Academic transcription of words in phonetics. phonetic transcription. How to learn to pronounce English sounds

Rules and signs fonetictranscriptions 1

    The phonetic recording of the Russian word and text is made using the letters of the Russian alphabet.

    The transcribed word form or text is enclosed in square brackets.

    In phonetic notation, punctuation marks and the transfer of part of the word form to another line are not put, since phonetic transcription does not convey the structure of the text, but the sound wave. The text is divided into phonetic phrases and syntagmas, or speech beats. Each phrase and syntagma is a sound "distance", a wave between two pauses. The latter are indicated in transcription either by one vertical line / - a small pause (this is how syntagmas are separated), or by two // - a longer pause (this is how phrases are separated). At the end of the phonetic notation, two vertical lines are placed (before the bracket) as a sign of the termination of the sound stream.

    The initial sound of the syntagma, as well as all proper names, are transmitted in lowercase letters.

    Stress on stressed syllables is obligatory.

    Functional word before the significant ( proclitic) or after it ( enclitic) is written next to it (without a space) through a dash, because they are one phonetic word. A one- or two-syllable unstressed significant word can also be written, pronounced with neighboring significant words as one phonetic word. For example: [recognize 'is-kn'ik], [remove "s-st-lá], [kak-s-f-pol'] - as in the field, [inzh-house] - your house.

    One of the general rules of phonetic transcription is that one letter should convey only one sound. Two different characters can be considered the same letter with different superscript (diacritic) marks, for example, á and a - the first character denotes a stressed sound [a], the second is an unstressed sound [a] in the position of the absolute beginning of a word, for example: [akná], [arbat], [atákα], etc.; [t] and [t’], [h] and [h’], etc. - different designations of hard and soft paired consonants, etc.

    The main signs of phonetic transcription are the letters of the Russian alphabet. All letters are used, except for two-digit (iotized) E, E, Yu, I , consonant letters Ch, C, Щ, as well as the letters Y. The signs b and b in transcription are used in a different function: they denote strongly reduced vowels of the middle series of the middle rise [b] after solid consonants and the anterior-mid series of the upper-middle rise [b ] after soft.

Instead of the letters Ts and Ch, denoting continuous sounds (affricates), letter combinations [tˆs] and [t"ˆsh") are used, which more accurately convey the specifics of the formation of these sounds, and the superscript chamber("shackle") indicates the fused nature of their pronunciation.

Instead of the letter Ш, denoting a long soft hissing sound, the length of which can be reduced in the flow of speech, the letter Ш is used with superscripts, conveying the acoustic nature of this sound - [sh ':], for example, [sh ': andt], [sh ': otka], etc. If the longitude in the stream of speech is shortened, then the sign of longitude is not put in the transcription, for example, [borsh '], [khvosh '].

    In addition to the letters of the Russian alphabet, additional letters and signs are used in transcription:

    α - the Greek letter "alpha" for an unstressed vowel [a] after a consonant in the absolute position end of word, for example: [óknα], [sontˆsα] - the sun, [v'is'ólία] - cheerful;

     - a sign for designating an unstressed vowel in the position of the first prestressed syllable (not an absolute beginning) after a solid consonant, an allophone of phonemes<а>and<о>([trvá], [vlá]), hyperphonemes<а/о>([sbákα]) ;

    [j] and [t] – yot and i-decimal for allophones of a phoneme< j >in strong [j] and weak [ί] positions;

    [γ] - the Greek letter "gamma" for the voiced allophone of a phoneme<х>in a position before a voiced consonant at the junction of morphemes within a word ([tr'oγgrshóvyί] - three-penny, [t'ˆsh'tyr'oγgrán:yί] - tetrahedral, etc.) or at the junction of word forms ([ vdóγ deep'iί] - a deep breath, [m'e"γ d'ishovyί] - cheap fur);

    The following diacritics are used in transcription:

    akut - stress sign (ó, á, u, s, ý, e), "- secondary stress (o, a);

    a vowel over a vowel is a designation of an overtone (shade) of a given vowel sound: and e, e and, s e, e s, o b, o b, etc. further, less, n[o b] better;

    ' - apostrophe - a sign of softness of consonants [t '], [d '], [k '], [l '], [p '];

    ¯, : - signs of longitude of a consonant inside a word or at the junction of two words; the sign ¯ is placed above the consonant letter, and the sign: - after it: [más: α], [v'i e s'en': iί], [rás:ór'itˆsα], [mátról: yr] ;

    ˆ - camora - a sign that is used to denote the fused nature of the affricate: [tˆs], [t’ˆsh’].

1 N. A. Lukyanova. Modern Russian language: Lectures on phonetics. Novosibirsk: NGU, 1999, pp. 88–90.

Starting to teach foreign language, a person is faced with the need to correctly pronounce new words. Unlike the Slavic languages, in which most words are read according to certain rules, in the same English there are quite a few exceptions to the rules for reading words. Phonetic transcription of words will help to pronounce and read words correctly. And although it often seems that this is a complex concept, in fact, everything is very simple, once you understand this issue.

