Insert calculator. Engineering calculator. Convert with Dms and Deg button on calculator

Used to calculate mathematical expressions online. The calculator visually displays the entered expression and gives the answer with increased accuracy. Performs complex mathematical operations using functions such as trigonometric, logarithmic, factorials, performs calculations with complex numbers, vectors and matrices and also allows solve some simple equations(for example, square type 3x^2-2x+1=0), for which there is a variable in the keyset x. Here are some important tips for using the calculator:

  • With a small screen resolution, the view of the calculator changes with the loss of some functions (for example, cotangent).
  • Button 2nd in the upper left corner allows you to switch to the keys indicated in the upper corners (instead of a sine, go to the arcsine, instead of a parenthesis - to a square, etc.).
  • The calculator has a wide range of well-known constants (click on the button const).
  • Pressing again on = allows you to change the display form of the result. For example, if the answer is received in the form of an exact expression (constants, roots, etc.), then pressing the = will calculate the expression and give a decimal number-answer.
  • In an engineering calculator, angles are calculated in radians. If you want to set the angle in degrees, then use the multiplier: (pi/180). For example, to enter the expression sin(30°), write the expression: sin(30*(pi/180))
  • When working with vectors, write the coordinates of the vector in parentheses: (a1, a2, a3); for operations with matrices - in squares, while the brackets should also separate the rows of the matrix. For example: [,,] is a 3x3 square matrix.

built-in mathematical calculator will help you to carry out the simplest calculations: multiplication and summation, subtraction, and division. Online degree calculator quickly and accurately raise any number to the power you choose.

The presented engineering calculator contains all possible variations of online programs for calculations. site contains trigonometric calculator(angles and radians, grads), logarithms(log) factorials(n!), root calculation, sinuses and arc tangents, cosines, tangents online- many trigonometric functions and more.

You can work with the computing program online from any device, in each case the size of the interface will adapt to your device, or you can adjust its size to your taste.

Digits are entered in two ways:

  • from mobile devices- input with phone or tablet display, program interface keys
  • from a personal computer- using the electronic interface display, or through the computer keyboard with any numbers

Instructions for the functions of an engineering calculator

To understand the capabilities of the program, we give you a brief instruction, for more details, see calculation examples online. The principle of working with a scientific calculator is as follows: a number is entered with which the calculation will be performed, then a function or operation button is pressed, then, if required, another number, for example, a degree, at the end - an equal sign.

  • - inverse function for sin, cos, tan, switch interface to other functions
  • - natural logarithm to the base "e"
  • [ (] and [) ] - insert brackets
  • - displays whole part decimal number
  • - hyperbolic sine
  • - sine of the given angle
  • - squaring (x^2 formula)
  • - calculates the factorial of the entered value - the product of n consecutive numbers, starting from one to the most entered number, for example 4!=1*2*3*4, i.e. 24
  • - converts from decimal to format in degrees, minutes, seconds.
  • - hyperbolic cosine
  • - cosine of the angle
  • - the construction of X in the step. player (formula x^y)
  • [y√x]- extracting the root to the power of y from x
  • - Pi number, gives Pi value for calculations
  • - hyperbolic tangent
  • - online angle tangent, tg
  • - helps to raise to a power of 3, to a cube (formula x ^ 3)
  • [3√x]- extract the cube root
  • - toggles input of numbers in exponential notation and vice versa
  • - allows you to enter data in exponential notation.
  • - allows us to calculate the remainder of dividing one number by another
  • - calculates the decimal logarithm
  • - raising ten to an arbitrary power
  • - calculates the reciprocal
  • - Raising the Euler number to a power
  • - cuts off the whole part, leaves the fractional
  • - inverse hyperbolic sine
  • - arcsine or inverse sine, arcsin or 1/sin
  • - conversion of angle in degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees, more
  • - inverse hyperbolic cosine
  • - arcosine or reverse. cosine arccos or 1/cos
  • - calculates the number of pi multiplied by two
  • - reverse hyperbolic tangent
  • - arctangent or inverse tangent, arctg

