US Navy Seventh Fleet. US Seventh Fleet: the unlucky destroyer "John McCain" cracked

On May 21, 1731, the Senate issued a decree on the establishment of a military flotilla in the Far Eastern outpost of Okhotsk. This day is considered the Day, which stands guard over the eastern borders of the country.

1. At the back of an empire

The military flotilla was not created from scratch. In 1649 on the coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk Russian Cossacks built a fortress. Research expeditions, as well as merchant ships, set sail from here. By 1731, a shipyard was operating here, building up to ten ships a year.

It is quite clear that in order to ensure safe navigation in the Far East region, it was necessary to form a regular navy. It was for this that the Senate decree was issued in 1731. He assigned the status of a city to Okhotsk (now it is a working settlement), appointed a port commandant and set strategic tasks for the flotilla to support the expeditionary and trading activities of the Russian Empire in the region.

City of Okhotsk

In view of the absence of Far East"competing" military fleets, the flotilla consisted mainly of military transport ships, which had minor weapons to fight unorganized pirates. By the end of the 30s, the number of ships of the Okhotsk military flotilla was increased to 60 units. By the middle of the century, their number exceeded one hundred.

However, the economic backwardness of the region and the absence of a mining and metallurgical industry contributed to the backlog of the Okhotsk flotilla against the background of the Russian navy. The situation was aggravated not only by the low quality of the built ships, but also by the low training of ship crews. This, for example, manifested itself in a high accident rate: more than three dozen ships sank due to navigational errors that had nothing to do with the conduct of hostilities.

2. Baptism of fire

A turn in the history of the flotilla took place in 1835, when it was transferred to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The quality of ships has improved, their equipment with weapons has improved, and the personnel. The number of warships was also replenished due to their partial transfer from the Baltic Flotilla.

And in 1854, the flotilla with honor passed the first major baptism of fire. During Crimean War, when fighting were carried out at all maritime theaters, the combined Anglo-French squadron tried to capture the Petropavlovsk military port and destroy the Russian Far Eastern fleet.

Frigate "Aurora"

Six ships equipped with 218 guns were opposed by our frigate "Aurora" and the transport "Diana" with 67 guns. The invaders, having lost 450 people killed and wounded, were forced to retreat.

The English magazine United Service Magazine commented on this battle: The board of only one Russian frigate and several batteries proved to be invincible in front of the united sea ​​power England and France, and the two greatest maritime powers were overpowered and defeated by an insignificant Russian town».

In 1856, the flotilla was renamed the Siberian.

3. Tsushima tragedy

In history Pacific Fleet there are not only heroic, but also dramatic, moreover, tragic episodes. This has become Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905.

AT late XIX century, most of the ships of the Siberian flotilla were relocated to leased from China. By the beginning of the war, Russia had not yet managed to create the proper infrastructure for the main base of the Far Eastern fleet. For example, there were no repair docks in Port Arthur. Which played a significant negative role in the defeat of Russia in the war.

The ratio of the Russian and Japanese fleets on the eve of the war was almost parity. However, the Japanese ships were equipped with more powerful artillery. The power of Japanese high-explosive shells exceeded the power of Russian ones by almost 3 times.

The ratio of ships was as follows (in the first place the number of Russian ships, in the second - Japanese):
Squadron battleships: 7 - 6
Armored cruisers: 4 - 6
Armored cruisers: 7 - 19
Mine cruisers: 4 - 2
Gunboats: 10 - 9
Destroyers: 22 - 19
Destroyers: 17 - 28

The very first clash with the Japanese squadron, as a result of which three Russian ships were put out of action, showed Russia's unpreparedness for war at sea. Even the emergency appointment of Admiral Makarov as commander of the Siberian Fleet did not save the situation. The admiral simply did not have time to implement the measures necessary to raise combat readiness.

In the end, it all ended in the fatal two-day Battle of Tsushima. On the very first day, the Russian squadron suffered decisive losses in the form of three of the seven squadron battleships. After the second day, the Russian squadron practically ceased to exist. The cruiser Almaz, the destroyers Bravy and Grozny, and the large transport Anadyr remained alive. The ships were either sunk, destroyed by the crew, or interned.

During the First World War, the partially restored Siberian Flotilla reinforced the Northern Fleet and was also used for military operations in the Mediterranean.

