Programming reality at the source code level. What is the difference between goal planning and future programming? Languages ​​are able to format the consciousness of their carrier

Imagine a person who has a goal and wants to achieve it. The goal can be both tangible and intangible, for example, the development of certain skills or abilities - it doesn’t matter. For simplicity, a material example: a person wants to buy a refrigerator, but he has no money, and the old refrigerator is already on the verge of breaking. It is necessary to visualize this goal very clearly, present the dimensions of the refrigerator, shelves, color, brand - in all details. A person must imagine where he stands, how he uses it every day, sometimes washes, loads food, takes something from there, and so on.

If everything feels very smooth, feels normal, it seems that this thing brings peace to a person, then the test will be passed. Verification is always based only on sensations, not logic. If some embarrassment arises, you don’t like the color of the refrigerator or its size, you need to adjust it so that it fits smoothly. When you feel like something is wrong, but logical level it is not possible to understand the reason, then it is necessary to change the goal, sometimes even abandon it altogether. Because the goal can be imposed on you, and the mechanism of such imposition is very simple.

Egregor will influence events in such a way as to prevent a person from achieving the goal, it is beneficial for him: while a person strives for a goal, he spends a lot of energy on this path, constantly producing a new one, which is what the egregor needs. And the person himself will only suffer. A clear sign of the work of egregore are regular failures: one thing does not work out, then another, then a person fails, then circumstances change dramatically, and so on. And no matter how much a person fights, no matter how hard he tries, nothing comes out. It is necessary to double-check the goal according to sensations, no logic, in any case. If everything goes smoothly, you are internally satisfied, calm - go ahead. If you perceive the goal too joyfully or some kind of discomfort is felt, then you need to correct it.

In the same way, when setting a goal, you need to check the maximum period when it must be achieved. The same refrigerator - a person internally creates a question for himself: if I get this refrigerator in a year, and the current one is practically not working - how do you feel? Obviously a year is too long. What if, say, in a week? Already better. In this way, the road to the goal is clarified, the maximum period when it will be realized is determined. The same work with skill, in the future the goals will be realized faster.

Next, you need to lay down the images of the stages of achieving the goal, and necessarily with the results of these stages. For example, to purchase a refrigerator, you need to pledge money and a method of purchase. If the purchase was large, a car, an apartment, a house, you still need documents for ownership, confirmation that you did not steal it. Accordingly, the documents must be laid down.

We put money in the following way. Who prefers how: on a current account, on a plastic card, in cash - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to become attached to the source of receipt, just imagine that they have already been received. In no case should you pledge that you earn them. There is money in fact - such an image is needed. The same with documents: it is pledged that the document has already been issued to you, according to required form everything is already in your hands. It doesn't matter how or who made them. In the same way - the method of purchase: either on the Internet, or you yourself will go to choose. When all these images are created, there must be a complete inner conviction that the refrigerator will be guaranteed. This is important: complete conviction, not dependent on anything.

We have seven main chakras, the same chakra has different names depending on the system, but the location can be viewed on the Internet, there are enough images. Next, you need to visualize this state as something inside and throw it out of yourself through the chakras into the surrounding space. You can take turns from one chakra, you can through all at once - this does not play a role, because each person has both his energy field and information. We are kind of emitters.

Even if the goal is intangible, you will still have money, since funding is needed to develop the skill. In addition, there will free time, so as not to depend on the load and not be buried under the routine. And the third thing that needs to be programmed is the source of the information that you will receive. It can be either your acquaintances, perhaps even future acquaintances, or trainings, seminars, information in any form: books, videos, audio, and so on.

Programming the future with this technology will not cause difficulties even for beginners. The method allows you to program events not only for the day, but also for the week, month, year…

The previous article created a real sensation and a boom among our readers - a lot of letters of gratitude came. Here are just a few of them:

“I am happy with this article! Thanks for posting."


“Super, I agree, I also do this from the inside.”

I decided to continue the much-requested topic of managing reality, and today I will share another, dare I say it, unique technique for building your future with the help of an imaginary film.

What does this programming technology of the future give me?

