The beginning of the march of the immortal regiment

On Victory Day, May 9, 2018, the traditional Immortal Regiment procession will take place in Moscow.

Despite the recent foundation, millions of citizens take part in it, who honor their relatives who fought during the Second World War. The number of participants in the action is growing every year, so many are interested in how and where the Immortal Regiment will take place. Moscow in 2018 will be the main center of the event.

Where will the meeting of the participants of the action "Immortal Regiment" in Moscow in 2018 take place

The "Immortal Regiment" is a public procession during which people carry photographs of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. It is held in Russia and other countries on Victory Day, May 9th.

The immortal regiment in Moscow will traditionally begin after the Victory Parade. The gathering of all comers will begin at 13:00 at the entrance to the Dynamo stadium. The procession itself through the streets of the capital will begin exactly in two hours - at 15:00.

Members of the Immortal Regiment will touch Leningradsky Prospekt, Tverskaya and Tversko-Yamskaya streets, after which they will go to Okhotny Ryad, and then to Krasnaya and Manezhnaya Square. The procession of "immortal front-line soldiers" will continue along the Moskvoretskaya embankment and the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky bridge. The procession will end on Red Square.

To participate in the campaign, it is enough to have a poster with a photo of your relative who participated in the Second World War, which you can make yourself or order. The recommended photo size is A4.

In 2017, a similar action in the capital already numbered 850 thousand, the RosRegister website reports. people One gets the impression that a new tradition of celebrating Victory Day has appeared in the country and in Moscow. The organizers of the action assure that in 2018 over one million people will take part in the Immortal Regiment in the capital. This indicates that, despite the fact that fewer and fewer veterans of the Second World War remain alive, the memory of the heroes does not decrease.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov previously told Izvestia that Vladimir Putin could again take part in the procession of the Immortal Regiment on Victory Day this year.

How to become a participant in the procession "Immortal Regiment" in Moscow

To join the procession, it is enough to come with a portrait (pillar) of your relative - a participant in the war. A pavement sign is an enlarged, scanned photograph mounted on a rigid substrate, laminated (in case of rain), attached to a holder.

How should the banner be designed?

Most of the pillar should be occupied by a photograph of the hero, in the lower part it is necessary to indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, military rank.

Where to print a photo?

Those wishing to take part in the campaign can order a print of a portrait of their relative at any Moscow MFC. The service is free, but applications are only accepted until the end of April. Also, photos of front-line soldiers can be sent via the Internet.

It is advisable to come to the procession in comfortable shoes, have hats and drinking water(only in plastic bottles) in case of hot weather, raincoats and umbrellas in case of precipitation.

Which streets will be blocked in Moscow on May 9 for the Immortal Regiment procession

Traffic in the area of ​​Tverskaya Street and the central embankments will be blocked in Moscow on May 9 during the procession of the Immortal Regiment. This was announced by a representative of the information center of the transport complex of the capital.

Overlaps will operate on sections of Leningradsky Prospekt from the Dynamo metro station, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets, Teatralny proezd, the Kremlin and Moskvoretskaya embankments, as well as the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky bridge.

During the procession on Victory Day from 15:00 Moscow time to 19:00, all traffic lanes will be blocked on these streets.

Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites with portraits of their relatives and friends - participants in the Great Patriotic War- will pass in the column of the "Immortal Regiment".

What is the "Immortal Regiment"

The main task set by the founders of the movement was to preserve the memory of the generation of people who lived during the Great Patriotic War. These are military personnel, and home front workers, and prisoners of concentration camps, and children of the war. In a word, all those who were directly affected by the events of the harsh years.

The organization unites in its ranks contemporaries who share different political views and religions. This includes representatives of many nationalities. It is not a commercial entity. Demonstration of one's own civic position in relation to the people who stopped the war, as well as the preservation of memory in relation to the outgoing military generation - this is what the "Immortal Regiment" is.

None of the political forces of the state, enterprises, specific people have the right to use the idea of ​​creating an association, its symbols for their own selfish or any other purposes. Such actions desecrate the memory of the fallen front-line soldiers and violate the ethical principles on which the organization's activities are based.