4. According to the new word of technology

Intensive construction of the Pacific Fleet began in the 1930s. After the fleet received a new name - Pacific, and material and human resources. However, during the participation Soviet Union in World War II, the bulk of the fleet's resources were relocated to the northern seas, as well as to the Black Sea. The amphibious assault and naval aviation of the TF took an active part in land combat operations. For example, during the defense of Moscow. A minimum of resources was left in the Far East in case Japan declared war on the USSR.

In the sixties, the Pacific Fleet began to be equipped with a new generation of ships, which used the latest achievements in science and technology. The armament of the fleet with nuclear submarines with nuclear warheads began in 1961 with the K-45 nuclear submarine with cruise missiles on board.

Soon, an increase in strike power began due to nuclear submarines. strategic purpose with ballistic missiles. The cruisers "Dmitry Pozharsky", "Admiral Senyavin", "Admiral Fokin", the destroyers "Vozbuzhdenny" and "Inspirational", equipped with the latest technology, large anti-submarine ships were adopted.

Cruiser "Admiral Senyavin"

AT Soviet period of its existence, the Pacific Fleet, in addition to combat duty on the Far Eastern borders of the country, carried out a number of unique operations. Among them is the cleaning of the Bangladeshi port of Chittagong from sunken ships, mines and unexploded bombs and shells. Combat trawling in the Egyptian Gulf of Suez. Protection of navigation in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.

5. The bitter fruits of perestroika

The 90s were devastating for the fleet. And not just the Pacific. In the sense that not only the development of new technology was stopped, but also the construction of already laid down, and sometimes even launched ships. The zero years, despite some revival of the military-industrial complex, did not significantly change the sad state of affairs.

As a result, the Russian Pacific Fleet slipped into third place in the region. Now it is not only inferior to the US fleet based in the Far East region, but also let the Chinese fleet pass ahead. And some experts insist on fifth place - after the fleets of Japan and South Korea. Fifth place, of course, can be challenged on the grounds that submarine fleets these two countries are equipped only with diesel submarines. At the same time, their surface fleets look quite decent.

Almost all ships of the Pacific Fleet were commissioned in the 1980s. Some of them are in need of repair, some are already in repair docks with a very vague return to service. Relatively "young" except that some missile boats.

The main strike force is represented by the following ships:
- 3 strategic nuclear submarines;
- 3 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles;
- 2 torpedo nuclear submarines
- 4 diesel submarines
— missile cruiser "Varyag";
- 1 destroyer;
- 4 large anti-submarine ships;
- 9 small anti-submarine ships;
- 4 small rocket ships;
- 11 missile boats;
- 9 minesweepers;
- 4 large landing ships.

In the sludge, in reserve or in long-term repair with uncertain prospects are:
- 2 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles;
- 4 torpedo nuclear submarines;
- 4 diesel submarines;
— nuclear missile cruiser "Admiral Lazarev";
- 3 destroyers.

For comparison, here are the main strike force American and Chinese Pacific Fleets:
USA: 8 strategic nuclear submarines, 30 nuclear submarines, 6 nuclear aircraft carriers, 12 cruisers, 33 destroyers, 8 frigates.
China: 5 strategic nuclear submarines, 8 nuclear submarines, 25 destroyers, 48 ​​frigates.

6. Restoration of the destroyed

AT recent times The Pacific Fleet of Russia is attached great importance due to the fact that the political, economic and demographic weight of the Asia-Pacific region is growing rapidly. The fleet receives significant financial injections, which helps to increase its combat readiness. Accordingly, it is planned to increase the warships of various classes included in it.

Now the nuclear-powered strategic submarine of the latest generation "Alexander Nevsky", built according to the project, is assigned to the fleet. After the completion of tests and the manufacture of 16 ballistic ammunition, she will take up combat duty. This should happen in 2015.

Cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov"

Finally, it will acquire a fleet and its own nuclear missile carrier. Last year, it was decided to transfer the Admiral Nakhimov to the fleet, which is currently undergoing modernization.

Very soon the fleet will be replenished with two French helicopter carriers. This event contributed to the reduction of the repair and modernization of two destroyers - "Stormy" and "Fearless", - which should carry out the escort of the Mistrals.

