Great reference book on biology. Reference books on biology. Detailed analysis of living organisms

This handbook contains all the theoretical material on the course of biology, necessary for passing the exam. It includes all elements of the content, checked by control and measuring materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the course of the secondary (complete) school.
The theoretical material is presented in a brief, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples. test tasks, allowing you to test your knowledge and the degree of preparedness for the certification exam. Practical tasks correspond to the USE format. At the end of the manual, answers to tests are given that will help schoolchildren and applicants to test themselves and fill in the gaps.
The manual is addressed to schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

Embryology studies
1) the development of the organism from the zygote to birth
2) the structure and functions of the egg
3) postpartum human development
4) development of the organism from birth to death

Selection as a science solves problems
1) creation of new varieties of plants and animal breeds
2) conservation of the biosphere
3) creation of agrocenoses
4) creating new fertilizers

Systematics is the science that deals with
1) the study of the external structure of organisms
2) the study of body functions
3) identifying relationships between organisms
4) classification of organisms.

The handbook contains 100 of the most important topics in biology. All materials are listed in accordance with school curriculum and presented in a concise and visual form that allows you to quickly find the information you need.
The reference book will help to systematize the knowledge acquired in the process of studying biology, focus on basic concepts, terms, definitions, prepare for lessons and control work, as well as to the GIA and the Unified State Examination.

Metabolism, or metabolism - is a set of processes of transformation of matter and energy.

Metabolism is aimed at the preservation and self-reproduction of biological systems.

It includes the intake of substances into the body in the process of nutrition and respiration, intracellular metabolism and the release of end products of metabolism.

Metabolism is inextricably linked with the processes of converting one type of energy into another. For example, during photosynthesis, light energy is stored in the form of energy chemical bonds difficult organic molecules, and in the process of respiration, it is released and spent on the synthesis of new molecules, mechanical and osmotic work, dissipates in the form of heat, etc.

Enzymes, or enzymes, are biological catalysts of a protein nature that control chemical reactions in living organisms.

Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge 7
1. Biology as a science 8
2. Level organization and evolution. Biological systems. General signs biological systems 9
Cell as a biological system 11
3. Modern cell theory. Cell structure organisms - the basis of unity organic world 12
4. Diversity of cells. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Comparative characteristics of cells 14
5. Chemical composition cells 16
6. The relationship between the structure and functions of organic substances. Carbohydrates and lipids 18
7. The relationship between the structure and functions of organic substances. Proteins and nucleic acids 20
8. The structure of the cell. The relationship of the structure and functions of parts and organelles of the cell 22
9. Metabolism and energy conversion 24
10. Fermentation and respiration 26
11. Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis 28
12. Genetic information in a cell. protein biosynthesis and nucleic acids 30
13. Cell - the genetic unit of the living. Chromosomes, their structure and functions. Cell life cycle 32
14. Mitosis - division of somatic cells. Meiosis 34
15. Development of germ cells in plants 36
16. Development of germ cells in animals 38
Organism as a biological system 39
17. Diversity of organisms: unicellular and multicellular; autotrophs, heterotrophs. Viruses 40
18. Reproduction of organisms. Reproduction methods. Sexual and asexual reproduction 42
19. Fertilization in flowering plants and vertebrates 44
20. Ontogeny. Embryonic and postembryonic development of organisms 46
21. Genetics, its tasks. Heredity and variability. Basic genetic concepts 48
22. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Modern ideas about the gene and genome 50
23. Laws of inheritance G. Mendel. T. Morgan's Laws: Linked Inheritance of Characters 52
24. Genetics of sex. Interaction of genes. Human genetics. Methods for studying human genetics 54
25. Patterns of variability. Non-hereditary and hereditary variability. Types of mutations 56
26. Human hereditary diseases, their causes 58
27. Selection, its tasks and methods, the law of homological series 59
28. Biotechnology, its directions. Cellular and genetic engineering, cloning 61
System and diversity of the organic world 63
29. Diversity of organisms, works by C. Linnaeus and J.-B. Lamarck. systematic categories 64
30. The kingdom of bacteria, structure, vital activity, reproduction, role in nature 66
31. The kingdom of fungi, structure, life, reproduction. Use of mushrooms 68
32. Lichens, their diversity, features of structure and life 70
33. Plant kingdom, plant cells and tissues 72
34. Structure and functions of plant organs. Root, shoot (bud, stem, leaf) 74
35. Structure and functions of plant organs. Flower, seed, fruit 76
36. Vital activity of a plant organism 78
37. Reproduction of a plant organism (on the example of angiosperms) 80
38. Variety of plants. The main divisions of plants. lower plants. Divisions of algae 82
39. Variety of plants. Higher spore plants 84
40. Variety of plants. higher seed plants. Division Gymnosperms 86
41. Variety of plants. Department of angiosperms. the role of plants in nature and human life 88
42. Animal kingdom. Characteristics of the subkingdom Unicellular, or Protozoa 90
43. Animal kingdom. multicellular animals. Type Intestinal 92
44. Animal kingdom. Type Flatworms 94
45. Animal kingdom. Type Roundworms, or Primary worms 96
46. ​​Animal kingdom. Type of annelids 98
47. Animal kingdom. Type Mollusks, or Soft-bodied 100
48. Animal kingdom. Type Arthropods. class Crustaceans 102
49. Animal kingdom. Type Arthropods. class Arachnids 104
50. Animal Kingdom. Arthropod type. Class Insects 105
51. Chordates. The main features of the structure and classification 107
52. Chordates. Subtype Cranial. Class Cephalothordates 109
53. Chordates. Subtype Vertebrates, or Cranial 110
54. Chordates. Superclass Pisces. Class Cartilaginous fish. Class Bony fish 111
55. Chordates. Characteristics of the main classes. Class Amphibians, or Amphibians 112
56. Chordates. Characteristics of the class Reptiles, or Reptiles 114
57. Chordates. general characteristics bird class 116
58. Chordates. Classification and diversity of birds 118
59. Chordates. Characteristics of the main classes. Class Mammals 119
60. Chordates. Characteristics of the main classes. Classification of Mammals 121
The human body and its health 123
61. Fabrics 124
62. Structure and activity of organs and organ systems: digestive system 126
63. Structure and vital functions of organs and systems of organs: respiratory system 128
64. Structure and vital functions of organs and systems of organs: excretory system 130
65. Structure and vital functions of organs and systems of organs: musculoskeletal system. Skeleton 132
66. Structure and vital activity of organs and systems of organs: musculoskeletal system. Muscles 134
67. Structure and vital activity of organs and organ systems: integumentary system 136
68. The structure and vital activity of organs and organ systems: the circulatory system 137
69. The structure and vital activity of organs and systems of organs: lymphatic system 139
70. Human reproduction and development 140
71. Internal environment human body. Blood groups 142
72. Immunity 144
73. Metabolism and energy conversion in the human body. Vitamins 145
74. Nervous system 146
75. Endocrine system. Neurohumoral regulation of vital processes 148
76. Analyzers. Sense organs, their role in the body. Structure and functions. Organ of vision 150
77. Analyzers. Sense organs, their role in the body. Organs of hearing, smell, taste and touch 152
78. Higher nervous activity 154
79. Sleep, its meaning. Consciousness, memory, emotions, speech, thinking 156
80. Personal and public hygiene, healthy lifestyle life 158
The evolution of wildlife 159
81. View, its criteria. A population is a structural unit of a species. Microevolution 160
82. Development evolutionary ideas, evolutionary theory Ch. Darwin. driving forces evolution 162
83. Forms natural selection. Types of struggle for existence 163
84. Synthetic theory of evolution. Elementary Factors of Evolution 165
85. Evidence of the evolution of living nature. Adaptability of organisms to the environment 167
86. Macroevolution. Directions and paths of evolution (A. N. Severtsov, I. I. Shmalgauzen) 169
87. Hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth 170
88. Main aromorphoses in the evolution of plants and animals 172
89. The origin of man. Man as a species, his place in the system of the organic world 174
90. Hypotheses of the origin of man 175
91. Driving forces and stages of human evolution 176
92. Human races, their genetic relationship 178
Ecosystems and their inherent patterns 179
93. Habitats of organisms. Environmental factors, their value is 180
94. Ecological factors: abiotic, biotic, their values ​​of the ecological pyramid 184
97. Diversity of ecosystems (biogeocenoses). Self-development and ecosystem change 186
98. Biosphere is a global ecosystem. Teachings of V. I. Vernadsky about the biosphere 188
99. Living matter, its functions 189
100. Biological circulation and transformation of energy in the biosphere. Evolution of the biosphere 190.

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The handbook includes a course of cognitive information on biology. The manual contains answers to all questions related to the life of living organisms and plants, their structure, origin, description of species, evolution and interaction with environment. You can learn in detail about each class of living organisms, what are the differences between them, as well as evaluate the role of the existence of bacteria and microbes.

The reference book of biological organisms and plants will be useful to students, applicants, students and ordinary people interested in this science.


Living organisms

plant kingdom

This section includes information about characteristics plant families, description of the main groups, comparative characteristics classes detailed description structure, cycle of development and reproduction.

animal kingdom

The section includes detailed information on the classes of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. You will learn what types of worms, mollusks, arthropods are; what are the differences between animals and plants, and also get acquainted with the description of the subkingdoms of protozoa and multicellular organisms, features internal structure their systems and organs.


This part of the guide is dedicated to detailed description all systems, organs and processes of the human body. There is information about the similarities and differences between humans and other living organisms.

Detailed analysis of living organisms

The section describes the properties of living organisms, chemical elements and organic matter. Detailed analysis photosynthesis, biosynthesis, cell division. Perspectives on biological progress, evidence for evolution, comparative characteristics of natural selection, and more.