How to use MR MC M+ M-MS

How to use an engineering calculator - with examples

How to raise to a power

To raise, for example, 12^3, enter in the following sequence:

12 [ x y] 3 [=]

12, key "x to the power of y", 3, equal sign [=]

Answer: 1728

How to find the cube root

Let's say we are extracting the cube root of 729, press in this order:

729 [=]

729, [ 3 √x] "cube root of x", equalities [=]

How to find the root on the calculator

Task: Find the square root of 36.

Solution: it's simple, click like this:

36 [ yx] 2 [=]

36, [ y √x] "the root of x, to the power of the game", the power we need is 2, equal to [=]

With this function, you can find the root of any power, not just the square root.

How to square

For online squaring, the calculator contains two functions:

"x to the power of the gamer", "x to the square"

The data entry sequence is the same as before - first the initial value, then "x^2" and the sign equals, or if not a square, but an arbitrary number, you must press the "x^y" function, then specify required degree and also press the "equal" sign.

For example: 45 6 [=]

Answer: forty-five to the sixth step. equals 8303765625

Trigonometric calculator online - examples

How to make an online calculation of sines and cosines, tangents

Please note that the site is able to operate in both degrees and radians and grads.

1 rad = 57.3°; 360° = 2π radians, 1 deg = 0.9 degrees or 1 deg = 0.015708 radians.

To enable a particular measurement mode, press the desired button:

where Deg - degrees, Rad - measurement in radians, Grad - in grads. By default, the calculation mode is in degrees.

as the most a simple example find the sine of 90 degrees. Click:

90 [=]

Answer: unit

Others are also calculated trigonometric functions, for example, calculate the cosine of 60 °:

60 [=]

Solution: 0.5

The inverses are calculated in a similar way. trigonometric functions online at KALCPRO- arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, as well as hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh.

To enter them, you need to switch the interface by pressing , new buttons will appear - asin, acos, atan. The data entry order is the same: first the value, then the symbol of the desired function, whether it is the accsine or the arc cosine.

Convert with Dms and Deg button on calculator

Allows you to convert an angle from degrees, minutes, and seconds format to decimal degrees for calculations. makes a reverse translation - into the format “degrees; minutes; seconds."

For example, angle 35 o 14 minutes 04 seconds 53 tenths of a second we translate into tenths:

35,140453 [=] 35,23459166666666666666

Let's convert to the previous format: 35.23459166666666666666 [=] 35.140453

Decimal logarithm online

The decimal logarithm on the calculator is calculated as follows, for example, looking for log units in base 10, log10(1) or lg1:

1 [=]

It turns out 0 in the end. To calculate lg100, press like this:

100 [=]

Solution: two. How to check yourself? What is a decimal logarithm in general - log to base 10. In our example, 2 is the power to which you need to enter the base of the logarithm, that is, 10, to get 100.

The natural logarithm is also calculated, but with the button.

How to use memory on a calculator

Existing memory buttons: M+, M-, MR, MS, MC.

To add data to the program memory in order to carry out further calculations with them, the MS operation will help.

The MR will display the stored information for you. MC will delete any data from memory. M- will subtract the number on the online display from the number stored in memory.

Example. Let's add one hundred and forty-five to the program memory:


After carrying out other calculations, we suddenly needed to return the memorized number to the screen of the electronic calculator, we simply press:

The screen will display 145 again.

Then we count again, count, and then we decide to add, for example, 85 with the memorized 145, for this we press , or to subtract 85 from the memorized 145. In the first case, when the final number is returned from the memory, the button will turn out 230, and in the second, after pressing it, it will turn out 60.

The engineering calculator site will quickly and accurately carry out complex calculations, greatly simplifying your tasks.