Until 2024, only one Amur shipbuilding plant should build 4 corvettes, 3 frigates, 7 minesweepers, 6 diesel submarines for the Pacific Fleet, as well as modernize one nuclear torpedo submarine. 30 billion rubles have been allocated for this program.

7. New partnership

At the same time, we must not forget that the strength and effectiveness of the fleet depend not least of all on the alignment of political forces and the choice of partners. Recently, the command of the Pacific Fleet has been establishing military ties with the Chinese Navy. And it didn't start now, when a confrontation emerged between Russia and the United States, but earlier.

In June last year, the first joint exercises of the fleets of Russia and China took place in the Sea of ​​Japan. Now, from May 20 to May 27, the third joint exercises are being held in the East China Sea. From the Pacific Fleet of Russia, the Varyag missile cruiser, the Bystry destroyer, the Admiral Panteleev large anti-submarine ship, the Admiral Nevelsky large landing ship, the Ilim sea tanker and the Kalar sea tug, a squadron of helicopters take part in them and a Marine Special Forces unit.

At the same time, contacts between the command are carried out on the very high level: Russia is represented at the exercise by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov. Undoubtedly, these exercises should be considered "solemn and ceremonial", since they are timed to coincide with Putin's visit to Shanghai. It is in the port of Shanghai that Russian ships will enter. It is Putin and Chinese leader Jinping who will open the Naval Interaction 2014 exercise.

Apra (Guam)

Participation in commanders Current Commander

On the city, the Seventh Fleet was the largest forward-based formation. Included in its composition 50-60 ships various types, 350 aircraft and 60,000 sailors and marines.

Yokosuka, (Japan)

nuclear aircraft carrier

Cruisers URO

  • CG-67 Shiloh
  • CG-63 Cowpens

Destroyers URO

command ship

  • LCC/JCC-19 Blue Ridge

Sasebo, (Japan)

Landing ships:

  • USS Essex (LHD-2)
  • USS Denver (LPD-9)
  • USS Harpers Ferry (LSD-49)
  • USS Tortuga (LSD-46)


  • USS Guardian (MCM-5)
  • USS Patriot (MCM-7)

Rescue ship:

  • USS Safeguard (ARS-50)

Apra (Guam)

Nuclear submarines:

  • SSN-705 City of Corpus Christi
  • SSN-713 Houston
  • SSN-715 Buffalo

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An excerpt characterizing the US Seventh Fleet

