Brief description of the story chuk and gek. Review of A. Gaidar's story “Chuk and Gek. The main characters of the story "Chuk and Gek" and their characteristics

Chuk and Gek

Micro-retelling: A touching story about how young Muscovites - seven-year-old Chuk and six-year-old Gek - went with their mother to their father, who was on a distant geological expedition. About how they struggled with a cruel winter and all sorts of difficulties, because they were not met by their father, who went on an urgent assignment, but sent a telegram, which the children threw out the window and did not let their mother read ...

The brothers Chuk and Gek live with their mother in Moscow. My father works in the taiga, near the Blue Mountains. One winter, the postman brings a letter from his father: the geologist cannot come, but invites the family to visit.

A week passes in preparation for a long trip, the mother collects things, the boys make a dagger and a pike - they are preparing for a bear hunt. On the eve of departure, the postman reappears - brings a telegram. Chuck we hide it in our box. There is a fight between the brothers - Chuk broke his brother's peak, he throws a box out the window in revenge. Having realized the boys run downstairs, but the telegrams are not found. The mothers decide not to talk about the postman's visit: they won't have to lie - she won't ask anything.

The boys are happy to ride the train. Huck looks more out the window, Chuck gets to know the passengers. Finally they get off at a small station. To the surprise of the mother, no one meets them, and they still have to drive 100 kilometers through the taiga. Mother agrees with the coachman, they go further on a sleigh.

In the evening they stop at the hut-station for the night. In the morning they go further through the forest and mountains. Only in the evening do they reach the base of geologists. People in the settlement are not visible, only the watchman's hut is not locked, but it is empty.

The boys climb onto the warm stove and fall asleep. The watchman who appeared was surprised at the guests: Sereginvel told the family to postpone the trip, he himself carried the telegram to the station. Geologists went to the taiga for two weeks. Mother reproachfully looks at the stove, from where the friendly cry of deceivers is heard.

The watchman is going to go check the traps, it will take two days. Guests will have to host themselves. Just in case, he leaves one gun.

The watchman has been gone for the fourth day now, stocks are running out. Mother and Chuk go to fetch water, and Huck, who is sick, is ordered to wait for them. Upon returning, the mother does not find Huck, it is getting dark outside. Taking a gun, the woman goes in search. In the yard, she fires into the air and hears a return shot. The dog of the returning watchman quickly finds the loss: Huck is sleeping in a chest - he wanted to play a joke and fell asleep by accident.

The watchman hands over the keys to Seregin's house and a letter. The guests put things in order and prepare for the New Year's Eve. A beautiful Christmas tree is brought from the forest, the boys make toys out of paper.

Soon the geologists will return to the base. New Year they are greeted by a large friendly company to the accordion and the sound of the Moscow chimes, which they hear on the radio.

Among the most popular stories for children by A. Gaidar is "Chuk and Gek", summary which we invite you to read. The trip of two brothers to the taiga, where their father lived and worked, became a real adventure for them. And for young readers - the opportunity to plunge into interesting world peers.


Chuk and Gek lived in Moscow with their mother, while their father was on an expedition in the taiga. For a year he had not seen his family, and when winter came, he received permission to invite his wife and children to visit him and immediately sent them a letter.

When the postman rang the doorbell, the boys fought again. Chuk and Gek (the summary does not allow us to talk about their pranks) were afraid that their mother had come. For punishment, she took them to their rooms for two whole hours. So they immediately wiped away their tears and rushed to the door together.

The boys immediately realized that the letter was from dad. Chuk and Gek decided that he would come home, and for joy they fell on the sofa and pounded their feet on the wall. Because of the screams and noise, the children did not hear their mother come. She began to read the letter, and her face first became sad, and then lit up with a smile. Mom explained that dad cannot come home, but he calls them to him. This is the beginning of the story "Chuk and Gek", a summary of which you are reading.

Lost telegram

Preparations for departure took a week and were almost completed. Mom went to the station for tickets, and her sons quarreled again. If only they knew what it would lead to!..

