The All-Russian geographical dictation will be held on November 20. Name of the regional site

Russians will be able to test their knowledge at the All-Russian Geographical Dictation, which is being held for the second year in all regions and online. This time, more than 1.5 thousand sites were registered, which is 8 times more than the previous figure. We publish the issues that caused maximum difficulties in 2015. And you can draw the boundaries of the regions from memory Russian Federation?

20 November the main venue in Moscow will be Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University Lomonosov, which is located in the Main building near the University metro station. Participants are registered through a special questionnaire posted on the website of the Russian Geographical Society (Russian Geographical Society). You can also participate remotely. The number of tasks in 2016 will increase to 30. Participants will be given 1-2 minutes for each question. for contemplation.

All-Russian geographical dictation will cover all subjects of the Russian Federation. The record holder for applications last year was The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)– the number of participants was 7026 people.

The results of the first test of Russians for geographical literacy were disappointing. In 2015, only 1% of participants coped with dictation tasks for 100 points, and GPA was equal to 55. Half of the works were rated below average.

Assessed the situation Dmitry Peskov, Chairman of the Media Council Russian Geographical Society: The quality is low, there are many factual errors. Without going into details, they failed to cope with the task of correctly delineating the boundaries of the regions of Russia.

The organizers are sure that it is not so much the result of the test that is important, but the interest in participating in All-Russian geographical dictation Over 70,000 participants are expected this year. Based on the errors, recommendations will be made to school curriculum and a report assessing the literacy of Russians.


Dmitry Peskov expressed the hope that the All-Russian Geographical Dictation will be more successful this year. Geography shapes patriotism. Geography should take one of the most important places in identification - on a par with history, language. Love to motherland, - he noted.

Among the issues that caused serious difficulties were the following:

Name a phenomenon of a global scale, which is spread over 60% of the territory of Russia. It is most widely represented in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. The greatest depth of distribution of this phenomenon (1370 m) is noted in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River in Yakutia.

(Correct answer: permafrost. Valid answer: permafrost)

Responses received: snow, flood, spills, northern lights, earthquakes, nuggets.

- Name the extreme northern mainland point of Russia.

(Correct answer: Cape Chelyuskin)

Answers received: Cape Severny, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Dezhnev, Cape Fligeli, Lomonosov Archipelago.

- What is the largest subject of the Russian Federation in terms of area, in which the easternmost of the peoples of the Turkic language group lives?

(Correct answer: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Responses received: Nanai Autonomous Okrug.

Name the only river flowing from Lake Baikal.

(Correct answer: Angara river)

Answers received: Ob, Indigarka (correct: IndigIrka), Irtysh, Selenga, Lena.

Name the mountain system within which the wettest (according to the average annual precipitation) territory in Russia is located.

(Correct answer: Greater Caucasus)

Answers received: Altai, Urals, Sayans, Scandinavian mountains, Sikhote-Alin, Khibiny.


The dictation will take place in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at specially prepared regional venues in universities, schools, libraries, scientific institutes, children's centers, etc.

As in 2015, the text of the dictation was compiled in three versions for the regions Far East, Siberia and Central Russia. Dictation questions will be devoted, first of all, to the geography of Russia.

All-Russian geographical dictation at the Central House of Artists in Moscow. Photo: Nikolay Razuvaev

Russian Geographical Society invites educational establishments, libraries, children's centers and other organizations to take part in this event as one of the regional platforms and provide everyone with the opportunity to write a dictation.

The work of regional sites is carried out on a voluntary and free basis and includes the provision of premises for writing dictation, multimedia tools for demonstrating presentations with dictation assignments, stationery and paper, printing forms with dictation assignments and forms for writing dictation, scanning and sending scanned copies completed forms for writing dictation to the Assignment Checking Center.

Russian geographical society forms for writing a dictation (in electronic form), detailed instructions for conducting a dictation and filling out forms will be provided; forms with dictation assignments (in electronic form), presentation materials for display on the screen and a scenario plan for the dictation. Applications for participation as a regional venue should be sent by e-mail [email protected]. The application must contain the following information:

1) full name of the organization (institution);

2) address;

3) the number of seats;

4) full name of the person responsible;

5) contact details (e-mail, telephone).