– “To the capital of our capital, Moscow.
The enemy entered with great forces into the borders of Russia. He is going to ruin our dear fatherland, ”Sonya diligently read in her thin voice. The Count, closing his eyes, listened, sighing impetuously in some places.
Natasha sat stretched out, searchingly and directly looking first at her father, then at Pierre.
Pierre felt her eyes on him and tried not to look back. The countess shook her head disapprovingly and angrily at every solemn expression of the manifesto. She saw in all these words only that the dangers threatening her son would not end soon. Shinshin, folding his mouth into a mocking smile, obviously prepared to mock at what would be the first to be mocked: at Sonya's reading, at what the count would say, even at the very appeal, if no better excuse presented itself.
Having read about the dangers threatening Russia, about the hopes placed by the sovereign on Moscow, and especially on the famous nobility, Sonya, with a trembling voice, which came mainly from the attention with which she was listened to, read last words“We ourselves will not hesitate to stand among our people in this capital and in other states of our places for consultation and leadership of all our militias, both now blocking the path of the enemy, and again arranged to defeat it, wherever it appears. May the destruction into which he imagines to cast us down upon his head turn, and may Europe, liberated from slavery, glorify the name of Russia!
- That's it! cried the count, opening his wet eyes and halting several times from snuffling, as if a flask of strong acetic salt was being brought to his nose. “Just tell me, sir, we will sacrifice everything and regret nothing.”
Shinshin had not yet had time to tell the joke he had prepared on the count's patriotism, when Natasha jumped up from her seat and ran up to her father.
- What a charm, this dad! she said, kissing him, and she again looked at Pierre with that unconscious coquetry that returned to her along with her animation.
- That's so patriotic! Shinshin said.
“Not a patriot at all, but simply ...” Natasha answered offendedly. Everything is funny to you, but this is not a joke at all ...
- What jokes! repeated the Count. - Just say the word, we will all go ... We are not some kind of Germans ...
“Did you notice,” said Pierre, “that he said: “for a meeting.”
“Well, whatever it is…
At this time, Petya, whom no one paid any attention to, went up to his father and, all red, in a breaking voice, now rough, now thin, said:
“Well, now, papa, I will say decisively - and mother too, as you wish, - I will decisively say that you will let me into military service because I can't... that's all...
The countess raised her eyes to heaven in horror, clasped her hands and angrily turned to her husband.
- That's the deal! - she said.
But the count recovered from his excitement at the same moment.
“Well, well,” he said. "Here's another warrior!" Leave the nonsense: you need to study.
“It’s not nonsense, daddy. Obolensky Fedya is younger than me and also goes, and most importantly, anyway, I can’t learn anything now, when ... - Petya stopped, blushed to a sweat and said the same: - when the fatherland is in danger.
- Full, full, nonsense ...
“But you yourself said that we would sacrifice everything.
“Petya, I’m telling you, shut up,” the count shouted, looking back at his wife, who, turning pale, looked with fixed eyes at her younger son.
- I'm telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say ...
- I'm telling you - it's nonsense, the milk has not dried up yet, but he wants to serve in the military! Well, well, I'm telling you, - and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read it again in the study before resting, left the room.
- Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let's go for a smoke ...
Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually brilliant and lively eyes incessantly, more than affectionately addressed to him, brought him to this state.
- No, I think I'm going home ...
- Like home, but you wanted to have an evening with us ... And then they rarely began to visit. And this one is mine ... - the count said good-naturedly, pointing to Natasha, - it’s only cheerful with you ...
“Yes, I forgot ... I definitely need to go home ... Things ...” Pierre said hastily.
“Well, goodbye,” said the count, leaving the room completely.
- Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why? .. - Natasha asked Pierre, defiantly looking into his eyes.
"Because I love you! he wanted to say, but he did not say it, blushed to tears and lowered his eyes.
“Because it’s better for me to visit you less often ... Because ... no, I just have business to do.”
- From what? no, tell me, - Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and embarrassment. He tried to smile, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and went out.
Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore.

