Description May 9th. Victory Day. Story. Mind games. Pillar Checkers

Although Russia has experienced a huge number of battles and victories over its long history, the Great Patriotic War is the closest, memorable and terrible for us. There are several reasons for this.

  • There is not a single family in our country that has not been affected by this disaster. Fathers and grandfathers died, were injured and captured, mothers and grandmothers worked both at the front and in the rear, and those who were children in those terrible years experienced hunger, fear and cruelty. The memory of the ancestors who fought is alive in the heart of every Russian.
  • Some of the veterans are still alive - participants in the battles and home front workers. To congratulate and thank them, to listen to their stories is the sacred duty of those for whom they fought.
  • Second World War- the largest and most terrible in the entire history of mankind. All the more striking is the feat of the Soviet people, who defeated the enemy and eradicated fascism.

Therefore, the holiday of May 9 - spring, bright and solemn - is one of the most important for Russians. What is the history of the celebration of Victory Day, why is it celebrated on this particular day and what events are associated with it - this is our article.

End of the Great Patriotic War

Long months of fighting were drawing to a close already in Germany. The Berlin operation is considered one of the largest and bloodiest in the history of the war. It was attended by 2.5 million Soviet soldiers, a huge amount of military equipment, aviation. The victims of the Soviet army in the Berlin operation amounted to more than three hundred thousand people.

To the capital Nazi Germany so many of our tanks were introduced that they could not really turn around for hostilities and became an easy target for the enemy.

However, Soviet troops destroyed about a hundred tank, motorized and infantry divisions of the Nazis. Almost half a million opponents were taken prisoner.

The banner hoisted on the Reichstag belonged to division No. 150. The leadership of the Soviet Union considered that it could not become a symbol Great Victory, which was obtained through the efforts of the entire Soviet people. Only in Brezhnev's time did the real banner, which visited the Reichstag, begin to participate in the annual parade in the capital.

Instrument of Surrender

The main document, marking the end of the bloodshed, was signed late in the evening on May 8, local time. In Moscow at that moment it was already midnight. Therefore, the whole world celebrates Victory Day a day earlier than Russian Federation and before it the Soviet Union.

Since it took time to form a new German government that could maintain official relations with the victorious powers, the peace treaty was concluded only 10 years later - in 1955.

Victory parade

The morning of Victory on May 9 began with the fact that an act of surrender was delivered from Berlin to Moscow by plane. However, the Parade took place only on June 24, when the winners arrived at home, at least some of them. The parade was hosted by Marshal Georgy Zhukov, whom many remember riding a white horse, and Konstantin Rokossovsky commanded the event. Enemy banners were thrown to the foot of the Mausoleum. Consolidated victorious regiments Workers' and Peasants' Army passed through Red Square. Victory banners were carried by the heroes of the Soviet Union.

How to start celebrating Victory Day

On May 9, a large-scale fireworks display took place in the capital of the Soviet Union. A thousand guns participated in it, they fired 30 volleys.

This day has not become the same as we now see on May 9, and the history of the holiday has undergone some changes. In 1945, this date was declared by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Stalin, a day off. But in 1948, the order was canceled, and the entire Soviet people worked as usual.

The restoration of the national economy was declared a priority task, to which both holidays and days of rest must be sacrificed.

At the same time, military pensions were canceled, and many cripples who were injured during the battles found themselves on the streets without a livelihood. The fact is that the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, veterans, their glory, were not needed by the Stalinist regime. Marshal Zhukov was disgraced. The authorities pretended that the holiday did not exist. Only in 1965, more than a decade after the death of the leader, Victory Day was returned to the people and finally declared a day off.

Victory celebration traditions

In 1945, on this great day, even strangers on the streets of the cities they hugged and congratulated each other. Today, there are slightly different traditions that take root throughout Russia:

