Water is enough for only half of the inhabitants of the Earth. Drones for delivery

The future is part of the timeline, a lot of events that have not yet happened, but will happen. Due to the fact that events are characterized by both time and place, the future occupies the region of the space-time continuum.
Among the predictors of the future, such well-known Personalities as Dmitry Silin stand out; great Russian saints - Sergei of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the elders of Optina Hermitage; holy fools - St. Basil the Blessed, Galaktion Beloezersky. Prophecies are known about the future of Russia and the fate of its famous people, people of foreign soothsayers - Nostradamus, Vanga. There is no need to talk about all the prophecies, since among them there are already fulfilled and not related to modern Russia.
Let us dwell on the most interesting and important predictions for the future of Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, which today have acquired a new meaning. During her lifetime, many of the words of the clairvoyant were incomprehensible to us. For example, at the end of the 20th century, no one could believe Vanga's prediction that Kursk would go under water. However, her words were simply misunderstood. In 2000, the Kursk submarine sank. After this event, Vanga's biographers began to be more attentive to all her prophecies.
It is difficult to imagine that Vanga knew about the current events in Russia and Ukraine in the second half of the last century. Biographer Vanga Boyka Tsvetkova published one of the predictions of the Bulgarian prophetess:
“Increasingly, there will be people who will have eyes, but will not see, who will have ears, but will not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.
In the 20th century, no one could even imagine what it was all about. However, right now all Vanga's words take on a clear meaning. The prophetess spoke specifically about the situation in Ukraine. "Brother will go against brother" - the confrontation between the two sides in Ukraine. “People do not hear and do not see” - this is the West, which sees and hears only what is beneficial to it.
The following words of Vanga describe the outcome of everything that happens: “What was united will crumble into pieces. It will be next to Russia.” Now it is obvious what the Bulgarian clairvoyant wanted to say then - Ukraine broke up.

After unification of Russia and Crimea many of Vanga's predictions made sense. Back in 1979, the prophetess said:
“Everything will melt like ice. Only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Russia, the glory of Vladimir. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything in her path and become the ruler of the world.”
Vanga also predicted that the Slavic peoples would unite. A ruler will come to power in Russia, who will unite all the Slavic lands. This association will mark the beginning of Russia's world domination and the cessation of wars and interethnic conflicts.
According to Vanga's predictions, Russia will become the dominant country. US influence will weaken. Moreover, Vanga said that the economic crisis would break her in the future.

For the most part, psychics and soothsayers speak about our country in laudatory tones, stating that Russian Federation after 2016, we expect development and a purposeful path to prosperity and strengthening our influence on the rest of the world.
So, for example, Pavel Globa has repeatedly stated that with the advent of this year, Russia will create powerful union, which will include more than five countries of the former Soviet Union. By the way, this was also confirmed by the well-known American political scientist George Friedman, who said that in 2015 the revival of the USSR began, after which a new round of the Cold War would begin between Russia and the United States.

According to the forecast of Pavel Globa, for Russia 2016 will be a time of great changes associated with great shocks.
Dramatic events will unfold in Ukraine, where already in the spring of 2014 the country split into western and eastern.
At the end of 2015, when Jupiter and Saturn enter the Aquarius constellation, the time will come for unifications and all kinds of integrations, the two countries will leave the European Union, but the most global changes will occur in Russia, which will unite some of the post-Soviet republics around itself, and also take under its wing to the eastern part of Ukraine.
“The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2016-2020, will not be the most severe, but the factors of human fatigue from life in conditions of constant stress will affect. Only by the end of 2020 will all of humanity finally say goodbye to this crisis, which will be called the Second Great Depression, ”the astrologer assures.
According to Pavel Globa, the end of the crisis is associated with the neighborhood of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once every 20 years and marks positive changes. Given that Jupiter will approach Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius, the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that it is Russia, which by then will revive its imperial power, that has the greatest chance of becoming the new world leader.

