"I remember a wonderful moment ...". The poem "I remember a wonderful moment ...

Pushkin was a passionate, enthusiastic personality. He was attracted not only by revolutionary romance, but also by female beauty. Read the verse "I remember wonderful moment” Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich means to experience the excitement of beautiful romantic love with him.

Regarding the history of the creation of the poem, written in 1825, the opinions of researchers of the work of the great Russian poet were divided. Official version says "genius pure beauty” was A.P. Kern. But some literary critics believe that the work was dedicated to the wife of Emperor Alexander I, Elizabeth Alekseevna, and is of a chamber nature.

Pushkin met Anna Petrovna Kern in 1819. He instantly fell in love with her and for many years kept in his heart the image that struck him. Six years later, while serving his sentence in Mikhailovsky, Alexander Sergeevich met Kern again. She was already divorced and led a rather free lifestyle for the 19th century. But for Pushkin, Anna Petrovna continued to be a kind of ideal, a model of piety. Unfortunately, for Kern, Alexander Sergeevich was only a fashionable poet. After a fleeting romance, she did not behave properly and, according to Pushkin scholars, forced the poet to dedicate the poem to herself.

The text of Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment" is conditionally divided into 3 parts. In the title stanza, the author enthusiastically tells about the first meeting with an amazing woman. Admired, in love at first sight, the author wonders if this is a girl, or a “fleeting vision” that is about to disappear? main theme works is romantic love. Strong, deep, it absorbs Pushkin completely.

The next three stanzas deal with the expulsion of the author. This is a difficult time of “languishing hopeless sadness”, parting with former ideals, a clash with the harsh truth of life. Pushkin of the 1920s is a passionate fighter, sympathetic to revolutionary ideals, writing anti-government poetry. After the death of the Decembrists, his life definitely freezes, loses its meaning.

But then Pushkin again meets his former love, which seems to him a gift of fate. Youthful feelings flare up with renewed vigor, lyrical hero just wakes up from hibernation, feels the desire to live and create.

The poem takes place in the lesson of literature in the 8th grade. It is quite easy to learn it, because at this age many people experience their first love and the words of the poet resonate in the heart. You can read the poem online or download it on our website.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

    I remember a wonderful moment, You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty A.S. Pushkin. K A. Kern ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    genius- I, m. génie f., German. Genius, pol. geniusz lat. genius. 1. According to the religious beliefs of the ancient Romans, God is the patron of a person, city, country; spirit of good and evil. Sl. 18. The Romans brought incense, flowers and honey to their Angel or according to their Genius. ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    I, m. 1. Highest Degree creativity, talent. The artistic genius of Pushkin is so great and beautiful that we still cannot but be carried away by the marvelous artistic beauty of his creations. Chernyshevsky, Pushkin's Works. Suvorov is not ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Aya, oh; ten, tna, tno. 1. outdated. Flying, quickly passing by, not stopping. The sudden buzz of a fleeting beetle, the slight smacking of small fish in the planter: all these faint sounds, these rustlings, only aggravated the silence. Turgenev, Three meetings. ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    show up- I will appear / be, I / you see, I / you see, past. appeared / was, owl .; be / be (to 1, 3, 5, 7 values), nsv. 1) Come, arrive somewhere. of good will, by invitation, by official necessity, etc. To appear unexpectedly out of the blue. Show up uninvited. Appeared only to ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    proclitic- PROCLI´TIKA [from Greek. προκλιτικός leaning forward (to the next word)] linguistic term, unstressed word, transferring its stress to the shock standing behind it, as a result of which both these words are pronounced together, like one word. P.… … Poetic dictionary

    quatrain- (from French quatrain four) type of stanza (see stanza): quatrain, stanza of four lines: I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. A.S. Pushkin ... Dictionary of literary terms

To the 215th anniversary of the birth of Anna Kern and the 190th anniversary of the creation of Pushkin's masterpiece

“A genius of pure beauty” Alexander Pushkin will call her, - he will dedicate immortal poems to her ... And write lines full of sarcasm. “How is your husband's gout doing?.. Divine, for God's sake, try to make him play cards and so that he has an attack of gout, gout! This is my only hope!.. How can I be your husband? I just can’t imagine this, just as I can’t imagine paradise,” the enamored Pushkin wrote in August 1825 from his Mikhailovsky to Riga to the beautiful Anna Kern.

