A good person should be fine. There must be many good people. An attempt to fill an emotional void or get away from unpleasant emotions

In life, we find different workarounds and come up with many excuses in order not to deviate from the usual way of life in favor of a more useful one. Some of them are firmly included in our everyday vocabulary and become winged. For example, the popular excuse " Good man there must be a lot! Why do we say so?

Picture " good people, which should be many” - to attract attention.

An oversized man with a beer belly is sitting in the corridor of the district clinic and thoughtfully counting something on a calculator. A familiar nurse comes up to him and asks: “What are you doing, Van?” And Vanya looks up and says thoughtfully: “Yes, I just came from a gastroenterologist, he did an examination and said that my weight does not correspond to my height, like I have obesity. Here, I think, how much I need to grow up to match "

The saying that a good person should be a lot came to us from antiquity and initially it meant something else. From ancient times in Russia, the recipe for health was also known: to engage in physical labor, eat a lot of meat, honey and porridge, and drink a lot of milk. Following this tradition, thin boys grew up into healthy, strong men, who waved their swords like a reed, and bent horseshoes, and walked on a bear with their bare hands. In general, can you imagine a thin Russian hero? Of course, in Russian villages and lazy fat people came across, but this was rather an exception to the rule.

Now, fullness does not always mean strength. With the advent of such benefits of civilization as machine tools, computers, cars, people began to move less and engage in physical labor. Culinary traditions have also changed, with supermarkets and fast food outlets popping up, selling greasy or chemical-laden foods. All this led to the spread of the disease of the century. information technologies- obesity.

Sorry, but I will call a spade a spade. It's one thing - a strong, strong man, and another thing - a weak fat man. Now fat people rule the world. Modern fat men build their business, make important decisions, write programs and books, create the most complex drawings and conduct unique research, and at the same time they can never pull themselves up on the horizontal bar, and when climbing stairs they are haunted by excruciating shortness of breath. Physically weak, with flabby muscles, with a sagging belly and female breasts, with high blood pressure, suffering from problems with digestion, the spine and the cardiovascular system, with bad breath - and this person should be a lot? Not at all.

At heart, almost any fat man dreams of a beautiful, muscular body, but he cannot always do something. Only a few have the willpower to overcome themselves, to change their beliefs and lifestyle in favor of health. The rest only sigh and hide behind the words: There should be a lot of a good person!


No wonder the proverb "There should be many good people" was born. Observant people have long noticed that fat people, as a rule, are the soul of the company. Cheerful, cheerful, kind. And now these character traits have been confirmed by genetic tests.

“Fat people are less likely than thin people to feel sad and moping,” says study leader Professor David Meir from McMaster University (Canada).

He and his colleagues analyzed 17,200 DNA samples taken from study participants from 21 countries. And they found that the so-called obesity gene FTO, which is responsible for the development of obesity, is also a "happiness gene" - it reduces the risk of developing depression by 8 percent.

Special tests and surveys have shown that people with the FTO gene are more optimistic than their skinny peers.

By the way, maybe because of their kindness, people gain weight. Such a paradoxical hypothesis was put forward by scientists from National Institute aging (USA). For almost 50 years, they scrupulously collected information about two thousand earthlings. We studied their character, habits, inclinations, and at the same time fluctuations in weight. And found out amazing fact: the character of a person influenced his figure.

So, it turned out that extroverts certainly gain weight. Volunteers who were distinguished by high emotionality, openness, friendliness, weighed an average of 10 kg more than introverts - closed, non-impulsive people. However, the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear.


Large breasts, thin waist, wide, rich hips attract men's looks. And, as a rule, they are in demand among true connoisseurs of female beauty. But, as it turned out recently, it's not just about the external effect. And not that a woman with more pronounced forms is better able to bear children, as previously thought.

Scientists from the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Pittsburgh, having examined and tested 16,000 volunteers, came to the conclusion that the intellectual abilities of curvy women are much higher than thin ones. Moreover, their children are born smarter.

“Women’s thighs contain omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the brain, first of the mother, and then of the child,” says one of the researchers, Steven Galin. – Men react because it is important for reproduction.

However, scientists emphasize that it is the fat on the hips that contributes to the increase in intelligence. And the one at the waist contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids. And the mind does not add. And the men don't respond.

“By the way,” says Galina’s colleague William Lassek, “children born to skinny teenage mothers do worse on cognitive tests because they didn’t have enough omega-3s in their thighs.


If there is a malfunction in the body, then no diets will help.

Being full isn't so bad. However, most would like to lose weight. Nothing will come of it if you don't try. In lazy people, the body perceives extra pounds as the norm. Until the end of days, nothing will help such a fat man to lose weight - neither physical activity, nor all kinds of diets.

