Gerasim is a serf. Serfdom and personality (according to I. Turgenev's story "Mumu"). Gerasim - the main character of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

    Gerasim is a janitor who lived with a mistress. This is a tall man, very strong, but in addition to these good qualities he had his own ailment that prevented him from living - he was deaf and mute. Gerasim is unsociable, hardworking. He didn't like drunks. As I said, Gerasim...

    Gerasim is a man who belonged to an old lady. He lived in the village, but then he was taken to the city. He looked gloomy: big, healthy, strong. But he had one very big flaw: he was deaf and dumb. Gerasim worked as a janitor and was very...

    Small excerpts from "Memories of the family of I. S. Turgenev" by V. Zhitova and the story "Mumu". “Approaching the village, Varvara. Petrovna and all of us were amazed at the extraordinary growth of one peasant plowing in the field. Varvara Petrovna ordered the carriage to be stopped...

    GERASIM is the central character in I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu" (1852), a dumb janitor of a self-indulgent lady, a man of a strict and serious disposition, a real Russian hero, of enormous growth and extraordinary physical strength. The fate of G. is not invented - the basis of the plot ...

    No matter how admiring Turgenev is for the poetic power and moral purity of Russian people, he nevertheless notices that centuries of serfdom have weaned the people from feeling. himself the master native land, citizen. This idea is especially pronounced in the stories ...

  1. New!

    Gerasim - main character I. S. Turgenev's story "Mumu". (Gerasim is a serf, discharged by a lady from the village and appointed as a janitor in the Moscow house of a landowner.) The qualities of the Russian folk character embodied in Gerasim: heroic ...

The action of the story takes place in a Moscow estate owned by an old, nasty, nasty young lady who loves the old way of life of the nobility and contains a large (to the grotesque) number of courtyard people. She even has her own saddler, what can we say about a shoemaker and a veterinarian?! The entire household is forced to indulge the whims of the old woman, to fulfill her desires. The theme of submission, the resignation of the serfs is especially well reflected in the image of the girl Tatyana, who is almost devoid of the manifestation of vital emotions, she sincerely does not care who she will marry.

What is the point in expressing your opinion if it is not recognized by anyone?

Of all the courtyard people, Gerasim stands out, who is a janitor and watchman in the manor's yard. Gerasim was brought from a village that was twenty-five miles from the Moscow estate. Describing this situation, the author again resorts to the method of comparing a serf with a disenfranchised animal - they drove Gerasim like a bull taken from arable land and put on a wagon, but he was driving and did not understand where he was being taken and why, for what reasons they were tearing him away from his native land? (Rights are out of the question.) They noticed him for his strength, efficiency, responsibility. The author himself compares Gerasim with a giant oak that grew up in the wild. And indeed, in the image of Gerasim, all the qualities of the Russian daring hero-warrior are concentrated: twelve inches of growth, work for four, honesty, courage. The details accompanying his image also reinforce the integrity of this perception: the bed is on chumps of oak planks, even if you put a hundred pounds on it, even if you put more on it, it will not sag! The chair in the room is stocky, solid, like the owner himself - no matter how much they drop it, but it is unharmed! In the image of Gerasim, the author expresses his admiration for the stamina, strength, inner greatness of the Russian peasant, his connection with nature and the breadth of his soul. But all the beauty of this image fades away, disappears in slavish conditions, in the “cage” of courtyard life, in the silence and impotence of a serf. After all, it’s not just that the author endows Gerasim, the hero, with dumbness and deafness. This is not an illness, it is an expression of the behavior of the peasants, with the help of which they will not receive unnecessary lashes and similar punishment. Gerasim - collective image Russian forced serf: unquestioning obedience, deafness to what is not necessary to know and dumbness in the manifestation of any protest. It is surprising that in the story it was the mute Gerasim who became the spokesman for a kind of popular protest against the oppression of human freedom. The protest was expressed in the escape of Gerasim, in the impossibility of remaining more "hero" bound hand and foot by the will of the mistress, in the desire to return to his native home, to work on a grand scale in the field. But did this protest find a response? Did he change something? No, after all, at the end of the story, the author affirms the idea that “Gerasim still lives ...”, in which the meaning is hidden, that the dumb, dumb, and weak-willed Russian serf still lives and nothing changes.