History of the Immortal Regiment of Russia

The history of the Immortal Regiment began in 2007. On the eve of May 9, Gennady Ivanov, chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Police Battalion for Tyumen region. He saw his countrymen passing with portraits of war veterans along one of the city squares. The article “Family Album at the Parade”, published in Tyumenskiye Izvestia on May 8, 2007, spoke about this action, which was still unnamed at that time. And on Victory Day, Gennady Kirillovich took a photograph of his father and, together with friends who supported his impulse, carried it along the main street of Tyumen. The following year, a large column came out with pictures of front-line soldiers, the action was called the “Parade of Winners”.

Two years later, such parades were held in more than 20 regions of our country. In Moscow in 2010 and 2011 Poklonnaya Hill held an action "Heroes of Victory - our great-grandfathers!" And finally, in 2012, portraits of soldiers were also held in Tomsk. It was then that the action received its current name "Immortal Regiment".

In 2013, Nikolai Zemtsov, together with People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanov, for the first time held a procession of the Immortal Regiment in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, in which about a thousand people took part. In 2014, more than 40 thousand participants gathered there.

In 2015, the Immortal Regiment - Moscow RPOO, the All-Russian Popular Front and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation turned to the President with a request for the Immortal Regiment to pass through Red Square.

And so, on May 9, in Moscow, 500,000 people went to the procession of the Immortal Regiment, and among them is President Vladimir Putin with a portrait of his father, a front-line soldier. Everyone had a feeling of the country as one family. It seems that the meaning and grandeur of the Victory Day have never been revealed so fully and deeply.

The immortal regiment marched in Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vladimir, Grozny, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Stavropol, Sevastopol - 1200 cities, 12 million of our compatriots.

Unfortunately, the procession of the Immortal Regiment was not shown in the West, but thousands of people who remember the history of World War II took part in it in 17 countries.

How the action is organized in Moscow

In 2010, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, L. Shevtsova, took the initiative to hold a procession with photos of WWII participants. On May 9, 2010, the Heroes of Victory march took place on Poklonnaya Hill, in which five thousand Muscovites took part. Similar events are held in the capital every year. In 2013, this movement, as well as throughout the country, was called the "Immortal Regiment". After that, the number of shares began to grow very quickly.

In 2015, the organizers of the movement put forward a proposal to hold a march on Red Square. The authorities of the capital supported this initiative and after the Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, columns of the Immortal Regiment marched across the square, in which there were about half a million Muscovites. It is noteworthy that, together with the residents of the capital, the President of Russia V. Putin also took part in the demonstration. In his hands was a portrait of his father, a front-line soldier.

In 2017, a similar action in the capital already numbered 850 thousand people. One gets the impression that a new tradition of celebrating Victory Day has appeared in the country and in Moscow. The organizers of the action assure that in 2018 over one million people will take part in the Immortal Regiment in the capital. This indicates that, despite the fact that fewer and fewer veterans of the Second World War remain alive, the memory of the heroes does not decrease.

Despite the recent foundation, millions of citizens take part in it, who honor their relatives who fought during the Second World War. The number of participants in the action is growing every year, so many are interested in how and where the Immortal Regiment will take place. Moscow in 2018 will be the main center of the event.

The "Immortal Regiment" is a public procession during which people carry photographs of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. It is held in Russia and other countries on Victory Day, May 9th.

The immortal regiment in Moscow will traditionally begin after the Victory Parade. The gathering of all comers will begin at 13:00 at the entrance to the Dynamo stadium. The procession itself through the streets of the capital will begin exactly in two hours - at 15:00.

Members of the Immortal Regiment will touch Leningradsky Prospekt, Tverskaya and Tversko-Yamskaya streets, after which they will go to Okhotny Ryad, and then to Red and Manezhnaya Squares. The procession of "immortal front-line soldiers" will continue along the Moskvoretskaya embankment and the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky bridge. The procession will end on Red Square.

