Lunar and solar eclipses: the impact on humans. Solar and lunar eclipses and their impact on our health and behavior

Eclipse definition: Eclipse (solar / lunar) astronomical situation in which one heavenly body blocks light from another celestial body. This term is most often used during a solar eclipse - that is, when the Moon comes between the observer and the Sun and blocks it - or during a lunar eclipse, when the Moon enters the cone of shadow cast by the Earth.

Overview: Eclipses are important event on a spiritual level, since at this time there is an increased growth of the components raja-tama in environment that has a negative impact on humanity. Negative creatures taking advantage of this increase raja-tama, create various situations bearing global negative consequences. However, regular spiritual practice protects and saves us from these subtle harmful influences.

Please note: For a better understanding of this topic, it is better to read the article "" first.

Every year we observe a number of partial or total eclipses of the Sun and Moon, the visibility of which is usually limited geographic region Earth. Today, many people are interested in such events, which led us to try to understand the spiritual or spiritual significance of such eclipses. We have done spiritual research to understand the spiritual meaning of eclipses and their impact on humans.

2. Kinds eclipses

The first thing that immediately became clear through spiritual research was that palpable (which is visible to our eyes) darkness is not the only kind of eclipse. The existence of other subtle (ie invisible) eclipses has also been discovered. Such subtle eclipses were caused by powerful, so-called subtle sorcerers ( Ma ntrics) from the fifth, sixth and seventh Regions of Hell and are organized using their supernatural powers. A subtle eclipse can only be seen and seen by people with a developed, i.e. with extrasensory perception (ESP).

Powerful demons create a subtle eclipse with the help of a barrier of subtle, negative energy between the material Sun and the Earth or the subtle Sun and the Earth.

Every celestial body that we can see, such as the Earth or the Sun, also has its own subtle body. It resembles the subtle human body that covers our physical body. You can read more about this in the section on subtle bodies and

The physical and subtle Sun is ruled by the God aspect of the Sun (also the Solar Deity). The Solar Deity is one of the aspects of God that controls the workings of all the Suns and other stars in the Universe. The God aspect of the Sun in its basic form is unmanifested. It manifests through the absolute cosmic element Fire and materializes as the Sun, which we can see in the sky and as lightning or fire on Earth. All living beings depend on the sun because it is one of the main tasks of the solar aspect to produce light and glow in the universe.

There is also a subtle lunar eclipse, but its effect on the universe is much less than that of a solar eclipse.

During a solar eclipse, when a thin barrier is formed between the Sun and the Earth, powerful negative beings interfere with the Sun's influence, thus increasing raja-tama on the ground.

Of all the eclipses that have taken place to occur, 70% of them are subtle and 30% are physical in origin. People (including the best astronomers) know only 30% of physical eclipses. Man knows nothing about subtle eclipses.

3.3 What is relative magnification raja-tama during an eclipse?

The following table shows the average ratio during this century's eclipse (i.e. kaliyuga). The numbers refer to the components raja-tama, which are formed in a partial material 30% eclipse.

Increase raja-tama varies depending on the type of eclipse, whether it is partial or absolute, physical or subtle, solar or lunar. The following table shows the growth rajas and tamy, if the material eclipse becomes an absolute eclipse.

Increase rajahtamy

In the case of a subtle eclipse, magnification raja-tama is about 5% or more.

3.4 How long does the effect of elevated raja-tama during a solar or lunar eclipse?

Increase raja-tama during an eclipse, it has a lasting effect, which subsides only after many months. The following table shows how long the fall raja-tama with a partial 30% eclipse.

4. Effects of a solar or lunar eclipse

4.1 Where is the most subtle effect of a solar or lunar eclipse?

The strength of the subtle influence of an eclipse on the human body depends on where it is best observed. The more clearly it is seen, the more it affects people in that region.

An eclipse that can be clearly seen in pacific ocean, has the least subtle influence, as this region is one of the sparsely populated.

