Are rules necessary? Abstract: “Do we need rules? Student behavior in the cafeteria

Topic: “Rules in human life: are they needed?”

Target : To form in students the need to comply with the norms of behavior.


To give an idea of ​​the need to regulate human relations;

Develop the ability to correlate your own feelings with the feelings of others.

Equipment : blackboard, leaflets, felt-tip pens, media projector, presentation.

Lesson plan:

1. The game "tic-tac-toe"

2. "Do we need rules in our lives?"

3. “How did you feel when I didn't play by the rules? When did you say I won? What feelings did you have?

4. “Why does a person need rules?”

Does this mean that living by the rules can help people be kinder?

Will other people treat us well if we break the rules?

5. And now you yourself should try to answer the complex issue: “Why does it happen that teachers sometimes or often raise their voice at you during the lesson? What does the teacher's raised voice mean?

(Almost unanimously, the guys agree that this is not just the result of a student's bad behavior, but a violation of the rules of conduct in the lesson).

6. What are the rules of behavior known to you in the lesson.

7. Now try to analyze your behavior over the past week.

Have you violated the rules of conduct in the classroom?

How did you feel about it?

How did the people around you react to it?

What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

Independent work in groups:

1. Communication etiquette

2. Rules of conduct.

Class behavior:

1. When the teacher enters the class, the students stand up and greet the teacher. Like image Students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except during computer time).

2. Each teacher determines the rules for the behavior of students in their classes; these rules should not infringe on the dignity of the student.

3. During the lesson, you can’t make noise, distract yourself and distract other comrades from extraneous conversations, games and other things that are not related to the lesson, as this violates the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

4. During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the lesson. It must be handled carefully and carefully.

5. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

6. The student has the right to defend his opinion and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and controversial issues in the correct form.

7. A little man is drawn on the board in front of you. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person. (arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

If we want to live in peace, if we want to have many friends, if you and I do not want to destroy our good mood, we must remember: “By breaking the rules, we destroy the good feelings towards us from the other person. We are losing friends. We begin to be offended, nervous, and suffer. And all this only because we ourselves do not follow the rules that are established in society.

9. Make a proverb about the culture of behavior in two parts:

10. Students are legally responsible for committed misconduct and crimes. A teenager may be excluded from educational institution for illegal actions (for crimes), for gross and repeated violation of the charter of an educational institution. Each school has a charter that stipulates the rules of conduct in the lyceum, the rules for attending classes. If a student who has reached the age of 16 has repeatedly violated the charter, he is expelled from the school. But do not think that after the exclusion you can do nothing, relax, walk. Organs local government Together with the parents of the expelled person, they are obliged to resolve the issue of his employment or education in another institution within a month.

General rules of conduct

  • The student comes to school 15 minutes before the start of classes; clean, tidy, removes outerwear in the wardrobe, takes a workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson.
  • Bring to class all the necessary notebooks, manuals, stationery
  • It is forbidden to bring weapons (including knives), explosives, flammable substances into the school territory for any purpose and use in any way; liquor, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons
  • Smoking is prohibited on school grounds
  • It is not allowed to chew chewing gum, use players and mobile communications during the lessons
  • It is forbidden to use obscene expressions and gestures
  • Students at the school must respect the dignity of the teaching staff and school staff
  • Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate a person, discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior. The school categorically condemns such behavior.
  • Students protect the property of the school, carefully treat both their own and other people's property, keep cleanliness and order on the territory of the school. In case of damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.
  • All students take part in activities to improve the school and territory, to the best of their physical abilities.
  • Students should respect property rights. Notebooks, pens, jackets and other personal items in the school belong to their respective owners.
  • Students who misappropriate other people's things may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including criminal punishment.
  • Students who find lost or forgotten things, in their opinion, are invited to hand them over to the duty administrator or teacher.
  • In case of absence from class, the student must present class teacher a certificate or write an explanatory note about the reason for the absence from classes.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. When eating in the cafeteria, students are required to maintain good manners and behave decently.

2. Students must respect the employees of the canteen.

3. Talking while eating should not be loud so as not to disturb those who eat in the neighborhood.

4. Students clean the table after eating, put the chairs in their place.

5. Students take care of the property of the school canteen.

11. Summing up class hour.

Parable: An old Eastern sage was asked: "Who did you learn good manners from?" “With the ill-mannered,” he replied, “I avoided doing what they do.”