The girl, named Anna and born in February 1800 in the house of her grandfather, the Oryol governor Ivan Petrovich Wolf, “under a green damask canopy with white and green ostrich feathers in the corners,” was destined for an unusual fate.

A month before her seventeenth birthday, Anna became the wife of division general Yermolai Fedorovich Kern. My husband was in his 53rd year. Marriage without love did not bring happiness. “It is impossible to love him (her husband), I have not even been given the consolation to respect him; I’ll tell you frankly – I almost hate him,” only young Anna could believe the bitterness of her heart in the diary.

At the beginning of 1819, General Kern (in fairness, one cannot fail to mention his military merits: more than once he showed his soldiers examples of military prowess both on the Borodino field and in the famous “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig) arrived in St. Petersburg on business. Anna also came with him. At the same time, in the house of her own aunt Elizaveta Markovna, nee Poltoratskaya, and her husband Alexei Nikolayevich Olenin, president of the Academy of Arts, she first met the poet.

It was a noisy and merry evening, the youth had fun playing charades, and in one of them Queen Cleopatra was represented by Anna. Nineteen-year-old Pushkin could not resist compliments in her honor: "Is it permissible to be so charming!" A few playful phrases addressed to her, the young beauty considered impudent ...

They were destined to meet only after six long years. In 1823, Anna, leaving her husband, went to her parents in the Poltava province, in Lubny. And soon she became the mistress of the wealthy Poltava landowner Arkady Rodzianko, poet and friend of Pushkin in St. Petersburg.

With greed, as Anna Kern later recalled, she read all the then known Pushkin's poems and poems and, "admired by Pushkin", dreamed of meeting him.

In June 1825, on her way to Riga (Anna decided to reconcile with her husband), she unexpectedly stopped at Trigorskoye to visit her aunt Praskovya Alexandrovna Osipova, whose frequent and welcome guest was her neighbor Alexander Pushkin.

At her aunt's, Anna first heard Pushkin read "his Gypsies", and literally "melted with pleasure" from both the marvelous poem and the very voice of the poet. She kept her amazing memories of that wonderful time: “... I will never forget the delight that seized my soul. I was in awe…”

A few days later, the entire Osipov-Wulf family, in two carriages, set off on a return visit to neighboring Mikhailovskoye. Together with Anna, Pushkin wandered through the alleys of the old overgrown garden, and this unforgettable night walk became one of the poet's favorite memories.

“Every night I walk in my garden and say to myself: here she was ... the stone she stumbled on lies on my table near a branch of withered heliotrope. Finally, I write a lot of poetry. All this, if you like, strongly resembles love. How painful it was to read these lines to poor Anna Wulf, addressed to another Anna, because she loved Pushkin so ardently and hopelessly! Pushkin wrote from Mikhailovsky to Riga to Anna Wulff in the hope that she would pass these lines on to her married cousin.

“Your arrival at Trigorskoye left an impression in me deeper and more painful than the one that our meeting at the Olenins once made on me,” the poet admits to the beautiful woman, “the best thing I can do in my sad rural wilderness is to try not to think more about you. If there was even a drop of pity for me in your soul, you would also have to wish me this ... ".

And Anna Petrovna will never forget that moonlit July night when she walked with the poet along the alleys of the Mikhailovsky Garden...

And the next morning Anna was leaving, and Pushkin came to see her off. “He came in the morning and in parting brought me a copy of the second chapter of Onegin, in uncut sheets, between which I found a four-fold postal sheet of paper with verses ...”.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time

And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious

Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement

My days passed quietly

Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again

And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Then, as Kern recalled, the poet grabbed her “poetic gift” from her, and she managed to return the poems by force.

Much later, Mikhail Glinka would set Pushkin's poems to music and dedicate the romance to his beloved, Ekaterina Kern, Anna Petrovna's daughter. But Catherine is not destined to bear the name of a brilliant composer. She will prefer another husband - Shokalsky. And the son who was born in that marriage, the oceanographer and traveler Julius Shokalsky, will glorify his surname.