4.2 Increase raja-tama supports the activity of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)

During an eclipse, the strength of the energy that generates distress/anxiety is increased by 1000 times compared to other times. (Distress is problems, suffering, pain, illness, etc., the cause of which is spiritual) Ghosts collect excess raja-tama, generated by the eclipse, thus accumulating black energy. Either they use these conditions to do more spiritual practice, to acquire more negative energy (black energy), or they steal spiritual energy from seekers. Black energy is a spiritual energy that is used to harm and damage humanity. The following is an image that shows how black energy builds up during an eclipse.

The above sensitive vision describes what happens on a subtle, invisible level during an eclipse. In the subtle negative Regions of Hell, negative beings of a higher level (ghosts, demons, devils, etc.), the so-called sorcerers or sorcerers ( Mantriki) that are in the second region of Hell and below use magnification raja-tama during an eclipse for their own spiritual practice such as sacrificial fire or meditation to acquire spiritual black energy. The black energy generated by various sorcerers flows into the seventh Region of Hell, where it accumulates and is stored. These black energy flows are all interconnected.

In positive subtle Regions, subtle bodies Saints devote themselves to meditation. Divine Consciousness Chaitanya) flows from more positive Regions to deal with the growing raja-tama on the ground. This is what happens on Earth.

4.3 Influence at the individual level

During an eclipse, there is a high possibility that people may be attacked by their ancestors. Very often, ancestors cause problems in the lives of their descendants. Ancestors use increased raja-tamu and an increase in the black energy of ghosts during an eclipse.

Therefore, it is possible that people on the physical level feel lethargic, tired, nauseous, feeling sore, etc. psychological level, extreme mood swings and negative thoughts about spiritual practice can occur. The moon is known for its influence on our mind - that is, our consciousness. During the full moon, this influence becomes much stronger, and as a result of a lunar eclipse, it is even more aggravated. Thus, the combination of a full moon and a lunar eclipse is a serious situation. Although this happens on a subtle, invisible level, people still suffer from negative energy anxieties.

Since the intellect has also been attacked, there is a general decline in decision-making ability, leaving people at a higher risk of making bad decisions.

4.4 Impact on humanity as a whole

As we mentioned, negative creatures use excessive boost raja-tama, which is formed during lunar or solar eclipses to accumulate black energy. They use this black energy to harm humanity in many ways. They sow the seeds of destruction and disaster on a subtle level, which appear on the physical level only after a while. This development process can last from a few days to several years. Examples of this are the emergence of pandemics of infectious diseases such as bird flu and Ebola, the destruction of families or the initiation of the outbreak of the Third World War.

A solar or lunar eclipse significantly contributes to the creation of conditions that allow the accumulation of black energy by ghosts. In our article, we mentioned that the World between 2013 and 2018 will experience world war and massive natural disasters. This will be accompanied by an unprecedented loss of human life, the main reason for the organization of the Third World War on a subtle level will be high-level negative beings. These events they organize and coordinate with the help of black energy and the result of influencing people so that they start a war against others. They receive up to 30% of the black energy required for this in the process of lunar and solar eclipses. The following table shows the layout of the factors that provide favorable conditions for negative beings to create and collect black energy.

Where do negative beings get their black energy, with the help of which they will plunge the World into the Third World War of 2015-2023

  1. By present time, we mean the current era of discord and struggle ( kaliyuga). The universe goes through cyclical phases of destruction, caused mostly by extreme high level raja-tama. Raja-tama, which peaked on Earth between 2002-2012, set the stage for spiritual cleansing.
  2. By the actions of people, we understand mainly raja-tama the dominant evil actions of mankind. Please read the section "".

5. Practical tips for counteracting the negative effects of eclipses or minimizing them

During a lunar or solar eclipse, there is an increased amount of black energy penetrating everywhere and thus an excess raja-tama. Even though we don't have a sixth sense to perceive it, it would be better if during the eclipse we change our actions so as to counteract the subtle harmful influence.