According to the astrologer, the post-crisis 30 years of 2020-2050 will be the time of Russia's revival. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchina, who lived before Nostradamus.
“A powerful, new personality will come to power in Russia in 2020-2021, which Nemchin called the “Rider on the White Horse.” In terms of scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will be tall. What "white horse" means, I don't know. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse,” said Pavel Globa.
“The new leader will rule for a short time, but will leave an outstanding mark. He will be replaced by another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nemchina called him "The Great Potter". And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years,” concluded Pavel Globa.

Modern predictors see the future of Russia:
- The European Union - the beginning of the destruction of 2017 - 2221. Provides support to the authorities of Central and Western Ukraine until 2018. Since 2018, he has been forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of 2119, the Baltic states go into the zone of influence of Russia. Since 2221, the Balkans have been under the influence of Russia. 2226 - Germany and Poland join the New economic education led by Russia.
- The United States - since 2015 ceases to play the role of a world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar feels insecure. The third (informational) is ending World War. There will be a small war with Mexico in the future. Will end with US concessions. The English-speaking world will gradually lose its dominant influence. It will remain within Australia, New Zealand, the US, the UK and Canada.
- China - will support Russia in all endeavors and will strive to unite the economies. Leadership in the foreign arena will give Russia, while maintaining its individuality. He will maintain a positive, but wary attitude towards Russia.

- Japan - since 2224 gravitates towards a new economic and political alliance. From 1926, political agreements will also be signed.
- India - since 2221, it has been especially close to Russia.
- Islam. 2016 year; active cooperation with Russia of Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan. There will be riots in Pakistan in the late 20s and the threat of war will be felt. In general, the Islamic world will boil, but global conflicts will not, with the exception of Pakistan.

The new leader of Ukraine will be manifested by the end of 2018. The name of the country - "Ukraine" will be called into question. The leader will profess pro-Western values ​​and create more disaster than good for the people. By 2018, he will have to cooperate with Russia.
- 2021 Active economic cooperation between the Scandinavian countries and Russia.
- 2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia of Central America.

- Dollar - the fall of the dollar will occur at the end of 2019. 2020 - the collapse of the US economy.
The disappearance of the dollar, and hence the US debt of 100 trillion. dollars, will return to the Western economy as a real destructive boomerang that will sweep away the remnants of hopes for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia with countries from among the former republics of the USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to actually re-create its currency system, relying on its vast reserves of precious metals.
In addition to Russia, the Arab-Muslim Union with its center in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which will rely on the reserves of hard gold in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Whether these predictions will come true, we will have to find out very soon, but one cannot but agree that almost all of them give hope for the best.

“Even the most prosperous outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek confession.
These latter, even if they are later corroded by international treaties, will just as quickly reunite with each other, just as separated droplets of mercury find this way to each other.
This is the indestructible State of the Russian nation, strong with its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after a complete defeat, will remain our offspring, an adversary seeking revenge.

Otto von Bismarck

“The US is shooting itself in the foot. The country refuses to share its power with anyone. In 5-10 years, America is waiting for the biggest collapse "

Jim Rogers(American billionaire).

In 2015, in an interview, he said that he was going to invest in the ruble. Moreover, he believes in the Russian economy more than in the American one.

13.01.2015 22:00

According to many research institutions, 2050 will be the most significant year for our planet, writes Newsweek. “A beautiful round date,” said Kostas Stamoulis, director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

According to many research institutions, 2050 will be the most significant year for our planet, writes Newsweek.“A beautiful round date,” said Kostas Stamoulis, director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Countless official forecasts are tied to this year, with a cascading effect: if any respected organization ties a specific global study to a particular year, others immediately follow its example.

What do we get as a result? A lot of predictions for 2050, indicating that by the middle of the century life on Earth will change beyond recognition.

Population boom

There are approximately 7 billion people on the planet today. By 2050, the UN predicts that the number will approach 9.6 billion. This is a jump of more than 30%. In other words, the figure is equivalent to adding one more India and China. The consequences, both individual and societal, are not very significant at first glance, but today it is possible to change the future, for example, by making contraceptives universally available.

