10 most warlike nations in the world. The peoples of Ireland: culture and traditions. About the Irish people

Over the past few years, Irish featherweight fighter Conor McGregor (16-2 MMA, 4-0 UFC) made a buzz in his division not only due to his fighting qualities, but also the ability to express his thoughts a la Chael Sonnen. Having appeared in the UFC last year, McGregor managed to become the #1 contender in his weight in less than 12 months. In his last fight, the Irish managed to effortlessly stop the "threat" of the division Dustin Poirier. The Irish fighter, who became a star in an instant, has proven himself to be an excellent “speaker” from the first appearance in the UFC organization. The editors of the site invite you to get acquainted with the most chic phrases of the Irish superstar.

We present to you the 10 most bright phrases Conor McGregor:

#10: After defeating Dustin Poirier at UFC 178, the fighter's trainer John Cavanagh awarded him a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu despite the fact that the fight never went to the ground. No wonder the Irishman thinks he's very good!

“I didn’t even fight to get a brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on earth!”

#9: McGregor is walking around in bespoke suits now, but when he debuted in the UFC, he had nothing but a bump in his pocket.

#8: Injuries are part of the sport, so McGregor was willing to do anything to win against Max Holloway.

“For a few seconds I couldn’t get out of my head, but remembering the past, I just had to pull my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.” .

#7: McGregor's trash talk is truly massive and he had to use his entire arsenal of vocabulary before the duel with Dustin Poirier.

“He is a quiet, little redneck from some unknown hole. Probably his cousin's name is Cletus."

#6: Looks like someone watched the movie "Strangers Among Us" before the press conference.

“There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I'm doing one of them right now, and on Saturday night I'm doing another."

#5: You can't make 500 million friends without making an enemy in Cole Miller.

“Eighteen or seventeen fights in the UFC, I don't even know. That son of a bitch couldn't even get off Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg called him and tried to get him out of there. Nobody cares about him."

#4: You can bet with everyone that in the future this statement of the Irish fighter will be included in the golden pool of motivational quotes.

“I am bold in my predictions. I'm always confident in my preparation, but I'm always humble after winning or losing."

#3: Everyone knows that the Irish are a very warlike people. This time McGregor made it clear that one Irishman in the field is not a warrior!

"If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!"

#2: Conor loves making money almost as much as making money. Who else would buy $5,000 suits and Rolex watches?

“These bespoke suits are not cheap. That gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. I'll be in debt very soon."

#1: As mentioned earlier, the Irish have war, war, and nothing but war in their blood.

I'm not afraid of anyone! I am ready to fight at any weight. Anyone can come out and fight me in this cage and see if they can do it, but so far no one has done it, that's what I'll say.

  • I can see right through the competition

    Looking at my opponents, looking into their eyes and reading their body language, I see how they hide behind self-confidence, but I see through them.

  • About racism

    Many journalists claim that I am anti-black people. This is complete nonsense. Don't they know I'm half black myself? I'm black below the belt!

  • About doubts

    The more they doubt, the more confident I become.

  • Mayweather fight prediction

    The fight will take place in two strokes. First I hit, and then you hit the ground.

  • Briefly about the profession. I am the executioner

    This job is not for everyone. Every night I make steaks from their heads. I am the executioner.

  • About self-esteem

    All that matters is how you see yourself.

  • About visualization

    If you have a clear picture in your head where something is about to happen, then nothing can stop it.

  • About faith

    You always hear, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it," but I was able to believe it. That's why I'm here now.

  • About enemies

    "You need to be able to lose" - you should gradually accustom your enemies to this thought.

  • About hate

    If people like you, you're good. If they hate you, you are the best.

  • Nobody else does it

    Nobody wants to get up at 4 in the morning and go for a run when it's still completely dark, but it's necessary. The only reason I'm doing this so early is because I believe no one else is doing it. And that gives me a little advantage.

  • Be ready

    When you enter a room, you must be polite to everyone. But you should always have a plan to kill each one of them.

  • About comparison

    Never lower your bar because someone else can't rise to it.

  • About rivals

    In the end, I respect everyone. But I'm on my way and there's only room for one.

  • Work on yourself

    A gem cannot be polished without friction. Similarly, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.

  • About Putin and Russians

    I love Putin, he's a tough guy. I know that Russians are strong people, they can smell a catch from a mile away. Putin senses this too, which is why he runs his country. I also know that he is a big fan of MMA and martial arts, so Russia is one of the leading countries in the world, if not the leading one.

  • Miscalculation

    The most delightful feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and gently lead him to a mistake.

  • About the way

    I'm a hungry bastard who doesn't care who gets in his way. All I see is a lot of tears whining kids in this game.

  • About a dream

    Man must dream. Is always. No matter how incredible and impossible your dreams may seem to others, keep dreaming, strive to realize your desires.

