How to find the site of an ancient settlement. Old maps for the treasure hunter. What is the best way to search for places and dig coins? How to find abandoned villages

In the 3rd issue of "Military Archeology" a typo was made - a paragraph was omitted in Sergei Frolov's article "In Search of the Lost Villages" from the heading "Milestones of History". To fix this error, we publish in the press livejournal full version articles.

Among the many modern human hobbies, treasure hunting rightfully occupies a special place. The ranks of adherents of this ancient and fascinating occupation are constantly replenished. Verily, the hopes of the seekers are immortal.
Metal detectors of the latest developments, only hopes are pinned on them in detecting the desired objects. In pursuit of fashion, many seekers of antiquities have acquired by no means cheap novelties. But they don't know what exactly to do with them, how to use them most effectively. Someone cannot figure out the device, lacks the necessary experience, and most simply do not have time to study historical literature. And here lies an ultra-modern “toy” and gathers dust on a shelf, bringing only disappointment instead of joy. What can you say to beginner treasure hunters? How to revive their determination and cooling ardor? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

The easiest and surest way to touch history and find something interesting is to explore the lost villages, farms and villages, human settlements. Over the centuries-old history of our country, rare periods of life passed in relative calm, throughout the existence of the Russian state - constant civil strife, foreign invasions, popular uprisings. That there are villages, sometimes entire cities disappeared from the face of the earth and were rebuilt anew. Many human settlements never rose from the ashes of history. The study of such places will certainly bring positive results - the earth still keeps a lot of different secrets.
In the old days, such abandoned places were called wastelands, now they are called tracts.
In a broad sense, a tract is any part of the terrain, a piece of terrain that is different from the rest of the surrounding areas, for example, it can be a forest in the middle of a field, a swamp or something similar, as well as a piece of terrain that is a natural border between something. (Wikipedia)

On any modern map at a scale of 1:100,000 or 1:200,000, you can see mysterious names with the letters "ur." ahead. For a more accurate location of the disappeared village, you can use old maps, which are not difficult to acquire now, not like 10-15 years ago. The geographical atlases of Mende, Schubert, as well as maps of the General Survey will suit you. It will not be superfluous to visit and local history museum in the area where the research is to be carried out. In the museum you can learn a lot of interesting and useful information- about the passage of trade routes, important geographical and historical sites, populated areas, places of concentration of any production and places of fairs and battles ...
We compare the old map with the modern one and - full speed ahead. Rivers, streams, ravines and old roads are good helpers for orienting in the search for the missing village, which can be quite easy to find on the ground. In addition to the objects indicated on old maps, it is necessary, if possible, to examine the intersections of the largest roads, the places of fords, bridges and crossings, as well as the area at the confluence of rivers and streams and near heights and hills that stand out on the terrain.
The missing villages can be conditionally divided into two types - those that disappeared without a trace (literally leveled by machinery for sown land) and those that disappeared, but left visible traces - hillocks of foundations, pits from wells, ruins of buildings, feral fruit trees and shrubs. They were not leveled and used for farmland, except perhaps in the form of pastures for livestock.
Most of the flattened villages are still plowed up, although in recent times in many places "arable land has overgrown with forest", as in the period of the Polish devastation. In vast fields, finding a plowed village is not easy, you have to wander. Fragments of bricks, shards from dishes, metal rustic rubbish will serve as signs of it. In our places, outside the black earth belt, the former village on arable land stands out the most dark color soil compared to the rest of the field. Signs of a once inhabited place can be trees standing alone in the middle of the field - linden, willow, oak. Or, for example, a linden alley in the forest, or a piece of land overgrown with poplars. In the fields, it is also necessary to remember about land reclamation, which in Soviet period was carried out everywhere. It often happens that instead of a stream you can find only a small dry hollow in the field, while along old map there was a dam and a water mill on the river.