  • On the eve of the holiday in educational institutions - from kindergartens to universities - lessons of courage are held. Sometimes they are visited by veterans who talk about what they have experienced themselves.
  • Laying flowers at the eternal fire. This symbol of inextinguishable courage and heroism of soldiers is in many cities of our country. Both administration officials and simple people they carry wreaths and scarlet carnations there.
  • A moment of silence. For 60 seconds, people freeze, remembering those who died for the Motherland in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.
  • In our time, St. George ribbons have become an attribute that demonstrates the greatness of the holiday of May 9 and Victory Day in all its splendor. Celebration is not only joy and jubilation, it is also a memory of the horrors of battles. Therefore, the black and orange ribbon, originating in the 18th century, when the Order of St. George appeared, symbolizing the smoke and fire of battle, reminds of the past like nothing else.
  • There is a tradition to congratulate veterans on the holiday. On the ninth day of May, people buy scarlet carnations, approach the participants in the battles of the Great Patriotic War on the street, give them flowers and thank them for their work, for their contribution to the victory, for the peaceful sky above their heads. This is very important for children, because veterans are gradually leaving, and seeing them, talking to them is a great rarity and value.
  • In many cities of Russia, on Victory Day, parades are held, in which troops of local garrisons, students of military educational institutions, power structures, cadets. An obligatory addition is a brass band, decorating the holiday with its sound.
  • A few years ago, a unique phenomenon appeared in our country - Immortal Regiment. Now May and the solemn holiday of victory are associated with many people with it. This is a social movement organized by journalists, which consists in the fact that a huge number of people pass through the streets with portraits of their ancestors. A large number of veterans, participants in the war have already left, but their descendants want to preserve their glory and the memory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Every year the number of members of the Immortal Regiment increases.
  • Another phenomenon that has appeared relatively recently is military-historical reconstruction. Today in Russia and abroad there are a huge number of clubs that specialize in restoring the form, structure, events of a particular military period.

On the eve or on the day of the holiday in many cities, reconstructions of battles are held - the Berlin operation, the battles near Stalingrad, and so on. For the viewer, this is a unique opportunity to see a spectacle as close to reality as possible with the participation of people in uniform and with equipment that exactly repeats what really existed, military equipment those years, with shots and explosions. This helps to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the event, to feel it.

  • Concerts are held on the squares of cities on Victory Day, poems and songs of the war time are heard. Sometimes spontaneous dance floors are organized right there, where even veterans and children of the war waltz.

In St. Petersburg on May 9, a sound reproducing a metronome is heard from all radar points. This is a tribute besieged Leningrad when this unpretentious knock announced that the Northern Capital was still alive. The city on the Neva does not forget the terrible days of the occupation, the courageous inhabitants - both the dead and those who survived the war.

There are traditions of Victory Day within Russian families. Firstly, many visit their veterans' graves in the cemetery on the eve of the holiday. They look after them, remember their loved ones, pray for them if they consider it necessary.

On May 9, many channels show films about the Great Patriotic war. Soviet copies are of particular value, some of them starred actors who themselves participated in the battles. These works of art help to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the war years, to feel and understand it.

Victory Day is usually a gentle and bright spring day. In many regions of the country, lilac and bird cherry are already blooming, enhancing the holiday atmosphere. For every Russian, this date is memorable and great, mournful and solemn at the same time.


The history of the holiday on May 9, Victory Day


May 9 Victory Day is a holiday that began to be celebrated as the day of the end of a terrible, immensely cruel war that lasted 1418 days and nights.

The history of Victory Day as a national holiday began on May 8, 1945 by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

First Victory Day May 9

The road to victory was a long test. It was won by the courage, combat skill and heroism of Soviet soldiers on the battlefields, the selfless struggle of partisans and underground workers behind the front line, the daily labor feat of home front workers, the combined efforts of the anti-Hitler coalition and the anti-fascist movement.

On May 9, 1945, when in the suburbs of Berlin, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command, Field Marshal V. Keitel from the Wehrmacht, Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the USSR Georgy Zhukov from the Red Army and Air Marshal of Great Britain A. Tedder from the Allies, an act of unconditional and complete surrender was signed Wehrmacht.

Recall that Berlin was taken on May 2, but the German troops offered fierce resistance to the Red Army for more than a week before the fascist command, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, finally decided to surrender.

Soon, the solemn voice of Yuri Levitan sounded from radios throughout the country: “On May 8, 1945, in Berlin, representatives of the German High Command signed an act on unconditional surrender German armed forces. The Great Patriotic War waged by the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders has ended victoriously.

Germany is completely destroyed. Comrades of the Red Army, Red Navy, sergeants, foremen, officers of the army and navy, generals, admirals and marshals, I congratulate you on the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War. Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!”

