Higher universal nature way to read online. El Ohim Monoshance. Languages ​​of the Higher Powers (First full chance from the book of Higher Universal Nature Path)

This is not a book. This is a chance to get out of the limitations of the world in which you live, to become white, natural people. If you are satisfied with yourself, as you exist in this world, then you will always be left alone with your problems. If such an existence is not enough for you and you have matured in order to become different, more perfect and developed, then you are not alone and you can be helped to orient yourself: who you are, where you are and where to go and what to do next.
The first part was written after the author received "Universal Consciousness" in 1992. The second part was written after the author received "Cosmic Consciousness" in 1978. Both parts are the result of many years of painstaking work on oneself, "living contemplation", connection with the higher Universal and Cosmic forces, emergence in ideas and verification in practice, both on one's own body and in the practice of numerous followers. For 15 years, the author has been informing earthlings of all new information unknown on Earth, to which they have already grown. During the years of training, several dozen earthlings received liberation and space citizenship with the right to move independently in space, time, forms, realities with the right to free rebirth and incarnation in them. Maybe this will work for you too. Who knows? You just have to mature and try. All this and more in this book. Higher Universal Nature Way (E. O. Monoshance)

THE WAY OF THE HIGHEST UNIVERSAL NATURE Based on the materials of the books and speeches of the Master of the Universal Consciousness El OHIM MONOSHENS of the Higher Universal Nature, the Way (GWP) is a chance to get out of the limitations of the world in which you live, to become white, natural people. If you are satisfied with yourself, as you exist in this world, then you will always be left alone with your problems. If such an existence is not enough for you and you have matured in order to become different, more perfect and developed, then you are not alone and you can be helped to orient yourself: who you are, where you are and where to go and what to do next. The one who has found his way knows that this way is not the only one for everyone. Everyone has his own path. The path of one is not suitable for the other. The path of another is not suitable for anyone. There is no one but you on your way. You won't step on anyone's toes. No one is breathing down your back. No one will find, and if they find, they will not go your way. No one but you will do your business. No one but you will be born, live, work, develop, no one will make mistakes for you, no one will be corrected instead of you, no one will die instead of you. Who has found someone else's path, he, as a rule, believes that he is the only one. Common to many, if not all. The common path - the path of "comrades in misfortune" - is only for those whose paths have crossed and who have the same shortcomings. When common shortcomings are worked out, the paths diverge. The path of your development is the path opposite to the path of your degradation. Once upon a time in past distant rebirths, you were a relatively perfect being - not made by anyone, not created by anyone. The world around you was either an exam for improvement into even more perfect states, or a trap for your "falling in" and degradation. You have descended the ladder of development to all the lower levels. The path of your Ascension is the path up the river, against the current, to its source, where you once were. Everyone has to go through their own crisis. In the place where there is a problem on your way, there is no problem for those around you. They have problems and shortcomings in completely different places, where you do not see any problems. At least three types of problems and suffering from these problems are encountered on the path of a person. Walking along the path and developing, a person meets with membranes, that is, with obstacles in his path. They point out his shortcomings to him. A person may not agree with the presence of these shortcomings, then they throw him down the path. This is the path of ignorance, the suffering of ignorance, underdevelopment, degradation. If a person agrees with the presence of these shortcomings, but does not agree to part with them, give them to the membrane, then the membrane, the obstacle, attaches the person to itself. He remains on it forever, since the membrane or obstacle consists of exactly the same carriers of the deficiency, for whom this deficiency is so dear that they sacrifice their development in order to be the carrier of this deficiency, which he considers his dignity. This is the path of sin, the suffering of sin, the path of the end of development. The path of the common man is wandering in the darkness of one or many hood systems. In the same case, when a person not only agrees with the fact that he has a shortcoming, but also agrees that this is not a virtue at all, as he thought earlier, but a shortcoming with which it was time to part, he goes up, parting with the former a quality dear to him. At the same time, he experiences the suffering of purification, disidentification with this quality. If earlier he and this quality of his were united, now he sees the absurdity of such his "falling" on him. This is the path of purification.

