Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy "Letters" D, D ". Sounds "D, d. Summary of the literacy lesson "Consonant sounds,. Letter d. Lowercase letter d" Summary of the literacy lesson letter d

Synopsis directly - educational activities

for teaching literacy to children 6-7 years old.

For students of the CHPPK.

Compiled and conducted by Povarnitsina G.P.

January 2011

Topic: The sound and the letter "D".

Program tasks:Introduce children to the sound "D" and the letter "D".

Learn to do sound analysis the word "house". Make up words with the sound "D" at the beginning, end and middle of the word. Come up with sentences where the words have the sound "D".

Material: subject and plot pictures, magnets for sound analysis of the word "house", notebooks, a pen.

Move: 1. Children enter the group and stand in a circle.

The one whose name begins with a vowel will sit down.

Who's name begins with a soft consonant sound.

Whose name begins with a solid consonant sound.

2. Today we will get acquainted with another interesting sound. Look closely at the pictures and name what is shown in them.

What is the same sound heard in words? (sound D).

At the beginning, at the end or in the middle there is a sound D in the words: tub, pipe, melon, road.

When we pronounce the sound D, the tip of the tongue taps on the bumps behind the upper teeth. Ask the children to say the sound D.

The tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles and prevents the air from escaping freely when we pronounce the sound D.

Vowel or consonant sound D? Why?

Deaf or voiced? Why?

3. Let's think of words with the sound D at the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word.

4. game "Tell me a word."

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf

He built in the forest ... (house).

Nearby lived a smaller gnome

Built under a bush ... (house).

5. - interesting word"house". Let's break this word down.

How many syllables are in the word do-mic? (2 syllables).

Name the first syllable, the second syllable.

Name all the sounds in the word house in order.

What is the first sound in the word dddomik.

What is this sound? (consonant, hard, voiced)

What color shall we designate it? Why?

What is the second sound in the word doomik?

What is this sound? (vowel, hard, voiced), let's denote it ... (red)

What is the 3rd sound in the word dommmik?

What is this sound? (consonant, soft, voiced), let's denote it ... (blue)

Etc. (According to the analysis of the word, the child works at the blackboard).

How many sounds are in this word?

How many vowel sounds, name them?

How many consonants can you name?

Name solid consonants.

6. Traffic light game.

On the tables of the children are pictures, in the name of which there is a sound D.

If the sound D at the beginning of the word is red light, in the middle of the word is yellow light, at the end of the word is green light.

The teacher shows a red card, children who have a picture with the sound D at the beginning of the word go to the other side, etc.

7. The game "Many - one" (with the ball).

8. The sound D is indicated in writing by the letter D (letter display).

What does this letter look like?

Gymnastics for fingers "Brothers".

The teacher shows on the board and explains how the letter is printed.

Invites children to print it in the air, on the palm of their hand.

Now type the letter in your notebook.

Capital D as many times as I clap my hands.

Small letter d how many fingers you have on your left hand.

9. Reading syllables, words.

10. Working with plot pictures.

Think of a sentence based on the picture so that the sentence contains a word with the sound D, D.

11. Game "Make a word".

The letters quarreled, they must be reconciled, if we collect them correctly, we will get the word, you say the word in my ear. (Domino).

All assignments were done correctly. Well done!

What new did you learn in class?

Yes, a wonderful letter came to our lesson today. Kind words begin with this sound: kindness, kindness, kindness, friendship, friend, friendly. Here are some good words you learned.

Sounds [d, d,]. Letters Dd.

Subject: literacy lesson.

Class: 1.

Topic:“Sounds [d, d,]. Letters Dd.

Lesson type: rock acquaintance with new sounds and the letter of the main stage of learning to read and write.

Equipment: Computer, projector, screen, Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation.

Lesson Objectives

    To acquaint children with voiced consonant sounds, consonant sounds [d, d,], letters Dd.

    Continue to introduce children to the morphemes of the word.

    To develop the speech of students based on their experience and knowledge; phonemic hearing, attention, memory, verbal logical thinking, visual-figurative thinking, develop the ability to draw conclusions based on observations, formulate rules.

    To cultivate interest in reading, respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to each other.

    Perform a system of exercises aimed at relaxation.

Forms of work: Frontal, collective, individual, group, multi-level.

Methods: Visual, conversation, dialogue, practical, exercise, independent work.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Target. Prepare students for work: provide an external favorable environment for work, psychologically set the guys up for joint activities.