Recall that on November 1, 2015, for the first time in the Russian Federation, a large-scale educational campaign was held, aimed at assessing the level of geographical literacy of the population, - the first All-Russian geographical dictation. The initiator of its holding was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society Vladimir Putin, and the organizer was the Russian Geographical Society.

The average score for a dictation in Russia is only 55 points, in school terminology, this is a three. It is even sadder that 48% of the participants of the action wrote a dictation below the average level, that is, they received a three with a minus or a two.

The results of the dictation were taken into account by the Russian Geographical Society when preparing a new Development Concept geographical education, which is being developed by the Russian Geographical Society together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

On the whole, the results of the first Geographical Dictation testify to a very mediocre knowledge of the geography of their country by Russians, while schoolchildren and students demonstrated a level of geographical knowledge below the national average.

Details on the website of the Russian Geographical Society:

    Hello, Natalya Borisovna!
    49 points is also not bad! Maybe try another version? Again? Just for myself to remember... Or better yet, open an online dictation, google the answers, write them down in a notebook and learn the answers! That's definitely useful!
    And literary questions were hard for me - I need to work on myself))))

  1. Copied questions. I want to show my geography teacher tomorrow. It is a pity that only one option has been prepared for the online dictation ... I tried again: 65 b. I'll google the answers later, at my leisure. Below I give the answers that helped me score my 49 b.
    1. What is the name of the imaginary line on the surface the globe, connecting the North and South Poles by the shortest distance?
    2. What is the name of the interface between warm and cold air masses in the lower part of the atmosphere?
    3. What is the name of the city located near more big city and gravitating towards it in economic and cultural terms?
    She gave wrong answers to the first three questions.
    4. What is the name of the part of the river valley that is flooded during floods or during floods? Answer: floodplain.
    5. Indicate the combination of natural zones and soils characteristic of the territory of the Central Federal District (it is enough to indicate the letter):
    A) forest-steppe - red soils;
    B) northern taiga - brown soils;
    C) mixed forests - soddy-podzolic soils.
    Answer: V
    6. Select from the list the object with the lowest salinity of water (it is enough to indicate the letter):
    A) Sivash Bay;
    B) the White Sea;
    B) the Gulf of Finland;
    D) the Black Sea.
    7. What does this symbol mean on topographic maps?
    Answer: shrubs.
    8. Arrange mountain systems in descending order of their maximum absolute altitude(fill in the numbers):
    1) Altai; 2) Caucasus; 3) Sikhote-Alin; 4) Khibiny.
    9. The name of this people of Russia is translated as “real person”, and the outdated name is Samoyeds. The number in Russia is about 45 thousand people, most of them live along the coast of the Arctic Ocean from the Kola Peninsula to Taimyr. The main occupations are reindeer herding, fishing, and hunting. The name of the people is present in the names of two subjects of the Russian Federation. Name the people.
    Answer: Eskimos
    10. This folk craft bears the name of a village in the Moscow region, where it originated in early XIX century. Traditional handicrafts are metal trays painted with oil paints, usually with a pattern of a flower bouquet. Name the industry.
    Answer: Zhostovo.
    11. What is the name of solid atmospheric precipitation that forms on the surface of the earth and plants at negative soil temperatures, cloudy skies and light winds?
    Answer: frost. (Perhaps frost, I don’t argue.)
    12. Name the natural zone of Russia where oak and hazel grow, oriole and wild boar live.
    Answer: forests.
    13. Arrange settlements in the direction from north to south (fill in the letters):
    A) Vologda; B) Salekhard; B) Khabarovsk; Novosibirsk city.
    14. Name the archipelago, which is the northernmost island territory of Russia.
    15. Select from the list a city where the sun can sometimes be seen at midnight (just specify the letter):
    A) Syktyvkar; B) Murmansk; B) Omsk; D) Tomsk.
    Answer: B.