  • Way to victory

    Start big, go big, and never look back.

  • Success

    There are three secrets successful people: self-confidence, positive mental attitude, honest and hard work. Many people know these three principles, but few of them can put them into practice.

  • About work

    I don't work, I live... I don't have a job, I just have a life.

  • Fight with yourself

    Each of my fights is a fight with myself, there is no opponent.

  • I say what I think

    I'm not trying to spin fights, I just say what I think and the hype skyrockets on its own - oil painting straight.

  • Are you waiting for my fight

    Whether you like me or not, you are still looking forward to my fight. Those who like me expect spectacles and shows from me, and those who don't like me dream of me being knocked out.

  • Own championship belt

    I don't care what weight the fight is, or what belt is at stake, because I created my own title. I have my own championship belt. It doesn't matter if it's featherweight, light, or welterweight. This is McGregor's title, and I defend my own championship belt every time, regardless of the weight class.

  • About checks

    The only weight I care about is the weight of my checks. And they are my heavyweights.

  • Victory can break a fighter

    People say that losing can break a fighter. But believe me, victory can also break a person. Because he can get used to it, become self-confident and this will lead to the fact that he will give up, start giving himself indulgence in training, indulgence in diet, because he won, now he is a winner. I'm not like that at all. Because you can fall asleep - a winner, and wake up - already a loser.

  • Way to victory

    Those who are not ready to go to the end or start over, who are afraid of getting hurt or losing something, will never become successful.

  • self-control

    There is a jitters that turns on. There is one that will crush you. If you saddled the excitement - you are a horseman against an infantryman. If the excitement saddled you - you are an infantryman who drags a horse on his shoulders.

  • Countering Evil

    Evil cannot be unleashed. If it is being done next to you, you should intervene. Sometimes evil can only be stopped by force.

  • Discipline

    Without discipline, it doesn't matter how good you are, you are nothing! Someday you'll meet a tough guy who can take your very best punches.

  • About the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt

    I didn't even fight to get a brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on earth!

  • About your income

    Before that, I did not have a penny in my pocket. I received 188 euros a week thanks to social security. And now I'm here, getting about 60,000 for the bonus, plus my earnings. Honestly, I don't understand what the f*ck is going on here, okay?"

  • On injury in combat

    For a few seconds I could not get out of my head, but remembering the past, I just had to pull my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.

  • About insolence and modesty

    I am bold in my predictions. I am always confident in my preparation, but I am always humble after victory or defeat.

  • About the Irish people

    If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!

  • About things

    These bespoke suits are not cheap. That gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. Very soon I will be in debt.

  • About the will to win

    We are not here to take part. We're here to take over.

  • America or Ireland

    I'll punch you in the face if I hear that question again, my friend. America will never be my home, Ireland is my home. I am proud of my Motherland and, no matter what, I believe that we have all the best. I don't need to go to America for some reason. The only reason I go to America is the UFC. it the best place on the ground, my friend. I am a happy and proud Irishman, this is my home.

  • About opponents

    You go to sleep hoping to win, but you wake up from defeat.

  • Inspiration

    I am looking for inspiration for myself in everything ... If someone pursues his dream, then this inspires me.

  • About sport

    Everything works in this sport. For every movement, no matter what, there is a place and a time... This is how I see things.

  • About the impossible

    There is only one impossible thing - to beat a man who does not give up.

  • About opponents

    In order to avoid public execution, I suggest that everyone who is frightened meet me and publicly kiss each of my fingers, then, perhaps, I will change my anger to mercy. I give only 24 hours, during which time you must appear with your woman and all your property, otherwise, a hunt will be declared on your head and soon it will be in my collection. Tick-tock. Time has gone.

  • Prediction for knockout in the first round

    In every fight he gets knocked down. A slight gust of wind, and Poirier is already beginning to perform the "chicken" dance. Going against me is not a good idea. I'm going to hit him with the jab and he'll float right away. You will be knocked out in the first round. Mark my words... (Conor ended up knocking out Dustin in the first round).

  • About ancestors

    My name MacGregor is blood-stained on the many battlefields engulfed by the war of the Scottish highlands of the 17th century, when we fought for independence from Britain. I believe my ancestors were there too. I, on the other hand, fight in a modern gladiatorial arena.

  • Motivation

    I like to eat good food, I like to wear nice clothes, I like to drive a good car. I want my family to have all of this. I don't have children, but when they do, I want them to be provided for. That's what keeps me working in the gym.

  • Champion

    Everyone wants me to be a champion. No one will deny that the belt will be in perfect harmony with my amazing costume. Dana wants me to be champion, Lorenzo wants it, the fans want it, I want it!

  • Two things

    There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I am doing one of them right now.