The genre of this work is short story. Tie. The deaf-mute Gerasim was brought to Moscow from the village. He became a janitor for a lady. Action development. The tyranny of the lady breaks the fate of Gerasim. First, the peasant is torn off the ground, brought to the city, forced to do work alien to him. Then, at the whim of the lady, they give Tatiana, who has fallen in love with Gerasim, to marry the drunkard Kapiton. In the end, they deprive Gerasim of the only expensive creature - Mumu. Climax. The lady ordered to remove the dog from the yard. Interchange. Gerasim carried out the order of the mistress, drowned him in the Mumu River and went back to the village.

Gerasim, before arriving in the city, lived in the countryside, engaged in hard peasant labor. This work not only fed him, but also gave him pleasure. He, “as if on his own, without the help of a horse,” easily plowed the unyielding land and generally resembled a hero. Lifestyle change is not fun. Turgenev, with the help of images of nature, explains how difficult his new position is for Gerasim. Now the hero of the story looks like a bull who is being taken to no one knows where, and with all his might and strength he is unable to change his life, then he lies face down in the courtyard of the manor's house for hours, like a caught beast. The description of the interior of his closet also helps to understand the character of Gerasim: a “truly heroic bed” on four logs, a small but very durable table, a three-legged chair - everything was made by him. Gerasim smiles, seeing that the chair does not lose its stability even after hitting the ground.

The hero of the story is a serf, the property of a lady. This fact is very important for its characterization. He is obliged to bring benefit to his mistress and not to bother with any of his desires. His attention to Tatyana, a laundress from a large household, his mistress is not at all interesting.

Gerasim distinguishes Tatyana from the whole environment, because with his heart he knows how to guess those who may need his help and protection.

Gerasim's love for the unfortunate rescued puppy, found on the day of parting with Tatyana, arises immediately and for a long time. Having arranged his find, Gerasim fell asleep in some very light, happy dream. Mumu responds to Gerasim with attention and love.

Why does Gerasim still carry out the will of the absurd lady? He is a forced man and, like any serf, must unquestioningly carry out the master's order. He cannot even marry of his choice. Having fulfilled the order to kill Mumu, he lost the last thing that was dear to him. Gerasim rebels, leaves the city, from the mistress, returns to his native village. This is a strong-willed act of a brave and determined person. The image of Gerasim embodies the idea that self-esteem is inherent in a person, regardless of his origin, this image is imbued with the author's sympathy.

The mistress is an absurd, self-willed, domineering woman. Whims, mood swings, tyranny guide her actions. For the sake of entertainment, she decides to start the wedding of Tatyana and Kapiton, and when she sees that nothing came of this venture, she sends them out of sight. Interest in Mumu is replaced by anger and a desire to get rid of her. The lady considers herself entitled to dis-

indulge in the fate of others. Any single life for her means nothing. Fortunately for Gerasim, she regarded his departure only as ingratitude and did not look for the fugitive and initiate a trial.

Watching the fate of the heroes of the story, one can imagine the life of serfs in Russia at that time. Turgenev shows that serfdom disfigures not only the peasants and households, but also the masters themselves. Gerasim's deaf-muteness is not only his own flaw. This is a sign of the inability to express oneself, to be heard.

Serfdom and personality (according to I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu")

One of the most difficult works to understand, which is included in the 5th grade program, is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". It can be very difficult for fifth-graders to appreciate the depth and seriousness of a work. First of all, the guys feel sorry for the unfortunate dog Mumu, they feel sorry and at the same time admire the heroic strength of the deaf-mute Gerasim, someone condemns him for drowning Mumu without trying to resist the mistress. That is, first of all, it is emotions. And the whole difficulty of this work lies in the fact that, throwing aside emotions, to see in the deaf-mute Gerasim a symbol of serf Russia - just as strong, powerful and unable to speak, to resist.

This lesson is the last in the study of this work. The results are summed up, conclusions are drawn, the facts of the writer's biography are recalled.