  2. Continuation.
    16. The Novgorod Kremlin and the Church of Peter and Paul on Sinichya Gora are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The distance between them in a straight line is 1.5 kilometers. What will it be equal to on a map at a scale of 1:50,000? Give your answer in centimeters.
    Confused by the numbers...
    17. Select from the list the subject of the Russian Federation, a significant part of which is located in the subarctic climate (it is enough to indicate the letter):
    A) the Republic of Karelia;
    B) Republic of Tatarstan;
    C) Tyumen region;
    D) Perm region.
    Answer: A.
    18. What is the tributary of the Ob River, which crosses two state borders before entering Russia.
    19. Indicate in which city from the list sunrise occurs earlier than others (it is enough to indicate the letter):
    A) Yakutsk;
    B) Okhotsk;
    B) Khanty-Mansiysk;
    D) Veliky Ustyug.
    20. Name the subject of the Russian Federation in which the time differs from Kamchatka by 10 hours.
    Answer: Kaliningrad.
    21. Select from the list the river, the lower reaches of which are shown on the satellite image (it is enough to indicate the letter):
    A) Volga;
    B) Lena;
    B) Selenga;
    D) Yenisei.
    I think the hardest question...
    22. Name the Hero City of Russia, one of the largest ports of the Black Sea, located on the shores of the Tsemesskaya Bay.
    23. Name the sea washing the coast of Russia, which is characterized by the highest tides. The sea is rich in fish, seafood and hydrocarbons. Previously, it was called Kamchatka. In its southern part there are the Odessa Bay and the Gulf of Patience.
    Answer: Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
    24.Select a pair of objects from the list that are not geographically related to each other (just specify a letter):
    A) Lake Taimyr - the Taimyr Peninsula;
    B) Bering Island - Bering Sea;
    C) Bely Island - White Sea;
    D) the Kamchatka River - the Kamchatka Peninsula.
    Answer: B. (I've never heard of Bely Island, so I chose B).
    25. Name the city, the ancient capital Northeast Russia, currently - the regional center on the Klyazma River, part of the tourist route "Golden Ring of Russia".
    26. About what natural area Vasily Dokuchaev writes:
    “... it seems so densely occupied by some kind of plant that nothing else, apparently, can fit here: either it is covered with purple spots - these are anemones in bloom, then whole meadows take on a blue azure color - these are forget-me-nots; at other times you can find large areas completely covered with fragrant thyme ... ".
    Answer: steppe.
    27. Find out the city described in the poem by Alexander the North:
    This city in five centuries
    Standing on the edge of the coast
    The border of snow, eternal ice,
    The capital of rivers, forests, swamps.
    Standing on a centuries-old path
    Nobody can get around.
    All ships met here
    That from the White Sea they went to people.
    Met Norwegians and Slavs,
    Met the Dutch, the British
    The Varangians went to the last battle
    And the Swedes are beaten astern.
    By the age-old by this river
    The Pomors built the city...
    Answer: Arkhangelsk
    28. “The great strategist moved at a shooting pace along the mountain road leading around Mashuk to the place of the duel between Lermontov and Martynov, past sanatoriums and rest houses. Overtaken by buses and two-horse carriages, Ostap went to Proval (Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov). The landmark of which city is considered to be the failure mentioned in the excerpt?
    Answer: Pyatigorsk
    29. Name the territory described in the story of Konstantin Paustovsky:
    “This region lies ... between Vladimir and Ryazan, not far from Moscow, and is one of the few surviving forest islands, the remnant of the “great belt of coniferous forests.” In ... the region you can see forest lakes with dark water, vast swamps covered with alder and aspen.
    Answer: Meshchera.
    30. Name the expedition that took place in 1937-1938, in which Ivan Papanin, Evgeny Fedorov, Ernst Krenkel and Pyotr Shirshov, depicted on a postage stamp, became famous.
    Answer: North Pole. (I confess, I didn’t know about such an expedition. My intuition didn’t let me down: I looked at the postage stamp in the assignment and decided that, perhaps, the North Pole. It turns out that I was right. Then I read about the expedition on the Internet. The expedition members are real heroes!)