By order of I. Stalin, a grandiose salute from a thousand guns was given that day in Moscow. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in commemoration of the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders and the possessed historical victories Red Army. May 9 was declared Victory Day.

However, May 9 was a day off for only three years. In 1948, the war was ordered to be forgotten and all forces to be thrown into the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war.

And only in 1965, already in the era of Brezhnev, the holiday was again given its due. May 9 again became a day off, Parades resumed, large-scale fireworks in all cities - Heroes and honoring veterans.

Victory Day Abroad

Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated not on May 9, but on May 8. This is due to the fact that the act of surrender was signed on Central European time on May 8, 1945 at 22:43. When in Moscow, with its two hour time difference, May 9 has already arrived.

First Victory Parade

The capital of the Third Reich fell on the 17th day of the assault. On May 2, at 15:00, the remnants of the German garrison capitulated.

On May 4, 1945, a military parade took place Soviet troops The Berlin garrison, moving in a solemn march on the square near the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag. Soldiers and officers walked past the ruins of houses turned by the Nazis into strongholds.

They marched in the same tunics in which they stormed the capital of Germany. The streets of the city were still smoking from fires, on the outskirts of the city, the Nazis, who had not yet laid down their arms, were shooting.

The military commandant of Berlin, General N. E. Berzarin, received the parade.

Shortly after the announcement of May 9, 1945 as Victory Day, I. V. Stalin expressed the idea: “But can’t we restore the good old tradition of holding a parade of the victorious army?” The preparation of such a parade was entrusted to the General Staff.

On May 24, after a solemn reception in the Kremlin of the top military leadership, the plan, calculations and scheme of the parade were reported to Stalin. The preparation period was set for 1 month, that is, the date of the Victory Parade was set for June 24th.

Preparing for the Parade turned out to be quite troublesome. In a short time it was necessary to sew more than 10 thousand sets of ceremonial uniforms. Almost all clothing factories in Moscow prepared ceremonial uniforms for soldiers. Numerous workshops and ateliers performed custom-made tailoring for officers and generals.

To participate in the Victory Parade, it was necessary to pass a tough selection: not only feats and merits were taken into account, but also the appearance corresponding to the appearance of the victorious warrior, and that he was at least 170 cm tall. It is not for nothing that in the newsreel all participants in the parade are simply handsome, especially pilots. Going to Moscow, the lucky ones did not yet know that they would have to do drill for 10 hours a day for the sake of three and a half minutes of an impeccable march along Red Square.

The Banner of Victory, hoisted over the Reichstag, was decided to be delivered to Moscow with special military honors. On the morning of June 20, at the airfield in Berlin, the banner was solemnly presented to the Heroes of the Soviet Union by Senior Sergeant Syanov, Junior Sergeant Kantaria, Sergeant Yegorov, Captains Samsonov and Neustroev.

The Banner of Victory, brought to Moscow on June 20, 1945, was to be carried through Red Square. And the calculation of the flagmen specially trained. Banner Keeper at the Museum Soviet army A. Dementiev claimed that Neustroev, who hoisted him over the Reichstag and seconded to Moscow as a standard-bearer, and his assistants Yegorov, Kantaria and Berest, were extremely unsuccessful at the rehearsals - they had no time for drill training in the war. The same Neustroev, by the age of 22, had five wounds, his legs were injured. Appointing other standard-bearers is ridiculous, and too late.

Zhukov decided - not to take out the Banner. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, there was no Banner at the Victory Parade. The first time the Banner was taken to the parade in 1965.

On June 24, the consolidated regiments of the fronts, led by the commanders of the fronts and all the commanders, were built on Red Square. The order of the solemn march was determined by the sequence of the location of the fronts - from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd, 1st Belorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Next were the consolidated regiment Navy and parade crews of the troops of the Moscow garrison. As part of the regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front, representatives of the Polish Army marched in a special column.

The parade was also attended by "boxes" of the Commissariat of Defense (1), military academies (8), military and Suvorov schools (4), the Moscow garrison (1), cavalry brigade (1), artillery, motorized, airborne and tank units and divisions (by special calculation).

As well as a combined military band of 1,400 people.

The duration of the parade is 2 hours 09 minutes. 10 sec.

In general, 24 marshals, 249 generals, 2536 officers, 31,116 privates, sergeants participated in the parade.