Natural disasters and eclipses: earthquakes, floods, epidemics, famines, etc. occur when collective sin increases to punish those responsible (for the increase in sin), as well as those who do not take measures to overcome this situation. These calamities happen suddenly, with the result that there is not even time to think about your own salvation from such calamities. Unlike such events, during an eclipse we have the opportunity and can save ourselves from negative consequences while doing spiritual practice. For this, it is necessary that during the period of the eclipse (that is, from the beginning to the end of the eclipse), spiritual practice should be performed.

– His Holiness Dr. Atavle

AndSSRF inspiration source

What should have been done

  • Although he will still be up to 20% affected by the harmful spiritual effects of the eclipse.
  • However, he can receive 50% more Divine Power from God to be protected from raja-tama and black energy.
  • Thus, those who intensify their spiritual practice during the eclipse benefit spiritually by up to 30%.

The end result is a positive impact of 30%.

What shouldn't be done

  • Do not plan important things: All actions and thoughts consist of subtle basic components, they are either blissful ( sattva), passionate ( rajah), or ignorant ( tama) or combinations thereof, such as for example raja-tama. All good and life-affirming actions are primarily sattvic or raja-sattvic. Since during the eclipse a lot of raja-tama, important, necessary things done at this time will not bring the expected success. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such events as the foundation or opening of a company, the conclusion of important transactions, etc. during an eclipse.
  • Reduce raja-ta ma activities: Avoid sleeping, going to the toilet, or sexual contact as these activities are primarily raja-tama and make us more vulnerable to the attacks of our ancestors and spirits.
  • Avoid food: Enlargement of the thin raja-tama in the atmosphere during an eclipse attacks both food and digestion. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid eating during an eclipse. The amount of time we should avoid eating depends on the type of darkness, because the amount of sunlight or moonlight reaching the Earth depends on the percentage of darkness in the eclipse.

    The time during which, during an eclipse, it is not advisable to eat:

When the moon is obscured during its visible phase, we should not eat during the last 12 hours. In addition, at dawn, when the sun rises darkly (regardless of the type of eclipse), fasting should begin 12 hours in advance. The reason for this is that various subtle processes are already in motion for about 12 hours before the eclipse begins. When the sun or moon is obscured, we should not eat again until the next day, after taking a bath before eating. Young children and the elderly or sick can reduce this time to four and a half hours.

6. Generalization

  • An eclipse is an important spiritual event that has lasting adverse effects that are used by negative beings.
  • We must take all necessary spiritual precautions, especially if we can see the eclipse.
  • Regular spiritual practice throughout the year helps to reduce the negative impact. If we do intense spiritual practice during an eclipse, it can have a very positive impact on our spiritual development.

Moon eclipse- immersion of the Moon in the cone of the Earth's shadow, while the Earth is on a straight line connecting the Sun and the Moon. The duration of the eclipse is several hours.

Solar eclipse- short-term obscuration of the solar disk by the disk of the Moon, when the cone of the lunar shadow falls on the surface of the Earth. Solar eclipses are visible on the territory of the Earth, on which the shadow of the Moon falls.

If during the greatest phase of the eclipse the Moon or the Sun is only partially closed, then this is a partial eclipse, and if completely, then this is a total eclipse. Its duration is several minutes. If during a solar eclipse the Moon covers the central part of the solar disk, leaving a visible ring on its edge, then this is an annular eclipse. Regardless of whether the eclipse is visible in a given area or not, its impact on people and on all living things is beyond any doubt.

Lunar eclipses

A lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposition near the lunar nodes. The very aspect of the opposition is considered tense, and therefore any full moon is associated with outbursts of emotions and increased nervousness.