Picture in TOP:

The second All-Russian geographical dictation will take place on Sunday 20 November 2016.

The dictation will be held in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at specially prepared regional venues in universities, schools, libraries, research institutes, children's centers, etc.

As in 2015, the text of the dictation was compiled in three versions for the regions of the Far East, Siberia and Central Russia.
Dictation questions will be devoted, first of all, to the geography of Russia.

Recall that the first All-Russian geographical dictation was held on November 1, 2015 in order to assess the level of geographical literacy of the population. It was organized by the Russian Geographical Society.

In terms of the number of participants in the dictation, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (7026 people), Moscow (3343 people), Tverskaya (1432 people) and Voronezh (1427 people) regions were in the lead.
You can take part in the dictation everyone, regardless of age, education and field of activity. To write an offline dictation, they came to regional sites 44 365 people. Of them 43 567 Submit your work for review. More 27 564 people passed the test online on the website of the Russian Geographical Society.
In this way, total number dictation participants - about 72,000 people.
Among them are people with a wide variety of education - from general primary to postgraduate with the presence degree.
The largest group of participants were the owners higher education, the smallest - persons with initial general education. In this way, average level education of participants in the dictation turned out to be higher than the average for Russia.

The dictation included 25 test items , which were divided into three blocks. The first consisted of knowledge tasks geographical concepts and terms; the second was aimed at testing knowledge of the location geographical objects on the map; the third - on knowledge of geographical descriptions.

One of the main principles of the action was anonymity. On the forms of tasks and answers it was possible not to indicate your name. Participants were asked to write only their age, occupation, attitude to geography (for example, student or teacher of a specialized university), and some other information. This information is necessary in order to assess and analyze the level of geographical knowledge of the inhabitants of our country.

Among the participants of the dictation, there are three main categories: pupils, students and working citizens- they are about 30% . The rest of the population was less than 10%. Most of the participants in the dictation are young people.
It is interesting that students in grades 5-9 answered the questions in a completely different way than students in grades 10-11, while the answers of high school students differed little from the answers of adults.
With regard to gender indicators of statistics, on average, the response score of men is two points higher than that of women.

The highest score that could be obtained for the dictation was 100 points, the lowest - 0. Unfortunately, 100-point results were not recorded in all regions, and the total number of works that deserved the highest score does not exceed 1%.

In general, the results of the first geographical dictation show that Russians have a very mediocre knowledge of the geography of their country, while schoolchildren and students demonstrated a level of geographical knowledge below the national average.
average rating for dictation in Russia is only 55 points, in school terminology, is a triple.
Even more sad that 48% of participants of the action wrote a dictation below the average level, that is, we got a three with a minus or a two.

The results of the dictation were taken into account by the Russian Geographical Society when preparing a new Concept for the Development of Geographical Education, which is being developed by the Russian Geographical Society together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

According to the RGS website

ATTENTION!One of the Moscow venues for dictation November 20 will be the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Invited to participate everyone.

Venue address: Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, 1, Main (high-rise) building of Moscow State University, audiences 01, 02 (1st floor).

The site will be open from 11:00, at 12:00 - the beginning of the Dictation.

In order to take part in the event, you need to register

Have with you identity document.

To write a dictation will be distributed forms. During 45 minutes participants will have to answer 30 questions dedicated primarily to the geography of Russia. While writing a dictation it is forbidden to use mobile electronics(phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.).

One of the main principles of the All-Russian action - anonymity. Each participant will receive unique identification number, by which he will later be able to find out his personal result on the official website of the Russian Geographical Society

