Day of vocational education in the year of what date. History of vocational education in Russia (material for the class hour). The Rise of Vocational Education in Russia

When to plant peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables for seedlings in 2014. Recommendations of experts taking into account the lunar sowing calendar.

Many experienced gardeners are well aware that the yield of vegetable and horticultural crops largely depends on the date of planting for seedlings and in the ground. Planting seedlings based on the knowledge of the lunar calendar is the key to a successful growing season. Today, according to the lunar calendar, you can calculate the planting time for most crops and, thanks to this, get an excellent harvest. Most importantly, strictly follow the indicated sowing time. March is one of the most crucial moments for any gardener. It is in March that vegetable and other horticultural crops are planted for seedlings for the purpose of further transplantation into a greenhouse or open ground. Only full-fledged and healthy plants are subject to transplantation into the ground, which in the future will be able to give a good harvest. Next, we bring to your attention Moon calendar plantings for 2014 for major crops.

Lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers for MARCH 2014.

Peppers, tomatoes (tomatoes): 4, 5, 9, 10.

Cabbage: 9, 10.

Onions, carrots: 19, 20.

Salads, greens: 6, 10.

Potatoes - there are no such days in March.

Squash - there are no such days in March.

Beets: 19, 20.

Cucumbers: 3, 6, 9, 10.

Zucchini - there are no such days in March.

Eggplant: 5, 10.

Watermelon: 9, 10.

Marigolds: 10, 15, 17.

Melon: 9, 10.

Legumes and peas: 7, 10.

Petunia: 10, 15, 17.

Medicinal herbs: 21.

Lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers for APRIL 2014.

Pepper: 1, 3.

Tomatoes: 1, 3, 7.

Cabbage: 6, 14, 16, 30.

Bow: 6, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24.

Carrots: 20, 21, 24.

Salads, greens: 2, 5, 6, 30.

Potatoes: 14, 20, 21, 24.

Squash: 30.

Radishes: 16, 20, 21, 24.

Beets: 16, 20, 21, 24.

Cucumbers: 2, 30.

Zucchini - there are no such days in April.

Eggplant: 1, 3.

Marigolds: 30.

Legumes and peas: 4, 30.

Petunia - there are no such days in April.

Medicinal herbs: 7, 30.

Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers: 16, 30.

Lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers for MAY 2014.

Pepper - there are no such days in May.

Tomatoes - there are no such days in May.

Cabbage: 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 27.

Bow: 12, 13, 18.

Carrots: 19, 26.

Salads, greens: 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22.

Potatoes: 12, 13, 18.

Squash: 12, 13.

Radishes: 19, 26.

Beets: 19, 26.

Pumpkin: 12, 13.

Cucumbers: 13.

Zucchini: 12, 13.

Eggplant - there are no such days in May.

Watermelon: There are no such days in May.

Asters: 3, 10, 13, 30.

Marigolds: 3, 10, 13, 30.

Melon: There are no such days in May.

Legumes and peas: 1, 3, 13, 17.

Petunia: 3, 10, 13, 30.

Medicinal herbs: 4, 13.

Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers: 11, 13.

Peppers and eggplant should be planted as early as possible to obtain an early harvest. Tomatoes. First of all, plant high-growing tomatoes, low-growing tomatoes must be planted directly in the polycarbonate greenhouse at the end of March.

1) In order to avoid such a dangerous disease as a black leg, seedlings should not be watered excessively. Watering should be regular, it is desirable to install automatic drip irrigation.

2) To prevent seedlings from stretching, it is necessary to control the illumination of the room in which the seedlings are located. Insufficient lighting can lead to brittle processes. The optimal side of the world for growing seedlings is southeast.

3) If in a house or apartment all the windows face the north side, then it is necessary to illuminate the seedlings in the morning and evening. Experienced gardeners choose special powerful LEDs for high-quality supplementary illumination of seedlings.