Population aging

The total elderly population will only increase by mid-century as people are already living longer and birth rates are declining. By 2050, one in six people on Earth will be over the age of 65, and governments will have to find a way to provide for them somehow. As people live longer, they will be more likely to suffer from age-related diseases. The number of people suffering from dementia will triple, cancer - two. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three people in the US alone will have diabetes.

Fortunately, medicine is advancing, and by 2050, a number of vaccines will be available that are likely to cure such widespread diseases as malaria, which currently kills more than 2 million people a year, and HIV, which even after 20 years of research is barely vaccinated.

By the middle of the century, medicine will be able to produce medicines from the tobacco plant.

Computers will become a thousand times better and more productive, and much cheaper

According to Ulrich Eberl(Ulrich Eberl) in Life in 2050: How We Create the Future Today, today we are only halfway through the era of advances in computing. Over the past 25 years or so, Information Technology steel is 1,000 times better, says Eberl. According to the author's forecasts, these scales will repeat again in the next 25 years.

“We will see another thousandfold increase in computing power, data transfer rate, at the same price that we see today,” says Eberl. “If you spend, say, $500 on a laptop today, by 2050 you will get the same power, performance and quality of computing in a small chip for 50 cents. This means that computers will be everywhere - due to their cheapness. Chips will be implanted in our jackets, robots will walk the streets, and cars will park themselves.”

In fact, computer technology will become so advanced and pervading all areas of human life that it is likely that we will be able to download an electronic version of our brain into some medium and continue to live after bodily death. This will force us to rethink the very concept of being in a philosophical sense.

We need to take recycling seriously

Eberl says that a large number of jumps will occur by 2035, well before the middle of the century. By 2050, the pace of technological innovation will slow down. Innovation efforts will focus on the reality of what will be when our Natural resources reduced to a critical minimum. On a planet of 9.6 billion people, the struggle for resources will become a serious matter.

These new circumstances, according to Eberl, will force governments to focus on "holistic health" - the relationship between human health and environment. It is likely that we are talking about reducing consumption.

A growing middle class in countries such as China, Brazil, Russia, India will lead to swollen consumer populations and "very large shortages" of copper, oil and other end materials. “The resources of the Earth are not enough for 9.6 billion people. So it's time for new recycling methods. Reuse of molecules: for example, there is more gold in your smartphone now than in ore from a gold mine.”

The futurist also predicts that recycling technologies will be improved so that the quality of the manufactured product will not be lower even after processing, which is a serious problem for processing in today's conditions. Already today, chemists, such as Michael Braungart and William McDonough, they say that it is quite possible to correct the situation.

Solar energy could become the world's most important source of energy

Converting sunlight into energy is getting cheaper and cheaper. The average cost of solar panels per watt in 1972 was $75. Today's cost is $1, and even that hasn't stopped falling. According to a recent study by the International Energy Agency, by 2050 solar energy will be able to generate 27% of the world's energy, becoming the world's largest source of electricity.

If this happens, then the emission level carbon dioxide will decrease by 6 billion tons per year, which is about the same as all current carbon emissions in the US energy sector.

Solving the problem of hunger is real, you just have to want

The more of us there are, the more food and water will be required for survival. The worst effects of climate change will continue to be significant in the future, and the rate of floods and droughts will begin to increase, exacerbating food and water shortages. An increase in population will exacerbate climate change, creating a terrible feedback loop.

Last year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that in order to feed a population of 9 billion in 2050, the world will need to increase food production by an average of 60% compared to the current one. If this is not done, we risk serious food insecurity, leading to social upheaval, conflict and civil wars. In comparison, over the past 20 years, the production of wheat and rice has grown by less than 1%.

FAO predicts that by 2050 the need for food will lead to an additional 70 million hectares being converted to agricultural land, especially in developing countries Oh. But that's not necessarily good.

“In theory, we have a lot of land to grow food,” says Kostas Stamoulis, Director, FAO Agricultural Development Economics Division"But it's also worth taking a realistic look at the threats we face."

