy on the nine floors of the fortress city.

And yet the castle went to the enemy. The traitors led the army of Tahmasp through a secret underground passage. The city was taken and plundered.

But, despite all the destruction and the strong effect of groundwater, the cave city still amazes with its unusual architecture and the skill of ancient builders.

(O. Birzgalis.)


Felt boots trace their history from felt. And the production of felt and products from it arose, most likely, soon after the man domesticated the sheep.

The first felt boots in Russia looked like shoes or galoshes - they were made without tops. But in summer these shoes are hot, and in winter they are not particularly warm. Therefore, over time, the tops, knitted separately, began to be sewn to the shoes. Such shoes did not differ in beauty, but the legs were warm. Only about a century after the emergence of the felting industry in Russia, felt boots began to be made in one piece. Usually felt boots were tinted with white chalk. Only this whiteness was not very strong. Shoes quickly lost their beauty, acquired a dirty brown color. To make felt boots look elegant for as long as possible, they were painted white. For this, a special coloring solution was made: a bottle of fresh milk, half a bottle pure water and 40 grams of lead white (for five pairs of boots). All this was thoroughly stirred, and then the finished paint was rubbed into the product with a rag. The felt boots dyed in this way were dried in a warm oven. For the dandy Vyatka province, just white felt boots were not good enough. They preferred felt boots with patterns and berries on the tops. The berries were made of colored cloth, and the patterns around them were made of dyed wool.

A darkened narrow strip of innumerable wrinkles suddenly ran across the calm sea. The wind blew up, stirred the sail, blew up Andreika's shirt on her back and rushed on along with the small ripples that darkened the bright face of the sea.

The sea was covered with spots of ripples and suddenly blackened over the vast expanse from edge to edge. The wind turned into a hurricane and, whistling in the ears, filled the sail. The waves rolled in green rows of billowing water, rolled like a menacing army with white swaying heads, and all around hell set in. Huge waves went to the boat without a break, without rest. Clinging to the trembling mast, Andreika looked with wide eyes at the rebellious waves, which, without number and without end, were heading for their lonely, abandoned boat. She either completely lay on her side, then straightened up and flew up to the very ridge. The waves whipping over the side filled the boat more and more, and it climbed harder and harder.

(BUT Serafimovich.)


Violent Rome rejoices ... solemnly thunders

Applause wide arena.

And he - pierced in the chest - silently he lies,

His knees glide through dust and blood...

And pleads for pity in vain muddy look:

Haughty temporary worker and flatterer his senator

They crown victory and shame with praise ...

What is a slain gladiator to a noble and a crowd?

He is despicable and forgotten... a booed actor.

And his blood flows - the last moments

Flashing - the hour is near ... Here is a ray of imagination

Flashed in his soul... The Danube rustles before him...

And the motherland blooms ... a land free of life;

He sees the family circle left to fight

Father, who stretched out his numb hands,

Calling to itself the support of decrepit days...

Children playing - beloved children.

Everyone is waiting for him back with booty and glory...

In vain: a miserable slave, he fell like a beast of the forest,

The unfeeling crowd is momentary fun.

Forgive me, depraved Rome, - forgive me, O native land ...

(M. Lermontov.)

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,

The folk trail will not grow to it,

He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious

Pillar of Alexandria.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will run away,

And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world

At least one piit will live.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Russia,

And every language that is in it will call me:

And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild

Tungus, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,

That I aroused good feelings with lyre,

That in my cruel age I glorified freedom

And mercy to the fallen called ...

(BUT Pushkin.)

F.G. Ranevskaya: “Working on what? Mostly over myself - I simulate health.

For training, introducing delivered sounds into speech r-r-l-l read the samples and choose your own names, surnames famous people, names of cities, states, settlements containing these sounds.

R R R R R R L Roman, Vera, Barbara, Bernard, Arkady, Tamara, Zurab, Zaur. Shakespeare, Raevsky, Cromwell, Kramskoy, Derzhavin, Krylov, Radishchev, Turgenev, Andersen, Ranevskaya, Vrubel, Rasputin. Petersburg, Rivne, Tehran, Samara, Orsha, San Francisco, Saratov, Bordeaux, Warsaw, Prague, Krakow, Dresden. Argentina, Peru, Europe, France, Germany, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, Burundi, Burma, Morocco. Andrei, Dmitry, Irina, Boris, Maria, Christina, Arina, Heinrich, Varya, Ekaterina, Orest. Gorky, Roerich, Repin, Surikov, Ogarev, Grieg. Uryupinsk, Riga, Tver, Bucharest, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Ryazan. Africa, America, Austria, Korea. Gregory, Aristarchus, Christopher, Robert, Herbert. Rembrandt, Remarque, Grigorovich, Richter, Rostropovich, Schwarzenegger. Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Armavir, Naryan-Mar. Elvira, Cornelia, Clara, Larisa, Rudolf, Tamerlane, Tamara, Alexander, Valery, Raul. Leonardo da Vinci, Lumiere, Legrand, Luther, Ravel, Lermontov, Rublev, Roosevelt, Cromwell, Aristotle, Krylov. Alexandria, Salekhard, Brazzaville, Simferopol, Berlin, Stavropol, Brussels, Tkvarcheli, Yaroslavl, Melbourne, Barcelona, ​​Palermo. Luxembourg, Israel, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, El Salvador, Netherlands, Portugal.