In the places of the oldest villages, there are very few fragments of brick - in those days it was rarely used for building foundations. But in large quantities there is clay pottery. According to the composition and appearance of these shards knowledgeable person can accurately determine their age, that is, the age of the village. The discovery of such a village can be considered a success, there will be almost no metal debris, such as foil, aluminum wire, corks and shells. Most often, the old settlements were located on the banks of streams and rivers, and sometimes "at the wells", along the most important trade routes. The ancients preferred the sunny southern slopes of the hills, protected from the north winds by heights or forests. Only later did people begin to build houses on the very peaks of heights, open to all winds.
The unleveled village is an overgrown mound of foundations surrounded by semi-wild fruit trees and shrubs. As a rule, on the sites of former buildings, thickets of nettle, willow-herb or other grass are the most dense, so it would be advisable to use a scythe or a gas mower for work in the summer. Usually the foundation of the house is dug along the inner perimeter to a depth of homogeneous soil, especially in the corners. There, the owners sometimes, when building a house, put mortgage coins so that money could be found in the house. Often in the corners there are brass and copper folds and crosses that have fallen from a shelf during a fire or the destruction of a house. As practice shows, the largest number of coins comes along the main, front wall of the house, where the windows were located. You can determine this place on a map and a compass or on fragments of glass that come across in the ground, or simply visually - the windows usually looked at the sunny side.

The ejected soil and the excavation are periodically checked with a metal detector. The fact is that in many houses in the old days there was simply no wooden floor. Houses were sometimes built semi-earth - a hole was dug out, from which a log house was subsequently raised. The floor was earthen, trampled down or covered with straw, in which it was difficult to find a randomly dropped coin or, for example, a ring. Of particular interest are the furnace pits, which are sometimes called brownies. Often, rubbish was swept into these pits - shards of dishes, small bones of animals, along with which lost coins and other interesting objects got there. When plowed up, the contents of such a house are turned up by plows to the surface and dragged across the field from year to year.
In the places of plowing of the oldest villages and settlements, it is advisable to use a search probe with a tip to find house pits. First you need to note the place, a certain patch of land, where you come across the most finds - coins, crosses and other non-ferrous metal products, as well as a lot of ceramics and the soil itself is quite humus, “living”, that is, black. After that, you should examine this place with a probe. In places of house pits, a characteristic dip of the probe will be felt, as well as the gnashing of the tip against ceramics. Over time, having dug several holes, you can easily learn to recognize the necessary objects, even if you had no experience with a search probe before.

It is necessary to explore the missing village stubbornly and thoroughly, checking not only the places where the houses stood, but also the territory of vegetable gardens and outbuildings. Often, valuables were buried just away from the house. Experienced treasure hunters do not use discrimination at all, working in the "all metals" mode. First, the depth of object detection increases. And secondly, choosing all the metal garbage, they practically do not let through even the smallest objects, for example, “scales” - a Russian medieval coin. Every beginner should know that it is not easy to find a coin next to a cast-iron pan even with an ultra-modern metal detector.
It will be useful to work with a metal detector at other historical sites indicated on the maps. These include inns, brick and other industries, trading shops, marinas, the ruins of landowners' estates, master's parks, etc. The only thing to avoid is excavations on the territory of archaeological and historical monuments that are protected by the state. Here you can get in trouble with the law.
And the last useful note: try to dig holes after your work with a shovel. Firstly, you will not attract competitors with holes, and secondly, no agronomist or head of the village administration will attribute damage to agricultural land to you.
Now it remains only to wait for the new field season and - on the road. And so that this winter does not seem so long and boring to you, use the time to study historical and local history literature, maps, and choose upcoming routes. After all, we have not proved that practice without theory is nothing, and vice versa.

What could be more interesting than finding new places to dig? Probably the search process itself with a metal detector. After all, if you look, all search engines can be divided into several categories. Someone has bought a metal detector for fun and goes out in search only occasionally, while the person is not ready to invest and spend money on this hobby.

Such people rarely give themselves completely to this hobby, respectively, and the search for places for them is limited either to the territory that is adjacent to the house (if we are talking about villagers), or they visit the fields closest to the metropolis. As a rule, this category of citizens in rare cases is selected for a cop for a hundred or two kilometers. And this is normal, because for them a cop is just a one-time adventure out of a thousand possible, to each his own.