Prepare your ears and eyes so that in the lesson they can hear, see and remember everything.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

Target. Provide at the very beginning of the lesson high level student involvement in learning activities. The development of logical operations (tasks are selected so that children can repeat the previously studied material). Lead students to formulate the topic of the lesson.

The screen shows 2 groups of objects.

Slide 2 is shown.

In the first group:

Name the objects depicted in group 1. (Cat, whale, woodpecker.)

In the second group:

Slide #2

Name the objects depicted in group 2. (House, car, raspberries.)

What did you use to name the objects in the picture? (With the help of a word.)

How is an object different from a word? (The object can be touched and seen, and the word can be heard and pronounced.)

Exclude one word from the first group on the basis of your own choice. (Woodpecker, since it has 2 syllables, and the rest have 1 syllable each. Woodpecker, since it has 5 sounds, and the words whale and cat have 3 sounds each.)

What word can be excluded from the second group? (The house, since it has 1 syllable, 3 sounds, ends in a consonant, and in other words, 3 syllables, 6 sounds each, end in a vowel).

III. Formulation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Target. Independent formulation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson (implementation of the idea of ​​pedagogical cooperation).

On the basis of active speech-thinking activity, students participate in goal-setting. This approach creates a self-setting for students to achieve the goal of the lesson, stimulates fruitful learning activities.

Say the first sounds of the excluded words and formulate the topic of today's lesson. (The word woodpecker begins with the sound[d, ], and the word house - from the sound[e]. So, the topic of today's lesson is “Sounds[d, d, ] and the letter that stands for them.")

Slide 3 is shown.

Based on the topic, formulate the purpose of our lesson. (Students formulate the purpose of the lesson.)

IV. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Target. Introduce children to voiced consonant sounds[d, d, ] , letters dd.

Introduction to new sounds

Target. Articulation of new sounds. During analytical work, through the articulation of new sounds, observation, to realize the most important principle mother tongue- attention to the matter of language.

Where does the woodpecker live? (On the tree.)

Demonstration of slide number 4, which depicts a tree.

What is the woodpecker building? (Hollow.)

Slide show #5: Hollow.

Slide #4

Slide #5

Show slide #6.

Slide #6

Items are displayed on the screen. Name them. (Woodpecker, house, tree, hollow.)

What do these words have in common? (Words begin with sounds[d, d, ] .)

Explore these sounds, what can you tell about them? (Children's answers.)

Group work


    Implementation of the principle of activity.

    Formation of motivation for teaching and learning.

    Universal, all-encompassing control of knowledge.

    Psychological comfort in the educational team.

    Unity of education and training.

    Implementation of the subject - subject relations.

    Introduction to important life skills (effective communication, listening skills, the ability to take the point of view of another, the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to work together to achieve a common goal).

The work takes place in groups of permanent composition. This form contributes to the formation of positive motivation for learning cognitive activity, fosters a sense of responsibility not only for oneself, but also for one’s friend, activates learning activities, creates comfortable conditions for the development of communication skills, and increases the effectiveness of the lesson.

And now our class will turn into a research institute. To do this, let's divide into 3 research groups.

Students sit in groups (1st row - 1st group, 2nd row - 2nd group, 3rd row - 3rd group).

To do further work, you must follow the rules that exist at the institute. Let's get to know them.

Children in chorus read the rules for working in a group: slide number 7.

Respect your friend.

Be sure to listen to everyone.

Disagree - suggest!

Slide number 7

Show slide number 8.





Slide #8

Words appeared on the screen: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow. Each research group needs to analyze these four words and draw a conclusion by answering the question posed.

Task 1st research group

Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] a vowel or a consonant?

Task 2nd research group

Analyze the words: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow.

Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] voiced or deaf?

Assignment to the 3rd research group

Analyze the words: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow.

Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] in words hard or soft?

Attached to the board with magnets is the following illustration. b:

So, we found out that the sound [d] is a consonant, voiced, in words it can be hard and soft. Now say your first and last name to yourself.

Stand up those children in the name or surname is new sound. (Students with a new sound in their first or last name stand up.)

Determine where it is: in the middle of a word, at the beginning or end of a word? (After answering the question, students sit down.)

Physical education minute

Target. Create elementary ideas about the basic concepts healthy lifestyle life. Connection of the structural parts of the lesson. (Physical education is carried out with a didactic task on the topic of the lesson with a small mental load, therefore it does not break, but connects the structural parts of the lesson.)