  • The first condition of upbringing is the knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;
  • 2nd - to train to exercise in correct behavior;
  • third - strong and stable habits of behavior.

Topic: “Rules in human life: are they needed?”

Target: To form in students the need to comply with the norms of behavior.


To give an idea of ​​the need to regulate human relations;

Develop the ability to correlate your own feelings with the feelings of others.

Equipment: blackboard, leaflets, felt-tip pens, media projector, presentation.

Lesson plan:

1. The game "Tic-tac-toe"

2. "Do we need rules in our lives?"

3. “How did you feel when I didn't play by the rules? When did you say I won? What feelings did you have?

4. “Why does a person need rules?”

Does this mean that living by the rules can help people be kinder?

Will other people treat us well if we break the rules?

5. And now you yourself should try to answer the difficult question: “Why does it happen that teachers sometimes or often raise their voice at you during the lesson? What does the teacher's raised voice mean?

(Almost unanimously, the guys agree that this is not just the result of a student's bad behavior, but a violation of the rules of conduct in the lesson).

6. What are the rules of behavior known to you in the lesson.

7. Now try to analyze your behavior over the past week.

Have you violated the rules of conduct in the classroom?

How did you feel about it?

How did the people around you react to it?

What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

Independent work in groups:

1.Etiquette in the Lyceum

2. Rules of conduct.

Class behavior:

1. When the teacher enters the class, the students stand up and greet the teacher. In a similar way, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except for computer time).

2. Each teacher determines the rules for the behavior of students in their classes; these rules should not infringe on the dignity of the student.

3. During the lesson, you can’t make noise, distract yourself and distract other comrades from extraneous conversations, games and other things that are not related to the lesson, as this violates the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

4. During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the lesson. It must be handled carefully and carefully.

5. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

6. The student has the right to defend his opinion and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and controversial issues in the correct form.

8. A little man is drawn on the board in front of you. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

If we want to live in peace, if we want to have many friends, if you and I do not want to destroy our good mood, we must remember: “By breaking the rules, we destroy the good feelings towards us from the other person. We are losing friends. We begin to be offended, nervous, and suffer. And all this only because we ourselves do not follow the rules that are established in society.

9. Make a proverb about the culture of behavior in two parts:

10. Students are legally responsible for committed misconduct and crimes. A teenager can be expelled from an educational institution for illegal actions (for crimes), for gross and repeated violation of the charter of an educational institution. Each lyceum has a charter that stipulates the rules of conduct in the lyceum, the rules for attending classes. If a student who has reached the age of 16 has repeatedly violated the charter, he is expelled from the lyceum. But do not think that after the exclusion you can do nothing, relax, walk. Local self-government bodies, together with the parents of the expelled person, are obliged to resolve the issue of his employment or education in another institution within a month.

In cases of causing material damage, a minor between the ages of 14 and 18 is obliged to compensate for it. If he has no income, then his parents or guardians compensate for the damage. Causing damage is considered not only depriving a person of any thing or money, but also those cases when he has to spend money on treatment due to harm to health.

General rules of conduct

  • The student comes to the lyceum 15 minutes before the start of classes; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, takes a workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson
  • Bring to class all the necessary notebooks, manuals, stationery
  • It is forbidden to bring into the territory of the lyceum for any purpose and use in any way weapons (including knives), explosives, flammable substances; liquor, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons
  • Smoking on the territory of the Lyceum is prohibited
  • It is not allowed to chew chewing gum, use players and mobile communications during the lessons
  • It is forbidden to use obscene expressions and gestures
  • Students in the lyceum must respect the dignity of the teaching staff and employees of the lyceum
  • Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate a person, discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior. The Lyceum categorically condemns such behavior.
  • Students take care of the property of the lyceum, carefully treat both their own and other people's property, keep cleanliness and order on the territory of the lyceum. In case of damage to the property of the lyceum, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.
  • All students take part in activities for the improvement of the lyceum and the territory, to the best of their physical abilities.
  • Students should respect property rights. Notebooks, pens, jackets and other personal items in the lyceum belong to their owners.
  • Students who misappropriate other people's things may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including criminal punishment.
  • Students who find lost or forgotten things, in their opinion, are invited to hand them over to the duty administrator or teacher.
  • In case of missing classes, the student must present a certificate to the class teacher, foreman or write an explanatory note about the reason for the absence from classes.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. When eating in the cafeteria, students are required to maintain good manners and behave decently.