With the help of this technique, I can program events not only for a few days in advance, but also for a week, a month, a year, 10 years - any period that my consciousness can cover.

Programming the future is a superpower that is available to every person.

The technique has been tested by me many times and gives amazing results in designing your future. All pledged programs will certainly be implemented.

Everything is done very simply!

The alpha (relaxed) or theta (drowsy) state¹ is great for this job.

Future Programming Technique

1. I can do this practice both sitting and lying down. This is of no fundamental importance. All you have to do is close your eyes (I can do it with my eyes open too).

2. Then I think about the timeframe in which I want to program or “build” something.

* For example, I chose seven days (a week), which means that I imagine in my imagination an empty film with 7 frames (see fig.).

It can be a symbol (suitable for what I want), an emotion on my face (for example, joyful) or any picture in general (for example, a lot of money).

4. After that, I sort of stretch (imaginatively) from left to right (because the future is in the right sector, and the past in the left) the state I created and multiply this picture for each of the 7 frames of the film.

* It turns out a film of 7 identical frames, on each frame of which the state I need is fixed (for example, joyful) or a picture (an image of a pile of money).

If I want to get several different results this week, for example, money, and love, and success in work, and new knowledge, then I create (in several approaches) films with different frames for the same week.

I explain ...

At the subconscious level, these films are superimposed on each other and synthesized into a single situational series, which at the output gives a happy and successful week.

In the same way, I can “build” a whole month, and a longer period, for example, a year.

How to eliminate the "dark frames" (bad days) on the film of our future?

When I load each frame of the imaginary film (for a certain period of time), in some parts of it (on some of the days) I feel negative zones or "dark frames".

In these sections of the "film" energy and work is going very hard or not going at all, the programming of the future seems to be slowed down.

What do I do in this case?

I either mentally fill this area with light (then the frame already lays down easier), or I start all over again, and very quickly spread the frame I need to the entire film at once.

If again some “negative frame” interferes with the “profile” path, then I “build” everything anew, until the entire film is covered with the frames I need, and there are no more “dark frames” left.

The ability to reach the alpha level, positive thinking, mastering the possibilities of imagination, getting rid of fear, guilt, victim psychology, gaining self-confidence - all this will allow you to easily get rid of old unwanted programs in your life and lay new programs.

If you are satisfied with your life and everything is fine with you, then you certainly do not need to do this. But still think: what would you really want for yourself? What goals are you striving for? What is the result of your efforts? Is this really the result you want?

Most people live not according to their own, but according to someone else's programs, but very often they don’t even know about it. The fact is that these other people's programs are laid down in us implicitly - primarily by education, by the influence that our parents and other significant and authoritative people had on us.

As a result, we can spend our whole lives trying to earn the approval of these people, even if they have not been around for a long time. We try our best to meet their expectations. And in the end we get only disappointment - because it brings neither satisfaction nor success to us.

Think about what life goals and tasks your parents set for you. What program of life did they lay down for you? Are you following this program? Maybe you unconsciously imitate your parents and in some way repeat their own life program? Do you like it? Do you feel happy? Do you feel like you are living your own life?

Parenting is not necessarily bad. It just might suit your parents and not suit you.

Often we are forced to follow someone else's program (including parental) false feeling debt. Perhaps you are saying, "I must carry on my father's work." Or you think: "I should be like my mother and live like her." If it makes you happy, it's all right. But it often happens that a person pulls this strap through force, thinking that he “should”, although this does not bring him any joy.

Remember, your real duty is only one thing - to live in harmony with yourself and feel happy. Then you will live your own life, not someone else's.

Undesirable programs in your life could also be laid down by teachers, friends, various organizations, means mass media, public opinion, which you want to please even to your own detriment.

Also, unwanted programs could be created by events of the past - those mistakes that you once made and now do not know how to fix.

All of these problems have a solution. Reprogramming will allow you to free yourself from the influence of other people's programs and unwanted events of the past.

You will break down all the barriers and shackles that prevent you from living the life you want. You will be able to create your own programs lives that will lead you to your own goals and allow you to find your own happiness and success.

