Big geographic festival. IV Republican Big Geographic Festival Big Geographic Festival

On April 7, the XIII Grand Geographical Festival dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian navigator, geographer, vice-chairman of the Russian geographical society Fyodor Petrovich Litke.

The festival is the main event of the year for young geographers, which brought together more than 300 participants from 25 regions of our country. All the leading Russian universities: from Kaliningrad to Yakutsk. Foreign participants came from Hamburg and Latvian Universities, as well as from Minsk and Brest State Universities of the Republic of Belarus. The largest delegations represent the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University.

The Grand Geographical Festival was first held in 2004 at the initiative of students from the geography departments of St. Petersburg State University (now the Institute of Earth Sciences) and Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The purpose of the festival is to create conditions for creative and intellectual communication of young people and to establish contacts between students, graduate students and young scientists from various regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad.

Kirill Chistyakov, Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society and Chairman of the St. scientific life. “I am ready to assure you that the festival will improve, we are open to any of your suggestions and initiatives. There are already certain innovations this year: the Youth Club has been created in the Russian Geographical Society, and I invite all of you to participate in it, regardless of the region in which you study and live.”

The Festival was attended by Renata Abdulina, Chairman of the Committee for youth policy and interaction with public associations of the Government of St. Petersburg, head of the Youth Club of the city branch of the Society.

The Big Geographical Festival - 2017 is held as part of the work of the Youth Club at the St. Petersburg City Branch of the Russian Geographical Society with the support of the Committee for Youth Policy and Interaction with public organizations Government of St. Petersburg.

The head of the Committee spoke about plans to organize a special program of the Russian Geographical Society at the forthcoming IV Youth Educational Forum "Vsmysle" this summer and invited the participants of the Great Geographical Festival to cooperate. “We will be waiting for you with your ideas, with projects and with your burning eyes. I wish you interesting discussions within the framework of the Great Geographical Festival and hope for fruitful cooperation in the future,” Abdulina concluded.

Within the framework of the Festival, the International scientific and practical conference students, graduate students and young scientists, round tables with the participation of leading experts in various subject areas, master classes, a competition of regional brands, a football tournament between university teams, the Geographical Brain Ring Cup and an extensive cultural program during which participants will visit commemorative places of the Karelian Isthmus.

With the support of the Russian Geographical Society, a film was created, which premiered at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg at the end of 2015.

Text and photo: Tatyana Nikolaeva

The main goal of the festival was to create a platform for self-expression and realization of youth from 14 to 35 years old in the field of geography, tourism and local history through a number of creative competitions: for the best geographic class"Opening", photo contest "The world through the eyes of a geographer", video contest "The world in motion", competition of weekend hiking routes "Walks in the Urals", essay contest "Geographical kaleidoscope", contest for the best research work and the best report within the framework of the interregional youth scientific-practical conference "Research of natural and socio-economic systems and problems of natural science education" and the geographical dictation "In the country of the Riphean mountains".

Having opened, the festival met the participants of the first competition - for the best geographical class "Discovery". This year, 10 grades in two age categories reached the final of the competition: grades 5-7 and grades 8-11. The winners in the age category 5-7 grade were students from grade 7 "B" of the MAOU secondary school No. 28 in Pervouralsk. Among the 8-11 classes, two teams became the best at once - 10 "A" of the MAOU gymnasium No. 40 and 11 "A" MAOU Gymnasium No. 94.
The highlight of the competition was the 2nd grade students, who performed out of competition and charmed the entire hall and the jury. The participation of 11th grade students from Minsk (Republic of Belarus) in the competition was also unexpected and pleasant. They showed good results at the correspondence round and passed to the full-time one, but, unfortunately, could not come.

The day began with a plenary session of the scientific and practical conference "Research of natural and socio-economic systems". Presentations were made by students of primary and secondary schools, who told how you can use the game Minecraft when studying subjects school curriculum, revealed the secret of the location of the Sinyushkino well and explained why the color of the sparrows of the city of Yekaterinburg changes. Alexander Savichev, a member of the youth department of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, shared his experience of effectively using the results of his many years of research on the architecture and history of the city of Sysert in the field of tourism and local history activities.
In the work of the sections, young scientists competed for nominations and prizes for the "Best Report" and "Best Research Paper". Here are the winners of the conference: Daria Kovtun, GBF, 2nd year; Nadezhda Maltseva, MBOU Gymnasium No. 5 in Yekaterinburg; Inna Yeshchenko, MAOU gymnasium No. 37, Yekaterinburg; Sergey Grachev, GBF, 1st year; Yulia Zinovieva, GBF, 4th year student; Foma Taker, Secondary School No. 8, Severouralsk, and Sofia Tadzhieva, Secondary School No. 13, Severouralsk.
The most ambitious competition of the festival was the competition “ If I were the principal of the school... the participants of which presented their projects of the innovative school of the future. The project of the 4th year student of the GBF Elena Vasilyeva was recognized as the best.