The list of calculators and functionality will expand, just bookmark the site and tell your friends!

online calculator is a much needed tool, always available in your browser, for a wide range of people who need to quickly make calculations without resorting to any application programs. This online calculator, which we offer to use directly on our site, is free from the shortcomings of many similar services and applications, such as incorrect calculation results or insufficient mathematical functionality. Our one of the best and most powerful calculators is designed for any, simple and complex calculations: percentages, trigonometric functions, logarithms, root extraction and much more from the field of higher mathematics.

If the calculator is not displayed, refresh the page!

One of the main features of our calculator is the ability to build graphs, this rare feature will be useful for both schoolchildren and students, and people involved in scientific activity. Our service is designed not only for students and scientific staff, it can also be useful to business representatives, accountants, financiers and many other people whose professional activity associated with frequent mathematical calculations. Now you do not need to look for a calculation program on your computer, or carry a calculating machine with you, just go to this site and use the calculator online

Free calculator is our new online service, which is based on the idea of ​​providing all website visitors with unlimited access to the calculator for free from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Around the clock, anywhere where there is Internet! The site offers to use this free calculator with the widest possibilities without user registration.

This free calculator is quite simple and easy to learn, but not everyone will be able to use all the functionality of the calculator without a special instruction that we have prepared for you. The instruction will inform you in detail about the correct notation of mathematical operations and about all the functions of the calculator using specific examples. All this to make it easy and convenient for you to use our calculator.

Depending on your requirements and the level of complexity of calculations, the calculator can be used as a regular calculator - to perform basic arithmetic operations, or as an engineering calculator - for mathematical calculations. increased complexity with additional features. For all types of operations with a free calculator, there are examples in the instructions.

To use the calculator, you need to enter numbers and characters using the manipulator (mouse) by clicking on the button panel of the calculator itself. The sequence of entered mathematical expressions will be displayed on the virtual display, and after pressing the “equals” button, the calculator will instantly perform calculations and give the required result without deleting the sequence itself from the “display”. You can also perform calculations from the keyboard, for this, first of all, click once with the left mouse button on the data entry field. After that, start entering data from the numeric keypad. Pressing the "enter" key is equivalent to the "equals" button. For more information about managing the math calculator, see

The modern way of life requires constant dynamics. Making calculations on a calculator, we significantly save our time, do not risk making mistakes and get an accurate result. Thanks to the invention of this device, many people have forgotten what shortages and errors in calculations are. However, the calculator is different from the calculator, and if primitive computational functions can be done on mathematical model, then the most complex calculations can be made only with the help of engineering. From now on, acquire this miracle modern technology no need - just ask for help from our engineering calculator online! The program works without additional installation - just go to e-page and start taking action.

Online engineering calculator functions

A math-type calculator will only help you make primitive calculations. With it, you can do what we were taught in primary school high school:

  • addition;
  • subtraction;
  • division;
  • multiplication;
  • interest subtraction;
  • raising a number to a power;
  • finding the square root.

Engineering calculator online includes all these and additional functions that are necessary for complex calculations. Now you do not have to spend extra money to buy this device, because you can make calculations on our website.

In addition to the above, our universal calculator will help you perform the following calculations:


  • sine of the angle;
  • tangent;
  • cosine;
  • cotangent;
  • arcsine;
  • arc tangent;
  • arc cosine;
  • inverse tangent.

Online engineering calculator interface

Performing all of the above calculations is quite simple. Our online engineering calculator has a clear interface, and therefore it is very convenient to work with it. In its appearance, it completely imitates a real calculator, so you do not need to study the functions for a long time. Despite this, we enclose detailed instructions and descriptions of each key.

Using our program is also beneficial because the calculations are made instantly - you do not need to update the site page, because the calculator works in flash mode. A huge number of people use our program every day. Among them are students higher institutions, teachers, architects, scientists and other people interested in the accuracy of calculations. The online engineering calculator does not require downloading and installing additional plugins, so you can start using it right now!

