Beautiful quotes about space. Quotes in English with translation about dreams. The best quotes in English with a translation about dreams

The collection includes phrases and quotes about space and the universe:
  • I do not pretend to comprehend the universe - it is many times larger than me ... Thomas Carlyle
  • ... I admit that some of this kind of phenomena is not an illusion, but a real proof of the presence in space of unknown intelligent forces, some creatures arranged differently from us, at least from incomparably more rarefied matter. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  • Astrology is the science of how the stars indulge our foolishness. Boris Krieger
  • That the world is infinite is an unproven prejudice. The fact that the world is finite is also an unproven prejudice. The fact that the world is both infinite and finite at the same time is also an unproven prejudice.
  • Man is lost in a remote corner of the universe. Blaise Pascal
  • The idea that the Universe should be logical is deeply rooted in the subconscious of people. But reality always, at least a step, takes us beyond the limits of logic. Frank Herbert "Dune"
  • There is speculation, wild speculation, and cosmology. Martin Harris
  • The universe has no purpose or meaning. It came about by accident... Life has no value. Life is a matter of chance. Clifford Simak "Truth"
  • The sun, moon and stars would have disappeared long ago... if they were within the reach of raking human hands. Henry Havelock Ellis
  • The Universe is arranged in such a way that not only it itself is immortal, but also its parts in the form of living blissful beings are immortal. There is no beginning and end of the Universe, there is no beginning and end also of life and its bliss. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  • No matter how many times she dies, due to cosmic upheavals, earth's surface with all living beings and no matter how many new ones appear - all this will be nothing but a change of scenery on the world stage. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • If God, when creating the world, had asked me for advice, I would have told Him how to arrange the Universe in a simpler way. Alphonse X the Wise
  • With the help of space, the Universe embraces and absorbs me as a point; with the help of thought I embrace the entire universe. Blaise Pascal
  • If the cosmos has a cause, then we must ascribe to this cause the same properties of universal love. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  • Changes in parts do not entail any change in the universe. Having lost one form, the thing is immediately clothed in another, as if it disappears from the stage in one costume, in order to immediately appear in another. And this determines the eternal youth and strength of the world, which knows no decrepitude and decline ... John Toland
  • Regarding the spacecraft named Earth, one extremely important fact should be pointed out: there are no instructions included with this ship. Richard Buckminster Fuller
  • As the ship changed course around a dangerous dust pile, Gordon turned his attention to the Magellanic Clouds, which consisted of stars that had not yet been explored. They were like islands in the cosmic abyss. Edmond Hamilton, "Return to the Stars"
  • Not a single atom of the universe will escape the sensations of the highest intelligent life. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky
  • Space is not that far at all. It's only an hour away, as long as your car is capable of going straight up.
  • The Universe should not be considered out of context. Ashley Brilliant
  • The cosmos seems to be more like a huge thought than a huge machine. James Jeans
  • People have a sweet habit of associating stars with their joys and troubles. When we are happy or, on the contrary, fall into despair, we often look at the sky ... Vera Kamsha
  • The manifestation of the Universe as a complex idea in itself, opposed to Being inside or outside of true Being as such, is essentially a conceptual nothing or Nothing in its relation to any abstract form of existence that exists or has existed in eternity, but is not controlled by the laws of physicalism, or movement , or ideas interpreting the non-substantiality or absence of objective Being of subjective dissimilarity. Woody Allen
  • The cosmos is within us, we are made of stellar matter, we are the way the cosmos knows itself. Carl Sagan
  • You can't dispel fear... without understanding the nature of the universe. Epicurus
  • When science finally finds the center of the universe, many will be surprised not to find themselves there.
  • To embrace the diversity of the phenomena of the Cosmos in the unity of thought, in the form of a purely rational, speculative connection, in my opinion, is impossible in the present state of our empirical knowledge. The experimental sciences are never complete, the abundance of sensory observations is inexhaustible; no generation can take credit for having surveyed the totality of phenomena. Alexander Humboldt
  • Sometimes I feel more connected to the M33 space than what's on my plate. Boris Krieger "Kitchen Philosophy"
  • Before proceeding with the construction of the palace of the universe, how much more material must be extracted from the mines of experience! Claude Adrian Helvetius
  • If I'm okay, then. maybe something is wrong with the universe? series "Star Trek"
  • If we knew all the secrets of the universe, we would immediately fall into incurable boredom. Anatole France
  • Moreover, in fact, there is no sin at all! - no crime. There are only moments when a given act does not correspond to the rhythm of the universe, but in other conditions it can be the highest virtue. The only true crime is incompetence. Leonid Sabaneev, "Memories of Scriabin"
  • The forces of the universe never judge or criticize us. They accept us for who we are. And then reflect our beliefs automatically. Louise Hay
  • The universe is deeply indifferent to individual thoughts, desires, reasoning... Life is too short, existence is meaningless, the universe itself has no purpose. Alan Dean Foster