  • 1) Educational:
    • - repeat knowledge about childhood and the beginning of the literary path of I.S. Turgenev, plunging into the era in which the writer lived and worked, develop interest in the personality of the writer and his work;
    • - recall the history of the creation of the story "Mumu";
    • - Consider the characters and their actions.
  • 2) Developing:
    • - to form the ability to analyze the text of a work of art;
    • - to develop the ability to express one's thoughts, to evaluate the hero's act - to generalize, draw conclusions;
    • - to form an idea about the heroes of the work on the basis of a comparison of verbal and graphic images;
    • - learn to succinctly state the narrative text;
    • - develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary;
    • - to continue work on the development of the culture of speech of schoolchildren.
  • 3) Educational:
    • - education of universal values;
    • - the ability to work in a group: respect the opinion of a friend, the development of a sense of mutual assistance, support.

During the classes

Good afternoon guys. We have read the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Mumu". In our lesson, we finish talking about this surprisingly interesting, but at the same time very complex work of the great Russian writer of the second half of the 19th century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, "Mumu". Today we have to solve a difficult problem, which lies in such concepts: serfdom and personality. Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

First, we need to define the meaning of these concepts. Houses by explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova, our classmates looked at the meaning of these words and wrote them down in their notebooks. Let's read them. (Pre-prepared students read the definitions).

Serfdom is a historical system in Russia, a form of dependence of peasants: attaching them to the land and subordinating them to administrative and judiciary feudal lord. AT Western Europe(where in the Middle Ages English villans, Catalan Remenses, French and Italian serfs were in the position of serfs), elements of serfdom disappeared in the 16th-18th centuries. In the Central and Eastern Europe in these same centuries severe forms of serfdom spread; here serfdom was abolished during the reforms of the late 18th-19th centuries. In Russia, on a national scale, serfdom was formalized by the Sudebnik of 1497, decrees on reserved years and lesson years, and finally - by the Cathedral Code of 1649. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. the entire non-free population merged into the serfs. Canceled peasant reform 1861).

Serf man - Serf - 1. Relating to social order, in which the landowner had the right to forced labor, property and personality of peasants attached to the land and belonging to him. 2. Serf.

Personality - a person as a carrier of some properties.

The story "Mumu" was written in 1851, nine years before 1861, when serfdom was abolished. Let's write in a notebook:

  • 1852 - the story "Mumu", 1861 - the abolition of serfdom.
  • - What is serfdom?
  • (Message pre-trained student)

The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups, called estates: the nobility, the clergy, the merchants, the bourgeoisie (small merchants, artisans, petty employees), the peasantry. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged estates.

The nobles had the right to own land and people - serfs. More than half of the peasant population of Central Russia was a serf.

  • - What do you know about serfs? (children's answers)
  • - The nobleman who owned the peasants could impose any punishment on them, could sell the peasants, including separating families; for example, to sell a mother to one landowner and her children to another. Serfs were considered by law the full property of the master. In fact, it was a legalized form of slavery. The peasants had to work for the landowner in his field (corvée) or give him part of the money they earned (tire).

Often the nobles lived in villages that belonged to them, but it happened that the nobles traveled, lived in the city or abroad, and the manager was in charge of the village. If a noble family lived in their own house in the city, it was served by numerous households, that is, serfs who lived with their owners in the city.

  • - Guys, what class did I.S. Turgenev belong to?
  • (children's answers)
  • - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born in the Oryol province. The village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo is located a few versts from Mtsensk. county town Oryol province. A huge manor estate, in a birch grove, with a horseshoe-shaped estate, with a church, with a house of forty rooms, endless services, greenhouses, wine cellars, pantries, stables, with a park and an orchard.

Spasskoye belonged to the Lutovinovs. The last of the Lutovinovs was owned by the maiden Varvara Petrovna, the mother of the future writer. What information do you know about her?

Student: Turgenev's mother, Varvara Petrovna, nee Lutovinova, is a domineering, intelligent and sufficiently educated woman, she did not shine with beauty. She was small, squat, with a broad face, spoiled by smallpox. And only the eyes were good: large, dark and shiny. Having lost her father early, she was brought up in her stepfather's family, where she felt like a stranger and powerless. She was forced to run away from home and found shelter with her uncle, who kept her in strictness and threatened to kick her out of the house for the slightest disobedience. But unexpectedly, the uncle died, leaving his niece huge estates and almost five thousand serfs.

She was already in her thirties when a young officer, Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, came to Spasskoye to buy horses from her factory. What information about the father of Ivan Sergeevich do we know?

