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Tatyana Solomatina

Hello dear readers! With pleasure I continue the theme of rest and treatment in the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW).

This information will be of interest to everyone who is going to rest and treatment in CMS for the first time. I will tell you how you can get here, I will advise you at what time of the year it is more comfortable to relax, and when is it better to come for treatment, I will write according to what criteria you need to choose a resort and housing, I will give a few practical advice on all these issues.

I have collected everything about the CMS in one place. Here is the information that I myself once searched for on the net, perhaps it will help to draw up an approximate picture of rest and treatment in this place. Interested? Then let's study the material in order.

KMV is located in the Stavropol Territory, so getting here for rest and treatment is not difficult at all. There is an airport and railway stations here. For those who live nearby or simply prefer to travel by private transport, there are no problems either, the roads are good, and there is almost always a parking lot at every resort or hotel.

By plane

KMV International Airport is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody (http://mvairport.ru/ ), it is small, but quite comfortable and accepts many flights from different regions countries (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Kursk, Nizhnevartovsk, etc.).

The distance from the airport to the KMV resorts: Kislovodsk - 55 km., Essentuki - 40 km., Pyatigorsk - 25 km., Zheleznovodsk - 20 km.

You can take a taxi from the airport, you can order a transfer from a sanatorium or hotel, in some places this service is provided free of charge.

Unfortunately, getting to the place by public transport is not very convenient, there is no direct connection with the cities from the airport. But a fixed-route taxi No. 11 goes to the railway station, travel time is 20-25 minutes, the interval is 20 minutes (the bus station passes by). Further, to any resort can be reached by train. Electric trains, at the time of writing, follow with an average interval of 1 hour.

Also, from the railway station there is bus No. 223 to Pyatigorsk and No. 107 to Zheleznovodsk (stop at the station square). There are also buses to Essentuki and Kislovodsk, they only depart from the bus station.

By train

The resort can be reached by train. Moreover, there are railway stations in almost all cities of the region. Mineral water - http://mineralnyievodyi.dzvr.ru/ http://pjatigorsk.dzvr.ru/ http://essentuki.dzvr.ru/ http://kislovodsk.dzvr.ru/ . As a rule, there is a lot of public transport on the forecourt, which will not be difficult to get to the place you need.

If public transport does not suit you, then you can take a taxi or order a transfer in advance, I wrote about this a little higher. The difference is only in cost, the price in the city is of course cheaper than what you pay when traveling from the airport.

The only resort, of the above, where long-distance trains do not go, is Zheleznovodsk. Guests who go to this city for rest and treatment buy train tickets to Mineralnye Vody, this is the most convenient option if you choose such a movement. Next by bus or taxi.

By car

If you are going to travel by car, then it is difficult for me to get you directions, because everyone has a different starting point. I can only say that the roads in the KMV are excellent, with the exception of mountain paths and some streets in the resorts themselves, signs hang on every corner, locals good-natured and happy to tell you the direction if you suddenly get lost. Although with the current technology (navigator) and decent roads, it is quite difficult to get lost.

  • If you are from Moscow and are not afraid to fly, then it is easier, and most importantly, cheaper to travel by plane. No matter how much I tried to compare the prices for travel in a compartment and a flight, the second option cost less or came out in the same amount as moving in a reserved seat, even taking into account the transfer. Therefore, the statement: “The train is more economical!” - delusion.
  • For those who plan to get to the place from the airport by taxi, it is better to take care of the car from home. It is not difficult to find several carriers on the Internet, their websites have all the information on the cost. The fact is that at the airport you will pay 30% more, and it is unrealistic to catch a sane (for the price) driver there (your own mafia). You won’t be able to get on the highway either, it’s far enough from the terminal.
  • If you already know where to stay, ask about the transfer. Sometimes it's free. If not, then compare with the cost of a taxi. Most often, a pre-booked taxi is cheaper.
  • You can save money by ordering a taxi in both directions at once. Usually, all carriers offer this service and the trip is 10% cheaper. However, this option is only suitable for those who know the exact date of departure.
  • If you decide to get public transport, then look at the train schedule for your dates at home (winter is different from summer). I usually look at this site - https://rasp.yandex.ru/, there is always reliable information here. Buses are a bit more complicated, read the forums and recent reviews.

When and for how long to go?

The answer to this question largely depends on the purpose of the trip. As a rule, all guests of the resort are divided into two main groups. Some come here to relax, go around all the interesting places, and at the same time get a little healthier. Others come first of all to undergo treatment, and at the same time to explore the surroundings, if there is time left and there is a desire.

You may ask me: "What's the difference?". The answer is huge. Of course, you can come at any time of the year, for any period, and for any purpose, however, in order for your trip to be as comfortable as possible and your goal to be achieved, I advise you to listen to my recommendations. Let's look at both options separately.

For treatment

It is better to come to the resort for treatment from November to April, and it is advisable not to fall on holidays.

The thing is that in the summer months, a priori, a lot of people, sanatoriums and hotels are packed to capacity.
Accordingly, for the procedures of the queue, the staff is stressed out due to the influx of people, often there are minor hitches that spoil the mood. Some narrow specialists go on vacation - they are also people and do not want to relax in the winter. There are many families with children, there is no silence, which many people rely on when they come for treatment.

This list can still be continued, but I think you yourself understand that being treated in the “off season” is much easier and more fruitful.