In the middle of the last century, mankind began to intensively explore space. Inquisitive scientists examined the planets closest to us from powerful telescopes. Then satellites were launched, and soon a man flew into space. Today there are already active talks about expeditions to other planets.

Space for many is a symbol of the unknown infinity. It has a lot to do with it beautiful sayings astronomers, astronauts and other people obsessed with the mystery of the starry sky. These wise quotes will make you realize the importance space stations, missiles, etc.

Quotes and phrases about space once said by celebrities

  1. One can understand the cosmos, but not oneself; the distance between the person himself and his inner "I" is sometimes greater than the distance to the stars. (Gilbert K. Chesteron)
  2. And I argue that it is enough to launch some kind of support point into space and attach a ladder. The road to heaven is open. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  3. Astrology is just the foolish daughter of astronomy, and what a misfortune it is that the daughter feeds her mother. (Johannes Kepler)
  4. Astrology is the science of how the stars indulge our foolishness. (Boris Krieger)
  5. Astronomy compels the soul to look up and takes us out of this world into another. (Plato)
  6. It makes no sense to make a wish if you see the star closest to Earth fall. (Yuri Tatarkin)
  7. To be the first in space, to enter one on one in an unprecedented duel with nature - is it possible to dream of more? (Yuri Gagarin)
  8. Into the space. To space everyone! We quickly gathered into space, packed our backpacks! Let's fly! Into the space. (Mikhail Gorshenev)
  9. They will find life in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth. (Vanga)
  10. There are no seasons in space: no winter and summer, no spring and autumn. There is no particular evening or morning here, but there is only space and nothing more. (Ray Bradbury)
  11. There is no morning in space. (Ray Bradbury)
  12. Nothing goes missing in space. (Stanislav Lem)
  13. In the darkest hour we see the stars. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  14. Compared to the complexity of space, our world is like the brains of an earthworm. (Hariki Murakami)
  15. Great industries have never been created by individual companies. Space has room for many winners (Jeff Bezos)
  16. Perhaps the stars in the sky seem clear and pure to us only because they are so far from us and we do not know anything about their private life. (Heinrich Heine)
  17. The universe has no purpose or meaning. It came about by accident... Life has no value. Life is a matter of chance. (Clifford Simak)
  18. You understand, from space you can see all the nasty things that people do on Earth: where someone poured what, where what is burning, where what is scattered. All this, where what is happening, all this is visible. (Alan Paul)
  19. Go out into the vestibule of her birch hands and descend from it into the nearest space. (Al Quotion)
  20. Crawling out of an apple, he conquers the Earth, as we once did space. (Stanislav Zheynov)
  21. Genius: direct contact with space and complete loss of contact with the Earth. (Anatoly Rakhmatov)
  22. The main thing is space and its immensity. (Ray Bradbury)
  23. It is rather inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when it is obvious that it is an Ocean. (Arthur Klar)
  24. There is hardly a more instructive measure of the development of mankind than the history of our views on the life of space ... (A. G. Stoletov)
  25. If we lived in outer space, we would not be so attracted to each other (Sergey Fedorov)
  26. If we knew all the secrets of the universe, we would immediately fall into incurable boredom. (Anatole France)
  27. If everyone grabs the stars from the sky, who will admire them? (Khochinsky V.M.)
  28. If the cosmos has a cause, then we must ascribe to this cause the same properties of universal love. (Konstantin Tsiolkovsky)
  29. If the cosmos has an infinite supply of time, this does not just mean that anything can happen. This means that everything will ever really happen. (Erlend Lu)
  30. If you can't fly into space, make it fly to you. (From the movie "Mars" 2004)
  31. If the radiance of a thousand suns flashed in the sky, it would be like the brilliance of the Almighty... -I will become death, the Destroyer of Worlds! (Robert Oppenheimer)