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. Everyone did as if they had not noticed anything when he came to tea silent and gloomy, with tearful eyes.
The next day the Emperor arrived. Several of the Rostovs' servants asked to go and see the tsar. That morning, Petya spent a long time dressing, combing his hair and arranging his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders, and finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was, and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wants to serve the fatherland, that youth cannot be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready ... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many beautiful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how surprised everyone would be at his youth), and at the same time, in the arrangement of his collars, in his hairstyle and in a sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the farther he went, the more he entertained himself with the people arriving and arriving at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the degree and slowness characteristic of adults. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he was not pushed, and resolutely, with a menacing look, put his elbows on his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, in spite of all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin pressed him against the wall so that he had to submit and stop, while at the gate with a buzzing under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing for some time at the gate, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on before the others and began to work decisively with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, on whom he first directed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“That’s how everyone will climb,” said the footman, and, also beginning to work with his elbows, squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped off the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his collars, soaked with sweat, which he arranged as well as the big ones at home.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself to the chamberlains like that, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and go to another place because of the tightness. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but considered that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd poured in and carried Petya out to the square, which was all occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself on the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk that filled the entire Kremlin.
At one time it was more spacious on the square, but suddenly all the heads opened, everything rushed somewhere forward. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurrah! hooray! hurrah! Petya stood on tiptoe, pushed, pinched, but could see nothing but the people around him.
All faces were one general expression tenderness and delight. One merchant's wife, who was standing near Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! she said, wiping her tears with her finger.
- Hooray! shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenching his teeth and brutally rolling his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting "Hurray!", as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same cries of "Hurrah!".
"So that's what a sovereign is! thought Petya. – No, I can’t apply to him myself, it’s too bold! but at that moment the crowd staggered back (from the front the policemen were pushing those who had approached too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the ribs in the side and was so crushed that suddenly everything became dim in his eyes and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some clergyman, with a tuft of graying hair behind him, in a shabby blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under the arm with one hand, and guarded him from the oncoming crowd with the other.
- Barchonka crushed! - said the deacon. - Well, so! .. easier ... crushed, crushed!
The sovereign went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd leveled off again, and the deacon led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar Cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and there was already a stampede around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, seated cannons on a dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him.
- That way you can crush to death. What is this! Murder to do! Look, my heart, it has become white as a tablecloth, - said the voices.
Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain disappeared, and for this temporary inconvenience he received a place on the cannon, with which he hoped to see the sovereign who was due to go back. Petya no longer thought about filing a petition. If only he could see him - and then he would consider himself happy!
During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a joint prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanksgiving for making peace with the Turks - the crowd spread; sellers of kvass, gingerbread, poppy seeds, which Petya was especially fond of, appeared shouting, and ordinary conversations were heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and reported how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya's savior, was talking to the official about who and who is serving with the bishop today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen were joking with yard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which for Petya at his age had a special attraction, all these conversations now did not interest Petya; ou sat on his cannon dais, still agitated at the thought of the sovereign and of his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear, when he was squeezed, with the feeling of delight, further strengthened in him the consciousness of the importance of this moment.
Suddenly, cannon shots were heard from the embankment (these were fired in commemoration of peace with the Turks), and the crowd quickly rushed to the embankment - to watch how they were shooting. Petya also wanted to run there, but the deacon, who took the barchon under his protection, did not let him go. Shots were still going on when officers, generals, chamberlains ran out of the Assumption Cathedral, then others came out more slowly, their hats were again taken off their heads, and those who had run away to look at the guns ran back. Finally, four more men in uniforms and ribbons came out of the doors of the cathedral. "Hooray! Hooray! the crowd shouted again.
- Which the? Which the? Petya asked around him in a weeping voice, but no one answered him; everyone was too carried away, and Petya, choosing one of these four faces, whom he could not clearly see because of the tears that came out of his eyes with joy, concentrated all his delight on him, although it was not the sovereign, shouted “Hurrah! in a frantic voice and decided that tomorrow, no matter what it cost him, he would be a military man.
The crowd ran after the sovereign, escorted him to the palace and began to disperse. It was already late, and Petya hadn't eaten anything, and the sweat was pouring down from him; but he did not go home and, together with a smaller, but still rather large crowd, stood in front of the palace, during the emperor’s dinner, looking into the windows of the palace, expecting something else and envying the dignitaries who drove up to the porch - for the emperor’s dinner, and the lackeys of the chambers who served at the table and flashed through the windows.
At dinner, the sovereign Valuev said, looking out the window:
“The people still hope to see Your Majesty.
Dinner was already over, the emperor got up and, finishing his biscuit, went out onto the balcony. The people, with Petya in the middle, rushed to the balcony.
"Angel, father!" Hurray, father! .. - the people and Petya shouted, and again the women and some weaker men, including Petya, wept with happiness. A rather large piece of biscuit, which the sovereign held in his hand, broke off and fell on the railing of the balcony, from the railing to the ground. The coachman in the coat, who was standing nearest, rushed to this piece of biscuit and grabbed it. Some of the crowd rushed to the coachman. Noticing this, the sovereign ordered a plate of biscuits to be served to him and began to throw biscuits from the balcony. Petya's eyes were filled with blood, the danger of being crushed excited him even more, he threw himself on the biscuits. He did not know why, but it was necessary to take one biscuit from the hands of the king, and it was necessary not to succumb. He rushed and knocked down an old woman who was catching a biscuit. But the old woman did not consider herself defeated, although she lay on the ground (the old woman caught biscuits and did not hit with her hands). Petya knocked her hand away with his knee, grabbed the biscuit and, as if afraid of being late, again shouted "Hurrah!", in a hoarse voice.
The sovereign left, and after that most of the people began to disperse.
“So I said that we still have to wait - and it happened,” the people said joyfully from different sides.
Happy as Petya was, he was still sad to go home and know that all the enjoyment of that day was over. From the Kremlin, Petya did not go home, but to his comrade Obolensky, who was fifteen years old and who also entered the regiment. Returning home, he resolutely and firmly announced that if they did not let him in, he would run away. And the next day, although not yet completely surrendered, Count Ilya Andreich went to find out how to put Petya somewhere safer.