Let's remember the correct mode of the day. I will call its points, and you, if the sounds [d, d,] are found in their name, depict its content with the corresponding movements.

Children are already familiar with this form of physical education, so the teacher does not explain the methodology for conducting it.

1) Rise - 7 h 30 min. (They get up from the desk.)

2) Water procedures - 7 h 40 min. (Imitate washing.)

3) Breakfast - 8 o'clock [d, d, ] .)

4) Classes at school - up to 12 h 10 min. (Depict classes at school.)

5) Lunch - 13 o'clock (Movements are not performed, since there are no sounds in this word[d, d, ] .)

6) Walk - an hour and a half. (Movements are not performed, since there are no sounds in this word[d, d, ] .)

7) Dinner - at 19 o'clock (They show with movements that they are having dinner.)

8) Getting ready for bed - 21 o'clock (Movements show that they are going to sleep.)

Introduction to a new letter

Target. To acquaint students with a graphic representation of the studied sounds.

We've been working on new sounds. Tell me, what are we going to get acquainted with now? (With a new letter that stands for sounds[d, d, ] .)

I will show different letters, if you see a new letter, then clap your hands, if not, then shake your head.

Does anyone know what the new letter is called? (Children's answers.)

Why do you think two letters are needed: uppercase and lowercase? (Student answers.)

Let's place this letter on the ribbon of letters.

Slide 9 is shown.

Slide #9

Game "My Imagination"

Target. Development of creative thinking.

Let's fantasize, what does the letter d look like? (On the roof of the house, on the bell, on the chimney, ....)

Slide 10 is shown.

Slide 10

Here it is, blowing smoke,

The letter "D" is a stove pipe.

V. Consolidation of new knowledge.

Reading syllables, words, text with a new letter

At the stage of reading confluences, words, coherent text, the differentiation of training according to the level of preparation for reading is organized.


    The formation of reading skills in children who did not read before school, the improvement of this skill in reading children, the development of interest in reading and the desire to read.

    Formation of the skill of syllabic reading with the transition to reading a whole word. (The second group (average reading students) reads the words on their own.) In the course of individual and collective testing, a number of tasks are performed with the same words, which help to avoid mechanical repetition and ensure reading awareness. Such a combination of reading with the development of intellectual operations contributes to the formation of verbal and logical thinking, makes the reading process more exciting and interesting.

Work on the textbook "My favorite primer", p.

There are three groups of exercises. The first group of exercises is syllables (for poor reading children), the second group is columns of words (for average reading children) and the third group is a text (for good readers).

Task 3rd group (bad reading children)

Read the syllables.

Assignment to the 2nd group (for average reading children)

Read the words in the columns.

Read the sentences and think about why there is a question mark at the beginning of these sentences? Can these sentences be called text?

Let's check how the 2nd group coped with the task, and the 1st and 3rd groups join us.

1 column





Read the words where all the sounds are voiced. (Lady, thought - voiced.)

Read the words where there is a dangerous place. Why? (Breathes. Zhi- and shi- is written with the letter and.)

2 column





- Read the word with a small number of letters, which denotes a large subject.(House.)

Read the word in which there are more letters, and the object is small. (House.)

What part of the word makes the object small, highlight it. (Suffix -ik-.)

3 column





Read the words with roots - hole-; - smoke-. (Hole, hole; smoke, smoke.)

Highlight the root.

What are these words called? (Single root.)

4 column



will give


Read the words with joy, with delight.

What did you notice? (All the words in this column have the same root.)

Underline the root of these words. (Root - gift -.)

5 column





Read the words with warmth in your heart, remembering your mother.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Target. Prevention of myopia.

Blink quickly, close your eyes. Sit quietly, slowly counting to five. Repeat 5 times.

Let's continue with the ABC. The 1st group reads the sentences aloud, and the 2nd and 3rd groups listen carefully, as questions will be asked to all groups.

Is it text or individual sentences? (This is a text, since the sentences are related in meaning, united by a common theme.)

Why is there a question mark before the text? (No name.)

Let's name it. ("Our house".)

Read the highlighted words. (Over, u, na, u, k, u.)

What are the underlined words called? (Prepositions.)

Watch for suggestions. What did you notice interesting? (Prepositions with words are written separately.)

Underline the space between the preposition and the word.

Reading the text of V. Khmelnitsky "Smoke"

Textbook "My favorite ABC", p.95.