About 75% of the land that can be used for agricultural purposes belongs to 35 countries in Africa and Latin America, characterized by fragile ecosystems. "We fear that many of these potential sites will be rendered unusable through deforestation and neglect."

Stamoulis believes global governments should intervene and provide desperate farmers with a viable alternative Agriculture in places such as wetlands or old growth forests, and to encourage multinational corporations to adopt sustainable agricultural practices.

“Small farmers need to be given incentives and have access to places where they can grow food in an environmentally friendly way. We must also take action to prevent food from being grown in unsustainable ways.”


Stamoulis remains hopeful that hunger can be avoided by 2050 simply by increasing productivity. Techniques such as "double" and "triple pruning" (growing more than one crop per crop in the same field) have already shown impressive results in parts of India and China. Scientists also know how to prevent potentially damaging fertilizer overuse as well as improve methods of increasing productivity. The problem is the lack of equipment and personnel with the appropriate education.

“We need to educate ordinary farmers about these technologies and take actions that can help us meet the challenges of the future. I am optimistic. The future is brighter than it seems."


The structure of the world economy until 2050 will undergo significant changes: now the developed countries will give way to developing countries. However, Ukraine will not be among the world's economic giants even in 33 years.

But the PwC report is only an attempt to predict the growth rate of global GDP for 2050, based on the 32 largest economies that contribute 84% of global GDP. The methodology for calculating GDP in the report is based on purchasing power parity, that is, the capabilities of citizens various countries buy the same set of goods and services in their own state.

China and India "move" the US from first place

The most powerful economy in the world in 2016 - the United States - is already inferior to China in many ways, including oil imports, the introduction of technology, the level of investment and the same purchasing power parity.

By 2050, the Chinese will significantly outstrip the United States in terms of their contribution to world GDP.

Experts predict that an active increase in the capacity of the economy in China will still be observed until 2020, and in 2030 the Chinese economy will decline. And even that won't stop a communist country from knocking the US out of first place for dominating the global economy as early as 2028.

As for India, it is a country with a relatively young economy. Now India's share in world GDP is about 7%, but by the middle of the century it could double. This will allow India to overtake the States with their 14% contribution to world GDP in 2050.

Population growth will become a significant "trump card" of China and India in the struggle for dominance over the world economy. By 2050, India could even displace China as the most populous country in the world and give the Earth about 1.6 billion people.

It is this factor that will lead to an increase in domestic demand and labor force in these countries.

But even if they take the first positions in terms of share in world GDP, China and India will not be able to catch up with the United States in terms of GDP per capita: the average American in 2050 will earn about twice as much as a Chinese and three times as much as an Indian.

EU countries will lose ground

Now the economies of 27 EU countries bring 15% of GDP to the world economy. In the future, their share will be 9%.

Interestingly, the most powerful among them is the German economy - it will slow down a bit and move from 5th to 9th position in the world. But the currently developed Great Britain and France will hardly get into the top ten. Italy will move from 12th position to 21st.

Blame for the aging of the population in Europe, as well as the reduction in economic growth to 1.5-2% per year.

Experts expect the greatest growth in the European region from the Polish economy, but it will also lose 7 positions in the struggle for world economic dominance.

Despite the fact that the EU will reduce its share in global GDP, PwC is confident that the association will not significantly lose its political influence from this.

Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh will be the new Asian tigers

Indonesia in 2050 will rank 4th in terms of contribution to world wealth. Now the country is in 8th position. Indonesia has been demonstrating high growth rates of the national economy for more than a year - over 5% per year.

Japan's economy, still powerful in the eastern region, will gradually slow down and move to the 4th position by 2050.

There are several objective reasons for this: the aging of the population in Japan, the natural recession of the economic cycle, the banking crisis, and the like.

But Vietnam is likely to become the new leader in Asia. Now the country is showing unprecedented zeal, so by 2050, PwC predicts high economic growth rates for this communist country - from 32nd position to the middle of the century, Vietnam will rise to 20th.