“The subconscious does not allow a person to lose kilograms and avoid their return,” says study leader Malcolm Lowe from the University of Michigan. - As soon as a person gets fat, the brain is “reprogrammed” and gets used to the new image of “beautiful and moderately well-fed”. It's incredibly difficult to convince him.

The disease "obesity" has psychological prerequisites. At present, this idea is banal and obvious.

However, half a century ago, such a statement would have caused considerable resistance from both professionals and patients.

A course in psychosomatics that I studied in the 1980s. at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, did not even touch on the topic “Psychological prerequisites for obesity” - such a popular one today.

Currently, there are many approaches to the study and correction psychological background obesity. I will try to outline the main ones that representatives of almost all areas agree with.

So, among the psychological factors that lead to obesity, psychologists most often note low self-esteem, weak self-control, low stress tolerance.

Borderline factors such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety-depressive disorder, which have a huge impact on the risk of obesity, are likely to require the inclusion of psychiatric specialists in treatment.


How to determine

The man apologizes even for asking an extra question. He sits down awkwardly, as if afraid to take up too much space. In response to a compliment, he says: “Oh, I just washed my hair today.”

Sometimes low self-esteem manifests itself paradoxically - a person behaves defiantly, as if trying the world: "Is that allowed?". At the same time, it is possible to determine that his self-esteem and confidence are low by the fact that he behaves completely differently with the “strong” and “weak” of this world and is instantly “blown away”, having received a rebuff.

How to influence

Celebrate his progress in treatment. At the same time, focus not on praise (“well done, you try”), but on objective facts (“today your weight is less by X, your Y indicator has changed”). The fact is that praise can make a patient with low self-esteem feel uncomfortable or doubtful, he can begin to apologize and make excuses. And objective information will act in addition to his "complexes" and will strengthen his Adult position.

Help him build his confidence and determination to succeed. To do this, you can use "coaching" questions. Coaching questions and coaching conversations enable the patient to come to the necessary decisions and conclusions and take responsibility. Also, this approach enhances self-control, which we will discuss later.


How to determine

In the journal “Practical Dietology”, No. 1(9) in the article “Responsibility for Health”, we discussed the issue of self-control (you can purchase a printed version of the journal with this material in the online store www.argumentkniga.ru, also read the publication available on the website of the publication www.. ed.). You can also view the health control test again there.

Detect Low subjective control in a patient without a test, it is possible by the way he talks about himself and others, about achievements and failures.

His typical phrases are:

  • If I hadn't been interrupted, I would have done it.
  • How can I not eat if they are always buying delicious food.
  • It's just lucky for me.

How to influence

First, you can help the patient identify and feel their area of ​​responsibility. You can also use the "coaching" questions above to do this.

Secondly, consider the stereotypes of patients regarding health, which we discussed in the journal No. 4 (8) in the article "Patient Stereotypes". There are two stereotypes that are especially pronounced and prevent treatment with poor self-control in patients with a tendency to obesity: reactivity (“If you can’t, then you really want to”) and delay feedback(“Then I’ll feel bad, but that’s later.”)

Recall briefly:

1. Reactivity (“If you can’t, then you really want to”).

Reactivity is especially manifested in prohibitions. Therefore, it is better to shift the focus from the prohibition of the harmful to the promotion of the useful. For example, instead of the phrase “You can’t eat sweets,” it’s better to say: “Eat sweets after protein foods. If you eat the amount of protein your body needs while eating, then you will not have the desire to eat a lot of sweets.

2. Feedback delay ("I'll feel bad later, but that's later").

Feedback delay is that forbidden goodies bring tangible pleasures right now, but harm is not obvious at all (no one gains critical weight the day after eating a huge cake). At the same time, the beneficial actions recommended require efforts right now, and valuable results will be borne in the indefinite future.

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“The first study on the role of the family in the development and maintenance of overeating and obesity was conducted by Leann L. Birch in 1987. According to the author, food is often used by parents to reinforce desirable or undesirable behavior in children. Parents, by rewarding their children with sweets, increase the appeal of sweets in general. Specific interactions between parents and children also explain other forms of learned behavior, such as “always eat to the end”,” note the authors of a review of studies on family psychological aspects of the problem of obesity, published in the scientific and practical journal “Practical Medicine. Neurology. Psychiatry” dated April 23, 2012

Therefore, it is necessary to approximate feedback.

Explain how the consequences of violating the recommendations of a dietitian (almost imperceptibly so far) are manifested and how compliance with the recommendations has a positive effect. And measure, measure, measure: centimeters at the waist and hips, body mass index, etc. This is the only way to make sure that in the mind of the patient, instead of a distant vague goal, there is a clear path with marks that he sees every day.


