Who fought in World War II, which countries were involved in the conflict, and who was on which side? Who and how many of the peoples of the USSR fought on the side of Nazi Germany The countries of Europe on the side of Hitler

It so happened that representatives of world Jewry fought on the fronts of the Second World War both against the Nazis and for the Nazis!

On the side of the USSR, about 500 thousand Soviet Jews fought against the Nazis, on the side Nazi Germany about 150 thousand Jews fought against the USSR.

It is also curious that during the Second World War, more than one person lived in the world. Hitler, but at least two!

One Hitler was in Nazi Germany, the other in the USSR!

The Nazi fascists had their own Hitler - Adolf Aloisovich, born in 1889, son of his father Alois Hitler (1837-1903) and his mother - Clara Hitler (1860-1907), who bore the surname before marriage Pölzl. I should note that in the pedigree of Adolf Aloisovich there was one small juicy detail. His father Alois Hitler was an illegitimate son in his parents' family. Until 1876 (until the age of 29) he bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber(German: Schicklgruber). In 1842, Alois's mother, Maria Schicklgruber, married the miller Johann Georg Hiedler (Hiedler), who died in 1857. Alois Schicklgruber's mother died even earlier in 1847. In 1876, Alois Schicklgruber gathered three "witnesses" who, at his request, "confirmed" that Johann Georg Hiedler, who died 19 years ago, was Alois' real father. This perjury gave grounds for the latter to change his mother's surname - Schicklgruber - to his father's surname - Hiedler, which, when recorded in the book "registration of births", was changed to Jewish - Hitler. Historians believe that this change in the spelling of Hiedler's name to Hitler was not an accidental typo. Adolf Hitler's 29-year-old father, Alois, thus distanced himself from being related to his stepfather, Johann Georg Hiedler.

What for? Who was his real father?

In part, the answer to the last question is contained in documentary below. And Historians claim that Alois Schicklgruber (Hitler) was the illegitimate son of one of the financial kings of the Rothschild family!
If so, then Adolf Hitler, it turns out, was also related to the Rothschilds. Obviously, the Rothschild banking family knew this very well, and therefore provided generous financial assistance to Adolf Hitler in the 30s of the twentieth century in becoming his Fuhrer of the German nation.

The Soviet people, in the USSR, had their own Hitler- Semyon Konstantinovich, born in 1922, who served in the Red Army as a private.

Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, during the defense of the 174.5 height of the Tiraspol fortification area 73 years ago, destroyed more than a hundred with the fire of his machine gun German soldiers. After that, wounded without ammunition, he left the encirclement. For this feat, Comrade Hitler was awarded the medal "For Courage". Subsequently, the Red Army soldier Hitler took part in the defense of Odessa. Together with her defenders, he crossed to the Crimea and died on July 3, 1942, defending Sevastopol.



Well, fellow readers, in your opinion, I didnormalforeword?



He crossed Germany on a bicycle, sometimes doing 100 kilometers a day. For months, he lived on cheap jam sandwiches and peanut butter, slept in a sleeping bag near provincial train stations. Then there were raids in Sweden, Canada, Turkey and Israel. For six years, search trips lasted in the company with a video camera and a laptop computer.

In the summer of 2002, the world saw the fruits of this devotion: 30-year-old Brian Mark Rigg published his final work, Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and People of Jewish Origin in the German Army.

Brian is an evangelical Christian (like President Bush), from a Texas "Bible Belt" working-class family, an Israel Defense Forces volunteer soldier and an officer marines The United States suddenly became interested in its past. Why did one of his ancestors serve in the Wehrmacht, while the other died in Auschwitz?

Behind Rigg was studying at Yale University, a grant from Cambridge, 400 interviews with Wehrmacht veterans, 500 hours of video evidence, 3,000 photographs and 30,000 pages of memoirs of Nazi soldiers and officers - those people whose Jewish roots allow them to repatriate to Israel even tomorrow. Rigg's calculations and conclusions sound quite sensational: up to 150,000 soldiers who had Jewish parents or grandparents fought in the German army on the fronts of World War II.

The term "mishlinge" in the Reich called people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 distinguished between "Mishlinge" of the first degree (one of the parents is Jewish) and the second degree (grandparents are Jews). Despite the legal "corruption" of people with Jewish genes and despite the crackling propaganda, tens of thousands of "Mischlings" lived quietly under the Nazis. They were drafted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine in the usual way, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals at the level of commanders of regiments, divisions and armies.

Hundreds of Mischlings were awarded Iron Crosses for bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross. Veterans of the Wehrmacht complained to Rigg that the authorities were reluctant to introduce them to the orders and pulled with promotion in rank, mindful of their Jewish ancestors.


The revealed life stories might seem fantastic, but they are real and documented. So, an 82-year-old resident of the north of Germany, a believing Jew, served in the war as a Wehrmacht captain, secretly observing Jewish rituals in the field.

