Pendulum how to use it. Pendulum technique. Will a job change be positive?

An energy pendulum for dowsing is an irreplaceable thing. It will help you get the right answer to any question. But in order for this attribute to work correctly and without failures, you need to correctly configure it and learn how to work with it correctly.

In the article:

Pendulum for dowsing - attribute selection

If you are just starting to understand the science of using such attributes, you can use the popular book on multidimensional medicine and L. G. Puchko " Dowsing for everyone«.

When making an attribute yourself, give preference to materials such as titanium, brass, aluminum, copper, bronze. If possible, experiment with each material to determine which one is easiest for you to work with. Next, decide what exactly you will use the attribute for.

When researching an infectious plan, diagnosis, treatment, opt for the usual cone shape. Also, for work, you will need to prepare multi-colored threads in advance. Do not use woolen or synthetic threads, opt for cotton or silk. The length of one thread should not exceed 15 centimeters.

How to use the tool - calibration

Working with a pendulum is extremely simple. Initially, you need to set up your attribute. It is important to correctly position the hand with the tool. To do this, sit comfortably, put your elbow on a firm support (preferably on a table), squeeze the chain with two fingers (thumb and forefinger).

The weight should clearly look down. Remember, when working with dowsing tools, you can get several answers:

  1. the answer is, but not available;
  2. No answer.

The tool is held only with the leading hand.

It is important not to cross your legs, as you block the flow of energy, the feet should be pressed to the floor. To simplify the calibration process, draw a circle on a piece of paper and divide it into 4 equal zones. A dot is placed in the center of the circle. Above it is a pendulum.

Vibrations of the instrument parallel to the chest - a negative answer to the question, movements perpendicular to your chest - a positive answer. Moving at a 45 degree angle to the chest - the answer is there, but not available. There is no answer - the pendulum is motionless.

These are the basic settings you will need to give your dowsing attribute. First you need to show the movements and explain what they mean. Then ask 4 basic questions:

What movement corresponds to the answer ... ?

If the tool answers correctly, then it is ready to work. On average, this setup can take up to 20 minutes. However, if you are working with a dowsing instrument for the first time, take more time to calibrate.

To test the helper, ask a few more questions that you know the exact answer to. When the pendulum begins to unmistakably answer them, you can get to work. There are two options for working with similar attributes. In the first case, the pendulum keeps clearly above the point and is motionless. At this point, a question is asked and the attribute responds to it in some way.

The second method involves rotating the instrument clockwise, while the pendulum is swinging, it is asked a question. After that, you need to wait until it stops, and within some time you will receive a response. You can choose the way that works for you.

Working with a pendulum for beginners is usually not difficult. In order to be able to get answers to fairly simple questions, you just need to be ready for such manipulations, first have a good rest, stock up on energy, and establish relationships with your assistant. If these conditions are met, then you will succeed.

Diagnostics using an attribute

The dowsing pendulum can be used for various purposes. For example, it can be used to diagnose the presence of diseases in humans.

For example, a practitioner can use the method of Father Jurien, who preferred to use a crystalline pendulum. To do this, it will be necessary to examine the entire body, asking questions about each specific organ.

History reference: In the 20th century, four French priests became famous for using the pendulum for medicinal purposes. The first to use such a magical attribute was Abbé Merme in 1906.

After that, the work was continued by the abbot John Kutzle, the abbot Bouly and father Jurien. The methods of the latter have become so popular that they have outraged adherents of traditional treatment. After that, he was summoned to court 6 times and accused of illegal treatment of patients.

Before proceeding with such diagnostic methods, you will need to set up your pendulum and agree with it what movements it will make if the organ is healthy, which ones if it is sick. And in order to facilitate the diagnostic process for yourself, by setting the pendulum, pass it over the patient.

Mark for yourself the areas over which the biolocator began to behave suspiciously, indicating that not everything is in order in this place. After the general research, start to study the indicated areas in more detail.

In the event that you have a close connection with a magical attribute, you work together harmoniously and know anatomy, then you can feel the body of a person with one hand, and hold the pendulum in the other. In this case, you will immediately see which organ is broken, because at the moment when you point to it, the pendulum will give a signal.

If you are just starting your practice, you can put your hand on the part of the patient’s body that was marked unhealthy and start listing the organs that are located there. The pendulum will surely give you a signal at the right moment. Using this method after the diagnosis, you can determine the best way to treat.

To do this, it is enough to ask the pendulum to determine the method that is most suitable for a particular person. If the patient is already taking any medications today, you can ask your magical assistant how effective they are.

If you cannot meet with the patient and you have to carry out diagnostics at a distance, then put a photo of a person in front of you, tune in to him. You should start with a question:

Is this person healthy?

If the answer is no, then ask questions about each chakra in turn. So you can identify the problem area, then specify your questions and find out exactly what the problem is.

Work with a pendulum for beginners - treatment

You can use the attribute not only to calculate the problem area, but also to treat a person. Moreover, you can use this method if you are in direct contact with the patient and if the person is far from you.

To carry out the ritual, it will be necessary to arm yourself with two candles and a purified pendulum. Place the candles at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other and from the patient (or from his photograph, take a deep breath and raise the pendulum up.

Let it swing freely from one candle to another on a chain. Mentally imagine that the left candle is you, the right one is a sick person. After that, visualize your life-giving energy. As soon as the attribute moves from the left candle to the right, imagine how healthy, strong energy passes to a sick person.

It is worth performing the session until you feel weak. As soon as you realize that your consciousness is becoming scattered, it is worth interrupting the session. To do this, hold the pendulum with your left hand, extinguish the left candle and then the right one.

The dowsing pendulum is an indispensable tool. Similar attributes are used by bioenergetics, magicians and psychics to get answers to a question of interest, search for places, people, determine diseases, etc. If you learn how to use such a tool, then this knowledge will undoubtedly help you more than once in life.

In contact with

One of the most commonly used divination, divination and intelligence tools is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something anyone can learn and master and experiment with.

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It is not made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. You can also use objects such as your favorite keychain, marble, metal ball, or even a key. The pendulum is a very simple tool that allows the user to tune in to intuitive possibilities. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves in different ways in response to questions.

The pendulum can be used in a variety of ways. In its simplest form, you can use it to answer questions or help make decisions. Pendulums can also be used for:

  • Healing purposes and detection of allergies.
  • Cleansing and dispelling negativity in the room.
  • To help find lost objects or pets.

How does a pendulum work?

The pendulum works by delving into intuition and the sixth sense and acts as a receiver and transmitter from higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, and answers questions - and is suitable for answering yes or no questions. Some people describe how the pendulum works as bringing together the rational and intuitive sides (left and right sides of the brain). When these two elements are combined, decisions can be made using all sources, not just one of them.

Where do the answers come from?

Many people wonder where the answers come from and debate whether it really works or if it's just a pendulum that reacts to the movement of the user's hand. Although the pendulum can, of course, be made to move by its movements, but this is not always the case, and after practice it is clear why. As with any form of divination, the use of the pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, faith, and a decidedly open mind, as the answers come from intuition and from higher spirit guides.

What pendulum is needed for divination?

There are many pendulums available for exploration, but you don't have to buy a fancy, expensive pendulum to get good results. In fact, the type of pendulum you choose depends in part on what suits you. Many people prefer to use a crystal pendulum.
For example, clear quartz is a popular choice as the crystal is associated with clarity and connection to a higher purpose. Amethyst, which has a strong connection to the spiritual, is also often popular as a pendulum with the calming properties of rose quartz crystal.
Ultimately, whichever crystal is loved, or one that feels more drawn to, can be used on the pendulum as long as it is rounded or pointing to one end. In fact, it is even possible to have more than one pendulum, for different occasions. When working for the first time, you can practice using a homemade or manual pendulum.
For example, you can use a rounded glass ball, a metal ball, or even a key hanging from the end of a simple cord.

How to prepare for working with a pendulum?

When the feeling arises to work with the pendulum, you can move on to the best, professional pendulum. Before you start using the pendulum, you need to:
Before using the pendulum, it is advisable to first clean it and charge it with energy. The easiest way to clean a pendulum is to place it on a windowsill under a straight line. sunlight during the day to catch the sun's rays.
To charge it with energy, hold the pendulum in your hands, covering it with your hands. Then spend a little time (5 to 15 minutes is good) sitting quietly, with eyes closed, focusing energy on your pendulum. If you wish, you can say a prayer or ask your spirit guides or guardian angels for their support and guidance in using the pendulum. Once the pendulum has been cleaned and charged, it is recommended to keep it in a safe place. Many people like to wrap pendulums in silk or take them out in a small velvet bag for storage.

How to get started using a pendulum?

The chain or cord of the pendulum should be held between the thumb and forefinger, in which ever hand feels most comfortable. Some pendulums have a small metal loop or ring at the top of the chain, making them easy to hold. Ideally, the pendulum chain should not be too long, especially when you first start working with the pendulum, so if it seems too long or there is an extra string or chord, you can easily wrap it around your index finger.
When ready to begin, sit down with the pendulum held between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and run the other hand along the entire length of the chain or cord of the pendulum, bringing the hand against the lower end of the pendulum. Reversed palm. Now the pendulum should be completely stationary, and you can move your hand away from the bottom of the pendulum. When you move it, the pendulum will probably start moving. This is completely normal.

How to calibrate a pendulum?

Try to be as relaxed as possible (the calmer you feel, the better the flow of energy will be) and sit watching the pendulum as it moves. This may stop after a while, and you can start looking for the yes and no definition of the pendulum. Ask the pendulum out loud or in your mind, "Please show the answer YES." Take the time to look at the answer - it may be minor at first, but that's okay as it takes time to find out the answer.
Try the same again by asking the pendulum to show NO for the answer. Don't worry if you can't tell the difference between yes and no - it's completely normal at first, and you should understand that the more you practice, the more you get.

For example, some pendulums will make wide circular motions in response to "yes" and "back" or "forwards" in response to "no". It is helpful to repeat this exercise a few times before you are satisfied with the pendulum's yes and no answers. Sometimes they can change over time, if someone uses or checks the pendulum, it may be necessary to do it again to energize it.

What type of question is best to ask the pendulum?

The pendulum is better at answering questions where there are “yes” or “no” answers. As you begin and practice, ask simple questions like "Is it Tuesday today?" "What's your best friend's name Vanya?" Or “I live in the UK?”. This will help you better understand how the pendulum reacts and help you gain more confidence in using it.
, you can ask questions about decisions you make in your personal life, such as whether to buy a certain type of car. You can try fun activities like finding a castle, ruins or water on the map. Hold the pendulum over the different parts of the map and see the answers. As you become more experienced, this method can also be used to locate lost people or animals.

What if the pendulum doesn't work?

There are some cases where the pendulum may not work, or you get incorrect answers to questions. This can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Perhaps they misinterpreted the “yes” and “no” movements of the pendulum.
  2. If you tried it, got excited, emotionally, or felt out of place, the pendulum may not be working properly.
  3. If you are not relaxed enough or feel unwell.
  4. You may be too close to electrical equipment or equipment with high frequencies, which may affect the pendulum.
  5. Wrongly formulated questions - they should be simple and specific.
  6. Not focusing enough - sometimes you have to wait a while to get an answer.
  7. You may have to try a different pendulum as it may not be compatible with the energy.

The main thing to remember is to relax, keep trying and have an open mind. The more you train, the better your skills and then with the help of the pendulum you will be able to get good results.

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes-150x150.jpg 2017-04-11T15:34:49+07:00 PsyPage Reflection Fortune telling, Pendulum, divination pendulum, Image of the world, Real world, EsotericOne of the most commonly used divination, divination and intelligence tools is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something anyone can learn and master and experiment with. What is a pendulum? A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It's not made of a magnetic substance, but...PsyPage PsyPage [email protected] Author site

The pendulum is the so-called radiesthetic effect, known to mankind since the 8th century BC. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "the feeling of waves, vibrations."