To participate in the campaign, it is enough to have a poster with a photo of your relative who participated in the Second World War, which you can make yourself or order. The recommended photo size is A4.

In 2017, a similar action in the capital already numbered 850 thousand, the RosRegister website reports. people One gets the impression that a new tradition of celebrating Victory Day has appeared in the country and in Moscow. The organizers of the action assure that in 2018 over one million people will take part in the Immortal Regiment in the capital. This indicates that, despite the fact that fewer and fewer veterans of the Second World War remain alive, the memory of the heroes does not decrease.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov previously told Izvestia that Vladimir Putin could again take part in the procession of the Immortal Regiment on Victory Day this year.

To join the procession, it is enough to come with a portrait (pillar) of your relative - a participant in the war. A pavement sign is an enlarged, scanned photograph mounted on a rigid substrate, laminated (in case of rain), attached to a holder.

How should the banner be designed?

Most of the pillar should be occupied by a photograph of the hero, in the lower part it is necessary to indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, military rank.

Where to print a photo?

Those wishing to take part in the campaign can order a print of a portrait of their relative at any Moscow MFC. The service is free, but applications are only accepted until the end of April. Also, photos of front-line soldiers can be sent via the Internet.

It is advisable to come to the procession in comfortable shoes, have hats and drinking water (only in plastic bottles) in case of hot weather, raincoats and umbrellas in case of rain.

Traffic in the area of ​​Tverskaya Street and the central embankments will be blocked in Moscow on May 9 during the procession of the Immortal Regiment. This was announced by a representative of the information center of the transport complex of the capital.

Overlaps will operate on sections of Leningradsky Prospekt from the Dynamo metro station, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets, Teatralny proezd, the Kremlin and Moskvoretskaya embankments, as well as the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky bridge.

During the procession on Victory Day from 15:00 Moscow time to 19:00, all traffic lanes will be blocked on these streets.

Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites with portraits of their relatives and friends - participants in the Great Patriotic War - will march in the Immortal Regiment column.

The main task set by the founders of the movement was to preserve the memory of the generation of people who lived during the Great Patriotic War. These are military personnel, and home front workers, and prisoners of concentration camps, and children of the war. In a word, all those who were directly affected by the events of the harsh years.

The organization unites in its ranks contemporaries who share different political views and religions. This includes representatives of many nationalities. It is not a commercial entity. Demonstration of one's own civic position in relation to the people who stopped the war, as well as the preservation of memory in relation to the outgoing military generation - this is what the "Immortal Regiment" is.

None of the political forces of the state, enterprises, specific people have the right to use the idea of ​​creating an association, its symbols for their own selfish or any other purposes. Such actions desecrate the memory of the fallen front-line soldiers and violate the ethical principles on which the organization's activities are based.

The history of the Immortal Regiment began in 2007. On the eve of May 9, Gennady Ivanov, chairman of the Council of Veterans of the police battalion in the Tyumen region, had an amazing dream. He saw his countrymen passing with portraits of war veterans along one of the city squares. The article “Family Album at the Parade”, published in Tyumenskiye Izvestia on May 8, 2007, spoke about this action, which was still unnamed at that time. And on Victory Day, Gennady Kirillovich took a photograph of his father and, together with friends who supported his impulse, carried it along the main street of Tyumen. The following year, a large column came out with pictures of front-line soldiers, the action was called the “Parade of Winners”.

Two years later, such parades were held in more than 20 regions of our country. In Moscow in 2010 and 2011, on Poklonnaya Gora, the action “Heroes of Victory - our great-grandfathers, grandfathers!” Was held, which was attended by Moscow schoolchildren and their parents with portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And finally, in 2012, portraits of soldiers were also held in Tomsk. It was then that the action received its current name "Immortal Regiment".

In 2013, Nikolai Zemtsov, together with People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanov, for the first time held a procession of the Immortal Regiment in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, in which about a thousand people took part. In 2014, more than 40 thousand participants gathered there.

In 2015, the Immortal Regiment - Moscow RPOO, the All-Russian Popular Front and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation turned to the President with a request for the Immortal Regiment to pass through Red Square.