  • About the winners

    Winners are focused on winning. The losers are focused on the winners.

  • I once walked around the capital,
    Two passers-by accidentally hit.
    Vladimir Vysotsky

    The Russians are the most aggressive people in the world. How else could the largest territory in the world appear? I am not in a position to draw a comparison with the Zulus, but I think that they would not be very good if they lived near us. This statement may cause you a sharp protest - after all, Russians love to talk about themselves, how kind, meek and fluffy we are. However, the facts say otherwise. This feeling of aggression is especially acute when returning home from a foreign trip, especially from a Buddhist country. In many countries you can walk through a crowd of young people and not feel harassed, and in most countries it would never occur to anyone to be afraid of the police. In the Republic of Sri Lanka, the traffic is absolutely crazy, but I have not seen any showdowns or accidents. It is also worth remembering that we have managed to create one of the most brutal states in the world.
    On Radio C, Anna Romanova presented the results of a survey of foreigners who have lived in our country for at least two years. To the question: “What do you dislike most about Russia?”, The answer turned out to be: Teenagers, policemen, drivers.

    Aggression is primarily aimed at their own (Vladimir Tarasov owns the phrase: Russians are a nation with increased intraspecific aggression). We are all one family, but very quarrelsome. The simplest and clearest way to get rid of illusions is to observe road traffic, take a closer look at the dominant driving style. We have approximately 30,000 deaths in road accidents every year (13,000 deaths in Afghanistan during the entire period of hostilities), for comparison - in France 300 people a year. Moreover, the better the roads, the more people die. Of course, one can blame the authorities, non-Christians and Masons for everything here, but rather this is a style of attitude towards oneself and others.

    Somehow I came across an interesting, though amateurish, study of the behavior of our drivers on the road. Approximately 40% of drivers are law-abiding. 30% break the rules, but they are sane, you can talk to them, you can convince them. Another 30% are scumbags, nothing affects them, it is impossible to agree with them.
    It seems to me that this ratio exists not only when driving a car. If you're driving down a one-way street and a car is coming towards you, try saying something to the driver.

    Traces of aggression appear both in daily reports and in statistics. In Russia, 7,000 children per year die from assault by drunken and mentally unbalanced parents. And hundreds of thousands of children run away from their families. Every year, 15,000 women die from family fights with men. And 4000 men are killed by women in such fights.
    The level of violence in Russia, according to the rating of the World Health Organization, was the highest among the 53 countries in which the study was conducted. In our country, 15.85 out of 100,000 young people die as a result of murders. At the same time, almost half of all those who died in Russia (in the age group from 10 to 29 years old) died from stab wounds. In second place is Albania - 11.2 per 100,000 people. On the third - Kazakhstan - 10.66 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The lowest death rate among adolescents and young people from violent causes is in Germany - 0.47 per 100 thousand inhabitants, Armenia - 0.5 and Austria - 0.54. This is stated in the report "On the prevention of violence and crime associated with edged weapons among adolescents and young people", prepared by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The authors of the study believe that the reason for stabbing is most often interpersonal conflicts. It is noted that 9 out of 10 murders registered in Europe occur in the Russian Federation. http://news.mail.ru/incident/4474879/

    Faced with a refusal or a ban, a significant part of Russians do not control themselves and are capable of anything. Getting involved in a showdown, you should always remember about the likelihood that the opponent will get a weapon.

    A stowaway who jumped over a turnstile at Moscow's Yaroslavsky railway station wounded an employee of a private security company who was trying to detain him.
    “At the moment of detention, the stowaway took out a traumatic pistol and opened fire to kill. As a result, an employee of the private security company, born in 1978, received a dangerous wound in the chest and was hospitalized, ”the attacker was detained by police officers who came to the rescue, he turned out to be a 32-year-old resident of the Moscow region.

    “In the Moscow subway car, a quarrel arose between two groups of young people, during which a girl pulled out a knife and wounded four passengers - three men and one woman. The girl and her companion were detained, now they are at the police station, where they are being investigated and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” the representative of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate noted.

    According to a source in law enforcement agencies in Moscow, on Saturday morning on the Garden Ring near the Kursk railway station, a traffic police officer stopped a foreign car to check documents, the driver of which was with obvious signs of intoxication. “The man refused to undergo a medical examination and did not allow the traffic police officer to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense. After that, he hit the traffic inspector several times in the face, but was detained by the policeman's colleagues,” the source said. The offender was taken to the Tagansky police station. The source also said that the detainee had documents for an FSB officer with him.

    Aggression is not only direct violence, aggression is also manifested in the categorical inability to negotiate among themselves, preventing each other from developing normally.
    There are five city English-language newspapers in New York, of which one NYT is in fact a national newspaper. At the same time, there are about 20 low-level Russian-language newspapers in the city. (Let me not compare the number of English- and Russian-speaking residents of the metropolis). In the nineties, eight television studios were organized and fought for the advertising budget in the Sverdlovsk region, at a time when this budget was actually enough for the normal operation of two or three studios.