The programming process itself includes two stages: at the first stage, you "erase" unwanted programs laid down in the past; in the second stage, create new programs for yourself that lead you to success.

How to "rewrite" the events of the past

The problems you face in the present very often grow out of the past. Undesirable past events could lay in you an unconstructive program of behavior. For example, in early childhood, some kind of conflict or clash with peers could have occurred, from which you could not emerge victorious. As a result, the role of a loser, a weakling who always loses, could stick to you. You may already forget that long-standing event, and its consequences still make you suffer and prevent you from gaining what you deserve.

It also happens that you remember the undesirable events of the past well and continue to torment yourself because of them: “How could I behave like this? Why didn't you do otherwise?"

This is also an unconstructive position. Worrying about the past means wasting your strength and energy. You still cannot cancel the event itself. So, it remains to accept it as it is - and then change the attitude towards it.

First, let's remember that in the past we behaved in the way that was the only way for us at that moment. Therefore, even if we start life anew, we would still do everything in exactly the same way.

Secondly, let's not forget that events in themselves cannot be desirable or undesirable - only our attitude towards them makes them so. By changing our attitude, we can turn any event that seems undesirable to us into a desirable and useful one.

And thirdly, let's learn well that since the last event that negatively affected our lives, quite a lot of time has passed, during which we managed to change - to become adults, more mature and wise people. Now, of course, we would behave differently in that situation. This means that right now we can reconsider our behavior and attitude to the events of the past and thereby “rewrite” them.

The event itself will remain in your past, will not go anywhere. But a change in attitude towards it will give it a whole new meaning. Your task is to change your attitude so that the event stops affecting you negatively and starts affecting you positively.

For example, you want to “rewrite” a situation in which you were offended or you felt weak. Enter the alpha state and remember that situation again. Then place it on an imaginary screen. See on it as brightly and voluminously as possible yourself from this past. Then imagine that you, today, approach that past self and say that you are a messenger from the future and profit in order to empower him with new abilities and help him get out of an unpleasant situation. You can endow your past self, for example, with the ability to laugh at that situation. Or the ability to feel strong, unbroken, maintaining self-esteem no matter what. After all, even if you were humiliated, this does not mean that you must feel humiliated!

Then imagine how you behave differently in that past situation - after all, you are already endowed with new qualities that have come to you from your own future. Then you can put this new image in a white frame and enlarge it, and enclose the old images in a blue frame, reduce it, and then dissolve it. If you do everything successfully, then the memory of that past event, although it will remain with you, will no longer oppress you. It may begin to cause only an emotionally neutral reaction, or maybe even a positive one. Moreover, the event itself has not changed, but only your perception has changed. But this means that the past has lost power over you and it will no longer program you to repeat such undesirable events in the future.

Keep in mind: we only think that we thoroughly remember the unpleasant events of the past. In fact, we remember not so much the event as our attitude towards it and the impression it made on us. That is, our memories are quite subjective. And this means that we can always look at the event from a different angle and change our attitude towards it. Then the problem that this event created in our lives will also disappear.

Try to periodically return to this practice. You need to “rewrite” the past whenever you feel that the memories of the past weigh on you, take away your strength and prevent you from living the way you want. Approach the events of the past with your current experience, change your attitude towards them, and you will understand that even from events that seemed negative to you, you can learn experience and important lessons for yourself. Thus, you will begin to benefit for yourself absolutely from any event. And with each such experience, you can almost congratulate yourself on a new birth. Through this experience, your problems will gradually disappear. And you will be born again, already as a self-confident and strong person, able to independently build your life.

How to Program Wish Fulfillment: Center Stage Technique

When you begin to “rewrite” unwanted past events in order to change their perception from unwanted to positive, you will have new strength to move towards success. The past will no longer take away your energy and program you for failure. This means that you have passed the first stage of reprogramming your life: you have erased unwanted images of the past. Now you can start the second step: start creating new programs for yourself - those that will help you achieve success, achieve your desires and live the way you want.

You can proceed to this stage even if you are not yet sure that you have completely “rewritten” the past. You can return to this practice again and again, which will not prevent you from simultaneously mastering the second stage - creating new programs in your life.