Path to enlightenment, passage
Heavy and difficult
But in everyone, in us
After all, there is a source
Dawn will arrive

Will open the world
Light in the dark
Resurrect the heart
And we need to move forward
As it was in childhood

When we flew to heaven
Playing with the world.
And we knew...


Russia is a majestic, unbowed power,
And for our Universe, it is also a spiritual guide,
Stories are her stages, like the stages of her glory,
The people absorbed into themselves, like a diligent student ...

The deeper you learn...


Let's say to Higher Reality? If the answer turns out to be: “Know God, or your true nature, is the main and higher the goal of life", then ... "I" and "I", which is Brahman, between the individual ego with volition and Ecumenical Mind. A person might well inquire, asking with a great deal of dissatisfaction... a reverence far beyond mere respect! The very basis of the transcendent way- practically the antithesis of traditional religion, since the individual being ...


... ": "I know him, Supreme Purusha dressed in sunlight who is above all darkness; only by knowing Him can death be conquered, there is no other way!" ("V. Samhita" 31.18). ... was the center; it was a place where a person could feel his oneness with Ecumenical Spirit. You are separating the place, tenemos, separating it from the rest, the uninitiated... and even beyond the sign of Christ. Jesus Himself is the Mystery of God. human nature Jesus, His life, death and resurrection are signs of the Divine presence on...


Similar to the Upanishads, and from all branches of the original Vedic knowledge, constitutes your outer body. You are Hiranyagarbha, the source of the universe, yet present as higher ruler, you are transcendental to the material world, which consists of three modes of action of the material nature. 33. O my Lord, always staying in your own abode, you spread your universal shape in this cosmic


... ". What will you say about that?" One day, the Zen master Da-chih from Mount Bo-chang said to the assembled [monks]: "Buddha is higher chariot, excellent wisdom and the only thing that goes beyond the Buddhist Ways. He is the Buddha who has nature Buddha; master teacher, moving in the world without attachments, possessing unrelated knowledge. He uses causality and, fluent in happy...


... higher... consider her suspicious higher and give her... higher geometry nature... claimed that in nature it's all mathematical... nature. And as in the laws of the structure and development of natural bodies, we have different levels, so they are in beautiful mathematics. And on the very higher level, perhaps, are the most abstract mathematical theories and higher... hint at higher beauty we ... in nature: it was... captivating higher mathematicians... properties nature. Precisely ... man is the crown of creation, the crown nature... And how long has the crown ...

People have different ideas:

There are Pure, sublime, humane!

And they are dictated by their authority ...
Exorbitant pride and vanity!

Start. To be continued.


My first Mentor El Ohim Monoshens knew well where the centers of Black Magic are located in the world, the second - my Spiritual Mentor - Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov, knew well where the Holy places are. From which I concluded that they have this knowledge according to their belonging to one or another knowledge ...
The first told how to defend against energy attacks, the second also revealed the secrets of protection, they are very simple - prayer.
I don’t name the first Mentor yet, because I know his enormous Powers and the warning that everyone who encroaches on him in thoughts and deeds will recognize his Power and himself, and the Powers that protect him from Above. That's why I'm afraid to say it.
Highly interesting information Waiting for you, my readers.
The First Mentor - EOM (his abbreviated cosmic name) did not say a word about love and spirituality, but he spoke a lot about cosmopolitanism and perfection.

I will add this story about my Mentors little by little.

My Teachers and Spirit Guides:

Alexei Ilyich Osipov - professor of theology

El Ohim Monoshance - wrote the book "The Highest Universal Nature Way"

Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov - brings to us the knowledge of the Indian Vedas

Questions and answers

What is TRUE?

What's on about this Monoshance.

What did he say about it


I just wrote first - Minoshans. A Freudian slip...and it reflects reality so well! Indeed, the knowledge that he brings is a mine, or a time bomb, on the one hand, they are useful, and, on the other hand, they are very destructive for a person!
He wrote the book "The Highest Way of the Universal Nature" As he himself said that Gorbachev's wife, after reading this book, said: "There is little love ..." I agree with her and would add: "There is no love at all ..." Love This is what brings people together! Lack of love and enmity separate people .... "I have been attending seminars with Monoshance since 2000, the first meeting with him was in Nizhnevartovsk in November 1999.
She also added that for 5 years of meeting and studying with him at seminars, I observed absolute lack of spirituality in everything! Nothing was said about her and she was not even remembered! Moreover, it was simply superfluous in what he brought us... And he carried us the Cosmic idea, the Cosmic consciousness, which he received a long time ago, as he himself told. And received the universal consciousness.