SOUNDS k-g-x


Start with a clear pronunciation of syllables. Then move on to words and phrases with sound to. Constantly control the position of the tongue and lips in front of the mirror.

cable cobra curls automation long away
trick ladle forge ABC milk
execution leather body pharmacy wide
stone intrigues sack attack squatting
camera trump dome balalaika broken down
a drop count smoking blackberry soft-boiled
capsule flask chicken physics wide open
map ear well gull down the drain
cassette room bush great alert
shoo cavalry coachman high little by little
grocery closure law mowing an occupation
barricade opportunity acquaintance stockade ophthalmologist
blockade pelican icon scraper guardian
wineglass jackal insect document second
giant anxiety outskirts diner faculty
dean the Dragon peace molecule Yakut

The king is dead - long live the king.

Going around the ship, we only saw the priest in the galley.

Karakum and Kyzylkum are the deserts of Turkmenistan.

The compartment door was opened and a hand was extended to the old man.

Looking into the river weeping willow. Cuban culture is unique.

We marveled at the chicken-shaped cumulus cloud.

Nicholas sat by the fire and smoked. The 20th century is the age of space.

I went to Yaik, sat down with my dear on a skiff.

In the forest we saw a mockingbird, a sandpiper and a magpie.

The bell was blue in the grass. And the way is far and long [k].

A sack of apples was placed on the threshold.

Near the rivers there is a flower "susak", similar to an umbrella.

Prince Dunduk sits at the Academy of Sciences.

And she took a shovel, still warm from her hands,

I turned around... and saw my friends[k].

Our god is running.

Katya and Kolya drank cocoa and coffee. The groom was feeding the horse.

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.

ra-la rya-la re-le ly-ry li-ri ar-al yar-yal yl-yr il-ir ru-lu ryu-lu lo-ro le-ryo ur-ul yur-yul ol-or yol- yor ry-ly ri-li lu-ru lu-ryu

yr-yl ir-il ul-ur yul-yur ro-lo ryo-le la-ra la-rya le-re or-ol yor-yol al-ar yal-yar


glad-lad cancer-lacquer frame-llama frame-shop Kira- Mila Yura-Yulya Mara- mala Irabila beauty-eyes game-needle enemy-flag rook-crying


mouth-fleet rye-lie dew-ear rose-vine

Prov-pilaf throne-elephant mole-raft crumb-bowl


pen-better cutting-dove screw-sheepskin hand-bow stream-rays hole-pigeon I take-saw to help out-receive fish-smile axes-tables mosquitoes-small


gray-white mountains-rocks brown-scarlet games-needles kind-warm cover-sail away meters-brooms seas-fields sailor-pole burn-ache

roar -Leva Seryozha-lying stall-bag takes-flight


Borya-Polya Varya-Valya boil-knock down quack-slush rag-strap buckle-flask


rope-diaper bubble-moth forward-plane boiled-salty


I cook, I command, I burn, I prick, combustible, prickly

trick-hatch hook-beak swede-cranberry


rice-fox Marina-raspberry perina-Polina tourist-football player grab-boast cook-cut give-delete burns-it hurts litter-salt talk-tumble down


speech-lie down rail-watering can river-ring

sea-field pepper-finger gray-white


gift - gave heat-sting var-val old-slept fire-became hot-shook desk-stick cardboard-balcony mosquito-caught

Or-ol, ur-ul

bor-ox hor-kol reproach-prick slide-withers crust-sharp mink-shelf

ax-floor stubborn-full mustard-wolf burka-bunka

R - ate

prize-winner - a fire came - a cauldron a carpet - led a boxer - a miner entered - a new settler a grater-heifer

Ir-il, er-ate

mir- mil fir-drank tag-fork fat-lived ser-sell, white measure-squirrel

R - l

hot-sorry dawn-polka strike-daring weight-sprat eel-coal bitterly-only feathers-pegs bubble-bottle weeds - tulip hero-crutch

Chest, liter, role, steering wheel, took, spun, warmed, piano, eagle, April, laurels, camp, chandelier, locksmith, rails, heating pad, spinning wheel, plate, armchair, spectator, tall, throat, rabbit, loose, mirror, took, dived, played, wrestled, jumped, watched, painter, carpenter, roll, roll, pickle, stall, wing, arrow, ruble, Larisa, helicopter, through, fisherman, marmalade, carousel, watercolor, dropped, asked, helped out, closed, leopard, medicine, lumberjack, capercaillie, dictionary, calendar, magazine, boisterous, talkative, noisy, camel, turned, Volgograd, Petersburg, illustration, gym.

5. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.

axes horns desks

My brother put on a robe. Mara and Mila weeded the garden. He is a brave climber, this is not his first time in the sky. Let's knock down this dry tree, build a fire and cook fish soup. I'm on my way to first grade. Today I sit down at the desk for the first time! The soap is gray, but it washes white. The stem grew and grew into an ear. An old pen creaked in the pen. The sleigh runners sparkle in the cold. Light dew dries, bird voices ring. The chicken laid a testicle not simple, but golden. The deer and the elk frightened each other. Deer and elk run apart. Early, early, two rams knocked on the gate: tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta. Vera has a better pen

than me. Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads. Pigeons flew in, sat down near the hole. I did not notice when suddenly an onion fell out of the purse. The hare is gray in summer and white in winter. Wherever you look - everywhere rocks and mountains. "Here's a goldfish for you," grandfather said with a smile.

Tongue Twisters

Lara plays the piano at Valya's.

The fisherman catches the fish, the whole catch floated into the river.


Round, green outside, red inside, sweet taste. (Watermelon)

7. Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Speak (read) sentences.

Among the whites, a nimble (sparrow) jumps

nursery rhymes

The raven on the trumpet buzzed on the green lime,

And the nightingale sang, played the violin.


On branches adorned with snow fringe,

Ruddy apples grew in winter.

Apples are merrily scurrying around the apple tree.

Caterpillars of frozen apples peck. (Bullfinches)

He roams the field, threshing grain,

Reaps, mows - does not ask for bread. (Combine)

He was born on a rainy day

Under the young birch

round, smooth,


With a thin and straight leg. (boletus)

And not a raft, and not ice

Floats along the river.

Ice floes will compete with him

And, like sugar, they prick. (Icebreaker)

Frost Governor

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest paths brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

(N. Nekrasov)


The river is at my window.

There are blue fish

Float in the depths.

There are red fish

spreading their tails,

shaggy grass

Pushing the bushes

And they look

As if by a thread

On the blade of a snail,

Step by step

Moving forward...

But my river

It doesn't flow anywhere.

She would splash

She would flow

But they keep her

Shores of glass.

(V. Belov)

9. Exercise. Memorize.


I love Russian birch

Either bright or sad

In a white sarafan

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

Wind ([r], [l])
It seems like it happened yesterday:
It rained from evening until morning.
The wind got wet, got angry, blew,
The clouds drove away and calmly fell asleep.

Mole ([r], [l])
The black mole dug a mink,
I swallowed a crust from a roll,
Put the grain in the pantry
I took a carrot from the garden.

Chipmunk ([p], [l])
striped chipmunk
He cracked a hazelnut.
In a chipmunk's hole
Kilograms of hazelnuts.

Guitars ([p], [l], [l "])
Play the guitars
Alone or in pairs
And six guitar strings
Will sing thanks to you.

Rottweiler and Laika ([p], [l], [l"])
Black back and red belly
The Rottweiler lives at the house.
Laika-beauty is friends with a Rottweiler -
The head of the poor is spinning and spinning.

Sparrow ([p], [p "], [l])
He is not a thief and not a villain -
Gray-breasted sparrow.
Just think faster
Tugodumov pigeons.

Yogurt ([r], [r "], [l], [l "])
strawberry yogurt -
Sweet, great -
Will buy Irishka
Roma brother.

Elephant ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
I bought an elephant dress
And he chose pink.
The elephant was light in him,
Like a ray of dawn on the clouds.

Waxwings ([r], [r "], [l], [l "])
To us last week
The waxwings have arrived.
How they whistled -
All mountain ash flew around.

Forty brooch ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Old raven, black Proshka,
Gave the magpie a brooch.
The brooch sparkled with a diamond,
A magpie chirped.

Karl and Clara ([p], [p"], [l], [l"])
Clara played the white piano
Carl was sent a black piano.
Clara had flowers on the piano,
Carl had a huge shawl.

Figures ([p], [p "] [l], [l "])
They stretched the circle, and became
It looks like an oval.
Triangle sad:
“Who would give me a corner?”
Smiling square:
He was always happy with everything.
"It's me, rectangle,
Your servant and your admirer!"
Who doesn't know him yet?
This rhombus is running away.

Swallow and swift ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Somehow fast young swift
Married a swallow
Invited her to Paris
He is with his brother.
Here they fly to France,
Now in Paris
Here the brother meets the swift,
Flying closer.
A black tailcoat is poured on him,
twitter in french,
Gives roses to the young
He is a Russian bride.
Floats over space
What kind of swift - isn't it ours?
The song of the swallow sounds
From the Eiffel Tower.

Rita and rain ([p], [P "1, [l], [l"])
Drumming light rain -
Rita was shaking.
Rita did not tremble for a long time:
She ran fast.
And Rita drove a shiver,
And no more fear of rain

Fisherman and walrus ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
The fisherman is cold over the hole.
On the ice he came without roads,
M with an ax he chopped ice
M broke through it to the water.
Then he unwound the line,
I threw the bait, I waited a long time,
While the hook swallows the ruff,
But suddenly a walrus crawled out onto the ice floe.
“Fisherman, fisherman,” said the walrus,
Will you lend me your knife?
And then the walrus got into the net -
Can't get out - trouble!
The fisherman gave his knife to the walrus,
walrus dived with a knife in his teeth,
He freed the walrus,
And in gratitude gave
He is such a net for a fisherman,
That catches fish by itself.
Haven't seen the fisherman since
Nobody without this net.