In the essay competition Geographic Kaleidoscope» there was a fierce struggle for victory. Judges - representatives of the press, poets, writers, travelers evaluated the creative work of schoolchildren and students. Despite different approaches to the choice of winners, the winner was decided unanimously - it was a student of Sverdlovsk music school them. P.I. Tchaikovsky Ekaterina Yantser with the work "Notes of NOT a geographer".

Weekend hiking route competition "Walks in the Urals" brought many surprises to everyone. Another feature was the participation of second-graders who defended their projects - developed virtual routes around Irbit on a motorcycle in time, along physical and geographical objects that reflect the "color palette" on the map of the Urals, and their own trip with a toponymic dictionary.

The senior participants of the competition presented the developed hiking and water routes. A competent jury of representatives of the tourist industry of the Urals, the Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region, the Regional Fund for Civil Defense and PB chose the route of the student of the GBF Anastasia Stolbova "To the Art Gallery of Ancestors" as the best.

Day three began with a mass event - passed geographical dictation "In the country of the Riphean mountains". More than 200 people passed the pre-registration, but there were many more people who wanted to participate in the dictation. This time they tested their knowledge of the geography of the Urals and the Sverdlovsk region.

Then the final screening of the videos began. competition "World in motion". 15 works participated in 2 age groups: 14-17 years old and 18-30 years old. A strict jury of representatives of the cinema school at the Sverdlovsk film studio evaluated the works and determined the winners. In the age group of 14-17 years old, these are Sofya Lyudinovskaya, Elena Kryukova, Ekaterina Pagacheva, Lyceum No. 58, Novouralsk; Arkhip Devyatov, MAOU gymnasium No. 94, Yekaterinburg; Maxim Baranov and Vladimir Lysenko, MAOU Gymnasium No. 94 (Grand Prix).

Throughout the festival, viewers voted for the works participating in the photo contest "The world through the eyes of a geographer", where everyone could vote for their favorite photo in 5 nominations in 2 age groups (14-17 and 18-30).

In the group of 14-17 years old, the winners were Anton Sinitsyn, Anna Reznichenko, Anna Stepanova, Demyan Zaitsev, Daria Bakhareva. Sergey Golovanov, Valeria Maltseva, Artem Petrov, Daniil Babenkov, Andrey Tonkushin won in the 18-30 age category.

Before the closing ceremony of the festival, the participants were given master classes: from the School of Cinema of the Sverdlovsk Film Studio, Vadim Osipov's Photo Workshop, "Key Moment" from the tourist club "Vershina", "Be ready!" from the Sverdlovsk Regional Foundation for Civil Protection and Fire Safety, Art Deco Technique - from the Student Council of the GBF.

And here are two records of the current festival:

1. The most active team of the festival is gymnasium No. 205 "Theater", the city of Yekaterinburg (participated in all competitions).
2. The largest group of participants in the geographical dictation "In the country of the Riphean mountains" - Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology, 80 people

So the Great Geographical Festival "My Earth-2016" has come to an end! At the closing ceremony in a solemn atmosphere, the results were summed up, the winners of the competitions were announced, they were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts from the partners of the Festival. The work was productive. Everyone who took part got the opportunity for self-realization and implementation of their ideas, found new friends and partners in new interesting projects. We are completing the work, but we are not saying goodbye for a long time, as we are starting preparations for the Great Geographical Festival "My Earth - 2017".

Photo - Vadim Osipov

Dear colleagues!

Institute of Natural Sciences of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov, the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the support of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from February 27 to March 1, 2017, the ΙII Republican Grand Geographical Festival is being held.

To participate in the republican youth scientific-practical conference, graduate students and university students enrolled in bachelor's, specialist's, master's programs, students of secondary vocational education institutions, school teachers and schoolchildren from grades 7 to 11 are invited. The work of the conference is expected in 12 directions.

A round table will be held to discuss the experience of geographical education “Modernization of geographical education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” (a draft concept for the Russian Federation is attached).

Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of conference materials, registered in the scientometric database of the RSCI.

The best reports of schoolchildren can by decision Expert Council and the Organizing Committee were invited to the Republican conference of schoolchildren "Step into the Future" in 2018.

Full information in the information letter of the Organizing Committee.

The concept of development of geographical education in the Russian Federation.