It is this figure that dated rock paintings depicting a figure of a man holding a vine in his hands.

The use of the pendulum for various purposes has been carried out since ancient times.
It was used in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria, Urartu, ancient rome and Greece.

History even describes such a case when, during the reign of the Roman emperor Valens, two Greek magicians were arrested and executed, who tried to find out with the help of a pendulum the name of the emperor's successor.

Having installed a special bowl on which 24 letters were engraved, the magicians used a ring tied to a thin thread. After a question was asked, the ring would stop at one of the letters. When the ring alternately showed the letters T.E.O.D, the magicians hurried and concluded that the name of the future emperor was Theodore. Having learned the name of the successor, Valens ordered the execution of both Theodore and the magicians. Theodosius became the emperor's heir. Magicians let down self-confidence.

The German epic mentions a kind of pendulum, the “Ring of the Nibelungs”, with the help of which a golden treasure was found flooded in the Rhine.

Many natural scientists from Aristotle to the present have been interested in the pendulum. The drawing of the pendulum is depicted on the first edition of the famous soothsayer Nostradamus. The pendulum was used in a variety of situations: to search for treasures, water, lost items, etc. It is universal indicator and can answer many questions.

It was used by different segments of the population, ranging from emperors, kings, kings, priests and ending with mining workers, for various purposes. Thus, historical facts are known when Tsar Solomon, Catherine II, the father of the reformer of the Catholic Church Martin Luther, who was a mining worker, used the radiesthetic method. M. Lomonosov, I.-V. Goethe, other prominent personalities. By the highest order of Catherine II, the symbol of radiesthesia, the vine, was introduced into the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk.

AT late XIX century, the R-method was used for the first time in Germany for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Doctors who mastered the P-method were considered the best diagnosticians. This method was proposed to be introduced into teaching at medical institutes, but when it was introduced into teaching practice, it was found that only a quarter of the students could master the R-method. For the rest, the pendulum or frame did not rotate, which indicated the absence of radiation reception.

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information and energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the astral body of a person and his subconscious (from an energetic point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is integral part common human biofield). These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is it that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates). The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, gives certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of the pendulum in life

There will not be enough fingers on the hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands they searched for water - at all times, and successfully - now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate. They are looking for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow falls, they are looking for - and they find! And mineral deposits are being discovered in such a strange way to this day. Many of them were discovered, for example, by the pioneer of dowsing in our country, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences N.N. Sochevanov.

And the famous psychic Uri Geller (remember how 10 years ago he repaired our watches on television?) earned his first million dollars by flying a plane at low altitude over the impenetrable jungles of Brazil, with a pendulum in his hands. He was looking for oil, and he found a very decent amount of it.

And help in everyday affairs ... Where exactly did I (he, she) drop the keys? Why can't I (he, she) sleep? Is this food good? What food is most useful for me now (…)? Should I stick to a diet, and if so, which one? What is the real cause of the disease? What is the best way to treat it? What amount of medicine (herbs, tinctures, etc.) is enough for a complete cure? What vitamin is currently lacking? - A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will correctly and quickly answer any of these questions.

He can check the status immune system and if you need to find the best way to activate it; detects energy breakdowns in the aura (or plugs in its channels) of a sick person and selects methods for their elimination; not only indicate what dormant (hidden or slow) infections are in the body and in which organs, but even, perhaps, find a way to destroy them (does the reader know that only according to official statistics, there are now 170 million people in the world infected with hepatitis C, i.e. 4 times more than HIV-infected, and there is no vaccine for it?); will find geopathogenic zones in the apartment, but you never know what else ...

Masters and Healers

Method of Decho Kanaliev

The famous Bulgarian healer Decho Kanplien uses an original diagnostic method. He heals exclusively with medicinal herbs, looking for them with a pendulum made from a piece of raw lime and gum.

For diagnosis, D. Kanaliev uses a pendulum and cardboard, “on which numbers from 1 to 10,000 are written. He designated each disease with a certain number, each medicinal plant is also indicated by its own code. For example, the code for bronchial asthma is 666, the code for diabetes is 990, etc.

D. Kanaliev establishes the diagnosis using a “dialogue with a pendulum - Questions are posed in the following sequence: How many diseases does the patient have? What are these diseases? Will phototherapy help the patient? What plants should be used to treat it?

Swept over the numbers - codes, the pendulum begins to rotate clockwise if the answer means "yes" and counterclockwise if the answer is "no".

Knowing the name and address of the patient, Decho Kanaliev makes a diagnosis using this method even strangers regardless of their distance. He is also able to monitor the patient's treatment from a distance, using all the same tools.

Method of A.P. Babich

The famous Kharkiv psychic A.P. Babich uses a pendulum consisting of a thread and a piece of amber (or a ring) to diagnose and choose a method of treatment. Asking questions to the pendulum, he, first of all, finds out the patient's illnesses, then finds out whether the patient suits him according to the biofield or not, and proceeds to treatment only if the indicator "shows" that the biofields coincide. When diagnosing diseases, A.P. Babich holds the pendulum over the leg, arm or head of the subject. Swinging the pendulum back and forth means yes, swinging sideways means no. A.P. Babich argues that a psychic must get used to the indicator, accustom himself to unconditionally trust him. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will instantly react: it will start giving incorrect answers.

Form and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum you need to follow your intuition and choose the one that will listen to you better. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread.

They can be made from various materials:

Metal- silver, gold, iron, copper, tin, chrome, brass, bronze, aluminum, titanium.
Wood- machine or handmade.
Clay- anthropogenic polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass- edged, blown, molding, etc.
Stone- black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.
Seeds, ivory.

Pendulums can be used as for: treatment of specific diseases, for tuning the chakras, teleportation (treatment at a distance, dowsing on the map).

It is believed that the pendulum made of copper is the most susceptible to energy information. If you do not have a pendulum, then you can use an ordinary needle as a pendulum. Attach the pendulum to a thread 15-20 centimeters long.

The only limitation put forward by the dowsing master T. A. Meshkova: some metals tend to collect information. Therefore, a pendulum, for example, made of iron, is supposed to be cleaned periodically.

The best pendulum shape: cone-shaped or drop-shaped with a pointed end - then it will be better to "read" the tables.

In addition, a pointed pendulum is the best for karting.

Optimal in e with a pendulum: 10 - 18 grams;
Optimal thread length: 10 - 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum).

The thread is better to take from a non-synthetic fabric, double and make a few knots on it to reduce axial rotation.

The weight should not be too light, but not too heavy either.
In general, small light pendulums start working easier and faster.
Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.
If you want to ask a lot of questions, this can be a little tedious for the pendulum.

Pendulums range from the very simple to masterpieces created by talented artisans.

If your pendulum does not correspond to any of the listed parameters, do not worry: in principle, pendulums of any shape “work”, and their weight may be different.

Wash the new pendulum for a couple of minutes under running water (it will carry away information that may have been accumulated earlier). Then hold it in your hands and wear it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be filled with your energy. You should have several pendulums, one of wood, one of neutral metal, and keep them in different signed boxes. You will find one pendulum more than any other for personal belongings, another for traveling. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

Preparing the pendulum for work

Remember that best time for work- from 5 to 6 in the morning, from 16 to 17 in the afternoon and from 20 to 21 and from 24 to 01 in the evening, undesirable hours for work are 18-19 and 22-23 hours.

After eating, digestion occurs in the human body and work is not recommended. The body needs energy to digest food. Do not drink coffee or tea before work. They cause subsequent weakness. Instead, it is good to use rosehip infusion, cranberry and lingonberry juice.

During work, you need to take a break. After an hour and a half of work, you need to take a break for 2-5 minutes.

Before you start, it is very important to determine the compatibility of operators. This is often the key to success. This is determined by the question to the frame. The temperature also affects the work of the dowsing operator. environment. The most optimal temperature is from +30 to -30°C.

At the beginning of work with the pendulum, as well as with another mantic system, you need to achieve inner emptiness, when the inner word mixer calms down (ideally, it turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “upstairs”. For an answer to come, an “empty” place is needed where it can come. The pendulum will, of course, show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question, you were thinking exactly what you wanted to ask. It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flickers - “oh, the kettle turned off ...” - and the setting turns out to be knocked down. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who's to blame?

Better start alone so that no one can disturb you. At the beginning, ask elementary test questions, the answers to which you know. So you can understand the settings of the pendulum. It happens that the "crooked" agreement on the answer turns into the fact that "yes" and "no" change places. Test questions will help you avoid misunderstandings (ask questions like: am I a man? my name is Vasya? am I at home? etc.).

The questions you ask must be clear and not ambiguous.. The pendulum can also answer a difficult question if you first break it down into intermediate stages, each of which implies a clear answer "yes" and "no".

Feel free to double-check your answers as you work. Ask after a pause the same question, formulated as if from different points of view. For example: “Should I go on a date?”, “Am I going to meet my sweetheart today?”, “Have we already arranged a meeting?” etc.

If you are not able to get clear responses from the pendulum right away, try making it from a different material, and also take the ideal posture for working with it: legs touch the floor, but not crossed, the elbow of the working hand is on the table (some still prefer to keep the hand with the pendulum on weight), and the second hand lies nearby, palm up.

Cleansing before working with the pendulum

How to cut off "jokers"

In this paragraph, we would like to consider in more detail the question of how you can tune in more precisely to the “interlocutor” you need from the Subtle World. And how to drive away the "jokers" who will try to get in touch with you - instead of the one you need. This matter, as you understand, is far from simple. Therefore, we will give some purely practical recommendations.

Decide who you need

First of all, you need to decide who you will contact for information. And for this you need to understand what exactly interests you. Because quite often there are situations when a person who doubts his abilities tries by one method or another to get in touch with the entities of the Subtle World.

Since he has strong internal doubts, the matter is dragged out. But if he is more persistent, he will definitely succeed. And then, a lot of people are not ready to meet. They have nothing to ask the Higher powers, especially if they are pure spirits and the dialogue is conducted with restraint and solidity.

More precisely, there seem to be a lot of small questions. But at once they lose their significance in the face of the Unknown, who suddenly revealed his secrets. It turns out that global issues no, and it seems awkward to deal with all sorts of trifles. And the person is lost, covered with cold sweat and mumbles something inarticulately in response to the very specific question “What do you need?”.

So, so that you don’t have such a situation, think in advance what information you need. Do you really need it? What answer do you plan to receive and what will you do with it? What forces of the Subtle World can possess this information, that is, whom will you call “for communication”?

All in all, take this seriously. If you pull your High interlocutors over trifles, and especially if you don’t “pay” for your questions with the appropriate energies, then the “clean” ones may stop answering you. And their place will not be empty, as you probably already understand.

So take it seriously and understand what information you need - this is our first recommendation.

Clear the room of low entities

The next step is to clear the room of the “unclean” if possible, especially if you are not going to contact them for assistance.

This is done quite known ways. One of them - fill the air of the room with microparticles of incense. This is done by evaporating incense, burning incense sticks, or evaporating aromatic oils. Similar drugs are now sold in large quantities in specialized stores and church shops.

Incense microparticles create an uncomfortable environment for the entities of the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. This does not mean that they will definitely leave the premises - and demons meet in the church. But they will be uncomfortable there and they can linger in such an environment only to implement their plans. And the idle "jokers" will certainly not endure the inconvenience idle and move to another place.

The same functions of cleaning the premises from low entities are performed by open fire (candle flame) and bell ringing. Therefore, when church bells ring, they thereby actually cleanse their surroundings from low entities. The same functions are performed in India by numerous bells, which are hung on ropes outside the house. The breeze stirs these bells, they ring and clean the atmosphere in and around the house.

So you, if conditions permit, can ring the bell and light a candle, since today many candle lamps are sold that burn for several tens of hours. However, ordinary candles are no worse, only they will have to be replaced more often.