For this purpose José Silva proposes a method which he calls the "Central Stage Technique". To use this technique, you must imagine that you are in a theater where a three-act play is taking place. Accordingly, the three stages of this technique are called three acts.

Before you begin this technique, think about what situation in your life you want to change. The fact is that with the help of this technique only one problem is solved at a time. You cannot reprogram your entire life at once. This technique is designed for multiple uses. Gradually, with its help, you will be able to change all those circumstances that do not suit you. But you have to start with just one. It’s better to choose to start with what worries you the most, for example, lack of money, or problems at work, or family relationships, etc.

To solve each specific problem, the technique will have to be applied for three days according to this scheme: on the first day you play all three acts, on the second day only the second and third acts, on the third day only the third act.

Thus, you will create a full-fledged effective program to change the situation for the better.

First, read the description of all three acts, and then you can begin to perform the technique.

Act one: "It won't happen again"

Enter the alpha level in any way that suits you and imagine that you are going to the theater. So you come to the doors of the theater, go inside, then go into the auditorium and take your place, which is in the middle of the third row. You sit comfortably in your chair and wait for the curtain to rise.

Here the curtain rises - and you see very familiar scenery behind it. They correspond to the situation in your life that you want to change.

Then you see yourself in this scenery and possibly other people who are connected with your problem. The play begins. You see the events that you least like in your life unfold on stage. You see a reflection of a situation that is undesirable for you in vivid images and pictures, with sound and light, in dynamics and volume. You do not forget that you are a spectator, but still sympathetically perceive what is happening on the stage, emotionally turn on and empathize.

Let events unfold in their entirety, in detail and in detail - even if it will not be very pleasant for you.

But the first act is finally over. A heavy curtain falls, closing the scene that is unpleasant for you. Imagine that you are writing a huge word “NO!” on the curtain in big red letters. or, for example, the phrase "This will not happen again!". Then say to yourself, "Now I am free of all past feelings that connected me to this scene."

Intermission: “And if there was a perfect hero in my place?”

While the curtain is down, during the intermission, you can think about how the same situation could be played differently. But what if there were some hero on the stage instead of you, who seems perfect and almost perfect to you - but at the same time one with whom you would like to identify yourself? Remember that this is a game and you can imagine yourself in it by anyone. And if there was a favorite literary hero or some historical character in your place, how would he behave?

In the next act, it will be not just you on the stage, but you in the role of your chosen ideal hero. Think about what result you would like to achieve and by what specific date you dream of fulfilling your desire in reality.

Act Two: "That's the way it should be"

You are still in a comfortable chair in the middle of the third row. The curtain rises and you see the same scenery on the stage. Now your favorite hero is on stage - but you imagine that you are playing his role. You have changed by becoming him. You think, feel and act differently. The situation is the same - but in your power to change it. Imagine how your character behaves, what he says, what he does. Lead this role in such a way that eventually the situation will change the way you need it. That is, you, as a hero on stage, successfully resolved all conflicts, found a new job, received a promotion, etc. - depending on what you want.

See clearly how your character achieves what he wants on stage. He successfully fulfilled your dream. You rejoice and applaud him.

Then imagine the curtain coming down. Mentally write on it in big red letters the words: “This is better!” And say to yourself: “This is how it should be.”

Intermission: "Now I'm ready to change myself"

In the third act, the stage will no longer be an ideal hero, albeit in your performance, but you yourself. Only you will act in the same way as the ideal hero acted in the second act. Imagine that everything best qualities the ideal hero has passed to you and you yourself are now ready to achieve the same result as him.

Act Three: "So It Will Be"

You are still in a comfortable chair in the middle of the third row. The curtain rises, it's still the same decoration. You are on the stage, but you are new, having acquired the qualities of an ideal hero. Now you act in the same way as he acted, and achieve the same desired result for you. You applaud yourself, and when the curtain closes, mentally write on it in big red letters the words: “Better and better!” And then say to yourself: “This is how it will be.”

This is where the performance ends.

“While we are learning, we all make ‘mistakes’. What seems like a mistake may just be a learning curve that puts us on the right path.