Spring ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Sweet sunshine
He warmed the cold earth.
Looked out a small key,
Lived, thawed, sang.
The crystal key poured
Everything is more fun, more fun
Without stopping, flowed
And turned into a stream.
In the cloud, a ray washed,
Slipped from the paws of spruce,
Reflected brightly in the stream,
I looked into the woodpecker's hollow.
The woodpecker knocked, did not notice,
As spring came
How bright this ray was
How the pine gleamed.
Like a white blizzard
The woodpecker saw traces -
Lily of the valley drops looked
In a puddle of melt water.

Four cancers ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Four crayfish gathered.
So there's going to be a fight
Because every cancer
The king and god among the snags.
Black, gray, red fish
Cancer grabs by the gills quickly.
All enemies, having penetrated into the pond,
They will quickly find their death.
But here's a cancer relative
Only attack pacifies
And, with a claw at the ready,
Cancer climbed to fight cancer.
Is it good, crayfish brothers,
Live from fight to fight?
Maybe you should be friends
Cancer with cancer in the world to live?

Three beavers ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Three beavers froze:
It's time to fire up the house.
Only the brothers were too lazy
Get out on a cold day.
A shiver went through three beavers.
Who would bring firewood to the beavers?
Who would chop wood for them?
Who would light the stove?
The old beaver took pity on them -
He was gray and very kind.
He took out a belt from his trousers
And drove away beaver laziness.
Three beavers ran
They brought firewood home.
How firewood burned
Immediately all the beavers warmed up.

Cat ([p], [p "b [l], [l"])
After the rain, the cat walked
Wet, young and shaggy.
The cat studied nature
He touched the faces of the puddles with his paw.
The puddles frowned in response,
But he doesn't care enough
And spilling the light
The reflection shook.

Insects in daisies ([p], [l], [l "])
Daisies on the roof.
In daisies - insects.
Why are the bugs
Did you get into the daisies?
After all, if we put
Daisies in pockets
Then these insects
Get into shirts.

Aquarium ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Here are the fish in the aquarium -
Mischievous smiles.
Speckled fish, polka dots,
With fins but no legs.
There are stripes, there are colors,
Black and white, whatever.

Cow ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
I will draw a cow
Krutorog, black-browed.
I'll paint the horns grey,
Brown - side, and legs - white.
Let him walk on the hill
He eats grass from Yegorka's hands.
Gives a lot of milk
Cheese, butter, cottage cheese.

Piglet ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Piglet says:
“My stomach hurts.
I ate garbage in the morning
Three troughs, three buckets.
There are carrots and potatoes,
And some radishes
Rice, pearl barley and peas -
The guts are in turmoil!
Grumbled, grumbled!
I'm upset, I'm sad.
Apparently, it's bad to eat in the morning,
I'll repeat it in the evening!

Otara ([r], [r "], [l"])
three hundred and thirty three sheep
We went to the river early in the morning.
Their wool is twisted into rings,
You cut - and knit a sweater

Crucian ([p], [l], [l "])
I'm under the willow in the pond
I will always find carp
And I'll tell him: "My friend,
What are you looking for in seaweed?
Get out on the grass
I'll call Karas -
Or jump right into the boat -
Let me try the herring."

Cheburashkin goosebumps ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
On the back of Cheburashka
And so goosebumps run:
Know, old woman Shapoklyak
I joked so scary -
And behind the shirt collar
She gave me three goosebumps.
Oh, how she itches
Cheburashka's back.
And goosebump after goosebump
Poor Cheburashka catches.

December ([r"], [l"])
In December the blizzards sang
The waxwings have arrived.
We spent the night on the mountain ash,
It's all been re-glued,
And behind them - bullfinches,
Thirty three and thirty three.
Open the door softly
There are so many, look!
It's evening. At dawn
Birds in the yard again.
Fly in quickly:
With you, winters are more fun!

Tram ([r], [r "], [l"])
The tram rattles along the rails,
The ground under the rails trembles,
Tremble at home, in the houses - crystal,
The steel rails rumble loudly!

Mole ([p], [l])
Made friends with a rat mole,
He took her to his grotto,
He fed his girlfriend
Grapes and grain
At parting he gave a camomile,
He kissed the gray face.
I said goodbye, it became sad,
The mole dejectedly gnawed cabbage.

Company ([p], [p"], [l])
At work with Raisa
A barberry bush has grown.
And here is her brother Boris
I saw a cypress tree in the park.
A friend of theirs is Larisa
Planted three irises.

How the birds taught the cat a lesson ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
The cat sneaks along the fence.
This cat is a big glutton.
Will catch everyone in a row:
Sparrows and crows
Bullfinches, rooks, tits.
He is a thunderstorm of both rats and birds.
Once the crows conspired -
They decided to teach the enemy a lesson.
Came from three sides -
No end to crows.
Everything is in the blood: both hair and nose.
The cat runs with its tail up.
Since then, he has become different -
Birds are avoided!