More than 1,850 units of military equipment passed through Red Square.

In honor of the Victory Parade, a 26-meter Fountain of Winners was erected on the Execution Ground of Red Square. It was built specifically for the Victory Parade and then was removed from Red Square.

At 9:45 a.m., members of the government and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the party rose to the podium of the Mausoleum.

And then the chimes of the Spasskaya Tower began to chime the clock with a unique melodic ringing. The sound of the tenth blow had not had time to fly over the square, when after it came the sing-song “Smir-no-o-o!”

Parade commander Konstantin Rokossovsky on a black horse rushes towards Georgy Zhukov, who rode out of the Spassky Gates on a horse of almost white color. Red Square is frozen. The clatter of hooves is clearly audible, and then a clear report from the Commander of the Parade. Last words Rokossovsky drown in the solemn sounds of the consolidated orchestra, which united 1400 musicians.

Zhukov, accompanied by Rokossovsky, circles the troops lined up for the Parade and congratulates the soldiers, officers and generals on the Victory.

Zhukov, on behalf of and on behalf of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Soviet government, congratulated the Soviet soldiers and all the people on the Great Victory over Nazi Germany.

After the performance of the anthem of the Soviet Union, artillery salute and three soldiers' cheers, the parade was opened by forty young drummers - pupils of the Moscow Military Music School. Behind them, to the sounds of a military orchestra, the consolidated regiments of the fronts marched in a solemn march (a special march was performed for each regiment).

The parade lasted two hours. The rain poured like a bucket. But the thousands of people who crowded Red Square did not seem to notice him. However, the passage of columns of workers was canceled due to bad weather. By evening, the rain had stopped, and a holiday reigned on the streets of Moscow again. High in the sky, in the rays of powerful searchlights, scarlet banners fluttered, and the sparkling Order of Victory majestically floated. Orchestras thundered in the squares, artists performed. The people rejoiced.

Allied Victory Parade in Berlin on September 7, 1945

After the significant Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 1945, the Soviet leadership invited the Americans, British and French to hold a parade of troops in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany in Berlin itself. After some time, they received a positive response.

It was decided to hold a parade of Soviet and Allied troops in September 1945 in the area of ​​the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate, where the final battles took place during the capture of Berlin on May 1-2, 1945. . The parade was decided to coincide with the end of the war on pacific ocean. According to the agreement, the parade of troops was to be received by the commanders-in-chief of the troops of the Soviet Union, the USA, England and France.

But at the last moment, the Allied attaches informed the Kremlin that for some reason the commanders-in-chief of England, France and the United States would not be able to participate in this parade, and high-ranking military generals would arrive in Berlin instead.

In his famous book of memoirs about the war of 1941 in 1945. Marshal G. Zhukov writes: “... I immediately called I.V. Stalin. After listening to my report, he said: "They want to belittle the significance of the Victory Parade in Berlin ... Take the parade yourself, especially since we have more rights to it than they do."

Therefore, Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov took over the parade, and the English General Nairs commanded it. On the podium, in addition to Zhukov, were representatives of the commanders-in-chief of the occupying forces of the United States, Great Britain, France, as well as Soviet and foreign generals.

In modern Ukraine, in 2015, this holiday was renamed the Day of Victory over Nazism in World War II 1939-1945. This was done to honor the memory of all the victims of these terrible years and emphasize the world-historical significance of Victory Day.

Happy Great Victory Day!

Dmitrenko Inna Vyacheslavovna, educator, nursery-kindergarten No. 4 "Nightingale"
Novoazovsk, Donetsk region

Description: this material will be useful preschool educators parents of preschool children. Application in the form of group, individual conversations with parents.

Consultation for teachers and parents on the topic: Victory Day. How to explain this to a child?

Let the thunders of wars give way to the songs of lyres,
And evil battles will subside on Earth,
And they will be in every house -
Bread and Peace,
And in every heart
quiet prayer...
(Igor Birulin)

Target: to explain to parents, teachers how to form the foundations of national self-consciousness in children, how to start studying the holiday - Victory Day.
Tasks: realize patriotic education children, starting the study of the history of their country with the history of their family, small motherland; to cultivate a sense of pride in those to whom we owe a peaceful sky; to cultivate respect for the defenders of their homeland and the desire to defend it in the future.