2. Students must respect the employees of the canteen.

3. Talking while eating should not be loud so as not to disturb those who eat in the neighborhood.

4. Students clean the table after eating, put the chairs in their place.

5. Students take care of the property of the school canteen.

1. Students must come to the lyceum in neat clothes designed for classes

2. Clothing must be age-appropriate, express the owner's respect for himself and society.

4. Sportswear is for lessons physical education, in other lessons it is inappropriate.

5. It is not allowed to be in the lyceum in outerwear, without special reasons.

11. Summing up the lesson.

Parable: An old Eastern sage was asked: "Who did you learn good manners from?" “With the ill-mannered,” he replied, “I avoided doing what they do.”

  • The first condition of upbringing is the knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;
  • 2nd - to train to exercise in the right behavior;
  • third - strong and stable habits of behavior.

ABC of Law. Are rules necessary?

Target: bring children to the realization of the need to comply with certain rules in behavior, activities (traffic rules, fire safety rules, relationships between people, etc.).

Age of students: 9-11 years old


Fairy tale Bondarenko "Kind word".

Lesson progress

    Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson .

You often hear the words “no” and “should”. Why do you think rules exist and are they necessary? Is it worth discussing. That's what we're going to talk about in today's lesson.

Listen to the poem:

All my life (literally all)

So far - from some "impossible"!

You can't twist a dog's tail

You can't build a bridge out of books

(Or maybe even a castle

From the thickest books!)

The crane at the stove cannot be turned,

Sit on the windowsill

Touch the fire with your hand

Well, and bite.

You can't throw a salt shaker into your tea,

Can't write on the tablecloth

Gnawing a dirty carrot

And open the oven.

Repair electrical wires

(albeit cautiously)...

Uh, I'll show you when everything is everything

I will be able to!

R. Rozhdestvensky .

What rules are mentioned in this poem? Why can't this be done? What was this boy's dream? Or can you really do without rules and do what you want? So rules are needed?

    Discussion of the rules .

    Discuss the rules of conduct on the road:

What rules of conduct on the road do you know?

What would happen if they didn't exist?

What happens if someone doesn't follow through?

Conclusion: non-observance of the rules of behavior on the road leads to injuries, accidents, accidents, brings grief to people.

    Discuss fire safety rules.

What fire safety rules do you know? Surely, your parents told you about them at home, at the teacher's lessons?

You can't play with matches, you can't make fires in the street, etc.

    Derivation of the rules of kindness.

Guys, please listen to Bondarenko's tale "Kind Word".

What do you think the purpose of the Viper was?

What rule can be drawn from this tale?

Conclusion: good word good deeds work miracles.

Proverb discussion:

    A good word is a good answer.

    A good word lives for two centuries.

Question for thought (unanswered):

Think about how often you do good deeds?

What is the main rule in a relationship between people?

Bottom line: treat people the way you want them to treat you.

    Role-playing game"Bus".

Students stand in two lines with their backs to each other. They depict a "densely packed" bus. Everyone in turn must “squeeze” to the exit, passing between the rows of “passengers”.

Draw the children's attention to who resorted to polite, kind words, and who to force and rudeness.

How would you like to respond when you were politely addressed? What about when you were rude?

5. Summing up.

Guys, today we talked about the rules of conduct. Are they needed? Why should they be followed? What happens if you don't follow the rules? What should be the rules for everyone to follow? (Necessary, fair, secure)

Attachment 1 .

"Kind word" Bondarenko.

Good word.

Willow warbler hatched chicks in the nest. These were her first chicks. She rejoiced at them, showed them to everyone. He sees the Flycatcher, calls her: - Flycatcher, look: I have chicks in the nest.

Flycatcher will not have time to fly away, she already calls Drozda:

Drozd, what are you doing there? Come see what chicks I have in the nest.