For a long time, the Nazi press placed on their covers a photograph of a blue-eyed blond in a helmet. Under the picture was: "The perfect German soldier." This Aryan ideal was the Wehrmacht fighter Werner Goldberg (with a Jewish dad).

Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt received the Knight's Cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front in August 1941. Then Robert was sent to Rommel's African Corps. Near El Alamein, Borchardt was captured by the British. In 1944, the prisoner of war was allowed to come to England to be reunited with his Jewish father. In 1946, Robert returned to Germany, telling his Jewish dad: "Someone must rebuild our country." In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told German schoolchildren: "Many Jews and half-Jews who fought for Germany in World War II believed that they should honestly defend their fatherland by serving in the army."

Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal charter, in which the Fuhrer certified the Aryan identity of this Halachic Jew. The same certificates of "German blood" were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin. Hollander during the war years was awarded the Iron Crosses of both degrees and a rare distinction - the Golden German Cross. Hollander received the Knight's Cross in July 1943, when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks in one battle on the Kursk Bulge. Walter was given leave; he went to the Reich via Warsaw. It was there that he was shocked by the sight of the destroyed Jewish ghetto. Hollander returned to the front spiritually broken; personnel officers entered in his personal file - "too independent and little controllable", hacking his promotion to the rank of general. In October 1944, Walter was taken prisoner and spent 12 years in Stalin's camps. He died in 1972 in Germany.

The story of the rescue of Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn from Warsaw in the autumn of 1939 is full of secrets. Chabad in the United States turned to Secretary of State Cordell Hull for help. The State Department agreed with Admiral Canaris, the head of military intelligence (Abwehr), on Schneerson's free passage through the Reich to neutral Holland. Abwehr and the Rebbe found mutual language: German intelligence officers did everything to keep America from entering the war, and the Rebbe used a unique chance to survive. Only recently it became known that the operation to evacuate the Lubavitcher Rebbe from occupied Poland was led by an Abwehr Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Ernst Bloch—son of a Jew. Bloch defended the Rebbe from the attacks of the German soldiers accompanying him. This officer himself was "covered" by a reliable document: "I, Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of the German nation, hereby confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood." True, in February 1945, this paper did not prevent Bloch from being dismissed. It is interesting to note that his namesake, a Jew Dr. Edward Bloch, in 1940 personally received permission from the Fuhrer to travel to the United States: he was a doctor from Linz who treated Hitler's mother and Adolf himself in his childhood.

Who were the "Mischlings" of the Wehrmacht - victims of anti-Semitic persecution or accomplices of the executioners? Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier with an Iron Cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to ... visit his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by this guest: "If it were not for the award on your uniform, you would have quickly ended up in the same place where your father is."

Another story was told by a 76-year-old resident of Germany, 100% Jewish: in 1940 he managed to escape from occupied France using forged documents. Under a new German name, he was drafted into the Waffen-SS - selected combat units. "If I served in german army, and my mother died in Auschwitz, then who am I - a victim or one of the persecutors? The Germans, feeling guilty for what they have done, do not want to hear about us. The Jewish community is also turning its back on people like me, because our stories contradict everything that is used to be considered the Holocaust."

LIST of 77s

In January 1944, the personnel department of the Wehrmacht prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jewish women." All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed—23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. Brian Rigg announces today. To this list one can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals.

In 1940, all officers who had two Jewish grandparents were ordered to leave military service. Those who were "stained" by Jewishness only on the part of one of their grandfathers could remain in the army in ordinary positions. Reality was different—these orders were not carried out. Therefore, they were repeated to no avail in 1942, 1943 and 1944. There were frequent cases when German soldiers, driven by the laws of "front-line fraternity", hid "their Jews" without betraying them to party and punitive bodies. Such scenes of the 1941 model could well have taken place: a German company hiding "their Jews" captures Red Army soldiers, who, in turn, hand over "their Jews" and commissars for reprisal.

Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a Luftwaffe officer and grandson of a Jew, testifies: “Only in my air unit there were 15-20 guys like me. I am convinced that Rigg’s deep immersion in the problems of German soldiers of Jewish origin will open up new perspectives in the study military history Germany of the 20th century.

Rigg single-handedly documented 1,200 examples of mischlinge service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with the closest Jewish ancestors. A thousand of these front-line soldiers had 2,300 Jewish relatives killed—nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.

One of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, fought rumors of Jewish origin all his (fortunately short) life. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), the son of a conservatory director. family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future chief of the RSHA.
As a child, older boys often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (by the way, Eichmann was also teased at school as a "little Jew"), at the age of 16 he joins the Freikorps chauvinist organization to dispel rumors about a Jewish grandfather. In the mid-1920s, Heydrich served as a cadet on the Berlin training ship, where the future Admiral Canaris was the captain. Reinhard meets his wife Erica, arranges Haydn and Mozart's home violin concertos with her. But in 1931, Heydrich was dismissed from the army in disgrace for violating the code of officer honor (seducing the infant daughter of the ship's commander).

