Test work on astronomy on the topic “The annual movement of the sun across the sky. Ecliptic. Presentation of the apparent movement of the planets and the sun Presentation on the topic of the apparent movement of the sun

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Visible Movements of Celestial Bodies Cosmos is all that is, that has ever been, and will ever be. Carl Sagan.

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Since ancient times, people have observed in the sky such phenomena as the apparent rotation of the starry sky, the change in the phases of the moon, sunrise and sunset heavenly bodies, the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky during the day, solar eclipses, change in the height of the Sun above the horizon during the year, lunar eclipses. It was clear that all these phenomena are connected, first of all, with the movement of celestial bodies, the nature of which people tried to describe with the help of simple visual observations, the correct understanding and explanation of which took shape over the centuries.

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The first written mention of celestial bodies arose in ancient egypt and Sumer. The ancients distinguished three types of bodies in the firmament of heaven: stars, planets and "tailed stars". The differences come just from observations: Stars remain motionless relative to other stars for quite a long time. Therefore, it was believed that the stars were "fixed" on the celestial sphere. As we now know, due to the rotation of the Earth, each star "draws" a circle in the sky.

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The planets, on the contrary, move across the sky, and their movement can be seen with the naked eye for an hour or two. Even in Sumer, 5 planets were found and identified: Mercury,

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"Tailed" stars of the comet. Appeared infrequently, symbolized troubles.

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Configuration - the characteristic relative position of the planet, the Sun and the Earth. The ecliptic is a large circle of the celestial sphere, along which the apparent annual movement of the Sun occurs. Accordingly, the plane of the ecliptic is the plane of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The lower (inner) planets move in orbit faster than the Earth, and the upper (outer) planets are slower. Let us introduce the concepts of specific physical quantities characterizing the motion of the planets and allowing some calculations:

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Perihelion (ancient Greek περί "peri" - around, near, near, other Greek ηλιος "helios" - the Sun) - the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a planet or other celestial body solar system. The antonym of perihelion is apohelion (aphelion) - the most distant point of the orbit from the Sun. The imaginary line between aphelion and perihelion is called the line of apsides. Sidereal (T - stellar) - the period of time during which the planet makes a complete revolution around the Sun in its orbit relative to the stars. Synodic (S) - the time interval between two successive identical planetary configurations

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The three laws of planetary motion relative to the sun were empirically derived by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler in early XVII century. This was made possible thanks to many years of observations by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

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The most simply visible movement of the planets and the Sun is described in the frame of reference associated with the Sun. This approach was called the heliocentric system of the world and was proposed by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543).

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In ancient times and up to Copernicus, it was believed that the Earth is located at the center of the Universe and all celestial bodies revolve along complex trajectories around it. This system of the world is called the geocentric system of the world.

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The complex apparent motion of the planets in the celestial sphere is due to the revolution of the planets of the solar system around the sun. The very word "planet" in ancient Greek means "wandering" or "tramp". The trajectory of a celestial body is called its orbit. The velocities of the planets in their orbits decrease with the distance of the planets from the Sun. The nature of the movement of the planet depends on which group it belongs to. Therefore, in relation to the orbit and the conditions of visibility from the Earth, the planets are divided into internal (Mercury, Venus) and external (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), or, respectively, in relation to the Earth's orbit, into lower and upper.

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Since, during observations from the Earth, the movement of the planets around the Sun is also superimposed on the movement of the Earth in its orbit, the planets move across the sky from east to west (direct movement), then from west to east (reverse movement). Moments of direction change are called stops. If you put this path on the map, you get a loop. The size of the loop is the smaller, the greater the distance between the planet and the Earth. The planets describe loops, and not just move back and forth in a single line, solely due to the fact that the planes of their orbits do not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic. Such a complex loop-like character was first noticed and described using the example of the apparent motion of Venus.

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It is a known fact that the movement of certain planets can be observed from the Earth at a strictly defined time of the year, this is due to their position over time in the starry sky. Internal and outer planets are different: for the lower planets these are conjunctions and elongations (the largest angular deviation of the planet's orbit from the orbit of the Sun), for the upper planets these are quadratures, conjunctions and oppositions. For the Earth-Moon-Sun system, a new moon occurs in the lower conjunction, and a full moon occurs in the upper one.