On an old birch stump the Viper was warming himself. She heard the willow warbler say to Zaryanka:

They are my chicks so far, but when they grow up, they will be birds.

“But they won’t,” thought the Viper, sliding down from the stump. “Colnu now each one once, and there will be nothing to rejoice at.”

She was not loved in the forest. No one was friends with her, and she decided to take revenge on Willow Warbler immediately for everyone.

And Penochka saw her and fluttered her wings:

Snake, dear, look what kind of chicks I have in the nest ... Well, why are you stopping? Go here.

But the Viper did not move. She did not expect Penochka to meet her so joyfully. Everyone in the forest calls her, Viper, Viper, and Penochka said “Snake”, and Penochka said “dear”. And the Viper did not move.

Well, what are you, - Penochka became sad. - Do you want to see my chicks? After all, they are only chicks so far, but when they grow up, they will be birds.

The Viper lifted its head above Chiffchaff's nest. I saw five pink living lumps with open mouths. Said:

They will be birds.

And moved aside. A heavy drop of poison fell from her thin lip onto a leaf of sparrow peas. And the sheet immediately turned black.

"Do we need rules?"

Objectives: to give children an idea of ​​the need for rules in various relationships; to the rules set by the school.

Metaphor: "A man without rules is like boiling milk: there is no milk, and everything around is dirty."

Lesson progress

Today at the lesson we continue the topic “Raised child”.

In the last lesson, we started talking about the Rules of Conduct at School.

Getting to know the basic rules

Students are required to comply with the Charter of the school, study conscientiously, treat property with care, respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees, and comply with the internal regulations:

Observe the schedule of classes (lessons, electives, special courses), do not be late and do not miss classes without a good reason;

Keep the school and school yard clean;

Take care of the school building, equipment, property;

Carefully treat the results of the work of other people and provide all possible assistance in cleaning school premises while on duty in the classroom, around the school;

Keep order and cleanliness in the dining room, locker room, toilet;

Pay due attention to your health and the health of others;

Take an active part in the collective creative affairs of the class and school;

Stick to business style clothes.

Students are prohibited from:

Bring, transfer and use alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, narcotic and toxic substances;

Use any substances leading to explosions and fires;

Use physical force to sort things out or extortion;

Perform any actions that entail a danger to others, to one's own life and health;

Use rude language in relation to other students and to all school employees.

Appearance of students

The student is obliged to come to school neatly (cleanly, neatly, not colorfully) dressed, is obliged to have and change clothes at school with changeable shoes. Outdoor and outdoor shoes must be clean.

A student at school should be neatly and not defiantly combed, have a clean handkerchief, comb.

The student must monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, teeth, nose, it is not allowed to pronounce swear words and obscene words and expressions.

When speaking with elders, the student should stand up. You can't keep your hands in your pockets. The transition to a free mode of communication is allowed with the permission of an adult.

Requirements for students in the classroom

After the bell, students should immediately take their seats at the study tables and prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

When the teacher enters, the students stand up.

Before the start of the lesson, the attendants give the teacher a list of students who are absent from this lesson.

Late students are allowed to the lesson with the permission of the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

When called to answer, the student should stand up and go to the board. He must give the diary to the teacher for grading.

The rules of conduct at school are needed to create a normal school working environment, a safe environment that contributes to the successful study of each student.

“Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts”

A.P. Chekhov

The rules of conduct contain nothing that would be inaccessible to the understanding of a student of any age. Their implementation depends only on the knowledge of the requirements and the desire to follow them.

Let's listen to the story about Trumbik.

Working with a fairy tale

Trumbik stayed in the country and went to school. But he didn't know that there were rules too. Trumbik was very proud that he was in school, that he had a portfolio. When the teacher entered the classroom, he began to shout loudly:

Hello, auntie!

Leaf, who was seated next to Trumbik, grabbed his arm:

What are you, this is the teacher Khurminka Apelsinovna! She should be called by her first name! You can't call a teacher an aunt at school.

When the lesson came to an end, Trumbik jumped out of the classroom first.

Wow, I'm tired of sitting! - he said and rushed down the school corridor, knocking everyone in his path. When the teacher took his hand, he broke free and ran away, deciding that Khurminka Apelsinovna also wanted to play with him. He, laughing, hid from her under the stairs. Holding his breath, he sat and watched everyone look for him. He thought: “That's the game, that's the fun I came up with!”

So he sat under the stairs for an hour or two. And then he got tired of sitting, and he went to class. Throwing the door wide open, he shouted, “Yeah, they didn’t find it. Now you're hiding!" Khurminka Apelsinovna for some reason began to scold him. He was offended by everyone and silently sat down at his desk. But soon he got tired of sitting still and wanted to talk to Leaf. He began loudly asking Leaf different questions, rummaging through his briefcase, sneezing and laughing, and in the end fell off his chair. Just like that, because he got bored.

Khurminka Apelsinovna made comments to him all the time. The guys first laughed at him, and then they began to look at him somehow askance. But Trumbik did not notice this. The next lesson was reading. The children read an interesting story. But Trumbik got tired of that too:

You are sitting here, spelling something out ... Mom reads quickly, so why read it yourself? It's better to listen to your mother, And to read, somehow, then I'll learn!

The boys started to get angry.

Shut up, please, you're disturbing us! We are very interested in reading!

But Trumbik did not calm down. He began fiddling with his briefcase again, eating sandwiches and falling off his chair.

The bell rang for recess, but for some reason the guys didn't accept Trumbik into their games. Trumbik stood alone all the break. Physical education was the next lesson. Trumbik really liked this lesson, where you can jump and run. But suddenly the teacher Minutkin said:

Guys, sit quietly on the bench for a minute, I will now put the mats to the log, and together we will learn to perform the exercise on the log.

Trumbik came up with the following thought: “The guys didn’t communicate with me for a whole break, and now I’ll show them how brave and fearless I am, I can also do a lot! Now I'm going to walk on this log! Without the help of teacher Minutes! And Trumbik rushed to the log. He climbed on it so quickly that no one noticed how he was already dancing with might and main on a log. Only his joyful cries attracted the attention of the children and the teacher:

Look at me, trawl-la, trawl-la! That's how I can! I am very good. Oh oh oh! - And at the same moment, Trumbik fell from the log upside down. There were no mats under the log, so Trumbik hit very, very hard.

He cried so loudly that everyone felt sorry for him. But teacher Minutkin said:

Trumbik, I warned you, but you didn't listen to me. Why do you think this happened?

Trumbik considered.

Guys, why do you think this happened?


Please think about what would happen at school if there were no rules?

Would you like such a life when you are beaten, offended, taken away, called names?

So do we need rules or not?

School rules are needed. They help us. It is sometimes very difficult to fulfill them and you don’t want to, but you still need to

Game "The Best"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a school. And in this school there were Rules, Let's get to know them (The host calls the rule and shows his drawing): “Behave calmly in the lessons”, “We play at breaks”, “You need to listen to the teacher”, “Fights are prohibited”, “Jump up in the lessons it is forbidden". The rules helped the guys to play, make friends, and resolve disputes.

But once strong wind brought with him a prickly pear. The kids, of course, wondered what it was. They touched her. Immediately pieces of Thorn stuck to their fingers. No matter how hard the guys tried, they could not wash them. And the next day, fights and quarrels broke out at school. The rules ran from one student to another, trying to reconcile and calm them ... But it was all to no avail. The guys called each other names, did not listen to the teacher. It turned out that this thorn was made of Anger and Harm. Whoever touches her becomes evil. Rules all the time tried to make friends with the guys, but nothing worked. Then the Rules decided "Since you don't need us and can't help us in any way, we're leaving this school." The guys shouted joyfully: “Of course, leave, we don’t need you, you just interfere with life.”

Hearing such words, the rules are gone. They were offended that they were not noticed, they were not paid any attention to. After all, it would also be unpleasant for you if no one paid attention to you, right? The rules got together and left the school. But we know with you how difficult it is to live without rules: it is not known how and what to do. Guys, what will happen if the "no fights" rule goes away? (Thus, the consequences of each violation of the rule are analyzed). That is, we can conclude that the rules have a very hard job, they are very, very necessary and useful.

Lesson Summary:

What conclusions can we draw? Will people be able to live without rules?

"Say a kind word."

Each in turn will say to the neighbor good words, for something to praise him. We will do this in order to leave class with a joyful feeling.