Bangladesh, like India and China, will benefit from population growth and the introduction of the latest technologies. The country, where the cost of living is much less than the Ukrainian one, should rise by 2050 from the 31st position to the 23rd.

In Nigeria, the Philippines, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and Russia, everything will depend on the actions of governments

The main difference between these countries is that they can potentially take a leading position in 2050, but everything will depend on them. These countries are rich in natural resources, so their future success will depend on how governments diversify their economies.

Nigeria by 2050 may become the most developed economy in the African region. The country has really good potential, so in 2050 it can take the 14th position among economically developed countries.

Mexico, thanks to the proximity of the huge US market, now ranks 11th in the ranking of the world's economies. And by 2050, under favorable circumstances, it will take the 7th position.

Brazil only recently managed to overcome inflation at 500%, but in 33 years this country could become the fifth largest economy on the planet.

The success of Russia (that is, the preservation of the 6th position) is possible only in the case of a competent distribution of natural resources, an increase in production and the lifting of economic sanctions, because the country is literally isolated from economic reality.

According to PwC forecasts, by 2037 global GDP should double and in 2050 triple its current level.

In the middle of the century, half of world GDP will form the economies of developing countries. But the so-called "Big Seven" by 2050 will bring only 20% to the world economy.

There are no such long-term forecasts in Ukraine

According to the Ministry economic development and trade, by the end of the year, GDP in our country should grow by 1.5-3% compared to 2016 and at a nominal level will be about UAH 2.6 billion.

If we manage to “accelerate” the national economy to 5-8% growth per year, Ukrainians will still have to wait at least another quarter of a century to reach the level of an economy like the Polish, Czech or even Bulgarian.

By 2050, emerging economies will dominate the world, and Russia is one of them. This is the conclusion reached by analysts from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), who published a report entitled "The World in 2050". By 2050, the US in terms of GDP will be inferior not only to China, but also to India. Brazil will move up from seventh to fifth place, and Indonesia will move up from eighth to fourth. Japan, which, according to data for 2016, was the fourth largest economy in the world, will drop to eighth place, Germany - from fifth to ninth. Russia will remain in sixth place, but will be first in Europe, thanks to the positions lost by Germany. PwC notes that the sharpest jumps in GDP by 2050 should be expected from Vietnam (it will rise from 32nd place to 20th), the Philippines (from 28th to 19th) and Nigeria (from 22nd to 14th ). Overall, analysts predict that global GDP will roughly double by 2050. if economic growth is actively encouraged and if there are no global catastrophes.

Long-term forecasts of financial and consulting companies rarely come true. We live in a very dynamic world. Well, for example, who could have imagined in 1981 that in 10 years the USSR would collapse. And in 1998, after Russia's default, that in just five years Russia would receive an investment rating from Moody's and become one of the most attractive financial markets in the world.

In these forecasts, the current alignment of forces and the main macroeconomic trends are most interesting. As we can see, Russia occupies a fairly worthy place in the world, being an established country, and not a gas station torn to shreds. Of course, the capitalization of the stock market is now somewhat underestimated. Those. Russians are somewhat poorer than they could be. However, this is a matter of lifting sanctions and leaving geopolitical risks.

The key question is how to calculate the dynamics and size of GDP. The assessment of the dynamics of the economy is highly dependent on the methodology and assessment of the gray and shadow sectors. In some countries, for example, the calculation of GDP includes drug trafficking and the sex market. In Russia, this is basically impossible for moral reasons. Naturally, the assessment of inflation is also important, since GDP dynamics is considered in real terms. In any case, the figures are always somewhat arbitrary and reflect only the general trend.

It would also be interesting to look at the dynamics of the economy of the Eurasian Union. It is clear that the economies of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia are much smaller than the Russian one. However, if we are talking about a single market for goods, services and capital, it will be very interesting to look at the main trends, taking the eurozone as a model.