For many, May 9 - Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays. This year will be 70 years since the Great Victory - the victory of our country over Nazi Germany. And what do our children know about the event that changed the fate of the whole world? What does the date of May 9 mean for them and how can today's parents tell their children about the Great Patriotic War?
We remember the history and honor the memory of those who died for the world in which we live and are grateful to them for the bright peaceful sky. In no case should we forget at what cost the world was won and the opportunity to calmly raise our children. It is impossible to understand what “victory”, “peace” means without understanding what “war” is. Today, the fear of war and the price of peace can be especially understood and appreciated by residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. They know not only from history what war is, what it means to lose loved ones, what it means to be homeless, without means of subsistence. It seems to me that those people who themselves faced such a disaster as war will appreciate even more those who paid with their lives for us to build our lives without war. For our children, who hear explosions and hide in a house on the playground, they call a teacher with them, it is also easier to explain what war means. When a 3-year-old girl comes up for a walk and hugs the teacher and asks: “Will they kill me?”, You understand to what extent you are responsible for these children. Of course, it is better to know about the war from the stories of others.
For the sake of the memory of the soldiers who defended their relatives in 1941-1945; for the sake of those who experienced in their childhood the hard times of war and post-war years- children of war; For the sake of those babies who have just been born and are starting their lives, we must know the history of those great years, know the history of heroic deeds, know the stories of human destinies. Know and pass on from generation to generation.
If we take our older generation, then there is one feature of it - there is not a single family of those years whose family would not have been touched by the black wing of the war. The sacred duty of adults - parents, teachers, to convey to our children the history of the Second World War. Not only historical facts and planned excursions to monuments fallen heroes, but to reach out to every child's heart, to put love and respect into it, not to let such a date as the Great Victory Day remain just a historical fact.
Exactly preschool age- a favorable period of education of patriotism and love for the Motherland. In childhood, the foundation of the personality is laid, therefore the task of teachers and parents is not only to develop cognitive abilities in children, the ability to think and analyze, but also to convey to them important historical moments of our history. How is it possible for children to explain what Victory Day is? Why do we treat him so sacredly? Why is it a joyful holiday with tears in the eyes? Why can't we forget him?
During the Great Patriotic War, the enemy in the face of Nazi Germany brought a lot of grief to our people. The conquerors killed the inhabitants of cities and villages, did not spare either women or children, burned their houses, starved them. All the people in those years rose to defend their homeland. This war was terrible, difficult, many people died in 4 years. But our army defeated the enemy, who brought so many troubles, drove him out of our country. The day the war ended was May 9, 1945. And since then it has been a holy holiday for every inhabitant of our country. Familiarization of the child with this holiday cannot be started with simple historical facts and edification that it needs to be known, remembered and appreciated. These are small children, they cannot be forced to love and feel. Here it is necessary to go to the level of feelings. It is more interesting for a child to learn a story if it starts with the history of his great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, who took part in the war or were witnesses. It is easier to perceive what is closer and dearer.

The reason for starting such a conversation may just be the holiday of Victory Day. It is very good if the child is told in advance the history of this holiday, consider the photos in the family album, and then, as a consolidation of what has been said, go to a festive event together, lay flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers, stand at the Eternal Flame, give flowers to the veterans who came to this holiday . Vivid events will remain in the memory of the child. Of course, at one time, two and three it is impossible to tell about the war so that the child understands the significance of victory. This needs to be told to a child for more than one year. And not just before the holidays. Family history, looking at the family archive, reading fiction, listening to songs about peace and war is something that should not be forgotten. The concept of "victory" for a child should be that people won the war because they defended their country and wanted to live in peace. Peace is often fought for. Often peace comes thanks to those who do not spare their lives for the sake of their loved ones, children, and we are always indebted to them. AT preschool institutions teachers pay much attention to conversations with children about those years, read poems, stories about the wartime, and hold festive events. Together with parents and educators, children make crafts dedicated to the Victory Day. This is our common cause - to educate citizens of the country who remember their history and grow up as a worthy successor!

I wish you all a peaceful sky above your head!

MOSCOW, May 9 - RIA Novosti. A festive artillery salute will thunder on May 9 in 26 cities of Russia in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In Moscow, the 449th separate salute division of the Western Military District, which received the honorary name "Guards" on the eve of Victory Day, will be saluting.