Release of pure energies

The next step in preparing for contact is allocation of a portion of reference energies to pure spirits. That is, reading a prayer, speaking in a simple way. Prayers can be read specialized, according to your needs - if you know them. If not, then read the prayer that you know. For example, "Our Father" - this also helps (Christians, of course). Prayer is recommended to be read not only in preparation for contact, but also in the very process of obtaining the information you need.

It is clear that such a procedure must be carried out if you are going to contact with pure spirits or with your own subconscious (that is, with your subtle bodies).

If you need production or process information, you can skip the cleanup step. Although you can not skip it, it will not be worse.

The same applies to the situation when you turn to the brownie for help. For example, to find a thing lost in the house.

Sometimes they have interesting incidents. For example, you have lost your keys and you are asking the brownie to return them to you. He would be happy to help you, but you lost the keys not at home, but in another place. And he, of course, does not own this information and cannot return them to you in any way. So, if he is imbued with your grief, he can bring and throw you the keys. Very similar to what you need. Similar but not the same. In this case, thank him for his help (he tried so hard!) and look for your loss elsewhere.

And then proceed to the next stage - setting up the desired "interlocutor".

Setting up the desired "interlocutor"

The next step is select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “for communication” . Which communication channel you use is up to you. It can be divination, automatic writing, a pendulum, an altered state of consciousness, an intuitive guess, and so on.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible "respondent" and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise quite earthly problems will arise.

You need to address the entity you need and keep it in sight all the time of contact. It is impossible to disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information received by you may be. If you forget about your "interlocutor" for more than 30 seconds, he may go "out of touch" - he may simply be forced out by others who want to talk to you. And they will do it quietly, without announcing the substitution of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you forgot about him. If you do not find a substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from those with whom you planned. And you will get completely different information that you could. And who will be to blame for this, except you? Nobody.

Check the interlocutor

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that exactly the entity that you called was “in touch” with you.

How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, the method of automatic writing, or are in direct mental contact with an "invisible interlocutor."

If you receive information by fortune-telling, where two-way communication is not provided, then it is impossible to check who answered you.

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you - there are such rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretend to be someone or dissemble - as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So if your interlocutor starts to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and call again the entity that you need.

If she replies that she is “in touch” with you, arrange for her to be interrogated with passion. Make her swear it's her. Threaten that if she breaks the oath, she will roast forever in the Underworld. Usually, such a prospect seduces few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear that you will ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps the pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your test questions. But it is better for them to experience discomfort for a moment (they still belong to the staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

An exemplary dialogue when working with a pendulum

The mental dialogue when receiving information with the help of the pendulum and attuning to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

» I am calling my Guardian Angel to the Divine plan. Is it a guardian angel? Yes (corresponding pendulum movement).
Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plan? Yes.
Are you a sinful spirit? Not.
Are you a demon? Not.
Are you the soul of a person? Not.
Are you some other essence of the Subtle World? Not.
Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.
Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to Hell? Yes.
May I have information on the following question….”

This dialogue lists in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him for communication or interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

The usual font shows the answers that the Guardian Angel should give (in our example, with the help of a pendulum). If you get different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor should be decisive and final. You can mentally say to your intruder something like: “I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to contact .... ".

This verification procedure can be a high degree reliability to tune in exactly to the one you need. Although there are other ways to evaluate "invisible interlocutors", which we will discuss a little later.

By itself, calling a Guardian Angel without further verification of its ownership can lead to an error. The author of this book met with a situation where the Guardian Angel seemed to answer the call. But then the information given out by him began to raise doubts (it contradicted what had been received earlier). Therefore, the question was asked: “Are you a guardian angel from the Divine plan?”, To which, after some hesitation, the answer was received: “No.” That is, a sinful spirit came out to “communicate”, apparently also referring to the Guardian Angel. Only from the demonic plane (although, as you understand, there is no sinful Guardian Angel).

Therefore, our next recommendation is this: if possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you will be proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane a lot.

Some more recommendations

To get in touch better to use the night time - then the atmosphere is less saturated with the thoughts and emotions of people who are awake and preoccupied with their problems. It will be easier for you to tune in, and you will listen better or somehow perceive your invisible interlocutors.

It's best to do it alone. especially if you've just started making contact. The channel between you and your interlocutor is still unstable and can be interfered with by the thoughts and experiences of other people. Reading information in the presence of other people, especially skeptical ones, can only be done by contactees with a stable communication channel developed over a long period of time. Beginning contactees are strongly discouraged from doing this.

It is desirable that the room that you will use to receive information is not polluted with strong emotions, especially negative ones. That is, it is very difficult to call the Guardian Angel from the room where the political council of a certain party periodically meets, or from prison. There are no positive vibrations, and your lonely prayers will not be able to clear the atmosphere to a level that is comfortable for a pure spirit. And there will be plenty of sinful spirits in such a room.

The same, in principle, applies to housing. If you like to spend family showdowns in the kitchen, then you should not call your Guardian Angel from here. But demons - as much as you like.

Best suited for this room, used for spiritual practices, meditations, prayers, etc. It is well known that the effectiveness of turning to the Higher Forces in the church is much higher than from any other place. The church is a “prayed” place, from where a direct and stable channel is punched to its religious egregore and the spirits accompanying it. From here they will hear you faster. But it is not a fact that they will come to the rescue faster, since it is from here that the main flow of requests traditionally comes. And your request may get lost in the flow of other requests and appeals.

So decide for yourself whether you will use the already developed channels of communication with the Subtle World, or you will begin to break through your own. With your channel, of course, it is more convenient. But in order for it to become stable and not be afraid of the intervention of "jokers", it will take quite a lot of effort and time.

And the last recommendation is do not lose vigilance and often check who is "in touch" with you no matter how stable your channel is. Excessive confidence (in fact, the idealization of one's abilities) in one's infallibility can play a disservice. Do not be lazy to check your connections, and everything will be fine with you. You will receive answers to your questions and take one more step towards life in the Intelligent World.

Diagnostics of human organs

You must test your pendulum before you get to work. Use the 1-100% scale chart and ask how accurate the pendulum's responses are. 100% would be ideal. If the answer is below 60%, ask about the reasons or try another time when you are rested and calm.

After you have prepared for work, ask the Lord a question. Do I have abnormalities in the work of the heart. If there is, then let the pendulum oscillate along my body, if the organ is normal, then the pendulum must move perpendicular to my body.

What is the magnitude of the deviation from the norm can be found in percentage terms - 5%, 10%, 15%, etc.

Or according to a special scheme. In this way, you can learn about the health of each human organ.

1. Allergy
2. Angina
3. Asthma
4. Beli
5. Bronchitis
6. Inflammation of the gallbladder
7. Inflammation of the lungs
8. Inflammation of the middle ear
9. Inflammation of the appendix
10. Hemorrhoids
11. Diphtheria
12. Jaundice
13. Gallstones
14. Urinary retention
15. Itching
16. Impotence
17. Sciatica
18. Catarrh of the larynx
19. Colitis (inflammation of the colon)
20. Urticaria
21. Brain hemorrhage
22. Uterine tumors
23. Circulatory disorders
24. Violation of the blood supply
25. Sleep disturbance
26. Myocardial neurasthenia
27. Fatty Liver
28. Pleurisy
29. Damage to the intervertebral cartilage
30. High blood pressure
31. Gout
32. Kidney stones
33. Cold
34. Psychoneurosis
35. Lung Cancer
36. Indigestion
37. Dilated veins
38. Rheumatism
39. Cutting in the stomach
40. Sugar disease
41. Thrombosis
42. Prostate Enlargement
43. Uremia (self-poisoning of the body with urine)
44. Furunculosis
45. Cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder)
46. ​​Tinnitus
47. Eczema
48. Epilepsy
49. Gastric ulcer

Think about the correctness of the question asked. It would be better if the question did not leave the answer open to interpretation.

For example: - "Do I need to buy a new car?"

This question is rather vague. Do you mean car now? In future? Is the car necessary?

Perhaps, “Do I need to buy a new car at the moment?” this is the best way to start. If you ask a vague question, your pendulum may answer no or stop the movement. If you're unsure of an answer, try rewording your question for cross-validation.

REMEMBER: The correct answer will only follow when the question is asked correctly.

1. Foot, knee, leg (left)
2. Rectum
3. Large intestine
4. Vermiform appendix of the cecum
5. Small intestine
6. Duodenum
7. Stomach, pylorus
8. Integument of the abdomen
9. Peritoneum, peritoneal membrane
10. Abdominal muscles
11. Back muscles
12. Aperture
13. Pleura, chest pleura
14. Easy
15. Hand, left hand
16. Bronchi, pulmonary cavity
17. Tonsils, trachea
18. Esophagus
19. Zev, larynx
20. Oral cavity
21. Teeth
22. Left ear
23. Left eye
24. Autonomic nervous system
25. Brain
26. Hypothalamus, pituitary gland
27. Right eye
28. Right ear
29. Frontal sinuses, nose
30. Shoulder
31. Heart
32. Chest
33. Right hand, arm
34. Sacrum, spine
35. Sciatic nerve
36. Groin
37. Thyroid gland
38. Pancreas
39. Gallbladder
40. Liver
41. Spleen
42. Renal pelvis
43. Kidney
44. Bladder
45. Testicle, ovary
46. ​​Urethra, prostate
47. Oviduct (fallopian tube)
48. Genitals
49. Right foot, knee, leg

Setting up the energy of the chakras with a pendulum

The subtle bodies of a person can be damaged for various reasons, which inevitably leads along the chain to damage to the next higher and lower levels and, as a result, to disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the physical body and their diseases. Damage to the chakras and subtle bodies of a person can occur for several reasons:

1. Due to karmic illnesses caused by the sins of past incarnations and not worked out by the soul in the present birth.
2. Blocking information in the subconscious of a child can cause mental and psychosomatic illnesses in an adult. The source of the blocks are the problems of the mother at the time of gestation and birth of a person.
3. Psychological complexes based on childhood mental trauma.
4. Life upheavals and emotional slags (envy, resentment, despondency, etc.), not ousted from the subconscious by understanding and forgiveness.
5. The presence of energy entities that were attracted by the person himself - his passions (excitement, lust, greed, hatred, fear, etc.), his obsessive negative thoughts or directed at him by another person. The induced entities penetrate a person in the presence of injuries of subtle bodies from tobacco and alcohol, as well as injuries associated with excitement and anger.
6. The presence of special programs that destroy the structure of a person's personality (zombie) and take energy from him (vampirism). Such programs can be introduced or created by the person himself by his constant negative thoughts about his life failures.

The listed causes of violations in the subtle bodies of a person entail both psychological problems and problems of communication.

To understand what are the causes of problems and ailments that arise, it is necessary to diagnose the state of human energy centers.

Diagnostics with a pendulum

The easiest way to diagnose the state of the chakras is with the help of a pendulum. The pendulum is an indicator that allows you to see the size and shape of the energy flow coming out of a person's chakras. When a person is standing, the energy flows out either in a horizontal plane or up and down. Therefore, a person should lie down on a bed or an ottoman, and then all the energy flows will come out vertically. Another person holding a pendulum in right hand, stands facing the head of a lying person on the left side of him and in this position diagnoses the state of the chakras.

Before carrying out the practice of diagnostics, you must do the following:

The person should ask you to diagnose. A request is permission to influence a person. Thus, a person allows you to enter his energy field and will not instinctively create protective barriers. With forcible diagnosis, you can get a retaliatory energy blow. It is impossible to manipulate a sleeping person, since at this moment his protection may turn on automatically. It is impossible to diagnose energy centers for children under 12 years of age. When diagnosing a person's chakras, we receive information about their state only at the present moment. The next day may be different

- Both people (diagnosed and diagnosing) need to remove watches, metal objects and jewelry. The person being diagnosed should lie down on the couch without a pillow, loosen the straps or unfasten the clothes for greater comfort.

The person lying down should relax as much as possible, close his eyes. He needs to immerse himself in himself and listen to his feelings. These internal sensations, which he will report on later, are very important for diagnosis: heat, vibrations, tingling in certain centers, etc.