There are skeptics all over the world who do not trust official statistics. For 15-20 years now, the Russian press and the Internet have periodically expressed the opinion that the statistics on the US economy are exaggerated, and the dollar is waiting for a quick and inevitable collapse. Usually these experts are associated with various opposition parties and movements. Perhaps there is some truth in what they say. However, there is still no more authoritative information. It's like a company's reporting: investors are forced to trust the company's accounting policy and the auditor's opinion. Scandals happen from time to time, as, for example, with Enron Corporation, but investors still have to trust the published figures. Just like presidents, governments and central banks are forced to trust the numbers of statistical agencies.

And in conclusion: the first estimate of Rosstat for the decline in GDP for 2016 was 0.2%. This year, analysts of Russian and international financial companies expect Russia's GDP to grow by 1.5-2%.

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The world around us is changing not every 100 years, but every year. Our watches, glasses, cars and apartments have become "smart" for a long time, and you want to know what awaits us next?

website collected for you 11 scientific ideas about how this world of the future will still be.

Nature becomes an attraction

Eco-tours, eco-flights, eco-hotels, eco-entertainments - more and more people began to prefer traveling with the prefix "eco". You stay in a luxury hotel or bungalow, but also teach English to kids at a local school, take care of elephants, or help pick pears at a fruit farm.

Everything natural is gradually becoming more expensive and appreciated more and more, and plots of land where nature and traditions have been preserved become attractions.

We will live long

Medical technology is gradually reaching a completely new level. With the help of gadgets, we measure the pulse, sugar level, and we can also see our health indicators on the smartphone screen. Plastic surgery is becoming less popular, everything is done with injections, which are simple and almost painless.

All these frightening medical units will gradually decrease to the size of gadgets, and the number of functions will only increase. And in order to conduct a complete diagnosis of your body, you will not need to go to the doctor and take a bunch of tests, a mobile device will be enough.

Any item can be printed

Car parts, musical instruments, furniture and even a collection of fashionable clothes - what have not been printed on 3D printers since their invention. For example, in Southern California there is giant printer capable of printing a whole house with electricity and water supply.

Printing construction is already in full swing, and in the future everyone will be able to create a dacha, or a car, or a boat for fishing, whatever. To do this, it will be enough to download a sketch from the Internet.

Virtual reality will replace textbooks

You will be able to visit the very center of the historical battle, see with your own eyes Big Bang or attend a university lecture in another country without leaving home. Virtual reality is developing at a frantic pace and will be used in education in the future, preventing people from getting bored in lectures or falling asleep in class at school.

Of course, nothing can replace a real journey with all its emotions and difficulties, but if you had a free minute during the day, then why not, for example, make bike tour on UK roads or not to visit gallery in the Louvre ?

We will treat garbage in a civilized way

Little by little, but we are moving towards this goal. The waste sorting system is not yet as developed as we would like, but it will certainly take root. Already today, household appliances and clothing stores offer to exchange old things for discounts. Gradually, more and more waste collection and sorting points appear, the processing of which is more environmentally friendly and economical. In general, there are chances!

Drones will be everywhere

The main problem remains in the inability of most of the world to these machines. But gradually, gas stations for electric vehicles have already begun to adapt, and prices for such a vehicle are falling. billion to 9.7 billion. Two things influenced this forecast:

  1. The development of medicine. The invention of new drugs and the improvement of medical equipment increase the duration and quality of life.
  2. healthy image life. More and more people give up bad habits and unhealthy food and give preference to sports.

Energy will be cheap and renewable

Recently, the Energy Institute conducted a study that showed that in 2050 we will receive 80% of all energy from renewable sources. We are talking about the transition to generators that use natural resources: sunlight, water and wind. Such technologies are less expensive, provide more jobs and do not harm nature and our health.

Everything today more countries switch to renewable energy. For example, in Germany already 74% of energy comes from renewable sources. And more and more countries are catching on to this trend. And scientists from Stanford University have compiled a map that shows how 139 countries around the world can meet their energy needs with renewable sources.