    A common practice in the country is when an employee, leaving the company, takes the customer base with him, and the manager to whom you instructed to create an enterprise creates a similar one nearby. Most Russians seek not to expand and continue what they have already started, but to recreate their own, making the same mistakes, stepping on the same rake.
    The basis of aggression is our attitude towards each other. A foreign journalist who has worked in Russia for a long time says: “In Russia, I never ask a person’s opinion about colleagues.” Abroad, we do not rejoice in meeting our fellow citizens and avoid such meetings, because we want to take a break from the manner of communication adopted at home. You can easily be declared a bastard and a bastard simply on the basis of your job title or place of work.
    The policeman is like a grandmother waiting for the train. - So you have a basket full of grebes. You'll be poisoned! - No, son, do not be afraid, I'm for sale! Do you think I'm talking? In the Sverdlovsk region there is the concept of "Sumziki" - red-headed (as the boletus mushrooms are called in the Urals), collected on the dumps of the Sredneuralsky copper smelter for sale, they are never wormy.

    An aggressive style of behavior is inherent in all sectors of society. Here is the text of the announcement at the entrance to the territory where the construction of an Orthodox church is underway: “For the stupid and for the cool – parking is prohibited here – entry to the construction site!”. Aggression - all cases when a person does what is convenient for him, not caring about the convenience and safety of others: talking on the phone while driving, trying to skip the line.

    The opposition is even more aggressive than the authorities - the hungry, we must fight our way through. She willingly spreads any unverified information, whipping up passions.

    Our foreign policy is a continuation of our features. Russia is constantly aimed at expansion and capture, being a constant source of tension in the world. We constantly oppose ourselves to the whole world and constantly try to measure our biceps. Another thing is that blaming us for this is the same as blaming a cat for catching mice - this is our purpose.

    Of course, constantly living in such conditions, the people have developed some mechanisms to mitigate the problem. If in the Caucasus blood feud is the way to restrain aggression, then in Russia it is complete forgiveness. It would seem that it is impossible to forgive a person in any case, but at some point they forgive and everything stops. Another well-known mechanism is addressing by name and patronymic. In this case, two more people are invisibly present during communication, helping to keep the situation within limits.

    The most aggressive people in the world

    I once walked around the capital,

    Two passers-by accidentally hit.

    Vladimir Vysotsky

    The Russians are the most aggressive people in the world. How else could the largest territory in the world appear? I am not in a position to draw a comparison with the Zulus, but I think that they would not be very good if they lived near us. This statement may cause you a sharp protest - after all, we love to talk about ourselves, how kind, meek and fluffy we are. However, the facts say otherwise. This feeling of aggression is especially acute when returning home from a foreign trip, especially from Buddhist countries. In many countries you can walk through a crowd of young people and not feel harassed, and in most countries it would never occur to anyone to be afraid of the police. In the Republic of Sri Lanka, the traffic is absolutely crazy, but there are no showdowns and accidents. We also have the honor of creating one of the most cruel states in the world.

    On SI radio Anna Romanova cited the results of a survey of foreigners living in our country for at least two years. To the question: “What do you dislike most about Russia?”, The answer turned out to be: “Teenagers, policemen, drivers.”

    Aggression is primarily directed at their own.

    Vladimir Tarasov: Russians are a nation with increased intraspecific aggression.

    We are all one family, but very quarrelsome . The easiest and most obvious way to get rid of illusions is to watch the traffic, look at the dominant driving style. We have about 30 thousand deaths in road accidents every year (13 thousand deaths in Afghanistan during the entire period of hostilities), for comparison: in France 300 people a year. The better the roads, the more people die. Of course, one can blame the authorities, non-Christians and Masons for everything here, but rather this is a style of attitude towards oneself and others.

    Somehow I came across an interesting, though amateur, study of the behavior of our drivers on the road. Approximately 40% of drivers are law-abiding, 30% break the rules, but they are sane, you can talk to them, they can be convinced. Another 30% are scumbags, nothing affects them, it is impossible to agree with them. It seems to me that this ratio exists not only when driving a car.

    If you're driving down a one-way street and a car is coming towards you, try saying something to the driver.

    Traces of aggression appear both in daily reports and in statistics.

    In Russia, every year 7,000 children die from assault by drunken and mentally unbalanced parents, hundreds of thousands of children run away from their families. Every year, 15,000 women die from family fights with men, and 4,000 men die at the hands of women.