The concept of phonetic transcription

Phonetic transcription is a way of graphic recording of sounds oral speech. Transcription is incredibly accurate and based on correct pronunciation. To achieve this, each transcription mark has a corresponding graphic symbol, and each symbol, in turn, corresponds to a well-defined sound.

With the help of transcription, it is possible to record in writing not only the pronunciation of sounds and words, but also sentences and texts.

Basic transcription rules

1) First of all, transcription is always recorded in special square brackets: .

2) If the transcribed word has two or more syllables, the stress must be placed.
3) If two words are read together, in phonetic transcription this is fixed using the league icon: [v_dom].
4) Capital letters are not written in the transcription.
5) If a sentence or text is transcribed, punctuation marks are not put. Instead, they put beveled vertical lines / (if the pause is small like a comma), // (with a longer pause), like a period or semicolon.
6) The softness of a consonant is indicated in transcription with an apostrophe placed to the right of the letter.
7) A non-syllabic sound is shown by an arc below it.
8) The length of the sound is indicated with a colon [a:], sometimes with a horizontal line above the letter.
9) To write words, there is a specially developed international phonetic alphabet, which is based on Latin letters, as well as some icons taken from the Greek alphabet.

10) Slavic languages Cyrillic can also be written in Cyrillic letters (this applies to East Slavic languages).

Transcription in Russian

Despite its apparent simplicity, Russian transcription has a lot of nuances, without knowing which it will be difficult to correctly write down the transcribed word. Transcription in Russian is subject to the general rules of transcription, but there are additional features.

1) Consonants are written using all consonants of the Cyrillic letters of the alphabet, with the exception of y and u.
2) b and b do not denote sounds, therefore they are not recorded in transcription.
3) The sounds [th] and [h] are always soft, so in transcription they are not indicated by the softness icon.
4) The sounds [w], [w], [c] are always solid, although in rare cases the letter w can give soft sound[zh "]. If after them there is a letter e, it is written in transcription as [e]: "ts[e] thread".
5) The letter u, in transcription, is the sound [w: "] or [w"].
6) If the vowels are stressed, they are pronounced clearly and written using six characters: [a], [y], [o], [i], [e], [s].
7) Diphthongs yu, i e, e denote two sounds and are written in transcription respectively [yu], [ya], [ye], [yo], provided that they are either at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, b or b , in other cases - after consonants - they denote one sound [y], [a], [e], [o], with the designation of the previous consonant soft.
8) The letter and after the separating b becomes a diphthong and its transcription is [yy] - mura [in "yy].
9) Y in the transcription of some words is written as [j] for example "cha [j] ka".
10) The letters o and a, at the very beginning of a word or in the first syllable without stress in transcription, sound like [a], but the [^] icon is used to write them.
11) After soft consonants in syllables without stress, the letters e and i in transcription will be recorded as a kind of sound [ie]: [r'ieb'ina] - "rowan".
Interestingly, most Russian dictionaries do not indicate the transcription of words, so you need to either learn how to do it yourself, or use the services of online resources that do it.

Transcription in English

If Russian transcription can be written in either Latin or Cyrillic, then English transcription is always written using the IPA Latin alphabet. It is also subject to the rules and symbols common to all languages ​​for transcribing words. However, unlike Russian, the pronunciation of English words has a more historical tradition and often does not follow the rules. In such cases, transcription is the only way to pronounce the word correctly. Therefore, most English words in dictionaries they are written with transcription. The table below shows the main characters used in the transcription of English words.

Knowing what phonetic transcription is is very important, because this knowledge enables anyone not only to correctly read a word in a foreign language, but also to pronounce the words of their native language correctly.

Nov 25

What are the rules of phonetic transcription for schoolchildren studying the Russian language in depth?

Phonetic transcription - 1) this is a system of signs and rules for their combination, designed to record pronunciation; 2) transcription is also called the very spelling of a word or text according to transcription rules.

The process of recording speech using transcription is called transcription.

Phonetic transcription is used to record sound speech.

Phonetic transcription at school

1. Transcription is enclosed in square brackets.

2. In transcription, it is not customary to write capital letters and put punctuation marks when transcribing sentences. Pauses between speech segments (usually coinciding with punctuation marks) are indicated by a double slash // (significant pause) or a single / (shorter pause).

3. In words consisting of more than one syllable, stress is placed: [z'imá] - winter. If two words are combined with a single stress, they make up one phonetic word, which is written together or with the help of a league: to the garden - [fsat], [f_sat].

4. The softness of a consonant sound is indicated by an apostrophe: [s'el] - sat down.

5. Recording of consonants is carried out using all the corresponding letters, except for u and y.

Special superscript or subscript icons can be placed next to the letter. They indicate some features of the sound, for example: o [n '] - an apostrophe denotes soft consonants: [n'obo] - palate;

The length of the sound is indicated by a superscript: [van¯a] - bath, [cas¯a] - cash desk.

The letter u corresponds to the sound that is conveyed by the sign [w ’] y [w ’] spruce - gorge, [sh ’] etina - bristles.