Another category of search engines are people who are inspired by this type of hobby, but for whom it is not the main one or there are some restrictions in order to fully devote themselves to the search business. For example, a person has a lack of time, he does not have a car, a person is passionate about some other hobby that is suppressed by treasure hunting (tourism, hunting, fishing, and so on). People from this group devote much more time to searching, sometimes even studying old maps, but still for them the priority is the main hobby, and treasure hunting is in the background and searching with a metal detector is a nice addition.

True treasure hunters

And, finally, the third group of people are true treasure hunters who have gone headlong into the search. For such people, searching is a hobby, adrenaline, emotions, they are completely distracted and abstracted from pressing problems when they are engaged in treasure hunting. We can say that they live it, morally. Accordingly, winter for them is a time to take stock of the outgoing season, well, to find new places, to make a plan for the next season.

We have already talked about the search for new places, and various programs that allow you to look at the world from space are of great help. But, in addition to the satellite, old maps are also very useful, which can give the search engine a lot of information. For example, on numerous forums, many treasure hunters write about how to use old cards, how to overlay them on new ones, how to make a binding, and so on. I use these methods, but having been doing treasure hunting for more than one year, I have developed my own strategy for finding new places.

For example, one of the search engines seeks to find a disappeared village. And it's good if you can find it. But, as a rule, such villages have already been passed by search engines and treasure hunters more than once. And although there are no knocked-out places, you need to know this rule, and it really works, but it’s much more pleasant to look where the field is flat and you can’t see the pits of comrades. So, in addition to the previously existing villages on old maps, I am looking for those that still exist. There are much more such settlements than plowed villages, therefore, you can safely go searching in the vicinity of such a village.

Experience shows that if you find a village that is at least 100-150 years old, then by drawing a circle around it with a radius of 1500-2000 meters, you can continue to search in this place for more than one year. Places near rivers are lucky, especially where there used to be mills. This information can be obtained from old maps. It is difficult to find the exact place, but there is a trick here. As a rule, rivers keep their course for 100-200 years. Therefore, with a certain degree of probability, it is possible to combine the map with a satellite image, focusing on the riverbed. Well, then - a matter of technology.

We found an approximate point, hammer it into the navigator, and already look around on the ground. Accuracy, in this case, may vary, and sometimes you first need to walk on the spot without a metal detector, walk 1-3 kilometers along the coast in both directions. But, a number of signs will unequivocally indicate that once there could be a mill here: a convenient coast, a good approach, whirlpools, old roads, and so on. Well, do not forget to talk to the locals, who can tell you something about the place.

Using forums for treasure hunting

You can search for places and reading forums. Some of the comrades can boast of finds, and if you recognize the place (or the members of the forum wrote it yourself, or you somehow recognized the place from photographs), then access to the areas bordering this place may be quite successful. For example, there was a case when one of the search engines I knew found one swag field, we were very good at one time. But everything comes to an end sometime.

So, the maps said that there was nothing more to do here, but we decided to explore the adjacent interesting field forest, go through a section of 1300 meters, delving into the forest no more than 100-150 meters. The site is huge, and it is clear that it is not one day to go through it all. But we periodically went there, and slowly led with metal detectors. The calculation was simple: if the field is so vulgar, people used to plant something there, then these same people could enter the adjacent forest, rest or hide something, they could lose something. As a result, there were coins, buttons, and other interesting finds.

As you can see, there are many ways to search for places to search, and each treasure hunter develops his own search scheme over the years. And looking at maps in winter (a variety of maps at different scales), you can discover a lot. By the way, do not forget to mark in your navigator the most interesting points where you had finds. When there are more than a dozen of these points, you can “draw” an interesting map of your own, which will “open” your eyes to many things. And what are your secrets for choosing a place for a cop?