    WHO Regional Office for Europe: The level of violence in Russia, according to the ranking of the World Health Organization, was the highest among the 53 countries in which the study was conducted. In our country, 15.85 out of 100,000 young people die as a result of murders. At the same time, almost half of all those who died in Russia (in the age group from 10 to 29 years old) died from stab wounds. In second place is Albania - 11.2 per 100,000 people. In third place is Kazakhstan - 10.66 per 100,000 inhabitants. The lowest death rate among adolescents and young people from violent causes is in Germany - 0.47 per 100 thousand inhabitants, in Armenia - 0.5 and in Austria - 0.54. The authors of the study believe that interpersonal conflicts most often become the reason for stabbing. It is noted that 9 out of 10 murders registered in Europe occur in the Russian Federation.

    When faced with an insurmountable ban, a significant number of our fellow tribesmen simply fall into a rage and are capable of anything. Getting involved in a showdown, you should always remember about the likelihood that the opponent will get a weapon.

    A stowaway who jumped over a turnstile at Moscow's Yaroslavsky railway station wounded an employee of a private security company who was trying to detain him. At the moment of detention, the stowaway took out a traumatic pistol and opened fire to kill. As a result, an employee of the private security company, born in 1978, received a dangerous wound in the chest and was hospitalized. The attacker was detained by police officers who came to the rescue, he turned out to be a 32-year-old resident of the Moscow region.

    “In the Moscow subway car, a quarrel arose between two groups of young people, during which the girl pulled out a knife and wounded four passengers - three men and one woman. The girl and her companion were detained, now they are in the police station, where they are being investigated and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” the representative of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate noted.

    According to a source in law enforcement agencies in Moscow, on Saturday morning on the Garden Ring near the Kursk railway station, a traffic police officer stopped a foreign car to check documents, the driver of which had obvious signs of intoxication. “The man refused to undergo a medical examination and did not allow the traffic police officer to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense. After that, he hit the traffic inspector several times in the face, but was detained by the policeman's colleagues,” the source said. The offender was taken to the Tagansky police station. The source also said that the detainee the documents of the FSB officer were with him.

    Aggression is not only direct violence, aggression is also manifested in the categorical inability to negotiate with each other, not to give each other the opportunity to develop normally.

    There are five city newspapers in New York City in English, of which one NYT is in fact a national newspaper. At the same time, there are about 20 low-level Russian-language newspapers in the city. (Let me not compare the number of English- and Russian-speaking residents of the metropolis.) In the 1990s, Sverdlovsk region eight television studios were organized and fought for the advertising budget, although in reality this budget was enough for the normal operation of two or three studios.

    The basis of aggression is our attitude towards each other. Foreign journalists never ask a person's opinion about colleagues in Russia. Abroad, we are not happy to meet our fellow citizens and try to avoid such meetings, because we want to take a break from the manner of communication adopted at home. You can easily be declared a bastard and a bastard only on the basis of your position or place of work.

    Oleg Kashin: There is truth and another important moment that unites the Germans ...<…>in general and in general in matters of life (doctor, school, butcher), the Germans trust the Germans most of all, while the Russians trust other Russians just last. We know ours.

    Mikhail Babin: Rudeness is initially unpunished aggression and manifests itself in us more often than just aggression, precisely because of impunity. And this is not just aggression, it is the ecstasy of the impunity of this aggression.

    The policeman is like a grandmother waiting for the train: “So you have a basket full of grebes. You'll be poisoned!" - “No, son, don’t be afraid, I’m for sale!”

    Do you think I'm talking? There is such a thing as "sumziki" - redheads (as the boletus mushrooms are called in the Urals), collected on the dumps of the Middle Ural copper smelter for sale, they are never wormy .

    An aggressive style of behavior is inherent in all sectors of society. The text of the announcement at the entrance to the territory where the construction of an Orthodox church is underway: “For stupid and tough people: parking is prohibited here - entry to the construction site!” The opposition is more aggressive than the government: if you are hungry, you have to fight your way through. She willingly spreads any unverified information, whipping up passions.

    a333r: If the state is powerless, the people take up the pitchfork. In full accordance with Art. 3 of the Constitution (“The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russian Federation is its multinational people").

    Institute of Sociology RAS: In response to a directly posed question about the desire to “shoot everyone who makes life in the country the way it is”, 34% confirmed the existence of this desire. In 1995, there were 24% of such people, in 2008 - 16%. The number of those who never wanted to shoot anyone fell from 54% in 2001 to 28% in 2011.

    It's not about innate qualities. The fact is that aggression is encouraged by Russian reality. If you begin to apologize, you will be guilty everywhere. We always have a pedestrian passing the car. If you want to be successful, be aggressive. There is also a purely female version: war paint, 12 cm high heels, tight clothes on weekdays and holidays, at work and in public places - not aggression?