Heydrich ascends the Nazi ladder. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (rank, equal to a general army) intrigues against his former benefactor Canaris, trying to subdue the Abwehr. Canaris's answer is simple: at the end of 1941, the admiral hides photocopies of documents about Heydrich's Jewish origin in his safe.

It was the chief of the RSHA who held the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 to discuss the "final solution of the Jewish question." Heydrich's report clearly states that the grandchildren of a Jew are regarded as Germans and are not subject to repression. One day, returning home drunk to smithereens at night, Heydrich turns on the light in the room. Reinhard suddenly sees his own image in the mirror and shoots him twice with a pistol, shouting to himself, "Disgusting Jew!"

Air Field Marshal Erhard Milch can be considered a classic example of a "hidden Jew" in the elite of the Third Reich. His father was a Jewish pharmacist. Due to his Jewish origin, Erhard was not accepted into the Kaiser military schools, but the First World War opened him access to aviation, Milch got into the division of the famous Richthoffen, met the young ace Goering and distinguished himself at the headquarters, although he himself did not fly on airplanes. In 1920, Junkers provided patronage to Milch, promoting the former front-line soldier in his concern. In 1929, Milch became the general director of Lufthansa, the national air carrier. The wind was already blowing towards the Nazis, and Erhard provided free Lufthansa planes for the NSDAP leaders.

This service is unforgettable. Having come to power, the Nazis declare that Milch's mother did not have sex with her Jewish husband, and Erhard's true father is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time about this: "Yes, we made Milch a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard!" Another aphorism of Goering about Milch: "In my headquarters, I myself will decide who is a Jew and who is not!" Field Marshal Milch actually headed the Luftwaffe on the eve and during the war, replacing Goering. It was Milch who supervised the creation of the new Me-262 jet and V-missiles. After the war, Milch served nine years in prison, and then worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Thyssen concerns until the age of 80.


The work of Brian Rigg is exposed to overexposure and perversion. Catastrophe deniers want to take advantage of scientific results—European and Islamic historians trying to dismiss the phenomenon of the Holocaust or downplay the scale of the genocide of the Jews.

By quoting Rigg, such scholars change the emphasis on minutiae. It is said, for example, about "Jewish soldiers" and even about "Hitler's Jewish army", while the author himself writes about soldiers of Jewish origin (children and grandchildren of Jews). The vast majority of Wehrmacht veterans reported in an interview that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews. These soldiers tried with their courage to refute the Nazi racial chatter. With triple zeal at the front, Hitler's soldiers proved that their Jewish ancestors did not prevent them from being good German patriots and staunch warriors.

Hasan Huseynzade, a Muslim historian from Minnesota, lists in his review: "Jewish soldiers served in the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. Dr. Rigg's work should be read by anyone who studies or teaches World War II history." The mention of the SS is not accidental - now "ducks" will fly in the media about the service of Jews in the SS, although Rigg gave a single example of such a person (and even then with fake German documents). The readers will remain in the subconscious: "The Jews destroyed themselves, serving in the SS." This is how anti-Semitic myths are created.

Dr. Jonathan Steinberg, head of the Rigg project at the University of Cambridge, praises his student for his courage and overcoming the hardships of the study: "Bryan's findings make the reality of the Nazi state more complex."

The young American, in my opinion, not only makes the picture of the Third Reich and the Holocaust more voluminous, but also makes Israelis take a fresh look at the usual definitions of Jewry. It was previously believed that in World War II, all Jews fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. Jewish soldiers in the Finnish, Romanian and Hungarian armies were seen as exceptions to the rule.

Now Brian Rigg confronts us with new facts, leading Israel to an unheard of paradox. Let's think about it: 150 thousand soldiers and officers of the Nazi army could be repatriated according to the Israeli Law of Return. The current form of this law, spoiled by a late insert about the separate right of the grandson of a Jew to aliyah, allows thousands of Wehrmacht veterans to come to Israel!

Left-wing Israeli politicians are trying to defend the grandchildren amendment by saying that the grandchildren of a Jew were also persecuted by the Third Reich. Read Brian Rigg, gentlemen! The suffering of these grandchildren was often expressed in the delay of the next Iron Cross.

The fate of the children and grandchildren of German Jews once again shows us the tragedy of assimilation. The grandfather's apostasy from the religion of his ancestors hits like a boomerang on the entire Jewish people and on his German grandson, who is fighting for the ideals of Nazism in the ranks of the Wehrmacht. Unfortunately, the gallant flight from one's own "I" characterizes not only Germany of the last century, but also the Israel of today.

And now let's move to the present.