It's no secret that today our naval power in the Pacific leaves much to be desired. However, even with the meager means that the Pacific Fleet has, it has something to oppose to the American forward-based forces, unceremoniously (as elsewhere) located close to our borders - in Yokosuka and Sasebo (1100 and 1125 km in a straight line from Vladivostok). Moreover, guided by target designation from base AWACS aircraft and with the support of naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet and Tu-22M3 DA, the KUG of the Pacific Fleet is capable of ensuring dominance in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Sea of ​​Japan and the Yellow Sea, the northern part of the East China Sea. and even (to some extent) in the water area Pacific Ocean directly adjacent to the coast of Japan. Dominion is complete and unconditional.

KUG TOF - "Varyag", "Fast" and "Marshal Shaposhnikov",26.07.2015 (a photojohnkey68 from The picture was taken in very good resolution (4000 pixels, approx. 3 Mb) - when enlarged, the name of the BOD and the flags on the GRKR are clearly read

In the absence of a full-fledged system of marine space reconnaissance and target designation, caused either by a shortage of specific spacecraft, or its destruction (full or partial) immediately after the start of hostilities, a meeting with the American AUG in open ocean does not bode well for our ships. Having an approximately 250-km head start in terms of detection range (the difference between the capabilities of the Hawkeye and the Ka-27/31), the enemy simply will not let the KUG reach the range of the aimed launch of anti-ship missiles. Things will be completely different when receiving target designation from the A-50 avax, which took off, for example, from Vladivostok (Knevichi), loitering 1000 km from the coast. (say, over the Korea Strait) and capable of seeing NK at a distance of up to 400 km (from a height of 12,000 m). In this case, the Varyag will have a small head start (about 20 km), which, without being detected, will be able to shoot with the Vulkan from a distance of 700 km. The problem of meeting the A-50 with the Hawkeye, which our "mushroom" sees first, can be solved by the Su-27/30/35 or MiG-31 on duty. It must be assumed that awareness of the potential capabilities of the system. A-50/1164 . introduces a certain discomfort into the attitude of the 7th Fleet command.

In addition to the wonderful picture of colleague johnkey68, the motivation for this entry was repeatedly heard complaints aboutnullity Russian naval forces in the Far East in comparison with the naval power of the United States of America, coupled with the Japanese Naval Self-Defense Forces, which are growing stronger day by day. Regarding ghostly the dominance of the US Navy was mentioned above (tactfully - without mentioning 949A), with regard to the descendants of Togo and Yamamoto, it should be added that the strike capabilities" Kaijo jieitai" are limited to 120-km "Harpoons" - "500-pound air bombs with a motor", non-maneuverable and slow-moving, which are unlikely to be used by their carriers when meeting with the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.. In other words, it's not all bad. as it may seem in a bad mood: the far sea zone is under control, the near one is even more so, and access to the ocean is just a matter of time.

In early November 2017, a press conference was held by a group of admirals of the American fleets, headed by Commander-in-Chief of the United States Naval Forces John Richardson. It was about the results of investigations into two tragic collisions involving the warships Fitzgerald (DDG 62) and John S. McCain (DDG 56) that occurred this summer. Then, we recall, 17 sailors died, and the cost of repairs exceeded $ 500 million. Immediately after the accidents, 10 senior officers of the 7th Fleet were fired, as well as all the officers of both destroyers.

From the report on the results of the investigation, it can be seen that incidents unpleasant for Americans are associated primarily with the human factor, although there are also technical points. On the whole, both catastrophes hurt the image of the United States. In particular, the Chinese media have already called the US 7th Fleet a "paper tiger". This assessment was extremely painfully perceived in the Pentagon, as it lowers the Chinese threshold of fear of "great America".

When the US destroyer Fitzgerald collided with the Philippine-flagged container ship ACX Crystal on June 21, 2017, all of its electronic equipment, including navigational and electronic equipment, failed. And, to the surprise of the Chinese, there was not a single specialist on board the American ship who could reanimate the equipment and reboot software. "SOS" was transmitted by mobile phone, which caused many ironic jokes among the people of China.

"I'm imagining a horror movie on the Fitzgerald if the cell phone would die too."

"Mom, call the Pentagon, tell them everything is broken."

Hu Bo, Professor, Research Institute of Ocean Strategy, Peking University, said that the American sailors and officers of the 7th Fleet, the largest of the American formations, today resemble "driven and not understanding horses." People are exhausted by endless exercises, peacekeeping operations and special missions. Washington officials are responding to heightened geopolitical tensions over the North Korean nuclear issue and the South China Sea crisis by issuing too many fussy orders. Admirals and politicians are hoping to scare everyone, including the Chinese and Russians, with the 59 US Navy ships that roam uninterruptedly across an area of ​​124 million square kilometers.