On the initiative of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, on November 1, 2015, a large-scale educational campaign was held in the Russian Federation for the first time, aimed at assessing the level of geographical literacy of the population - the All-Russian geographical dictation. The dictation was organized by the Russian Geographical Society.
The dictation was held in all regions of our country, at 210 specially prepared venues. Everyone could take part in the action, regardless of age, education and field of activity. 44,365 people came to the regional sites to write an offline dictation. Another 27,564 people took the test online on the website of the Russian Geographical Society. Thus, the total number of participants in the dictation is about 72,000 people.
REFERENCE. The average score for dictation in Russia was only 55 points, in school terminology - this is a three. It is even sadder that 48% of the participants of the action wrote a dictation below the average level, that is, they received a three with a minus or a two. On the whole, the results of the first Geographical Dictation testify to a very mediocre knowledge of the geography of their country by Russians, while schoolchildren and students demonstrated a level of geographical knowledge below the national average.
The results of the dictation were taken into account by the Russian Geographical Society in the preparation of a new Concept for the Development of Geographical Education, which is being developed by the Russian Geographical Society together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Considering the high public interest and the large number of positive reviews received by the Russian Geographical Society, it was decided to make the All-Russian Geographical Dictation a regular event. The second All-Russian geographical dictation is scheduled for November 20, 2016. The dictation will take place in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at regional venues in universities, schools, libraries, research institutes, children's centers, etc.
As in 2015, the text of the dictation was compiled in three versions for the regions of the Far East, Siberia and Central Russia. Dictation questions will be devoted, first of all, to the geography of Russia.

Republican regional platform:
FGBOU VO "Chuvash State University them. I.N. Ulyanov, Faculty of History and Geography, Cheboksary, st. Universitetskaya, 38. The new building of the CSU.
To participate in the All-Russian geographical dictation-2016 on the basis of the republican site - FSBEI HE "Chuvash State University named after I.I. I.N. Ulyanov" online registration is open:

Municipal sites:

Municipality name

Name of the regional site

Regional site address


"Alikovskaya secondary school them. I.Ya.Yakovleva»

429250 Chuvash Republic, Alikovsky district,

With. Alikovo, st. Sovetskaya, 15


MBOU "Batyrevskaya secondary school No. 1"

With. Batyrevo, Lenin Ave. 30


MBOU "Vurnarskaya secondary school No. 2" of the Vurnarsky district of the Chuvash


v. Vurnary,

st. K.Marksa, 1


MBOU "Average comprehensive school No. 7 named after the Hero Soviet Union Z.I. Parfenova"

Alatyr, st. Berezovaya, house 1


MBOU "Secondary School No. 9"

Kanash, st. Chkalova, 12


MBOU "Gymnasium No. 8"

Shumerlya, st. Surskaya, d.7


MBOU "Ibresinskaya secondary school No. 1"

CR, Ibresinsky district, Ibresi village, Shkolnaya st., 4


Municipal budgetary educational institution"Krasnochetayskaya secondary school"

With. Red Chetai, pl. Victory, d.3


MBOU "Poretskaya secondary school" Poretsky district

Chuvash Republic, Poretsky district, with. Poretskoe, per. School d.


Department of Education youth policy and Sports Administration of the Urmarsky District

town Urmary, st. Chapaeva, d.2


MBOU "Starochukalskaya OOSh"

Shemurshinsky district, village Starye Chukaly, st. Komsomolskaya, d.81


MBOU "Shumerlinskaya secondary school" of the Shumerlinsky district

429125, Chuvash Republic, Shumerlinsky district,

d. Shumerlya.

st. Kalinina, d.53A


MBOU "Yalchik secondary school"

Yalchiki village, Yubileynaya street, 6

The work of regional sites is carried out on a voluntary and free basis and includes the provision of premises for writing dictation, multimedia tools for demonstrating presentations with dictation assignments, stationery and paper, printing forms with dictation assignments and forms for writing dictation, scanning and sending scanned copies completed forms for writing dictation to the Assignment Checking Center.

The Russian Geographical Society will provide forms for writing a dictation (in electronic form), detailed instructions for conducting a dictation and filling out forms; forms with dictation assignments (in electronic form), presentation materials for display on the screen and a scenario plan for the dictation.

All information about the Geographical dictation-2016 is available:

Already now you can try your hand and pre-assess your knowledge at the link:

Coordinator from the Chuvash Republican Branch of the Russian Geographical Society - Chairman of the Chuvash Republican Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. department physical geography and Geomorphology FSBEI HE “Chuvash State University named after I.I. I.N. Ulyanova" Nikonorova Inna Vitalievna