What a fun reading lesson. How to conduct an interesting lesson? Preparing for the lesson

How to conduct an interesting lesson? Each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. An interesting lesson should be history and English, an open lesson and a traditional one. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons. - Plan the lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, their tendency to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning. - Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of fantasy - and non-standard solutions are sure to be found. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting. - Always remember that a great beginning of the lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work. - An interesting lesson is always divided into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material). - Use a variety of techniques to conduct an exciting lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson. - Be flexible! Breakdown of equipment, fatigue of students or unexpected questions - these are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (better - in a playful way). - How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken. - Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task. - Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson. - To make your lessons interesting, constantly look for and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them! - Create and constantly replenish your own methodological piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in every lesson. - Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting English lesson. Read completely.


Whether the lesson will be interesting for children, whether they want to take an active part in it, depends on how well the teacher thought out every detail of the lesson. When organizing a lesson, it is necessary to rely on its purpose. Clearly define what the student should take away from the lesson, what task the lesson will solve: whether it will be the study of new material or a lesson in repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge, a control lesson.

Achieving the goal will directly depend on the motivation of the students. Therefore, make every effort to make them want to know what you are telling them. Actively use your creative, diverse methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Choose the form of the lesson. It is determined in accordance with its goals and the age of the students.
The forms of the lesson are very diverse, each teacher brings something of his own. Lessons for learning new material can be in the form of an adventure, a lesson, a surprise lesson, etc. For an older age, this may be, including prepared by the students themselves. A lesson to consolidate the material can be held in the form of a competition, a tournament. It can be both within one class and several parallel classes. You can also organize an excursion, a hike. This will help not only to show students' interest in the lesson, but also to unite the class. The control lesson can be held in the form of an Olympiad, a quiz. A lesson in the application of knowledge can be organized as a reportage lesson, a court lesson, an auction, a research lesson. For a combined lesson, it is suitable to conduct it in the form of a workshop, seminar, consultation. Seminars, lessons of cooperation of different ages are also useful. But it should be remembered that such lessons should be held in the system, but not every day. Students, firstly, will have to prepare, and secondly, they will know that not just an interesting lesson, but a holiday awaits them again. This raises the authority of the teacher in the eyes of the students. A computer, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, tables, illustrations - the correct and appropriate use of this will only decorate your lesson.

Based on the objectives and form of the lesson, select the methods and techniques of teaching. They are classified on various grounds and can be: verbal, visual, practical, explanatory and illustrative method, reproductive method, method of problem presentation, partial search, or heuristic method, research method, etc. Methods of problem-based learning are of great importance for the development of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren, since they are the ones that are more capable of activating students in the classroom. Problem question, problem task, problem situation, etc. - all this allows you to make any lesson interesting, due to the fact that the children themselves take part in finding the answer. With the partial-search method, the independent search of students is given more importance than with the problematic method. The teacher only guides the students in their actions. More difficult for the teacher to organize and for the students to perform is the research method. The teacher only creates a problem situation, and students, in order to solve it, must see the problem, determine ways to solve it and find an answer.

The use of various teaching methods contributes to an increase in the cognitive interest of students, and this is inextricably linked with a better assimilation of the material being studied, the development of their creative abilities, attention, memory, and thinking. The student will be happy to attend your lessons, knowing that they are always interesting.

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Be sure to refer to the experience of students, this will help them feel like a part of the material being studied, and not just a listener.

Let the student express their opinion. This means that he reflects on the material, assimilates it.

Not all children are in a hurry to answer in class. Perhaps they are just shy. Find out what these students are interested in and try to connect with them through their hobbies. They will trust you, which means they will start speaking up in class. You can also give these children individual tasks more often.

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Every high school student would like the lessons to be interesting and exciting. Classes that take place in the original form contribute to better assimilation of the material and are well remembered. Many teachers strive to diversify their lessons, but do not always know how to do it.

Judging by how exciting chemistry lessons can be, one is only surprised that most students do not choose this profession for themselves. Using multimedia is a simple recipe for an interesting lesson. Photo and newsreel about besieged Leningrad allows you to better plunge into the events of that time. Industrial excursion - such a lesson is sure to be remembered.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, and probably any teacher can do an interesting lesson. You just need to try and put a little imagination. Here are some memorable examples from my school life. I think everyone will be able to add to this list (send letters with a story to the editor :).