Slide 11 is shown.

On the screen are keywords and a picture. Read the words and look at the picture.



to see everything


Slide #11

Task 1st group (well-reading children)

Read the text "Smoke" to yourself.

Tasks for the 3rd and 2nd groups (poor and average reading children)

Find in the text "Smoke" words with new sounds. Highlight them. Determine whether the new sound in the underlined words is hard or soft?

Checking the performance of tasks: the 1st group reads aloud, and the 2nd and 3rd groups listen. The text is read by sentences with comments (all groups comment). Keywords appear in the text as they are encountered on slide 12.

1st offer. White smoke appeared above the chimney.

Can you imagine the smoke? (The author writes: white. Smoke means small, perhaps just born. White, small, cute ...)

2nd offer. Looking around, he quickly rushed up.

Have you noticed that the author revived the haze? Support this with words from the text. (Looking around, he rushed off.)

3rd offer. “Wait, don’t hurry,” the trumpet began to teach.

What question can you ask after reading this sentence? (Why did the trumpet begin to teach him?)

Why did the trumpet begin to teach him? (Wise, has long lived on the roof of the house.)

4th proposal. “I don’t have time,” puffed the smoke. - I want to see everything!

What was the smoke like? (Inquisitive.)

And how do we find out about it in the text? (Once, I want to see everything.)

5th offer. The world is great, the trumpet objected. - You probably won't be able to. 7th sentence. And ... before the chimney had time to warn him, the smoke melted away.

What is the name of the sign that comes after the word and?(Ellipsis.)

What does he mean? (Pause while reading.)

Read this proposal, respecting this requirement.

What happened with smoke? Why?(He melted. The trumpet did not have time to warn.)

Meditate , what could the trumpet say or think when it saw that Smokey had melted?

What about it said in the text?(Children read the 8th sentence.)

8th sentence. “It’s too hot for me,” the pipe sighed sadly and looked up: there, in the blue sky, someone’s obedient children were swimming.

What do you think Where do obedient children go? Could our Smoke be with them?

For what important thoughts can text say "thank you"?(Opinion exchange.)

VI. Summary of the lesson.

The results of the lesson are summed up, an oral assessment is given about the work of students in the lesson, reflection is carried out.

Children, what new did you learn at the lesson?

VII. Creative homework.

    We do not know what kind of travels and adventures awaited Smoky? Dream up. Draw.

    Tell me what do you dream about when you look at the clouds?

Sections: Primary School

Class: 1


  • To form the skill of correct, smooth, conscious, expressive reading of words with learned letters. To acquaint with the new rule “Big letter in the names of rivers”.
  • Develop a connected oral speech, memory, analytical and logical thinking, imagination, voluntary attention, phonemic hearing; enrich vocabulary; broaden the horizons of students.
  • To educate a positive motive for learning, perseverance, a sense of responsibility, diligence, respect for working people; increase interest in reading.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

The bell rang and the lesson began.

II. Knowledge update.

1. Work with a tape of letters.

  • What groups are all sounds divided into?
  • What do the top vowels show? Lower?
  • What consonants are on the top row? On the bottom row?

2. The game "Collect the word."

(letters on the board: s, d, m ... .e, t, i, d ... .o, m, i, d, k)

What do these words have in common? (begins with letter D)

III. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will repeat what we know about the letter D, we will read words with this letter.

IV. Repetition of what has been learned.

1. - What sounds does the letter D mean?

What do we know about the sound [d]? [d"]?

2. Articulation gymnastics.



(students clearly repeat after the teacher, clapping on each syllable)

3. Working with pairs of words.

On the desk:

  • works -
  • rafts -

Read the first word. How many items does it represent?

Change the word to mean 1 item.

What letter is missing?

What sound do we hear at the end of a word?

What letter should be written?

Why do we hear the sound [d], but write the letter D?

This is a dangerous place in the word that requires attention and verification.

Why is the sound pronounced clearly in the first word?

Read the next word. (work with a couple of words: rafts - raft)

What are rafts? (logs fastened together to move through the water)

Previously, people often used rafts to transport any goods and passengers.

4. Work on the textbook (p. 112)

Consider the illustration, what modern means of transportation on water did the artist depict?

Rafts could carry goods over short distances, while motor ships and ships could travel long distances along rivers.

There are a lot of rivers on the planet. There are many of them in our country too. We will now read about some of them.