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For the upper (external) connection - the planet behind the Sun, on the straight line Sun-Earth (M 1). opposition - a planet behind the Earth from the Sun - best time observations of the outer planets, it is completely illuminated by the Sun (M 3). quadrature western - the planet is observed in the western side (M 4). eastern - observed in the eastern side (M 2).

Lesson development (lesson notes)

Average general education

UMK line B. A. Vorontsova-Velyaminova. Astronomy (10-11)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the lesson

Investigate the nature of the annual movement of the Sun across the sky and the phenomena explained by this movement.

Lesson objectives

    Explore the movement of the Sun throughout the year against the background of constellations using a moving map, get acquainted with the concept of "ecliptic"; to reveal the astronomical meaning of the concepts "the day of the vernal equinox", "the day of the autumn equinox", "the day of the summer solstice", "the day of the winter solstice"; analyze the dependence of the length of day and night on the latitude of the area during the year.


    Build logical oral statements; perform logical operations - analysis, generalization; organize an independent cognitive activity; apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems in changed conditions; to carry out the reflection of cognitive activity.

Key Concepts

    Spring equinox, autumn equinox, summer solstice, winter solstice, ecliptic, twilight.
Stage nameMethodological comment
1 1. Motivation for activity During the conversation, when analyzing the concept of "reference star / constellation", it is necessary to focus on the goals of orientation in outer space.
2 2.1. Actualization of experience and previous knowledge The screen shows the structure practical work. During the test, attention is focused on the methodology for conducting observations, signs indicating the rotation of the celestial sphere around the axis of the world. The progress of the work proposed by various students is compared, and the issue of using additional sources of information is discussed.
3 2.2. Actualization of experience and previous knowledge The screen shows the text of the conditions of tasks that are performed by students frontally.
4 3.1. Identification of difficulties and formulation of activity goals Discussed (using a slide show, based on the knowledge of students in the field of literature, history) celestial objects that were of particular importance in the cultures of different peoples. Students are led to the idea of ​​the significance of the Sun for the ancient Slavs. The theme of the lesson is formulated.
5 3.2. Identification of difficulties and formulation of activity goals Using images, the teacher leads students to think about the dependence of nature pictures on the time of year and time of day. The purpose of the lesson, its problematic issues, tasks that should be considered are discussed.
6 4.1. Discovery of new knowledge by students The students are faced with the problem: why is the Sun not displayed on the map of the starry sky? An animation is shown and a conclusion is made about the movement of the luminary against the background of stars. The concept of "ecliptic" is introduced.
7 4.2. Discovery of new knowledge by students Students analyze a star chart to determine the constellations against which the Sun passes throughout the year. The illustration on the screen allows you to analyze the spatial location of the observer on the Earth, the Sun and stars in their projection onto the celestial sphere.
8 4.3. Discovery of new knowledge by students Students in a joint conversation, analyzing the drawing, formulate the observed characteristics of the location of the ecliptic plane and give explanations, analyzing the features of the position of the Earth's axis of rotation in relation to the plane of its orbit. The points of the spring and autumn equinoxes are analyzed. The concepts of the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes are introduced. Students present the report "Traditions of meeting spring among the ancient Slavs."
9 4.4. Discovery of new knowledge by students Using the image, students analyze the reasons why the sun's noon altitude changes throughout the year.
10 4.5. Discovery of new knowledge by students An animation is shown illustrating the considered characteristics. During the discussion, the statement about relativity, known to students from the course of physics, is emphasized mechanical movement tel.
11 4.6. Discovery of new knowledge by students The movement of the Sun and the height of the culmination at different latitudes during the year are analyzed. Students conclude that in the northern latitudes, the Sun in winter can be a non-rising luminary, and in summer it can not set. The duration of the day in winter and summer is considered. In a joint conversation with the teacher, the concept of refraction and its consequence - evening and morning twilight are discussed. Students present the report "Twilight and its varieties."
12 5.1. Inclusion of new knowledge in the system The teacher organizes a frontal solution of problems for the application of the acquired knowledge.
13 5.2. Inclusion of new knowledge in the system The teacher accompanies the process of self-fulfillment by students of the task presented on the screen. After completing the task, a discussion of the results will be organized.
14 6. Reflection of activity During the discussion of answers to reflective questions, it is necessary to focus on the cognitive interests of students, the uniqueness of the cultures of other peoples.
15 7. Homework