And another amazing connection can be traced in the fate of the grandson of Anna Kern: he will become a friend of the son of the poet Grigory Pushkin. And all his life he will be proud of his unforgettable grandmother - Anna Kern.

Well, what was the fate of Anna herself? Reconciliation with her husband was short-lived, and soon she finally breaks with him. Her life is replete with many love adventures, among her admirers are Alexei Wulf and Lev Pushkin, Sergei Sobolevsky and Baron Vrevsky ... Yes, and Alexander Sergeevich himself did not poetically announce the victory over an accessible beauty in a famous letter to his friend Sobolevsky. The "divine" was incomprehensibly transformed into a "whore of Babylon"!

But even the numerous novels of Anna Kern never ceased to amaze former lovers with her quivering reverence "for the shrine of love." “Here are enviable feelings that never grow old! Alexei Wolf sincerely exclaimed. “After so many experiences, I did not imagine that it was still possible for her to deceive herself ...”.

And yet, fate was merciful to this amazing woman, gifted at birth with considerable talents and experienced more than just pleasure in life.

At the age of forty, at the time of mature beauty, Anna Petrovna met her true love. Her chosen one was a graduate cadet corps, twenty-year-old artillery officer Alexander Vasilyevich Markov-Vinogradsky.

Anna Petrovna married him, having committed, according to her father, a reckless act: she married a poor young officer and lost a large pension, which was due to her as the widow of a general (Anna's husband died in February 1841).

The young husband (and he was his wife's second cousin) loved his Anna tenderly and selflessly. Here is an example of enthusiastic admiration for the beloved woman, sweet in its artlessness and sincerity.

From the diary of A.V. Markov-Vinogradsky (1840): “My darling has brown eyes. They, in their wonderful beauty, luxuriate on a round face with freckles. This silk chestnut hair, tenderly outlines it and sets it off with special love ... Small ears, for which expensive earrings are an extra decoration, they are so rich in grace that you will admire. And the nose is so wonderful, what a charm! .. And all this, full of feelings and refined harmony, makes up the face of my beautiful.

In that happy union, the son Alexander was born. (Much later, Aglaya Alexandrovna, nee Markova-Vinogradskaya, would present the Pushkin House with a priceless relic - a miniature depicting the sweet face of Anna Kern, her own grandmother).

The couple lived together for many years, enduring hardship and distress, but without ceasing to love each other dearly. And they died almost overnight, in 1879, an unkind year ...

Anna Petrovna was destined to outlive her adored husband by only four months. And as if in order to hear a loud noise one morning in May, just a few days before his death, under the window of his Moscow house on Tverskaya-Yamskaya: sixteen horses harnessed by a train, four in a row, were dragging a huge platform with a granite block - the pedestal of the future monument to Pushkin.

Having learned the reason for the unusual street noise, Anna Petrovna sighed with relief: “Ah, finally! Well, thank God, it’s long overdue!”

The legend has survived: as if the funeral procession with the body of Anna Kern met on its mournful path with a bronze monument to Pushkin, which was being taken to Tverskoy Boulevard, to the Strastnoy Monastery.

So the last time they met

Remembering nothing, worrying about nothing.

So the blizzard with its reckless wing

It overshadowed them in a wonderful moment.

So the blizzard married gently and menacingly

The deadly dust of an old woman with immortal bronze,

Two passionate lovers, sailing apart,

That they said goodbye early and met late.

A rare phenomenon: even after her death, Anna Kern inspired poets! And the proof of this is these lines of Pavel Antokolsky.

... A year has passed since Anna's death.

“Now the sadness and tears have already ceased, and the loving heart has ceased to suffer,” Prince N.I. complained. Golitsyn. - Let's remember the deceased with a heartfelt word, as inspiring the genius poet, as giving him so many "wonderful moments." She loved much, and our best talents were at her feet. Let us keep this “genius of pure beauty” a grateful memory outside of his earthly life.”

The biographical details of life are no longer so important for an earthly woman who has turned to the Muse.

Anna Petrovna found her last shelter in the graveyard of the village of Prutnya, Tver province. On the bronze "page" soldered into the gravestone, the immortal lines are engraved:

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me...

A moment - and eternity. How close are these seemingly incommensurable concepts!..