Attention! This message was sent from various email addresses, but the official mail of the Organizing Committee is only [email protected]

Information about the Festival you can get:

In the VKontakte group

On request by email [email protected]


Responsible secretary of the republican organizing committee of the BGF - Alekseeva Nurguyaana Alekseevna,

[email protected] , k.t. for emergency messages: +79841069725

Chairman working group Organizing Committee Cherosov Mikhail Mikhailovich
IPC SB RAS, head. lab. genesis and ecology of PRP, d.b.s.
89142715155; 89248696845; 89681546315
NEFU IEN department. ecology, head department

Saint Petersburg State University
Institute of Geosciences

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to visitXIVGREAT GEOGRAPHICAL FESTIVAL BGF-2018, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first special geographical higher educational institution in Russia - the Geographic Institute.

Location: Russia, St. Petersburg, 10th line V.O., 33-35.

Working languages:Russian English

Within the framework of the Festival are planned:

­ International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists;

Round tables;

­ Geo-presentation of regions;

­ Football tournament between university teams;

­ Geographic Brain Ring Cup;

­ Photo contest and photo exhibition;

­ The cultural program.

The main directions of the conference:

­ Geomorphology, dynamic geology and paleogeography;

­ Geoecology, ecological safety, rational use of natural resources and problems of sustainable development;

­ Land hydrology, climatology, meteorology;

­ Cartography and geodesy, GIS technologies in geographical research, land management and cadastres;

­ Local history and cultural heritage;

­ Oceanology, research of the seas and shelf zones;

­ Political geography, geopolitics and actual problems regional policy;

­ Socio-economic geography and geo-economics;

­ Country studies, tourism, recreational geography;

­ Physical and evolutionary geography, landscape planning, biogeography and soil science;

­ Ethnography and historical geography.

To participate in XIV A large geographical festival needs to be completed participant's questionnaire. Articles or abstracts of reports submitted by the authors for participation in the scientific-practical conference must be formatted in accordance with the requirements. The participant's questionnaire and abstracts of the report must be sent to the mail of the Festival:bgf@ spbu. enYou will be sent a confirmation of receipt of the application within 5 working days. Please note that only one publication per author is accepted. If the publication is written in co-authorship, it is necessary to send questionnaires from each author.

Abstracts of reports are accepted only together with a completed application form UNTIL FEBRUARY 25 INCLUDING. Based on the results of the conference, the abstracts of the reports will be published in the Collection of Materials, which is placed in the scientometric database of the RSCI.





Personal information



Middle name:

Date of Birth:

Educational institution:



Course, level of education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's,

PhD) / position:

Form of participation (full-time / in absentia):

Contact Information

Information about the report

* List of sections:

° Physical and evolutionary geography, landscape planning, biogeography and soil science;

° Political geography, geopolitics and topical issues of regional policy;

° Socio-economic geography and geo-economics;

° Land hydrology, climatology, meteorology;

° Oceanology, research of the seas and shelf zones;

° Geomorphology, dynamic geology and paleogeography;

° Geoecology, ecological safety, rational use of natural resources and problems of sustainable development;

° Cartography and geodesy, GIS technologies in geographical research, land management and cadastres;

° Country studies, tourism, recreational geography;

° Ethnography and historical geography;

° Local history and cultural heritage.

General requirements for the design of report materials:

1. The abstract file is named after the last name and first name of the first author in

Latin transliteration (ex: Petrov_Igor. doc)

2. The total volume of abstracts is 2-5 pages of A4 format (including tables and figures).

3. Editor – Microsoft Word (*.doc *.docx)

Font – Times New Roman

Font size - 12

­ Line spacing - 1.0

­ Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm

­ Margins - 2 cm on all sides

­ Justify

­ Allowed selections in text/tables - italics

4. The file should contain the following output:

­ symmetrically in the center - the title of the article in bold capital letters in Russian and English;

­ on the next line, the author's surname, name, patronymic in Russian and English (if there is a supervisor, his full name and degree are written immediately after the author's full name in Russian and English); then from a new line in brackets separated by commas - the name of the city and the full name educational institution, in Russian and English. Below is the email address. Right alignment, italic font.

­ keywords (2 - 5, in Russian and English)

­ abstract (in Russian and English)

­ the universal decimal classifier (UDC) is indicated

5. Pictures are inserted into the text and sent as separate files format *. jpg , *. gif , *. tiff , *. bmp . The recommended width of the picture is no more than 14 cm, the height is no more than 18 cm. Scanned materials must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi . If these requirements are not met, figures and graphics will be excluded from the published collection.

6. Tables and figures must have a number and title. Tables are signed at the top, figures - at the bottom. Table headers are not tinted, they are not printed in bold. Separate cells of tables are italicized only if it carries a semantic load. It is advisable not to place complex graphic material and large tables in the text.