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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On the pages of this blog, I wrote quite a lot about the benefits of maps in our difficult but interesting business - treasure hunting. Thanks to the maps, we learn about the old villages, where they were located, how the street went, and when it approximately existed and disappeared.

According to the maps, we can even find those places where the digger's foot has not set foot. So, in the spring of last year, we got into an unbeaten repair. On PGM there was only a barely noticeable small square. But in fact, there actually turned out to be a settlement where the four of us dug up quite well.

Thanks to maps, we can make our discoveries. Indeed, without them it is not known where to go, unless of course you talk with the local population or identify tracts by poplars, which can be seen from afar.

In our heyday of the Internet, almost any map, old or not, is easy to find and start working with. In this article I will talk about some useful maps in detecting, in particular, those that I use myself.

satellite imagery

I'll start with the newest cards. Satellite images are now quite good quality. From them we can see state of the art the place we are interested in. Whether the field is overgrown with forest, whether houses are left in the village, find out the way to the detecting point. This is very detailed map, but it is difficult to overlook the change in heights on it. The relief looks flat. The scale of the pictures is detailed. By the way, if there is no detailed clear picture of the desired area from one service, you can find one from another. For example, if Google's terrain is blurry, then Yandex's is likely to be of excellent quality.

General Staff Cards

Also quite interesting maps. They are intended for the military, which is clear from the name. But they were also popular with topographers, surveyors, geologists, road builders, and others who work on the ground. All maps of the General Staff are similar: sheets of individual squares, divided into smaller squares. The scale is different. From 250 meters to 10 km in 1 cm. A couple of times I heard that there are also hundred meters, that is, 100 meters in 1 cm. At the same time, the maps of the General Staff have a very low error and can be used with great success on a GPS navigator for orientation and navigation, as well as finding places to dig and plot routes. All villages are clearly indicated and it is written how many inhabitants there were at the time the maps were created, the order of the location of streets, roads, mills is shown. I often use it myself, besides, the General Staff is loaded into the ozik on the phone.

Maps of the Red Army

Maps of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. They are very similar to the General Staff, but they began to be created back in the 20s of the last century. Due to the lack of funds, people and opportunities, pre-revolutionary maps were taken as a basis. These cards have limited coverage. Namely, you can find maps of the Red Army only in the western part of our country. Not even Kirov region. Although, somewhere there was a mention that there are topographic maps older than the General Staff of our regions. By the way, the inscription "Coordinate system of 1942" is often confused with the date of creation of this map. In fact, this is not the case, here we are only informed about the coordinate system. And the date of shooting and issue of the card is written in the upper right corner of the sheet. If the list of the General Staff was from 1942, then this is already a map of the Red Army. They, according to the information I have, were produced from 1925 to 1941. The scale is from 250 m to 5 km in 1 cm. Having examined this map, it attracted me with its detail and relative antiquity. It shows even the smallest settlements. The number of yards is indicated. Undoubtedly, a great map for a search engine! But it is a pity that it is not in our Vyatka region.

Schubert Map

With your permission, brief background. At the beginning of the 19th century, F.F. Schubert headed the corps of military topographers and under him a 10-verst map of the Western parts was created Russian Empire on 60 sheets. But for some reason, it turned out to be inconvenient for practical use. I had to start working on a new one. It began to be created under the guidance of P. A. Tuchkov, but later Schubert took over the work on it. It covers the time period of almost the entire second half of the 19th century, starting from 1846. But the main work was done before 1863, when 435 sheets were made. Further work continued at a similar pace. In 1886, 508 sheets were drawn. Basically, they used the already compiled ten-verst line, only supplementing and clarifying it. Very good detail of objects. Literally everything that is needed is indicated: settlements, forests, rivers, roads, crossings, etc. There is even a character of the relief. Its scale is 3 versts in 1 inch or 1260 m in 1 cm. However, not all areas are drawn by Schubert. For example, Vyatka, alas, is not there.