  32. If a person begins to think about the boundaries of the cosmos, then he becomes afraid, because the cosmos has no boundaries. (Nike Borzov)
  33. Life shows that space will be explored not by some supermen, but by the most simple people. (Yuri Gagarin)
  34. Life goes on without me. I would have disappeared anyway, in ten or twenty years. If you look at it from space, what difference does it make when? (Irvin Yalom)
  35. Stars can only be seen in the dark. (Witelo)
  36. Stars are not afraid of being mistaken for fireflies. (Rabindranath Tagore)
  37. The stars are not as close to each other as they seem. (Mark Twain)
  38. The stars show us the Greatness and beauty of the Universe, in which we, the eternal wanderers of the cosmos, strive to find our star. (Valentin Petrovich Rychkov)
  39. The earth in space is like a child in the cradle of time. (Sergey Gubernachuk)
  40. Of all scientific theories I love the one that says Saturn's rings are made up entirely of lost airline baggage. (Mark Russell Lee Anthony)
  41. Sometimes it seems to me that we are devils who storm the heavens. (Wernher von Braun)
  42. Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought - especially for those who do not remember where they put things. (Woody Allen)
  43. The historical system, too, must turn into fire like the cosmos in order to survive. (Ernst Junger)
  44. Every fool knows that one cannot reach the stars, but the smart, ignoring the fools, are trying. (Harry Anderson)
  45. When fireworks break out, no one else looks at the starry sky. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  46. When we explore space to the end, it will turn out that, being here on earth, we have already been in the sky. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  47. When something hits your eye, remember that it is a part of the Cosmos. (Julian Tuwim)
  48. There will be no cosmic dialogue. In space, only monologues are possible. (Stanislav Lem)
  49. Astronautics has a limitless future, and its prospects are as endless as the Universe itself. (Korolev S.P.)
  50. Space is not the right place to talk about love. As, however, for any conversations. It's like laughing out loud in a huge cathedral or trying to waltz to the hymns. (Ray Bradbury)
  51. Space is an amazing place, full of mysteries and risks, and... um... coolness! (Captain Quark)
  52. The cosmos is all that is, that has ever been, and will ever be. (Carl Sagan)
  53. Space is space. There is nothing like it on Earth. (Gennady Padalka)
  54. Space is not a walk, a rocket is not an airplane (Yuri Gagarin)
  55. Space is not only great victories, but also risk, responsibility and possible big troubles. (Kamanin N.P.)
  56. Space is not far at all. It's only an hour away - assuming your car can go straight up. (Fred Hoyle)
  57. The cosmos has given us a moment of life so that we can realize that it is the cosmos. (A. Slashchev "Question to the sky")
  58. The cosmos is within us, we are made of stellar matter, we are the way the cosmos knows itself. (Carl Sagan)
  59. Space and military rocket technology are intertwined. (Kerim Abbas-Aliyev Kerimov)
  60. Space is best explored by science fiction. (Vladimir Borisov)
  61. Space is not friendly. (Mark Watney, The Martian)
  62. Cosmos was not created by any of the gods, none of the people, but it has always been, is and will be an ever-living fire, steadily igniting, gradually fading away. (Heraclitus of Ephesus)
  63. Space is not as far away from us as it seems - only an hour away if your car is capable of going up. (Fred Hoyle)
  64. The cosmos is like the kindest and most intelligent animal. Not a single atom of the Universe will escape the sensations of higher intelligent life. (Tsiolkovsky K.E.)
  65. Space may be the last frontier. (from the work of the Red Hot Chili Peppers)
  66. Space. It seems to drag on endlessly. But when you get to the edge, the gorilla starts throwing bombs... (Philip Fry, Futurama)
  67. The beauty of the cosmos is not only in the unity of diversity, but also in the diversity of unity. (Umberto Eco, "The Name of the Rose")
  68. I love space because even the dust is stellar. (Zulnora)
  69. People of modern big city blinded by street lighting, they have lost the starry sky. The astronauts are trying to regain it. (Thor Heyerdahl)
  70. Much of what we comprehend in the universe becomes clear first in our imagination. Often you have to imagine something in order to understand later. (Clifford Simak)