A "DPR" militiaman speaks to the camera: "We are confronted by "Jewish fascists". Now we are preparing to launch a volley at the fascist, ugly, nationalist scum ... Jewish! And their accomplices. Now there, on the other side, Jewish hundreds, Poles and others like them foreigners are fighting," reports " militia."

AT modern Russia at every opportunity from TV screens: in the news, historical programs or some kind of show, they like to reproach their neighbors that during the Second World War, SS units, police units or organizations supporting anti-Bolshevik, anti-Soviet sentiments were formed on their territory.

First of all, it goes to the Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, with their SS divisions, formed one, respectively, in each of these countries - Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. And also specifically mentioned in these programs or programs is the SS division "Galicia" formed on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, cynically hushing up their own SS units formed from Russians. If it were the will of the current fighters against the "Bandera" and "forest brothers", then they would no doubt try to erase the ROA from their own history.

To finally appear in all its glory, the one and only fighters for saving the world during the Second World War.
However, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. And the truth, no matter how bitter and unpleasant it is, and no matter how much you want to hide it, the current generation of Russians cannot be avoided, glossed over or embellished.

And, in addition to the already infamous ROA - the Russian Liberation Army, under the leadership of the former Soviet general Vlasov A.A., who, by the way, made a significant contribution to the victory of the Soviet troops near Moscow in 1941 and commanded the 2nd shock army, there are also other little-known SS divisions and units formed from Russians. Little-known, first of all, for the Russian fighters themselves with collaborators. Yes Yes.

Unlike the Latvians or Estonians with the Ukrainians, who gathered one division at a time, there were not even several Russian units of the SS.

Here they are:

  • Volunteer Regiment of the SS "Varyag".
  • 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina".
  • 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps.
  • 29th grenadier division SS "RONA" (1st Russian).
  • 30th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Russian).
  • 36th SS Grenadier Division Dirlewanger.


  • 15th Cossack Russian Corps of the SS FHA-SS - 3 divisions, 16 regiments.
  • 29th Russian FHA-SS - 6 regiments.
  • 30th Russian FHA-SS, 1st formation, 1944, - 5 regiments.


  • 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina" - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
  • 1st Guards Brigade ROA "Sonderkommando Љ113" SD - 1 battalion, 2 companies.
  • SS Brigade "Center for Anti-Bolshevik Struggle" (TsPBB) - 3 battalions.
  • Reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the Main Command "Russia - Center" of the Sonderstaff "Zeppelin" RSHA-SS - 4 special forces detachments.

As you can see, there are also Russian SS divisions and regiments and corps and brigades, and even reconnaissance and sabotage formations. So why do the modern Russian "herodotes", when they stigmatize Estonians, Latvians or Ukrainians on the next May 9, do not remember the Russian units of the SS?
Everything is very simple. Such an example does not fit in with the image of a Russian soldier-liberator (as if only Russians served in the Red Army and there were no Ukrainians, no Belarusians, no Georgians, no Armenians, no same Latvians or Estonians), the only one who did not stain himself with a connection with the German fascism.
And, you can argue and prove for as long as you like - they participated or did not participate in punitive operations against civilians, they reached the size of a full-blooded division or did not reach it, whether they fought at all or were just on paper, but the fact remains - Russian divisions The SS were and they fought on the side of the Third Reich.
But, in addition to the actual Russian units of the SS, with weapons in their hands, who fought on the side of Hitler, there were other military units and divisions in the service of the Wehrmacht, which consisted of Russians. About which, according to the already established "good" tradition, the new Russian historians and patriots themselves "forget" to tell. In the meantime, as they say, there is something to see. For example:


  • Armed forces of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) (1 army, 4 corps, 8 divisions, 8 brigades).
  • Russian Liberation Army of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (3 divisions, 2 brigades).

"ARMY" WEhrmacht

  • Russian Liberation Army of the Wehrmacht - 12 security corps, 13 divisions, 30 brigades.
  • Russian Liberation People's Army - 5 regiments, 18 battalions.
  • Russian National People's Army - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
  • Russian National Army - 2 regiments, 12 battalions.


  • KONR Air Force (KONR Aviation Corps) - 87 aircraft, 1 air group, 1 regiment.


  • 582nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 11 battalions.
  • 583rd security (Estonian-Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 10 battalions.
  • 584th security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 6 battalions.
  • 590th security Cossack (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 4 battalions.
  • 580th security Cossack (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 9 battalions.
  • 532nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 13 battalions.
  • 559th security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 7 battalions.


  • Russian legion "White Cross" of the Wehrmacht - 4 battalions.


  • "Special Division" Russia "" General Smyslovsky - 1 regiment, 12 battalions.


  • Brigade "Graukopf" - "RNNA" General Ivanov - 1 regiment, 5 battalions.