Former captain destroyer"Bulkley" (DDG 84), and now Hudson Institute expert on naval ships Brian McGrath, commenting on the conclusions and proposals of the commission of inquiry, he notes that an administrative attempt to raise combat readiness in the face of growing operational obligations will not save the fleet from repeating mistakes. In fact, this means that the exploitation of American military power has been pushed to the limit. And this is in peacetime.

A second-by-second analysis of the Fitzgerald and John S. McCain disasters shows that the officers of the watch and helmsmen behaved like people with their thought processes turned off. However, to argue that the perpetrators of the disaster turned out to be completely insane people is also not worth it.

The report on the collision of the Fitzgerald states that the person responsible for safe navigation, an officer with the rank of second lieutenant, firstly, did not dare to wake the captain, as circumstances required, and, secondly, did not know the elementary rules of sea driving. Instead of slowing down and turning right, the officer rammed, confident that the giant container ship would dodge in a short time. The same pattern was repeated on the John S. McCain. The actions of both helmsmen came under special control, since in fact they can be classified as sabotage in order to cause maximum damage.

It turned out, and here's what. It turns out that on the destroyers the connection between the bridge and the “combat operations information center” is regularly lost, which is obliged to control the work of shift officers and, in case of errors, take control. Moreover, the report raised questions about the configuration of equipment, especially radars, and the level of usefulness and redundancy of information. Officers and helmsmen are overloaded with completely unnecessary data, but in critical situations they cannot concentrate on the main thing. In this regard, bridge equipment, displays, search engines, Fitzgerald and John S. McCain automatic identification systems perform worse than even the equipment of mid-range commercial ships. This, too, is from the report of the American admirals.

In general, the Fitzgerald tragedy was included in the list of disasters of the US Navy as the most stupid story, characterizing an incredibly low level of professional competence. It seems that the action of the film "Dumb and Dumber" took place on this destroyer.

There were no less oddities in the John S. McCain collision. An hour before the disaster, the captain noticed that the sailor (it was not an officer, as required by the charter) was falling down from fatigue and a cold. But instead of replacing the unwell man, another sailor was assigned to him, who was ordered to keep the helmsman awake and at the same time monitor the engines. Later it turned out that both sailors did not have the required professional skills, although both were certified according to the documents. And here the commission recorded ignorance of the rules of maritime navigation, as well as a sense of superiority in relation to another vessel.

The conclusions of the commission are 170 pages of text. Chief among them is this: the US Navy is overloaded with missions to the detriment of training and recreation. However, the management does not intend to reduce the load, but will strengthen remote monitoring of the teams. Meanwhile, Brian McGrath writes that officers in private conversations complain about the unprecedented low level of knowledge of sailors. They take everyone to the fleet, attributing to them non-existent professional skills. This is due to the general decline in the literacy of American youth.

On October 21, the authoritative United States Naval Institute, located in Annapolis, published a material that plunged US Navy personnel into frank despondency. The long-suffering missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) has cracked!..

The sea is a cruel thing

The unipolarity of the modern world order and American "global dominance" declared by Washington had a very strange effect on the command of the US Navy's Seventh Fleet. It can be described as "relaxation in half with arrogance."

Accustomed to the fact that they always and everywhere give way, the commanders of American ships began to frankly spit not only on their own job descriptions but also to comply with the International Rules for avoiding collisions between ships.

The sea is a cruel thing. Retribution for the neglect of him came quickly.

On May 9, 2017, the missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain (CG 57), which was part of an aircraft carrier strike group led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), collided with the South Korean trawler Namyang-502. Fortunately, the collision occurred on a tangent, so that both boats were not injured, but hurried to scatter in different directions.

After the emergency, the commander of the Seventh Fleet, the three-star Admiral Joseph Aucoin, had to draw the appropriate conclusions and “twist the tail” of his subordinates. But the admiral did not do this, as he was busy with more important things. Firstly, together with his fleet, he participated in the "containment" of Kim Jong-un. Secondly, already without his own fleet, but no less energetically preparing to leave his post in the fall due to the maximum service life. In other words, to retire in splendor and honor.