Another important plus is the cost. In winter, the price of vouchers is much lower, plus promotions are regularly held to attract guests. The money saved will always be useful for purchasing the medical services that you need, and are not included in the cost of a tour or course.

I think that we have dealt with the first question, now I want to talk a little about how many days you need to come for treatment.

Remember, back in the USSR, a resort voucher was almost always for 21 days. Previously, I did not understand why there were so many, if the voucher for this period included procedures, only 10 pieces each. It seemed that already two weeks - for the eyes.

However, not all so simple. The fact is that for a full-fledged treatment, both water procedures (baths, a pool, etc.), as well as mud or physiotherapy are usually prescribed. And it is impossible to combine, so they are done every other day, one day water, the other electro or mud therapy.

Accordingly, it takes 20 days if you want to take 10 pieces of each. This is not counting the missed first day, on which you need to visit a doctor in order to get appointments and schedule them by time and day.

And do not forget that on Sunday, treatment is not carried out, or is carried out partially.
Of course, it is not necessary to do 10 procedures, you can take less, then the number of days needed will be reduced. However, here we are considering people who travel for the purpose of treatment, so for a good effect, you need to come for at least 21 days, and preferably in winter, when there are few people.

To rest

For those people who come to the region on vacation, it is much easier. Two weeks is quite enough to have a good rest and visit all interesting places. Even this period can be reduced, but then you will have to sacrifice days for a relaxing holiday, or not see everything.

As for the time of year, the period from May to October is more suitable for a holiday in the CMS. The weather is almost always comfortable, warm, rains are usually rare and transient phenomenon, there is almost no wind, and nature reveals all its beauty.

Which resort to choose?

Each city of the CMS is beautiful and significant in its own way. However, if your goal is rest, then I recommend choosing Kislovodsk. In my opinion, it is most conveniently located relative to all interesting places. Moreover, it seems to me that there are more entertainment and a better developed tourist infrastructure, one Spa Park costs more than all other objects.

However, this is my personal opinion, and you have the right to disagree with me.

Attention! Those who travel to this region for treatment should choose a resort based on the disease that brought them here.

- diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, digestive organs, metabolic disorders, andrological diseases. Additional information can be seen around the resort.
Concomitant treatment: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, gynecological diseases.

- diseases of the organs of movement, peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels of the lower extremities, digestion, skin diseases, gynecological and andrological diseases, metabolic disorders. Read about the resort.

- diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.
Related profiles: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, consequences of injuries, gynecological and andrological diseases. I wrote about the Essentuki resort.

- diseases of the circulatory system, chronic respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature, bronchial asthma without frequent and severe attacks, glaucoma.
Related profiles: neurological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and the musculoskeletal system, gynecological. Read more about the Kislovodsk resort in the article.

An important role in the specialization of a particular place is played by mineral springs, which are rich in resorts. Therefore, when choosing a place of treatment, always pay attention to the water that is suitable for the treatment of your specific disease.

For example, although urology is treated in almost every resort in the region, it is better for people with a disease of the genitourinary system to go to Zheleznovodsk. Because only there is a source of Smirnovskaya water, which is most suitable for the treatment of urological diseases.

The name of the Essentuki resort speaks for itself. The well-known water perfectly treats diseases of the digestive tract. "Narzan", which is in Kislovodsk, is also recommended for the treatment of certain diseases.

I will not list all the diseases (I am not a doctor), I think that the meaning of the above is clear. Which source is best for you, only a doctor can determine, so my conclusions are for informational purposes only.

Where to stay?

Where to stay also depends on many factors: financial situation, physical state, purpose of travel, etc. Let's try to consider some of the possible options.

Basic moments

It is easier and cheaper for those guests who come to rest by car, and consider treatment as an addition to the rest. In this case, the presence of a car allows you to rent housing a little further from the main resort places, which significantly saves the budget.

For those who do not have a means of transportation, it is better to choose housing within walking distance to the sources, so as not to waste money and time on moving around the city. But as you know, such a lease will be more expensive.

Attention! The question of the distance between housing and healing springs is especially relevant for people who come to the resort for treatment. They simply need walking distance and this is a paramount issue when looking for housing, regardless of whether you stay in the private sector or choose treatment in a sanatorium.


The most convenient way to relax and get treated is to buy a ticket to the sanatorium. The advantages here are obvious. Everything is in one place, food is included in the price, no evening entertainment, treatment is scheduled by the hour, there is always a medical staff, you don’t have to go anywhere, etc.

The cons are not so serious: adherence to the regimen (smoking, drinking alcohol, meals by the hour and what they give), the choice of procedures depends on the doctor (though you can change it). In my opinion, the only worthy minus is the cost. But, dear readers, you always have to pay for comfort and convenience.

I can only give you a few tips:

  • If you purposefully go to a sanatorium, then when choosing, focus primarily on the distance from the pump room, or the presence of one in the sanatorium itself, which also occurs, though very rarely.
  • It is not always reasonable to pay for specialized treatment programs. If necessary, pay on the spot. I had a case when certain expensive procedures could not be done due to a concomitant disease. True, I was lucky, they were replaced with cosmetic procedures and the money was not lost. However, not everywhere they meet, this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Do not neglect the heading "our doctors" on the website of the chosen sanatorium. From the description and schedule, you can usually understand how staffed with specialists, whether this or that doctor is permanent, or visiting. I don't think you need to explain what it's for.
  • Buy a ticket directly on the website of the sanatorium, if you have problems with check-in, issues are resolved faster than through intermediaries.
  • Be sure to read the latest reviews before choosing. There is usually a lot of information on the net, but it may be outdated.