  • 442nd Special Purpose - 2 regiments of the ROA.
  • 136th Special Purpose - 2 regiments of the ROA.
  • 210th Special Purpose Stationary Infantry (Coastal Defense) - 1 regiment, 2 separate ROA battalions.


  • Russian security corps of the Wehrmacht in Serbia - 1 brigade, 5 regiments.
  • Russian "People's Guard" of the General Commissariat "Moscow" (Rear Area of ​​the Army Group "Center") - 13 battalions, 1 cavalry division.


  • 15th Special Purpose Mountain Rifle Corps of the 2nd Tank Army:
  • Russians - 1 security corps, 5 regiments, Croatian - 2 divisions, 6 regiments.
  • 69th Special Purpose Corps of the 2nd Tank Army: Russian - 1 division, 8 regiments, Croatian - 1 division, 3 regiments.

Thus, the majority, both in foreign units and divisions of the SS, were Russians, and in the units of the Wehrmacht itself, most of the collaborators were all the same Russians. But how many, at least approximately, Russians fought on the side of Hitler and the Third Reich? Is it even possible to count them at all? total? I guess, yes.

According to various estimates, various researchers, the total number of Russians who fought on the side of the Third Reich ranges from zero (actually, the calculations of the current ardent Russian patriots who manage to record all Russian units and divisions of the SS in Ukrainians, Belarusians and Latvians with Georgians) and up to two million. But, most likely, the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle, between these two figures.

Moreover, the Germans themselves, as of 1943, determine the total number of Russians who fought on the side of the Third Reich at 800 thousand people.

So, for example, Vlasov's army itself was not very large. His two divisions, which had already been formed, represented no more than 40 thousand fighters. Plus there was another poorly armed and not yet fully formed third division. This is about 10-12 thousand soldiers.

The Cossack corps of General Helmut von Panivitz, who became part of the ROA, also adjoined Vlasov. These are 45 thousand Cossacks who fought in Yugoslavia. It included the Russian corps, formed from emigrants, who fought in Serbia: it is about six thousand people. In total, about 120 thousand people. This is what is actually called ROA.

Thus, the ROA alone gave about 120 thousand Russians who fought on the side of Hitler.

Adding to these 120 thousand, all the other well-known Russian SS divisions, security regiments and units, formations and detachments, we will just reach the figure of 1 million Russians !!! soldier on the side of the Third Reich. In general, if we take into account that soldiers died in battles and reinforcements were constantly sent to military units, then to these 800 thousand - a million, we can safely add another 200-300 thousand Russians.

It is very remarkable about the actual number of Russians who fought on the side of Hitler, says the fact that when in 1943, Hitler demanded that all Russians be removed from the Eastern Front and transferred to the Western, the generals clutched their heads: it was impossible, because every fifth on the Eastern Front was then Russian.

So it turns out that those who today so intensely reproach their neighbors for collaborating with the fascist regime were themselves the most massive and loyal supporters of the Third Reich and Hitler during the Second World War. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the incomprehensible craving in modern Russia for neo-Nazi symbols and ideology.

So maybe it’s enough already to reproach others for a speck in the eye, when a log sticks out of each of their own eyes?

Although this is already out of the realm of not even science fiction. Because then you will have to recognize the past as it really was, and this is not personal and not heroic and not as idealistic as it has been portrayed for more than 70 years. And as one Soviet comrade from the top said: "Who needs your truth if it interferes with life."

This is how the current and next generation of Russians will most likely live, basing their knowledge of history primarily on myths, silence, and in some places even outright lies.

Collaborationism during the Great Patriotic War was common. According to historians, up to one and a half million Soviet citizens defected to the side of the enemy. Many of them were representatives of the Cossacks.

Uncomfortable topic

Domestic historians are reluctant to raise the issue of the Cossacks who fought on the side of Hitler. Even those who touched on this topic tried to emphasize that the tragedy of the Cossacks of World War II was closely intertwined with the Bolshevik genocide of the 1920s and 1930s. In fairness, it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of the Cossacks, despite claims to Soviet power remained faithful to the Motherland. Moreover, many emigrant Cossacks took an anti-fascist position, taking part in the resistance movements of various countries.
Among those who swore allegiance to Hitler were Astrakhan, Kuban, Terek, Ural, Siberian Cossacks. But the overwhelming majority of collaborators among the Cossacks were still residents of the Don lands.
In the territories occupied by the Germans, Cossack police battalions were created, the main task of which was to fight the partisans. So, in September 1942, near the farm of the Pshenichny Stanichno-Lugansk region, the Cossack policemen, together with the Gestapo punitive detachments, succeeded in defeating partisan detachment under the command of Ivan Yakovenko.
Often, the Cossacks acted as guards of prisoners of war of the Red Army. Under the German commandant's offices there were also Cossack hundreds who performed police tasks. Two such hundreds of Don Cossacks were stationed in the village of Luganskaya and two more in Krasnodon.
For the first time, a proposal to form Cossack units to fight partisans was put forward by a German counterintelligence officer, Baron von Kleist. In October 1941, the Quartermaster General of the German General Staff, Eduard Wagner, having studied this proposal, allowed the commanders of the rear areas of the Army Groups North, Center and South to form Cossack units from prisoners of war to use them in the fight against the partisan movement.
Why did the formation of Cossack units not meet opposition from the functionaries of the NSDAP, and, moreover, was encouraged by the German authorities? Historians answer that this is due to the doctrine of the Fuhrer, who did not classify the Cossacks as Russians, considering them a separate people - the descendants of the Ostrogoths.