In the capital, fireworks will be launched at 22:00 from 16 points. The installations of the salute division in 10 minutes of work will produce about 30 volleys or 10 thousand salute shots. At the same time, Vyacheslav Paradnikov, commander of the salute division, promised the Muscovites a modernized salute. According to him, the filling of many shots has changed, which will provide an even greater variety of salute colors.

Each salute installation consists of six modules of various calibers - from 105 to 310 millimeters. The diversity of firework shots and the different angles of their launch make it possible to create special effects in the sky, which are provided by different heights of bursts. Special software, which fireworks are equipped with, made it possible to simulate a unique firework scenario.

The sky in the center of the capital will bloom with a battery on the Kremlin embankment. Close to the historical part of the city there will also be a salute point on the Luzhnetskaya embankment and two batteries in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, with which the legendary 76-mm ZIS-3 guns of the 1942 model will be fired.

In the west and south-west of Moscow, fireworks will be located on the bank of the pond in Novo-Peredelkino, on Miklukho-Maklaya Street next to Russian University Friendship between nations. In the south and southeast, volleys will thunder in Yuzhny Butovo, on the banks of the Chernevsky Pond, in the Kuzminki and Nagatinskaya floodplain parks. In the east of Moscow, the battery will be located in Izmailovsky Park, and in the north - at VDNKh, in the Chermyanka and Druzhba parks. Three batteries will be located in the northwest: at the Tushino airfield, in Zelenograd and Mitin.

In New Moscow, fireworks will thunder from the site of the Trinity Separate Subdivision of the P.N. Lebedev RAS.

Fireworks will be fired on May 9 in the cities of RussiaThere will be salutes in Moscow personnel 449th Separate Salute Division of the Western Military District, which received the honorary title "Guards" on the eve of Victory Day.

West and central Russia

Fireworks in St. Petersburg will be given at 22:00 from the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Soldiers in Kaliningrad Baltic Fleet will give an artillery salute from the ZIS-3 cannons, fired in 1943. According to the Western Military District, at one time they were used during the assault on Koenigsberg, some of them show dents from the deadly fragments of the war. Now these cannons, which are still in service, carry out the soundtrack of salutes, thanks to their characteristic jerky sound made when fired. The festive fireworks in Kaliningrad will be fired from 4 fireworks and 4 ZIS-3 cannons in Victory Park behind the memorial to 1200 soldiers-guards.

In addition, the artillerymen of the units Airborne Troops arrange fireworks in Tula and Pskov.

South of the country

Artillerymen of the Southern Military District will arrange a festive fireworks display in honor of Victory Day in Vladikavkaz, Novorossiysk, Anapa and Tuapse. The salute will be made from 12 units of 76-mm ZIS-3 guns and two salute installations based on KamAZ. Salutes will be fired in volleys at a pace of 15 seconds, the explosion of fireworks will be carried out at a height of 250-300 meters.

Residents of Vladikavkaz will be able to see nine types of festive fireworks ("Assol", "Assol-chameleon", "Sunflower", "Volna-3", "Vega" of various modifications), presented in seven colors (silver, green-red, red- white, green-white, blue, cyan, yellow).

In Astrakhan, on May 9, volleys will be fired from the ships of the Caspian Flotilla and the platform on the Gorodskoy Island from six legendary guns from the Great Patriotic War.

Fireworks from "Violet" will be launched in Donetsk on Victory DayIn the power department detailed information the upcoming fireworks have not yet been given, as the Ministry of Defense wants to surprise the townspeople. According to an informed source, "Assol", "Vega", "Violet" products will probably be used for the salute.

Also, a festive artillery salute and fireworks at 22:00 will illuminate the Sevastopol Bay.

Yekaterinburg, Samara and Novosibirsk

In the sky of Yekaterinburg, Samara and Novosibirsk, 70 volleys of festive fireworks will thunder thanks to the gunners of the Central Military District. Multi-color fireworks will be used, which, depending on the caliber and charge, have proper names: "Vega", "Violet" and "Assol". They will provide spectacular sheaves of sparks, flicker, pulsations and other lighting effects.

Artillery batteries will fire volleys at 10 am local time, accompanying the performance of the Russian anthem at parades, and then at 10 pm (in Yekaterinburg - 10.30 pm). The salute will be made from 76-mm ZIS-3 guns and salute installations based on KamAZ.