Chuck was practical. He had a metal box and a shoebox containing various things. Huck was not thrifty like his brother, but he knew how to sing well. And at that moment, when Chuk took out a box to take it with him, the bell rang. The postman brought a telegram, which the boy hid in his box. Entering the room, Chuk saw his brother fighting with his cardboard lance with a homemade pike. A fight ensued, and Huck threw the telegram box out the window. Chuk shouting "Telegram!" rushed out into the street, Huck hurried after him. But they didn't find the box. The brothers decided to tell about everything only if the mother herself asks about the telegram. This was the day and its summary. Chuk and Gek - Gaidar A.P. uses this offense to create intrigue - remained silent. But mother did not know that the postman was coming, and therefore the next evening the whole family set off on a long journey.

The path to the taiga

First we went by train. Outside the window flashed now snow-covered fields, then a forest, then stations. Trains passing by met. Huck walked along the carriage at night and, getting lost, ended up in someone else's compartment. And Chuk got to know the passengers and received a lot of interesting things as a gift.

Finally, we got off at a small station. But there were no sleighs for them. The upset mother agreed with the coachman that he would take them to the place for a hundred rubles. After a snack in the buffet, we went further, spending the night in a small hut along the way. It was not until the next evening that they reached the station where Papa lived.

Such was the journey that Chuk and Gek made (the summary includes only its main points).

Nobody is waiting

But next to the three houses there were no people, no traces. Mom was frightened, and the coachman led everyone to the watchman's hut and, adding that the latter should return in the evening (the stove was warm and the cabbage soup had not been taken out into the cold), he got ready to go back. He invited his mother to return with him, but she refused.

The watchman showed up in the evening. He explained that the head of the party, Seregin, sent a telegram in which he asked his wife to postpone the arrival for two weeks, since everyone had gone to the taiga for ten. The mother looked sternly at the children, and they roared together, then told about the telegram. It remained to wait for the return of the expedition.

Left alone

The watchman left for two days to check the traps, and the mother was left alone with the children. So the story "Chuk and Gek" continues. Arkady Gaidar describes how they skinned a dead hare, fetched water, stoked the stove. It was especially scary at night.

The fourth day came, and the watchman did not return. Huck became quite sad, and it seemed to his mother that he had a fever. She left him at home, and she went with Chuk to fetch water. On the way back, the sleigh overturned, and had to return to the spring again. By the time we got to the hut, it was already dark. However, there was neither Huck nor his sheepskin coat and cap in the room. The worried mother grabbed the gun left by the watchman and went in search. Pulling the trigger, she heard gunshots. This watchman hastened to the hut. It turned out that the bored Huck decided to scare his mother and brother and, having grabbed clothes, hid in a large chest. He lay in it so long that he fell asleep and did not hear what a commotion arose.

And the watchman was late because he went to the geologists. He brought the keys to my father's room and a letter. The next morning, the family moved into a new hut.

The most beautiful New Year

Mom cleaned up the house. The watchman brought a fluffy Christmas tree from the forest, and they all began to make toys together. Finally, on the eve of the New Year, the party returned. Chuk and Gek, seeing the approaching dog team, rushed to the bearded man who was running ahead.

And in the evening they all celebrated the New Year together. Thus ends the story, and with it the summary of the book "Chuk and Gek."

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Chuk and Gek live in Moscow with their mother. A telegram comes from his father, who works in the taiga as the head of a reconnaissance and geological station. He invites everyone to visit. The boys persuade their mother to go. She agrees and goes to get the tickets. At this time, another telegram is brought, but the children hide it from their mother, as Huck inadvertently throws away the box in which she was lying. When the train arrived at the station, my mother was surprised that no one met them, because she was giving a telegram. The coachman agrees to bring it for a hundred roubles.
The base where the father should be is empty, everyone has gone to the taiga. The watchman, who remained here, personally sent a telegram to delay the arrival. It was the same telegram that Huck had thrown away. It was difficult for the first time in the taiga, but everyone coped and waited for the expedition to return on the eve of the New Year. There was a beautiful Christmas tree, Huck read his poems, Chuk danced, everyone wished each other happiness to the chimes, it means to live honestly, work hard, love your land, country!

Chuk and Gek

Chuk and Gek live in Moscow with their mother. Comes from his father, who works in the taiga as the head of a reconnaissance geologist. stations, telegram. Dad invites everyone to visit. The boys persuade their mother to go. She agrees and goes to get the tickets.