In more detail about rest and treatment in sanatoriums, about who this type of holiday is not suitable for, I wrote in another article. Separately, I will make reviews of sanatoriums in which I managed to be treated. One review about the Kislovodsk sanatorium, read. Subscribe to my newsletter, you will be the first to receive new publications!

Hotels and the private sector

In any city you can stay in a hotel, it is not difficult to rent an apartment or a house. I have never gone on vacation and treatment in CMS in this way, however, there are enough services where such options are presented, they are not difficult to find on the net.

This is a good choice for those who want to save money, especially if the train is large and you are traveling for a long time.
The main recommendations here are simple - try to choose accommodation closer to the pump rooms and read the reviews. However, you must understand that private housing is always a lottery and a lot depends on the decency of the owners.

Do not forget that if your goal is treatment, then you need to decide in advance in which medical institution you are going to purchase a course and choose accommodation nearby. Because there are usually a lot of procedures, walking long distances every day is certainly useful, but quite difficult. It is necessary to calculate well your physical capabilities, otherwise the treatment will not work for the future.

For now, that's all I had planned to tell you today. General information you can read about the CMS region.

Now I say goodbye for a while.
Tatyana Solomatina

Tatyana Solomatina

What attracts tourists to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today I am starting a series of articles about a wonderful place for recreation and treatment - the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region.

In the first publication, we will get to know this unique resort a little. I will talk about the location and climate, about the cities of this region and natural mineral springs. After reading to the end, you will find out why a large number of people come here for rest and treatment regularly, and perhaps you will also have a desire to go to this wonderful place.

The resort is very interesting, I visit it regularly, so a lot of information has accumulated, I plan a number of articles, the first one is already in front of you, read and share your impressions in the comments, I will be glad to hear from you.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is an excellent choice for recreation and treatment, due to its unique location, mild climate, beautiful natural environment and developed infrastructure.

But the main thing that attracts numerous guests to the region is the healing springs, the water from which is widely and successfully used to treat many diseases. Having been here you will not only relax, but also significantly strengthen your body.

This region is located in the Stavropol Territory on the northern slope Caucasus mountains. Resort towns are located close to each other, which allows you to go around them all and get a general impression of this place.

The natural landscape is very diverse, small hills densely covered with unique deciduous forests, alternate with the steppe part, which in summer pleases the eye with lush grass and bright wild flowers.

Due to the lack of serious industrial productions, here is crystal clear air and silence.


This region has a favorable climate, which is well suited for climatotherapy. Balneologists use it as a healing factor.

It has a moderate winter, the average temperature is -4 degrees, a comfortable summer is +22 degrees.

Due to the diversity of the terrain, the climate of all the cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody differs slightly. It depends on the height above sea level, the protection of the mountains, the proximity of the steppes.

The southern resort is Kislovodsk, the sunniest city of the CMW, so the air temperature here is usually several degrees higher than in other cities of the region.

Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki are located a little lower than Kislovodsk, but it is also warm here and there is very little rainfall. And small mountains - Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, often become a barrier from strong steppe winds.

The main resorts of KMV

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a fairly large region, I will introduce you to the main resorts, which can be safely attributed to Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. You can read more about each of them in separate materials, links to which will be at the end of each description.

Very cozy not Big city ok, located at the foot of Zheleznaya Mountain. The resort is simply immersed in greenery, and a magnificent park with centuries-old trees and winding paths simply invites leisurely walks and contemplation of the beautiful nature around.

The city is well-planned and the resort infrastructure is located separately from the residential area. Almost all sanatoriums are built within walking distance to natural springs, which is important for the guests of the resort. This is the smallest town in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region, however, it is also rich in mineral waters.

The resort specializes in the treatment of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, metabolic disorders and other related diseases.

The main component of the treatment is drinking Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya mineral water, the pump rooms of which are located in the Kurortny Park. Also in the treatment is widely used silt mud of the Tambukansky and Lysogorsky lakes, which is rich in iron, iodine, zinc and silver.

You can find out more about the resort.

Pyatigorsk is a large resort town located just a 10-minute drive from Zheleznovodsk at the foot of Mount Mashuk. The resort picturesquely blends into the mountain landscape, from Mount Mashuk, which can be climbed both by funicular and on foot, it is clearly visible.

There are many health resorts in which they successfully treat the musculoskeletal system, joints, and help with gynecological diseases. As in the whole region, the main factor of recovery is drinking cure, climate therapy, mud therapy.

I wrote even more information about the resort.

The city is located 30 minutes drive from the airport Mineralnye Vody. The resort is quite small, located on the flat part of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region, but also very green.

Here are well-known sources - "Essentuki". This mineral water is good for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this is the main direction of treatment in local sanatoriums.

Read more about the resort.


The most popular resort in the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region. It is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level in a green valley surrounded by the Caucasus Range.

A very warm, sunny and cozy city, despite the constant abundance of guests, there is no feeling of crampedness and mass character.

A chic park, almost 1000 hectares, which was completely created by people only 200 years ago, now occupies a dominant role in the architecture of the city.