Lunar eclipses cause even more anxiety, imbalance and increased emotional excitability, which can provoke conflicts, tantrums and misplaced enthusiasm. At this time, most often there are violent showdowns, scandals, especially on the basis of jealousy. Insomnia, sleepwalking and other sleep disorders are possible. Many at this time are worried about headaches, swelling, poisoning occurs more often, as the human stomach becomes more sensitive, and the influence of drugs, alcohol and toxic substances at this time increases. The lunar eclipse affects women and children more.

solar eclipses

Solar eclipses occur on a new moon when the conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurs near one of the Moon's nodes. The connection of the luminaries coincides with the so-called days of Hekate - the goddess of night darkness, when vital energy is at a minimum, resistance to diseases is weak. The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. During a solar eclipse, weakness, depression, a feeling of impotence, both physical and mental, are usually felt. These days, one does not want to take any active actions, a person is seized by despondency or lack of will, susceptibility to influence from outside. Men experience more severe solar eclipses, as well as leaders and creative personalities both sexes.

The impact of eclipses on current affairs

All eclipses primarily affect weak and emotionally unbalanced people. Drunk people in the days of eclipses become especially aggressive, all kinds of manias, mental deviations are released. The number of accidents, accidents, traffic accidents, injuries is increasing due to a person's lack of self-control and poor ability to concentrate. Healthy physically and mentally balanced people may simply not notice the effect of the eclipse. But they still need to be careful.

During the eclipse, it is impossible to carry out surgical operations, except for urgent ones. Important things can be started during this period, but only if they have been planned for a long time, well thought out and the probability of error is minimal. You should not start things that are dictated by momentary motives, emotions, or imposed on you from the outside.

The influence of eclipses on the fate of man

The influence of eclipses is fatal, but not necessarily negative. All the events underlying the program laid down in the days of the eclipse will develop with fatal inevitability. In the days of these astronomical phenomena, many are afraid to start something important, because the probable mistakes will then be impossible to correct. In the case of the right choice, on the contrary, success is inevitable.

The influence of an eclipse on the fate of a person is possible if it affects any sensitive point of his personal horoscope, for example, the top of a house or a planet. If a person was born at the time of an eclipse, then there can be many fatal events in his life, but the degree of their negativity depends on the aspects of the luminaries to other planets and their position in the chart. At the time of the eclipse, you can significantly influence your destiny. These days are considered magical best for getting rid of bad habits, psychological problems, unnecessary relationships and other negativity.

The influence of eclipses on the fate of states

Eclipses are mainly used in mundane (political) astrology, since the fateful influence of eclipses mainly affects not ordinary citizens, but those in power. statesmen. Those whose personal fate can affect the fate of the country and change the fate of the entire people.

Eclipses have the greatest impact on the countries where they can be observed. Those that are on the meridian at the time of the central eclipse. One can detect the effects of eclipses on the countries and cities ruled by the signs in which they occur. But much less often, since the belonging of a country to a particular sign is not always indisputable.

It was found that during a lunar eclipse, its influence on a particular region manifests itself almost immediately or a week after this astronomical event. During a solar eclipse, the greatest impact was usually found four months after the eclipse. Sometimes a fateful event can occur much later, or earlier, even before the eclipse.

The strength of the impact depends on the magnitude of the eclipse, in other words, a total eclipse affects more than a partial eclipse. If an eclipse is not visible in some area, then it will not have any significant impact on the fate of this region. But it will affect the health and psyche of the people living there, depending on the susceptibility to the lunar influences of a particular person.

In its movement, the Moon often obscures (or, as astronomers say, covers) the stars of the zodiac constellations. The occultations of the planets and the Sun by the Moon occur much less frequently. The occultation of the sun by the moon is called solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse has a different appearance for different points earth's surface. Since the diameter of the Moon is 400 times smaller than the diameter of the Sun and the Moon is about 400 times closer to the Earth, the Sun and the Moon appear to be disks of the same size in the sky. Therefore, during a total solar eclipse, the Moon can completely cover the bright surface of the Sun, while leaving the solar atmosphere open.

Consider a total solar eclipse. Passing between the Sun and the Earth, the small Moon cannot completely obscure the Earth. The solar disk will be completely closed only for observer A, located inside the cone of the lunar shadow, the maximum diameter of which on the Earth's surface does not exceed 270 km. Only from here, from this relatively narrow region of the earth's surface, where the shadow of the moon falls, will it be possible to see total solar eclipse. In the same place where the penumbra falls from the Moon, inside the so-called cone of the lunar penumbra, it will be visible (for observers B and C) partial solar eclipse.