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Strelbitsky Map

In the middle of the 19th century, I. A. Strelbitsky was a member of the Military Topographic Department at the General Staff and he was instructed to update and supplement the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Strelbitsky supervised this work from 1865 to 1871. The new map consisted of 178 sheets and covered the European part of the country and parts of the adjacent western and southern provinces. The scale is very inaccurate. There are 10 versts in 1 inch. And if translated in our manner, then 4200 m in 1 cm. In particular, this map was also used as the basis for creating maps of the Red Army. What to say about the map of Strelbitsky: a large error, only major roads and settlements are marked. Suitable, of course, as an overview map, but I do not use it.

Mende Map

Its author is A. I. Mende. From 1849 to 1866, he supervised the work on creating a map in the central provinces of the Russian Empire. When creating this map, 40 surveyors and 8 officers of the Corps of Military Topographers worked. Its scale is 420 m in 1 cm. Very interesting map, but does not cover all European part Russia. It's a pity ... This is a boundary map with decent detail. Very similar to PGM.

PGM or General Survey Plan

The oldest of the maps presented here and, despite its age, is very accurate and detailed. Decree to create a plan general survey was given in 1796. Under Catherine the Great, mass land surveying began: the country's territory was divided into counties, and they were divided into dachas - plots of owners who had rights to these lands within certain boundaries. They were assigned numbers, and their decoding is given in the economic note, which was an addition to the plan for each province. The scale of the map is 1 or 2 versts in an inch, which is the usual 420 meters in 1 cm. When superimposed on a modern map and when tied to satellites, you will encounter difficulty - an error and quite large. After all, this is not a map tied to coordinates, but just a plan. But enough detailed plan! From it you can get a lot of useful information for searching with a metal detector about the time the point appeared, its size at that time, the location of the street and houses, about roads and highways. Churches and church lands are marked, on which markets and fairs could be located, since these territories were not taxed. The map is very interesting and I use it. It is suitable as an overview map: look, think and go. I don't see the point in linking it. But it’s still worth putting on modern satellite images! By the way, some sheets, due to their dilapidation, may not be well preserved and instead of places of interest you will see a hole.

Thus, we have just examined those cards that are mainly used by treasure hunters. There are also other cards, but about them sometime later.

Each map is good in its own way and brings certain benefits to the digger when planning places for digging and studying the history of his area. And you need to use the cards at the same time, mentally overlaying them on top of each other and comparing the terrain on the old and more new map. These cards are the history of our country.

Where can I download?

Yes, right here on this blog. I recently started uploading old maps. You can view and download them.

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The difference between a beginner and a successful searcher is that the latter can "read" the landscape.

There are several sure signs that there was once a small village on the site of the forest edge, which means that the search will be successful. We share secrets.

2. All roads lead to housing. Abandoned roads, once trampled down by thousands of feet, do not disappear as quickly as settlements. And if you go along one of these roads, then almost certainly it will lead to the tract.

3. The first sign of a "departed" village is deciduous vegetation. It is known that at first it is she who grows in the tracts, and only then do coniferous trees appear. True, if the forest is initially deciduous, the sign does not work.

4. Big old trees. Although they do not bring tangible benefits, trees are often planted in villages just to have them. And the old birch or poplar should immediately alert you. Travelers usually rested under such trees, or sometimes a plant was planted near the house. You need to check all the space near the roots of such a tree with a small coil, and if there are many signals, then the place is right.

5. Look for footprints on the ground. Usually for many years on the site of the missing house, along the contour of the foundation, a certain depression remains - a square, rectangular shape. Stones, bricks or the remains of the stove masonry are often seen. The deepenings in the snow are clearly visible, but the search in the snow is quite difficult. Also, pits that were on the site of cellars indicate the place of the village. Note that the relief is noticeable in early spring and late autumn, when grass does not interfere.

6. Feral cultivated plants. For sure, fruit trees will remain - apple trees, cherries, maybe plantings of onions or flowers that are not found in the wild so easily. Pay attention to this.

7. If in doubt - dig the ground. The forest soil is empty and quite light, usually of a grayish tint. And the soil in the places of tracts is rich in coals, shards, metal debris like nails (and if the village was abandoned in the 70-80s, then vodka corks, foil, cans).