Orchestra on the pond ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
To cancer cuttlefish
Rolling on a carriage.
Only the evening comes -
Cancer plays the guitar.
At the piano dragonfly -
Emerald eyes.
Water strider - first violin,
The snail conducts
And the frogs solo -
Three green girls.

Anthill ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
In an anthill under a willow
Ants live beautifully.
Their house is a fabulous palace,
Every inhabitant in it is a fighter.
From childhood, they learn to shoot,
Protect the Queen Mother.
And the queen does not spin -
Lays white eggs.
Ants protect
Royal eggs.
And live in a happy country
In the palace under the old willow.

Bloomers at Barbara ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Egor's middle red brother
With the younger Roma I rode down the hill.
And their elder sister's bloomers are so colorful,
What ripples in the eyes of the guys
And they fly into the snowdrift.
And why sister Barbara
Walks in colorful bloomers?

About three worms ([p], [p"], [l], [l"])
Two ruddy worms
scratched sides,
Getting out early
From an empty can.
The third friend lay in the grass -
Waiting for two rosy ones.
And the three of us went
Through the grove into the pond.
There, in the pond, the sides were washed -
Right on the fish.

Rainbow ([p], [p"], [l], [l"])
Bright rainbow, summer rainbow,
Good memory of rain.
She spread her seven-colored hands apart,
Reaching the horizon.

Mountain Eagle ([r], [r "], [l], [l "])
I meet the dawn on the mountain tops,
As befits a proud eagle.
I will open a pair of blue-black wings
And I will tear the elastic wind with my chest.
Soon, soon the sun will fill everything around,
And the flame of the red fire will go out,
And on the sharp edge of a bottomless abyss
The young grass will tremble with fear.

Dragon ([p] in consonants)
The dragon fought the otter
Pulled the fur out of her skin.
How sad is the torn otter:
The otter's wound hurts.
We will chase the dragon
Whose morals are beyond the law.
The fighter asked for forgiveness,
Brought a bucket of jam.
And the otter shed tears
Made peace with the dragon.
Brawler Dragon Forgiven
Played with a black otter.

Black cat and Greta cat ([p], [p "], [l], [l "])
Black-black scary cat
Sneaked at the gate at night.
Eyes glow in the dark
He mice and rats are a thunderstorm.
The mice in their holes shook,
The rats crawled into the basement.
Cat - an arrow under the fence.
Ahead is a huge yard.
There lies in a strip of light,
Screwing up her eyes, cat Greta.
Mice can not tremble,
Rats - boldly get out:
Scary cat tonight
Will not go hunting.
He will sing songs to Grete -
The one that is the most beautiful in the world.


heat - fire chorus - ferret drill - no storms

9. Repeat the words with the sounds R - R in one word.

record ribs make-up artist nature

corridor goalkeeper check lovely

silver examples coach workout

sample sample sample cracker

cruiser check greenhouse corridors

10. Repeat phrases.

cunning ferret wooden veranda steep bank

large radish wet rag crooked path

black raven huge mushroom wooden slide

steep bank opened door wooden frame

hard walnut holey sleeve stubborn ram

loud cry fragrant jam bright lantern

velvet beret village pond boiled crayfish

crooked horn horned cow wooden frame

first row repair work pine nuts

mottled chicken woolen mittens turquoise paint

rusty lattice slender birch fried crucian carp

fast beast old belt mountain stream

hot pies sea surf dressy scarf

manual animal Russian heroes friendly detachment

red pepper good habit strong friendship

fried fish boiled potatoes wise old man

wide leg pants razor sharp fat cod

slender tree painted matryoshka strong rope

rice powder transparent amber crackling frost

river ferry rubber toy fountain pen

river fish wooden cane buckwheat

birch grove wooden fence friendly guys

sprouted rice locked door fast river

huge queue vintage lace carved throne

rusty paper clip russian speech urgent repair

sharp hook pear jam lovely rose

11. Repeat the sentences.

Four words. The milkmaid feeds Buryonka with grass. Borya feeds the sparrows with grain. Rita is washing her sundress. The lilac will bloom in spring. The guys are afraid of nettles. Egor and Irina are friends. I will give red roses to Marina. Rimma is making pear jam. We are served hot pies. Seryozha is chopping wood with an axe. The raven has black feathers. Grisha builds a kennel for Sharik. My sister plays the violin. Roman likes apricot jam.

Five words. The guys are playing hide and seek in the yard. In Roma's drawing, there are red-breasted bullfinches. Pea seeds are planted in the beds. Workers decorate the stage with pink balloons. The ship will arrive at the pier on time. FROM steep mountain streams run. Willow grows on river banks. The sister reads the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". A lilac bush grows in the yard. There are a lot of people at the river pier. Mom knits crocheted mittens for Roma. Grisha has crayfish in a bucket. Girlfriends cook lingonberry jam. There are three multicolored stamps on the envelope. Cat Murzik is treated to a river fish. The sparrow carried a black feather into the nest. In the evening the fisherman brought minnows and ruffs. A crow builds a nest on a curly birch. In a cardboard box, pencils and paperclips. Red-breasted bullfinches sit on rowan branches.