If at the time of the eclipse the Moon, moving along its elliptical orbit, will be at a considerable distance from the Earth, then the visible disk of the Moon will be too small to completely cover the Sun. Then observer A will be able to see around the dark disk of the Moon a shining rim of the solar disk. It - annular eclipse. For observers B and C, such a solar eclipse will be partial.

Outside the lunar penumbra, eclipses are not observed at all. A solar eclipse is not visible on the entire surface of the Earth, but only where the shadow and penumbra of the Moon run through. The path of the moon's shadow across the earth's surface is called band of total solar eclipse.

Lunar eclipses occur when the moon falls into the earth's shadow, which also has the shape of a cone and is surrounded by penumbra. When the moon is partially immersed in the earth's shadow, a lunar eclipse is called private shadow, and at full immersion - total shadow eclipse. Since the Earth's shadow is directed away from the Sun, the Moon can only pass through it on a full moon. The moon gradually sinks into the earth's shadow with its left edge. During a total eclipse, it becomes brown or dark red, since sunlight, refracted in the earth's atmosphere, illuminates the moon with predominantly red rays, which are least scattered and weakened by the earth's atmosphere.

There are two to five solar eclipses every year. On average, in the same place on the Earth, a total solar eclipse can be observed extremely rarely - only once every 200-300 years, and the duration of a total solar eclipse does not exceed 7 minutes 31 seconds. Therefore, astronomers carefully prepare for eclipse observations in order to have time to study the outer rarefied shells of the Sun within a very short time.

As a rule, one or two lunar eclipses occur annually, but there are years when there are no eclipses at all. Lunar eclipses are visible from the entire night hemisphere of the Earth, where at this time the Moon is above the horizon. Therefore, in each given locality, they are observed more often than solar eclipses, although they occur about 1.5 times less often. The maximum duration of a lunar eclipse is 1 hour 47 minutes.

Back in the VI century. BC e. it was found that after about 18 years and 11.3 days, all eclipses will repeat in the same sequence. This period (the period between eclipses) is called saros(gr. saros period, repetition).

During Saros, on average, 70-71 eclipses occur, of which 42-43 are solar (14 are total, 13-14 are annular and 15 are partial) and 28 are lunar.

Why solar and lunar eclipses don't happen every month? What is the cause of saros? It would seem that eclipses should occur with every revolution of the Moon around the Earth. In fact, this does not happen, since the plane of the lunar orbit does not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic. The apparent path of the Moon in the sky intersects with the ecliptic at an average angle of 5 ° 09 "- the apparent path of the Sun against the background of stars. Therefore, the Moon during a new moon or full moon can be far from the plane of the ecliptic, and then its disk will pass above or below the disk of the Sun or the cone of the Earth's shadow.Eclipses occur only when the Moon is near the points of intersection of the lunar orbit with the ecliptic.During the new moon, the Moon's shadow does not always fall on the Earth.

Details Category: Sun Posted on 04.10.2012 16:24 Views: 9533

Solar and lunar eclipses are astronomical phenomena. A solar eclipse is when the Moon completely or partially covers (eclipses) the Sun from an observer on Earth. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon enters the cone of shadow cast by the Earth.

Solar eclipse

Solar eclipses are already mentioned in ancient sources.
Solar eclipse possible only on new moon when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated, and the Moon itself is not visible. Eclipses are possible only if the new moon occurs near one of the two lunar nodes(points of intersection of the apparent orbits of the Moon and the Sun), no more than about 12 degrees from one of them.