  71. Maybe because of my passion for the planets, or maybe because of the growing dislike for ours, but as far as I can remember, I always dreamed of flying into space. (Vinset Freemer, "Gattaca")
  72. We will be fleas of space, jumping from star to star. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  73. We are all drifting away on the same planet - we are the crew of the same ship. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
  74. We live in the 21st century, and it does not reach me that in the era of space flight, someone starts to wage war for the earth. (Aziza Mustafa-zade)"
  75. We either remain human and fly to Mars, or we will be animals. (Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko)
  76. We named all the stars and planets, or maybe they already had their own names? (Stanislav Lem)
  77. We conquered outer space but not your inner world. (George Carnin)
  78. From the point of view of the cosmic body, we are the owners of a microscopic body. (Sergey Fedorov)
  79. Abysses of discoveries and wisdom await us. Let us live to receive them and reign in the universe, like other immortals. (K. Tsiolkovsky)
  80. Wouldn't it be naive, right, to believe that in the whole cosmos, only on a narrow strip between heaven and Earth, his whole life fit?! (Vladimir Luchit)
  81. I don't know if I proved it to everyone, but I certainly proved it to myself: we are not chained to this planet. (Neil Armstrong)
  82. The Universe should not be considered out of context. (Ashley Brilliant)
  83. I won’t claim that I understand this, but I think we don’t know everything about what comes to us from space. (Mark Levy)
  84. The sky does not belong to any country. (Iris Murdoch)
  85. There is no need for a person to conquer the Moon if he can lose the Earth. (Francois Mauriac)
  86. It is impossible to ascribe grandiose cosmic significance to minor earthly events. (From the 2009 film 500 Days of Summer)
  87. No death, no loss in space. There is a gradual inspiration of matter, an endless development of the spirit of perfection (Garegin Nzhdeh)
  88. Not a single atom of the Universe will escape the sensations of higher intelligent life. (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky)
  89. But the nascent cosmos is called chaos. (Michel Tournier)
  90. Well, humanity will go into space - so what? What is space to him when eternity is not given? (Salvador Dali)
  91. Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it. (Yu.A. Gagarin)
  92. However, such is the peculiarity of the starry sky: everyone who looks at it has a sweet heart ache. Perhaps we really come from somewhere there? (Boris Akunin)
  93. One body is absolutely heavy - it is the earth, which is the center of a rotating spherical body. (Ibn Rushd)
  94. Ocean of words. But how much bigger is the silent cosmos. (Anna De Gelier)
  95. She can contribute to science only if the monkeys are sent back into space. ("The Big Bang Theory")
  96. They only think about how they will return to the Cosmos. And we're only talking about how to bring them home. (From the series "Bones")
  97. They want to be citizens of space, and stigmatize cosmopolitanism. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  98. I will leave my small island again and go to the big space. (Sergey Gubernachuk)
  99. Awareness of oneself as a part of this planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe is a fundamental element of true happiness. (Max Molotov)
  100. Open space: space that is more than 20 feet away from the bar. (Joe E. Leunes)
  101. In the face of the Cosmos, most human affairs look insignificant, even trifling. (Carl Sagan)
  102. Think, we named all the stars and planets, or maybe they already had their own names? (Stanislav Lem)
  103. So far, man is not able to produce so much space debris how much the Universe produces, but we are steadily moving towards this “progress”. (Vladimir Borisov)
  104. Space travel is a long journey. This is a hotel where everything is temporary. (Padalka G.I.)
  105. Imagine six motes of dust at Waterloo Station - that's the same, and even less, the density of stars in space. (Sir James Jeans)
  106. Before climbing to the stars, a person must learn to live on Earth. (Clifford Donald Simak)
  107. past like black hole, everything only absorbs and returns nothing. (Tamara Sinelni)"
  108. Emptiness above, emptiness below, and even more emptiness between them, and I am in it. (Ray Bradbury)
  109. “The path to the stars leads through many years of imprisonment. Astronautics smells like a prison. (Stanislav Lem)