1. Initiation to the beautiful

At literature lessons, we often listen to recordings where famous actors perform poems by Russian poets, for example, Sergei Bezrukov reads Yesenin's poem "The Black Man". In general, I really love this actor, listening to him gives me great pleasure, and of course this will be an interesting lesson for me. The performance is very emotional, against the backdrop of Mozart's "Requiem", and the growing music, the professionalism of the actor, the skill of the poet - all this has developed into a beautiful picture. There is no doubt that both I and my classmates understood, remembered, and felt this poet much better than if they simply got acquainted with it on their own.

Of the other memorable audio lessons - Alla Pugacheva's song to the verses of Boris Pasternak "A candle burned on the table."

2. Cinema hall at the lesson

Multimedia technologies are becoming more and more active in the educational process, and this is an unmistakable recipe for an interesting lesson - so material on the history of the Great Patriotic War is very well complemented by documentaries and newsreels of those years. The themes “Battle of Stalingrad” or “Siege of Leningrad” are perceived a little differently when you see everything as if through the eyes of an eyewitness. Here our cars are trying to deliver food along the "Road of Life", the thin ice does not stand up and the transport, often together with people, goes to the bottom along with the precious cargo. When you look at how people in besieged Leningrad were starving, dying, but still working and fighting, you get goosebumps. Or when the announcer from the screen tells that in 38 days Germany was able to capture France, and in Russia German soldiers could only cross from one side of Stalingrad Street to the other in the same time - an incredible pride for our people appears inside. Isn't this the main purpose of the history lesson - to tell how hard it was in the war and thanks to which we now live in peace.

3. News feed

The simplest and most common option to conduct an interesting lesson is students' reports with a computer presentation, or a teacher's story, supplemented by slides. For example, a geography teacher shows us foreign flags and sights (Taj Mahal or Pamukkale), and we have to guess what country it is. This is a great way to make an ordinary test work fun, and with the help of such multimedia activities, students can get more grades, more knowledge and a little rest just by listening to a classmate.

4. All our life is a game!

My classmates really remember the game lessons that our history teacher sometimes teaches. The class is divided into groups and they are asked various questions on a specific topic, then they arrange a competition for team captains. As awards - diplomas and good grades. In principle, the same material is repeated and tested in a fun way, where almost the entire class takes part.

5. Lessons of miracles

Another example of an interesting lesson is laboratory work, or experiments in physics and chemistry (in fact, these are very interesting subjects). For example, you can show the interaction of chlorine with phosphorus. Having placed a little red phosphorus in a special spoon, we lower it into a vessel filled with chlorine. This is where spontaneous combustion of phosphorus occurs. It does not burn with an ordinary, but with a weak greenish flame. It is worth seeing and it is sure to be remembered!

Recently, at a physics lesson, we were shown a beautiful phenomenon - the spectral decomposition of light using a prism. The beam splits, forming a small rainbow. The experience is simple but beautiful.

6. Tour

A chemistry teacher recently suggested that we organize a trip to the city's thermal power plant. The idea is very good, especially for the 11th grade, when many high school students find it difficult to choose a profession, and here you learn a lot of specialties that you have not heard about before. For example, an industrial safety engineer, a machinist of a central thermal control panel for steam turbines, an estimator. The teacher also offered to go to the gas industry plant, where they will show us the workshops and tell us about the work.

I think it would be nice if teachers, having come up with some interesting program for a paired lesson, changed places with teachers from other schools. There would be an exchange of teachers. For example, a chemistry teacher from one school came to another and taught a lesson there, and vice versa. And if the school has several teachers of the same subject, then you can change classes for teachers. The lesson can be more interesting and the new teacher will be better able to explain the topic to the children.