The moon's shadow on the earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, so a solar eclipse is observed only in a narrow band along the path of the shadow. If the observer is in the shadow strip, he sees total solar eclipse, in which the Moon completely hides the Sun, the sky darkens, and planets and bright stars. Around the solar disk hidden by the Moon, one can observe solar corona , which is not visible under the normal bright light of the Sun. For a terrestrial observer, the total phase of the eclipse lasts no more than a few minutes. The minimum speed of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is just over 1 km/s.
Observers near the total eclipse can see partial solar eclipse. During a partial eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun not exactly in the center, hiding only part of it. At the same time, the sky darkens much weaker, the stars do not appear. A partial eclipse can be observed at a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the zone of total eclipse.

Astronomical characteristics of solar eclipses

Complete Such an eclipse is called if it can be observed as total at least somewhere on the surface of the Earth.
When an observer is in the shadow of the moon, he observes a total solar eclipse. When he is in the penumbra, he can observe partial solar eclipse. In addition to total and partial solar eclipses, there are annular eclipses. An annular eclipse occurs when, at the time of the eclipse, the Moon is at a greater distance from the Earth than during a total eclipse, and the shadow cone passes over the earth's surface without reaching it. During an annular eclipse, the Moon passes over the disk of the Sun, but it turns out to be smaller than the Sun in diameter, so it cannot completely hide it. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Sun is covered by the Moon, but a bright ring of the uncovered part of the solar disk is visible around the Moon. The sky during an annular eclipse remains bright, stars do not appear, it is impossible to observe the corona of the Sun. The same eclipse can be seen in different parts of the eclipse band as total or annular. Such an eclipse is sometimes called full annular (or hybrid).
Solar eclipses can be predicted. Scientists have long calculated eclipses for many years to come. From 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth per year, of which no more than two are total or annular. There are an average of 237 solar eclipses in a hundred years. different type. For example, in Moscow from the 11th to the 18th centuries. there were only 3 total solar eclipses. In 1887 there was also a total eclipse. A very strong eclipse with a phase of 0.96 occurred on July 9, 1945. The next total solar eclipse is expected in Moscow on October 16, 2126.

How to watch a solar eclipse

When observing a solar eclipse, special attention should be paid to protecting the eyes from sunlight. To do this, it is recommended to use special light filters coated with a thin layer of metal. You can apply one or two layers of high-quality black-and-white photographic film coated with silver. A total solar eclipse can be observed through optical instruments even without darkening screens, but at the slightest sign of the end of the eclipse, observation should be stopped immediately. Even a thin strip of light, repeatedly amplified through binoculars, can cause irreparable damage to the retina, and therefore experts strongly recommend the use of darkening filters.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of shadow cast by the Earth. This is clearly seen in the diagram presented. The diameter of the spot of the Earth's shadow is about 2.5 diameters of the Moon, so the entire Moon can be obscured. At each moment of the eclipse, the degree of coverage of the Moon's disk by the Earth's shadow is expressed by the eclipse phase F. When the Moon completely enters the Earth's shadow during an eclipse, the eclipse is called a total lunar eclipse, when it is partially - a partial eclipse. Two necessary and sufficient conditions for the onset of a lunar eclipse are the full moon and the proximity of the Earth to the lunar node (the point of intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic).

Observation of lunar eclipses


It can be observed on half of the Earth's territory where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse. The view of the darkened Moon from any point of observation is almost the same. The maximum possible duration of the total phase of a lunar eclipse is 108 minutes (for example, July 16, 2000). But during even a total eclipse, the Moon does not disappear completely, but becomes dark red. This is due to the fact that the Moon, even in the phase of a total eclipse, continues to be illuminated. The sun's rays passing tangentially to the earth's surface are scattered in the earth's atmosphere and due to this scattering partially reach the moon. Earth atmosphere It is most transparent for the rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore it is these rays that reach the surface of the Moon to a greater extent during an eclipse. But if at the time of the eclipse of the Moon (total or partial) the observer was on the Moon, then he could see a total solar eclipse (an eclipse of the Sun by the Earth).


If the Moon falls into the total shadow of the Earth only partially, then a partial eclipse is observed. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in the maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.