A) Questions:

  1. planetary configuration.
  2. Composition of the solar system.
  3. Solution of problem No. 8 (p. 35).
  4. Solution of problem No. 9 (p. 35).
  5. "Red Shift 5.1" - find the planet for today and characterize its visibility, coordinates, distance (several students can indicate a specific planet - preferably in writing, so as not to take time in the lesson).
  6. "Red Shift 5.1" - when will the next confrontation, the conjunction of the planets: Mars, Jupiter?

B) By cards:

1. The period of revolution of Saturn around the Sun is about 30 years. Find the time interval between his confrontation.
2. Specify the type of configuration in position I, II, VIII.
3. Using "Red Shift 5.1" draw the location of the planets and the Sun at the current time.

1. Find the period of revolution of Mars around the Sun, if there is opposition repeated after 2.1 years.
2. Specify the type of configuration in position V, III, VII.
3. Using "Red Shift 5.1" determine the angular distance from the North Star of the Ursa Major bucket and draw to scale in the figure.

1. What is the period of Jupiter's revolution around the Sun if its conjunction is repeated after 1.1 years.
2. Specify the type of configuration in position IV, VI, II.
3. Using "Red Shift 5.1" determine the coordinates of the Sun now and 12 hours later and plot to scale in the figure (using the angular distance from Polaris). In what constellation is the Sun now and will it be in 12 hours?

1. The period of revolution of Venus around the Sun is 224.7 days. Find the time interval between its conjunctions.
2. Specify the type of configuration in position VI, V, III.
3. Using "Red Shift 5.1" determine the coordinates of the Sun now and depict its position in the figure after 6, 12, 18 hours. What will be its coordinates and in what constellations will the Sun be located?