And so, on May 9, in Moscow, 500,000 people went to the procession of the Immortal Regiment, and among them is President Vladimir Putin with a portrait of his father, a front-line soldier. Everyone had a feeling of the country as one family. It seems that the meaning and grandeur of the Victory Day have never been revealed so fully and deeply.

The immortal regiment marched in Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vladimir, Grozny, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Stavropol, Sevastopol - 1200 cities, 12 million of our compatriots.

Unfortunately, the procession of the Immortal Regiment was not shown in the West, but thousands of people who remember the history of World War II took part in it in 17 countries.

In 2010, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, L. Shevtsova, took the initiative to hold a procession with photos of WWII participants. On May 9, 2010, the Heroes of Victory march took place on Poklonnaya Hill, in which five thousand Muscovites took part. Similar events are held in the capital every year. In 2013, this movement, as well as throughout the country, was called the "Immortal Regiment". After that, the number of shares began to grow very quickly.

In 2015, the organizers of the movement put forward a proposal to hold a march on Red Square. The authorities of the capital supported this initiative and after the Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, columns of the Immortal Regiment marched across the square, in which there were about half a million Muscovites. It is noteworthy that, together with the residents of the capital, the President of Russia V. Putin also took part in the demonstration. In his hands was a portrait of his father, a front-line soldier.

In 2017, a similar action in the capital already numbered 850 thousand people. One gets the impression that a new tradition of celebrating Victory Day has appeared in the country and in Moscow. The organizers of the action assure that in 2018 over one million people will take part in the Immortal Regiment in the capital. This indicates that, despite the fact that fewer and fewer veterans of the Second World War remain alive, the memory of the heroes does not decrease.

On May 9, the procession "Immortal Regiment" will take place on Red Square - a civil initiative to perpetuate the feat of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, preserve the memory of the valor and heroism of the people, as well as patriotic education current and future generations.

Participation in the action implies that every citizen who honors the memory of his veteran relative goes to the Victory Parade with his photograph, taking a place in the Immortal Regiment column.

To join the procession of the Immortal Regiment, you just need to come with a portrait of your relative - a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who contributed to the victory over fascism, both at the front and in the rear.

This year, the Immortal Regiment in the capital will begin in the same place as before - near the Dynamo metro station. Gathering of participants - at 12:00. At 15:00 the column will start moving towards Red Square.

Driving route

The procession will take place from the Dinamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya and Tverskaya streets, Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, Manezhnaya and Red Square. Further, the procession column is distributed along the Moskvoretskaya Embankment and the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge.

The history of the action began in 2007 in Tyumen and was called the "Parade of Winners". It began to be called the “Immortal Regiment” from the moment the 2012 march was held in Tomsk, and already in 2013 it spread to 120 cities. In 2014, residents of 500 cities in seven countries took to the streets with portraits of front-line soldiers. Since 2015, the action has officially become nationwide.

Almost all the inhabitants of our country have heard about this social movement. Despite the recent foundation, millions of citizens take part in it, who honor their relatives who fought during the Second World War. The number of participants in the action is growing every year, so many are interested in how and where the Immortal Regiment will take place. Moscow in 2018 will be the main center of the event.

How did the new movement come about?

Despite the fact that seventy-three years have passed since the end of the Second World War, the Russians remember their heroes who, sacrificing their lives, achieved victory over Nazi Germany. There is probably no family in our country that has not suffered from this greatest tragedy of the twentieth century. During the war, more than twenty million citizens of the former Union, and now the CIS, died. In Russia, the number of dead citizens also has millions of people. They were never forgotten. Each family has yellowed photographs of that time, which depict our grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers, who earned the long-awaited victory with their blood. All these years, these heroic people have been role models. According to their exploits and self-sacrifice, we were taught to love the Motherland and appreciate the peaceful sky.

In our country there is not one locality wherever there is a monument fallen wars. Every year on May 9, everyone living in our country today paid tribute to those who died for the freedom and independence of our state. Probably, each of us, visiting these events, noticed that the relatives of the dead very often brought photographs of their relatives who gave their lives for the Motherland to the Victory Day.