One of the first part of the Wehrmacht was the Cossack unit under the command of Kononov. On August 22, 1941, Red Army Major Ivan Kononov announced his decision to go over to the enemy and invited everyone to join him. Thus, the major, the officers of his headquarters and several dozen Red Army soldiers of the regiment were captured. There, Kononov recalled that he was the son of a Cossack captain hanged by the Bolsheviks, and expressed his readiness to cooperate with the Nazis.
The Don Cossacks who had gone over to the side of the Reich did not miss the opportunity and tried to demonstrate their loyalty to the Nazi regime. On October 24, 1942, a “Cossack parade” took place in Krasnodon, with which the Don Cossacks showed their devotion to the command of the Wehrmacht and the German administration.
After a prayer service for the health of the Cossacks and the speedy victory of the German army, a letter of greeting to Adolf Hitler was read, which, in particular, said: “We, the Don Cossacks, are the remnants of the survivors of the cruel Jewish-Stalinist terror, fathers and grandchildren, sons and brothers of those who died in a fierce struggle with the Bolsheviks, I salute you, the great commander, brilliant statesman, builder New Europe, Liberator and friend of the Don Cossacks, your warm Don Cossack greetings!
Many Cossacks, including those who did not share the admiration for the Fuhrer, nevertheless welcomed the Reich's policy aimed at opposing the Cossacks and Bolshevism. “Whatever the Germans, it won’t be worse,” such statements were heard very often.


The general leadership for the formation of the Cossack units was entrusted to the head of the Main Directorate Cossack troops Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany, General Peter Krasnov.
"Cossacks! Remember, you are not Russians, you are Cossacks, an independent people. The Russians are hostile to you,” the general kept reminding his subordinates. - Moscow has always been an enemy of the Cossacks, crushed and exploited them. Now the time has come when we, the Cossacks, can create our own life independent of Moscow.”
As Krasnov noted, extensive cooperation between the Cossacks and the Nazis began in the autumn of 1941. In addition to the 102nd volunteer Cossack unit of Kononov, a Cossack reconnaissance battalion of the 14th tank corps, a Cossack reconnaissance squadron of the 4th security scooter regiment and a Cossack sabotage detachment under the German special services.
In addition, since the end of 1941, Cossack hundreds began to appear regularly in the German army. In the summer of 1942, the cooperation of the Cossacks with the German authorities entered a new phase. Since that time, large Cossack formations - regiments and divisions - began to be created as part of the troops of the Third Reich.
However, one should not think that all the Cossacks who went over to the side of the Wehrmacht remained loyal to the Fuhrer. Very often, the Cossacks singly or in whole units went over to the side of the Red Army or joined the Soviet partisans.
An interesting incident occurred in the 3rd Kuban regiment. One of the German officers sent to the Cossack unit, making a review of hundreds, called out a Cossack he did not like with something. The German first scolded him severely, and then hit him in the face with a glove.
The offended Cossack silently took out his saber and hacked the officer to death. The rushing German authorities immediately built a hundred: "Whoever did this, step forward!" A hundred walked. The Germans thought and decided to attribute the death of their officer to the partisans.


How many Cossacks during the entire period of the war fought on the side of Nazi Germany?
According to the order of the German command of June 18, 1942, all prisoners of war who were Cossacks by origin and considered themselves as such were to be sent to a camp in the city of Slavuta. By the end of June, 5826 people were concentrated in the camp. It was decided to begin the formation of Cossack units from this contingent.
By the middle of 1943, the Wehrmacht had about 20 Cossack regiments of various strengths and a large number of small units, the total number of which reached 25 thousand people.
When the Germans began to retreat in 1943, hundreds of thousands of Don Cossacks with their families moved along with the troops. According to experts, the number of Cossacks exceeded 135,000 people. After the end of the war on the territory of Austria, the allied forces detained and transferred to the Soviet zone of occupation a total of 50 thousand Cossacks. Among them was General Krasnov.
Researchers have calculated that at least 70,000 Cossacks served in the Wehrmacht, parts of the Waffen-SS and in the auxiliary police during the war years, most of which were Soviet citizens who defected to Germany during the occupation.