4) To accelerate the germination of tomato seeds, before planting, it is necessary to soak them for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then it is necessary to transfer the seeds to a cloth moistened with warm water, cover with a damp cloth on top. When the seeds swell, a germ of growth will appear, you need to place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for three days at night, leaving them at room temperature during the day.

Methodological development of a class hour dedicated to the history of vocational education in Russia

On this day everything educational establishments middle vocational education celebrate their professional holiday. The birthday of the system of vocational education was October 2, 1940, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the State Labor Reserves of the USSR” was adopted, which defined three types of schools: trade schools, railway schools and factory training schools. These schools were created in the shortest possible time. Admission to them was carried out through conscription (mobilization), as well as in the order of voluntary recruitment of young people.

The history of the creation of vocational education.

How long ago do you think vocational education appeared? The starting point is considered to be the appearance in 1701 of the first secular professional educational institutions, opened at the behest of the great reformer Peter I. These were the schools of mathematical and navigational sciences, which are called the first real schools in Europe.

Catherine II made an attempt to create public schools.

Much attention was paid to vocational education with the beginning of the great patriotic war when the problem of personnel for defense enterprises and for industrial enterprises arose.

Day of Vocational Education

Autumn is not only the beginning of a new school year, but also the time of the main professional holidays in the field of education. On October 2, our country celebrates the Day of Vocational Education Workers, on October 5, the whole world celebrates Teacher's Day.

The profession of a teacher, one who teaches how to live and work, is rightfully considered not only one of the most ancient, but also one of the most significant andrespected in the world. For centuries, it combines tradition and innovation, carries a huge humanistic charge. It is teachers, mentors and masters - regardless of whether they teach preschoolers, students educational institutions or institutions of secondary and higher vocational education - they pass the baton of creativity to the representatives of the younger generation and preserve eternal values.

The system of vocational education for future workers began to take shape in pre-revolutionary Russia. At large factories and factories, vocational schools were organized, where students, under the guidance of experienced craftsmen and engineers, learned the basics future profession and professional techniques to get the job done right. The industrial training system developed by Russian engineers at the Moscow Technical School was demonstrated at international exhibitions in Philadelphia (1876), in Paris (1900) with constant success..

The system of vocational education has changed and improved. In the Soviet Union, schools of factory apprenticeships were created (FZU, students of the factory head teacher system were affectionately called "fabzaychats"). FZU existed from 1920 to 1940.

On October 2, 1940, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the State Labor Reserves of the USSR" was adopted. The purpose of creating new system there was the formation of a unified state system for the training of qualified specialists and the systematic mass training of qualified workers.

October 2 is celebrated by the system of training qualified workers in our country (institutions of vocational education (vocational schools), advanced training courses for workers, retraining courses for workers) as a professional holiday. On this day, all educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education celebrate their professional holiday.

The first educational institutions that gave vocational training, appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century on the initiative of Peter the Great at the Tula arms factory, the Ural mining factories, in Moscow at the Prokhorovskaya Trekhgornaya Manufactory weaving factory. capable people from among the soldiers, children of artisans and peasants. Those who completed the full course of study were awarded the qualification of a scientific master.

The birthday of the system of vocational education was October 2, 1940, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the State Labor Reserves of the USSR” was adopted, which defined three types of schools: trade schools, railway schools and factory training schools. These schools were created in the shortest possible time. Admission to them was carried out through conscription (mobilization), as well as in the order of voluntary recruitment of young people.

At all times, people have recognized that almost any occupation can become prestigious - it all depends on how a person will work, because each profession has its own specifics, its own values ​​and its own heroes. And, of course, almost every profession has its own holiday - its own professional holiday - one of the reasons to get together and feel the significance and importance of the work performed.

At present, there are more than 2.5 thousand institutions of vocational education and training in Russia. primary education and the same number of institutions of secondary vocational education, more than 2 million people study in them. The Russian authorities call the issue of training workers a key one - the country urgently needs specialists who work in a high-tech industry, including those who operate technically complex modern production equipment, and therefore we treat with great attention and respect those who train workers so necessary for the country frames.