Work on the text.

A) Reading text to strong learners.

B) Reading comprehension questions.

What river names do you remember?

What is above the rivers?

Why do people build bridges?

What kind of traffic moves on bridges?

B) Reading along the chain.

D) Independent reading of the text. (Individual assistance)

What words with the letter D have you met?

D) Selective reading.

Find a sentence that says what is above the rivers.

  • What moves across bridges?
  • What moves along the rivers?
  • What rivers are mentioned in the text?
  • Which words in this sentence are capitalized? Why?

We learned the names of a small number of rivers that exist in our country, there are many more of them, for example, the great Siberian river Yenisei flows 100 km from Norilsk. (On the board: Yenisei) People affectionately call him the Yenisei Father, because he is like a father - the breadwinner, gives us fish, large ships go along the Yenisei, which bring various goods to our north: food, clothes, textbooks, furniture.

Fizminutka + warm-up for the eyes.

5. Conversation about professions.

To transport passengers, cargo, the ship is controlled by a man-captain of the ship. This is his profession.

Consider pictures. What occupations are shown here? (drawings on the board)

Pay attention to this drawing, on it the artist depicted a man of a courageous profession, a miner. We have a lot of people in the city who do this hard work. And now Uzdin Artyom will tell a poem that he and his parents themselves composed and dedicated to his grandfather not just as a relative, but as a hard worker.

6. Work on the textbook (p. 113)

Text prediction.

Let's read the words that will tell us what will be discussed in the text that we will read.

Reading keywords(On the desk)

Tim work works
Dima Work master

Why are Tim and Dima capitalized?

Who is a master?

(reading in chorus, columns of words in rows in chorus, reading by students by weak students)

Look at the drawings the artist made on p.113

Who do you see?

Read the title of the text on p.113

What do you think this text will be about?

Work on the text.

A) Primary reading of the text (by the teacher)

What occupations are discussed in the text?

The students, who have cards on the table, are preparing for expressive reading on them, the rest of the guys read with me.

B) Loud reading with the teacher.

B) Selective reading.

What is the job of Dima's mother?

What is the job of Nastya's brother?

Name the profession that met in the text and begins with the letter D.

Now, the guys who worked on the cards will read a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov

“Important things”, listen carefully to what important things will be discussed and what is most important.

Card Reading

Things to do.

I don't sit without work
I myself hold the iron in my hands. (1 student)
- I'm at home too, than I can,
I will help my mother in the kitchen. (2 students)
Grandma is sick today
I have to give her medicine. (3 students)
We are planting a garden
We have a lot of trouble with him. (4 students)
- Our chickens want to eat,
We must feed the chickens. (5 student)
- I collect seeds,
The basket appears to be full. (6 student)
- In the forest we wander all day,
And we are not too lazy to bend down. (7 student)
A lot of things for kids:
In a dense forest, in a wide field,
On the farm, in the house, in the yard,
And most importantly - at the desk at school! (8 student)

What is the most important thing you have students?

7. Work on the proverb. (On the desk)

What works, such and fruits.

a) Read the proverb.

How do you understand this proverb?

Listen to the poem in which there is an appeal to you, it is called “First Graders”

First graders.
Machinists and weavers
Tractor drivers and doctors
Lumberjacks and miners
Combiners and actors,
Cooks and blacksmiths
Divers and singers -
Everything once for the first time
Came to first class.
And your director, guys,
I used to walk with a primer,
And your teacher
Started exactly the same...
Everyone went to first grade, -
Your turn now.
Year after year passes by
And from the school threshold
The road to life will open!

To become smart and literate people, you need to study well at school,
in order to choose a profession to your liking in the future.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Our lesson ends, let's remember what sounds the letter D stands for.

  • What do you know about these sounds?
  • What new rule did you learn in class?

Topic: Sounds [d] and [d "]. letter dd.

Correctional and educational tasks.Clarification of the articulation of sounds [d] and [d "]. Formation of skills to distinguish between sounds [d] and [d"]. Comparison of sounds by hardness and softness. Development of phonemic hearing and perception. Isolation of given sounds by ear and in pronunciation from the sound range, a number of syllables, words. Drawing up the characteristics of sounds based on symbols. Locating sound in words. Sound-letter analysis of the words smoke, house. Acquaintance with the letter D. Drawing a letter in the air, laying it out from sticks. Finding the image of a letter in the objects of the immediate environment.