Student: It was a young officer who came from an old noble family, by that time impoverished. He was handsome, graceful, smart.

Varvara Petrovna immediately fell in love with the young officer. Their wedding took place in 1816. A year later, their son Nikolai was born, and then the son Ivan. And what does Turgenev remember about his childhood?

Student: The upbringing of children was mainly carried out by Varvara Petrovna. The suffering she endured in her time in the house of her stepfather and uncle was reflected in her character. Wayward, capricious, she treated her children unevenly. “I have nothing to remember my childhood,” Turgenev said many years later. - Not a single bright memory. I was afraid of my mother like fire. I was punished for every trifle - in a word, they drilled me like a recruit. A rare day passed without a rod, when I dared to ask why I was being punished, my mother categorically stated: “You better know about it, guess.”

  • - Even as a child, having known the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev took an oath to Annibalov: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated ... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was a serf right. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to try on ... This was my Annibal oath. "Notes of a hunter", the story "Mumu" - these are the first works in which the vow given by the young writer is fulfilled.
  • So, let's get back to the story. To begin with, we need to recall the atmosphere of the manor house and its mistress - the lady.
  • - What does the lady's house look like? (In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony).
  • - Draw a verbal portrait of the lady. (An old woman, in a white cap, possibly with pince-nez). Serf right personality mumu
  • - What did we learn about the lady at the very beginning of the story? (A widow surrounded by numerous households. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out and lived in solitude last years his miserly and bored old age. Her day, joyless and rainy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than the night).
  • - If we summarize our observations, what conclusion can be drawn? Who is this lady and what is the atmosphere of that house in which all events unfold? (The manor's house is neglected, not well maintained. The old lady, forgotten by everyone, is living out her life. The sons served in St. Petersburg, the daughters got married and, probably, rarely visited their mother).
  • - Turgenev shows us a domineering and capricious old woman. But she is not the main character of the story. And who is the main character? (Gerasim).
  • - We have to work in groups and answer some questions.
  • (Group work)
  • Group 1: “How does the author describe Gerasim? How did Gerasim work? Support your answers with quotes.

An approximate answer of the children of the 1st group: Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most wonderful person" of the whole servant. Gerasim was a tall man of heroic build, deaf-mute from birth. The author writes: “Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him when he either plowed and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, it seemed, alone, without the help of a horse, cut up the elastic chest of the earth either, on Peter's day, the scythe acted so crushingly that even a young birch forest would be brushed off the roots, or it thrashed agilely and non-stop with a three-foot flail, and the oblong and hard muscles of his shoulders lowered and rose like a lever. The constant silence gave solemn importance to his indefatigable work. He was a nice peasant, and, if it were not for his misfortune, every girl would willingly marry him ... "

According to this description, one can judge the author's attitude towards his hero: Turgenev admires Gerasim, his strength and greed for work. Turgenev speaks of his indefatigability and diligence.

Group 2: What is a comparison? Find comparisons in the description of Gerasim's work.

Approximate answer of children of the 2nd group: Comparison - the image of one phenomenon by comparing it with another. Examples of comparisons: “... like a lever, the oblong and hard muscles of his shoulders went down and up”; Turgenev compares Gerasim with a young, healthy bull, “who had just been taken from the field, where juicy grass grew up to his belly”; Gerasim in the city feels "like a captured beast"; Gerasim "looked like a sedate gander"; when Gerasim worked, “the ax rang like glass, and fragments and logs flew in all directions ...”

Group 3: What is hyperbole? Find examples of hyperbole in the text. What features of Gerasim impress you the most?

Approximate answer of children of the 3rd group: Hyperbole is a strong exaggeration. Describing the power of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperbole. The writer says about the bed: "one hundred pounds could be put on it - it would not bend." When Gerasim mowed, he could "brush a young birch forest down with its roots." He hit two cows with their foreheads against each other in such a way that “at least don’t take them to the police later.” Gerasim is strong, he loves to work, he is neat, he always does everything thoroughly.

Group 4: “Find in the text a description of Gerasim's closet. Why do you think the author describes the hero’s dwelling in such detail?