The sounds [w ’], [th], [h] are always soft. Note. For sounds [th], [h], it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated.

Sounds [g], [w], [c] are always solid. Exceptions: soft [w ’] sounds in the words: jury - [w ’] yuri, Julien - [w ’] Julien, Jules - [w ’] Julien.

The letters ъ (hard sign), ь (soft sign) do not denote sounds, i.e. there are no such signs in the transcription for consonants: [razyom] - connector, [triangular] - triangular.

6. Recording vowels

Stressed vowels are transcribed using six characters: and - [and] - [p'ir] feast, s- [s] - [ardor] ardor, y - [y] - [beam] ray, e - [e] - [ l "es] forest, o - [o] - [house] house, a- [a] - [garden] garden.

The letters e, yo, i, yu denote double sounds [ye], [yo], [ya], [yu]: [ya] block - apple, water [yo] m - reservoir, [yu] g - south, [ ye] l - spruce. Letter and after separator soft sign also denotes a double sound [yi]: sparrows [b'yi] - sparrows.

Unstressed vowels [and], [s], [a] are not necessarily used in place of similar letters - you should carefully listen to the pronunciation of the word: mod [s] lier - fashion designer, d [a] ska - board, [and] skursant - excursionist , [a] search - search.

Phonetic transcription in manuals for in-depth study of the Russian language.

1. In some textbooks, additional signs are used to indicate vowels: [Λ], [ie], [ye], [b], [b].

In place of the letters o, and in the first pre-stressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, the sound [Λ] is pronounced: [vΛda] - water, [Λna] - she.

In place of the letters e and i in unstressed syllables, after soft consonants, a vowel is pronounced, intermediate between [i] and [e], but closer to [i], it is denoted [ie] (called “i, prone to e”): [l 'iesá] - forests, [r'ieb'ina] - mountain ash.

In place of the letter e, after solid hissing [w], [w], [c], it is pronounced [ye] (“s, prone to e”): w [ye] lat - to wish, sh [ye] ptat - whisper, q [ ye] on - the price. Exception: dance [a] wat - dance.

The sound [b] (“er”) is pronounced after solid consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters a (locomotive [pravos]), o (milk [milako]), e (yellowness [zhlt "izna]).

The sound [b] (“her”) is pronounced after soft consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters e (transition [n" pr "ihot]), i (ordinary [r" davoj]), a (hour [chsavoj) .

2. The Latin letter j denotes the consonant “yot” in transcription, which sounds in the words blocko - an apple, water - a reservoir, sparrows [b "ji] - sparrows, language - language, sara [j] - barn, ma [j] ka - T-shirt, cha [j] nickname - teapot, etc.

Sample phonetic transcription for school.

[bal’sháya plosh’at’ / na_katorai raspazhy’las’ tse’rkaf’ / was completely zan’itá dl’ i´nym’i r’idam’i t’il’e´k //]

A sample of phonetic transcription for in-depth students of the Russian language at school.

The large square on which the church was located was completely occupied by long rows of carts.

[bΛl’shájъ square’t’ / n_kΛtórj r’splΛzhy´ls’ tse´rkf’/was completely zn’ieta dl’i´n’m’r’iedam’i t’iel»e´k //]

Do you know why Russian is so hard for foreigners to learn? Especially those whose languages ​​are not at all similar to Russian? One of the reasons is that you can’t say anything about our language, that words can be written as they are heard. We say “MALAKO”, but we remember that the word must be written through 3 letters O: “MILKO”.

This is the simplest and most obvious example. And no one, as a rule, thinks about how the transcription (that is, the graphic recording of sounds) of the most familiar words for us looks like. To learn how to figure out what sounds words consist of, schools and even universities perform such a task as phonetic analysis of a word.

It is not easy for everyone, but we will help you understand and successfully cope with it in the classroom and when preparing homework.

Phonetic analysis of the word- a task aimed at disassembling a word into letters and sounds. Compare how many letters it contains and how many sounds. And find out what the same letters are in different provisions can represent different sounds.


There are 10 vowels in the alphabet of the Russian language: "a", "o", "y", "e", "s", "ya", "e", "yu", "e", "i".

But there are only 6 vowels: [a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [and]. The vowels "e", "ё", "yu", "ya" consist of two sounds: vowel + th. They are written as follows: "e" = [y'+e], "e" = [y'+o], "yu" = [y'+y], "i" = [y'+a]. And they are called iotized.

Remember that in transcription “e”, “e”, “yu”, “I” do not always decompose into two sounds. But only in the following cases:

  1. when they stand at the beginning of the word: food [y'eda], ruff [y'orsh], skirt [y'upka], pit [y'ama];
  2. when they stand after other vowels: my [my'em], my [may'o], wash [my'ut], warrior [way'aka];
  3. when they stand after “b” and “b”: pedestal [p’y’ed’estal], drink [p’y’ot], drink [p’y’ut], nightingale [salav’y’a].