We know we can't create better world inaction - only action.

We have been given the power to create - to create new ideas and then put them into physical forms.

When we are in the alpha level, we are able to move forward and backward in time. This is what is called eternity. We are able to project our minds to infinity. We can know things that seem impossible to know - we are omniscient. We are able to change unwanted or abnormal circumstances – we are omnipotent.”

(Jose Silva, Robert Stone. Getting help from the “other side” using the Silva method)


Exercise 1. We free our consciousness from the shackles

This exercise should be performed when you feel that the programs laid down in the past seem to fetter you, prevent you from being yourself and doing the things that you would like to do. This visualization will help you feel the state of inner freedom and begin to free yourself from the shackles that interfere with you.

Sit in a comfortable position, relax and enter the alpha level in any way that is convenient for you. Imagine a river with a dam in its path. The river, which cannot overcome the dam, has overflowed and turned into a lake. This dam symbolizes the barriers and fetters that have been created in your life by the programs of the past and the beliefs that limit you.

Imagine that the pressure of the water becomes more and more - and finally the dam does not withstand and collapses. The liberated water whips in stormy streams, once again laying a channel for itself - a stagnant lake again becomes a full-flowing river.

Imagine that your consciousness is also freed - your thoughts flow freely and easily, they are no longer held back by any shackles. Now your thoughts are not dominated by beliefs and restrictions imposed on you. No one can influence you, even the most influential people are powerless - you can listen to their opinion, but only you yourself and no one else will control and direct your consciousness in the right direction.

Periodically return to this visualization - and your life will begin to noticeably change for the better.

Exercise 2 Programming Your Perfect Day

You can change your life for the better every day by programming for yourself how you will spend the next day so that it is perfect. It is best to do this in the evening, before going to bed. Your task is to mentally live the next day as if you were watching a movie about yourself.

Consider your daily routine. When you “live” in your imagination the scenario of the future day, be sure to fix the time at which certain events occur. To do this, you can imagine a clock, any one that is convenient for you - wrist, wall or alarm clock.

Get to the alpha level. Imagine yourself waking up and getting up. On the clock, you see your normal wake-up time. You feel great. You sleep well, rested, cheerful and full of energy. You are going to work slowly, because everything is in order and everything is under control.

And so on, by the hour, "live" your whole next day the way you want to live it - so that the day becomes perfect, joyful, successful. Imagine how various pleasant events fill this day, and if any problems arise, they are resolved easily and in the best way for you.

Complete this visualization with an image of yourself - happy, happy with how the day went.

Then you can fall asleep in the pleasant anticipation of the next good day.

If time permits, you can do this exercise in the morning, thus programming yourself for the coming day.

Exercise 3

Sometimes we, unwittingly, program our minds for undesirable, unconstructive actions for us. Programming, both negative and positive, is carried out with the help of the imagination, the images it creates, as well as with the help of words. Think about whether you have a habit of saying out loud or mentally such phrases addressed to yourself or others:

I'm afraid that I won't get sick.

Be careful not to fall (stumble, burn yourself, break the cup, etc.)!

Hurry up or you'll miss the train!

This kind of life is a headache.

I'm bad with money.

I'm worried about the future.


Keep in mind that such phrases and thoughts have a powerful destructive potential, especially if they are accompanied by negative emotions. Emotions, like images, are a means of programming our lives. Therefore, do not be surprised if exactly what you are afraid of happens in your life: you are afraid of getting sick - and you get sick, you warn the child not to break the cup - and he immediately breaks it, etc. All these consequences are not an accident , you yourself created them with your negative programming.

Unfortunately, most people have been accustomed to such negative programming since childhood. But the situation can and should be corrected. To do this, every time you catch yourself on a negative thought or phrase, go to the alpha level and imagine the positive development of the event that you fear. For example, see yourself, your loved ones and children absolutely healthy, carefully handling dishes, always on time everywhere and calm about your future. Then, be sure to reprogram your own thinking - for which you need to say more often, for example, such phrases:

I am an optimistic person. I expect success in everything.

I am getting better and more confident every day.