At this time, another telegram is brought, but the children hide it from their mother, as Huck inadvertently throws away the box in which she was lying. When the train arrived at the station, my mother was surprised that no one met them, because she was giving a telegram. The coachman agrees to bring for 100 rubles. The base where the father should be is empty, everyone has gone to the taiga. The watchman, who remained here, personally sent a telegram to delay the arrival. It was the same telegram that Huck threw away. It was difficult for the first time in the taiga, but everyone coped and waited for the expedition to return on the eve of the New Year. There was a beautiful Christmas tree, Huck read his poems, Chuk danced, everyone wished happiness to each other under the chiming clock. It means to live honestly, work hard, love your country!

main characters

Chuk- a thrifty boy, liked to collect various things, cunning, unrestrained; a year older than Huck.

Huck- "lost and loose", honest, knew how to sing; a year younger than Chuck.

Chuck and Huck's mother- Seregin's wife, a soft, kind woman.

Other characters

Seregin- father of Chuk and Gek, head of the geological party.

watchman- sheltered Chuka and Gek and their mother while Seregin was on the expedition.

A man lived in the forest near the Blue Mountains. He worked hard, but in the winter he sent a letter to his wife in Moscow so that she, along with her sons, Chuk and Gek, would come to him. When the postman brought the letter, the boys fought over something, but they immediately stopped. Upon learning that the letter was from dad, and he was inviting them to visit, the guys were very happy.

A week later, the baggage was collected. Mother went to buy train tickets. While she was gone, the postman came and brought a telegram. Chuk hid it in his metal box. At this time, Huck, in the next room, was poking Chuck with his lance from a stick and a nail. Chuk took and broke the pike. Then Huck threw Chuck's box out the window. Chuk shouting "Telegram!" ran out into the street, Huck followed him, but they could not find the box. The boys decided not to tell their mother what had happened unless she herself asked about the telegram.

The next day in the evening they left by train. At night, Huck went out into the corridor of the train, and then accidentally climbed into the wrong compartment. Fortunately, an unfamiliar mustachioed uncle-officer immediately took him to his mother.

When mother and boys arrived at the station, contrary to expectations, father did not meet them. It was “one hundred kilometers of taiga” to the place of his dwelling, so the woman agreed with the coachman. On the way, they spent the night in a small hut-station and by the evening of the next day they were in place. When they arrived, everyone was very surprised: there were no dogs or people at the base. Having gone to the lodge, the coachman said that the watchman would most likely be there in the evening. Mom and sons stayed in the lodge, ate and fell asleep.

We woke up from the roar - the watchman returned. Mother introduced herself as Seregin's wife. The watchman said that they were not ordered to come, even a telegram was sent to "delay leaving for two weeks." The woman was surprised, but from the roar of the boys she realized that this was their work.

The watchman said that the reconnaissance party would not return until ten days later. Leaving food for his mother and children, he went into the taiga. The watchman did not return for a long time, on the morning of the fourth day the woman had to chop wood herself. After dinner, mother and Chuk went to fetch water. Huck was left at home - it seemed to the woman that he was ill. When Mom and Chuck returned, Huck was nowhere to be found. The dog of the returning watchman found the boy - Huck wanted to play a joke on his brother and mother and hid in an old chest, but fell asleep.

It turned out that the watchman went to the distant Alkarash gorge, brought a letter from the head Seregin: "He and the people will be here in four days, just in time for the New Year." The next day, the boys and their mother began to decorate the Christmas tree, making toys from improvised materials and candles from wax.

“Four days behind the case flew by unnoticed.” Already in the morning the boys were waiting for their father, but the geologists arrived on skis for dinner. Seeing his father, Huck rushed to meet him. In the evening, "everyone celebrated the New Year together." One of the men played a cheerful dance on the button accordion, everyone danced, and then Huck sang a song. At midnight, Seregin turned on the radio and "there was a melodic ringing" of the chimes.

“And then all the people stood up, congratulated each other on the New Year and wished everyone happiness. What is happiness - everyone understood it in their own way. But all together people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love hard” and take care of their country.