7. Tables, figures and graphs should be readable and occupy no more than 50% of the total volume of abstracts.

8. Formulas must be executed in the built-in editor Miscosoft Word Equation Editor or Math Type.

9. Manual hyphenation and the use of subscript links in the text are not allowed.

10. The list of references is separated from the text by an empty line and is drawn up in accordance with GOST. The list of references must be typed in roman type with an indent of the first line 1.25 cm wide. Electronic resources are issued with the date of circulation (for example: Earth Policy Institute URL : http :// www . earth-policy. org / (accessed 8.08.2015))


UDC 504.4.062.2





Petrov Igor Nikolaevich

Petrov Igor NikolaevichSt. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University

Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State University, [email protected]

Annotation:This article discusses contemporary issues the impact of globalization on rational water use and on their basis the main factors of irrational water use are identified. Measures for compensating damage to water bodies and ways of optimizing water use in the branches of regional specialization are proposed.

abstract:This article focused on modern problems of influence of globalization on

rational consumption and it distinguishes basic factors of irrational water use. We suggest measures of water objects damage compensation and ways of optimizing water use in terms of regional specialization fields.

Keywords:globalization, irrational water use, factors

irrational water use, optimization of water use

key words:globalization, irrational water use, factors of irrational water use, water use


Main text of the report.


Pugachev E.A. Economics of rational water use: textbook. allowance / E.A. Pugachev, V.N. Isaev - M: MGSU, 2011. - 283 p.: ill. – Bibliography: p. 281-282

Additional information about the Festival can be obtained from:

on the site:http:// earth. spbu. en/

in the VKontakte group :


IV Republican Big Geographical Festival will be held in Yakutsk

The regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and its youth club, together with the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov this year hold the IV Republican Grand Geographical Festival. The organizers promise a wide scientific and cultural program.

The festival is held with the aim of popularizing geographical knowledge, studying historical and cultural heritage country and is dedicated to the anniversary event - this year the branch of the Russian Geographical Society in Yakutia turns 105 years old.

Pass the second Geographic dictation"My native Yakutia", which includes questions and tasks related exclusively to our republic. With you a pen and a good mood! Auxiliary materials are prohibited. The best experts in Yakutia will be awarded with prizes.

Republican scientific and practical conference, to participate in which postgraduates and students of universities studying under the programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's programs, students of institutions of secondary vocational education and schoolchildren from grades 8 to 11 are invited. The work of the conference will be organized in the following areas:

 Monitoring of water bodies and water use;

 Climatology and meteorology;

 Tourism and recreational geography;

 Kononov readings "Geoecology and rational nature management, bioecology and biogeography";

 Cartography and GIS technologies in geographical research;

 History, ethnography and local history;

Geographic education;

 Geopolitics and socio-economic geography.

Following the results of the conference best work will be selected by the expert commission for the electronic collection of articles of the Great Geographical Festival (the journal is included in the RSCI database). The authors of the best articles will be awarded vouchers to the State Autonomous Institution of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Sosnovy Bor" and nominal prizes of members of the branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Lake aeration. Saisar will be held on the Day of Water - March 22. The main idea of ​​the action is to promote the study and conservation biological resources water bodies, gaining knowledge about water resources, practical participation in providing aeration of the lake (enrichment of the deep layers of water with oxygen) by drilling holes. Teams of students of secondary schools / universities, consisting of 5 people, are invited to participate.

Photo contest "Horizons of Yakutia" on Instagram in the @mk.rgo.ykt profile with the hashtag #fotoBGF18. Everyone is welcome to participate, no age limit. Directions of work:

 Fire and bonfire;

 Yakutia in the faces of the youth;

 Infinity of the Arctic;

 Tandem of nature and technology;

 Tourism as a way of life.

March 23 is celebrated annually as International Meteorological Day. On this day, everyone is invited to the base of the ecological and ethnographic complex "Chochur-Muran". Entertaining master classes on field meteorological observations, a fun team quest game on the territory of the complex and many, many interesting things are waiting for you.

On March 23, the best quest game of the city "Thousand Islands" from the activists of the Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society in the Corps of Faculty of Natural Sciences will take place! Most The best way to consolidate knowledge is an active game activity. Everyone can take part, gathering a team of 5 people.

Geographic brain-ring "Thousand colors of the world". Students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from grades 8 to 11 and students of secondary schools and universities are invited to participate. The allowed number of participants in a team is from 3 to 5. If the applicant does not have a team, you must go to the place of registration.

Excursions to the Historical Park "Russia - My History". You still haven't visited the most educational place cities? Then hurry up to become a member of a free exciting trip through the halls of the park with charming guides.

The festival will be held from 21 to 23 March in the building of the faculties of the North-Eastern federal university, the historical park "Russia - My History", the ecological and ethnographic complex "Chochur-Muran".

Pre-registration for participation is carried out in electronic form at the link