  110. They fell off the moon long before space flights. (Valery Afonchenko)
  111. With the help of space, the Universe embraces and absorbs me as a point; with the help of thought I embrace the entire universe. (Blaise Pascal)
  112. Light hair cosmos. Blowed on the face of Parnassus. We will not be taken into space. Space is within us. (Alexandra Ardova)
  113. Now everything has something to do with the Cosmos. (Yuri Nagibin)
  114. Sex borders on space: if you fall into its stream, you understand that here it is - supreme power. (Annie Lorak)
  115. The forces of the universe never judge or criticize us. They accept us for who we are. And then reflect our beliefs automatically. (Louise Hay)
  116. The blueness of the sky is due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above. (Leonardo da Vinci)
  117. Fly into space, then you yourself will find out where it is more difficult (Yuri Gagarin)
  118. Words belong to man, sounds belong to nature, silence belongs to the cosmos. (Osho)
  119. Death is a form of retribution with the cosmos for the wonderful luxury of being alive. (Ray Bradbury)
  120. The sun, moon and stars would have disappeared long ago... if they were within the reach of raking human hands. (Henry Havelock Ellis)
  121. A harmonious plan of the universe exists, although I do not know what kind of plan it is. (Fred Hoyle)
  122. Judging by the forecasts, economists, like weather forecasters, rely on observations from space. (Mikhail Mamchich)
  123. Such is the peculiarity of the starry sky: everyone who looks at it has a sweet heart ache. Perhaps we really come from somewhere there? (Boris Akunin)
  124. Now I know what space is for a lonely person, and I bow even more to the memory of the first heroes of astronautics! (Efremov I.A.)
  125. What once happened on Earth must be repeated in the Universe millions of times: for scientific world it is a matter of faith. (Arthur Charles Clark)
  126. Just as we do not know the meaning of the Cosmos, we cannot understand the meaning of the dragon. (Haruki Murakami)
  127. You know about the Cosmic Law - imagine what you want, and it will enter your life. (Richard Bach)
  128. I have no answer to the question of whether there is life on other planets. But I would be very happy if single-celled organisms were found on Mars. (Tommy Lee Jones)
  129. Although space beckons, the earth attracts more. (Vadim Sinyavsky)
  130. Artistic creativity reveals our Cosmos, passing through the consciousness of a living being (V.I. Vernadsky)
  131. Aim for the moon. If you miss, you hit the star. (Iris Murdoch)
  132. Man is the sun, feelings are his planets. (Novalis)
  133. Man is a product of the directed evolution of the universe, which has as its goal self-comprehension. (Boris Krieger)
  134. Man is lost in a remote corner of the universe. (Blaise Pascal)
  135. A person will endure any hardships of space travel, except, perhaps, their cost. (Lee Alwyn Dubridge)
  136. Mankind will not remain forever on Earth ... The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you can’t live forever in the cradle (Konstantin Tsiolkovsky)
  137. What is hidden in space, where matter is found? (Arthur Eddington)
  138. It's outrageous! If cows start flying, then I have nothing to do in space! (From the film "The Secret of the Third Planet")
  139. This is not my personal glory. How could I penetrate space as a loner? This is the glory of our people. (Yuri Gagarin)
  140. This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind. (Neil Armstrong)
  141. I believe that our future depends on how much we know this Cosmos, in which we float, like a speck of dust in the morning sky. (Carl Sagan)
  142. I have always wanted to see the far side of the moon. (Arnold Joseph Toynbee)
  143. I am still in awe of the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I have seen meteor Rain. The world is full of wonders. (Michael Jackson)
  144. I know that years will pass and new outstanding space explorers will appear, but none of them will be able to rise to the greatness of Yuri Gagarin's feat. (Kamanin N.P.)
  145. I do not pretend to comprehend the universe - it is many times larger than me ... (Thomas Carlyle)
  146. I lay down on the grass, and my eyes were filled with stars. (Iris Murdoch)
  147. I will calmly leave the planet, because I know that my music will remain after me. (Alex Van Halen)
  148. I believe that a person lives on the planet, not in the state. (Victor Tsoi)