    The first natural reaction of a Russian person to any event is aggression. Do not prompt, help or explain - aggression. The optimal style is aggressive pressure at the beginning, checking the opponent “for lice”, then, if he passed the test, “resetting momentum” and switching to a friendly conversation.

    Of course, constantly living in such conditions, the people have developed some mechanisms to mitigate the problem. If in the Caucasus blood feud is the way to restrain aggression, then in Russia it is complete forgiveness. It would seem that a person cannot be forgiven in any case, but at some point they forgive. The mechanism of amnesty is sewn into the Russian man - unmotivated forgiveness.

    Another well-known mechanism is addressing by name and patronymic. In this case, two more people are invisibly present during communication, helping to keep the situation within limits.

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    Tuvins, Mansi, Kalmyks and others are the most warlike peoples in the history of Russia according to the Russian Seven.


    The harsh climate, vast territories and an endless series of conquerors forged in the Russians tremendous willpower and perseverance in achieving victories.

    “The Russians often went on the attack on our machine guns and artillery, even when their attack was doomed to failure. They did not pay attention to either the strength of our fire or their losses, ”recalled the German general of the First World War, Anton von Posek.

    A quarter of a century later, another German general, Günter Blumentritt, added to his compatriot: “The Russian soldier prefers hand-to-hand combat. His ability to endure hardship without flinching is truly astonishing. Such is the Russian soldier whom we recognized and respected.”

    "Suvorov crossing the Alps", Vasily Surikov, 1899

    The writer Nikolai Shefov in his book "Battles of Russia" gives statistics of wars from the 18th to the 20th century in which Russia participated. According to the author, over 250 years, the Russian regular army won 31 of 34 wars, won 279 of 392 battles. In the vast majority of battles, Russian troops were outnumbered by their opponents.


    The Varangians were not a single people. However, these ethnically diverse groups that inhabited, among other things, the northern lands Ancient Russia, were distinguished by cohesion and warlike disposition. With them it was possible either to fight or to negotiate.

    Europe did not succeed in either. Along the rivers, the Vikings penetrated deep into the continent, devastating Cologne, Trier, Bordeaux, Paris.

    "Deliver us from the ferocity of the Normans, O Lord!" - came from many churches in Western Europe.

    Along the Dnieper, the Vikings reached the Black Sea, from where they made their devastating campaigns against Constantinople.

    Oleg's farewell to the horse. Viktor Vasnetsov, 1899

    The developed technique of iron processing allowed the Varangians to create high-quality weapons and armor, which had practically no analogues. Historian Alexander Khlevov notes that neither Europe nor Asia at that time could create military formations equal in combat capability to the Vikings.

    Byzantine emperors and Russian princes preferred to have the Varangians as mercenaries. When the Novgorod prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, with the help of the Varangian squad, seized the throne of Kyiv in 979, he tried to get rid of his wayward comrades-in-arms, but in response he heard: “This is our city, we captured it, we want to take a ransom from the townspeople for two hryvnias per person.”

    Baltic Germans

    In the XII century, following the Hanseatic merchants, the crusaders came to the eastern coast of the Baltic. the main objective expansion - the conquest and baptism of pagan peoples. In 1224, the Germans captured Yuriev, founded by Yaroslav the Wise, and the Livonian Order, which they soon created, would become one of the main threats to the western borders of Russia for a long time.

    Descendants of the Livonian captives of Ivan the Terrible early XVII centuries are actively involved in the formation of "regiments of a foreign system."

    AT late XVIII centuries, along with the Baltic nobles, Prussian discipline, well-trainedness and combat training brought to automatism - that inspired Paul I to military reforms - came to the Russian army.

    Many of the Baltic Germans in the Russian military service reach career heights. For example, a native of an old Estonian family, Karl von Toll. This talented staff general owns the plan for the war with Napoleon, it was he who developed the operational plan for the battle of Borodino. Tol later led successful operations during Russian-Turkish war 1828 -1829 years.

    Another famous Ostsee was Barclay de Tolly. The “scorched earth tactics”, which was used by the general during the war with Napoleon, provoked protest from the Russian landed nobility, but it was she who largely predetermined the outcome of the military campaign.

    Before the Russo-Japanese War, the share of generals of German origin in the generals of the Russian army was 21.6%. On April 15, 1914, among 169 "full generals" there were 48 Germans (28.4%), among 371 lieutenant generals - 73 Germans (19.7%), among 1034 major generals - 196 Germans (19%).

    A large percentage of officers of German origin were in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, in which, according to tradition, mainly Baltic (Ostsee) Germans were recruited.

    Other famous Baltic Germans in the Russian army and navy were P.K. Rennenkampf, E.K. Miller, Admiral von Essen, Baron A. Budberg, General N.E. Bredov.

    Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg.