Six words. Three trucks are driving along the wide road. Turnips and radishes grow in the garden.

Seven words. A worker loads radishes and radishes into a truck. There are many mushrooms, boletus and boletus in the forest. Mountain ash and birch trees grow on the shore of the lake. Sparrows chirp in our yard early in the morning. The guys carry asters and daisies in their hands. Renat brought large red tomatoes in a basket. On the bank of the river, the guys are building a sand city. On a hot day, there are a lot of guys in the park.

Differentiation of sounds Р - Ръ p_£

The guys sit on a log and play the guitar. Early in the morning fishermen go to the river bank.

12. Repeat proverbs and sayings.

Take it together - it will not be heavy. The morning is wiser than the evening. Learning to read and write is always useful. There is no friend - look for, but if you find - take care. Pick a berry - you'll pick a box. Seven times measure cut once. You can't cook porridge by talking. Fish in the river - not in hand. The fish is good, but the bank is cool. Do not be wise without measure - you will be too smart. A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax. Patience and work will grind everything. The truth, no matter how you hide it, will come out.

13. Repeat and solve riddles.

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth) Who gets dressed up once a year? (Christmas tree) Fish in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle) Feed - live, give drink - die. (Fire) Lives on trees and gnaws nuts. (Squirrel) One fire warms the whole world. (Sun) A hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest) Who builds bridges across rivers without logs? (Freezing) Two brothers live across the path, they do not see each other. (Eyes)

The sister goes to visit her brother, he hides from her. (Sun and moon)

Two brothers run in front, and two brothers catch up with them. (Wheels)

She keeps my dream.


I'm in the village in the yard I wake up at dawn. “Ku-ka-re-ku” I shout, I want to wake up the guys. (Rooster)

I will not tear off a ruddy nesting doll from my friends. I'll wait until the matryoshka falls into the grass by itself. (Pear)

The turtle has a bone shirt. V. Orlov

Differentiation of sonorous sounds

Differentiation of sounds Р - Ръ

Good wind, Windwind, You dispel the thick fog. I. Tokmakova

At the hole of prey, a gray cat is waiting, lurking. A. Grachev

It's snowing in the yard, the holiday is coming soon New Year! E. Blaginina

Our ducks in the morning - Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! Our geese by the pond - Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Prod. peoples, creative

nursery rhyme song

Black raven on the oak He plays the trumpet. In the morning he blows the trumpet, By night he tells fairy tales. The animals of the Raven are going to listen, Gingerbread to eat. Russian folk art

Early, early we get up, We call the watchman loudly: Watchman, watchman, hurry up Come out to feed the animals. S. Marshak


Do not be afraid of the doctor, children, He is kinder than anyone in the world. I have known him for a long time: This is my mom! G. Vieru

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm guarding chickens!

A. Barto

In the middle of the yard is a mountain. The game is on.

B. Berestov

Bullfinches on a birch Brighter than the morning dawn. 3. Alexandrova

I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest, And the bear is angry And growls at us ...! Prod. national creative


Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk with a proud step, I take my friends with me. I'll fluff my comb - That's what I am, cockerel! Everyone knows the kids - I'm the master in the yard! V. Stoyanov

A wooden bridge Of seven boards, I go across the river, I lead Roma to the kindergarten. A. Khmeleva

In cramped

On the stump a hundred mushrooms.

  • It's very tight in here! - yell.

  • Call the mushroom picker Collect honey mushrooms from hemp. E. Serova

  • You tell me, ruff fish, Echo, echo, Do you look like a hedgehog? Here's the fun.

  • I am a river fish-ruff, Monkey is an echo. The hedgehog looks like a brush. It echoes every time A. Khmeleva Mimics us.
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. E. Blagina

I grew up

I'm not up to toys now - Wooden utensils

I'm learning from the primer, I'm not going to give.

I will collect all the toys. I need the hare myself -

And I will give Serezha. It's okay that he's lame.

Now I'm not up to toys -

I'm learning alphabet...
But Serezha

I won't donate anything. A. Barto

15. Listen to stories. Name words with sounds R - R. Retell the stories.

Who deserved what?

According to L. Uspenskaya, M. Uspensky (adapted text)

  • Roma, who will help me peel the potatoes?

  • Of course, Rita.

  • And who will write a letter to dad?

  • Also Rita.

  • OK then. And when dad arrives, will he also bring toys to Rita?

  • No, toys, of course, for me.

  • And it seems to me that dad will buy toys for Rita.

  • Why not me?

  • Because... guess why.

A. Khmeleva To draw something, you need: paints, brushes, pencils. Everything you draw with is your working tools.

56 Differentiation of sonorous sounds

Mom has her own tools. With their help, she prepares delicious meals - a grater, a frying pan, a baking sheet.

Dad also has his own working tools: an ax, screwdrivers, planers, brushes. With a screwdriver, dad fixes the outlet. Paints the frames with a brush.