8. A sign of an abandoned village is nettles. She loves to grow on humus. So if you saw thickets of nettles in the forest, there was almost certainly a village here. But nettle grows most often on the site of a former landfill; and it is clear that if you look in the nettles, you will find a lot of metal trash and garbage.

Every experienced treasure hunter knows perfectly well that the main thing in modern metal detectors is depth and discrimination (discrimination is the ability to selectively search for desired objects and ignore unwanted ones), and a stable discrimination depth (a metal detector “sees” a coin at a maximum of 40 cm, but in VDI it already has a different meaning).
The operator already knows that there is the presence of unnecessary iron, which strives to be found and dug up. But is it really so bad that your metal detector found ferrous metal?
- Such an interesting case, I will tell you further:
It happened this spring, when several treasure hunters who told me this story went to a place near Dnepropetrovsk, where there used to be a village that had long been erased from the face of modern maps. I will try to convey this story in the first person. Surnames and names have been changed at the request of the treasure hunters.

At the end of the 19th century, when Nicholas II ruled in Russia, a middle-aged peasant by the name of Kozeltsev Pyotr Mikhailovich lived for himself, but he did not have enough health to work for the master with all his might, and he decided to acquire his own small farm. He set up a small mill and began to grind grain for people. So things went on, the grain was milled, and the money went to Peter. In 1904, the revolution came, and the dispossession of the rich and prosperous kulaks began. Of course, the wave of dispossession did not come to my grandfather soon, since he lived on his own, and he did not brag about his farm, he did not grind expensively and did not hire workers. When the hands of power reached Peter, they sent him to distant Siberia, where he died. No one knew where Pyotr Mikhailovich kept the money, but his grandfather somehow hinted in letters that if anything, then “do not forget about the apple tree that they planted together.” When my grandfather died, no one went for the “cache”, and no one wanted to go to those places, it was painful and scary. So this story was forgotten.
It was interesting, where did the money collected by the old man for many years of entrepreneurship go? We thought that Soviet authority took.
So grandfather's money would have been lying in the ground and would not have hit anyone if my father had not told this story to a treasure hunter friend, and he took it and checked the family legend, found old maps with this farm, took a metal detector and went there.

As Anton told us, the very treasure hunter who found the treasure turned out that there was no trace left of the farm in which about 30-40 people lived, but this was only at first glance, when looking at the map on google earth, white spots from the plowed foundations. Nobody knew the grandfather's address, but the grandfather said that they lived near the post office. There were only two streets and about 10 yards on the farm, and digging everything in a row (10 yards) seemed to be very difficult and long, there was a lot of metal garbage in the plots, but the excitement took its toll and they transgressed.
We decided on the search site, and it was decided to first check the areas for large targets, then, in case of failure, raise small ones. Further, Anton recalls, in the fourth hole we dig out a tin can from about half a meter and voila! The treasure has been found! There are 11 gold coins in a tin can, 2 silver rubles, copper coins and papers that have rotted from time to time.
AT rusty tin can, apparently, turned out to be the treasure of an old man.

Such stories are not uncommon, and as it turned out, they are applicable to almost any farm or village that has gone through a period of revolution, anarchy, epidemics and other troubles. How to search farms, villages, etc. with maximum success? I will try to bring theory and practice together.

You have found on old maps a farm or a village that has not been on modern maps for a long time, or there is a part of it, or the village has long moved to another place. Next, open the google earth program and look at your village in it. The easiest way is to tie the village along ravines, lakes, river bends and main roads, if any.
The village can now be located on the field, or in the forest, or even in the water.
Next, we drive the coordinates of the center of the farm into the gps navigator and make a printout of a part of the map on the printer, how and where the farm was located (the direction of the buildings).

We got to the gps point and found that at point (x) on the ground there is a broken brick, parts of the foundation, ceramics - so the map and the binding did not disappoint.
Next, we determined where the garbage ends (indicated in a circle in the figure), and there the main work will be. It is desirable to clean the territory a little more than the end of the garbage (t).
We select the directions in which the cleaning will be carried out, it is advisable to choose the direction when the sun is on the side, the eyes do not blind and you can safely observe which brick or stone has gone.