Penumbra - a region of space in which the Earth obscures the Sun only partially. If the Moon passes through the penumbra but does not enter the shadow, a penumbral eclipse occurs. With it, the brightness of the Moon decreases, but only slightly: such a decrease is almost imperceptible to the naked eye and is recorded only by instruments.
Lunar eclipses can be predicted. Every year there are at least two lunar eclipses, however, due to the mismatch of the planes of the lunar and earth orbits, their phases differ. Eclipses repeat in the same order every 6585⅓ days (or 18 years 11 days and ~8 hours - this period is called saros). Knowing where and when a total lunar eclipse was observed, one can accurately determine the time of subsequent and previous eclipses that are clearly visible in this area. This cyclicity often helps to accurately date the events described in the historical annals.

Three paths lead to knowledge:

the way of reflection is the noblest way,

the way of imitation is the easiest way

and the way of experience is the most bitter way.

Japanese proverb

What is an eclipse?

An eclipse is a visible conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Earth, and sometimes other planets. Usually there are 2 to 6 eclipses per year. Its sign and degree are important.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, covering part of the solar disk. This happens when the new moon - the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon - occurs near one of the Lunar Nodes.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon. This happens on a full moon if it is observed near the Moon's Node. A lunar eclipse affects the psyche to a greater extent than the event plan of life, giving rise to a feeling of excruciating anxiety and the desire to do something without a clear understanding of the meaning and purpose of actions. Under a lunar eclipse, people experience a surge of emotions, illusions arise about partners and their own role in relationships.

A solar eclipse can only occur on a new moon. A lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon.

The Moon governs everything related to the interests of the hearth and motherhood and represents the outer part of a person's personality. Personality is what we see in external expression (appearance, words, deeds), i.e. everything that distinguishes one person from another.

The Moon governs the stomach, breasts, fertility, housekeeping, maternal instinct, adaptation to everyday circumstances, popularity. It has a significant impact on the general, everyday affairs of everyday life.

The Sun governs character, individuality (what we really are), strength and authority, authority over others. The sun means the influence of high-ranking persons and the occupation of high positions.

The Sun rules hope, courage, generosity and inspiration, a tendency to leadership and a high concept of honor. It is directly related to health and life principle. Dominates in the sphere of individual progress and success in society. The Sun governs high offices and public service. In the human body, it rules the sides, back, heart, the right eye of a man and the left eye of a woman.

Knowing the dates of eclipses, we can more consciously relate to the events of our lives and the lives of our loved ones, understanding their significance in time. During these periods, you should carefully monitor all the situations that occur, meetings and new ideas. It must be remembered that every event that falls on an eclipse is more important than we might at first imagine. The eclipse emphasizes the significance of the events and the seriousness of their consequences. Ideas, proposals, projects and people that enter our lives during the "season" of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.

Everything that happens a week before an eclipse is endowed with a completely different quality than what happens a week later. Events that take place a week before an eclipse very rarely manage to reconcile with how they were planned. They get out of control, acquiring b about more reach and more speed. Everything that happens on the day of the eclipse itself is endowed with a fateful meaning and is almost not subject to human control. During an eclipse, we find ourselves aware of information that could have been put at our disposal before, but for one reason or another did not reach our consciousness. Therefore, important decisions should be made in the week after the eclipse.

Solar and lunar eclipses affect differently. Solar eclipses stimulate a crisis in consciousness, change our internal attitudes, bringing events that we did not consciously cause, dictated by external circumstances. Here, situations due to karmic predestination are realized.

Lunar eclipses are more related to events caused by our thoughts and feelings. They indicate the area of ​​daily life where the changes brought about by the solar eclipse will take place.

If a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, the situation in a certain area of ​​​​life reaches a critical point, requiring reorganization and pushing for rethinking and finding a new approach to the timing of the solar eclipse that follows the lunar one. If a solar eclipse is followed by a lunar eclipse, then what will be laid down at the beginning of the cycle will inevitably manifest itself during the next lunar eclipse - new conscious attitudes will be realized or denied in situations that will determine the next life stage. This can be a time of important choices and life-changing decisions.