The diagnosing person stands with the right side to the head of the lying person. He turns his left palm up, tensing his arm bent at the elbow at the wrist. This position of the left hand is maintained throughout the practice. Keep the pendulum hanging in your right hand.

- Taking what is right for correct passage energy position, you must definitely seek permission, help and support from the religious egregor to which you belong, or to the egregor of the Earth if you and your patient are unbaptized. If these are people of different faiths, in this case, you should also turn to the egregor of the Earth.

It is necessary to join in the highest egregor, to which it is possible. You don't have to feel unworthy of this job. In each of us there is a spark of the Absolute, God is inside everyone. Turning to the Christian religious egregor, you should first read the permissive prayer "Our Father". When referring to the egregore of the Earth, you need to tune yourself into complete harmony. Say: "I'm talking to higher powers Earth and ask for permission and an energy beam for diagnostics (say the name of the patient).”

The feeling of the beam on the left palm of each person will be different: one will feel a heavy hot ball on the open palm, the other will feel a vibration. If there is a feeling of an empty cold palm, this means that they do not give you energy and now this person cannot be diagnosed. To diagnose loved ones, as a rule, they always give a beam, so start with them.

Having received permission to manipulate a person's chakras, we begin the practice of diagnosing and correcting the state of his energy centers. When diagnosing each center, it is necessary to bring the pendulum to it horizontally from the side. You can not lower the pendulum from above to the center of the chakra. After each appeal to the chakra, the pendulum should be taken away from it, and then brought up again. Bring the pendulum to the center of the body no lower than 15-20 cm. Here it begins to make some movements. It is necessary to keep the pendulum at the center of the chakra until you determine exactly what kind of movement it is (circular, elliptical). Then you need to take the indicator over the edge of the sofa and make three movements up and down in order to reset the information received.

Only after that carefully bring the pendulum to the other chakra. Diagnostics starts from the upper center down the front channel of the Sahasrara, then in order - Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, etc. During the practice, the diagnosing person gives himself mental attitudes. The first mental attitude: "I am diagnosing the state of the chakras of such and such a person." The output of energy through the front channel is diagnosed, starting from the upper chakra.

If, as a result of the diagnosis, it turned out that all the chakras are working normally, that is, they have circular movements in a clockwise direction, then this person does not need to do anything else.

If deviations in the work of the chakras are found, then they should be cleared, opening all the centers to the maximum and passing the maximum energy flow through them. The second mental attitude: "I pass through a person (name) his own energy in the maximum way."

With this setting, the patient's energy system is turned on to the maximum, and the chakras are opened by his own energy. Then again you need to bring the pendulum to each chakra separately and check their condition. If it turns out that some chakra did not work well and remained in the same state, then it is necessary to perform an additional operation. But, as a rule, if a person does not have persistent disorders, this setting to let his maximum energy through to let his maximum energy in gives a very strong general healing effect, and all centers begin to work normally.

If the center is determined during diagnostics (the pendulum swings with a radius of at least 10-15 cm), then at the maximum it will open more and may even go beyond the body. Moreover, different centers are tuned in different ways, and thus you can see how developed the chakras are in a person. When all the chakras are open, then with the second mental attitude, you can go through the entire channel from top to bottom, moving from one chakra to another through the natural circle of the pendulum. First, we bring the pendulum to the upper center and then smoothly move it to the next one. 3 or 7 circles are made over each chakra, and then the indicator smoothly moves to the next chakra until it has passed all seven centers.

So, let's summarize the actions.

1. We diagnose.

2. We skip the maximum flow.

3. Proportionately transfer the flow of energy from the first chakra to the next.

4. If one of the chakras does not work (is standing) or the pendulum moves counterclockwise, then with this chakra it is required separate work. Bringing the pendulum to this chakra, you need to read a prayer several times (you can “Our Father”) until the chakra “unwinds” normally. Then you need to return to the upper center and again check the performance of all chakras.

If the lower center does not work, then, as a rule, the upper center does not work correctly either, since the chakras are connected to each other in series. Therefore, if the lower center opens, it will be able to open the upper center with its flow.

It is impossible to transfer the flow of energy from one chakra, bypassing the next one, just as it is impossible to transfer an indicator against the flow. It is necessary to work only from top to bottom and only along the flow of the anterior channel.

This practice restores the energy of a person.

5. At the end of the procedure, you should fix the normal this person the functioning of the chakras.

The third mental setting: "I give a setting for the natural opening of the chakras to such and such a person." To do this, you need to bring the pendulum to the upper Sahasrara chakra. You can see that it is no longer the same size as at the maximum opening. This will be the natural size for this person. Not necessarily all centers must be large and the same size.

Consistently, lingering on each chakra, move the pendulum to the last chakra Muladhara (seven circular movements above each chakra). In the process of fixing the normal functioning of the human chakras, the patient must be warned so that he remembers this inner state of harmony and peace. In the future, having relaxed, a person can independently enter this state and make self-correction.

You can do chakra diagnostics on the 12th and 16th lunar days, but the best lunar day is the 28th. On the 28th lunar day of any lunar month, you can harmonize the chakras for prevention purposes. But if a person has an urgent need for treatment, then this can be done even on satanic days, although these days it is more difficult to obtain permission.

When working with a pendulum over a lying person, one cannot transfer energy from one place to another (along the chakras) as one likes. Energy should be redistributed only along the anterior channel from top to bottom. After correcting the state of the chakras, it is necessary to immediately restore the shape of subtle bodies, their synchronization and interconnections. To do this, you need to mentally focus on each of the bodies separately and examine it.

If necessary, it is necessary to close up holes and punctures with a substance similar to liquid honey. Make sure that the surface of the bodies becomes even and impenetrable for everything harmful and alien. After harmony is restored at all levels, you should confidently and joyfully say to yourself: “The structure of connections and synchronization between all my bodies has been restored! Created protection from everything that suppresses and destroys the structure of my essence! After energy correction, a person feels a sense of spiritual freedom, joy and extraordinary relief.

Pendulum movements

1. Circle clockwise - normally working center.

2. Ellipse clockwise - the center is open.

3. Circle counterclockwise - the center is closed.

4. Ellipse counterclockwise - the center is closed.

5. The pendulum stands above the chakra - the center does not function, which leads to changes in the psyche, to the pathology of the soul. If the chakra does not work for a long time, then this can lead to death. It is especially dangerous when the upper centers are closed.

To get rid of energy blocks or entities, you should use the time of the waning moon. To strengthen the energy of a person, the development of his centers, use the time of the growing moon.

In the area of ​​​​energy centers - chakras, there are energy emissions that also have their own color: from muladhara to sahasrara, a rainbow spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet) can be traced. Streams of energy radiate from the palms, fingers and toes, as well as from the eyes. Often, the energy flow extends over tens, hundreds or more meters.

Sahasrara chakra– Quartz pendulum, the top is made of transparent quartz chips.

Ajna chakra– Amethyst pendulum, the upper part is made of quartz and amethyst chips.

Vishuddha chakra– Sodalite pendulum, the upper part is made of turquoise and sodalite chips

Anahata chakra– Rose quartz pendulum, the upper part is made of quartz and pink chips.

Manipura chakra — Tiger's eye pendulum, the upper part is made of citrine and tiger's eye chips.

Svadhisthana chakra"Goldstone" pendulum, the upper part is made of amber and carnelian chip beads.

Muladhara chakra– Hematite pendulum, the upper part is made of hematite garnet and chip beads.

For chakras - Amethyst pendulum for 7 different chakras with stone counters from; quartz, amethyst, sodalite, citrine, carnelian and pomegranate.

The history of the use of the pendulum

The pendulum is the so-called radiesthetic effect, known to mankind since the 8th century BC. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "the feeling of waves, vibrations."

It is this figure that dated rock paintings depicting a figure of a man holding a vine in his hands.

The use of the pendulum for various purposes has been carried out since ancient times. It was used in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria, Urartu, ancient Rome and Greece.

History even describes a case where

during the reign of the Roman emperor Valens, two Greek magicians were arrested and executed, who tried to find out with the help of a pendulum the name of the emperor's successor.

Having installed a special bowl on which 24 letters were engraved, the magicians used a ring tied to a thin thread. After a question was asked, the ring would stop at one of the letters. When the ring alternately showed the letters T.E.O.D, the magicians hurried and concluded that the name of the future emperor was Theodore. Having learned the name of the successor, Valens ordered the execution of both Theodore and the magicians. Theodosius became the emperor's heir. Magicians let down self-confidence.

The German epic mentions a kind of pendulum, the "Ring of the Nibelungs", with the help of which a golden treasure was found flooded in the Rhine.

Many natural scientists from Aristotle to the present have been interested in the pendulum. The drawing of the pendulum is depicted on the first edition of the famous soothsayer Nostradamus. The pendulum was used in a variety of situations: to search for treasures, water, lost items, etc. It is a universal indicator and can answer many questions.

It was used by different segments of the population, ranging from emperors, kings, kings, priests and ending with mining workers, for various purposes. Thus, historical facts are known when Tsar Solomon, Catherine II, the father of the reformer of the Catholic Church Martin Luther, who was a mining worker, used the radiesthetic method. M. Lomonosov, I.-V. Goethe, other prominent personalities. By the highest order of Catherine II, the symbol of radiesthesia - the vine - was introduced into the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk.

At the end of the 19th century, the P-method began to be used for the first time in Germany for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Doctors who mastered the P-method were considered the best diagnosticians. This method was proposed to be introduced into teaching at medical institutes, but when it was introduced into teaching practice, it was found that only a quarter of the students could master the R-method. For the rest, the pendulum or frame did not rotate, which indicated the absence of radiation reception.

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information and energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the astral body of a person and his subconscious (from an energetic point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is an integral part of the common human biofield). These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is it that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates). The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, gives certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of the pendulum in life

There will not be enough fingers on the hands if you start counting the "professions" of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands they searched for water - at all times, and successfully - now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate. They are looking for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow falls, they are looking for - and they find! And mineral deposits are being discovered in such a strange way to this day. Many of them were discovered, for example, by the pioneer of dowsing in our country, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences N.N. Sochevanov.

And the famous psychic Uri Geller (remember how 10 years ago he repaired our watches on television?) earned his first million dollars by flying a plane at low altitude over the impenetrable jungles of Brazil, with a pendulum in his hands. He was looking for oil, and he found a very decent amount of it.

And help in everyday affairs... Where exactly did I (he, she) drop the keys? Why can't I (he, she) sleep? Is this food good? What food is most useful for me now (...)? Should I stick to a diet, and if so, which one? What is the real cause of the disease? What is the best way to treat it? What amount of medicine (herbs, tinctures, etc.) is enough for a complete cure? What vitamin is currently lacking? - A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will correctly and quickly answer any of these questions.

He will be able to check the state of the immune system and, if necessary, find the best way to activate it; detects energy breakdowns in the aura (or plugs in its channels) of a sick person and selects methods for their elimination; not only indicate what dormant (hidden or slow) infections are in the body and in which organs, but even, perhaps, find a way to destroy them (does the reader know that only according to official statistics, there are now 170 million people in the world infected with hepatitis C, i.e. 4 times more than HIV-infected, and there is no vaccine for it?); will find geopathogenic zones in the apartment, but you never know what else ...

Masters and Healers

Method of Decho Kanaliev

The famous Bulgarian healer Decho Kanplien uses an original diagnostic method. He heals exclusively with medicinal herbs, looking for them with a pendulum made from a piece of raw lime and gum.

For diagnosis, D. Kanaliev uses a pendulum and cardboard, "on which numbers from 1 to 10,000 are written. He designated each disease with a certain number, each medicinal plant is also indicated by its own code. For example, the code for bronchial asthma is 666, the code for diabetes is 990, etc. d.

