Wise men about trust. Quotes and phrases about trust. Beautiful sayings about trust

: Tell people that there is an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and most will believe. Tell them the paint isn't dry and they'll stick their finger in it to make sure.

Michelle Pfeiffer:
My father used to say: "Trust people, but shoot the deck yourself."
Sergei Lozunko:
Trust but don't trust!
Emil Michel Cioran:
The more you know yourself, the less you trust.
You need to listen to everything, but do not rush to trust.
Both distrust and gullibility are harmful.
Titus Livius:
The given trust usually causes reciprocal fidelity.
Titus Livius:
Trust requires trust.
Ilya Segalovich:
The more people hide, the more mistrust they have.
Buddha Shakyamuni:
Don't trust what you've heard; do not trust traditions, as they have been passed down from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is a rumor or the opinion of the majority; do not trust if it is only a record of the saying of some old sage; do not trust guesses; do not trust what you think is true, what you are used to; do not trust the bare authority of your teachers and elders alone. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and contributes to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live according to it.
Pierre Buast:
One should be a slave to one's obligations or give up all confidence in oneself.
Alexander Griboyedov:
Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
Don't trust your enemies - it won't work.
Trust someone, so trust in everything.
Lao Tzu :
Easily reached agreement is not credible.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez:
There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.
Felix Dzerzhinsky:
Where there is love, there must be trust.
Henrik Ibsen:
The most vile crime is abuse of a friend's trust.
Giacomo Casanova:
He does not deserve faith who does not trust another.
I.V. Stalin:
Healthy distrust is a good basis for working together.
Axel Oxenstierna:
The consequences of gullibility are to be feared more than the consequences of distrust.

The collection includes quotes about trust with meaning between people, decency and goodwill:

I trust you because I need you. Mason Cooley

Big promises reduce trust. Horace

Lost trust is like a lost life, it is irretrievable. Publilius Sir

Faith and trust are associated with openness. If I have lost confidence in a person, then I have closed myself off from him. If I have lost confidence in a person, I have lost faith in a person. In the same way, if I have lost trust in God, I will lose faith in God. - "Giving advances to love" Georgy Kochetkov

It's hard to believe the gullible. Axander Cumor

Mutual trust is the basis of friendship. Chinese proverb

Only once lose life and trust. Publilius Sir

Where there is no trust, there can be no real affection. E. Ozheshko

Happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

The main essence of love is trust. Anna de Stael

The worst disbelief is disbelief in yourself. T. Carlyle

Until the age of thirty, some people can still be trusted; but after thirty you can no longer trust anyone. Honore de Balzac

A bad writer is one who is not taken at his word. Emil Krotky

Trust is courage, loyalty is strength. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

Nothing flatters our pride so much as the trust of the greats of this world; we accept it as a tribute to our virtues, not noticing that it is usually caused by vanity or inability to keep a secret. F. La Rochefoucauld

Trust has to be justified. Trust and respect are above all. Alan Dean Foster. storm eve

You cannot trust illusions - you always have to pay for them. Jack London

Trust someone, so trust in everything. Caecilius Statius

It is not good to be like Narcissus, bending over a photograph; even water cannot be trusted; the eyes of a lover are the only reliable mirror. Oscar Wilde

The credulity of a woman is boundless - after all, she is sure that she knows how to lie better. Jacques Nathanson

The punishment of the liar is not that no one believes him anymore, but that he himself can no longer trust anyone. George Bernard Shaw

To trust unreasonable sensations is a property of coarse souls. Heraclitus

I need from you: my freedom to you. My trust. - And also to know that you are not confused by this. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

If the president appreciates the trust placed in him by the people, then he has no right to betray him by refusing the presidential ribbon to save his own life. Salvador Allende

Only very big and obvious lies are believed unconditionally. Heinrich Mann

A woman can always be trusted, because she does not remember anything important. Oscar Wilde

How can you not trust a person? Even if you see - he is lying, believe him, that is, listen and try to understand why he is lying? Maksim Gorky

No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are sincere with us than with anyone else. F. La Rochefoucauld

How can you trust a creature that bleeds every month and doesn't die?! Charles Bukowski

How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If the wagon has no axle, how can you ride it? Confucius

Women distrust men too much in general and too much trust them in particular. Gustave Flaubert

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, the experienced person believes the former more. R. Emerson