Correction-developing tasks.The development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention, memory, thinking, articulation, fine and general motor skills. Improving tactile perception.

Correctional and educational tasks.Cultivating a sensitive relationship with each other.

Equipment. Pictures of small and large houses, blue and green houses, ball, word schemes, chips, notebooks, counting sticks, pencils.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.(Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson).

Speech therapist. Today we will be builders, we will build a house. Tighten your muscles, show how strong you are. (Children tense and relax the muscles of the hands.)

Hands rubbed and warmed up

And we wash our face with our warmth,

Rakes rake up all the bad thoughts,

We rub our ears up and down quickly,

We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes,

And then we leave with our fingers on the cheeks.

We knead the cheeks to puff up,

We knead our lips to smile.

Like ducklings we pull beaks to ducks,

Knead them gently, without touching the nails.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Exercises "smile - tube", "brush your teeth", "swing", "horse".

3. Clarification of the articulation of sounds [d] and [d "].

The speech therapist shows a picture of a big house.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongue a job.

We'll take the hammers

Let's hammer carnations together

[e] easy to pronounce.

(Children hit the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, putting the back of their hand to the larynx, and give a characterization of the sound [d] - consonant, voiced, hard.)

The speech therapist shows a picture of a small house.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongue a job.

We'll take the hammers

Let's hammer carnations together

[d"] easy to pronounce.

(Children easily hit the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, putting the back of their hand to the larynx, and characterize the sound [d "] - consonant, voiced, hard.) The speech therapist shows the symbols of hard and soft sounds- blue and green circles.

  1. Journey game.(Formation of skills to distinguish between sounds [d] and [d "].)

Speech therapist. We are going on a journey. Who is at the very beginning of the road? (Crocodile) He will let us through if you determine what sound is in the word crocodile - [d] or [d "]. Take a pencil and draw a green circle under the crocodile. Find the place of the sound in the word. Similarly, work is done with the words bear, dragon , dinosaur, oak, chest.

Speech therapist. To open the chest, you need to divide the words into syllables and name the stressed syllable.

5. The game "Echo". Children repeat chains of syllables after a speech therapist and find an extra one.

Yes - yes - dy - yes, to - di - du - yes, dy - dy - dy - to - dy, dy - du - de - du.

6. The game "Knock - knock - knock."(Coordination of speech with movement.)

Knock-Knock. We are building a house. (Children hit fist on fist.)

The house is high. House with a window. (Raise hands up, spread apart.)

With a sharp roof and chimney. (Join hands above head, raise one hand up.)

In the house I live with you. (Point to themselves and neighbor.)

7. The game "Tell me a word."

The speech therapist begins the word, and the children end with a syllable with the sounds being studied: in .. (yes), yago ... (yes), pogo ... (yes), koman ... (yes), next ... (dy, di), reward .. (dy , di), sa ... (dy, di).

Speech therapist. Finish the sentence with a word that begins with the sound [d].

My friend's name is Dasha).

The car is driving along ... (road).

From the pipe comes ... (smoke).

The squirrel is warm ... (hollow).

Dad built ... (house).

Children lay out the words house and smoke from a split alphabet and make a sound-letter analysis.

8. Ball game "Everything with the letter D."

Speech therapist. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [d]: catfish - house, leader - rain, bump - daughter, rapids - roads, cannon - darling, circle - friend, carcass - shower, pack - dacha, wolf - duty, fluff - spirit , rama is a lady, steam is a gift, night is a daughter.

9. Work with the letter D.

Speech therapist. What does the letter D look like?

The letter D is like a house,
But only with one window.

Task: Draw the letter D in the air, lay it out of sticks, highlight the noisy letters D. Draw pictures for the sounds [d] and [d "] (house, smoke, tree, road, firewood).

Correct mistakes - add the missing elements of the letter D.

10. End of class.(Assessment of children's work.)

Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Yulia Alexandrovna Golomazdina

Bryansk. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 9 "Little Red Riding Hood"

Program tasks:

Correctional and educational:

  • introduce the articulation of sounds [d], [d '];
  • to improve the concepts of hardness and softness, deafness and sonority of consonant sounds;
  • improve skills in determining the place of sound in a word;
  • introduce the letter D.


  • develop phonemic perception, speech activity, visual attention, creative imagination, memory, thinking, general, subtle and articulatory motility;
  • exercise in sound analysis and synthesis of words.