D. Kanaliev establishes the diagnosis using "a dialogue with a pendulum - Questions are posed in the following sequence: How many diseases does the patient have? What are these diseases? Will phototherapy help the patient? What plants should he be treated with?"

Swept over the numbers - codes, the pendulum begins to rotate clockwise if the answer means "yes" and counterclockwise if the answer is "no".

Knowing the name and address of the patient, Decho Kanaliev makes a diagnosis using this method even to strangers, regardless of the distance to them. He is also able to monitor the patient's treatment from a distance, using all the same tools.

Method of A.P. Babich

The famous Kharkiv psychic A.P. Babich uses a pendulum consisting of a thread and a piece of amber (or a ring) to diagnose and choose a method of treatment. Asking questions to the pendulum, he, first of all, finds out the patient's illnesses, then finds out whether the patient suits him according to the biofield or not, and proceeds to treatment only if the indicator "shows" that the biofields coincide. When diagnosing diseases, A.P.

Babich holds the pendulum over the leg, arm or head of the subject. Swinging the pendulum back and forth means "yes", swinging to the sides means "no". A.P. Babich argues that a psychic must get used to the indicator, accustom himself to unconditionally trust him. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will instantly react: it will start giving incorrect answers.

Form and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum you need to follow your intuition and choose the one that will listen to you better. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread.

They can be made from various materials:

Metal - silver, gold, iron, copper, tin, chrome, brass, bronze, aluminum, titanium.
Wood - machine or handmade.
Clay - man-made polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass - edged, blown, molded, etc.
Stone - black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.
Seed, ivory.

Pendulums can be used for: treatment of specific diseases, for tuning chakras, teleportation (healing at a distance, dowsing on the map).

It is believed that the pendulum made of copper is the most susceptible to energy information. If you do not have a pendulum, then you can use an ordinary needle as a pendulum. Attach the pendulum to a thread 15-20 centimeters long.

The only limitation put forward by the dowsing master T. A. Meshkova: some metals tend to collect information. Therefore, a pendulum, for example, made of iron, is supposed to be cleaned periodically.

The best shape for a pendulum: cone-shaped or tear-shaped with a pointed end - then it will "read" the tables better.

In addition, a pointed pendulum is the best for karting.

Optimal in e from the pendulum: 10 - 18 grams;
Optimum thread length: 10 - 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum).

The thread is better to take from a non-synthetic fabric, double and make a few knots on it to reduce axial rotation.

The weight should not be too light, but not too heavy either.
In general, small light pendulums start working easier and faster.
Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.
If you want to ask a lot of questions, this can be a little tedious for the pendulum.

Pendulums range from the very simple to masterpieces created by talented artisans.

If your pendulum does not correspond to any of the listed parameters, do not worry: in principle, pendulums of any shape "work", and their weight may be different.

Wash the new pendulum for a couple of minutes under running water (it will carry away information that may have been accumulated earlier). Then hold it in your hands and wear it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be filled with your energy. You should have several pendulums, one of wood, one of neutral metal, and keep them in different signed boxes. You will find one pendulum more than any other for personal belongings, another for traveling. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

Preparing the pendulum for work

Remember that the best time to work is from 5 to 6 in the morning, from 16 to 17 in the afternoon and from 20 to 21 and from 24 to 01 in the evening, undesirable hours for work are 18-19 and 22-23 hours.

After eating, digestion occurs in the human body and work is not recommended. The body needs energy to digest food. Do not drink coffee or tea before work. They cause subsequent weakness. Instead, it is good to use rosehip infusion, cranberry and lingonberry juice.

During work, you need to take a break. After an hour and a half of work, you need to take a break for 2-5 minutes.

Before you begin, it is very important to determine operator compatibility. This is often the key to success. This is determined by the question to the frame. The ambient temperature also affects the work of the dowsing operator. The most optimal temperature is from +30 to -30°C.

At the beginning of work with the pendulum, as well as with another mantic system, you need to achieve inner emptiness, when the inner word mixer calms down (ideally, it turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “upstairs”. For an answer to come, an “empty” place is needed where it can come. The pendulum will, of course, show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question, you were thinking exactly what you wanted to ask. It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flickers - “oh, the kettle turned off ...” - and the setting turns out to be knocked down. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who's to blame?

It is better to start work alone, so that no one can interfere with you. At the beginning, ask elementary test questions, the answers to which you know. So you can understand the settings of the pendulum. It happens that the "crooked" agreement on the answer turns into the fact that "yes" and "no" change places. Test questions will help you avoid misunderstandings (ask questions like: am I a man? my name is Vasya? am I at home? etc.).

The questions you ask should be clear and not ambiguous. The pendulum can also answer a difficult question if you first break it down into intermediate stages, each of which implies a clear answer "yes" and "no".

Feel free to double-check your answers as you work. Ask after a pause the same question, formulated as if from different points of view. For example: “Should I go on a date?”, “Am I going to meet my sweetheart today?”, “Have we already arranged a meeting?” etc.

If you are not able to get clear responses from the pendulum right away, try making it from a different material, and also take the ideal posture for working with it: legs touch the floor, but not crossed, the elbow of the working hand is on the table (some still prefer to keep the hand with the pendulum on weight), and the second hand lies nearby, palm up.

Cleansing before working with the pendulum

How to cut off "jokers"

In this paragraph, we would like to consider in more detail the question of how you can tune in more precisely to the “interlocutor” you need from the Subtle World. And how to drive away the "jokers" who will try to get in touch with you - instead of the one you need. This matter, as you understand, is far from simple. Therefore, we will give some purely practical recommendations.

Decide who you need

First of all, you need to decide who you will contact for information. And for this you need to understand what exactly interests you. Because quite often there are situations when a person who doubts his abilities tries by one method or another to get in touch with the entities of the Subtle World.

Since he has strong internal doubts, the matter is dragged out. But if he is more persistent, he will definitely succeed. And then, a lot of people are not ready to meet. They have nothing to ask the Higher powers, especially if they are pure spirits and the dialogue is conducted with restraint and solidity.

More precisely, there seem to be a lot of small questions. But at once they lose their significance in the face of the Unknown, who suddenly revealed his secrets. It turns out that there are no global issues, and it seems awkward to deal with all sorts of trifles. And the person is lost, covered with cold sweat and mumbles something inarticulately in response to the very specific question "What do you need?".

So, so that you don’t have such a situation, think in advance what information you need. Do you really need it? What answer do you plan to receive and what will you do with it? What forces of the Subtle World can possess this information, that is, whom will you call "for communication"?

All in all, take this seriously. If you pull your High interlocutors over trifles, and especially if you do not "pay" for your questions with the appropriate energies, then the "pure" ones may stop answering you. And their place will not be empty, as you probably already understand.

So take it seriously and understand what information you need - that's our first recommendation.

Clear the room of low entities

The next step is to clean the room of the "unclean" if possible, especially if you are not going to contact them for assistance.

This is done in well-known ways. One of them is to fill the air of the room with microparticles of incense. This is done by evaporating incense, burning incense sticks, or evaporating aromatic oils. Similar drugs are now sold in large quantities in specialized stores and church shops.

Incense microparticles create an uncomfortable environment for the entities of the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. This does not mean that they will definitely leave the premises - and demons are found in the church. But they will be uncomfortable there and they can linger in such an environment only to implement their plans. And the idle "jokers" will certainly not endure the inconvenience idle and move to another place.

The same functions of cleaning the premises from low entities are performed by open fire (candle flame) and bell ringing. Therefore, when church bells ring, they thereby actually cleanse their surroundings from low entities. The same functions are performed in India by numerous bells, which are hung on ropes outside the house. The breeze stirs these bells, they ring and clean the atmosphere in and around the house.

So you, if conditions permit, can ring the bell and light a candle, since today many candle lamps are sold that burn for several tens of hours. However, ordinary candles are no worse, only they will have to be replaced more often.

Release of pure energies

The next step in preparing for contact is the allocation of a portion of reference energies to pure spirits. That is, reading a prayer, speaking in a simple way. Prayers can be read specialized, according to your needs - if you know them. If not, then read the prayer that you know. For example, "Our Father" - this also helps (Christians, of course). Prayer is recommended to be read not only in preparation for contact, but also in the very process of obtaining the information you need.

It is clear that such a procedure must be carried out if you are going to contact with pure spirits or with your own subconscious (that is, with your subtle bodies).

If you need production or process information, you can skip the cleanup step. Although you can not skip it, it will not be worse.

The same applies to the situation when you turn to the brownie for help. For example, to find a thing lost in the house.

Sometimes they have interesting incidents. For example, you have lost your keys and you are asking the brownie to return them to you. He would be happy to help you, but you lost the keys not at home, but in another place. And he, of course, does not own this information and cannot return them to you in any way. So, if he is imbued with your grief, he can bring and throw you the keys. Very similar to what you need. Similar but not the same. In this case, thank him for his help (he tried so hard!) and look for your loss elsewhere.

And then proceed to the next stage - setting up the desired "interlocutor".

Setting up the desired "interlocutor"

The next step is to select the "invisible interlocutor" you need and call him "for communication". Which communication channel you will use is up to you. It can be divination, automatic writing, a pendulum, an altered state of consciousness, an intuitive guess, and so on.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible "respondent" and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise quite earthly problems will arise.

You need to address the entity you need and keep it in sight all the time of contact. It is impossible to disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information received by you may be. If you forget about your "interlocutor" for more than 30 seconds, he can go "out of touch" - he can simply be forced out by others who want to talk to you. And they will do it quietly, without announcing the substitution of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights "to communicate" with you - you forgot about him. If you do not find a substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from those with whom you planned. And you will get completely different information that you could. And who will be to blame for this, except you? Nobody.

Check the interlocutor

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that exactly the entity that you called was "in touch" with you.

How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, the method of automatic writing, or are in direct mental contact with an "invisible interlocutor."

If you receive information by fortune-telling, where two-way communication is not provided, then it is impossible to check who answered you.

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you - there are such rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretend to be someone or dissemble - as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So if your interlocutor starts to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and call again the entity that you need.

If she replies that she is "in touch" with you, give her a hard interrogation. Make her swear it's her. Threaten that if she breaks the oath, she will roast forever in the Underworld. Usually, such a prospect seduces few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear that you will ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps the pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your test questions. But it is better for them to experience discomfort for a moment (they still belong to the staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

An exemplary dialogue when working with a pendulum

The mental dialogue when receiving information with the help of the pendulum and attuning to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

"I am calling my Guardian Angel to the Divine plan. Is this a Guardian Angel? Yes (corresponding movement of the pendulum).
Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plan? Yes.
Are you a sinful spirit? Not.
Are you a demon? Not.
Are you the soul of a person? Not.
Are you some other essence of the Subtle World? Not.
Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.
Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to Hell? Yes.
Can I get information on the following question...."

This dialogue lists in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him for communication or interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

The usual font shows the answers that the Guardian Angel should give (in our example, with the help of a pendulum). If you get different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor should be decisive and final. You can mentally say to your intruder something like: "I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to contact ....".

With such a verification procedure, you can, with a high degree of certainty, tune in exactly to the one you need. Although there are other ways to evaluate "invisible interlocutors", which we will discuss a little later.

By itself, calling a Guardian Angel without further verification of its ownership can lead to an error. The author of this book met with a situation where the Guardian Angel seemed to answer the call. But then the information given out by him began to raise doubts (it contradicted what had been received earlier). Therefore, the question was asked: "Are you a guardian angel from the Divine plan?", to which, after some hesitation, the answer was received: "No." That is, a sinful spirit came out "on contact", which, apparently, also refers itself to the Guardian Angel. Only from the demonic plane (although, as you understand, there is no sinful Guardian Angel).

Therefore, our next recommendation is this: if possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you will be proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane a lot.

To make contact, it is better to use night time - then the atmosphere is less saturated with the thoughts and emotions of people who are awake and preoccupied with their problems. It will be easier for you to tune in, and you will listen better or somehow perceive your invisible interlocutors.