An approximate answer of the children of the 4th group: Gerasim's closet was small and was located above the kitchen. “... He arranged it for himself, according to his own taste: he built in it a bed of oak planks on four logs, a truly heroic bed; one hundred pounds could be put on it - it would not bend; under the bed was a hefty chest; in the corner stood a table of the same strong quality, and next to the table was a chair with three legs, so strong and squat that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin. The closet was locked with a lock, reminiscent of its appearance kalach, only black; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn't like to be visited." Turgenev describes Gerasim's closet in such detail in order to use this description to show in more detail the character of the hero: unsociable, strong.

  • - Let's turn to the illustrations that you have prepared. (Working with illustrations of students. Many students depicted Gerasim. They argue their answers).
  • - What is your impression of Gerasim? What kind of person was he? Gerasim is like a Russian epic hero. Nature endowed him with beauty, health, intelligence, a kind heart, but forgot to give him speech and hearing. Gerasim loves peasant work, knows how to work on the land. But work in the garden - with a broom and a barrel - seems ridiculous to him, but he stubbornly carries out the assigned work. In everything, Gerasim loves order, accuracy. He is one of those who knew his place well, the place of a serf, ready to "exactly" fulfill the orders of the mistress.
  • - After reading the story to the end, we will see that not all orders of the mistress will be executed by Gerasim. One day he will leave her. Could Gerasim return to the lady's house after he had fulfilled her cruel order? (No. Gerasim could not forgive the mistress and return to her house. He fulfills her cruel order, but does not forgive her).
  • - The lady, knowing how Gerasim is attached to Mumu, gives a cruel order, without thinking about how Gerasim will feel. But she didn't care. After all, he was an ordinary serf for her, which means that she could do anything with him and his fate.
  • - Let's return to the topic of our lesson and try to answer the question: are the concepts of "personality" and "serfdom" compatible? (No. Serfdom is dependence, and personality is freedom. Gerasim chooses freedom).
  • - Turgenev does not just depict Gerasim as mute from birth. In the person of Gerasim, he personifies the Russian people, the disenfranchised silent people in the conditions of serfdom. But Gerasim, by his departure, proves that even a silent people can protest and have their own opinion.
  • - Imagine that we have to make a "ladder" and place the heroes on it. To what level shall we put the mistress, and to which Gerasim? (Gerasim we will put on more high step than a lady).
  • - Tell me, what conclusions did you draw for yourself? (In any situation, one must remain human. Strive to improve oneself, love others, help them).

Grading. Summing up the lesson.

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The writing

Gerasim - the main character of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

Turgenev was a hater of serfdom all his life. The writer devoted many of his works to the life of serfs.

Creating the image of the main character of the story "Mumu", the author says that Gerasim was the most wonderful, glorious man. Deaf-mute from birth, he was built as a hero twelve inches tall. In terms of strength and endurance, the author compares his hero with a bull.

Gerasim is a serf. Its fate depends on the will of the masters. The lady transported Gerasim from the village to the city, tore him off the ground and attached him to guard the master's house, to live in a cramped closet. “Relocated to the city, he did not understand what was happening to him, he was bored and perplexed. Gerasim's employment in his new position seemed to him a joke after hard peasant work. They did not bring him spiritual joy, although he performed his duties with all responsibility and severity.

The hero reveals his rich inner world in love for Tatyana. He is very kind to her, protecting her from the attacks of others, subtly feels the mood of her beloved. However, Gerasim does not fight for his happiness. He had to come to terms with the fact that Tatyana was married to another.

The found and tamed dog helped him cope with loneliness and pain. All his unspent love is given by the hero Mumu. “Not a single mother cared for her child like Gerasim cared for his pet.” He loves her without memory. At the moment of separation from the dog, he calls, runs, and then grieves, yearns and falls into despair. The author shows us what strong and deep feelings the outwardly gloomy and wild janitor Gerasim is capable of experiencing. What happiness and insane delight seize him when he meets his beloved!

And again the hero did not defend his possible happiness. Fulfilling the whim of a wayward lady, he himself kills the creature that he loved more than life.

A man is powerless before his master; serfdom has made him so. And yet the author makes us admire the perfection, the moral strength of his hero. At the end of the work, for the first time in his life, he commits an unauthorized act: he leaves the mistress for the village, thus showing his protest.

Medvedeva Maria, 5th grade student