Why Monoshance?
Now, after so many years, I understand that this was an illusion, it was from a lack of knowledge of theology and others. The main reason is that we have a lot of books, but few or almost no priests to whom you could approach with vital questions and get the right answer at the right time! And this leads away from the true path, the true Faith. Although I understand that no one has canceled the working off of Karma, in Orthodoxy the law of Karma sounds simply: "I will repay!". That is, for our deeds, words, thoughts, we are rewarded by God with a cart and a small cart! True, the priests of Karma do not recognize what they themselves sign in their ignorance and heresy.

Here is another thing that is in favor of the fact that it is better to cook food yourself:
1. Absorbing someone else's food, we eat absorbs someone else's consciousness according to subtle plans! Torsunov talks about this all the time.
2. El Ohim Monoshance told us at the seminars that a person with white energy or, in other words, with good energy, can feed other people, and if his energy is higher in terms of the level of those he feeds. That is, such a person should feed everyone in the family.
He referred me to such people. At the seminar, we prepared 3 dishes together in 3 hours to feed about 90 people.
3. He also told us that if this does not work out (point 2), then the person should cook food for himself! Since food prepared by a person with dirty energies brings us diseases - this is at best! And at worst, it is poison to us, it kills us.


From the book of El Ohim, Monoshansa understood the following:
1. Higher Powers give a person a chance 3 times!
If he does not use it three times, then the Higher Powers do not give more chances!
As Monoshance said: "The first time - it is forgiven, the second time - it is forbidden, the third time - the gates are closed forever!

It's about PRAYER

It's about VERA

Not all who preach Buddhism, Orthodoxy and other religions have the Truth! The criterion of Truth is PRACTICE! The way a person lives! If he himself lives according to the principles that he preaches, then he is an example! He who has attained speaks much of what is true and correct, but the Truth of his teaching can only be verified by learning how he lives!
And for some reason it is closed from people... And this leads to great doubts... The truth is not hidden, it is open to everyone! And if a person hides something: his true name, his location, then this leads to great doubts about himself and the truth of his teachings...
It’s just that I already encountered once in one case, when my so-called Teacher El Ochim Monoshance gave all of us this cosmic name and hid his real name! And over time it became clear WHY? Because people sued him! That's why he hid his true name every time! But, in spite of his tricks, he went through many trials about the fact that through his fault families were directly destroyed, hearts were broken and people were insulted and humiliated! Therefore, I am now very cautious about all kinds of preachers! Everything that my heart and soul accepts, I take for my spiritual development, and everything that I doubt, I am critical of it! This Monoshance was very greedy: he took huge money for his lectures and seminars! That is, he himself did not work out his self-interest!
And being embraced:
1. Huge Pride!
2. Exorbitant greed!
3. Huge power and desire to subjugate!
4. Huge destructiveness - Magical abilities!
5. A great desire for Diktat and a desire to humiliate and insult others!
Having such a bouquet of Passions, he told us that he has a Cosmic and Universal consciousness! In fact, it was very far from the Truth!
Therefore, there are no sinless teachers here! And that is why their Teaching is so far from the Truth! In some way they are close to her! And in something - VERY FAR!
This Monoshance was evading taxes! Saved on us, listeners! But this is Karma! Everything that has happened has already happened! Although it was a lot of wise and useful! Therefore Spiritual Teachers do not need to position their thoughts with the Truth! It will be done by the people themselves - seeing it! The imposition that they speak only the Truth - this greatly alienates people from their Teaching, like any violence against a person! Many Orthodox priests impose in churches that only Orthodoxy is the true religion! What an illusion! And then they call on parishioners to sign a petition to ban abortion! That is, I consider the family as an incubator for the birth of embryos! So this is the real violence against people ...



We have the same absolute consciousness, outlook and vision of the world, which bring great JOY and HAPPINESS!