I create my life joyful and prosperous.

I'm ready for a happy change.

Life says yes to me and I say yes to life.

Do not forget In a similar way develop skills positive thinking everyday.

Programming reality through language:

If you've ever dealt with programming, you know how computer languages ​​work. They are not called "languages" for nothing, and not just "code". For those who have never heard of programming languages, I will just give them a small definition from Wikipedia, those who wish will find the missing information offline:

Programming language formal sign system for recordingcomputer programs . The programming language defines a setlexical , syntactic andsemantic rules that define the appearance of the program and the actions that the executor (computer) under its control will perform.
Since the creation first programmable machines humanity has come up with more than two and a half thousand programming languages ​​(including abstract and non-standard languages). Every year their number increases. Some languages ​​are used only by a small number of their own developers, others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes use more than a dozen different different languages programming.

Our reality, having signs of a quantum computer*, is also conditioned by the programming language of thought forms and archetypes - - and its saturation

* Read on the topic:

/ / / /


Using the example of programming, we should also mention the difference between the subtle world, which is affected by our words, and the physical reality, in which they are reflected sooner or later:

Our material reality is “fixed”, it works on the principle of WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get - you get what you see), that is, for example, the world we touch cannot have 2 different values ​​(objects) at one point in space -time, this is how local laws work: one object per one coordinate.

In a thin (multidimensional) space, everything is arranged differently, it is a layering of different frequencies, where not only individual entities, but entire worlds can exist inside each other according to the principle of matryoshka dolls, but not everyone will see their neighbor, because the vibrational settings and sense organs out of sync. Therefore, spoken words (codings) will have different degrees of influence on certain events, There is no pattern, only general principles.

From personal correspondence (a moot point):

All Europeans and Americans have 26 bits in the language base (1 bit = 1 letter of the alphabet). All Russians have 144 bits (letters) in the linguistic base, and each letter has spelling options and variants of volume-planar reflection. That is, any information from European and American sources (in volume, in fact, in quality, etc.) is just pathetic baby talk, although beautiful and popular on the Internet = marketing and PR.

The structure of the world, the algorithm of its work, the layers are not arranged as described, not because a person is wrong, but because, having a 26-bit system, he simplified everything to the point of impossibility without stretching the great dimension and complexity of the system, simplifying and simplifying to his level everything that he was given (showed) ...

By distorting languages, we not only lose touch with the clan and home worlds, but also, and also, which are pleasing to the sources of this distortion. The simpler the language, the denser the reality of its bearer becomes, losing its multidimensionality, narrowing the range of coverage and impact on the world.

Q: If we wanted to decompress reality, would we need to use multidimensional language?
A: Yes, this is one of the ways to allow merging various types entities, expressing themselves through a language understandable to others

The spoken language today is the translation of the original thought forms, images and archetypes into a special format, which is much more complicated than telepathy (in terms of information transfer), and much more laborious, but allows communication with other civilizations, whose images are not always suitable for telepathic communication.
We read in the topic: /

Previously, having access to imaginative thinking and, through it, to, we could communicate with thousands of other civilizations, adapting our language to the reality in which we were. In other words, the language was not fixed by rigid rules, but flowed freely from one form to another, depending on the needs. In many cases, language served as a "crutch" - an addition to telepathic communication, where the direct transmission of images was difficult for one reason or another.

From old:

Q: Why is the language different today from yesterday? (if you compare the languages, they really sound different)
A: I'm still embedding the right sounds from different languages. This is a process of synthesis to let more beings know. This is sailing through the fields, the linguistic structures of mankind have changed since we were here in their original form, there is a certain mutual language light, a kind of impulsive field, which is flexibly built for maximum understanding. This is so that people learn to listen with their hearts and remove language barriers. It doesn’t matter what a person pronounces, and in what form, the main thing is how his heart sounds in this speech. And here simply settings will be made, space is being scanned in a game form, this new language is being synthesized for communication. Sound unique, find your norm of sound and build in, so you will move faster to communicate with the travelers of the light who are coming and will come more to the planet and each sound different. Perhaps it will be funny and sound gibberish, but it will be sincere, like in flight. The language does not have a specific set of words, there are vibrations. There is a base and foundation. But, it is given now so, in order to remove the boundaries.