It is best to do this alone, especially if you have just started making contact. The channel between you and your interlocutor is still unstable and can be interfered with by the thoughts and experiences of other people. Reading information in the presence of other people, especially skeptical ones, can only be done by contactees with a stable communication channel developed over a long period of time. Beginning contactees are strongly discouraged from doing this.

It is desirable that the room that you will use to receive information is not polluted with strong emotions, especially negative ones. That is, it is very difficult to call the Guardian Angel from the room where the political council of a certain party periodically meets, or from prison. There are no positive vibrations, and your lonely prayers will not be able to clear the atmosphere to a level that is comfortable for a pure spirit. And there will be plenty of sinful spirits in such a room.

The same, in principle, applies to housing. If you like to spend family showdowns in the kitchen, then you should not call your Guardian Angel from here. But demons - as many as you like.

Best suited for this room, used for spiritual practices, meditations, prayers, etc. It is well known that the effectiveness of turning to the Higher Forces in the church is much higher than from any other place. The church is a "prayed" place, from where a direct and stable channel is punched to its religious egregor and the spirits accompanying it. From here they will hear you faster. But it is not a fact that they will come to the rescue faster, since it is from here that the main flow of requests traditionally comes. And your request may get lost in the flow of other requests and appeals.

So decide for yourself whether you will use the already developed channels of communication with the Subtle World, or you will begin to break through your own. With your channel, of course, it is more convenient. But in order for it to become stable and not be afraid of the intervention of "jokers", it will take quite a lot of effort and time.

And the last recommendation - do not lose your vigilance and often check who is "in touch" with you, no matter how stable your channel is. Excessive confidence (in fact, the idealization of one's abilities) in one's infallibility can play a disservice. Do not be lazy to check your connections, and everything will be fine with you. You will receive answers to your questions and take one more step towards life in the Intelligent World.

Diagnostics of human organs

You should test your pendulum before you get started. Use the 1-100% scale chart and ask how accurate the pendulum's responses are. 100% would be ideal. If the answer is below 60%, ask about the reasons or try another time when you are rested and calm.

After you have prepared for work, ask the Lord a question. Do I have abnormalities in the work of the heart. If there is, then let the pendulum oscillate along my body, if the organ is normal, then the pendulum must move perpendicular to my body.

What is the magnitude of the deviation from the norm can be found in percentage terms - 5%, 10%, 15%, etc.

Or according to a special scheme. In this way, you can learn about the health of each human organ.

1. Allergy

5. Bronchitis

6. Inflammation of the gallbladder

7. Inflammation of the lungs

8. Inflammation of the middle ear

9. Inflammation of the appendix

10. Hemorrhoids

11. Diphtheria

12. Jaundice

13. Gallstones

14. Urinary retention

16. Impotence

18. Catarrh of the larynx

19. Colitis (inflammation of the colon)

20. Urticaria

21. Brain hemorrhage

22. Uterine tumors

23. Circulatory disorders

24. Violation of the blood supply

25. Sleep disturbance

26. Myocardial neurasthenia

27. Fatty Liver

28. Pleurisy

29. Damage to the intervertebral cartilage

30. High blood pressure

31. Gout

32. Kidney stones

33. Cold

34. Psychoneurosis

35. Lung Cancer

36. Indigestion

37. Dilated veins

38. Rheumatism

39. Cutting in the stomach

40. Sugar disease

41. Thrombosis

42. Prostate Enlargement

43. Uremia (self-poisoning of the body with urine)

44. Furunculosis

45. Cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder)

46. ​​Tinnitus

47. Eczema

48. Epilepsy

49. Gastric ulcer

Think about the correctness of the question asked. It would be better if the question did not leave the answer open to interpretation.

For example: - "Do I need to buy a new car?"

This question is rather vague. Do you mean car now? In future? Is the car necessary?

Perhaps, "Do I need to buy a new car at the moment?" this is the best way to start. If you ask a vague question, your pendulum may answer "no" or stop the movement. If you're unsure of an answer, try rewording your question for cross-validation.

REMEMBER: The correct answer will only follow when the question is asked correctly.

1. Foot, knee, leg (left)

3. Large intestine

4. Vermiform appendix of the cecum

5. Small intestine

6. Duodenum

7. Stomach, pylorus

8. Integument of the abdomen

9. Peritoneum, peritoneal membrane

10. Abdominal muscles

11. Back muscles

12. Aperture

13. Pleura, chest pleura

14. Easy

15. Hand, left hand

16. Bronchi, pulmonary cavity

17. Tonsils, trachea

18. Esophagus

19. Zev, larynx

20. Oral cavity

22. Left ear

23. Left eye

24. Autonomic nervous system

25. Brain

26. Hypothalamus, pituitary gland

27. Right eye

28. Right ear

29. Frontal sinuses, nose

30. Shoulder

31. Heart

33. Right hand, arm

34. Sacrum, spine

35. Sciatic nerve

37. Thyroid gland

38. Pancreas

39. Gallbladder

40. Liver

41. Spleen

42. Renal pelvis

44. Bladder

45. Testicle, ovary

46. ​​Urethra, prostate

47. Oviduct (fallopian tube)

48. Genitals

49. Right foot, knee, leg

Setting up the energy of the chakras with a pendulum

The subtle bodies of a person can be damaged for various reasons, which inevitably leads along the chain to damage to the next higher and lower levels and, as a result, to disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the physical body and their diseases. Damage to the chakras and subtle bodies of a person can occur for several reasons:

1. Due to karmic illnesses caused by the sins of past incarnations and not worked out by the soul in the present birth.
2. Blocking information in the subconscious of a child can cause mental and psychosomatic illnesses in an adult. The source of the blocks are the problems of the mother at the time of gestation and birth of a person.
3. Psychological complexes based on childhood mental trauma.
4. Life upheavals and emotional slags (envy, resentment, despondency, etc.), not ousted from the subconscious by understanding and forgiveness.
5. The presence of energy entities that were attracted by the person himself - his passions (excitement, lust, greed, hatred, fear, etc.), his obsessive negative thoughts or directed at him by another person. The induced entities penetrate a person in the presence of injuries of subtle bodies from tobacco and alcohol, as well as injuries associated with excitement and anger.
6. The presence of special programs that destroy the structure of a person's personality (zombie) and take energy from him (vampirism). Such programs can be introduced or created by the person himself by his constant negative thoughts about his life failures.

The listed causes of violations in the subtle bodies of a person entail both psychological problems and problems of communication.

To understand what are the causes of problems and ailments that arise, it is necessary to diagnose the state of human energy centers.

Diagnostics with a pendulum

The easiest way to diagnose the state of the chakras is with the help of a pendulum. The pendulum is an indicator that allows you to see the size and shape of the energy flow coming out of a person's chakras. When a person is standing, the energy flows out either in a horizontal plane or up and down. Therefore, a person should lie down on a bed or an ottoman, and then all the energy flows will come out vertically. Another person, holding a pendulum in his right hand, stands facing the head of a lying person on his left side and in this position diagnoses the state of the chakras.

Before carrying out the practice of diagnostics, you must do the following:

The person should ask you to diagnose. A request is permission to influence a person. Thus, a person allows you to enter his energy field and will not instinctively create protective barriers. With forcible diagnosis, you can get a retaliatory energy blow. It is impossible to manipulate a sleeping person, since at this moment his protection may turn on automatically. It is impossible to diagnose energy centers for children under 12 years of age. When diagnosing a person's chakras, we receive information about their state only at the present moment. The next day may be different

Both people (diagnosed and diagnosing) need to remove watches, metal objects and jewelry. The person being diagnosed should lie down on the couch without a pillow, loosen the straps or unfasten the clothes for greater comfort.

The person lying down should relax as much as possible, close his eyes. He needs to immerse himself in himself and listen to his feelings. These internal sensations, which he will report on later, are very important for diagnosis: heat, vibrations, tingling in certain centers, etc.

The diagnosing person stands with the right side to the head of the lying person. He turns his left palm up, tensing his arm bent at the elbow at the wrist. This position of the left hand is maintained throughout the practice. Keep the pendulum hanging in your right hand.

Having taken the position necessary for the correct passage of energy, you must definitely seek permission, help and support from the religious egregor to which you belong, or to the egregor of the Earth if you and your patient are not baptized. If these are people of different faiths, in this case, you should also turn to the egregor of the Earth.

It is necessary to join in the highest egregor, to which it is possible. You don't have to feel unworthy of this job. In each of us there is a spark of the Absolute, God is inside everyone. Turning to the Christian religious egregore, you should first read the permissive prayer "Our Father". When referring to the egregore of the Earth, you need to tune yourself into complete harmony. Say: "I turn to the higher powers of the Earth and ask for permission and an energy beam for diagnostics (say the name of the patient)."

The feeling of the beam on the left palm of each person will be different: one will feel a heavy hot ball on the open palm, the other will feel a vibration. If there is a feeling of an empty cold palm, this means that they do not give you energy and now this person cannot be diagnosed. To diagnose loved ones, as a rule, they always give a beam, so start with them.

Having received permission to manipulate a person's chakras, we begin the practice of diagnosing and correcting the state of his energy centers. When diagnosing each center, it is necessary to bring the pendulum to it horizontally from the side. You can not lower the pendulum from above to the center of the chakra. After each appeal to the chakra, the pendulum should be taken away from it, and then brought up again. Bring the pendulum to the center of the body no lower than 15-20 cm. Here it begins to make some movements. It is necessary to keep the pendulum at the center of the chakra until you determine exactly what kind of movement it is (circular, elliptical). Then you need to take the indicator over the edge of the sofa and make three movements up and down in order to reset the information received.

Only after that carefully bring the pendulum to the other chakra. Diagnostics starts from the upper center down the front channel of the Sahasrara, then in order - Atjna, Vishuddha, Anahata, etc. During the practice, the diagnosing person gives himself mental attitudes. The first mental attitude: "I am diagnosing the state of the chakras of such and such a person." The output of energy through the front channel is diagnosed, starting from the upper chakra.

If, as a result of the diagnosis, it turned out that all the chakras are working normally, that is, they have circular movements in a clockwise direction, then this person does not need to do anything else.

If deviations in the work of the chakras are found, then they should be cleared, opening all the centers to the maximum and passing the maximum energy flow through them. The second mental attitude: "I pass through a person (name) his own energy in the maximum way."

With this setting, the patient's energy system is turned on to the maximum, and the chakras are opened by his own energy. Then again you need to bring the pendulum to each chakra separately and check their condition. If it turns out that some chakra did not work well and remained in the same state, then it is necessary to perform an additional operation. But, as a rule, if a person does not have persistent disorders, this setting to let his maximum energy through to let his maximum energy in gives a very strong general healing effect, and all centers begin to work normally.

If the center is determined during diagnostics (the pendulum swings with a radius of at least 10-15 cm), then at the maximum it will open more and may even go beyond the body. Moreover, different centers are tuned in different ways, and thus you can see how developed the chakras are in a person. When all the chakras are open, then with the second mental attitude, you can go through the entire channel from top to bottom, moving from one chakra to another through the natural circle of the pendulum. First, we bring the pendulum to the upper center and then smoothly move it to the next one. 3 or 7 circles are made over each chakra, and then the indicator smoothly moves to the next chakra until it has passed all seven centers.

So, let's summarize the actions.

1. We diagnose.

2. We skip the maximum flow.

3. Proportionately transfer the flow of energy from the first chakra to the next.

4. If one of the chakras does not work (stops) or the pendulum moves counterclockwise, then separate work is required with this chakra. Bringing the pendulum to this chakra, you need to read a prayer several times (you can "Our Father") until the chakra "unwinds" normally. Then you need to return to the upper center and again check the performance of all chakras.

If the lower center does not work, then, as a rule, the upper center does not work correctly either, since the chakras are connected to each other in series. Therefore, if the lower center opens, it will be able to open the upper center with its flow.