Every job needs its own tools.

spring joy

A. Khmeleva It's spring outside. Snow is melting. Streams run. Gray sparrows chirp joyfully. I rejoice too: especially when I see how these gray lumps swim mischievously in streams. People are walking around, but they do not pay any attention to him!

16. Differentiation of sounds Р - Ръ in tongue twisters.

Three paths, three paths.

Good pie, inside - cottage cheese.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Oaks on the mountain, mushrooms under the mountain.

The baker baked a loaf, a loaf, a bagel early in the morning.

Pankrat and Kondrat are carrying a jack.

On the mountain, on the hill, our hero Yegorka.

Egorka quickly speaks tongue twisters.

Three woodcutters cut wood in three yards.

needle - sex game - it's time

yula - Yura vela - Vera trash - temple rolls - cloaks eyes - thunder raft - ford swim - agility

bowl - Proshka needles - games

willow - wind pilaf - Prov chalk - miserable measure - hot prickly - crust scarf - duct bun - box bowler - boat column - crown

10. Repeat words with sounds L - R at the end of the word.

became - old sat down - ser zhal - drank heat - feast

lived - fat mule - mur mil - peace shaft - var

fell - steam blew - fan daring - blow gift - gave





smooth out

locker room









pulled out


11. Repeat words with sounds L - R in one word.









tore off



60 Differentiation of sonorous sounds

Differentiation of sounds L - R

12. Repeat phrases.

agile jackdaw deep hole

13. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Allah ate fish. Laika hurt her paw. The cow gives milk. Yula is a gift to Vlad. A cold wind blew. Lara was listening to the radio. Roma was reading a magazine. The wet towel is dry. Lara plucked a camomile. Vera laughed out loud. Roma went to class.

Four words. The fisherman caught a big fish. The cow gave a bucket of milk. The wind shook the branches of the cedars. My brother bought a lot of fruit. The fan fell from his hands. Ira ate a delicious pie. The fish swim in the pond. Yegor plays the trumpet. The badger has a deep hole. Klava went to pick lingonberries. Alla broke the orange pencil. Lusha colored the pictures with felt-tip pens. Loose snow on the road.

mountain eagle red squirrel spruce firewood fragrant soap cold wind round yurt round table sweet watermelon sailboat fish sticks beautiful napkin hungry lynx sweet shortbread golden ring sharp saw striped scarf spacious classroom striped zebra warm mittens crumbly pilaf thick notebook heavy carpet

apple pie ruddy gingerbread man deep ditch velvet robe blue box porcelain doll red apple bold sparrow cheerful walk sweet marmalade ruddy apples woolen tights red cap cheerful story marble table manual goldfinch black tangle glorious kids closed bottle bright beam light brown curl silk fan

skillful hands deep pond full bucket cow's milk good deed white steamboat deep ravine warm sweater broken lamp spotted woodpecker fruit salad red flag yellow pear pink blanket goldfish ripe fruit bright bulb steep slope warm scarf full basket white sheet white daisies little sister

The ostrich ran into the road. Rose inhaled the scent of roses. The crow found a piece of cheese. Lusha quickly read the story. My brother had breakfast in the dining room. The eagle has sharp eyes. A magpie galloped at the gate. A bee sat on a chamomile. Yura clapped his hands. The car pulled out of the gate. The goose hissed at Ira. Nettles grew by the pond. It got hot at noon. The subway has an escalator. Rosa sewed a silk dress. A fisherman sat by the pond. Kid and Carlson are friends. The milkmaid gave milk to the heifer. Burdock grew along the road.

Five words. Lara dropped the fan on the floor. The fisherman was fishing in the pond. A young raven walked along the road. The walrus swam in cold water. Lara saw a crocodile in the zoo. Lola was grating carrots on a grater. The woodpecker sat on an apple tree branch. The milkmaid milked full buckets of milk. The tram was moving through the city. The nightingale sang on a willow branch. The mouse gnawed at the crust in the mink. Three sailors are sailing in a boat. A nimble rat stole a piece of cheese. Raya put tomatoes in her bag. Zakhar led the cow to the market. A spotted woodpecker was pecking at a cedar trunk. Lola was on a ski trip. The saleswoman Alla was selling sweet marmalade. The pen rolled under the desk. The old Christmas tree has splitting needles. Vera embroidered asters on a scarf. Michael was cutting grass in the meadow. Pavel and Yura collect stamps. Lusha collected mushrooms in the forest. Roma grew gladioli and roses. By morning the wind had dispersed the clouds. Ma-rusya saw a lark above the meadow. White daisies grow in a flower bed. The horse ate beets and carrots. There was a lot of millet in the feeder. A tiny oak grew out of an acorn. The choir sang loudly and harmoniously. Pavel gave the baby a mug of milk. Roma scored a goal. The wind tore the sail off the boat. A pink flamingo stood by the stream. The ant quickly ran into the anthill. The kid saw bees for the first time. The road to the grove was uneven. Mom bought Volodya a red pencil. The gingerbread man was ruddy and sweet. The squirrel dropped a bump from its paws. Spreading plants grow near the school. A flat path led to the park. The badger quickly darted into the hole. The seller

62 Differentiation of sonorous sounds

Differentiation of sounds L - R

Exercise 2.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5(memorize).