According to the historian Kirill Alexandrov, about 1.24 million citizens of the USSR carried out military service on the side of Germany in 1941-1945: among them 400 thousand were Russians, including 80 thousand in Cossack formations. Political scientist Sergei Markedonov suggests that among these 80 thousand, only 15-20 thousand were not Cossacks by origin.

Most of the Cossacks extradited by the allies received long terms in the Gulag, and the Cossack elite, who acted on the side of Nazi Germany, were sentenced to death by hanging by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

On the eve of Victory Day, we remember not only friends, but also enemies. The Red Army had to fight not only with the German Wehrmacht, but also with a whole horde of Hitler's allied armies and national units, representing at least half of Europe.
We will show only some of them.

Hitler's westernmost military ally was formally neutral Francoist Spain, which sent a volunteer "Blue Division" to the Eastern Front:

The Hungarians also turned out to be a rather stubborn enemy for the Red Army, who sent several divisions to the southern sector of the Soviet-German front.

Hungarian soldiers, 1941:

Hungarian soldier in Budapest, 1939:

One of the most numerous armies that fought on the side of Hitler was the Romanian. The Romanians participated in the siege of Odessa and reached Stalingrad with the Germans, where they were entrusted with covering the flanks of the Paulus army.
Romanian infantry around 1943:

The largest of the satellite armies was the Italian one, but it was never known for its fighting efficiency.
Already in July 1941, Mussolini agreed to send Italian troops to Russia, where they ingloriously ended their journey in the snow near Stalingrad. The surviving Italians were recalled home in April 1943.

Bulgaria also found itself in the camp of the enemy, but its army was not sent to fight in Russia. It was the only ally of Germany that did not fight against the USSR, despite all the persuasion of Hitler.

Bulgarian soldiers, March 1941:

However, the participation of Bulgaria in the occupation of Greece and Yugoslavia and military operations against the Greek and Yugoslav partisans freed up German divisions to be sent to the Eastern Front. In addition, on December 6, 1941, the Bulgarian patrol ships sunk the Soviet submarine Shch-204 near Varna.

Bulgarian soldier, March 1941:

In addition to the regular armies of the satellite countries, many national units from the occupied states and territories fought on the side of Hitler, which would have to be listed for a very long time.

Among the best known to us is the Latvian Legion of the Waffen-SS:

And here are the soldiers from the Legion of French Volunteers in Smolensk, 1941:

It is known that they were even specially dragged to the Borodino field, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich in the fall of 1941 there were heavy battles.

In addition to national combat units, there were all kinds of police and collaborator units, some kind of "self-defense units", etc. formations that actively fought against the partisans and helped the Germans to terrorize the civilian population of the occupied territories.

This picture shows a policeman in Kyiv in the autumn of 1941:

And this is a certain Albanian "volunteer" who served the Germans:

In total, these were millions of bayonets, who fought far from always worse than the Germans.

The very first strategic counter-offensive of the Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War revealed a very unpleasant circumstance for the USSR. Among the enemy troops captured near Moscow were many military units of France, Poland, Holland, Finland, Austria, Norway and other countries. On captured military equipment and shells, imprints of all major European firms were found.

Prior to this, Soviet propaganda assured that the European proletarians would never go up in arms against the state of workers and peasants, that they would sabotage the production of weapons for Hitler. But exactly the opposite happened.

A very characteristic find was made by our soldiers after the liberation of the Moscow region in the area of ​​​​the historical Borodino field - next to the French cemetery of 1812, they discovered fresh graves of Napoleon's descendants. The Soviet 32nd Rifle Division of the Red Banner, Colonel V.I. Polosukhin, fought here, the fighters of which could not even imagine that they were opposed by "French allies".

A more or less complete picture of this battle was revealed only after the Victory. The chief of staff of the 4th German Army, G. Blumentritt, published his memoirs in which he wrote: “Four battalions of French volunteers operating as part of the 4th Army turned out to be less steadfast. At Borodin, Field Marshal von Kluge addressed them with a speech, recalling how, in the time of Napoleon, the French and Germans fought here side by side against a common enemy - Russia. The next day, the French boldly went into battle, but, unfortunately, they could not withstand either the powerful attack of the enemy, or the severe frost and snowstorm. They had never had to endure such trials before. French legion was defeated, having suffered heavy losses from enemy fire. A few days later he was taken to the rear and sent to the West.

Here is a curious archival document - a list of prisoners of war who surrendered Soviet troops during the war years. Recall that a prisoner of war is one who fights in uniform with weapons in his hands. So, Germans - 2,389,560, Hungarians - 513,767, Romanians - 187,370, Austrians - 156,682, Czechs and Slovaks - 69,977, Poles - 60,280, Italians - 48,957, French - 23,8136. Moldovans - 14,129 Jews - 10,173;

And these are only those who survived and were captured. In reality, much more Europeans fought against us.