If I am gullible, it is only to a certain extent and accept only those little inventions for which they beat on the lips, and do not gouge out the eyes. Seneca

The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them. Ernest Hemingway

Must keep the secrets of his friends. He who does not keep a secret dishonors his conscience and shames his confidence. John of Damascus

We tend to believe strangers - after all, they have never deceived us. Samuel Johnson

Trust everyone, but shuffle the cards well. Finley Peter Dunn

Don't believe half of what you hear and none of what you say. Murray's Law

Credulity is the weakness of a man and the strength of a child. Charles Lam

You cannot trust a person who considers himself ordinary. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Trust given to the treacherous gives him the opportunity to do harm. Seneca (younger)

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman who can do this is capable of anything. Oscar Wilde

The trust of God is so demanding, so exacting, that it is understandable that a person's desire to run away from this trust is far-fetched. - "God! You are my God" Sergei Averintsev

The given trust usually causes reciprocal fidelity. Livy

Trust is a fantasy. series "One Tree Hill"

A vice is to believe everyone, and not to believe anyone, only the first vice is nobler, the second is safer. Seneca

For an adult, gullibility is a weakness; for a child, it is a strength. C. Lam

The most disappointing period in a man's life is when his wife begins to trust him.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship. V. Belinsky

That. what is said to the person to whom everything is said is only half of what is hidden from him. Duchess Diana

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

He who knows nothing believes everything. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The surest way to gain public trust is to use it as little as possible. D. Washington

Vanity - when trust can be to our advantage. A. Schopenhauer

In any business, trust is key! Lady Vs Ricky Bahl

Excessive gullibility often turns out to be stupidity, excessive distrust always turns out to be a misfortune. Johann Nestroy

Boundless trust can become oppressive, turn into a burden. He must be justified. It's embarrassing to lose. Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin

In our trust in others, inertia, selfishness, and vanity often play a major role. Inertia, when we, in order not to act ourselves, are more willing to trust another. Selfishness, when we believe something to another, tempted by the need to talk about our affairs and circumstances. Vanity - when trust can be to our advantage.

People can't be trusted, that's the horror.

"Ray Bradbury"

Trust is one of the main secrets of eternal love.

The more you trust a person, the more temptation he has to betray you.

The worst disbelief is disbelief in yourself.

"T. Carlyle"

You can never trust anyone in this life.

You need to do a lot of things to earn trust and just one to lose it forever...

He who thinks that the world always deceives him is right. It lacks that beautiful sense of trust in someone or something.

"Eric Hoffer"

Never trust the advice of a person in difficulty.

Nobody knows each other completely.

In our precarious world, there is nothing more difficult and fragile than trust.

Falling in love is a very brave thing to do. You need to be able to trust someone with all your being. It is extremely difficult and very brave.

"Nicole Kidman"

Everything ends sooner or later: trust, love, juice in a mug.

Trust in yourself is the first necessary condition for great undertakings.

"Samuel Johnson"

When there is no trust, and honors are not needed.

"Jean Racine"

A person who does not trust anyone cannot be trusted.

"Jerome Blattner"

Believe or verify? One letter difference. And in this letter - trust.

To every person you give trust, you put a knife in your hand. With it, he can protect you or destroy you.

How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If the wagon has no axle, how can you ride it?

To trust unreasonable sensations is a property of coarse souls.


Trusting a person unconditionally, you end up with one of two things: either a person for life, or a lesson for life.

Keep me Lord from those whom I believe. Whom I do not believe, I myself will beware of those.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship.

"AT. Belinsky

Nothing flatters our pride so much as the trust of the greats of this world; we accept it as a tribute to our virtues, not noticing that it is usually caused by vanity or inability to keep a secret.

"F. La Rochefoucauld"

It is more shameful not to trust friends than to be deceived by them.

No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are sincere with us than with anyone else.

"F. La Rochefoucauld"

One of the most important feelings in a relationship is trust and mutual respect. Thanks to passion alone, you will not be happy for a long time.

No matter how much you try not to trust everyone in a row, in the end it still turns out that you should have distrusted even more.

The path to unity lies through mutual trust and devotion.

Not that you deceived me, but that I can no longer trust you shocked me.

I believe everyone, but the devil can confuse anyone.

The best way to find out if you can trust a person is to trust him.

Trust is acceptance and giving. Acceptance of human openness. Giving back is one's openness.

Between trust and distrust, only the prefix "not" - in order to remove it, you just need to trust.