Correctional and educational:

  • educate children in the habit of carefully handling handouts;
  • develop a positive attitude towards others.

Equipment: monkey toy, picture of a woodpecker, subject pictures, symbols of sounds, sound chips, schemes for determining the place of sound in a word, semolina, mirrors.

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: A guest came to our lesson today, and you will find out who it is by guessing the riddle:

Builds faces, plays,
Climbing up trees
So that later on top
Ride on your tail.
long-armed, funny
And such a trickster!
Can't live without a banana...

Who is this? - ...a monkey.

Speech therapist: That's right, monkey. See what she is? (children's answers). Her name is Dusya. What is the first sound in her name? [e]. Dusya found out that the guys in kindergarten can tell you everything about this sound, and it is her favorite. Shall we tell our guest? Then go ahead and sit on the chairs.

2. Main body

Speech therapist: Dusya lives in distant warm Africa, and she has never heard a woodpecker knocking on a tree. Let's show her. The mouth is open, and the tongue knocks on the “tubercles”. Take the mirrors and knock like a woodpecker d-d-d. Well done.

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [e]. Can we sing this sound? Is the thread pulling? Why? So what is he? (consonant). Is the sound [d] voiced or deaf? (voiced). How can we know? Sound [d] hard or soft? (may be hard or soft). In the nickname of our guest, he is hard - Dusya [d], and in the word woodpecker - soft [d]. What colors denote hard and soft consonants? Once again, let's characterize the sound [d]: consonant, sonorous, can be hard and soft. Well done! Now Dusya knows how the woodpecker knocks and the characteristics of her favorite sound.

Speech therapist: Our guest is very playful and loves sounding objects. And she brought you these boxes. Dusya will see how you play with them. Kids, you need to find out what's in the boxes. Listen carefully and remember. In the first box there is rice, in the second - coins, in the third - semolina, in the fourth - pasta. Now let's mix the boxes and play.

Speech therapist: Dusya loves to play. And I prepared for you the game "Signals". She brought you signal cards, she wants to play with you and find out which of you is the most attentive. I will name sounds for you. If you hear the sound [d] raise a blue card, the sound [d] - green. Take signal cards.

Listen carefully: d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d.

And now it's harder: yes, dy, do, do, di, yes, de, do, do.

Even more difficult: house, business, dacha, shower, children, hollow, sofa, day, smoke.

Speech therapist: Well done boys! You were attentive. Dusya really enjoyed playing with you. And now it's time to rest. Get up and come to me. Let's have a rest together with Dusey.

Physical minute (musical accompaniment)

We are funny monkeys.
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
And we stomp our feet
We puff out cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Together we jump to the ceiling,
Let's put a finger to the temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
Tail on top.

Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces.
How do I say the number 3, -
All freeze with grimaces!

Speech therapist: Come in and sit down at the tables. Our guest is very inquisitive and loves looking at pictures. She brought them to you too. There are sounds [d] and [d] in the title of the pictures. But she doesn't know where they are. Dusya asks you to help determine the place of sounds in words. But be careful - the sounds [d] and [d] can only be found at the beginning or middle of a word. I show a picture, you name what is shown on it and determine the place of the sound in the word with the help of the “mouse” and chips (house, oak, 9, turkey, sofa, rainbow, nails, acorns, medal, dolphin).

Speech therapist: Good girls. Dusya found out where her favorite sounds live in words. Guys, what holiday is coming soon? ( New Year). Dusya wrote a letter to Santa Claus, but she doesn't know how to sign it. Let's show our guest what letter represents the sound [d], the first sound in her name. Look, this is the letter D. What does it look like? (children's answers)

The letter D is like a house,
But only with one window.

Speech therapist: Let's show Dusya how to write the letter D. Let's draw the letter D on the semolina.

Speech therapist: Africa is the home of our monkey. Let's teach Dusya to allocate in order all the sounds in the word DOM (sound analysis). Kirill will do the task at the blackboard, and the rest of the children at the tables. And then we'll check.

How many syllables are in the word home? Why?

How many sounds are in the word house? name

Give a description of the first sound, second, third

How many vowels, consonants?

How many hard and soft consonants?

Read the word according to the diagram.

3. Summary of the lesson

Speech therapist: Dusya really enjoyed working with you. Now she knows everything about her favorite sound [d]. But it's time for her to return to Africa. What tasks did you do today? What were the difficulties? In parting, let's remember for the monkey the words with her favorite sound.