"Farewell! It is now night, and your image rises before me, so sad and voluptuous: it seems to me that I see your look, your half-open lips.

Farewell - it seems to me that I am at your feet ... - I would give my whole life for a moment of reality. Farewell…".

Strange Pushkin - either recognition, or farewell.

Special for the Centenary

I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. In the languor of hopeless sadness In the anxieties of the noisy bustle, A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time And sweet features dreamed. Years passed. A rebellious storm has dispelled former dreams, And I forgot your gentle voice, Your heavenly features. In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement My days dragged on quietly Without a deity, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love. The soul has awakened: And here again you appeared, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. And the heart beats in rapture, And for him resurrected again And the deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love.

The poem is addressed to Anna Kern, whom Pushkin met long before his forced seclusion in St. Petersburg in 1819. She made an indelible impression on the poet. The next time Pushkin and Kern saw each other only in 1825, when she was visiting the estate of her aunt Praskovya Osipova; Osipova was a neighbor of Pushkin and a good friend of his. It's believed that new meeting inspired Pushkin to create an epoch-making poem.

The main theme of the poem is love. Pushkin presents a capacious sketch of his life between the first meeting with the heroine and the present moment, indirectly mentioning the main events that happened to the biographical lyrical hero: a link to the south of the country, a period of bitter disappointment in life, in which works of art, imbued with feelings of genuine pessimism (“The Demon”, “Desert Sower of Freedom”), depressed mood during the period of a new exile in family estate Mikhailovskoye. However, suddenly comes the resurrection of the soul, the miracle of the rebirth of life, due to the appearance of the divine image of the muse, which brings with it the former joy of creativity and creation, which opens up to the author in a new perspective. It is at the moment of spiritual awakening that the lyrical hero meets the heroine again: “The awakening has come to the soul: And here again you appeared ...”.

The image of the heroine is essentially generalized and maximally poeticized; it is significantly different from the image that appears on the pages of Pushkin's letters to Riga and friends, created during the period of forced pastime in Mikhailovsky. At the same time, the equal sign is unjustified, as is the identification of the “genius of pure beauty” with the real biographical Anna Kern. The impossibility of recognizing the narrowly biographical background of the poetic message is indicated by the thematic and compositional similarity with another love poetic text called “To Her”, created by Pushkin in 1817.

It is important to remember the idea of ​​inspiration here. Love for the poet is also valuable in the sense of giving creative inspiration, the desire to create. The title stanza describes the first meeting of the poet and his beloved. Pushkin characterizes this moment with very bright, expressive epithets (“a wonderful moment”, “a fleeting vision”, “a genius of pure beauty”). Love for a poet is a deep, sincere, magical feeling that completely captures him. The next three stanzas of the poem describe the next stage in the life of the poet - his exile. A difficult time in the fate of Pushkin, full of life's trials and experiences. This is the time of "languishing hopeless sadness" in the soul of the poet. Parting with his youthful ideals, the stage of growing up ("Scattered former dreams"). Perhaps the poet also had moments of despair (“Without a deity, without inspiration”) The author’s exile is also mentioned (“In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment ...”). The life of the poet seemed to freeze, lost its meaning. Genre - message.

The poem "K ***", which is often called "I remember a wonderful moment ..." on the first line, A.S. Pushkin wrote in 1825 when he met Anna Kern for the second time in his life. For the first time they saw each other in 1819 at mutual acquaintances in St. Petersburg. Anna Petrovna charmed the poet. He tried to attract her attention to himself, but he did not succeed very well - at that time he had only graduated from the Lyceum for only two years and was little known. Six years later, having again seen the woman who once so impressed him, the poet creates an immortal work and dedicates it to her. Anna Kern wrote in her memoirs that on the day before her departure from the Trigorskoye estate, where she was visiting a relative, Pushkin gave her the manuscript. In it, she found a piece of poetry. Suddenly, the poet took the sheet, and it took her a long time to persuade her to return the poems back. Later, she gave the autograph to Delvig, who in 1827 published the work in the collection Northern Flowers. The text of the verse, written in iambic tetrameter, acquires a smooth sound and a melancholy mood due to the predominance of sonorous consonants.
TO ***

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.