It is impossible to transfer the flow of energy from one chakra, bypassing the next one, just as it is impossible to transfer an indicator against the flow. It is necessary to work only from top to bottom and only along the flow of the anterior channel.

This practice restores the energy of a person.

5. At the end of the procedure, the functioning of the chakras, normal for a given person, should be fixed.

The third mental setting: "I give a setting for the natural opening of the chakras to such and such a person." To do this, you need to bring the pendulum to the upper Sahasrara chakra. You can see that it is no longer the same size as at the maximum opening. This will be the natural size for this person. Not necessarily all centers must be large and the same size.

Consistently, lingering on each chakra, move the pendulum to the last chakra Muladhara (seven circular movements above each chakra). In the process of fixing the normal functioning of the human chakras, the patient must be warned so that he remembers this inner state of harmony and peace. In the future, having relaxed, a person can independently enter this state and make self-correction.

You can do chakra diagnostics on the 12th and 16th lunar days, but the best lunar day is the 28th. On the 28th lunar day of any lunar month, you can harmonize the chakras for prevention purposes. But if a person has an urgent need for treatment, then this can be done even on satanic days, although these days it is more difficult to obtain permission.

When working with a pendulum over a lying person, one cannot transfer energy from one place to another (along the chakras) as one likes. Energy should be redistributed only along the anterior channel from top to bottom. After correcting the state of the chakras, it is necessary to immediately restore the shape of subtle bodies, their synchronization and interconnections. To do this, you need to mentally focus on each of the bodies separately and examine it.

If necessary, it is necessary to close up holes and punctures with a substance similar to liquid honey. Make sure that the surface of the bodies becomes even and impenetrable for everything harmful and alien. After harmony is restored at all levels, one should confidently and joyfully say to oneself: “The structure of connections and synchronization between all my bodies has been restored! Protection has been created from everything that suppresses and destroys the structure of my essence! After energy correction, a person feels a sense of spiritual freedom, joy and extraordinary relief.

Pendulum movements

1. Circle clockwise - normally working center.

2. Ellipse clockwise - the center is open.

3. Circle counterclockwise - the center is closed.

4. Ellipse counterclockwise - the center is closed.

5. The pendulum stands above the chakra - the center does not function, which leads to changes in the psyche, to the pathology of the soul. If the chakra does not work for a long time, then this can lead to death. It is especially dangerous when the upper centers are closed.

To get rid of energy blocks or entities, you should use the time of the waning moon. To strengthen the energy of a person, the development of his centers, use the time of the growing moon.

In the field of energy centers - chakras, there are energy emissions, which also have their own color: from muladhara to sahasrara, a rainbow spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet) can be traced. Streams of energy radiate from the palms, fingers and toes, as well as from the eyes. Often, the energy flow extends over tens, hundreds or more meters.

Sahasrara chakra - Quartz pendulum, the top is made of transparent quartz chips.
Ajna chakra - Amethyst pendulum, the upper part is made of quartz and amethyst chips.

Vishuddha chakra - Sodalite pendulum, top made of turquoise and sodalite chips

Anahata chakra - Rose quartz pendulum, the upper part is made of quartz and pink chips.

Manipura chakra - Tiger's eye pendulum, the upper part is made of citrine and tiger's eye chips.

Svalhisthana chakra - "Goldstone" pendulum, the upper part is made of amber and carnelian chip beads.

Mulalhara chakra - Hematite pendulum, top made of hematite garnet and chip beads.

For chakras - Amethyst pendulum for 7 different chakras with stone counters from; quartz, amethyst, sodalite, citrine, carnelian and pomegranate.

All information is taken from the site:
Tags: buy, pendulum cleaning, pendulum selection, schemes for a pendulum, dowsing pendulum, how to use, diagnostics using, diagnostics of organs.

A pendulum is a small weight attached to a chain, thread, or cord. Many people use a wedding ring tied to a string as a pendulum. This is the pendulum my mother used. A pendulum made of a thread and a paper clip also works well. When I talk about these topics with different groups of people, I often resort to using such a homemade pendulum to give everyone present an opportunity to experiment with it.

But you can buy a ready-made pendulum in the store. Their range is currently striking in a variety of shapes and sizes. I already have quite a few pendulums at home, as my loved ones love to give me these intricately decorated gizmos for birthdays and Christmas. And they all work great.

I would like to add, however, that I most willingly use the so-called Merme pendulum (also bought in a store).

Pendulum selection

The best pendulum for you will be the one that is comfortable to use and looks good on you. Ideally, the pendulum should weigh about 100 g and have a rounded shape. When you start choosing your own pendulum, you will be surprised at how many of the most various items can be used for this purpose. A lead weight purchased from a hardware store is fine. Equally successful would be the decision to tie a simple button to the thread. A very good pendulum will be a crystal attached to a chain. Most people prefer to use quartz crystals as they conserve natural energy. For the same purpose, you can adapt the pendant that you usually wear as jewelry. Crystal pendulums are very good for healing and healing.

Some of the pendulums that are sold in stores have a hollow space inside. This is done so that you, before starting work, put a small sample of what you intend to find inside the pendulum. If you are looking for water, drop a few drops of water into this hollow part. Or put a drop of oil there if you are looking for oil, or a grain of gold if the object of your search is gold. Such a hollow space is also found in the Merme pendulum. This is by no means an obligatory part of the pendulum in general, but sometimes it can be very useful to you.

A lot of items can play the role of a pendulum, but it would be nice to have a special tool for dowsing or magical experiments. In some cases, I had to use car keys, jewelry and other things that can be hung on a thread or chain as a pendulum. And yet, I usually try to work with special pendulums, because they are very convenient to use and are designed specifically for this work.

Choosing a pendulum for myself, I take it in my hand and ask: "Is this pendulum in harmony with me?" - and buy it only if I get a positive response.

How to make your own pendulum

Many people prefer to work with a pendulum they have made themselves. By creating such a pendulum, you put some of your own energy into it.

In this case, the choice of material requires special attention. Some people prefer natural materials such as wood or crystal. One woman, who attends the same dowsing society as I, made herself a very beautiful pendulum out of a seashell. You can carve your pendulum out of some soft material or adapt for this purpose any object that suits you in shape and weight. Perhaps it will be a float or a spool of thread. Some prefer something unusual and exotic, while others pay attention primarily to the purpose of the subject. As a rule, the chosen object either attracts you externally, or has some special meaning for you.

Great care should be taken when choosing a metal pendulum. Metal usually acts as a conductor, and this can adversely affect the results of your research. Copper and aluminum rarely make good pendulums. If possible, try to choose materials that are not conductive, such as wood, glass, plastic.

Ideally, the load should be symmetrical. This creates a good balance, making the pendulum more receptive and comfortable to handle. It is best to choose pendulums that are round, spherical or cylindrical (Fig. 1).

Rice. one.Types of pendulums: a - classic drop; b - Merme pendulum; c - glass pendulum with a hollow compartment; g - crystal pendulum

After you have chosen the load, you need to find something on which it will hang. Usually, cotton or silk thread, various cords, ropes and chains are used for this purpose. I have also seen pendulums attached to a leather strap, macramé and woven plastic.

Thread, cord and rope are good because they can be easily replaced if necessary. The load must necessarily hang freely on the thread, and the thread or cord must in no way interfere with the movements of the pendulum. Tie your weight to the cord and you can start swinging the pendulum.

You may wish to buy or make a small bag to store your pendulum in. In this form, it is easier to carry with you, and there is less chance that the thread or cord will get tangled. Protected In a similar way the pendulum is less susceptible to negative energies. If you made your own pendulum, you can also make a bag for it. Otherwise, you can easily buy it in the same store that sells pendulums,

How to work with a pendulum

It is best to start experimenting with the pendulum alone. Even if your friends share your interest in this issue, the presence of outsiders in the very first classes can negatively affect your results. By starting to experiment alone, you will achieve success faster. You will have plenty of time afterwards to demonstrate your ability to others after you have practiced with the pendulum for a number of weeks and gained some skill with it.

Most people prefer to hold the pendulum in the same hand they use to write. Experiment with both hands, but start your experiments with the right hand if you are right-handed, and with the left hand if you are left-handed. If you are sitting, lower your elbow on the table, and hold the chain or pendulum thread between your thumb and forefinger, trying to squeeze it very weakly. Make sure that your stomach or other hand does not inadvertently touch the table. The palm of the hand holding the pendulum should be facing down, while the pendulum itself should hang 30 cm from you.

If you're standing, it's best to bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle so that your forearm is parallel to the ground.

Also make sure that your arms and legs do not cross. If you unconsciously protect yourself in this way, you will unwittingly have a certain effect on the pendulum, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

You can check this fact yourself. Hold the pendulum straight in front of you, allowing it to swing freely. Then cross your legs or move your feet tightly. And you will see that the pendulum will stop moving.

Gently rock the pendulum back and forth to get comfortable with this tool. Let him swing in different directions. Intentionally translate his movements into circular motions. You can also experiment with the string by letting it go to different lengths and seeing at what point the pendulum moves the most freely. For most people, the optimal thread length is 10-12 cm. But it is better for you to determine for yourself what length will be ideal for you. So, a friend of mine works with the pendulum only while standing, since the length of the cord to which the weight is tied is about 120 cm (it would be nice if you tied a knot in the place where the length of the thread will be most suitable for you).

Once you get used to the movement of the pendulum, stop it with your free hand. After the pendulum stops in place, ask it to indicate what movement means the answer is “yes”. It makes no difference whether you say your question out loud or mentally. For most people, the pendulum will immediately begin to answer the question asked. But if you've never used a pendulum before, it may take you a while to get the right answer. Keep patience. Perhaps at first it will move almost imperceptibly, but if you continue to concentrate on a positive answer, the amplitude of the movement of your pendulum will gradually increase.

In the end, it doesn't matter if your first experiment takes 5 seconds, half an hour, or even a week. Once you get into the habit of working with the pendulum, it will begin to move as soon as you hang it over the table. Over the years, I have taught many people to work with the pendulum. If they have some difficulty at first, I suggest they concentrate on the load and imagine it moving back and forth. And as a rule, the pendulum really starts to swing.

There is another way to help people who experience difficulties in the early stages of working with the pendulum. Ask a specialist in this field to put a hand on the beginner's shoulder (on the right shoulder if the person is holding the "pendulum" in his right hand).

With this simple action, the pendulum will immediately begin to move. If there is no one nearby to help you with this, put the pendulum aside for a few minutes, and then try again.

From my own experience I know that anyone can work with a pendulum. So don't worry about how long it will take you to try to set it in motion. To do this, you do not need to be especially gifted or be seven spans in the forehead. The pendulum will begin to swing faster in the hands of someone who is imaginative and receptive to new ideas. A person of a logical mindset, methodical or pedant will experience much more difficulties in this case. And yet, hard work and a sincere desire to overcome his own distrust will eventually make him a true professional in working with the pendulum.

Experiment for 5 minutes each time until your pendulum begins to move. And once that happens, know that you won't have any more problems with it.

Your pendulum will move in one of four ways; back and forth, from side to side or in circles - clockwise and against it.

Remember which movement indicates the answer "yes". Then ask the pendulum what will correspond to such values ​​as "no", "I do not know" and "I do not want to answer."

Most likely, these answers will remain unchanged. Still, it makes sense to check them regularly. I know people who have experienced changes in their pendulum responses. It is best to recheck such conditioned movements after you have not touched your pendulum for a while. If you use it every day, then its answers are unlikely to change. But if you have not worked with him for a month or two, you will need to find out if his movements have changed, corresponding to one or another answer.

You are now ready to ask your pendulum questions that can be answered in one of the four ways above.

Start with questions you already know the answers to. You may ask: "Am I a man?" And if so, your pendulum should answer yes. Of course, if you are a woman, the answer is no. You can ask similar questions about your name, age, marital status, number of children, etc.