In modern life, many of us use an online calculator quite often. Such a phenomenon on the Internet can be safely called a powerful calculator and one of the most successful. Using it, you can make calculations of various kinds, ranging from simple to the most complex (percentages, logarithms, trigonometric functions, etc.).
Also, the use of such a calculator makes it easy to build graphs of varying complexity. Therefore, it can be used by schoolchildren, students, mathematics teachers, and graduate students. Such an online miracle is widely used in accounting, in modern business, as well as in other areas that are associated with constant calculations of varying complexity.
Using the online calculator is very convenient. After all, you can use it from any computer device, being anywhere, and most importantly, at any time. After all, some of us sometimes prefer to work at night. Note that this only requires access to the Internet. Also, you should know that the use of such a calculator is always free. You also don't have to worry about registering on time. It is completely unnecessary in this case.
You do not have to worry about the fact that the online calculator is difficult to use. Believe me, you will independently understand all its functions, despite the fact that there are no instructions in Russian. You can find a special video tutorial in the window of the online calculator itself, which will give you the opportunity to learn how the calculator works. True, for some users this will not be enough in order to take advantage of all the functions of such an assistant.
But you shouldn't be upset. Today, on many sites you can find great tips on how to use an online calculator. Users in the most accessible language explain all the notation, all the mathematical subtleties, and also offer examples of calculations. Thanks to this, you can figure everything out on your own. The only thing we all need different time to understand everything. For convenience, we recommend that you simply download a similar manual and have it always at hand. Due to its uniqueness, it can be used to perform both the simplest calculations (addition, subtraction, division, etc.) and the most complex ones that scientists and engineers use in their work.
In order to set the necessary functions, you need to use the mouse (as for a regular computer), as well as the buttons on the keyboard. Point at the right buttons and easily get the right answer in a very short time. Note that when using such an Online Calculator, you will never get wrong answers. Therefore, feel free to use such a computer "genius". This will make your job much easier and easier. We recommend using the above calculator for high school students as well. This will allow children to quickly understand all the mathematical intricacies of the online “craftsman”. Being university students, they will easily and quickly cope with tasks of varying complexity.

Calculator buttons

The list below shows all the calculator keys and their operations.

Key Symbol Operation
pi pi constant pi
e e Euler number
% % Percent
() () Open/Close Brackets
, , Comma
sin sin(α) Sine of an angle
cos cos(β) Cosine
tan tan(y) Tangent
sinh sinh() Hyperbolic sine
cash cosh() Hyperbolic cosine
tanh tanh() Hyperbolic tangent
sin-1 asin() Inverse sine
cos-1 acos() inverse cosine
tan-1 atan() inverse tangent
sinh-1 asinh() Inverse hyperbolic sine
cosh-1 acosh() Inverse hyperbolic cosine
tanh-1 atanh() Inverse hyperbolic tangent
x2 ^2 Squaring
x 3 ^3 Cube
x y ^ Exponentiation
10 x 10^() Exponentiation in base 10
ex exp() Exponentiation of the Euler number
√x sqrt(x) Square root
3√x sqrt3(x) 3rd degree root
y √x square(x,y) root extraction
log 2 x log2(x) binary logarithm
log log(x) Decimal logarithm
ln log(x) natural logarithm
log yx log(x,y) Logarithm
I / II Minimize/Call additional functions
unit Unit converter
matrix matrices
solve Equations and systems of equations
Additional functions (call with II key)
mod mod Division with remainder
! ! Factorial
i/j i/j imaginary unit
Re Re() Selection of the whole real part
Im Im() Exclusion of the real part
|x| abs() The absolute value of a number
Arg arg() Function argument
nCr ncr() Binomial coefficient
gcd gcd() GCD
lcm lcm() NOC
sum sum() The sum value of all solutions
fac factorize() Prime factorization
diff diff() Differentiation
Deg degrees
Rad radians