B) The rest

    1. The synodic period of some minor planet is 730.5 days. Find the sidereal period of its revolution around the Sun.
    2. At what time intervals do the minute and hour hands meet on the dial?
    3. Draw how the planets will be located in their orbits: Venus - in inferior conjunction, Mars - in opposition, Saturn - western quadrature, Mercury - eastern elongation.
    4. Estimate approximately how long Venus can be observed and when (morning or evening) if it is 45 o east of the Sun.
  1. new material
  1. Primary view of the world around:
    First carved in stone star charts were created 32-35 thousand years ago. Knowledge of the constellations and positions of some stars provided primitive people orientation on the ground and the approximate definition of the time at night. More than 2000 years before the NE, people noticed that some stars moved around the sky - they were later called "wandering" by the Greeks - planets. This served as the basis for the creation of the first naive ideas about the world around us (“Astronomy and worldview” or frames of another filmstrip).
    Thales of Miletus(624-547 BC) independently developed the theory of solar and lunar eclipses, discovered saros. Ancient Greek astronomers guessed the true (spherical) shape of the Earth based on observations of the shape of the Earth's shadow during lunar eclipses.
    Anaximander(610-547 BC) taught about countless continuously born and dying worlds in a closed spherical Universe, the center of which is the Earth; he was credited with the invention of the celestial sphere, some other astronomical instruments and the first geographical maps.
    Pythagoras(570-500 BC) was the first to call the Universe Cosmos, emphasizing its orderliness, proportionality, harmony, proportionality, beauty. The earth is in the form of a sphere, because the sphere is the most proportionate of all bodies. He believed that the Earth is in the Universe without any support, the stellar sphere makes a complete revolution during the day and night, and for the first time suggested that the evening and morning stars are the same body (Venus). He believed that the stars are closer than the planets.
    He proposes a pyrocentric scheme of the structure of the world = In the center is a sacred fire, and around are transparent spheres that enter into each other on which the Earth, the Moon and the Sun with stars are fixed, then the planets. Spheres, rotating from east to west and obeying certain mathematical relationships. The distances to the heavenly bodies cannot be arbitrary, they must correspond to the harmonic chord. This "music of the heavenly spheres" can be expressed mathematically. The farther the sphere is from the Earth, the greater the speed and the higher the tone emitted.
    Anaxagoras(500-428 BC) assumed that the Sun is a piece of red-hot iron; The moon is a cold, light-reflecting body; denied the existence of celestial spheres; independently gave an explanation of solar and lunar eclipses.
    Democritus(460-370 BC) considered matter to be composed of the smallest indivisible particles - atoms and empty space in which they move; the Universe - eternal and infinite in space; Milky Way consisting of many distant stars indistinguishable to the eye; the stars are distant suns; The moon - similar to the Earth, with mountains, seas, valleys ... "According to Democritus, there are infinitely many worlds and they are of various sizes. In some there is neither the Moon nor the Sun, in others they are, but they have significantly big sizes. There may be more moons and suns than in our world. The distances between the worlds are different, some more, others less. At the same time, some worlds arise and others die, some are already growing, while others have flourished and are on the verge of death. When worlds collide with each other, they collapse. Some do not have moisture at all, as well as animals and plants. Our world is in its prime" (Hippolytus "The Refutation of Every Heresy", 220 AD)
    Eudoxus(408-355 BC) - one of the greatest mathematicians and geographers of antiquity; developed the theory of planetary motion and the first of the geocentric systems of the world. He selected a combination of several nested spheres, and the poles of each of them were successively fixed on the previous one. 27 spheres, one of them for fixed stars, rotate uniformly around different axes and are located one inside the other, to which fixed celestial bodies are attached.
    Archimedes(283-312 BC) first tried to determine the size of the universe. Thinking the universe is a ball limited scope fixed stars, and the diameter of the Sun is 1000 times smaller, he calculated that the universe can hold 10 63 grains of sand.
    Hipparchus(190-125 BC) "more than anyone proved the relationship of man with the stars ... he determined the places and brightness of many stars so that you can make out if they disappear, if they reappear, do they move, do they change in brightness" (Pliny the Elder). Hipparchus was the creator of spherical geometry; introduced a coordinate grid of meridians and parallels, which made it possible to determine geographical coordinates terrain; compiled a star catalog, which included 850 stars, distributed over 48 constellations; divided the stars by brightness into 6 categories - stellar magnitudes; opened precession; studied the movement of the moon and planets; re-measured the distance to the Moon and the Sun and developed one of the geocentric systems of the world.
  2. Geocentric system of world structure (from Aristotle to Ptolemy).

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

Since ancient times, people have observed such phenomena in the sky as the apparent rotation of the starry sky, the change in the phases of the moon, the rising and setting of heavenly bodies, the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky during the day, solar eclipses, the change in the height of the Sun above the horizon during the year, lunar eclipses. It was clear that all these phenomena are connected, first of all, with the movement of celestial bodies, the nature of which people tried to describe with the help of simple visual observations, the correct understanding and explanation of which took shape over the centuries.

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Description of the slide:

The first written references to celestial bodies originated in ancient Egypt and Sumer. The ancients distinguished three types of bodies in the firmament of heaven: stars, planets and "tailed stars". The differences come just from observations: Stars remain motionless relative to other stars for quite a long time. Therefore, it was believed that the stars were "fixed" on the celestial sphere. As we now know, due to the rotation of the Earth, each star "draws" a "circle" in the sky.

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Description of the slide:

The planets, on the contrary, move across the sky, and their movement can be seen with the naked eye for an hour or two. Even in Sumer, 5 planets were found and identified: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. To these were added the Sun and the Moon. Total: 7 planets. "Tailed" stars are comets. Appeared infrequently, symbolized troubles.