If "e", "e", "yu", "i" are in the word after soft consonants, they can be confused with [a], [o], [y], [e]: ball [m'ach'] , honey [m'ot], muesli [m'usl'i], branch [v'etka]. They denote one sound in a position after consonants and under stress.

Not under the stress “e”, “e”, “yu”, “I” give a sound [and]: rows [r’ida], forest [l’isok]. In other cases, the letter "I" without stress can be pronounced as [e]: quagmire [tr'es'ina].

Another interesting thing about the relationship between “b” and vowels: if the letter “i” is after the soft sign in the word, it is pronounced as two sounds: streams [ruch’y’i].

But after the consonants "zh", "sh" and "c", the letter "i" gives the sound [s]: reeds [reeds].

The vowels "a", "o", "u", "e", "s" denote the hardness of consonants. The vowels "e", "ё", "yu", "ya", "and" denote the softness of consonant sounds.

By the way, in many words with the vowel "ё" it is always stressed. But this rule does not work for loanwords (amebiasis) and compound words (such as trinuclear).


There are 21 consonants in Russian. And these letters form as many as 36 sounds! How is this possible? Let's figure it out.

So, among the consonants there are 6 pairs according to the sonority of deafness:

  1. [b] - [p]: [b] a [b] eyelet - [p] a [n] a;
  2. [c] - [f]: [c] oda - [f] anera;
  3. [g] - [k]: [g] olos - [k] orova;
  4. [d] - [t]: [d ’] yatel - [t] teaching;
  5. [w] - [w]: [w ’] life - [w] suba;
  6. [h] - [s]: [h ’] ima - o [s ’] en.

This is interesting because paired sounds are denoted by different letters. Such pairs are not found in all languages. And in some, for example, Korean, paired deaf and ringing sounds denoted by the same letter. Those. the same letter is read as a voiced or unvoiced sound, depending on the position in the word.

And there are 15 pairs of hardness-softness:

  1. [b] - [b ’]: [b] a [b] point - [b ’] tree;
  2. [in] - [in ']: [in] ata - [in '] fork;
  3. [g] - [g ’]: [g] amak - [g ’] idrant;
  4. [d] - [d ']: [d] wait [d '];
  5. [h] - [h ’]: [h] gold - [h ’] to eat;
  6. [k] - [k ']: [k] mouth - [k '] true;
  7. [l] - [l ']: [l] dot - [l '] istik;
  8. [m] - [m ’]: [m] a [m] a - [m ’] claim;
  9. [n] - [n ']: [n] os - [n '] yuh;
  10. [n] - [n ']: [n] archa - [n '] and [n '] mark;
  11. [r] - [r ’]: [r] ys - [r ’] is;
  12. [s] - [s ']: [s] both - [s '] herring;
  13. [t] - [t ’]: [t] apok - [t ’] hen;
  14. [f] - [f ']: [f] camera - [f '] hunting;
  15. [x] - [x ']: [x] okkey - [x '] ek.

As you can see, the softness of sounds is provided by the letter “b” and soft consonants after the consonants.

There are unpaired consonant sounds in Russian that are never deaf:

  • [th '] - [th '] od;
  • [l] - [l]ama;
  • [l '] - [l '] lake;
  • [m] - [m] orkovka;
  • [m '] - [m '] yusli;
  • [n] - [n] rhino;
  • [n '] - [n '] bat;
  • [r] - [r] daisy;
  • [p '] - [p '] child.

To make it easier to remember all voiced sounds, you can use the following phrase: "We didn't forget each other".

As well as unpaired sounds, which, in turn, are never voiced. Try reading the words from the examples aloud and see for yourself:

  • [x] - [x] orek;
  • [x ‘] - [x ‘] irrg;
  • [c] - [c] drop;
  • [h '] - [h '] man;
  • [u’] - [u’] etina.

To remember exactly which sounds remain deaf in any situation, two phrases will help: "Stepka, do you want a cabbage?" - "Fi!" and “Foka, do you want to eat a cabbage soup?”.

If you carefully read the examples above, you probably already noticed that some consonants in Russian are never soft:

  • [f] - [f]uk and even [f] acorn;
  • [w] - [w] uba and [w] ilo are read equally firmly;
  • [c] - [c] scratch and [c] irk - the same thing, the sound is pronounced firmly.

Remember that in some borrowed words and names, “w” is still soft [w ’]: jury [w ’] yuri, Julien [w ’] julienne.

Similarly, there are consonants in Russian that are never pronounced firmly:

  • [th '] - [th '] cucumber;
  • [h '] - [h '] yell and [h '] asy - the sound is equally soft;
  • [u’] - [u’] eka and [u’] dropped - similarly: no matter what vowel comes after this consonant, it is still pronounced softly.

Sometimes, in some textbooks, the softness of these sounds is not indicated by an apostrophe during transcription - since everyone already knows that these sounds are not hard in Russian. And “u” is often referred to as [w ’:].

Remember also that the consonants "zh", "sh", "h", "u" are called hissing.