    Baron Ungern von Sternberg stands apart among the Baltic Germans. Exceptionally decisive, neglecting dangers, even on the fronts of the First World War, he earned himself the glory of a hero.

    During civil war the army under the command of General Ungern became one of the main threats to Soviet Russia. The name of Baron Ungern is especially memorable in Mongolia: largely thanks to the general's talent as a general, this country was able to defend its independence from China.


    The gentry of the Commonwealth more than once caused problems for the Russian state, not only encroaching on the territory of the eastern neighbor, but also owning the Moscow throne. The English historian Norman Davis characterizes the “honor nobles” as follows: “They did not engage in any craft or trade, but could only enter the military service or manage an estate.

    The gentry was originally a military knighthood. The lion's share of the gentry's way of life was occupied by hunting, fencing, horse racing and shooting. In the collegiums of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, military sports games were practiced, for example, fights on the “fingers”, which imitated saber fights.

    “This fighting beginning was a projection of gentry fights, duels - games with death in real life”, - notes the historian Igor Uglik.

    A lot of noise in Europe was made by the "winged hussars" - the elite cavalry of the Commonwealth, which repeatedly defeated Russians, Swedes, Turks and Germans. The success of the hussar was brought by her favorite tactics: the increasing pace of the attack and the compacted front of the banner, which made it possible to inflict maximum damage on the enemy in a collision.

    Since the 16th century, the gentry began to replenish the ranks of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, bringing to it a knightly gloss and military democracy. For the impoverished or guilty part of the Polish-Lithuanian gentry, the Cossacks were perceived as a restoration of honor - "either fall with glory, or return with military booty."

    After the Pereyaslav Rada, a part of the so-called Russian gentry from the Left-Bank Ukraine voluntarily swears allegiance to the Moscow Tsar. The gentry more than once had the opportunity to prove themselves in military affairs. So, in 1676, when the Bashkirs and Kirghiz besieged the Menzepa fortress, the gentry fought bravely and held the city for a long time, until reinforcements arrived.


    This free people was often at the forefront of those who raised uprisings and riots, he was also in the ranks of the pioneers who conquered new lands for the empire.

    The exceptional military qualities of the Cossacks are the result of multi-stage combat training. For example, a long process of training a Cossack-plastun made it possible to develop different skills: “crunching shot” - the ability to hit any target in poor visibility, “wolf mouth” - the ability to carry out a lightning-fast striking attack, or “fox tail” - the art of covering one’s tracks when returning from tasks.

    A bright page in the annals of the Cossacks is the feat of the Don Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov, the St. In August 1914, a small detachment of Cossacks attacked a pair of German cavalry patrols. “I was surrounded by eleven people. Not wanting to be alive, I decided to sell my life dearly, ”the hero recalled. Despite the 16 stab wounds that the Cossack received, not one of the 11 Germans survived that day.


    Already the self-name of the Circassian - "Adyg" - means "warrior". The whole way of life of the Circassians was permeated with military life. As the writer A. S. Marzey notes, “their state of life is in constant readiness for defense and battle, the choice of a less vulnerable place for settlements and temporary camps, mobility in collections and movement, moderation and unpretentiousness in food, a developed sense of solidarity and duty, led, of course, to militarization.

    Along with other Zakubans, the Circassians offered the most fierce resistance to the Russian army during the Caucasian wars. Only a century later, at the cost of more than a million lives of soldiers, Russia was able to subdue this proud and warlike people. The most powerful tribe of western Circassia, the Abadzekhs, also comes to terms with the capture of Shamil.

    Over the centuries, the Circassians created a special military culture - "Work Khabze", which distinguished them from their neighbors. An integral feature of this culture was a respectful attitude towards the enemy.

    The Circassians did not burn houses, did not trample fields, did not break vineyards. The care of the Circassians for the wounded or fallen comrades also deserves admiration. Despite the danger, they rushed to the dead in the midst of the battle, only to carry out his body.

    Adhering to the knightly code of honor, the Circassians have always waged open war. They preferred death in battle to surrender. “One thing I can praise in the Circassians,” the Astrakhan governor wrote to Peter I, “that all of them are such warriors as are not found in these countries, because if there are a thousand Tatars or Kumyks, there are quite two hundred Circassians here.”


    There is a hypothesis according to which the ancient Vainakh peoples laid the foundations of the Sarmatian and Alan ethnic groups. The Vainakhs are known to us primarily as Chechens and Ingush, who left no less bright mark on history than their formidable ancestors.

    During the invasion of the hordes, first by Genghis Khan, and then by Timur, the Vainakhs who retreated to the mountains managed to offer them heroic resistance.

    During this period, the Vainakhs brought their defensive architecture to perfection: watchtowers and fortresses towering today in the mountains of the Caucasus - the best of that the confirmation.