Entire mountains of books can be transferred telepathically in 1 second. On a universal scale, the entire Library of Alexandria can be downloaded into a sufficiently prepared consciousness in a micro-moment.

Languages ​​in their current truncated form are part of the hypnotic field of the earth matrix in which humanity resides, and have long been used in various human doctrines, such as NLP. Neuro-linguistic programming is also built only on language codes that replicate the modeling of reality. successful people, it does not imply any other energy influence in the original version (but "craftsmen" often use it), because the latter is ALREADY sewn into the code words.

Magic with its spells is the next level of reality programming, but with the connection of energies and elements / spirits / demons, etc. Secret orders use ancient languages ​​​​(Latin, Sanskrit, etc.) for rituals and communication (no wonder lawyers, doctors and bankers also prefer to communicate with elements of ancient languages).

New adherents of various Masonic orders and sects, for example, often do not know what exactly they say during their initiation, but simply repeat unknown words indicated by the master. The oaths themselves usually have two or more meanings, are pronounced in images and Masonic archetypes, that is, egregorial bindings dictated by the authorities of the lodge / order. In many cases, these words and phrases are permission to share the essence of a particular race that oversees the order.

Languages ​​are able to format the consciousness of their carrier.

As it was said earlier (and it is generally known), the Russian language is much more vivid and eloquent, and English is best suited for conveying dry business information. This difference in the programming of the ego-complex responsible for the translation of mental images, among other reasons, gives rise to a difference in the cultures of the West and the East.

Of course, language is not the only reason for this difference, but it is not in vain that it has become ingrained in the minds of people as one of the brightest moments of biblical doctrine. Divide and Conquer 101.

The words and images to which they are attached can be compared with hyperlinks to space databases. By saying this or that word, we have the opportunity to connect to a particular server, run a program to execute a certain script, download information. For example, information on treatment, navigation in space, work with the elements and spirits, etc.

To the point:

Changing words is comparable to changing links on the site - by clicking on a familiar (but slightly changed) link, you get to a completely different server and often get far from the information that you requested, which distorts your perception and energy state.

The question arises: is it necessary to change the language back to a more multidimensional, energy-intensive one, as it was before?

Yes and no. It will be practically impossible to change it even during this generation, especially since it is not profitable for the system. On the other hand, this is not necessary, and here is why: if earlier all people were constantly in touch with their Spirit (higher aspects) and personal awareness was not needed, because. information just went in a stream, now we are developing this personal awareness in order to become that same stream ourselves, to generate it on our own, thereby creating our own reality!

The lack of imaginative thinking in many ways makes it difficult to receive information from our mentors and teachers who are on the other side of the matrix veil. they operate not so much with language as with mental images.

However, we are making huge strides in this direction and every year we are acquiring more and more skills and information. It is impossible to solve the problem without understanding its essence, which is what many people are doing now. Due to a lack of understanding of what happened on Earth and a veil blocking the flow of information, many of us could not adequately assess the situation before and pass it on to earthly curators. Now all this is changing and the moment is approaching for a general leap in consciousness, which will allow many things to change.
About this in 6 days, join the general meditation on 02.02., It will be interesting, I promise)

Lastly, learn foreign languages, ladies and gentlemen, they make us more multidimensional in the existing conditions)


Today we will talk about a very important thing that you may never have thought about, or perhaps have ever heard of. It will be about modeling the future, about programming and creating the right events.

We will talk about what events are in our life: where do they come from, who programs them and why does it happen that events that you do not expect come, and those events that you really want, just long for, do not come and do not come true.

As it turned out, all the events that occur in our lives, they are created (modeled) by ourselves - our thoughts, how we relate to this or that person and to these or those objects, events and to the way of life that we live . Everything that we receive in our life depends entirely on us.

    What happens to us today is what we thought yesterday. And tomorrow what we think about today will happen. And it’s not in vain that we are talking about this today, because many people ask me: “Merlin, how can I make the events in my life happen the way I want?”.