Phonetic parsing plan

  1. First you need to spell the word correctly in terms of spelling.
  2. Then divide the word into syllables (remember that there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it), mark the stressed syllable.
  3. The next item is the phonetic transcription of the word. Do not immediately transcribe the word - first try to pronounce it out loud. If necessary, speak several times - until you can say with certainty which sounds to record.
  4. Describe in order all vowel sounds: designate stressed and unstressed.
  5. Describe in order all consonant sounds: designate paired and unpaired ones according to sonority / deafness and hardness / softness.
  6. Count and write down how many letters and how many sounds are in the word.
  7. Note those cases in which the number of sounds does not correspond to the number of letters, and explain them.

In written phonetic analysis, sounds are written from top to bottom in a column, each sound is enclosed in square brackets -. At the end, you should draw a line and under it write down the number of letters and sounds in the word.

Special transcription marks

Now about how to correctly designate sounds during transcription:

  • ["] - this is how the stressed vowel is designated in the main stressed syllable (O "canopy);
  • [ `] - this is how a side (secondary) sub-stressed vowel sound is indicated: usually such a sub-stressed syllable is located at the beginning of a word, occurs in compound words and words with prefixes anti-, inter-, near-, counter-, over-, super-, ex-, vice- and others (`near "many);
  • ['] - a sign of softening a consonant sound;
  • [Λ] - transcription sign for "o" and "a" in the following cases: position at the beginning of a word, the first pre-stressed syllable in a position after a solid consonant (arch [Λrka], king [kΛrol']);
  • - a more "advanced" transcription sign for recording iotized sounds, you can also use [y '].
  • [and e] - something between [and] and [e], used to denote the vowels "a", "e", "e" in the first pre-stressed syllable in a position after a soft consonant (baubles [bl "and e sleep]) ;
  • [s e] - something between [s] and [e] or [s] and [a], is used to denote the vowels “e”, “e” in the first pre-stressed syllable in position after a solid consonant (whisper [shy e ptat '];
  • [b] - a transcription sign for the vowels "o", "a", "e" in positions after a solid consonant in the pre-stressed and stressed syllable (milk [milk]);
  • [b] - a transcription sign for the vowels "o", "a", "ya", "e" in the position after a soft consonant in an unstressed syllable (mitten [var'shka]);
  • [–] - a sign indicating the absence of sound in place of "ъ" and "ь";
  • [ ‾ ] / [ : ] - transcription signs (you can use one or the other of your choice - this will not be a mistake) to indicate the longitude of consonants (be afraid of [bΛy’atz: b]).

As you can see, everything is very difficult with the transcription of letters into sounds. AT school curriculum, as a rule, these complicated and more precise transcription marks are not used or are used little. Only when in-depth study Russian language. Therefore, instead of “and with an overtone e” and other complex designations, it is allowed to use the sounds [a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [i] and [th ’] in phonetic analysis.

Transcription rules

Do not forget also about the following rules for transcription of consonants:

  • voicing of deaf consonants in a position before voiced ones (bend [zg'ibat '], mowing [kΛz'ba]);
  • stunning voiced consonants in position at the end of a word (ark [kΛfch'ek]);
  • stunning a voiced consonant in a position before a deaf one, for example, a voiced “g”, which can turn into deaf sounds [k] and [x] (nails [noct’i], light [l’ohk’iy’]);
  • softening of the consonants "n", "s", "z", "t", "d" in a position in front of soft consonants (kantik [kan't'ik]);
  • mitigation of “s” and “z” in prefixes with-, from-, times- in the position before “b” (remove [from’y’at’]);
  • unreadable consonants "t", "d", "v", "l" in combinations of several consonant letters in a row: in this case, the combination "stn" is pronounced as [sn], and "zdn" - as [zn] (district [uy 'ezny']);
  • combinations of the letters "sch", "zch", "zsch" are read as [u'] (accounts [sh'oty]);
  • combinations of "ch", "th" are pronounced [w] (what [what], of course [kΛn'eshn]);
  • infinitive suffixes -tsya / -tsya are transcribed [c] (bite [bite: b]);
  • the endings of the -th / -it are pronounced through the sound [in] (your [tvy’evo]);
  • in words with double consonants, two transcription options are possible: 1) double consonants are located after the stressed syllable and form a double sound (kassa [kas: b]); 2) double consonants are located before the stressed syllable and give the usual consonant sound (million [m'il'ion]).

And now let's look at the phonetic transcription of words with examples. For recording, we will use a simplified system of transcription of consonants.

Examples of phonetic transcription of words

  1. departure
  2. ot-e "zd (2 syllables, stress falls on the 2nd syllable)
  3. [aty'e "st]
  4. o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    t- [t] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    ъ – [–]
    e - [y ’] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), soft (unpaired) and [e] - vowel, stressed
    s - [s] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    d - [t] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
  5. 6 letters, 6 sounds
  6. The letter "e" after the dividing "b" gives two sounds: [th "] and [e]; the letter "d" at the end of the word is stunned into the sound [t]; the letter "z" is stunned to the sound [c] in the position before the deaf sound.