About a third of the KMV sanatoriums are located in Kislovodsk. Mineral water "Narzan" helps in the treatment of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Patients who have suffered a heart attack are successfully rehabilitated here. The resort specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It is interesting

Most of the guests of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region come here for rehabilitation and treatment. However, these places are rich not only in their healing factors. Of course, there is no sea here, but clean air and magnificent mountain landscapes that can brighten up the vacation of any person.

No wonder, many years ago, famous great people liked to come here. A. S. Pushkin visited the CMS twice, M. Yu. Lermontov lived here for a long time and many of his works are dedicated to these places. The list of great people is quite large, they all admired the amazing nature and hospitality of the local population.

Now Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a well-developed resort, which is interesting not only in terms of treatment, there is something to see, many significant historical sights and amazingly beautiful natural places.

I wrote complete tourist information about the region in the article. See also the review of the resort.

Perhaps you are at a loss with the choice of a resort, write to me by mail, I will try to help. Read more about cooperation. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends in social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, new readers are always welcome. Until then, I say goodbye to you.

Tatyana Solomatina

Even under Peter the Great, the healing properties of mineral waters were highly appreciated. Stavropol Territory. The nobility of Moscow, tired of the gray Petersburg, also went there for treatment and rest.

Pushkin and Lermontov chose the Caucasian Mineral Waters as a platform for their immortal stories, and the latter, often visiting the Caucasus, left us a unique "Lermontov" tourist route.

This is not the only attraction of Mineralnye Vody. Their location between the two seas, surrounded by the slopes of the Greater Caucasus on the one hand and the forest-steppe on the other, allowed them to acquire unique objects ecological and cultural tourism.

Big Honey Falls.

These are famous:

  • Elbrus region;
  • The tract "Drip" and Batalinsky cave;
  • Tambukan lake;
  • Laccolith mountains (17 dormant volcanoes over 10 million years old);
  • Mount Ring;
  • Pyatigorsk failure (known to us from the work of Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs"), etc.

The mild climate and salubrious mountain air of Mineralnye Vody will decorate any vacation. In summer it is about 25-30 degrees of heat, winter is mild - from -4 to -6 degrees. Autumn is usually dry and golden, fruitful - many healthy and tasty fruits ripen. This allows you to visit the Mineralnye Vody of the Caucasus all year round.

Fresh air in summer is filled with the aroma of many steppe and mountain flowers, which give an unusually sweet and tender taste. Caucasian honey. An ordinary walk through the woods is already an adventure; hornbeams and oaks create especially picturesque and dense thickets; golden cherry plums and juicy pears ripen for gourmets.

Elbrus is in the top. From the article you will find out what other cheapest ski resorts are in Eastern Europe and in Russia. The article provides an overview of the most budget places for ski holidays, where prices are 2-3 times cheaper than in the west.

Healing at Mineralnye Vody

The main reason why people go to the resorts of Mineralnye Vody is the long-standing (since the 18th century), confident practice of curing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs (including asthma), and the musculoskeletal system.

Long-term remissions occur in allergy sufferers, it has a beneficial effect on the ability to bear children in women and, in general, improves women's health.

Here there is a long-term practice and experience in therapeutic balneology, combined with latest knowledge in medicine and the introduction of modern topical practices.

For example, about terrenkur - unhurried walks along special routes after drinking mineral water - Lermontov wrote in the novel A Hero of Our Time, and spa treatments using local mud are a novelty of our time.

The sculpture "Eagle" is the official symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is the common name of a small conglomerate of resort towns, in which we will talk about economical vacations in the article.

These are the cities:

  • Essentuki;
  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk;
  • Kislovodsk.

Recommendation: the resort cities of Mineralnye Vody have their own health resort code - it is forbidden to smoke on the streets and drink alcohol. This can result in serious fines. Save on them - give up bad habits in the oldest hospital in Russia!


Mineralnye Vody can be reached by plane or by train, then to the resort towns by electric train, bus or taxi.

By plane:

  • Moscow - Mineralnye vody from 7000 rubles. roundtrip. In the summer more expensive by about 3000 rubles. On the way 2 hours;
  • St. Petersburg - Mineral waters from 12,000 rubles. On the way 3 hours.

By train to Mineralnye Vody:

  • from Moscow from the Kursk railway station. An ordinary train is on the way for 30 hours, the cost of a reserved seat is from 1700 rubles, fast - 24.5 hours on the way, the cost of a reserved seat is from 2500 rubles;
  • from St. Petersburg train 44 hours on the way. Ticket price - 2300 rubles.


This is a resort that gave a series of healing mineral waters of the same name. The climate here is drier than in other cities of Mineralnye Vody: summers are hot (up to 30 degrees), and winters thaw to above zero temperatures.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Essentuki:

  • by electric train from the railway station in Mineralnye Vody, 1 hour on the way, 105 rubles;
  • by bus No. 133 from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody, the cost is more than 100 rubles, or by bus from the bus station;

Essentuki medicinal

The main tools in the fight against various diseases are healing mud and more than ten mineralogical springs.

Medical sanatoriums of Essentukov economy class (the cost is indicated per day) and in the profile direction:

  • "Healing key" (from 1200 rubles per person. Specialization: digestive organs and metabolism);
  • Centrosoyuz (from 1500 rubles per person. Specialization: diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, urology);
  • "Victoria" (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: digestive organs, gynecology, respiratory organs);
  • "Voronezh" (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: gynecology, infertility treatment);
  • Shakhtar (from 2000 rubles per person. Specialization: diabetes mellitus, gastroenterology).