Sound Ch

Exercise 1.

ach - och - uch - ich -ech - ych - ych (each syllable separately)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6(memorize).

Water, water, wash my face.

Chiki-chiki-chikalochki - Vanya rides on a stick.

Chok-chok, heel!


Exercise 7


Vovochka lives in the village with her grandparents. In the morning he tends the sheep. The lamb has a ringing bell around its neck. Vovochka is helped by the dog Bug. In the afternoon Little Johnny takes a fishing rod and goes with the Beetle to the river. There children go fishing and play ball. In the evening, Vovochka, together with his grandparents, sit down near the stove and drink tea.

Exercise 8

II drink tea we drinking tea, they Drink tea.

I'm making a car...

I bake buns in the oven....

I'm swinging...

Differentiation of sounds H and Th:

Exercise 9

Exercise 10

Dark clouds float across the sky, the birds are silent and singing.

Cast iron cauldron on a warm stove.

There are a lot of cobwebs in the dark closet.

Petya loves to swing Anya on the swing.

The river flows, the stove bakes, the stove bakes, the river flows.

Exercise 11(prepare a summary).


A spider weaves a web. Thread to thread, thread to thread. The spider thinks: “A fly will fall into the web. This is where I will end it." But then the bird flew and shook the web, and the web burst. The spider has neither a fly nor a web.

Sound u

Exercise 1.

shcha - shcho - shcha - shchi - shcha (each syllable separately)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6(memorize).

Exercise 7(answer questions; prepare a retelling).


Yesterday Tanya got a puppy. She put him in a box. The puppy slept in the crate all morning. Then he woke up and got out of the box. He pulled a brush off the shelf and played with it. Then the puppy got bored. He ran out into the yard and met a lizard in the vegetable patch. The puppy rushed after her, but the lizard ran away. The woman squealed pitifully. Tanya heard that the puppy was squeaking, went out into the yard and took him home.

QUESTIONS: (answer complete offer)

Differentiation of sounds Shch and Ch:

Exercise 8

Exercise 9

Change the sentences according to the model:

II drink tea we drinking tea, they Drink tea.

I clean my raincoat...

I'm cracking seeds....

Differentiation of sounds Щ and СЬ:

Exercise 10

Differentiation of sounds Ш and Ш:

Exercise 11

Sorrel for cabbage soup, and sage for rinsing.

Our Masha was given cabbage soup and semolina.

There are cheeks and ears in our frog.

Sound Zh

Exercise 1.

zha - zho - zhu - zhi - zhu (each syllable separately)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6(memorize).

Exercise 7(answer questions; prepare a retelling).

Once Zhanna and Zhenya went to the forest for acorns. Zhanna found a lot of acorns, and Zhenya saw a beetle. He ran after the beetle and saw hedgehogs. The hedgehogs got scared and ran under the tree. Zhenya called Zhanna and showed her the hedgehogs.

QUESTIONS: (answer in full sentence)

- prepare a retelling:


Four funny bear cubs were walking on the lawn. One bear cub climbed an oak tree. Another bear cub saw a lot of beetles near the blackberry bushes. And two more friendly bear cubs tumbled on the lawn.

Differentiation of sounds Shi Zh:

Exercise 8


Write Zhenya what animals do: hedgehog, bear cub, crane, snakes. Zhenya wrote. And here's what he got. The hedgehog climbs trees. Already fly. The crane is prickling. The little bear is crawling.

Zhenya, of course, was mistaken. Correct his mistakes, say correctly, who can do what.

Sound C

Exercise 1.

ats - ots - uts - its - ets (each syllable separately)

ats - ots - uts - ts - ets (each syllable separately)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6(memorize).

Exercise 7(prepare a summary).


Little Tsybik was put on a chain. The whole day Cybik sits on a chain, and chickens walk around him. Cybik aims to bite one chicken, but the chicken aims to peck Cybik in the nose. Who is afraid of whom?

Differentiation of sounds C and C:

Exercise 8

Exercise 9(memorize).

Exercise 10(prepare a summary).


There are many insects in gardens and fields. Caterpillars are especially dangerous. Caterpillars in gardens and forests eat leaves and flowers. And the caterpillars are eaten by birds. Without birds, forests will be left without leaves, and orchards will be left without apples, plums and berries. Take care of the birds! Feed them in winter.

Differentiation of sounds Ts and T:

Exercise 11

Exercise 12

Change the sentences according to the model:

Onefox , two foxes, a lot of foxes.

One towel...

One bird...

One chick...

Z sound

Exercise 1.

for - zo - zu - zy - ze (each syllable separately)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6(memorize).

Exercise 7(prepare a summary).


The stars shone in the sky. Zoya and Lisa pushed back the curtain and admired the starry sky. The stars winked at them. “What funny stars! Lisa and Zoya laughed. “So far from the earth, but they see us!”