One more example:

  1. grammar
  2. gram-ma "-ti-ka (4 syllables, stress falls on the 2nd syllable)
  3. [gram: at "ika]
  4. g - [g] - consonant, voiced (paired), solid (solid)
    p - [r] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    mm - [m:] - double sound, consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, stressed
    t - [t '] - consonant, deaf (pair), soft (pair)
    k - [k] - consonant, deaf (paired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, unstressed
  5. 10 letters, 9 sounds
  6. Double consonants "mm" give a double sound [m:]

And last:

  1. became
  2. sta-no-vi "-lis (4 syllables, stress falls on the 3rd syllable)
  3. [standav'i "l'is']
  4. s - [s] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    t - [t] - concordant, deaf (paired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    n - [n] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    in - [in '] - consonant, voiced (paired), soft (paired)
    and - [and] - vowel, stressed
    l - [l '] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), soft (paired)
    and - [and] - vowel, unstressed
    s - [s '] - consonant, deaf (paired), soft (paired)
    b - [-]
  5. 11 letters, 10 sounds
  6. The letter "o" in unstressed position gives a sound [a]; the letter "b" does not denote a sound and serves to soften the consonant preceding it.

Instead of an afterword

Well, did this article help you deal with the phonetic parsing of words? It is not so easy to correctly write down the sounds that make up a word - there are many pitfalls along the way. But we tried to make it easier for you and explain all the slippery moments in as much detail as possible. Now such a task at school will not seem very difficult to you. Don't forget to teach your classmates and show them our helpful instructions.

Use this article when preparing for lessons and passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination. And be sure to tell us in the comments what examples phonetic parsing words are given to you at school.

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Do you know why Russian is so hard for foreigners to learn? Especially those whose languages ​​are not at all similar to Russian? One of the reasons is that you can’t say anything about our language, that words can be written as they are heard. We say “MALAKO”, but we remember that the word must be written through 3 letters O: “MILKO”.

This is the simplest and most obvious example. And no one, as a rule, thinks about how the transcription (that is, the graphic recording of sounds) of the most familiar words for us looks like. To learn how to figure out what sounds words consist of, schools and even universities perform such a task as phonetic analysis of a word.

It is not easy for everyone, but we will help you understand and successfully cope with it in the classroom and when preparing homework.

Phonetic analysis of the word- a task aimed at disassembling a word into letters and sounds. Compare how many letters it contains and how many sounds. And find out that the same letters in different positions can mean different sounds.


There are 10 vowels in the alphabet of the Russian language: "a", "o", "y", "e", "s", "ya", "e", "yu", "e", "i".

But there are only 6 vowels: [a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [and]. The vowels "e", "ё", "yu", "ya" consist of two sounds: vowel + th. They are written as follows: "e" = [y'+e], "e" = [y'+o], "yu" = [y'+y], "i" = [y'+a]. And they are called iotized.

Remember that in transcription “e”, “e”, “yu”, “I” do not always decompose into two sounds. But only in the following cases:

  1. when they stand at the beginning of the word: food [y'eda], ruff [y'orsh], skirt [y'upka], pit [y'ama];
  2. when they stand after other vowels: my [my'em], my [may'o], wash [my'ut], warrior [way'aka];
  3. when they stand after “b” and “b”: pedestal [p’y’ed’estal], drink [p’y’ot], drink [p’y’ut], nightingale [salav’y’a].

If "e", "e", "yu", "i" are in the word after soft consonants, they can be confused with [a], [o], [y], [e]: ball [m'ach'] , honey [m'ot], muesli [m'usl'i], branch [v'etka]. They denote one sound in a position after consonants and under stress.

Not under the stress “e”, “e”, “yu”, “I” give a sound [and]: rows [r’ida], forest [l’isok]. In other cases, the letter "I" without stress can be pronounced as [e]: quagmire [tr'es'ina].

Another interesting thing about the relationship between “b” and vowels: if the letter “i” is after the soft sign in the word, it is pronounced as two sounds: streams [ruch’y’i].

But after the consonants "zh", "sh" and "c", the letter "i" gives the sound [s]: reeds [reeds].

The vowels "a", "o", "u", "e", "s" denote the hardness of consonants. The vowels "e", "ё", "yu", "ya", "and" denote the softness of consonant sounds.

By the way, in many words with the vowel "ё" it is always stressed. But this rule does not work for loanwords (amebiasis) and compound words (such as trinuclear).


There are 21 consonants in Russian. And these letters form as many as 36 sounds! How is this possible? Let's figure it out.

So, among the consonants there are 6 pairs according to the sonority of deafness:

  1. [b] - [p]: [b] a [b] eyelet - [p] a [n] a;
  2. [c] - [f]: [c] oda - [f] anera;
  3. [g] - [k]: [g] olos - [k] orova;
  4. [d] - [t]: [d ’] yatel - [t] teaching;
  5. [w] - [w]: [w ’] life - [w] suba;
  6. [h] - [s]: [h ’] ima - o [s ’] en.

This is interesting because paired sounds are denoted by different letters. Such pairs are not found in all languages. And in some, for example, Korean, paired voiceless and voiced sounds are indicated by the same letter. Those. the same letter is read as a voiced or unvoiced sound, depending on the position in the word.