Essentuki cultural

If you go to Essentuki not for treatment, but for sights, magnificent nature and enjoyment of the local low-mountain climate, then it is recommended to visit:

  • Weeping grottoes;
  • Drinking "Five-thousander";
  • Essen-Tuk Upland;
  • Resort Park and Victory Park.

Essentuki mud bath named after Semashko.

There are many old, large-scale and attractive buildings of mud baths, mineral baths and galleries in Essentuki. Some of them are reminiscent of Greek baths, some are smaller copies of Victorian palaces.

The beauty of the buildings is interspersed with the beauty of mountains, waterfalls and caves, which attracted fans of eco-tourism.
You can cheaply stay in mini-hotels, hostels and in the private sector, at a price of 800 rubles. per day:

  • Hotel "Avantage";
  • Hotel "Essentuki";
  • Mini-hotel "House in the South";
  • Gostiny Dvor "Edem";
  • Hotel "Cascade".

Recommendation: since inexpensive mini-hotels and guest yards have a small number of rooms, it is advisable to book budget accommodation in them in advance (at least a month before the intended trip), otherwise there is a risk of being left without inexpensive housing.


This is a famous place, thanks to Lermontov and Ilf and Petrov, where people are happy to recognize familiar places described in books. Fans of the "Hero of Our Time" will recognize Mount Koltso, lovers of Ostap Bender - the very Failure that the great strategist cared about: "so as not to fail too much."

The climate in Pyatigorsk is cooler than in other resorts: up to 25 degrees in summer, about -5, -8 degrees in winter. Many sunny days adorn Pyatigorsk both in summer and in winter: a versatile resort with an abundance of attractions is available for tourism all year round.

Lermontov Gallery of the State Philharmonic of the CMS.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk:

by electric train from the railway station in Mineralnye Vody, 40 minutes on the way, 70 rubles;

by bus from the railway or bus station of Mineralnye Vody, the cost is about 50 rubles;

taxi from the station, it is better not to contact private traders and find fellow travelers.

Pyatigorsk medical

Fifty sources of Pyatigorsk are at our service: these are thermal, subthermal waters, bitter laxative springs - Batalinsky waters, warm and cold narzan. It is after drinking it inside that health path is supposed to be taken - a walk along any of the six scenic routes, which allows you to properly assimilate healthy drinks and admire the views.

Inexpensive sanatoriums located in Pyatigorsk are listed below with prices for accommodation (per day) and a description of the profile direction:

  • "Pyatigorye" (from 1300 rubles per person. Specialization: endocrine system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system);
  • "them. Lermontov” (from 1200 rubles per person. Specialization: thyroid diseases, rehabilitation after injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
  • "Forest Glade" (from 1650 rubles per person. Specialization: rehabilitation therapy).

Pyatigorsk cultural

A visit to the city, where a few centuries ago cutesy ladies sheltered from the sun with lace umbrellas while walking their dogs, leaves a feeling of touching the fragile flow of times. In Pyatigorsk, everything is mixed up: here is the place of Lermontov's last duel at the foot of Mashuk, and here is Diana's mysterious grotto; here is an elegant pastry shop from the early 19th century, and here is an amusement park with attractions.

There are more than fifty significant and diverse sights in Pyatigorsk, but the most famous of them are:

  • Place of Lermontov's duel;
  • Pyatigorsk Proval;
  • Lake Tambukan;
  • Mashuk observation deck.

You can stay in Pyatigorsk inexpensively and without a goal to undergo treatment from 800 rubles. per day in hotels:

  • "Mask";
  • "South";
  • "Nautilus".

Recommendation: remember that the price of accommodation in sanatoriums includes good nutrition and many medical procedures. Eating on your own at Mineralnye Vody is an abundance of Caucasian cuisine at a price of 500-700 rubles. per day per person.


This is the northernmost resort of Mineralnye Vody, where beech, hornbeam, coniferous forests create a unique air that is useful for vacationers with respiratory diseases. The climate here is a little fresher than anywhere else: in summer up to 22 degrees, in winter up to -10 degrees. Sunny days interspersed with foggy evenings.

Among the mountains surrounding Zheleznovodsk, Mount Zheleznaya stands out, which gave the city its name. This is the most beautiful laccolith mountain, that is, a mountain that was going to become a volcano and did not become one. At its foot there are springs of warm and cold mineral water, which has a rusty color.

Among them there are those that have completed their existence - only closed pump rooms remain.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara.

How to get from Mineralnye Vody to Zheleznovodsk:

by electric train from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody to the Beshtau stop, cost 40 rubles, 25 minutes on the way. Further from the station by minibus to Zheleznovodsk (10 minutes);

by bus number 107 from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody. Price 40 rubles.

Medical Zheleznovodsk

The main specialization of the resort is the treatment of respiratory diseases, gynecological problems and diseases of the digestive tract.

Mud therapy is widespread, successfully relieving allergy sufferers from skin problems that torment them. Girls and women with the help of mud wraps and baths restore and preserve the beauty of the skin.

Sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk, where you can inexpensively and effectively put your health in order:

  • "Elbrus" (from 1500 rubles per person per day. Specialization: gynecology, genitourinary system, respiratory organs);
  • Sanatorium of the 30th anniversary of the Victory (from 2000 rubles per day. Specialization: urology and digestive system);
  • "Plaza" from 3000 rubles. for 2 people per day. Specialization: cardiovascular system, nervous system).