And yet, how is a solar eclipse different from a lunar one?

Solar eclipse opens a new life cycle. It brings to the fore things that require urgent attention and brings the beginning of something new. A new perspective may dawn on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away. The solar eclipse gives events a momentum that can be felt in our personal affairs for several years. "Absorption of light" makes this period unpredictable, causing a sense of uncertainty, which will be revealed later. At this time, the luminaries are in conjunction, their influences are mixed, and the potencies of the new cycle are not fully manifested. Therefore, you need to be on the alert and not rush into new projects, no matter how promising they may seem. Don't make the final choice and don't make the final commitment. If the eclipse leaves the choice up to you, it is better to postpone all important decisions for a week after it. At this time, you do not have all the information, and haste now will have to pay later.

Moon eclipse. Unlike a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is the completion of some stage in our life. The luminaries have reached opposition, - after passing this point, the Moon begins its return journey to the Sun. A lunar eclipse is a time of maximum illumination, manifestation of questions and problems. This is a crisis, as a result of which something will be drastically changed or discarded. One way or another, but the circumstances will not remain the same. This is a time when relationship issues, legal disputes and open conflicts come to the fore. It is the most public and public time of the year, revealing information that could remain hidden for a long time. Information spreads instantly, becoming public knowledge. The secret can become clear. If you've been busy looking for someone or something, you might find it during a lunar eclipse. It carries out long-term projects and tasks. It can bring a long-awaited meeting or put an end to a long-awaited break.

This is the time of public scandals, termination of contracts, or, on the contrary, mergers and unifications of the parties. Although the conflict, clarifying the positions of the parties, is often a way to solve the problem, nevertheless, it should be remembered that at this time the emotional intensity is too strong, so beware of making spontaneous decisions. What will be destroyed during this period is difficult to restore.

Eclipse dates for 2018

In January, topics, ideas, situations will emerge that will be harbingers of what awaits us in 2019 and 2020.
The January eclipses will help set the tone for upcoming events. Therefore, in January and the first half of February, it is useful to observe new trends, keep track of emerging ideas, new topics that will appear on the agenda of political, economic, international life and in our personal affairs. In January, there may be ideas for a new collaboration or expansion in business. January-February contribute to the creation of professional groups, new political parties or blocs, corporate structures, new alliances, business partnerships. Eclipse in Capricorn invites us to put long term goals, determine plans to achieve the goal and join in their implementation. Projects that start or are determined in the first month and a half of 2019 will be important in the long term, and will bring benefits in the future.

Maximum phase at 05:12 GMT

The eclipse ends at 07:48 GMT

This is a complex eclipse. The days around this date are the most stressful and problematic aspects of the month. Eclipse week can bring a lot of excitement. This time can reveal secrets, bring unexpected news, changing plans. If at this time there are doubts about someone or something, some people or transactions seem unreliable or doubtful, then with a high probability they are so. Now dishonesty or deceit may be revealed.

Contradictions in old accumulated problems, in protracted and unresolved situations, will reach a peak and require a solution. But the solution can also come as a result of a violent conflict or an unexpected and radical turn of events. During this period, there is a possibility of terrorist attacks, natural disasters, force majeure, earthquakes. This time social unrest, revolutionary sentiments, protests that can lead to change, directing social processes in a new direction. This is the time when crisis becomes opportunity.

Now we need to draw useful conclusions, to draw important experience from past situations so that it becomes our knowledge and wisdom. And also part with what has ceased to be significant, as it does not meet your current needs and goals, in order to turn this page and start new stage. You should not hold on to something that has been asking for a long time from your life - at this time the old leaves, making way for the new.

It is also not recommended to start important business near the dates of eclipses. On the day of the Solar Eclipse, if possible, do not go out into the open air, stay at home. This way you won't be overwhelmed by negative energy.

P.S. Be prudent, use the noble path,

path of reflection