And there are 15 pairs of hardness-softness:

  1. [b] - [b ’]: [b] a [b] point - [b ’] tree;
  2. [in] - [in ']: [in] ata - [in '] fork;
  3. [g] - [g ’]: [g] amak - [g ’] idrant;
  4. [d] - [d ']: [d] wait [d '];
  5. [h] - [h ’]: [h] gold - [h ’] to eat;
  6. [k] - [k ']: [k] mouth - [k '] true;
  7. [l] - [l ']: [l] dot - [l '] istik;
  8. [m] - [m ’]: [m] a [m] a - [m ’] claim;
  9. [n] - [n ']: [n] os - [n '] yuh;
  10. [n] - [n ']: [n] archa - [n '] and [n '] mark;
  11. [r] - [r ’]: [r] ys - [r ’] is;
  12. [s] - [s ']: [s] both - [s '] herring;
  13. [t] - [t ’]: [t] apok - [t ’] hen;
  14. [f] - [f ']: [f] camera - [f '] hunting;
  15. [x] - [x ']: [x] okkey - [x '] ek.

As you can see, the softness of sounds is provided by the letter “b” and soft consonants after the consonants.

There are unpaired consonant sounds in Russian that are never deaf:

  • [th '] - [th '] od;
  • [l] - [l]ama;
  • [l '] - [l '] lake;
  • [m] - [m] orkovka;
  • [m '] - [m '] yusli;
  • [n] - [n] rhino;
  • [n '] - [n '] bat;
  • [r] - [r] daisy;
  • [p '] - [p '] child.

To make it easier to remember all voiced sounds, you can use the following phrase: "We didn't forget each other".

As well as unpaired sounds, which, in turn, are never voiced. Try reading the words from the examples aloud and see for yourself:

  • [x] - [x] orek;
  • [x ‘] - [x ‘] irrg;
  • [c] - [c] drop;
  • [h '] - [h '] man;
  • [u’] - [u’] etina.

To remember exactly which sounds remain deaf in any situation, two phrases will help: "Stepka, do you want a cabbage?" - "Fi!" and “Foka, do you want to eat a cabbage soup?”.

If you carefully read the examples above, you probably already noticed that some consonants in Russian are never soft:

  • [f] - [f]uk and even [f] acorn;
  • [w] - [w] uba and [w] ilo are read equally firmly;
  • [c] - [c] scratch and [c] irk - the same thing, the sound is pronounced firmly.

Remember that in some borrowed words and names, “w” is still soft [w ’]: jury [w ’] yuri, Julien [w ’] julienne.

Similarly, there are consonants in Russian that are never pronounced firmly:

  • [th '] - [th '] cucumber;
  • [h '] - [h '] yell and [h '] asy - the sound is equally soft;
  • [u’] - [u’] eka and [u’] dropped - similarly: no matter what vowel comes after this consonant, it is still pronounced softly.

Sometimes, in some textbooks, the softness of these sounds is not indicated by an apostrophe during transcription - since everyone already knows that these sounds are not hard in Russian. And “u” is often referred to as [w ’:].

Remember also that the consonants "zh", "sh", "h", "u" are called hissing.

Phonetic parsing plan

  1. First you need to spell the word correctly in terms of spelling.
  2. Then divide the word into syllables (remember that there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it), mark the stressed syllable.
  3. The next item is the phonetic transcription of the word. Do not immediately transcribe the word - first try to pronounce it out loud. If necessary, speak several times - until you can say with certainty which sounds to record.
  4. Describe in order all vowel sounds: designate stressed and unstressed.
  5. Describe in order all consonant sounds: designate paired and unpaired ones according to sonority / deafness and hardness / softness.
  6. Count and write down how many letters and how many sounds are in the word.
  7. Note those cases in which the number of sounds does not correspond to the number of letters, and explain them.

In written phonetic analysis, sounds are written from top to bottom in a column, each sound is enclosed in square brackets -. At the end, you should draw a line and under it write down the number of letters and sounds in the word.

Special transcription marks

Now about how to correctly designate sounds during transcription:

  • ["] - this is how the stressed vowel is designated in the main stressed syllable (O "canopy);
  • [ `] - this is how a side (secondary) substressed vowel sound is indicated: usually such a substressed syllable is located at the beginning of a word, occurs in compound words and words with prefixes anti-, inter-, near-, counter-, super-, super-, ex -, vice and others (`near "many);
  • ['] - a sign of softening a consonant sound;
  • [Λ] - transcription sign for "o" and "a" in the following cases: position at the beginning of a word, the first pre-stressed syllable in a position after a solid consonant (arch [Λrka], king [kΛrol']);
  • - a more "advanced" transcription sign for recording iotized sounds, you can also use [y '].
  • [and e] - something between [and] and [e], used to denote the vowels "a", "e", "e" in the first pre-stressed syllable in a position after a soft consonant (baubles [bl "and e sleep]) ;
  • [s e] - something between [s] and [e] or [s] and [a], is used to denote the vowels “e”, “e” in the first pre-stressed syllable in position after a solid consonant (whisper [shy e ptat '];
  • [b] - a transcription sign for the vowels "o", "a", "e" in positions after a solid consonant in the pre-stressed and stressed syllable (milk [milk]);
  • [b] - a transcription sign for the vowels "o", "a", "ya", "e" in the position after a soft consonant in an unstressed syllable (mitten [var'shka]);
  • [–] - a sign indicating the absence of sound in place of "ъ" and "ь";
  • [ ‾ ] / [ : ] - transcription signs (you can use one or the other of your choice - this will not be a mistake) to indicate the longitude of consonants (be afraid of [bΛy’atz: b]).