Zheleznovodsk cultural

In addition to the search for Pushkin's flavor, here you can plunge into the distant history of mankind: an excellent local history museum showing the cave primitive man and grotto of permafrost.

For lovers of views, a beautiful Resort Lake and a trip through the mountains surrounding Zheleznovodsk will be a pleasant find.

The main attraction is called the fabulously luxurious palace of the Emir of Bukhara. Stunning artsy and graceful oriental style.

Lake Tambukan.

In addition to these places, in Zheleznovodsk tourists go to:

  • Cascading staircase;
  • Pushkin gallery;
  • Lermontov source.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to stay close to attractions. Economically (from 500 rubles per day per person) you can stay in mini-hotels and hotels:

  • "Pearl of the Caucasus";
  • Hotel "Sport MUP";
  • "City of Sun".

Recommendation: if the task of saving on housing is serious, then stay at the Allianz boarding house (rooms cost from 450 rubles per day). A clean, but very limited boarding house will cost even less if you buy a course of treatment.


The building of the main narzan baths on Kurortny Boulevard.

A low-mountain resort with a pleasant climate, protecting from extreme heat in summer and frost in winter. There are almost no fogs here, strong wind also - the city is protected by mountains.

Dry fresh air intoxicates residents of large cities accustomed to smog, and the beauties of nature can also turn their heads!

The abundance of parks, lush flowering, fountains, wonderful alleys and romantic corners makes staying in Kislovodsk a fantastic experience for many years to come.

There is a train from Moscow to Kislovodsk - the journey takes 25 and 31 hours, the cost is 2500 and 1700 rubles, respectively, also from St. Petersburg - the journey takes 45 hours. The cost is from 2400 rubles.

How to get to Kislovodsk from Mineralnye Vody:

  • by electric train from the railway station of Mineralnye Vody, 1.5 hours on the way. The cost is 160 rubles;
  • by bus from the bus station of Mineralnye Vody. The cost is about 130 rubles;
  • taxi from the station, it is better not to contact private traders and find fellow travelers.

Kislovodsk medical

Seven mineral springs in Kislovodsk successfully fight against heart diseases, eye diseases, asthma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

By the way, in order to cure diseases in Kislovodsk, many routes for medical-resort walking have been opened. People are healed not through suffering and tension, but through pleasant and memorable walks along the decorated paths.

Inexpensive sanatoriums with rich treatment experience:

  • Sanatorium Dimitrova (from 1000 rubles per person. Specialization: respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system);
  • "Moscow" (from 1300 rubles per person. Specialization: the same);
  • "Jinal" (from 1400 rubles per day. Specialization: digestive organs).

Kislovodsk cultural

Resort park "Valley of Roses".

A green and spacious resort park, a resort boulevard reminiscent of blooming Italy, the Valley of Roses is the largest rose garden in the Caucasus.

Beautiful landscapes, lots of greenery, bright colors, intoxicating aromas - walks in Kislovodsk are limited to more than just that.

Places that a tourist seeks to get to in Kislovodsk:

  • Ring-mountain;
  • Colonnade;
  • Bridge "Lady's whim";
  • Demon statue.

Settle in an inexpensive hotel or hotel from 800 rubles. per day and immerse yourself in the seemingly magical world of a flourishing city:

  • "Krasnaya Polyana";
  • "Live simply";
  • "Olympus".

Recommendation: use public transport services. Taxi drivers raise prices up to 1,000 rubles for a five-kilometer trip. Distances in Kislovodsk are modest, a bus ride will not bring any inconvenience.

Have a healing holiday!

And in Karachay-Cherkessia.

Treatment in Caucasian Mineral Waters

The region of Caucasian Mineral Waters is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range and occupies an area of ​​about 5.3 thousand square meters. km from the foothills of Elbrus in the south to the city in the north. In these places, hundreds of springs make their way to the surface of the earth, giving people healing mineral waters, which are used for drinking, baths, inhalations, irrigation and help in the treatment of many diseases.

In addition to the springs in this region, there is Lake Tambukan - a rich deposit of healing mud used in all resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

An additional healing factor of all the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the local mild microclimate, which is formed in the valleys, protected by mountains from cold winds. Therefore, all resorts in this region are considered not only balneological, but also climatic.

On the slopes of the mountains, according to the recommendations of physicians, special health paths have been laid, walking on which has a healing effect not only due to the beautiful landscapes soothing the nerves, but also due to dosed well-calculated physical activity.

Sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

You can get acquainted with architectural monuments in the Caucasian Mineral Waters at the same time as treatment, because sanatoriums, mud baths, pump rooms are located in amazing buildings built in the past and the century before last. noteworthy neoclassical mud bath named after Semashko in Essentuki, neogothic Central drinking gallery and Main narzan baths in the Art Nouveau style in Kislovodsk and much more.

The environs of Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk are associated with the name of M. Yu. Lermontov. In these cities and their environs there are many attractions that the writer described in the novel "A Hero of Our Time". In Kislovodsk, it is worth seeing the famous mountain "Ring", in Pyatigorsk - walk to pavilions "Aeolian Harp", before Lermontov grotto, go down to the place of the duel Lermontov with Martynov and bow to the first poet's burial place.