To make a complete sweep, you need to make markings, taking into account the distance between the passes (R), which depends on what kind of swing you have with the coil to the sides (on a plowed field, this is done great by a shovel,
which can and should be dragged along). If there is a body of water nearby, it is worth checking the shore as well (finds on the shores are usually in very poor condition, but they can also be used to judge people from the farm and their pockets).

Cleaning for coins and treasures.
There are three ways to find the treasure:
The first is to use a coin and deep metal detector in pairs.
How many times have I heard such phrases “from the heels of coins they raised in one place”, well, the treasure hunter collected them and was satisfied, but did not think about why so many in one place? Or he thought, but he went further satisfied with these finds, this just significantly reduced the chance of ever finding a treasure that was plowed up (usually, for some reason, there is an opinion about a plowed purse).
Let's analyze the following scheme - you find coins on the ground (d, a, c, e), where you found the coins, put marks, preferably with an indication of the depth (sticks, mini holes, etc., you should also take into account the depth of the coins , the deeper the better), then see what is the distance between them and whether there is a main line for plowing the treasure (W). The smaller the distance between the finds, the more frequent the finds, the more accurately you can determine the supposed location of the treasure.
If the coins are at a great distance from each other (more than 20 meters), then the probability of finding the treasure drops greatly. Most likely, these are “lost” coins, lost by chance near a tavern or road, etc. but do not rule out the possibility that this is one of the coins that the tractor hooked.

In the following figure, consider the situation when the farm was plowed up:
If the container in which the coins are located is made of metal, then we will at least have a running response on the metal detector (two alloys, one for containers, the other for coins), which usually do not dig or only a "black" response.
(u) - the depth at which the tractor could hook the treasure during deep plowing (up to 50 cm) and, by chance, upon impact, extract a coin from it, the coin rose up (L) by several centimeters, but the treasure itself was moved from its place.
What the blood relatives were hiding in is a question of questions, usually in dishes, since it will maintain integrity and give volume. But here is the question of the materials of the utensils - bury the treasure yourself in a clay pot, all of a sudden you will need to get a couple of coins and you will be surprised to find that ceramics and a shovel are not compatible, hitting a jug with a shovel and all the hard-earned ones will then have to look for and count for a long time, from that I do withdrawal - money, etc. wrapped in cloth. A person with money does not need to say that pottery cost a penny, he will 90% after the first such bookmark buy a metal container or use a wooden one, possibly with metal lining.
Treasures are often found in earthenware, an ordinary metal detector can “see” what is in it, but the likelihood that some kind of memorable “piece of iron” will not be in the dish on top cannot be ruled out. Taking into account the fact that 50% of the treasure was hidden in a metal container or a wooden container, it makes sense to collect all the responses from ferrous metals at the place of plowing.
If there is a direction of plowing and depth marks, we take a gap of 5 meters in all directions and make markings, taking into account the distance between the passes (R).
Using a deep metal detector - everything is simple here, deep metal detectors do not see small targets (nails, fragments, shells, etc.) and do not have discrimination, but there is a big chance to catch a treasure or cache. For the operator, it is necessary to know well and be able to adjust the “depth” to the smallest possible targets at depths of up to a meter and take into account soil moisture (according to statistics, treasures were usually found at a depth of no more than one meter).
Use a coin-operated metal detector - we take as a basis the main line of plowing the treasure (W) and clean the area in the "all metals" mode by setting the metal detector to the maximum search depth (there is a chance to find the treasure without removing the ground layer). Further, if the treasure is not found, you need to know exactly at what depth your metal detector can clearly “find” small coins (discrimination is no longer needed here), at the same depth, a meter or two wide, remove the layer of earth, if coins come across - again we make plowing with a mark of the depth of occurrence.
To save time and effort, you can use both the depth gauge and the coin box locally.