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Description of the slide:

After the recognition of the revolutionary heliocentric system of the world of Copernicus, after Kepler formulated the three laws of motion of celestial bodies and destroyed centuries-old naive ideas about the simple circular motion of the planets around the Earth, proved by calculations and observations that the orbits of the motion of celestial bodies can only be elliptical, it finally became clear that the apparent motion of the planets consists of: the movement of the observer on the surface of the Earth the rotation of the Earth around the Sun proper motions of celestial bodies

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Description of the slide:

The complex apparent motion of the planets in the celestial sphere is due to the revolution of the planets of the solar system around the sun. The very word "planet" in translation from ancient Greek means "wandering" or "tramp". The trajectory of a celestial body is called its orbit. The velocities of the planets in their orbits decrease with the distance of the planets from the Sun. The nature of the movement of the planet depends on which group it belongs to. Therefore, in relation to the orbit and the conditions of visibility from the Earth, the planets are divided into internal (Mercury, Venus) and external (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), or, respectively, in relation to the Earth's orbit, into lower and upper.

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Description of the slide:

The outer planets are always turned to the Earth by the side illuminated by the Sun. The inner planets change their phases like the moon. The greatest angular distance of a planet from the Sun is called elongation. The greatest elongation at Mercury is 28°, at Venus - 48°. At eastern elongation, the inner planet is visible in the west, in the rays of the evening dawn, shortly after sunset. Evening (eastern) elongation of Mercury During the western elongation, the inner planet is visible in the east, in the rays of dawn, shortly before sunrise. The outer planets can be at any angular distance from the Sun.

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Description of the slide:

The phase angle of the planet is the angle between the beam of light incident from the Sun on the planet and the beam reflected from it towards the observer. The phase angles of Mercury and Venus vary from 0° to 180°, so Mercury and Venus change phases just like the Moon. Near inferior conjunction, both planets have the largest angular dimensions, but look like narrow crescents. At phase angle ψ = 90°, half of the disk of planets is illuminated, phase φ = 0.5. In superior conjunction, the lower planets are fully illuminated, but are poorly visible from the Earth, as they are behind the Sun.

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Description of the slide:

Since, during observations from the Earth, the movement of the planets around the Sun is also superimposed on the movement of the Earth in its orbit, the planets move across the sky from east to west (direct movement), then from west to east (reverse movement). Moments of direction change are called stops. If you put this path on the map, you get a loop. The size of the loop is the smaller, the greater the distance between the planet and the Earth. The planets describe loops, and not just move back and forth in a single line, solely due to the fact that the planes of their orbits do not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic. Such a complex loop-like character was first noticed and described using the example of the apparent motion of Venus.

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Description of the slide:

It is a known fact that the movement of certain planets can be observed from the Earth at a strictly defined time of the year, this is due to their position over time in the starry sky. The characteristic mutual arrangements of the planets relative to the Sun and the Earth are called planetary configurations. The configurations of the inner and outer planets are different: for the lower planets these are conjunctions and elongations (the largest angular deviation of the planet's orbit from the orbit of the Sun), for the upper planets these are quadratures, conjunctions and oppositions.

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The configurations in which the inner planet, Earth and Sun line up are called conjunctions.

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If T is the Earth, P1 is the inner planet, S is the Sun, the celestial conjunction is called an inferior conjunction. In the "ideal" inferior conjunction, Mercury or Venus transits across the disk of the Sun. If T is the Earth, S is the Sun, P1 is Mercury or Venus, the phenomenon is called superior conjunction. In the “ideal” case, the planet is covered by the Sun, which, of course, cannot be observed due to the incomparable difference in the brightness of the stars. For the Earth-Moon-Sun system, a new moon occurs in the lower conjunction, and a full moon occurs in the upper one.

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Description of the slide:

In their movement in the celestial sphere, Mercury and Venus never go far from the Sun (Mercury - no further than 18 ° - 28 °; Venus - no further than 45 ° - 48 °) and can be either east or west of it. The moment of greatest angular removal of the planet to the east of the Sun is called eastern or evening elongation; to the west - by western or morning elongation.

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The configuration in which the Earth, the Sun and the planet (Moon) form a triangle in space is called quadrature: eastern when the planet is 90° east of the sun and western when the planet is 90° west of the Sun.

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Let us introduce the concepts of specific physical quantities that characterize the motion of the planets and allow us to make some calculations: The sidereal (stellar) period of revolution of a planet is the time interval T, during which the planet makes one complete revolution around the Sun in relation to the stars. The synodic period of a planet's revolution is the time interval S between two successive configurations of the same name.