In conclusion about space

Perhaps the thoughts of great people will make someone think about the prospects of mankind. After all, sooner or later the earth's resources will be exhausted, and people will begin to explore other planets. For the time being, let this be expressed only in timid observation of other star systems and assumptions about what should be spaceships for long distance flights.

Modern people can only fantasize what the future will be like. Their ideas are mainly formed due to the guesswork of scientists, dressing complex terms into more understandable statements for the general public. But it is already known for sure that the active exploration of outer space will sooner or later become one of the priority tasks of mankind.

Video: famous quotes from the world's first astronaut

This video will feature 5 quotes from the great Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin:

Distant planets, twinkling bright stars, all this beckons and encourages you to read quotes about space. People not so long ago began to conquer this unknown and mysterious space, so even now quotes about space are relevant.

Before climbing to the stars, a person must learn to live on Earth.
Clifford Donald Simak. Again and again

If you can't fly into space, make it fly to you.
The film "Mars (2004)"

This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind.
Neil Armstrong

Well, humanity will go into space - so what? What is space to him when eternity is not given?
Salvador Dali

These are not all quotes, the cosmos is endless...

This is our house. This is us. Everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you've ever heard of, everyone who has ever lived has lived their lives on it. Our many pleasures and sufferings, thousands of self-confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and gatherer, every hero and coward, every builder and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every couple in love, every mother and every father, every capable child, every inventor and explorer, every ethicist, every deceitful politician, every "superstar", every "greatest leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species has lived here - on a mote suspended in a sunbeam.
Carl Sagan

When we explore space to the end, it will turn out that, being here on earth, we have already been in the sky.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Astronomy makes the soul look up and takes us from this world to another.

We will be fleas of space, jumping from star to star.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

You don't need a time machine to look back millions of years, just raise your head and look at the stars.
Kira Borg

Maybe because of my passion for the planets, or maybe because of the growing dislike for ours, but as far as I can remember, I always dreamed of flying into space.
The film "Gattaca"

The science? Nonsense! In this situation, everyone is equally helpless. I must tell you that we do not want to conquer the Cosmos at all. We want to expand the Earth to its limits. We do not know what to do with other worlds. We don't need other worlds, we need a mirror. We are struggling with the contact and will never find it. We are in the stupid position of a man rushing towards a goal that he does not need. Human needs human!
Film "Solaris"

We have conquered outer space, but not our inner world.
George Carlin

The sun, moon and stars would have disappeared long ago... had they been within the reach of raking human hands.
Henry Havelock Ellis