The entire region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is full of natural attractions. From almost any trail, you will be able to continuously enjoy the breathtaking scenery. The local mountains are incredibly beautiful: Mashuk near Pyatigorsk, Beshtau and Zheleznaya near Zheleznovodsk and, finally, Elbrus, towering on the horizon, covered with a cap of eternal snows. Definitely worth visiting Valley of Narzanov, where 20 springs with this healing water spring from the earth.

How to get to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

To Caucasian Mineralnye Vody by plane

The airline operates daily flights to the city airport from, and other cities

In the Stavropol Territory Russian Federation there is a group of resorts united by the common name Caucasian Mineral Waters (abbr. KMV, Kavminvody). Today it is a resort region protected by the state, where hundreds of thousands of people come annually for recreation and treatment, not only from Russia, but also from countries near and far abroad. The region includes such cities as Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Georgievsk - here you will find many attractions.

The company "Family Suitcase" organizes trips on comfortable buses.

Geographical features of the region and the history of the development of settlements

Russian poets and writers were very fond of places in the CMS area, the most famous of which is M. Yu. Lermontov, the heroes of whose works often live in these places. In addition to mineral waters, there are many sources of therapeutic mud, so it is not surprising why at the moment KMV is well known precisely as a balneological resort. The climate of this area is very favorable, and all tourists who come here in the spring-summer period of time celebrate bright and warm salty days.

Features of the cities that are part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Surely, many tourists and travelers who want to visit these places would like to know about the features of these cities. Despite the fact that they are all united in one region, each of the resort cities has its own characteristics due to its location. Starting from the end of the 90s of the last century, this region began to be actively financed, due to which the quality of roads improved, new resort and sanatorium complexes began to be built, and the territory of cities was largely ennobled. So today, coming for treatment and rest in CMS, you can count on a great pastime, and at quite reasonable prices.

To appreciate all the sights of the region, as well as find out where and how you can relax, you should make an overview of the most interesting and attractive cities that are part of the general resort region of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody.

This is the most famous city of the Stavropol Territory, from which the history of the region as a balneological resort begins. It was in Pyatigorsk that the first balneological society was founded in 1863, which included well-known scientists and physicians of that time. In the city area there are about 40 healing springs with mineral water, which differs in chemical composition and richness of mineral components. Most of them are concentrated in the region of Mount Mashuk. Thanks to this, the city of Pyatigorsk received the status of a natural museum of mineral waters.

How to get to Pyatigorsk?

There is no own airport in the city, and the nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody, which is 25 km away. For this reason, everyone who travels by air takes a ticket to Mineralnye Vody, after which they go to Pyatigorsk by fixed-route taxi No. 11, the ticket price of which is only 15 rubles. It should be noted that an electric train runs between both cities, by which you can reach your destination in just 45-50 minutes.

Bus number 223 also runs from the station square of Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk, the price of which is 45 rubles. The most expensive way to get there is by taxi, the price of which is 700 rubles or more. From Moscow, you can come to Pyatigorsk by the Moscow-Kislovodsk train, which departs daily from Kazansky railway station. The price of a compartment ticket is about 4 thousand rubles. You can also go by bus, which will be cheaper (2 thousand rubles), but the travel time will be 25 hours.

The main attractions of Pyatigorsk

The city is very green, as there are a lot of trees, shrubs and flower beds. The most important place for festivities of the townspeople is the Central Park "Tsvetnik", which is over 200 years old.

Be sure to visit the Lermontov Gallery, which currently houses the State Philharmonic. A very striking architectural monument is the open-air museum - the Pyatigorsk necropolis, where many prominent figures who lived and worked in this city are buried.

To enjoy the amazing panorama of the Caucasus Range, you should definitely climb Mount Mushuk, and you can do this by cable car. During the trip, tourists have a great opportunity to admire the beautiful landscapes.

Cafes, restaurants, hotels

There are a large number of catering points - restaurants and cafes where you can try local delicacies and dishes of Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and Russian cuisine. Tourists are especially pleased with the polite staff and cleanliness in restaurants, not to mention loyal prices, since the average check is about 300 rubles.

A quieter city in terms of lack of pretentiousness, which is the nearest neighbor - Pyatigorsk, the distance to which is only 3 km. Apparently, after only 15-20 years, both resorts will merge into one and create a single conglomerate. There are much fewer tourists here than in other CMS cities, so it is more suitable for a calm and measured rest. At the same time, it is worth noting that it is in this city that the most mineral waters are located, which differ in composition and taste, and therefore Essentuki is called the “Pearl of the Caucasus”.

How to get to Essentuki?

The nearest airport is located in Mineralnye Vody, which is 35 km away, however, both cities are connected by bus service and fixed-route taxi, so there are no problems getting to your hotel. Every day, trains to Kislovodsk depart from Moscow from the Kursk and Kazan stations, passing by Essentuki. The cost of tickets is from 2.2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, and depending on the type (reserved seat, compartment, SV).

For those who prefer to travel by bus, you should know that the Moscow-Essentuki bus departs daily from the South Gate bus station to Essentuki, and the ticket price is 2 thousand rubles. If you go by private car, then choose the route "Don" or "Elista", the length of which is approximately the same.

How can you relax in Essentuki?

Considering the presence of numerous springs with mineral water, many balneological resort sanatoriums have been built in Essentuki, where people from all over Russia come for rest and treatment. Everyone can buy and taste mineral water, and this can be done at special tapping points. By the way, in Essentuki there is a Big Lake where swimming is allowed, so everyone can sunbathe and take water procedures in the summer. Essentuki water treats a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system and skin rashes.