Perhaps it was Okoyne’s desire to “quietly sit out his term” that can explain the fact that the necessary conclusions from the incident with the missile cruiser were not made. Which, in turn, became one of the prerequisites for a further increase in the accident rate among the ships of the Seventh Fleet.

On June 17, 2017, the guided missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) collided with the Philippine-flagged container ship ACX Crystal 50 nautical miles from the Yokosuka base. The destroyer's engine room and command post were seriously damaged. Seven American sailors were killed and three were wounded. Just in February, the USS Fitzgerald completed repairs that cost US taxpayers $21 million. Now the destroyer had to be dragged again to the docks of Yokosuka.

This time, the emergency turned out to be so loud that it was not possible to put the matter on the brakes. As a result of the investigation, the destroyer commander and two other officers were expelled from the ranks of the US Navy with the ruthless wording "due to the loss of confidence and confidence in the ability to manage subordinates." Without exception, all members of the USS Fitzgerald's navigation watch who were on duty at the time of the collision were penalized. Aucoin himself was forced to publish a communiqué in which he harshly “reproached” the destroyer commander who had received a kick in the ass, and also promised that the incident with the USS Fitzgerald would be “a lesson for the rest.”

Judging by further events, the commander of the Seventh Fleet did not rank himself among the "others". The Admiral had already clearly looked after himself a warm place on the shore, so in response to all the “nibbles on the fins” from the press, he only smiled and bowed, bowed and smiled. Until the cherished autumn was at hand!

Lyrical digression

Before describing further developments, let's make a small lyrical digression.

The Soviet cartoon "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" gave children a lot of joy, and the older public - a lot of memorable quotes. Take, for example, this well-known quatrain:

You do not give the name in vain,
I will tell you in advance:
What do you call a yacht?
So she floats!

It is a pity that these verses were unknown to American shipbuilders. You look - things would have turned out differently ... What are we talking about? About the American missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG-56), named, as you might guess, in honor of the grandfather and father of the famous Russophobe Senator John Sidney McCain III.

The senator's grandfather, a naval pilot, rose to the rank of admiral. The senator's father, John Sidney "Jack" McCain, Jr., went through World War II, Korea, and Vietnam War and also reached the admiral heights. Thus, Senator McCain's grandfather and father became the first father-son couple in US Navy history to achieve the rank of four-star admiral.

Their descendant also became naval officer, pilot, but did not "hold out" to the admiral. But during the stay of McCain Jr. as head of the Pacific Command, John Sidney McCain III managed to end up in Vietnamese captivity.

The admiral's grandson/son retired as a captain, after which he entered politics, becoming one of the most famous Washington hawks. The senator enthusiastically welcomed the naming of the newest American destroyer John S. McCain. Well, apparently he screwed up.

End of retreat.

All right, fair marquise?

On August 21, 2017, the missile destroyer USS John S. McCain, of the same type as USS Fitzgerald, maneuvered so famously in the Strait of Malacca that it "caught" the bulb of the Liberian tanker Alnic MC with its port side.

The damage received as a result of the collision was so serious that the Americans barely made it to the Changi naval base in Singapore. Five military sailors were injured. Ten more were considered missing until their remains were found in the flooded aft compartments of the destroyer ...

The third emergency in a short time with the ships of the Seventh Fleet had the effect of an exploding bomb in the Pentagon. Barely a couple of days after the incident in the Strait of Malacca, as the three-star Admiral Joseph Aucoin left his post. But not solemnly, but with shame, being expelled from the US Navy with the wording we already know - "due to the loss of trust and confidence in the ability to manage subordinates."

In September, Commander and Chief Officer John S. McCain was sent ashore. In a press release distributed to the ships of the Seventh Fleet, it was dryly stated that "the ship's commander showed short-sightedness, and his senior assistant demonstrated an inability to supervise the studies of crew members."

On this, the sanctions against the command staff of the Seventh Fleet ended, after which it began to be considered that now “everything is fine, beautiful marquise!”

In the six weeks since the accident, the USS John S. McCain has been patched up. Although it was officially reported that “going to sea for the ship is not dangerous,” they decided to send the destroyer hit by a tanker to Yokosuka for repairs, not under its own power and not in tow, but by loading onto the deck of a specialized vessel MV Treasure.