In 2011, journalists I. Dmitriev, S. Lapenkov and S. Kolotovikin expressed the idea of ​​an organized procession of people with portraits of their dead relatives. This initiative was supported in many cities. In 2017, eight million people already took part in this movement. And, this is only in our country. Abroad, this movement is also gaining momentum. Today you will not be surprised by such promotions in:

  • CIS countries;
  • Austria;
  • Belgium;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Bosnia;
  • Great Britain;
  • Germany;
  • Herzegovina;
  • Greece;
  • Spain;
  • Israel;
  • Iceland;
  • Italy;
  • Qatar;
  • Korea;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Latvia;
  • Lebanon;
  • Mongolia;
  • Malta;
  • the Netherlands;
  • Norway;
  • Poland;
  • Slovakia;
  • France;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Switzerland.

At present, this social movement covers about eighty countries. It has become international. The movement has its charter, headquarters and official website. Volunteers of this organization help everyone to join this new movement.

How many people are participating

As you know, the movement to preserve the memory of the heroes of the Second World War originated in Tomsk in 2012. Then about six thousand participants came to the Victory Parade, who carried portraits of two thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War in their hands. At the same time, similar events were held in fifteen cities of the Russian Federation. In five years, the scale of the movement has become enormous:

In 2017, the action took place in almost all cities of Russia and gathered about eight million people. A record number of participants came to the Victory Parade in the regions:

Vladivostok 50 thousand people
Irkutsk 47 thousand people
Yakutsk 20 thousand people
Khabarovsk 50 thousand people
Krasnoyarsk 20 thousand people
Simferopol 40 thousand people
Tula 180 thousand people
Penza 11 thousand people
Kaliningrad 30 thousand people
Krasnodar 75 thousand people
Kazan 45 thousand people
St. Petersburg 500 thousand people

Such popularity of the "Immortal Regiment" of the regiment is explained by the fact that the broadcast of the action is in live. More and more people are learning about demonstrations in other cities of Russia and the world.

Everyone can take part in this movement, not only in our country, but also abroad. By visiting the official website, you can find out about the requirements that apply to the participants of the action. If you don't have a large photo of your veteran relative, volunteers can help solve the problem.

How the action is organized in Moscow

In 2010, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, L. Shevtsova, took the initiative to hold a procession with photos of WWII participants. On May 9, 2010, the Heroes of Victory march took place on Poklonnaya Hill, in which five thousand Muscovites took part. Similar events are held in the capital every year. In 2013, this movement, as well as throughout the country, was called the "Immortal Regiment". After that, the number of shares began to grow very quickly.

In 2015, the organizers of the movement put forward a proposal to hold a march on Red Square. The authorities of the capital supported this initiative and after the Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, columns of the Immortal Regiment marched across the square, in which there were about half a million Muscovites. It is noteworthy that, together with the residents of the capital, the President of Russia V. Putin also took part in the demonstration. In his hands was a portrait of his father, a front-line soldier.

In 2017, a similar action in the capital already numbered 850 thousand people. One gets the impression that a new tradition of celebrating Victory Day has appeared in the country and in Moscow. The organizers of the action assure that in 2018 over one million people will take part in the Immortal Regiment in the capital. This indicates that, despite the fact that fewer and fewer veterans of the Second World War remain alive, the memory of the heroes does not decrease.

Where is the gathering of participants

If you decide to take part in the Immortal Regiment campaign in 2018, then you need to go to the official website of the event and specify the time and place of the gathering of participants in your city.

No registration is required to participate in the promotion. It is enough to have a poster with a photo of your relative who participated in the Second World War, which you can make yourself or order on the website. The recommended photo size is A4. You can leave an application for the production of a poster on the Internet resource, indicating the name and surname of a relative.

For Muscovites, we inform you that the formation of the Immortal Regiment column in the capital will begin at 09.05.18 at 13-00 near the Dynamo stadium. The march itself will start at 15:00. The procession will end on Red Square.