Among the sights of Essentuki are:

  • Nicholas bathrooms
  • shopping gallery
  • Panoramic gazebo Oreanda
  • Weeping grottoes - springs with mineral water
  • Drinking gallery "Pyatyatyachnik"

Many tourists who have visited and drank the water in Essentuki, after a rest, can already accurately distinguish the water "Essentuki-4" from "Essentuki-17", and "Essentuki-2" from "Essentuki-20".

Cafes, restaurants and hotels

Prices in Essentuki restaurants are moderate, so you can dine and eat delicious food for only 250-300 rubles. Sweet lovers can be advised to visit the famous Nefertiti confectionery-cafe, where they will offer not only delicious coffee, but also a lot of confectionery. If we talk about hotels and inns, then there are not too many of them, but those that are available are quite enough to accommodate visiting guests.

The city is distinguished by the fact that it is the smallest of all that are included in the CMS, but it is often mentioned in the works of Russian writers and poets. The city is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, so it is surrounded by interesting relic forests, many of which are listed in the Red Book. The unique mountain-forest microclimate, beautiful picturesque views of the nearby surroundings, the presence of mineral water springs - this is what attracts tourists to this city.

Zheleznovodsk is one of the most famous and popular cities in the Stavropol Territory, where people come not only for recreation, but also for balneological treatment. This place is also called "tiny Switzerland, for the fact that, according to climatic and natural conditions Zheleznogorsk is indeed very close to the Alpine resort area. The air in the vicinity of the city is saturated with useful ions and oxygen, so those who suffer from respiratory diseases are recommended to come here.

How to get to Zheleznogorsk?

There are no direct bus flights to the city, but this does not prevent you from getting to your destination with a change in Mineralnye Vody, from which you can get to Zheleznogorsk by minibus No. 107. Ticket price - 50 rubles. If you go from Pyatigorsk, then you should take the minibus number 134, where the price is 40 rubles. If you drive from Moscow, then first choose the Don highway. Upon reaching the village "Pavlovskaya", you should turn onto the highway "Kavkaz".

Hotels and resorts

Given that Zheleznogorsk is a small town, there are only about 10 hotels that offer their services to tourists and guests. The most famous is the German House Hotel, where you can rent apartments in the range from 2.5 to 8 thousand rubles / day. However, in addition to this, there is a private market where you can rent an apartment for only 1.2 thousand rubles a day. But there are much more sanatoriums here, but you can get into them only with a ticket. If a person does not have chronic or other serious diseases, getting into a sanatorium will be problematic.

The main advantage of the resort town of Kislovodsk is, of course, narzan - water from specific taste containing a large amount of sulfate-bicarbonate elements. The city was founded in early XIX centuries by soldiers under the command of General A.P. Yermolov, who ordered the construction of a resort park here. For several decades, the park remained the largest in all of Europe. Today Kislovok is a well-maintained resort town that pleases guests with its beautiful streets and small, neat and well-groomed houses.

You can not only drink Narzan, but also take baths from them, since water has a positive effect on the human body, treats numerous skin diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system. Among the most famous places worth visiting in Kislovodsk are the following:

  • resort park
  • Theater and Concert Hall. V. Safonova
  • Literary and Musical Museum
  • Dacha Chaliapin

Very often vacationers come here to take part in recreational walking - health paths. The cleanest mountain air and abundance of greenery makes it easy to overcome many kilometers.

Most Big City, which is part of the CMS, therefore it is with him that a sightseeing tour throughout the region usually begins. There is a Central Railway Station, where trains arrive daily from the largest cities in Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. There is also an airport that receives dozens of planes every day, so with all confidence we can call the city of Mineralnye Vody the main transport artery of the CMS.

Today it is one of the most visited resort towns in the entire Stavropol Territory, although it should be noted that there is not a single natural source of mineral water in the city. At the station square, tourists are greeted by a large sculpture of an eagle cast from real bronze. This is a symbol of victory over diseases, since the city has many sanatoriums and clinical centers that accept people for spa treatment. Against the background of an eagle, you should definitely take a picture, because the pictures are very spectacular.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody

While walking along Mineralnye Vody, it is worth visiting the memorial complex dedicated to the defenders of the fatherland, which looks very impressive. It will be interesting to see the Tersky stud farm, founded in 1880 by Count S. A. Stroganov, where you can not only admire noble animals, but also ride horses.

The monument “Old Steam Locomotive” is also unusual, against the background of which anyone who wants to capture himself in the most interesting places of the city can also be photographed. Other sights include the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, College of Music them. V. I. Safonov and St. Nicholas Church.

Hotels and restaurants

Taking into account the fact that Mineralnye Vody is a big city, there are several dozens of hotels and guest houses located here. Of the largest hotels, Imperial, ArtHall, Hermes, Olympus and Europe should be singled out. Despite the fact that the cost of rooms here starts at 3 thousand rubles, the level and quality of service is always on top. The same hotels have their own restaurants where you can taste delicious dishes of not only Russian, but also Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani cuisine.

Sightseeing tours in CMS

In 2018, it will be possible to sign up for a trip to these places. The route is being developed.


Concluding the review of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, it should be noted that, if desired, every tourist can easily make a sightseeing tour with a visit to all of the above cities. The only thing is that it is best to book a sightseeing bus for this, especially since the places here are very beautiful and passengers will be happy to admire the beautiful panoramic views.