How to determine

Manifestations as current state stress and general low stress tolerance can be very different. We have discussed them in part in articles on stress in previous issues of the magazine.

Among the external manifestations can be both physiological (for example, vegetovascular) and psychological.

Thus, patients who are stuck in the position of the Parent are significantly subject to stress. You will notice them by the fact that they always know how it should be, and constantly evaluate everyone and everything. They experience excessive stress due to the fact that they “know and can do everything”, so they gain a huge number of tasks and responsibilities, which they then cannot cope with. In addition, they are full of rigid expectations. The gap between these expectations and reality brings additional suffering.

How to influence

Correction of the patient's low stress resistance requires special psycho-corrective work. In the course of his communication with such patients, a nutritionist can soften his stuck on the position of the Parent, bring the interlocutor to the Adult position.

To do this, in the journal No. 1 (5) in the article. Communication tool. we practiced the technique of questions—open, neutral questions about a fact. For example, “What was the highest pressure you had?”, “In what year did your weight reach 100 kg?”.


One of the most common coaching techniques is the GROW model. This model, proposed by J. Whitmore, is based on a certain sequence of posing effective questions. J. Whitmore considers it fundamentally important to start with the definition of a goal, and not with an analysis of the current situation, which can become a brake on setting a goal.

Stages Examples
GOAL - goal setting What would you like to achieve?
What result would you consider very good?
Is our goal measurable?
Do you really want it?
REALITY - analysis of reality What situation are you in right now?
What resources do we have?
Who else can influence the situation?
What have you done about it?
Options - defining opportunities for action What can help us solve the problem?
What method will we take?
What are your alternatives to this approach?
What are the advantages and hidden disadvantages of these options?
What options do you prefer?
Will - educating the will to act What do we choose to achieve the goal?
What will help you achieve your goal?
What will be the next steps?
When exactly will you take them?
What obstacles might you face?

Adapted from John Whitmore's book High Performance Coaching, published in 1992.

Nutritionist's word

So, we have considered with you such factors as low self-esteem, weak self-control and low stress resistance. You can use techniques to identify these factors and recommend exposure. Because the word of a nutritionist working with an obese patient has not only an informational, but also a psychotherapeutic effect, which, according to modern ideas, is absolutely necessary for the patient.

God, why?! groaned Ted, angrily picking up another piece of Brussels sprouts from his plate with a fork. - Cabbage is healthy, it contains a lot of vitamin C and almost no calories! - Benjamin stood up for the vegetable, however, without expressing a desire to stand in line for a useful product. - When will the normal menu be returned to us? - the pilot did not let up. - For breakfast, a slice of grapefruit, for lunch - cabbage, and I don’t even want to remember about dinner. It just doesn't exist! When will the extra pounds run off the sides and ... ahem ... another place ... Polina and we will be able to eat normally ?! For me, it suits her well ... *** Two weeks earlier. A hysterical cry came from the biologist's cabin. Then something rattled to the floor. - Fifty eight! My God! Even elephants don't weigh that much! - If you're talking about tons, then yes, they don't weigh, - the cyborg cautiously informed his friend, looking into her cabin. - And if about kilograms, then this is the weight of a newborn baby elephant ... - I'm not going to joke here! All! I am losing weight! - Lose weight, please, who forbids you? Theodore jumped in with an impudent look. - Say that today one serving of dessert is less? - What's for dessert? - I won’t tell you, you won’t be him anyway! Ted chuckled, glancing pointedly at the shelf with the box of chocolates. Catching the direction of his gaze, Polina resolutely grabbed the box from the shelf and thrust it into her hands, a little taken aback by such generosity of the cyborg. - Here! All! And I don't need dessert! And I won't eat at all! Theodore carefully closed the cabin door and glanced blankly at Dan, who was still standing with the box in his hands. - And what got into her? the pilot asked in bewilderment. - And in general, she is not so fat ... And when the three of us could not fit on the sofa, it was Dan's fault. - And why me? – the cyborg was indignant. - Mmmm... Well... You took a pack of chips with you, so it occupied the place! I held her on my knees. - So what? Still took it! *** For several days after this conversation, Polina walked around irritated and ate very little. Looking greedily at Dan eating condensed milk and chips, and Ted eating meat or drinking beer (terribly high in calories!), she grew gloomier and gloomier. - Don't be sad, girlfriend, - Ted said nonchalantly, throwing a cookie into his mouth, - there should be a lot of a good person! And in general, I weigh twenty-five kilograms more than you, and that suits me! - You have half of this muscle, and you are two heads taller than me! - So what? Ted asked smugly. - That this conversation is just a waste of time! The cabin door slammed. The pilot was left to finish the cookies with an absolutely innocent look. The situation was different with Dan. He did not understand at all: a) why Polina was so worried about her body weight; b) why Ted doesn't care at all that Polina cares what her body weight is. - She's a girl! - Ted explained to a friend, - well ... she wants to be beautiful and thinks that for this she needs to lose weight. - Why is she mad at me? - Yes, she is angry at everyone, just hungry! By the way, that box she gave you… Have you eaten all the chocolate yet? - Not. I'm going to give it back to her when she loses weight. - So, never. Give it to me, will you? - Can i? “It’s my own fault that I gave it away,” Theodore laughed, taking the box. - If anything, chocolates can be bought almost everywhere! *** By the way, it was almost impossible to go to the gym now. On one of the sports equipment, puffing Polina was definitely found. Dan was puzzled. Polina, who used to be such a good friend, has turned into a vixen obsessed with losing weight. She even made him plot the route so that they only land at stations that have a fitness club! All this affected the crew of the ship so much that after a week of torment, the captain decided to talk to Polina. - Polina, you understand ... This is harmful for your body. You are young, you need to eat well! Venya believes that you are only undermining your health. - I'm fixing it! Losing extra pounds! Are they harmful to health? Harmful! And Veniamin Ignatievich will also confirm this! Let's call him! A few minutes later the doctor was already in the captain's cabin. - Polina, I fully approve of your undertaking! Benjamin began enthusiastically. “Of course, you shouldn’t let things take their course. I can make a menu for you. Yes, and you, Stasik, would not hurt to lose a couple of extra pounds ... - What? the captain choked. “Then you too!” Look what a belly he ate! - I've got a great idea! Polina intervened. Let's all lose weight! Otherwise, I’m bored alone ... And we’ll force Ted! He laughs at me all the time! - Theodore eats a lot of fatty foods, I think it will not hurt him, - the captain grinned. *** As a result, everyone on the ship began to lose weight, except for Dan (he could already control his metabolism) and Mikhalych, who hardly ate anyway, all the time being in the engine room. Polina enthusiastically contributed to the diet. They agreed with Masha (“a woman with a woman is always mutual language will find! - said Theodore), and now, if a chocolate wrapper rustled in the cabin, a candy wrapper or a beer can lid snapped, Masha turned on the old air raid alarm (as in the twenty-first century) and an angry Polina was brought to the sound. She caught Ted at the scene of the crime a total of fourteen times, and he, sighing, went to eat salad. Or cabbage. The menu was varied. After much persuasion, without inciting Dan to her side, Polina, reluctantly, allowed Masha not to control his cabin. It was somehow embarrassing to take away the condensed milk from Dan, especially since the cyborg needed much more energy than a person. Now Dan's cabin was something of a safe dining room. Ted came there with a bag of chips, and if Polina happened to pass by, he hurriedly shoved the chips to Dan, and there was nothing to complain about. That's just the beer still had to give up. The cyborg didn't like him. Ignoring Theodore, the captain and the doctor kept to their diet. They went to the gym, ate healthy food and encouraged Polina with their zeal alone. However, it gradually began to disappear. *** On the fifteenth day, Benjamin stepped into Dan's rescue cabin with a bag of chips, hamburgers, and other fast food. To the dumb bewilderment of the cyborg, he whispered, "Don't give me to HER!" and began to eat, treating Dan to a hamburger. On the eighteenth day, Theodore and Benjamin collided in the cyborg's cabin. Taking the problem philosophically, they divided the food among themselves and began to come to Dan together. On the twenty-fifth day, the captain ran into Dan's cabin, unable to stand it. Pulling out from under his shirt a cake he had bought secretly at the last station, he turned around and stared in surprise at the friendly group sitting on the couch eating chips. Dan looked at his hungry friends with tenderness, melancholy tormenting the cookie. - Welcome, captain! shouted Ted, defiantly tossing the chips up and catching it in his mouth. *** Since then, the company began to meet regularly on its island of freedom. Polina, who noticed that her friends not only did not lose weight, but also got better, began to suspect something. And set up surveillance for the team. On the thirtieth day, she finally figured out what was going on. Intending to triumphantly solve the crime, she, having waited for another gorge, opened the door to the cabin and ... froze in place. The cabin smelled delicious. Normal food that the poor girl hadn't seen in over a month. Friends, frozen with their mouths full, she simply did not notice. Polina's attention was completely captured by SHE. Chocolate with nuts. She was lying on a chair, so tasty, so alluring ... - Oh, to hell with everything! the biologist shouted and sank her teeth into a chocolate bar. Dan and Ted looked at each other, and the pilot frustratedly handed the redhead a can of condensed milk. “I told you it wouldn’t take two months!” Dan remarked quite well.

There must be many good people

1) about the full h-ke;

2) about a good ch-ke.

Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions. - M.: PAIMS. V.P. Belyanin, I.A. Butenko. 1994 .

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