As you can see, everything is very difficult with the transcription of letters into sounds. In the school curriculum, as a rule, these complicated and more accurate transcription signs are not used or are used little. Only with in-depth study of the Russian language. Therefore, instead of “and with an overtone e” and other complex designations, it is allowed to use the sounds [a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [i] and [th ’] in phonetic analysis.

Transcription rules

Do not forget also about the following rules for transcription of consonants:

  • voicing of deaf consonants in a position before voiced ones (bend [zg'ibat '], mowing [kΛz'ba]);
  • stunning voiced consonants in position at the end of a word (ark [kΛfch'ek]);
  • stunning a voiced consonant in a position before a deaf one, for example, a voiced “g”, which can turn into deaf sounds [k] and [x] (nails [noct’i], light [l’ohk’iy’]);
  • softening of the consonants "n", "s", "z", "t", "d" in a position in front of soft consonants (kantik [kan't'ik]);
  • mitigation of “s” and “z” in prefixes with-, from-, times- in the position before “b” (remove [from’y’at’]);
  • unreadable consonants "t", "d", "v", "l" in combinations of several consonant letters in a row: in this case, the combination "stn" is pronounced as [sn], and "zdn" - as [zn] (district [uy 'ezny']);
  • combinations of the letters "sch", "zch", "zsch" are read as [u'] (accounts [sh'oty]);
  • combinations of "ch", "th" are pronounced [w] (what [what], of course [kΛn'eshn]);
  • infinitive suffixes -tsya / -tsya are transcribed [c] (bite [bite: b]);
  • the endings of the -th / -it are pronounced through the sound [in] (your [tvy’evo]);
  • in words with double consonants, two transcription options are possible: 1) double consonants are located after the stressed syllable and form a double sound (kassa [kas: b]); 2) double consonants are located before the stressed syllable and give the usual consonant sound (million [m'il'ion]).

And now let's look at the phonetic transcription of words with examples. For recording, we will use a simplified system of transcription of consonants.

Examples of phonetic transcription of words

  1. departure
  2. ot-e "zd (2 syllables, stress falls on the 2nd syllable)
  3. [aty'e "st]
  4. o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    t- [t] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    ъ – [–]
    e - [y ’] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), soft (unpaired) and [e] - vowel, stressed
    s - [s] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    d - [t] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
  5. 6 letters, 6 sounds
  6. The letter "e" after the dividing "b" gives two sounds: [th "] and [e]; the letter "d" at the end of the word is stunned into the sound [t]; the letter "z" is stunned to the sound [c] in the position before the deaf sound.

One more example:

  1. grammar
  2. gram-ma "-ti-ka (4 syllables, stress falls on the 2nd syllable)
  3. [gram: at "ika]
  4. g - [g] - consonant, voiced (paired), solid (solid)
    p - [r] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    mm - [m:] - double sound, consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, stressed
    t - [t '] - consonant, deaf (pair), soft (pair)
    k - [k] - consonant, deaf (paired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, unstressed
  5. 10 letters, 9 sounds
  6. Double consonants "mm" give a double sound [m:]

And last:

  1. became
  2. sta-no-vi "-lis (4 syllables, stress falls on the 3rd syllable)
  3. [standav'i "l'is']
  4. s - [s] - consonant, deaf (pair), hard (pair)
    t - [t] - concordant, deaf (paired), solid (paired)
    a - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    n - [n] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), solid (paired)
    o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
    in - [in '] - consonant, voiced (paired), soft (paired)
    and - [and] - vowel, stressed
    l - [l '] - consonant, voiced (unpaired), soft (paired)
    and - [and] - vowel, unstressed
    s - [s '] - consonant, deaf (paired), soft (paired)
    b - [-]
  5. 11 letters, 10 sounds
  6. The letter "o" in an unstressed position gives the sound [a]; the letter "b" does not denote a sound and serves to soften the consonant preceding it.

Instead of an afterword

Well, did this article help you deal with the phonetic parsing of words? It is not so easy to correctly write down the sounds that make up a word - there are many pitfalls along the way. But we tried to make it easier for you and explain all the slippery moments in as much detail as possible. Now such a task at school will not seem very difficult to you. Don't forget to teach your classmates and show them our helpful instructions.

Use this article when preparing for lessons and passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination. And be sure to tell us in the comments what examples of phonetic parsing of words you are asked at school., with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.