In Novosibirsk, fireworks will be held from 21:50 to 22:00 on the city beach of the Ob River.

Far East

Artillerymen of the Eastern Military District will launch fireworks more than 1200 times on May 9In total, about 100 units of automotive and special equipment, more than 400 military personnel will be involved in the preparation of festive fireworks in the Eastern Military District, more than 1.2 thousand blank ammunition will be used, the press service of the Military District reported.

More than 1.2 thousand festive shots will be fired by artillerymen of the Eastern Military District from 42 artillery pieces and 21 fireworks launchers. At 22:00 local time in Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Belogorsk, Chita and Ulan-Ude, 30 volleys will be fired in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The largest fireworks show will take place on May 9 at the Lenin Stadium in Khabarovsk. It will involve largest number guns - eighteen 122-mm M-30 howitzers and 6 fireworks.

"Precision, safety and beauty"

The tradition of saluting the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was born on August 5, 1943 in honor of the troops that liberated Oryol and Belgorod. During the Great Patriotic War, more than 350 fireworks lit up the sky. The most significant fireworks took place on May 9, 1945 - 30 salvos from 1000 guns, after which the tradition of festive fireworks was interrupted for 20 years. The first post-war salute was fired in 1965, and in 1967 a platoon of fireworks was formed in the Taman division. Now it bears the name of the 449th Separate Salute Division and operates under the motto "Precision, Safety and Beauty". The ZIS-3 guns of 76 mm caliber of this division, which provide sound accompaniment to salutes, have real battle wounds - in the distant 1940s they destroyed fascist tanks.

On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War was the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany attacked Soviet Union. On her side were Romania, Italy, and a few days later Hungary, Slovakia and Finland.

(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing. Moscow. In 8 volumes -2004. ISBN 5 - 203 01875 - 8)

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed clash in the history of mankind. On a huge front stretching from the Barents to the Black Seas, on both sides in different periods fought from 8 to 12.8 million people, used from 5.7 to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 to 163 thousand guns and mortars, from 6.5 to 18.8 thousand aircraft. Such a huge scope of hostilities and concentration of such large mass the history of wars did not yet know military equipment.

The act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8 at 22:43 CET (Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the End of World War II is celebrated on May 8 in Europe, and on May 9 in the Soviet Union.

And only in 1965, in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, May 9 was again declared a non-working day. The holiday was given an exceptionally solemn status, a special commemorative medal was established. On May 9, 1965, a military parade was held on Red Square in Moscow, and the Banner of Victory was carried in front of the troops.

Since then, Victory Day has always been celebrated very solemnly in the USSR, and holding military parades on May 9 has become a tradition. The streets and squares were decorated with flags and banners. At 7 pm, a minute of silence was announced in memory of the dead. Mass meetings of veterans in the center of Moscow have become traditional.

On May 9, 1991, the last parade of the USSR era took place, and until 1995 there were no parades. In 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, a military parade was held in Moscow on Kutuzovsky prospect at Poklonnaya Hill. It demonstrated samples of military equipment, while columns of veterans marched along Red Square.

Since 1996, the tradition of holding military parades on main square The country was enshrined in the law "On perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." According to him, parades should take place not only in Moscow, but also in hero cities, and in cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets are deployed. The participation of military equipment in the law is not fixed.

Since then, parades have been held annually. On Victory Day, meetings of veterans, solemn events and concerts are held. To the monuments of military glory, memorials, mass graves wreaths and flowers are laid, guards of honor are put up. Memorial services are held in churches and temples of Russia.

Every year on this day in the hero cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Novorossiysk, Tula, Smolensk and Murmansk, as well as in the cities of Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chita, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Severomorsk and Sevastopol is a festive artillery salute. The first salute on the occasion of Victory Day was fired in Moscow on May 9, 1945 with 30 salvos from a thousand guns.

Since 2005, a patriotic action "St. George's Ribbon" has been held in order to return and instill the value of the holiday in the younger generation. On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, everyone can tie a hand, bag or car antenna " St. George ribbon"as a sign of memory of the heroic past of the USSR, as a symbol of military prowess, Victory, military glory and recognition of the merits of front-line soldiers.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources