A fat lyrics summary. The main themes and ideas of A. Fet's lyrics. Admission to the Life Guards Lancers Regiment

After Pushkin, there was another "joyful" poet in Russia - this is Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. In his poetry there are no motives of civil, freedom-loving lyrics, he did not raise social issues. His work is a world of beauty and happiness. Fet's poems are permeated with powerful flows of energy of happiness and delight, filled with admiration for the beauty of the world and nature. The main motive of his lyrics was beauty. It was her that he sang in everything. Unlike most Russian poets of the second half of XIX centuries with their protests and denunciations of the existing order, Fet considered poetry to be the “temple of art”, and himself a priest in it. Later, symbolist poets at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries adhered to this point of view. They considered Fet their brilliant teacher.

Nature, love and musical art are merged into one in Fet's lyrics. The poet reflects the world of feelings, moods in all their infinite variety. Each poem by Fet is created as an original melody. Composers immediately felt this and created many romances based on Fet's poems. This is the poem "Fantasy":

We are alone; from the garden to the glass windows

The moon is shining... our candles are dim;

Your fragrant, your obedient curl,

Developing, falls on the shoulders.

Fet brilliantly knew how to depict a moment, a moment of feeling, transitions from one mood to another. For this, contemporary critics called his poems "plotless." Researchers of the 20th century have already called Fet's work impressionism in Russian poetry for the author's ability to convey the slightest shades of feelings. Best of all, the poet succeeded in the genre of lyrical miniature:

In this mirror under the willow

Caught my look jealous

Sweet features of the heart ...

Softer your proud gaze ...

I'm trembling looking happy

How you tremble in the water.

Fet's love lyrics are an ocean of sun, happiness and joy. He idolizes a woman, wants to fulfill her every desire, caring and gentle towards her:

Don't wake her up at dawn

At dawn she sleeps so sweetly;

Morning breathes on her chest

Brightly puffs on the pits of the cheeks.

The feeling of love in Fet is devoid of destructive passion, like in Tyutchev. The poet admires his beloved, who fills the world of beauty and peace with her existence. The lyrical hero is kind and attentive, he is a real protector from all evil for his beloved. He is solid, reliable and calmly happy, nothing threatens his love:

Tell that with the same passion

Like yesterday, I came again

That the soul is still the same happiness

And ready to serve you.

Fet’s nature is alive and thinking: “morning breathes”, “the forest woke up”, “the moon played”, etc. Using the method of personification, the poet achieves an amazing effect of communication, unity of man with nature:

The garden is in bloom

Evening on fire

So refreshingly joyful to me!

Here I stand

Here I go.

Like a mysterious speech I'm waiting for.

The masterpiece of Fet's lyrics is the poem "Whisper, timid breathing ...". The landscape painting includes a scene of a meeting between lovers. The communication of people and the life of nature are conveyed in dynamics, although there is not a single verb in the poem. Nature reflects the passionate feelings of lovers:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

sleepy stream,

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end

A series of magical changes

sweet face,

In smoky dots the purple of a rose,

reflection of amber,

And kisses, and tears,

And dawn, dawn!..

Following his artistic style, the poet does not show the development of relations between young people, but depicts moments of supreme delight, the most significant for them.

Fet's landscape poems are usually full of life, sounds and smells, but sometimes he manages to create a majestic picture of evening nature:

The mirror moon floats across the azure desert,

The grasses of the steppe are humiliated by evening moisture,

Speech is jerky, the heart is again superstitious,

Long shadows in the distance sank into a hollow.

In his lyrics, the poet strove to depict not objects, but the feelings that they evoke. His innovation lies in the ability to convey the momentary variability of the world. That is why the poet's habitual images turn into something new and unusual, surprising readers. Fet, like no one else, managed to describe the world of beautiful human feelings, his poems became classics of Russian lyrics of the 19th century.

    • Tyutchev and Fet, who determined the development of Russian poetry in the second half of the 19th century, entered literature as poets. pure art", expressing in their work a romantic understanding of the spiritual life of man and nature. Continuing the traditions of Russian romantic writers of the first half of the 19th century (Zhukovsky and early Pushkin) and German romantic culture, their lyrics were devoted to philosophical and psychological problems. A distinctive feature of the lyrics of these two poets was that it was characterized by a depth […]
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    • The work of the great Russian poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a world of beauty. His poems are permeated with powerful flows of energy of happiness and delight, filled with admiration for the beauty of the world and nature. The main motive of his lyrics was beauty. It was her that he sang in everything. Fet's love lyrics are an ocean of sun, happiness and joy. He idolizes a woman, wants to fulfill her every desire, he is caring and gentle towards her: Do not wake her at dawn, At dawn she sleeps so sweetly; Morning breathes on her […]
    • The literary fate of Fet is not quite usual. His poems, written in the 40s. XIX century., were met very favorably; they were reprinted in anthologies, some of them were set to music and made the name Fet very popular. And indeed, lyrical poems, imbued with spontaneity, liveliness, sincerity, could not fail to attract attention. In the early 50s. Fet was published in Sovremennik. His poems were highly appreciated by the editor of the magazine Nekrasov. He wrote about Fet: “Something strong and fresh, pure […]
    • Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet. The first collection of his poems, Lyrical Pantheon, was published in 1840. By the beginning of the 1860s, when the social forces associated with the revolutionary situation disengaged in Russia, Fet advocated the rights of the landowners. He wrote little during this time. Only in his declining years did the poet return to creativity, releasing four collections of poems under the general title "Evening Lights". In his work, he is a supporter of the doctrine of "pure art", which avoided […]
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  • The first collection of poems reflected artistic originality Fet's poetry, the range of topics, motives and images of his lyrics was determined. Russia appears in the collection as the main poetic image. The poet sharply perceives the beauty of reality and considers beauty as an indispensable attribute of life. native nature in her immediate real life appears in Fet's poetry as the main sphere of manifestation of beauty. The poem "I am Russian", which opens the collection of 1850, speaks of the special nature of the aesthetic perception of nature by the poet, that the gloomy and disharmonious elements of the northern landscape seem beautiful to him, that the feeling of beauty is inseparable from his love for his homeland:

    I am Russian, I love the silence of the filthy distance,

    Under the canopy of snow, like a monotonous death,

    Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost

    Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.

    How they like to find thoughtful eyes

    Winded ditches, winded mountains,

    Sleepy blades of grass - or among the bare fields,

    Where the hill is bizarre, like some kind of mausoleum,

    Sculpted at midnight - whirling distant whirlwinds

    And solemn brilliance at the sounds of funerals!

    Fet creates a tragic, disharmonious image of the nature of the north. The emptiness, deadness of the winter expanse and the loneliness of a person lost in it are expressed in this poem through the general color of the picture and through every detail of it. This nature is dear to the poet. The motives of joy and sadness, death and love are merged in the poem.

    In the poem "Sad birch ..." Fet depicts one birch, which he sees every day through the window of his room, and the slightest changes on a tree bare in winter for the poet serve as the embodiment of the beauty and peculiar life of the winter nature of his native land.

    In the poem "Whisper, timid breath ..." there are no verbs. The poet portrayed the night as a change of meaningful moments full of content, as a stream of events. The poem tells how the night gives way to dawn, and in the relationship between lovers, after the explanation, clarity comes. Action develops in parallel between people and in nature.

    In the late 50s and 60s, the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature in Fet's work loses its absolute significance. If earlier he expressed in verses the same conviction - the conviction that he belongs to nature, that he is part of it, that her voice sounds in his verses, now he feels like the voice of the Universe and enters into an argument with God, refusing to recognize power divine Providence over the internally free human personality. Speaking of God, he meant the force that determines the laws of nature on a cosmic scale, the force that rules the universe, but is completely devoid of ethical content.

    The desire to go beyond time and space is one of the constant motives of Fet's late lyrics.

    He was always worried about the problems of the country, so he raised these issues in his prose, journalistic works and memoirs. In journalism, his angry tirades denounced reality existing world. However, when it came to poems, poetry, everything changed at once.

    Features and originality of Fet's lyrics

    According to the poet, the lyrics should be beautiful and should not be associated with everyday life and problems. Lyrics should be like music. She should sing of the beauty of the surrounding world, exalt the feelings of beauty. Lines of lyrical poems should be kept away from political dirt and rudeness. The mission of poetry should be the service of beauty and all that is beautiful. This was the peculiarity and originality of Fet's lyrics.

    Themes and motifs of Fet's lyrics

    When we read Fet's poems, we feel the pleasure of happiness and peace. Fet became a truly master of the lyrical landscape, reflecting human feelings in it and revealing the main themes and motives that excite the writer. In his poems, the writer sang of nature, love, human happiness and eternity. Moreover, all his poetry is romantic. However, in Fet's lyrics, romance is not heavenly, it is quite earthly and comprehensible.

    Let's dwell on the main lyrical directions of Fet's poetry separately.

    Fet's love lyrics

    I really like Fet's poetry. With particular pleasure I read love poems, and the writer has many of them. In his poems, love is depicted in all its angles and in different shades. Here we see happy love, but at the same time, the author shows that this wonderful feeling can carry not only joy, but also suffering with the torment of experiences. So it really is. After all, love can be reciprocal and unrequited. Love can be sincere, or it can be faked. Feelings can both play and reciprocate.

    Fet dedicates a lot of works to his only muse, the woman he loved very much, Maria Lazich. However, the death of his beloved, so unexpected and inexplicable, brings pain to the writer. Despite this, time passed, years flew by, but he still loved the one that fate took away. And only in Fet's poems did his beloved come to life and the lyrical hero could talk with his beloved.

    The cycle dedicated to Maria Lazich can be called a masterpiece of love lyrics, where each time the native female image came to life. And even after forty years, he still remembered the woman he had lost, and dedicated poems to her. Maybe that's why his poems about love are not only admiration and admiration for beauty, but also tragic experiences.

    Getting acquainted with the love theme of Fet, we understand how extraordinary love can be, which works wonders.

    Nature in Fet's lyrics

    In addition to love lyrics, the poet devotes his poems to the theme of nature. When I read poems dedicated to nature by the poet, I get the impression that I am looking at a painting. We do not just see a beautiful landscape, but hear the sounds surrounding it. Everything comes to life, because the author endows nature with human images. Therefore, at Fet, the grass is crying, the forest is waking up, the azure has been widowed. Fet was a true singer of nature, thanks to whom we see all the beauty of the world around us with its colors, sounds and mood.

    Philosophical lyrics Fet

    Being a singer of love and a singer of nature, Fet could not pass by philosophical reflections, because the questions of being worried absolutely everyone. Therefore, Afanasy Fet also has philosophical lyrics, which were mainly formed under the influence of Schopenhauer's philosophy. It was on his works that the writer worked with translations. Schopenhauer's philosophical articles were of interest to Fet and he tried not only to rethink them, but also used them in his poems. So, analyzing the philosophical lyrics, we see the poet's reflections on eternity, on the wisdom of being. Fet also touches on the issues of freedom of creativity, reflects on the futility of human fuss, on the poverty of human knowledge of the surrounding reality, on the meanness of everyday life. And this is only a small list of philosophical reasoning that the author reveals in his poems that relate to Fet's philosophical lyrics.

    Man in Fet's lyrics

    Having studied the poet's work, we can say with confidence that his works are based on a special philosophy, where the author wants to convey to readers both invisible and visible connections between man and nature. For these reasons, touching on the theme of nature, the poet tries to convey many shades of human experiences, to convey the state and emotions lyrical hero. Take the famous verbless poem

    Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. poetry of life-affirming power, which fills every sound, poetry of primordial freshness and fragrance. Fet's lyrics are limited to a narrow range of topics. It lacks civic motives and social issues. The essence of his views on the purpose of poetry in the exit from the world of suffering and sadness of the surrounding life is immersion in the world of beauty.

    It is beauty that is the main motive and idea of ​​​​the work of the great Russian lyricist. The secrets of beauty, the language of its consonances, its many-sided image and seeks to embody Fet in his creations. Poetry is the temple of art, and the poet is the creator of this temple.

    The main themes of Fet's poetry are nature and love, as if merged into one. It is in nature and love, as in a single melody, that all the beauty of the world, all the charm are connected. Three poetic subjects - nature, love and song - are closely interconnected, penetrate each other, forming Fetov's universe of beauty. Using the technique of personification, Fet animates nature, she lives with him: "the forest woke up", "the sun rose ... trembled" ("I came to you with greetings"). The poet is full of thirst for love and creativity.

    The poet in the word reproduces not the object, but the impression. We first encounter such a phenomenon in literature in the poetry of Fet (in painting, this direction is called impressionism). Habitual images of the surrounding world acquire completely unexpected properties. And although there are many very specific flowers, trees, birds in Fet's poems, they are depicted in an unusual way. And this unusualness cannot be explained only by the fact that Fet makes extensive use of personification:

    The last flowers were about to die,

    And waited with sadness frost

    Fet not only likens nature to a person, but fills it with human emotions, since the subject of his poetry is most often feelings, and not the phenomena that cause them.

    For Fet, sometimes it is not so important to trace the development of feelings or events, but to capture a fleeting state, stop the moment, delay it.

    But in the poem "Whisper, timid breathing ..." the rapid change of static pictures gives the verse an amazing dynamism, airiness, gives the poet the opportunity to depict the subtlest transitions from one state to another.

    Fet's poems are unusually musical. Composers, the poet's contemporaries, also felt this. Fet considered music supreme view art and brought his poems to a musical sound.

    The poetry of Afanasy Afanasievich Fet is imbued with the happiness of life, overflowing with the joy of love and enjoyment of nature. It is fundamentally important that it is extremely difficult to divide his poetry thematically.

    Fet was a supporter of "pure art", he argued that poetry should not depend on the requirements of society.

    In the history of Russian literature, this poet remained consummate master lyrical landscape, which necessarily reflects human feelings.

    Images and themes of Fet's lyrics

    Nature and landscape in the poet's work

    And blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,

    That you are alone - all life, that you are alone - love.

    That there are no offenses and hearts of burning flour,

    And life has no end, and there is no other goal,

    As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,

    Love you, hug and cry over you!

    Fet's poetry conveys the subtlest nuances of human relations in the halftones of nature. An example is the wonderful poem of the poet "Whisper, timid breathing ..."

    Whisper, timid breath,

    trill nightingale,

    Silver and flutter

    sleepy stream,

    Night light, night shadows,

    Shadows without end

    A series of magical changes

    sweet face,

    In smoky clouds purple roses,

    reflection of amber,

    And kisses, and tears,

    And dawn, dawn!

    Means and forms of poems

    Poet using structure nominal proposals, creates an amazing verbless movement of time (from evening to morning),

    Changes in external manifestations and the internal state of lovers. And even the word “tears” in this poem is the joy of love and being.

    Fet's poem can be a small miniature, in which only external events are told, but at the same time, the poem speaks of deep inner experiences (about a girl waiting for a date).

    "the only one of its kind, having no equal in any literature." "He is much higher than his time, which does not know how to appreciate it,"

    We, living in the twentieth century, can only agree with him.

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