    An interesting description of the Vainakh is found in the diary of a Russian soldier who was captured by the highlanders during Caucasian war: "This is truly a beast, perfectly equipped with all kinds of military weapons, sharp claws, powerful teeth, jumping like rubber, evasive like rubber, rushing away with lightning speed, overtaking and smashing with lightning speed."


    In the motley ethnic pedigree of the Ossetians, the militant Iranian-speaking tribes of the North Caucasus clearly emerge: the Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans. Unlike other Caucasian peoples, Ossetians establish relations with Russia quite early. Already in the middle of the 18th century, the head of the Ossetian embassy in St. Petersburg, Zurab Magkaev, announced his readiness to field an army of 30 thousand people to participate in military operations against Iran and Turkey.

    Loyalty, courage and valor are the features that most accurately characterize the Ossetian warriors:

    “Ossetians are especially fearless and hardened like Spartans. Negotiating with them is a political necessity,”

    The Russian playwright Mikhail Vladykin writes in his notes. General Skobelev noted that if the Ossetians are the last, then only when retreating.


    Tatar cavalry since the first aggressive campaigns Genghis Khan was a formidable force.

    On the battlefield, Tatar archers used the tactics of maneuvering and bombarding the enemy with arrows brought to perfection. The military art of the Tatars was also famous for intelligence, thanks to which small detachments could set up ambushes and make lightning attacks.

    In the middle of the 15th century, the Moscow tsars had an idea to subordinate the Tatar militancy to their own interests.

    Thus, Tatar enclaves appeared on the territory of the Russian state, whose members were obliged to carry out military service in exchange for the inviolability of the territory and religion.

    To solve political problems, the Tatar troops actively used Vasily II and Ivan III. Ivan the Terrible relied on the Tatars during the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan, in the Livonian War and in the oprichnina.


    The Golden Horde beklarbek Nogai gave rise to an ethnonym with which one of the most formidable and warlike peoples of Eurasia is associated. Already under its founder, the Nogai Horde spread its influence over vast territories from the Don to the Danube, the possessions of Byzantium, Serbia, Bulgaria and many southeastern lands of Russia recognized vassal dependence on it.

    The Nogais, who by the middle of the 16th century could field a 300,000-strong army, were a force with which few dared to compete. Moscow tsars preferred to build good neighborly relations with the Horde. In return for economic assistance, the Nogais carried out cordon service in the south of Russia, and their cavalry regiments helped the Russian troops in the Livonian War.


    An integral part of a Kalmyk's life was his physical training. Thus, the national wrestling "nooldan" trained young people for strength, endurance and unbending will to win.

    During the Tsagan Sar holiday, Kalmyk youths met with each other in a real "cabinhouse", however, using whips instead of sabers. Such amusements subsequently made the Kalmyk warriors unsurpassed "swordsmen".

    A special place among the Kalmyks was occupied by the ability to control negative emotions, which allowed them to accumulate physical and moral strength.

    During the battle, the Kalmyk warrior entered a special state of mind, in which he felt neither pain nor fatigue, and his strength seemed to increase tenfold.

    Since the 17th century, the Kalmyks have been demonstrating their martial arts, defending the borders of the Russian kingdom: irregular cavalry Kalmyk Khanate took part in many wars waged by Russia throughout the 18th century.


    The Voguls (or Mansi), who have chosen the harsh northern region, have mastered the art of survival to perfection. Excellent hunters and fearless warriors, they forced their neighbors to reckon with them: Siberian Tatars, Nenets and Zyryans.

    The squad of the Mansi Khan was a detachment of professional warriors - "skewed otyrs." The key to their success was covert movement and inconspicuous tracking down of the enemy.

    AT different time the hordes of Batu and detachments of Novgorodians tried to penetrate the lands of the Voguls - all to no avail. Only after suffering a painful defeat from the Cossacks of Yermak, the Mansi retreated further to the North.


    This small pastoral people during the Great Patriotic War demonstrated miracles of stamina and courage. It is no coincidence that the Germans called the Tuvans Der Schwarze Tod - "black death". Out of the 80,000 population of Tuva, 8,000 people fought in the ranks of the Red Army.

    The Tuvinian cavalry that fought in Galicia and Volyn, without exaggeration, made an indelible impression on the German troops.

    A captured Wehrmacht officer admitted during interrogation that his subordinates "subconsciously perceived these barbarians as Attila's hordes and lost all combat capability."

    It should be noted that Tuvan cavalrymen were bellicose by their appearance: on small shaggy horses, dressed in national costumes with outlandish amulets, they fearlessly rushed to the German units. The horror of the Germans was intensified by the fact that the Tuvans, committed to their own ideas about military rules, did not take the enemy prisoner in principle, and with a clear superiority of the enemy, they fought to the death.