There are many ideas, there would be a desire and the equipment would allow. All students would like less boring lessons from textbooks and more lessons in a playful way. But all responsibility should not be "hung" on teachers - schoolchildren should show their initiative and offer to help their teachers. I think any teacher will be happy to support an interesting idea. And let every lesson in your school be an interesting lesson :)

I think I will not discover America if I say that every teacher should strive to make the lessons as interesting as possible. The effectiveness of the lesson, the attention of students and your moral satisfaction with your profession depend on this :-) The level of your lesson, its content and methodological parts, interesting content and atmosphere of focus on the current topic determine the quality of students' preparation in your discipline. In order for this level and quality to be at a sufficiently high level, it is necessary that you, in the process of preparing a lesson, try to make it a kind of work, with an idea inherent in each work, an outset, a climax and a denouement.

How to make sure that the lesson not only teaches students certain knowledge and skills, but also arouses genuine interest in students, sincere involvement in the learning process, and forms a creative beginning? The tips and tricks below will help you prepare this lesson.

Preparing for the lesson

When preparing for a lesson (when writing a lesson plan), you need to clearly define and formulate the topic of the lesson. Then you need to decide on the leading topics on which this lesson will be based, and designate that part of the educational material that can be used in further lessons - to determine the prospects for the development of this topic. Mandatory definition and clear formulation for the teacher and separately for students of the target setting of this lesson - is it needed? It is also necessary to prescribe the teaching, developmental and educational functions of this lesson.

Layout of educational material

We find literature on the topic, if the material is new for students, it is necessary to find complete information - a university textbook, a primary source (monograph), a popular science publication, an encyclopedic publication. From the available material, we select only the one that most simply and intelligibly explains the subject of the lesson.

It is best to make a selection of training tasks according to the following criteria:

  • teaching new material
  • reproduction
  • application of acquired knowledge in a new situation
  • application of acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation
  • creativity

Learning tasks need to be ordered, the best choice for students will be a selection - “from simple to complex”.

Compilation of three sets of tasks:

  • tasks that lead students to reproduce the material;
  • tasks that help students comprehend the material;
  • tasks to help reinforce the material.

The highlight of the lesson

A good lesson should contain tasks and material that can cause amazement, delight, surprise of students. It can be an interesting fact, an amazing discovery, a learning experience, a non-standard approach to existing and seemingly ordinary situations. Surf the Internet, ask around your colleagues on forums and thematic sites. You will surely find something interesting.

After the necessary and interesting material is found, it is necessary to group it correctly, think over the sequence of working with it, and prepare for the lesson. It is necessary to find just such a form of presenting the material that will cause active work in the lesson and exclude passive perception of the new.

Planning for monitoring the activities and employment of students in the lesson

When preparing a lesson, you need to decide for yourself: what to control; how to control and how to use the results of control. Don't forget that the more students' work is monitored, the easier it is to see mistakes and glitches, and to show that you, as a teacher, are genuinely interested in their work.

Class preparation

Before starting the lesson, you need to prepare all the visual aids, instruments, additional literature, etc. necessary for the lesson. The material can be written down in advance (say, at recess or if there is a “window” before the lesson) on the blackboard in the form of diagrams, tables or a structured summary, highlighting particularly difficult or significant points.

Preparing homework

Don't forget to plan your homework ahead of time. Try to be original, come up with empirical tasks, for which the children will need to use not only textbooks, but, for example, interview household items or experiment with household items. Prepare recommendations for homework and additional material for home study.

And of course, it’s not for me to tell you that for a properly planned, good lesson, you need to draw up a summary of the lesson. Don't get discouraged if you don't stick to your plan. Just analyze the lesson after it has been delivered and decide what is better to focus on and what is not so important.

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

How to awaken the “appetite” of students for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to competently use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques in order to conduct memorable lessons?

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. An interesting lesson should be history and English, an open lesson and a traditional one. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

    Plan the lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, their tendency to work individually or in a group. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

    Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of fantasy - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.

    Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.

    An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).

    Use a variety of techniques for a fun lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.

    Be flexible! Breakdown of equipment, fatigue of students or unexpected questions - these are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (better - in a playful way).

    How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.

    Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.

    Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.

    To keep your lessons interesting, constantly look for and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!

    Create and constantly replenish your own methodological piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in every lesson.

    Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting English lesson.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

    Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.

    Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell a new topic while sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.

    Give more interesting examples from personal experience, because a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary person. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of successful and effective teaching, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.