Before the start of the war with the USSR, Hitler appealed to the Europeans to crusade against Bolshevism. Here is how it was responded to (data for June-October 1941, which do not take into account the huge military contingents of Italy, Hungary, Romania and other allies of Hitler). From the Spanish volunteers (18,000 people), the 250th Infantry Division was formed in the Wehrmacht. In July personnel took the oath to Hitler and left for the Soviet-German front. During September-October 1941, the 638th was formed from French volunteers (approximately 3000 people). infantry regiment. In October, the regiment was sent to Smolensk, and then to Moscow. From the Belgians in July 1941, the 373rd Walloon Battalion (about 850 people) was formed, transferred to the 97th Infantry Division of the 17th Wehrmacht Army. From the Croatian volunteers, the 369th Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment and the Croatian Legion were formed as part of the Italian troops. Approximately 2,000 Swedes volunteered for Finland. Of these, approximately 850 people participated in the fighting near Hanko, as part of the Swedish volunteer battalion. By the end of June 1941, 294 Norwegians were already serving in the SS Nordland Regiment. After the start of the war with the USSR in Norway, the volunteer legion "Norway" (1200 people) was created. After taking the oath to Hitler, he was sent to Leningrad. By the end of June 1941, there were 216 Danes in the SS Viking Division. After the start of the war with the USSR, the Danish "Volunteer Corps" began to form.

Our Polish comrades stand apart in complicity with fascism. Immediately after the end of the German-Polish war, the idea of ​​​​creating a Polish army fighting on the side of Germany was put forward by the Polish nationalist Wladislav Gizbert-Studnitsky. He developed a project to build a Polish 12-15 million pro-German state. Gizbert-Studnitsky proposed a plan to send Polish troops to Eastern front. Later, the idea of ​​a Polish-German alliance and a 35,000-strong Polish army was supported by the Sword and Plow organization associated with the Home Army.

In the first months of the war against the USSR, Polish servicemen in the fascist army had the so-called HiWi status (volunteer assistants). Later, Hitler gave special permission for the Poles to serve in the Wehrmacht. After that, it was categorically forbidden to use the name HiWi in relation to the Poles, since the Nazis treated them as full-fledged soldiers. Every Pole between the ages of 16 and 50 could become a volunteer, it was only necessary to pass a preliminary medical examination. The Poles, along with other European nations, were urged to stand "in defense of Western civilization from Soviet barbarism." Here is a quote from a fascist leaflet on Polish: “The German armed forces are leading the decisive struggle to defend Europe from Bolshevism. Any honest helper in this fight will be welcomed as a comrade-in-arms.” The text of the oath of the Polish soldiers read: “I swear before God this sacred oath that in the fight for the future of Europe in the ranks of the German Wehrmacht I will be absolutely obedient to the Supreme Commander Adolf Hitler, and as a brave soldier I am ready at any time to devote my strength to the fulfillment of this oath.”

It is amazing that even the strictest guardian of the Aryan gene pool, Himmler, allowed the formation of SS units from the Poles. The first sign was the Goral Legion of the Waffen-SS. Gorals are an ethnic group within the Polish nation. In 1942, the Nazis convened a Goral Committee in Zakopane. "Goralenführer" Václav Krzeptowski was appointed. He and his inner circle made a number of trips to towns and villages, urging them to fight against the worst enemy of civilization - Judeo-Bolshevism. It was decided to create a Goral volunteer legion of the Waffen-SS, adapted for operations in mountainous areas. Krzheptovsky managed to gather 410 highlanders. But after a medical examination, 300 people remained in the SS.

Another Polish SS legion was formed in mid-July 1944. It was joined by 1,500 volunteers of Polish nationality. In October, the legion was based in Rzechow, in December near Tomaszow. In January 1945, the legion was divided into two groups (1st Lieutenant Macnik, 2nd Lieutenant Errling) and sent to participate in anti-partisan operations in the Tuchol forests. In February, both groups were destroyed by the Soviet army.

President of the Academy of Military Sciences, General of the Army Makhmut Gareev gave the following assessment of the participation of a number of European countries in the fight against fascism:

- During the war, the whole of Europe fought against us. Three hundred and fifty million people, regardless of whether they fought with weapons in their hands, or stood at the machine, producing weapons for the Wehrmacht, did one thing. Twenty thousand members of the French Resistance died during World War II. And two hundred thousand French fought against us. We also captured sixty thousand Poles. Two million European volunteers fought for Hitler against the USSR.

- In this regard, it looks at least strange to invite military personnel from a number of NATO countries to take part in the parade on Red Square in honor of the 65th anniversary of Great Victory, - says a member of the International Association of Historians of the Second World War, professor of the Military humanitarian academy Colonel Yuri Rubtsov. - This insults the memory of our defenders of the Fatherland, who died at the hands of numerous "European friends of Hitler."