    And it turned out to be not so difficult. It turned out that for a long time, many centuries ago, people knew how to do this. People knew how to program their events. And not only predict, but directly create an event stream that led them to the desired result. This was done by many spiritual practices, including Taoist ones. That's just about Taoist practices a little more, I'll tell you now.

    As you probably already guessed, you need to do something that you have not done in your life. And it is necessary, accordingly, to somehow think, as you have never thought in your life. In order to attract the necessary events, the necessary amounts of money into your life, the right people, the right partners, the right business, you need to rebuild something at home. And maybe I'll tell you something you've never heard of. Now you will hear how this can be done to you personally and absolutely change your life.

      But first, a few words about how it works. It works as follows. The ancient Taoists noticed that thoughts greatly influence what happens in our lives. They literally model and program our future.

      If a person thinks about something positive, as we now call it, then he receives it in his life. If he thinks about something negative all the time, then this is attracted to him. This is a manifestation of the universal. And therefore, the way of thinking is just one of the tools with which we can create in our life the events we need, those events that will help you achieve your goals and fulfill your desires.

      You probably know that I am a practitioner. Let's practice with you. To do this, I have special items that will help us. For example, these are natural horns of a wild yak from Tibet. And beeswax, which bees harvest, will also help us. Why do we need it? You have probably heard the proverb “Take the bull by the horns” more than once. To make it easier for you to imagine how to do this practice, we will take the bull by the horns.

      What is it for? In this practice, we will use two elements - the element of Fire and the element of Water. Fire is the heart and Water is the kidneys. These horns will symbolize the connection with nature, with the life force of the bull. This will make it easier for you to imagine. Of course, in reality it turns out a little differently, everything is more complicated. But so that you can do this practice without yak horns, you will imagine this.

      Event Modeling Technique (practice)

      I take a piece of wax and put it in my mouth. I chew a little. It turns out a kind of chewing gum. I leave it in my mouth. What is it for? This is done so that I have a certain connection with the living space in which the bees live. And I take the horns in such a way as if I take the bull by the horns. These are healing horns. They are used specifically for medicinal purposes, there are practices of scraping.

      You also need to make chewing movements, they will help you enter the state. Next, you need to stretch your arms forward and clench the horns into fists. Imagine there is a bull in front of you and you are holding it by the horns. You need to tightly clench your fists. First the fingers are clenched, then the fist itself. Tighten those fists. Then the eyes close and also shrink. The jaws are compressed and all the muscles of the face are tensed. And not only this.

      The exercise must be done while standing. The feet are on the surface. Squeeze your toes as if you are clinging with claws. In qigong, this is called rooting. And you will also need to compress three muscle groups in the perineum. What do we do? Firstly, this is done very quickly, but you will feel the full effectiveness of this exercise. This will be the first step towards programming and modeling your life events. This is such a preliminary introductory step.

      When you squeeze everything, imagine the fire in your heart. You must understand, the fire in your heart will flare up. Two elements - Fire and Water - will interact, and you will be filled with energy.

      We will do the exercise only three times. So get ready, stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly inward. The toes seemed to cling to the surface like claws. It will be necessary to strain all muscle groups, face, clench your fists. Perhaps your face will turn red or you will feel hot, sweat will begin to stand out. It's all right. Thus, you enter into a state to create events in your life.

      And just at the moment when you do all this, ignite the Fire in your heart, you will need to feel how you connect the Fire in the heart with the Water in the kidneys. Everything intensifies and at this moment you need to think about the event that you would like to create.

      We will have three attempts with you. It's physically hard enough to do so you know. So get ready for the fact that there will be physical activity. So, get ready. Hands extended forward, clenched into fists. And now they closed their eyes, clenched their fists, clenched their faces, grabbed their feet, took root. Tightened all the muscles of the perineum. And they held their breath.

      Introducing Fire in the Heart. Released. You feel the energy flow. And the second time. They closed their eyes, took the bull by the horns, clenched their fists, eyes, face, muscles of the perineum. Legs clutched and held their breath. Feel the fire, it flares up in the body. Stopped for the second time.