  • I lay down on the grass, and my eyes were filled with stars. Iris Murdoch, "Under the Net"
  • “If I don’t wipe the stars every evening,” the hedgehog thought, “they will definitely grow dim ...” “Hedgehog in the Fog”
  • Man reaches for the starry sky, forgetting that the earth itself is a star. Ivan Efremov
  • There are moments in every person's life when the world seems to be collapsing for him. This is called despair. The soul at this hour is full of shooting stars.
  • I have stars in the sky... but I long for the little lamp not lit in my house. Rabindranath Tagore
  • Nothing goes missing in space. Stanislav Lem
  • At first, there were no stars in the sky. And when people learned to love, their hearts rose into the sky and became stars. This means that there is so much love in the world that we cannot even imagine. "Long-legged uncle"
  • In the darkest hour we see the stars. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Fly into space, then you yourself will find out where it is more difficult. Yuri Gagarin
  • Perhaps the stars in the sky seem clear and pure to us only because they are so far from us and we do not know anything about their private life. Heinrich Heine
  • From the roof, of course, the stars are seen better than from the windows, and therefore one can only be surprised that so few people live on the roofs. Astrid Lingren
  • Two things never cease to amaze me - the starry sky above our heads and the moral law within us. Kant
  • Plot your course by the stars, not by the lights of passing ships. Omar Bradley
  • If the stars appeared in the sky only once in a thousand years, how earnestly people would believe and worship! Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • He believed that the stars are wishes, and one day they will come true. Daniel Wallace, "Big Fish"
  • Not a single pessimist has yet penetrated the secrets of the stars, discovered unknown land and did not open new heavens before the human spirit. Helen Keller
  • Loneliness is independence, I wanted it and achieved it over many years. It was cold, like that cold still space where the stars revolve. Hermann Hesse
  • An enigmatic mathematician who believed that intuition was more important than logic in his work. He paved the way for Einstein's research in the field of relativity, but also engaged in practical activities, worked as a mining engineer and took part in the development of the international standard time system.
  • At night, when you look at the sky, you will see my star, the one on which I live, on which I laugh. And you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh! Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
  • Stars are amazing laboratories, giant crucibles that no chemist can dream of. Henri Poincare
  • You can’t ask a star to fulfill a wish and do nothing at the same time. "The Princess and the Frog"
  • The stars are not as close to each other as they seem. Mark Twain
  • Do not look for any "star" above your hut, and you will find millions of stars. Wilhelm Fischer
  • The stars incline, but do not force. Astrology
  • The thoughts of a philosopher are like stars; they do not give light, because they are too sublime. Francis Bacon
  • There will be no cosmic dialogue. In space, only monologues are possible. Stanislav Lem
  • It is not enough to be born under a lucky star, one must also make it a guiding one. Sergey Fedin
  • Space is space. There is nothing like it on Earth. Gennady Padalka
  • The cosmos is within us, we are made of stellar matter, we are the way the cosmos knows itself. Carl Sagan
  • Space is not that far at all. It's only an hour away, as long as your car is capable of going straight up. Fred Hoyle
  • Space is not a walk, a rocket is not an airplane. Yuri Gagarin
  • The moon bathes in the PR of the night .. The light of grateful stars at night captivates our eyes! Asov Arsen
  • Astronautics has a limitless future, and its prospects are as endless as the Universe itself. Sergei Korolev
  • My thoughts are the stars, of which I can never form constellations. John Green. The stars are to blame
  • Every fool knows that one cannot reach the stars, but the smart, ignoring the fools, are trying. Harry Anderson
  • Probably, even astronauts dream that the stars really turned out to be cut out of gilded paper. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • Stars fall from the sky... and turn out to be cigarette butts from the top floor.
  • Not a thing to see the stars at night. Jerzy Lec
  • The stars are the street lamps of eternity.
  • Nowhere and never, in any city in the world, believe me, it's true, the stars do not shine as brightly and captivatingly as in the city of childhood. Carnival
  • The starry sky is an example of divine harmony: each star is in its place. Igor Karpov
  • One must carry chaos within oneself in order to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
  • Life shows that space will be explored not by some supermen, but by the simplest people. Yuri Gagarin
  • However, such is the peculiarity of the starry sky: everyone who looks at it has a sweet heart aching. Perhaps we really come from somewhere there? Boris Akunin, Jade Rosary
  • If you do not see the sun, do not cry - because of the tears you will not see the stars. Rabindranath Tagore
  • It seems that someone sees the stars, and someone sees the void between them. Lois Bujold
  • If the angels played billiards, not a single star would remain in its place. Ramon Gomez de li Serna
  • It's amazing - how do scientists know the names of all these stars?
  • Even the brightest star needs little stars. Vyacheslav Sergeechev
  • The most beautiful stars, Beren said quietly, on a winter night in the mountains. If you lie on your back, in thick snow ... it seems that you are flying. You swim without movement, without sound in the black sky, and only the stars are all around ... Olga Brilyova, "On the other side of the dawn"
  • After all, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it? Does this mean that it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening? Vladimir Mayakovsky
  • Looking at the stars and remembering the past is a good thing, provided you don't do it all the time, day in and day out. Max Frei, The Librarian
  • At midnight, the universe smells like stars. Erich Remarque, Black Obelisk
  • Each person has their own stars. To one - those who wander - they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a task to be solved ... Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince"
  • There are no seasons in space: no winter and summer, no spring and autumn. There is no particular evening or morning here, but there is only space and nothing more. Ray Bradbury
  • I would like to know why the stars shine ... Probably, so that sooner or later everyone can find their own again. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
  • “When a person looks at the stars for a long time, he becomes calm and forgets about the little things. The stars answer his questions and show him that the earth is only part of a vast world." F. Burnett
  • You don't need a time machine to look back millions of years, just raise your head and look at the stars. Kira Borg
  • - Why do we need to look at the sky to enjoy the stars when main star- this is me? The Big Bang Theory