The purpose of such a survey is to study the movements of the pendulum properly and to verify the validity of its answers. You will most likely find that it makes no difference whether you ask your questions out loud or just think about them. Personally, I only speak my questions out loud when I want my client to get the gist of what's going on. One day my friend experienced a feeling of embarrassment in a bookstore. He raised his pendulum to the book and loudly asked if he should buy it. And suddenly he felt that all the people around were looking at his pendulum, hoping to find out the answer.

After the pendulum answers these questions, you can start asking it about things that really interest you. The pendulum is able to respond to more difficult questions, since it can "read" the necessary information from your subconscious, then transferring it to your consciousness. Consciousness is able to contain only a certain, limited amount of information, while the resources of your subconscious are much larger. The mind can be compared to an iceberg. Consciousness is limited to that small part that is visible above the water, and a much larger part of it, the unconscious, is hidden from view.

At the beginning, be especially careful with the choice of questions. Do not forget that you are able to influence the movements of the pendulum by your own will. Let's say you want to know the sex of an unborn baby. If you secretly hope that it will be a girl, the pendulum may reflect your inner desire and tell you that it is a girl that will be born, even if this is not actually the case.

And here is another example: a friend of mine asked the pendulum who would win the presidential election in 1996. He himself had been a Republican all his life, and the pendulum gave him the answer he so hoped to hear. But the pendulum was wrong (at that time Bill Clinton was re-elected) - he reacted to desire see a Republican in the presidential seat.

Therefore, if you are strongly interested in the results of an event, ask someone you know to ask these questions for you. This will help you maintain the necessary neutrality.

There is a simple way to make sure that we are really able to influence the pendulum with the power of our thought. Take the pendulum in your hand and stop it from swinging. Now that it is completely still, mentally ask it to swing in a certain direction. After a few seconds, it will actually start moving in the direction you thought it would. Now mentally imagine another direction, and the pendulum will immediately begin to follow your thoughts, changing its swing.

You can influence the pendulum in another way. If you ask him: “Can I be considered God’s gift to women?”, then the pendulum will either answer you honestly (maybe “yes”, or maybe “no”), or give an evasive answer (“I don’t know” or "I don't want to answer"), or will answer, following your inner desire. Keep this in mind when asking the pendulum questions.

The pendulum is not a toy and therefore should not be approached with frivolous questions. If you ask seriously, you will surely get an honest and truthful answer. If you are just playing with the pendulum, it will answer you what you want to hear from it.

Coue's experiment

The French psychologist Emile Coue, who lived in the first half of the 20th century, became famous thanks to his life-affirming formula: "Every day my life is getting better and better." These simple words helped a lot of people. And when Coue visited New York one day, thousands of people greeted him at the port. The French psychologist liked to demonstrate the following experiment to test the concentration of attention. First of all, you will need a circle with a diameter of about 15 cm, divided into four parts by two intersecting lines (Fig. 2). Hang the pendulum over the center of the circle and watch it move along one of the two lines. Watch his movements, which will become more and more intense.

Then imagine how the movements of the pendulum gradually slow down and it stops completely, after which it begins to move along another straight line.

Rice. 2. The circle used in Coué's experiment

If you wish, you can repeat this experiment with your eyes closed.

When you open your eyes, you will find that the result will be the same: the pendulum will swing in exactly the direction you imagined. This experiment will not only test your concentration, but also demonstrate your power over the pendulum.

You can make it move in any direction you want. There is no need to move the pendulum by hand. Your mind is quite capable of handling this task.

Another experiment involves using the pendulum with the eyes closed.

Mentally order him to move clockwise. Wait 15 seconds, then open your eyes. You will find that the pendulum does move clockwise.

Stop it and close your eyes again. This time ask him to move counterclockwise or side to side. And when you open your eyes after some time, you will find that he followed your mental request, despite the fact that you did nothing to consciously set him in motion.

How to ask questions

Many people tend to ask the pendulum questions that it is unable to answer due to quite natural limitations. For example, the pendulum will not be able to answer your question: "Should I spend my summer vacation in New Orleans or San Francisco?" In this case, you should break the question into two parts and ask about each city in turn.

You could also rephrase your question as follows: "Will I enjoy my vacation if I spend it in New Orleans?" Then ask the same about San Francisco.

It is possible that in both cases you will receive a positive answer. Then you should ask a more specific question: "Will my vacation be more fulfilling if I spend it in New Orleans instead of San Francisco?" Whatever answer you get, it's a good idea to refine it by asking the same question about another city to see what happens.

When holding the pendulum, concentrate on the question. Repeat it over and over again to yourself. If an extraneous thought comes to your mind, discard it and again concentrate on the question. This is necessary because the pendulum can answer a randomly flashed thought, and not the question originally posed.

The pendulum can bring you considerable benefits in terms of your work and career. There is good way save time by asking the pendulum questions that include expressions such as "instead of", "better" or "preferably", for example; "Should I go back to college and finish my education, or is it better to keep working and be content with my current salary?" If the pendulum gives a positive answer, you will know what to do. If the answer is no, you can ask in another way: "Should I continue with my corporation instead of going back to college?"

In general, it is better to ask a whole series of simple questions than to formulate one complex one that includes all aspects of the problem you are interested in. The difference in time will be quite insignificant, but the answer in the first case will be much clearer.

Sometimes the pendulum will give you its movement: "I do not want to answer." If this happens, look at the form in which you asked him your question, and see if you can formulate it in some other way. It is possible that by dividing your original question into two or three simpler ones, you will eventually achieve the desired answer.

Possibilities of using the pendulum

The possibilities of the pendulum are almost limitless. I sometimes like to ask him questions about the earliest time of my childhood. And the pendulum is able to tell me a lot of things that I have long forgotten. In doing so, I found out what my first words were, at what age I took my first steps, and many other interesting things for me. If your parents are still alive, you can easily check the accuracy of this information. And over time, when you are convinced of the reliability of the information received, your faith in the possibilities of the pendulum will definitely increase. You can also ask the pendulum other questions about you personally: "Am I afraid of being too outspoken?" or "Am I worthy of the respect of others?". Of course, you need to evaluate each of the answers received to such questions. As you already know, your desires can affect the movement of the pendulum. Accordingly, one cannot exclude the possibility that you will receive not a truthful answer, but one that you hope to hear. It is no less interesting to ask the pendulum about your loved ones and relatives. Not so long ago, my distant relatives decided to spend their holidays in our city. Before they came to visit me, I asked the pendulum a variety of questions, not forgetting to ask what they like and what they don’t. As a result, my relatives were impressed by the fact that when I served them tea at the table, I already knew in advance which of them liked black tea and which preferred to drink with milk.

A few months ago, a friend of mine was recuperating from a long illness. We both went on a little trip, giving his family the opportunity to rest a bit. On the eve of the trip, I used my pendulum to find out what films he likes to watch and what tourist activities might attract his attention.

If my wife and I are about to go to the cinema, but we don’t know which movie to watch, I also turn to the pendulum for advice. I hang it above a poster in the daily paper or ask it questions about every movie.

All these experiments are very simple and unpretentious, but they help to make your life richer and more interesting. And the more often you use the pendulum, the more possibilities you will find for its use.

Questions about the future

Nothing can forbid you to ask the pendulum about your future. But if you start asking him questions about yourself, the pendulum will most likely tell you what you want to hear. This answer may or may not be correct.

Let's say you want to know what the weather will be like next Thursday. Ask the pendulum if this day will be sunny. Once you figure this out, ask about temperature, wind, etc.

As soon as you learn how to work with the pendulum, your friends will want to know with your help the outcome of certain events. They will not ignore various competitions and gambling. Based on my own experience, I can say that the pendulum does not like this kind of questions and prefers not to answer them (or else it will give you incorrect information).

I know a man who used a pendulum to try to determine the winner at the races. At first everything went well, and he made more and more big bets. But then the pendulum began to give him incorrect information, and he lost the money that he first earned. Finally he realized what was happening and stopped playing at the races. And in the end, he ended up in the same financial position as before the races.

When to Use a Pendulum

There is no "schedule" for working with a pendulum. You can refer to it any time you need it. I usually carry a pendulum with me, but I can go weeks without using it. And sometimes I turn to him for help up to three times a day.

I know people who ask the pendulum about almost everything that happens in their lives. These people may use the pendulum several times a day. I also know those who take time each week to ask the pendulum questions about the next seven days. I prefer to use my pendulum only when the need arises.

So, you can work with your pendulum whenever you want. Usually people use this tool very often at the beginning of their work with it, but gradually their interest in it weakens, and in the end they turn to it only in exceptionally important cases. Some consult with the pendulum all the time. It makes no difference how often you use your pendulum. It's just a tool and you can work with it whenever the need arises.

How does he work

For at least the past two centuries, people have known that the pendulum is set in motion by unconscious movements of the hand. Our subconscious acts on the muscles of the hand, forcing them to respond to the received impulses. This is called "ideomotor reaction" ("ideo" means "idea, thought" and "motor" means "movement"). The pendulum amplifies the reaction, which otherwise would be almost imperceptible. Therefore, the answers come to us from the depths of our subconscious.

Michel-Eugène Chevrel studied the pendulum for twenty years, and one of his experiments convincingly proves the above. He supported his arm with a wooden bar in different places - from the shoulder to the hand. And the closer this bar was to the hand, the weaker the oscillations of the pendulum became. They completely stopped when the fingers holding the pendulum lay down on a wooden support.

Chevrel also found that contemplating the pendulum, he enters a trance-like state. This allowed him to conclude that there was a certain connection between his thoughts and the movements of the pendulum. The experiments made a tremendous impression and had a huge resonance in society, and even today they often talk about the "Chevrel pendulum".

The pendulum opens access to our subconscious. We can say that it is an extension of our central nervous system. Therefore, it is not the pendulum that supplies us with information. This information is extracted from our subconscious and enters consciousness through the central nervous system. The pendulum “manifests” these messages of our subconscious.

You can often hear the following criticism of the pendulum: if we are able to influence this instrument with our consciousness, then the information received with its help must be extremely doubtful. In reality, something quite different is happening. The pendulum allows us to make contact with our subconscious whenever we wish.

The subconscious of each person is connected with the cosmic consciousness, to which any information is available. That is why we sometimes go to bed with an unresolved problem and wake up in the morning with a ready-made solution. While we were sleeping, our subconscious became active and turned to the cosmic consciousness for help, and in the morning gave us the correct answer.

Therefore, we can ask the pendulum any question and get the answer from the "database" of cosmic consciousness.

The best result is obtained if we really need an answer. It is not at all necessary that your questions concern life and death, but they should touch on subjects that are unconditionally important to you.

You can hone your abilities by doing sometimes not too serious experiments with the pendulum. Still, you are likely to be more successful in finding your lost car keys than in trying to find out which of the seven coins your friend touched. The pendulum will give you the answer to both questions, but will provide information more readily in serious cases.

The Art of the Pendulum

The pendulum is deceptively easy to use. But if you want to become a real pro, you need to practice a lot. At first, you will inevitably make mistakes, but as your skills improve, there will be fewer and fewer of them.

You can achieve great success if you follow these simple rules,

1. Never use the pendulum unless absolutely necessary. If you can make a decision on your own, do so.

2. Don't ask the same question twice in a session. This creates doubts. You must trust the answers the pendulum gives you.

3. Never brag about your pendulum skills.

4. Ask someone else to swing the pendulum if you are emotionally interested in the answer.

5. Use the pendulum only for good purposes.

Do not let other people use your pendulum. It is tuned exclusively to you, so you should not allow other people's energy to mix with yours. I have several pendulums that I allow other people to use, but there are also those that only I touch. Keep your pendulum in your purse or pouch, keep it close to you. This will help you keep it safe from harm.

In doing so, you will successfully master the art of working with the pendulum. You will soon find that using the pendulum makes you more receptive, insightful, and self-confident. In accordance with this, your ability to handle the pendulum will increase.

The possibilities of the pendulum are truly endless. With wise handling of it, you will achieve real success in various areas of your life.