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

  • We will not get out of one system for a long time - from the solar one.
  • When we explore space to the end, it will turn out that, being here on earth, we have already been in the sky.
  • We will be fleas of space, jumping from star to star.
  • Celestial bodies revolve all along the same orbits, but each time according to different laws.

Haruki Murakami. Hear the song of the wind

  • - The hero of your book, Ward dies twice on Mars and once on Venus. Isn't there a contradiction here?
    - Do you really know how time flows in outer space?
    - Not. But no one knows these things!
    - So what's the point of writing about what everyone knows?

Leonardo da Vinci

  • The blueness of the sky is due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above.

Joe Hill. Cotton Art

  • And the sky became colorless. It's as if the blue sky is a sheet of paper with a hole burned out in the center, and beyond that hole is solid blackness. And everything is in the stars. Just imagine what it's like to fall UP.

Richard Bach. the only

  • You know about the Cosmic Law - imagine what you want, and it will enter your life.

Sergey Lukyanenko. Genome

  • The ship is a home, it is the joy of your favorite work, the most expensive piece of the Universe. But who doesn't love to visit? That's why astronauts value it so much, even if short hours leave…

Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Bikini

  • You were to him all the galaxies, all the nebulae, all the stars and all the planets. Sometimes I was even jealous of him for you.

Heraclitus of Ephesus

  • This cosmos, the same for all that exists, was not created by any god or man, but it has always been, is and will be an ever-living fire, igniting by measures and extinguishing by measures.

Erlend Lu. Naive. Super

  • If the cosmos has an infinite supply of time, this does not just mean that anything can happen. This means that everything will ever really happen.

Neil Armstrong

  • This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind.

Stanislav Lem

  • Nothing goes missing in space.
  • The path to the stars leads through many years of imprisonment. Astronautics smells like a prison.

Clifford Simak. Again and again

  • Before climbing to the stars, a person must learn to live on Earth.

Salvador Dali

  • Well, humanity will go into space - so what? What is space to him when eternity is not given?

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

  • Mankind will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the space around the Sun.
  • Penetrate people in solar system dispose of it as the mistress of the house: will the secrets of the world then be revealed? Not at all! Just like examining some pebble or shell will not reveal the secrets of the ocean.
  • Heroes and daredevils will lay the first air paths of the routes: the Earth - the orbit of the Moon, the Earth - the orbit of Mars and even further: Moscow - the Moon, Kaluga - Mars.
  • There is no creator god, but there is a cosmos that produces suns, planets and living beings: there is no omnipotent god, but there is a Universe that controls the fate of all celestial bodies and their inhabitants.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

  • Astronautics has a limitless future, and its prospects are as endless as the Universe itself.

Neil Armstrong

  • I don't know if I proved it to everyone, but I certainly proved it to myself: we are not chained to this planet.


  • Astronomy makes the soul look up and takes us from this world to another.

Carl Sagan. Space

  • In the face of the Cosmos, most human affairs look insignificant, even trifling.